华尔街金融风暴,让人们看到了山雨欲来的这一幕幕:2007年8月开始,美联储累计向金融系统注资1472.5亿美元,;9月18日决定降息0.5个百分点,进入“降息周期”; 2007年底至今年初,花旗、美林、瑞银等因次级贷款出现巨额亏损,美国政府和六大房贷商提出“救生索计划”;2008年3月,美国第五大投资银行贝尔斯登濒临破产,美联储紧急注资,并大幅降息75个基点;2008年7月23日,美国财政部宣布斥资3000亿美元救助“两房”,9月7日宣布接管“两房”; 2008年9月中下旬,6大央行联合注资,美政府7000亿金融救援计划,AIG被政府接管。
危机才刚刚开始,可全球化的金融大收购战役却在这场混乱中不断开始演绎。美国最大的银行倒闭案后不久,又一家银行可能成为被收购对象。美联银行(Wachovia)已经开始与一系列潜在收购者谈判,包括花旗(Citigroup)、西班牙国家银行(Banco Santander)、富国银行(Wells Fargo)等。与此同时,摩根大通正式(JPMorgan Chase)宣布,收购华盛顿互助银行。除此之外,其它一系列全球金融收购战开始大举进行:英国巴克莱银行以17.5亿美元收购雷曼部分资产;日本野村收购欧洲雷曼;中国银行23亿元收购法国洛希尔银行20%股权;日本三菱日联银行收购摩根士丹利20%股份;中石化136亿收购加拿大油气公司股权;法国电力集团230亿收购英国能源集团等等,让全球金融市场在这场混乱中显的更加脆弱。透过这些事件,我们发现,这场收购战有可能会让不断加剧的金融危机陷入更大的风险漩涡,全球金融市场有可能会被这场收购战导致的更加混乱。
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 自强不息 勤以静心,俭以养德 天地不仁, 強者生存
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
第二,美国金融市场过度自由化的发展模式走到了极端,衍生品过度泛滥,监管长期缺位,直至出现系统性的崩溃。摩根斯坦利亚洲区前主席曾表示,在全球所有金融市场中,东京和纽约的金融市场可能是两个极端。东京市场是全世界最没有创新的证券市场,而纽约市场是全世界最有活力的市场。他说,两个市场迥然不同的原因可能非常小,那就是,在两个市场上对证券的定义有所不同。在东京市场,证券被定义成为“Stock or Bond”——也就是,股票或债券。如果一个金融产品不是股票或者债券,上市之前政府的审批可能长达两年。而纽约是另外一个极端,那就是“Anything Under the Sun”——太阳底下的任何东西,只要你能想到,“上午一包装,下午就能卖出去”。所以各种金融衍生品和证券化产品在美国非常多,金融机构不停地创造出各种各样眼花缭乱的复杂产品,通过柜台交易(OTC),不需要论证,也没有监管,只要有对手方买,能够成交就行,当然这些对手方大都也是金融机构。这种模式使得金融产品极大地丰富,但有时候容易走过头了,使得资产证券化产品等金融衍生品过度泛滥。“一旦系统性风险出现的时候,危机就来得很快。”
从发展模式来看,美国金融市场的发展模式基本上是一个自下而上、自我演进的模式。其间有过一次重大调整是在1929年前后。两百多年前美国资本市场萌芽时,完全是放任自流的状态,政府不介入,在前100年里甚至对上市公司没有信息披露的法律要求,134年里都没有证券监管机构。到1929年股市崩溃,政府不介入不行了,才进行修正,成立了监管机构,制定了证券交易和监管的法律法规,试图寻找到政府与市场的平衡点。随后,这个过程也一直在不断地反复和摇摆中。近年的一个例子是,1998年,美国的长期资本公司造成美国市场崩溃后,很多人士都呼吁对对冲基金(hedge fund)实施监管,但是到现在美国监管机构还没有这样做。总体来说,美国反对政府干预的力量非常强。相信这次危机以后,要求加强对hedge fund监管的声音又会高起来。而我们则是自上而下的发展模式,从市场发展早期开始,一直是政府和市场力量来共同推动市场的发展。应该说,没有绝对的自由也没有绝对的管制,金融市场的健康发展需要寻找两者的平衡点。
第二,美国金融市场过度自由化的发展模式走到了极端,衍生品过度泛滥,监管长期缺位,直至出现系统性的崩溃。摩根斯坦利亚洲区前主席曾表示,在全球所有金融市场中,东京和纽约的金融市场可能是两个极端。东京市场是全世界最没有创新的证券市场,而纽约市场是全世界最有活力的市场。他说,两个市场迥然不同的原因可能非常小,那就是,在两个市场上对证券的定义有所不同。在东京市场,证券被定义成为“Stock or Bond”——也就是,股票或债券。如果一个金融产品不是股票或者债券,上市之前政府的审批可能长达两年。而纽约是另外一个极端,那就是“Anything Under the Sun”——太阳底下的任何东西,只要你能想到,“上午一包装,下午就能卖出去”。所以各种金融衍生品和证券化产品在美国非常多,金融机构不停地创造出各种各样眼花缭乱的复杂产品,通过柜台交易(OTC),不需要论证,也没有监管,只要有对手方买,能够成交就行,当然这些对手方大都也是金融机构。这种模式使得金融产品极大地丰富,但有时候容易走过头了,使得资产证券化产品等金融衍生品过度泛滥。“一旦系统性风险出现的时候,危机就来得很快。”
从发展模式来看,美国金融市场的发展模式基本上是一个自下而上、自我演进的模式。其间有过一次重大调整是在1929年前后。两百多年前美国资本市场萌芽时,完全是放任自流的状态,政府不介入,在前100年里甚至对上市公司没有信息披露的法律要求,134年里都没有证券监管机构。到1929年股市崩溃,政府不介入不行了,才进行修正,成立了监管机构,制定了证券交易和监管的法律法规,试图寻找到政府与市场的平衡点。随后,这个过程也一直在不断地反复和摇摆中。近年的一个例子是,1998年,美国的长期资本公司造成美国市场崩溃后,很多人士都呼吁对对冲基金(hedge fund)实施监管,但是到现在美国监管机构还没有这样做。总体来说,美国反对政府干预的力量非常强。相信这次危机以后,要求加强对hedge fund监管的声音又会高起来。而我们则是自上而下的发展模式,从市场发展早期开始,一直是政府和市场力量来共同推动市场的发展。应该说,没有绝对的自由也没有绝对的管制,金融市场的健康发展需要寻找两者的平衡点。
Kenneth L Fisher
Ken Fisher is the younger of Philip Fisher's two sons. After graduating from college in 1972, he worked for his father's investment firm for a year. He continued to accompany him on research visits until 1982, learning at first hand the art of interviewing management and employees.
But meanwhile, he set up and ran his own firm, based on a value investing philosophy very different to his father's. Fisher Jr preference was for "a stock that was dirt cheap because it was better than its bad image". Thus he has always bought in a similar contrarian spirit to that of his father. But he tends to sell once the reputation and the share price of his purchases have returned to normal levels.
He has also gained from his father a knowledge and understanding of the American technology sector, where he has scored many of his greatest successes. But he has been equally happy to own US and European stocks in traditional businesses like tobacco. He has set up an office in London to facilitate further investment in Europe.
Ken Fisher pioneered the Price to Sales Ratio, as documented in his 1984 book 'Super Stocks', and the small cap value category equity management and is a top-ranked market forecaster according to CXO Advisory Group.He has been published or written about in most US, British, and German financial newspapers and magazines, and his academic research has been showcased in many financial journals, including The Financial Analysts Journal and The Journal of Portfolio Management.
Long-term returns
Not known.
Biggest success
In early 1981, Ken Fisher bought around 1.5% of the shares of Verbatim Corporation, a producer of computer diskettes. The company had suffered widely-publicised problems with its products. The view on Wall Street was that it was poorly managed and financed, and likely to lose out to its rivals. But within 2 years, its shares had recovered from $3.50 to over $55 - a rise of 1,500% - at which point Fisher sold.
As chronicled in his monthly Forbes column, Fisher called the top of the tech bubble on March 6, 2000, and predicted the last 3 bear markets (’87, ’90, ‘01/’02).
Method and guidelines
First draw up a shortlist of Super Companies:
"A Super Company is a business which distinguishes itself because it can generate internally funded growth at well above average rates."
The main distinguishing features of a Super Company are:
Growth orientation - a management obsession with growth, which is also communicated to and shared with staff.
Marketing excellence - an ability to identify and satisfy customer needs.
An unfair advantage - such as being the lowest-cost producer in a sector
Creative personnel relations - especially listening to the ideas of staff
The best in financial controls - with leading-edge processes and systems.
Source: Super Stocks, K Fisher, 1984
Most companies go through product cycles, as sales of Product A start to sag before those from newly-introduced Product B have had time to grow. This often causes a 'glitch', i.e. sales fall, profits turn to losses and the share price plummets. This is the time to start considering buying the shares.
A product cycle
Lossmaking companies are hard to value. Solve this problem by using Price:Sales Ratios (PSRs):
PSR =Market capitalization ÷ Total sales
(e.g. £100m cap ÷ £200m sales = 0.5)
If you can identify a Super Company
going through a glitch
with a low PSR
with new products on the way, and hence a pickup in sales
- you may be looking at a Super Stock, and an opportunity to make 3-10 times your money in 3-5 years.
Follow these rules for buying and selling:
Rule 1: Try to avoid stocks with PSRs greater than 1.5. Don't consider buying any stock with a PSR greater than 3
Rule 2: Maybe look to seek Super Companies with PSRs of 0.75 or less
Rule 3: Consider selling stock in any Super Company when the PSR rises to between 3.0 and 6.0
Also sell when a company ceases to have the characteristics of a Super Company.
An additional check on Super Stocks is their Price:Research Ratio (PRR):
PRR = Market capitalization ÷ Research and development expenditure
(e.g. £100m cap ÷ £20m R&D = 5)
R&D is not necessarily a highly sophisticated activity. It can be quite basic product development work. The idea is to buy research that is likely to produce good profits in future while it is still cheap. To do this:
Rule 1: Don't ever buy a Super Company selling at a PRR greater than 15.
Rule 2: Find Super Companies with a PRR of 5 to 10.
Research suggests
Low PSRs work best with smaller companies. Very large companies naturally tend to have PSRs of 1.0 or less.
PSRs also work well with Super Companies in businesses unrelated to high technology.
Key sayings
"It is the glitch that makes Super Stocks out of Super Companies. If you learn how to price these correctly, you can reap the profits of a Super Stock - and get rich with the glitch."
"'Fortunes from failures' is a recurrent theme in financial history."
"The largest profits regularly result from buying stocks at low PSRs."
"As a company increases in size, it can look forward to the eventuality of its PSR being no higher than the highest PSRs for other companies of its future size."
Further information
Fisher Jr's first and most important book is Super Stocks, which describes his successes with bombed-out tech stocks in the early Eighties. His other books are Wall Street Waltz, 100 Minds That Made the Market and the NY Times Bestseller 'The Only Three Questions that Count'. You can keep up with his current thinking by reading his excellent column in Forbes magazine (he is the 4th longest running columnist in Forbes' 90-year history), or visit Fisher Investments website www.fi.com.
Fisher Investments have entered a partnership with publisher John Wiley & Sons to do the first ever publishing imprint by a money manager - Fisher Investments Press. The first title is due out late 2008, 'Ten Roads to Riches', by Ken Fisher.
Ken Fisher is the younger of Philip Fisher's two sons. After graduating from college in 1972, he worked for his father's investment firm for a year. He continued to accompany him on research visits until 1982, learning at first hand the art of interviewing management and employees.
But meanwhile, he set up and ran his own firm, based on a value investing philosophy very different to his father's. Fisher Jr preference was for "a stock that was dirt cheap because it was better than its bad image". Thus he has always bought in a similar contrarian spirit to that of his father. But he tends to sell once the reputation and the share price of his purchases have returned to normal levels.
He has also gained from his father a knowledge and understanding of the American technology sector, where he has scored many of his greatest successes. But he has been equally happy to own US and European stocks in traditional businesses like tobacco. He has set up an office in London to facilitate further investment in Europe.
Ken Fisher pioneered the Price to Sales Ratio, as documented in his 1984 book 'Super Stocks', and the small cap value category equity management and is a top-ranked market forecaster according to CXO Advisory Group.He has been published or written about in most US, British, and German financial newspapers and magazines, and his academic research has been showcased in many financial journals, including The Financial Analysts Journal and The Journal of Portfolio Management.
Long-term returns
Not known.
Biggest success
In early 1981, Ken Fisher bought around 1.5% of the shares of Verbatim Corporation, a producer of computer diskettes. The company had suffered widely-publicised problems with its products. The view on Wall Street was that it was poorly managed and financed, and likely to lose out to its rivals. But within 2 years, its shares had recovered from $3.50 to over $55 - a rise of 1,500% - at which point Fisher sold.
As chronicled in his monthly Forbes column, Fisher called the top of the tech bubble on March 6, 2000, and predicted the last 3 bear markets (’87, ’90, ‘01/’02).
Method and guidelines
First draw up a shortlist of Super Companies:
"A Super Company is a business which distinguishes itself because it can generate internally funded growth at well above average rates."
The main distinguishing features of a Super Company are:
Growth orientation - a management obsession with growth, which is also communicated to and shared with staff.
Marketing excellence - an ability to identify and satisfy customer needs.
An unfair advantage - such as being the lowest-cost producer in a sector
Creative personnel relations - especially listening to the ideas of staff
The best in financial controls - with leading-edge processes and systems.
Source: Super Stocks, K Fisher, 1984
Most companies go through product cycles, as sales of Product A start to sag before those from newly-introduced Product B have had time to grow. This often causes a 'glitch', i.e. sales fall, profits turn to losses and the share price plummets. This is the time to start considering buying the shares.
A product cycle
Lossmaking companies are hard to value. Solve this problem by using Price:Sales Ratios (PSRs):
PSR =Market capitalization ÷ Total sales
(e.g. £100m cap ÷ £200m sales = 0.5)
If you can identify a Super Company
going through a glitch
with a low PSR
with new products on the way, and hence a pickup in sales
- you may be looking at a Super Stock, and an opportunity to make 3-10 times your money in 3-5 years.
Follow these rules for buying and selling:
Rule 1: Try to avoid stocks with PSRs greater than 1.5. Don't consider buying any stock with a PSR greater than 3
Rule 2: Maybe look to seek Super Companies with PSRs of 0.75 or less
Rule 3: Consider selling stock in any Super Company when the PSR rises to between 3.0 and 6.0
Also sell when a company ceases to have the characteristics of a Super Company.
An additional check on Super Stocks is their Price:Research Ratio (PRR):
PRR = Market capitalization ÷ Research and development expenditure
(e.g. £100m cap ÷ £20m R&D = 5)
R&D is not necessarily a highly sophisticated activity. It can be quite basic product development work. The idea is to buy research that is likely to produce good profits in future while it is still cheap. To do this:
Rule 1: Don't ever buy a Super Company selling at a PRR greater than 15.
Rule 2: Find Super Companies with a PRR of 5 to 10.
Research suggests
Low PSRs work best with smaller companies. Very large companies naturally tend to have PSRs of 1.0 or less.
PSRs also work well with Super Companies in businesses unrelated to high technology.
Key sayings
"It is the glitch that makes Super Stocks out of Super Companies. If you learn how to price these correctly, you can reap the profits of a Super Stock - and get rich with the glitch."
"'Fortunes from failures' is a recurrent theme in financial history."
"The largest profits regularly result from buying stocks at low PSRs."
"As a company increases in size, it can look forward to the eventuality of its PSR being no higher than the highest PSRs for other companies of its future size."
Further information
Fisher Jr's first and most important book is Super Stocks, which describes his successes with bombed-out tech stocks in the early Eighties. His other books are Wall Street Waltz, 100 Minds That Made the Market and the NY Times Bestseller 'The Only Three Questions that Count'. You can keep up with his current thinking by reading his excellent column in Forbes magazine (he is the 4th longest running columnist in Forbes' 90-year history), or visit Fisher Investments website www.fi.com.
Fisher Investments have entered a partnership with publisher John Wiley & Sons to do the first ever publishing imprint by a money manager - Fisher Investments Press. The first title is due out late 2008, 'Ten Roads to Riches', by Ken Fisher.
' 企业原则
2. 这家企业过去的营运状况是不是始终如一?
3. 这家企业的长期展望是不是良好?
' 管理原则
1. 管理阶层的行事作为是否合乎理性?
2. 管理阶层对待股东是否诚信?
3. 管理团队能否力抗随波逐流?
' 财务原则
1. 重点是股东权益报酬率,不是每股盈餘。
2. 计算「业主盈余」。
3. 寻找获利率高的公司。
4. 公司每保留一块钱的盈餘,是不是能够至少多创造一块钱的市场价值?
' 市场原则
1. 这家企业的价值是多少?
2. 目前能不能以远低于企业价值的折价买进这家企业?
1. 看出财务报表的病灶:通常股权集中的公司,投资风险比较低,代理成本也低,但也有大股东独断的弊病;股权分散的公司,我会特别注意中型持股者彼此的关係。总之,我是抱持「买企业」、不是「买股票」的心态,最后的赢家必定会浮现的。巴菲特的4大原则:企业原则、管理原则、财务原则、市场原则,可以在这方面得到实证。
2. 多次亲自拜访企业:一般非科技类的企业,多数隐藏在世界各地的某个角落,已经掌握产业未来趋势的产业分析师,必须前进各地,挖掘潜在的标的企业,其中又以传统产业为最。举例来说,目前股价耀眼的帝宝在我第一次到鹿港和美拜访工厂时,今天的许董事长就住在工厂上面的阁楼,每天与生产线为伍,对车灯的模组了如指掌。有趣的是,虽然该公司在当时资金窘困,这位第一代创业家不肯轻易让外界资金注入。我们团队必须一而再、再而三地前往拜访,同时也观察该公司的核心优势,双方经过一段时间的磨合之后,才正式採取投资的行动。
' 企业原则
2. 这家企业过去的营运状况是不是始终如一?
3. 这家企业的长期展望是不是良好?
' 管理原则
1. 管理阶层的行事作为是否合乎理性?
2. 管理阶层对待股东是否诚信?
3. 管理团队能否力抗随波逐流?
' 财务原则
1. 重点是股东权益报酬率,不是每股盈餘。
2. 计算「业主盈余」。
3. 寻找获利率高的公司。
4. 公司每保留一块钱的盈餘,是不是能够至少多创造一块钱的市场价值?
' 市场原则
1. 这家企业的价值是多少?
2. 目前能不能以远低于企业价值的折价买进这家企业?
1. 看出财务报表的病灶:通常股权集中的公司,投资风险比较低,代理成本也低,但也有大股东独断的弊病;股权分散的公司,我会特别注意中型持股者彼此的关係。总之,我是抱持「买企业」、不是「买股票」的心态,最后的赢家必定会浮现的。巴菲特的4大原则:企业原则、管理原则、财务原则、市场原则,可以在这方面得到实证。
2. 多次亲自拜访企业:一般非科技类的企业,多数隐藏在世界各地的某个角落,已经掌握产业未来趋势的产业分析师,必须前进各地,挖掘潜在的标的企业,其中又以传统产业为最。举例来说,目前股价耀眼的帝宝在我第一次到鹿港和美拜访工厂时,今天的许董事长就住在工厂上面的阁楼,每天与生产线为伍,对车灯的模组了如指掌。有趣的是,虽然该公司在当时资金窘困,这位第一代创业家不肯轻易让外界资金注入。我们团队必须一而再、再而三地前往拜访,同时也观察该公司的核心优势,双方经过一段时间的磨合之后,才正式採取投资的行动。
John Neff
Investment style
Hard-core value investment, based on buying good companies with moderate growth and high dividends while out of favour, and selling once they rise to fair value.
Neff is known as 'the professional's professional', because many fund managers entrusted their money to him in the belief that it would be in safe hands. That view was justified by his remarkably consistent performance. For more than 30 years, the Windsor Fund routinely featured in the top 5 percent of all US mutual funds.
Neff studied industrial marketing at college, but attended night classes to get a degree in banking and finance. In 1954, he became a securities analyst with the National City Bank of Cleveland. Both there and at his next firm, Wellington Management, he pursued a value style of investment modelled on the writings of Ben Graham. He went on to apply this to three equity-and-income funds - Windsor, Gemini and Qualified Dividend - with spectacular results until his retirement in 1995.
An unassuming man, who always encouraged his colleagues to collaborate in his decisions, Neff never sought to publicize himself during his career in the same way as many star fund managers. But with the recent publication of his memoirs, John Neff on Investing, he is at last achieving the wider recognition he deserves.
Long-term returns
The average annual total return from the Windsor Fund during Neff's 32-year tenure was 13.7%, against a return from the S&P500 index of 10.6%.
Biggest success
Neff invested a huge proportion of his fund in Ford in 1984, when everyone feared it might go bust and the P/E ratio had sunk to 2.5! He paid an average price of under $14. Within 3 years, the price had climbed to $50, making Windsor profits of $500m.
Method and guidelines
Neff describes himself as 'a low price-earnings investor'. He hunts for stocks that are cheaply priced in relation to the total return indicated by the sum of their earnings growth plus their dividend yield. He calls this the 'terminal relationship' or, more colloquially, 'what you pay for what you get'. You might also think of it as the GYP (Growth & Yield:P/E) ratio:
(Earnings Growth + Dividend Yield) ÷ P/E ratio
Neff recommends comparing the GYP ratio on your stocks and on your whole portfolio with that on the market.
Average forecast portfolio EPS growth (%)
plus average forecast portfolio dividend yield
divided by average forecast portfolio P/E
= (7 + 5) ÷ 10
= a GYP of 1.2
Average forecast market EPS growth (%)
plus average forecast market dividend yield
divided by average forecast market P/E
= (15 + 2) ÷ 28
= a GYP of 0.6
On the above figures, your portfolio would be twice as attractive as the market. (This is only an example. The actual relationship would usually be much closer.)
Consider avoiding, putting into your portfolio stocks that significantly reduce its overall attractiveness. Instead, set a target buying price that represents the GYP you are after and wait for the price to fall to that level.
If two companies offer a prospective 14% return, but Company A's consists of 14% earnings growth and no dividend, whereas Company B's consists of 7% growth plus a 7% dividend, it is better to choose Company B, because the dividend makes the outcome more certain.
Following this principle, Neff has always stuck to a simple investment style based on the following 7 selection criteria:
Low P/E ratio.
Fundamental earnings growth above 7%.
A solid, and ideally rising, dividend.
A much-better-than-average total return in relation to the P/E ratio.
No exposure to cyclical downturns without a compensatory low P/E.
Solid companies in growing fields.
A strong fundamental case for investment.
Source: John Neff on Investing, J Neff, 1999
A good place to look for ideas is the New Lows column in the back pages of the FT. Many, if not most, of the companies mentioned are generally bad investments. But shares in surprisingly good companies sometimes slide to new lows on bad news. Test these to see if they meet the 7 selection criteria. (Neff calls this the 'Hmmmph' test: "Some names I would not have expected to see on this list elicit an audible 'Hmmmph'.")
Don't chase highly recognized growth stocks. Their P/E ratios are invariably pushed up to ridiculously expensive levels. This greatly increases the risk of a sudden collapse in the share price.
Stick to a firm selling strategy, or you risk losing your profits. There are two basic reasons to sell:
Fundamentals deteriorate
The price approaches or matches your expectations.
The main fundamentals to keep an eye on are earnings estimates and 5-year growth rates. If these start to slip, sell at once.
Pay more attention to the GYP ratio of your portfolio than to the market. But if the market becomes very expensive and it is hard to find worthwhile purchases, it is permissible to hold up to 20% of your funds in cash until new opportunities emerge.
The best profits are usually made after market panics.
Key sayings
"Absent stunning growth rates, low P/E stocks can capture the wonders of P/E expansion with less risk than skittish growth stocks."
"As a low P/E investor, you have to distinguish misunderstood and overlooked stocks selling at bargain prices from many more stocks with lacklustre prospects."
"A dividend increase is one kind of 'free plus'. A free plus is the return investors enjoy over and above initial expectations. One of Ben Franklin's wise observations offers a parallel: 'He who waits upon Fortune is never sure of a dinner.' As I see it, a superior yield at least lets you snack on hors d'oeuvres while waiting for the main meal."
"An awful lot of people keep a stock too long because it gives them warm fuzzies - particularly when a contrarian stance has been vindicated. If they sell it, they lose bragging rights."
Hard-core value investment, based on buying good companies with moderate growth and high dividends while out of favour, and selling once they rise to fair value.
Neff is known as 'the professional's professional', because many fund managers entrusted their money to him in the belief that it would be in safe hands. That view was justified by his remarkably consistent performance. For more than 30 years, the Windsor Fund routinely featured in the top 5 percent of all US mutual funds.
Neff studied industrial marketing at college, but attended night classes to get a degree in banking and finance. In 1954, he became a securities analyst with the National City Bank of Cleveland. Both there and at his next firm, Wellington Management, he pursued a value style of investment modelled on the writings of Ben Graham. He went on to apply this to three equity-and-income funds - Windsor, Gemini and Qualified Dividend - with spectacular results until his retirement in 1995.
An unassuming man, who always encouraged his colleagues to collaborate in his decisions, Neff never sought to publicize himself during his career in the same way as many star fund managers. But with the recent publication of his memoirs, John Neff on Investing, he is at last achieving the wider recognition he deserves.
Long-term returns
The average annual total return from the Windsor Fund during Neff's 32-year tenure was 13.7%, against a return from the S&P500 index of 10.6%.
Biggest success
Neff invested a huge proportion of his fund in Ford in 1984, when everyone feared it might go bust and the P/E ratio had sunk to 2.5! He paid an average price of under $14. Within 3 years, the price had climbed to $50, making Windsor profits of $500m.
Method and guidelines
Neff describes himself as 'a low price-earnings investor'. He hunts for stocks that are cheaply priced in relation to the total return indicated by the sum of their earnings growth plus their dividend yield. He calls this the 'terminal relationship' or, more colloquially, 'what you pay for what you get'. You might also think of it as the GYP (Growth & Yield:P/E) ratio:
(Earnings Growth + Dividend Yield) ÷ P/E ratio
Neff recommends comparing the GYP ratio on your stocks and on your whole portfolio with that on the market.
Average forecast portfolio EPS growth (%)
plus average forecast portfolio dividend yield
divided by average forecast portfolio P/E
= (7 + 5) ÷ 10
= a GYP of 1.2
Average forecast market EPS growth (%)
plus average forecast market dividend yield
divided by average forecast market P/E
= (15 + 2) ÷ 28
= a GYP of 0.6
On the above figures, your portfolio would be twice as attractive as the market. (This is only an example. The actual relationship would usually be much closer.)
Consider avoiding, putting into your portfolio stocks that significantly reduce its overall attractiveness. Instead, set a target buying price that represents the GYP you are after and wait for the price to fall to that level.
If two companies offer a prospective 14% return, but Company A's consists of 14% earnings growth and no dividend, whereas Company B's consists of 7% growth plus a 7% dividend, it is better to choose Company B, because the dividend makes the outcome more certain.
Following this principle, Neff has always stuck to a simple investment style based on the following 7 selection criteria:
Low P/E ratio.
Fundamental earnings growth above 7%.
A solid, and ideally rising, dividend.
A much-better-than-average total return in relation to the P/E ratio.
No exposure to cyclical downturns without a compensatory low P/E.
Solid companies in growing fields.
A strong fundamental case for investment.
Source: John Neff on Investing, J Neff, 1999
A good place to look for ideas is the New Lows column in the back pages of the FT. Many, if not most, of the companies mentioned are generally bad investments. But shares in surprisingly good companies sometimes slide to new lows on bad news. Test these to see if they meet the 7 selection criteria. (Neff calls this the 'Hmmmph' test: "Some names I would not have expected to see on this list elicit an audible 'Hmmmph'.")
Don't chase highly recognized growth stocks. Their P/E ratios are invariably pushed up to ridiculously expensive levels. This greatly increases the risk of a sudden collapse in the share price.
Stick to a firm selling strategy, or you risk losing your profits. There are two basic reasons to sell:
Fundamentals deteriorate
The price approaches or matches your expectations.
The main fundamentals to keep an eye on are earnings estimates and 5-year growth rates. If these start to slip, sell at once.
Pay more attention to the GYP ratio of your portfolio than to the market. But if the market becomes very expensive and it is hard to find worthwhile purchases, it is permissible to hold up to 20% of your funds in cash until new opportunities emerge.
The best profits are usually made after market panics.
Key sayings
"Absent stunning growth rates, low P/E stocks can capture the wonders of P/E expansion with less risk than skittish growth stocks."
"As a low P/E investor, you have to distinguish misunderstood and overlooked stocks selling at bargain prices from many more stocks with lacklustre prospects."
"A dividend increase is one kind of 'free plus'. A free plus is the return investors enjoy over and above initial expectations. One of Ben Franklin's wise observations offers a parallel: 'He who waits upon Fortune is never sure of a dinner.' As I see it, a superior yield at least lets you snack on hors d'oeuvres while waiting for the main meal."
"An awful lot of people keep a stock too long because it gives them warm fuzzies - particularly when a contrarian stance has been vindicated. If they sell it, they lose bragging rights."
入行十年之后,莱利.海特开始捕捉到时常的节奏,订下进攻大计,成立了“明治投资管理公司”,先后罗致了两位人才,分别是统计学博士马菲士和电脑专家米马戴文,根据 10年下来积累了丰富的经验,形成了自己一套独特的交易体系。通过他们的科学测试来验证自己的做单体系,结果非常理想。“明治投资管理公司”的投资策略重点:在于平稳的增长,不追求超高收益,目标是稳定、持续的收益率。1981年来的七年时间,公司的收益率平均年增长超过30%,按年度结算,最低的一年也赚了13%,最高增长率为60%,连续6个月最大的亏损仅有l5%,如果以连续12个月作为结算期,亏损亦不超过计划1%。由于表现稳定而出色,公司旗下基金增长速度惊人, 1981年开始成立时只有200万美元, 10年后已累计超过8亿美元。
入行十年之后,莱利.海特开始捕捉到时常的节奏,订下进攻大计,成立了“明治投资管理公司”,先后罗致了两位人才,分别是统计学博士马菲士和电脑专家米马戴文,根据 10年下来积累了丰富的经验,形成了自己一套独特的交易体系。通过他们的科学测试来验证自己的做单体系,结果非常理想。“明治投资管理公司”的投资策略重点:在于平稳的增长,不追求超高收益,目标是稳定、持续的收益率。1981年来的七年时间,公司的收益率平均年增长超过30%,按年度结算,最低的一年也赚了13%,最高增长率为60%,连续6个月最大的亏损仅有l5%,如果以连续12个月作为结算期,亏损亦不超过计划1%。由于表现稳定而出色,公司旗下基金增长速度惊人, 1981年开始成立时只有200万美元, 10年后已累计超过8亿美元。
Winning the home run hitter's game
Investing is not only about buying the right assets at the right time. It's also about having rules that keep you from doing dumb things at the wrong time.
Of all the great fund managers who have appeared in Money Magazine over the past decades, no one proved that point better (or more entertainingly) than Ralph Wanger, the wisecracking, philosophizing manager of the Acorn Fund.
Wanger set out in 1970 to invest in small companies; through 2003 he did that and only that, with remarkable success. While the S&P 500 index climbed 12.1 percent a year, Acorn racked up an annualized 16.3 percent, one of the best records ever.
Wanger, 72 and retired, recently met with Money's Jason Zweig. As usual, Wanger asked nearly as many questions as he answered - and in the process found time to explain why life is like laundry, why focus matters and what Babe Ruth teaches us about stock picking.
Q. Why do you think you turned out to be a good investor?
A. At Acorn we had a clear philosophy - to be long-term holders of smaller companies with financial strength, entrepreneurial managers and understandable businesses - and we stuck to it.
Sticking to it is key. Richard J. Daley's one ambition was to become mayor of Chicago. Not President, not ambassador to the U.N., just mayor of Chicago. And since he already was mayor of Chicago, his life was much simpler. I thought that was worth emulating.
Q. Anything else?
A. I had always thought that to be a good investor you needed to hit a lot of singles and not strike out often. I was wrong. Investing, especially in small companies, is a home-run-hitter's game.
Q. When did you learn that?
A. Late '70s, maybe. The point is, 99 percent of what you do in life I classify as laundry. It's stuff that has to be done, but you don't do it better than anybody else, and it's not worth much.
Once in a while, though, you do something that changes your life dramatically. You decide to get married, you have a baby - or, if you're an investor, you buy a stock that goes up twentyfold.
So these rare events tend to dominate things. At Acorn, for example, I might have owned 300 stocks at any given time; most disappeared into the laundry basket.
But 10 might go up many times in value, and they made all the difference.
Look, how many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in his best year?
Q. Sixty, in 1927.
A. How many times did he strike out that year?
Q. Darn, I used to know that. I think it was...
A. Why don't you know?
Q. Uh, because when you hit that many home runs, it doesn't matter how many times you strike out.
A. Exactly. You're a great straight man.
Q. Thanks. So how many times did Babe Ruth strike out?
A. Don't know. Not interested. It's the winners that count. You want to have big positions in your winners, and the losers are trivial, eventually.
Q. But you can't just run out and find a stock that's going to rise twentyfold. No one can see that clearly into the future.
A. If you're looking for a home run - a great investment for five years or 10 years or more - then the only way to beat this enormous fog that covers the future is to identify a long-term trend that will give a particular business some sort of edge.
Q. For example?
A. A $600 PlayStation now has more computing power than you could have gotten 20 years ago for $100,000. So you don't want to invest in the computing power itself; those prices keep dropping. You want what's downstream from the technology.
Years ago I bought International Game Technology, which took a simple microprocessor, packaged it with coin slots, called it a slot machine and sold it to casinos for $8,000. It was a great stock.
Q. Are the principles of investing helpful elsewhere in life?
A. Being disciplined, being honest, having a set of rules and following them no matter what, thinking long term, controlling your emotions - these are all useful. But only so useful and only in part of life. You don't want to treat your wife or your kids like an investment.
I mean, you don't want to say, "Kid, you got a D-minus in English. I'm selling you." That doesn't work.
Of all the great fund managers who have appeared in Money Magazine over the past decades, no one proved that point better (or more entertainingly) than Ralph Wanger, the wisecracking, philosophizing manager of the Acorn Fund.
Wanger set out in 1970 to invest in small companies; through 2003 he did that and only that, with remarkable success. While the S&P 500 index climbed 12.1 percent a year, Acorn racked up an annualized 16.3 percent, one of the best records ever.
Wanger, 72 and retired, recently met with Money's Jason Zweig. As usual, Wanger asked nearly as many questions as he answered - and in the process found time to explain why life is like laundry, why focus matters and what Babe Ruth teaches us about stock picking.
Q. Why do you think you turned out to be a good investor?
A. At Acorn we had a clear philosophy - to be long-term holders of smaller companies with financial strength, entrepreneurial managers and understandable businesses - and we stuck to it.
Sticking to it is key. Richard J. Daley's one ambition was to become mayor of Chicago. Not President, not ambassador to the U.N., just mayor of Chicago. And since he already was mayor of Chicago, his life was much simpler. I thought that was worth emulating.
Q. Anything else?
A. I had always thought that to be a good investor you needed to hit a lot of singles and not strike out often. I was wrong. Investing, especially in small companies, is a home-run-hitter's game.
Q. When did you learn that?
A. Late '70s, maybe. The point is, 99 percent of what you do in life I classify as laundry. It's stuff that has to be done, but you don't do it better than anybody else, and it's not worth much.
Once in a while, though, you do something that changes your life dramatically. You decide to get married, you have a baby - or, if you're an investor, you buy a stock that goes up twentyfold.
So these rare events tend to dominate things. At Acorn, for example, I might have owned 300 stocks at any given time; most disappeared into the laundry basket.
But 10 might go up many times in value, and they made all the difference.
Look, how many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in his best year?
Q. Sixty, in 1927.
A. How many times did he strike out that year?
Q. Darn, I used to know that. I think it was...
A. Why don't you know?
Q. Uh, because when you hit that many home runs, it doesn't matter how many times you strike out.
A. Exactly. You're a great straight man.
Q. Thanks. So how many times did Babe Ruth strike out?
A. Don't know. Not interested. It's the winners that count. You want to have big positions in your winners, and the losers are trivial, eventually.
Q. But you can't just run out and find a stock that's going to rise twentyfold. No one can see that clearly into the future.
A. If you're looking for a home run - a great investment for five years or 10 years or more - then the only way to beat this enormous fog that covers the future is to identify a long-term trend that will give a particular business some sort of edge.
Q. For example?
A. A $600 PlayStation now has more computing power than you could have gotten 20 years ago for $100,000. So you don't want to invest in the computing power itself; those prices keep dropping. You want what's downstream from the technology.
Years ago I bought International Game Technology, which took a simple microprocessor, packaged it with coin slots, called it a slot machine and sold it to casinos for $8,000. It was a great stock.
Q. Are the principles of investing helpful elsewhere in life?
A. Being disciplined, being honest, having a set of rules and following them no matter what, thinking long term, controlling your emotions - these are all useful. But only so useful and only in part of life. You don't want to treat your wife or your kids like an investment.
I mean, you don't want to say, "Kid, you got a D-minus in English. I'm selling you." That doesn't work.
Ralph Wanger
Investment style
Theme-driven investment in smaller growth companies for the medium to long term.
After a brief period in insurance, Wanger joined Harris Associates in 1960 as an analyst. Later he became a portfolio manager. In 1970, he was put in charge of the Acorn Fund. He has since turned this into one of the top-performing growth funds of the last 30 years.
In the six months after its launch, the Acorn Fund lost over a third of its value in the most severe market downturn since the Thirties. Thankfully, the market recovered in the second half of the year and the fund survived. But the experience taught Wanger the value of a light-hearted approach to the vagaries of the market.
He subsequently became famous for his amusing quarterly reports:
"Some people have written to tell me they became shareholders just so they can receive the reports, which makes the quarterlies the world's most expensive literary magazine."
He recently summarized his time at the fund in his book A Zebra in Lion Country (1999).
Long-term returns
The Acorn Fund returned 17.2% annually between 1970 and 1998, against a return from the S&P500 index of 14.4%.
Biggest success
Wanger has made big money from many small companies. One is International Game Technology, the world's leading maker of slot machines. He paid $1 a share for it in 1988, when new management had just taken over and were planning a new range of electronic slot machines. In 1993, the stock hit a high of $40.
Method and guidelines
Concentrate on spotting trends that will last for at least 4-5 years.
Your life is driven by strong economic, social and technological trends. These also drive corporate sales and profits. When thinking of investing, start by looking around you and picking out those trends you think will be the most important and longest-lasting. Wanger's own favourites include:
the information revolution, and particularly its impact on costs
the expansion of world telephone and data networks
the business of leisure, boosted by affluent older baby-boomers
outsourcing, as companies strip down to their core functions
money management, essential for the future wealth of an aging world.
Think small.
Smaller companies as a group have made far more profitable investments than larger ones. Although you cannot buy large numbers of them, try to focus your research on the best prospects in this group. Consider avoiding micro companies - they can be too risky. (In the UK, this means sticking to companies with a capitalization of about £30m-£250m.)
The best small companies are those that dominate their chosen niche. Their characteristics include:
growing markets for their products
good design
efficient, low-cost manufacturing
outstanding, entrepreneurial management
skilled marketing
high profit margins.
Look downstream for the best profits.
T Rowe Price focused on the leaders in growth industries. But the best money is often to be made by the downstream beneficiaries of a growth business. To use the old cliché, it wasn't the prospectors that made the money in the Yukon gold rush, it was those who sold them the picks and shovels.
Rather than investing in semiconductor companies like Intel that manufactured microchips, Wanger went for cellular telephone companies that built their products into handsets.
Insist on financial strength.
Growth can only be sustained by companies with strong finances. It will be undermined by those that have to guzzle cash to feed their growth. So
Check the balance sheet to see if there is too much debt, or rising debt
Check that other liabilities, such as pension payments, are reasonable
Look for real cash generation, not simply accounting profits
As a rule, avoid turnarounds, start-ups and new issues, which tend to be weakly financed, especially if they are blue-sky tech companies.
Insist on fundamental value.
A good company is not necessarily a good stock unless it is attractively priced. Look for companies that are cheap in relation to their earnings-growth potential.
A crude measure of potential is the PEG
A better measure is to estimate the likely earnings per share 2 years ahead and multiply that by the likely P/E to arrive at a probable value. P/E ratios will be higher if interest rates are lower, and vice versa.
(Professionals calculate this using a 'dividend discount model'.)
Sell only reluctantly.
If you have done your homework, you should be able to hold stocks for at least 4-5 years as a trend plays out. Wanger himself only turns over about one-quarter of his portfolio each year.
Sometimes, though, the P/E will rise to dangerous levels. Then you should consider selling some or all of your stock to reduce risk. Wanger sold International Game Technology when its P/E reached 40 and its estimated growth rate was 25%.
"In real-life portfolio management, sell decisions are often tough. You can't really apply hard-and-fast rules. Instead, you have to continually re-evaluate each situation."
Source: A Zebra in Lion Country
Key sayings
"First I determine themes that will be played out over the next several years. Then I identify groups of stocks that reflect those themes."
"What I don't want are me-too companies that rank fifth or sixth in their industry, because their profit margins will rarely be as good as those of the industry leaders."
"Going downstream - investing in the businesses that will benefit from new technology rather than in the technology companies themselves - is often the smarter strategy."
"Assume that one of your eccentric friends who runs a large bank has just offered to lend you a great deal of money at about 10 percent interest, with which you may tender for all the stock of the company you are studying at the current market price. If you study the company and say 'Boy, this is terrific! Give me the loan and I'll do it. I'll quit my job and go run that company. It's a tremendous bargain,' then you probably have a good stock."
Theme-driven investment in smaller growth companies for the medium to long term.
After a brief period in insurance, Wanger joined Harris Associates in 1960 as an analyst. Later he became a portfolio manager. In 1970, he was put in charge of the Acorn Fund. He has since turned this into one of the top-performing growth funds of the last 30 years.
In the six months after its launch, the Acorn Fund lost over a third of its value in the most severe market downturn since the Thirties. Thankfully, the market recovered in the second half of the year and the fund survived. But the experience taught Wanger the value of a light-hearted approach to the vagaries of the market.
He subsequently became famous for his amusing quarterly reports:
"Some people have written to tell me they became shareholders just so they can receive the reports, which makes the quarterlies the world's most expensive literary magazine."
He recently summarized his time at the fund in his book A Zebra in Lion Country (1999).
Long-term returns
The Acorn Fund returned 17.2% annually between 1970 and 1998, against a return from the S&P500 index of 14.4%.
Biggest success
Wanger has made big money from many small companies. One is International Game Technology, the world's leading maker of slot machines. He paid $1 a share for it in 1988, when new management had just taken over and were planning a new range of electronic slot machines. In 1993, the stock hit a high of $40.
Method and guidelines
Concentrate on spotting trends that will last for at least 4-5 years.
Your life is driven by strong economic, social and technological trends. These also drive corporate sales and profits. When thinking of investing, start by looking around you and picking out those trends you think will be the most important and longest-lasting. Wanger's own favourites include:
the information revolution, and particularly its impact on costs
the expansion of world telephone and data networks
the business of leisure, boosted by affluent older baby-boomers
outsourcing, as companies strip down to their core functions
money management, essential for the future wealth of an aging world.
Think small.
Smaller companies as a group have made far more profitable investments than larger ones. Although you cannot buy large numbers of them, try to focus your research on the best prospects in this group. Consider avoiding micro companies - they can be too risky. (In the UK, this means sticking to companies with a capitalization of about £30m-£250m.)
The best small companies are those that dominate their chosen niche. Their characteristics include:
growing markets for their products
good design
efficient, low-cost manufacturing
outstanding, entrepreneurial management
skilled marketing
high profit margins.
Look downstream for the best profits.
T Rowe Price focused on the leaders in growth industries. But the best money is often to be made by the downstream beneficiaries of a growth business. To use the old cliché, it wasn't the prospectors that made the money in the Yukon gold rush, it was those who sold them the picks and shovels.
Rather than investing in semiconductor companies like Intel that manufactured microchips, Wanger went for cellular telephone companies that built their products into handsets.
Insist on financial strength.
Growth can only be sustained by companies with strong finances. It will be undermined by those that have to guzzle cash to feed their growth. So
Check the balance sheet to see if there is too much debt, or rising debt
Check that other liabilities, such as pension payments, are reasonable
Look for real cash generation, not simply accounting profits
As a rule, avoid turnarounds, start-ups and new issues, which tend to be weakly financed, especially if they are blue-sky tech companies.
Insist on fundamental value.
A good company is not necessarily a good stock unless it is attractively priced. Look for companies that are cheap in relation to their earnings-growth potential.
A crude measure of potential is the PEG
A better measure is to estimate the likely earnings per share 2 years ahead and multiply that by the likely P/E to arrive at a probable value. P/E ratios will be higher if interest rates are lower, and vice versa.
(Professionals calculate this using a 'dividend discount model'.)
Sell only reluctantly.
If you have done your homework, you should be able to hold stocks for at least 4-5 years as a trend plays out. Wanger himself only turns over about one-quarter of his portfolio each year.
Sometimes, though, the P/E will rise to dangerous levels. Then you should consider selling some or all of your stock to reduce risk. Wanger sold International Game Technology when its P/E reached 40 and its estimated growth rate was 25%.
"In real-life portfolio management, sell decisions are often tough. You can't really apply hard-and-fast rules. Instead, you have to continually re-evaluate each situation."
Source: A Zebra in Lion Country
Key sayings
"First I determine themes that will be played out over the next several years. Then I identify groups of stocks that reflect those themes."
"What I don't want are me-too companies that rank fifth or sixth in their industry, because their profit margins will rarely be as good as those of the industry leaders."
"Going downstream - investing in the businesses that will benefit from new technology rather than in the technology companies themselves - is often the smarter strategy."
"Assume that one of your eccentric friends who runs a large bank has just offered to lend you a great deal of money at about 10 percent interest, with which you may tender for all the stock of the company you are studying at the current market price. If you study the company and say 'Boy, this is terrific! Give me the loan and I'll do it. I'll quit my job and go run that company. It's a tremendous bargain,' then you probably have a good stock."
Learning From the Great Investors
In college, I tried to read as many books about great businesses and investors as possible. I'd regularly stagger out of the investing section of the library with more books than I could carry. But while that reading gave me a great foundation, I later discovered that I'd only taken the first few steps in my journey toward becoming a better investor.
I'm still nowhere near where I hope to be, but I thought I'd pause to reflect on the vital lessons I've learned by observing some of the world's greatest investors.
Mohnish Pabrai: Dig deeper.
Like Michael Jordan on the basketball court, Mohnish Pabrai makes investing seem so easy. Whether it owes to his experience as an information-technology entrepreneur, or simply stems from some innate talent, Pabrai seems to have unbelievable skill in finding opportunity where others see only uncertainty.
In his first book, Mosaic: Perspectives on Investing, Pabrai describes his investment in funeral-home operator Stewart Enterprises (Nasdaq: STEI), at a time when the company had a $500 million debt payment coming due in a couple of years.
"Bankrupt" is perhaps the most terrifying word in money management. A holding that goes bankrupt not only makes you look like a goat, but might even cost you your job. Stewart's looming debt payment, and the fearful uncertainty that accompanied it, became a dealbreaker for many investors.
But Pabrai saw that Stewart could simply sell some of its funeral homes to pay off the debt. That's precisely what happened, and Pabrai's fund made roughly 100% from its investment. In Pabrai's latest book, the excellent The Dhandho Investor, curious Fools can find further details about this strategy of low-risk, high-uncertainty investing.
Eddie Lampert: Capital allocation, capital allocation, capital allocation.
As a Yale undergrad, secretive hedge fund manager Eddie Lampert allegedly spent considerable time reverse-engineering Warren Buffett's investments, hoping to indirectly learn from the greatest investor of all time.
He subsequently went to Goldman Sachs, where he learned from legendary arbitrageur Robert Rubin. From there, he started his own hedge fund. Ever since, he's basically been shooting out the lights.
Although Lampert rarely speaks to the press, it's clear from his successes with K-Mart, Sears, and AutoZone -- as well as his letters to Sears shareholders -- that he holds capital allocation sacred.
With Lampert's help, the companies he owns have scoured their assets, working to deploy capital as productively as possible. It's amazing how much idle cash is locked up or wasted in real estate, inventory and working capital, and capital expenditures. From Lampert, I learned that superior capital allocation can help turn a laggard into a leader, and that investors should closely monitor how management invests its assets.
Joel Greenblatt: High earnings yields + high returns on capital = good.
Joel Greenblatt's Gotham Capital has allegedly returned a whopping 40% a year. Greenblatt is the master of the spinoff, having successfully sent former subsidiaries such as Moody's, Ameriprise, and Live Nation off on their own.
Greenblatt also wrote two delightfully short and entertaining books, titled You Can Be a Stock Market Genius and The Little Book That Beats the Market. They teach investors that investing in companies with high returns on capital and low price-to-earnings ratios (or high earnings yields) leads to superior returns. Of course, there's a lot more to it than that, but at the end of the day, this simple formula does work wonders.
Munger: Learn to learn.
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's intellectual partner, wrote a wonderful book called Poor Charlie's Almanack, which deals with things like mental models, biases, and methods of thinking. Most importantly, Munger counsels readers that no one can tell you how to be a superior thinker.
You can read as many books as possible about riding a bike, but nothing compares to the experience of doing it. Hopefully, if we put enough monetary and intellectual effort into learning to become better investors, we can one day kick off the training wheels.
I'm still nowhere near where I hope to be, but I thought I'd pause to reflect on the vital lessons I've learned by observing some of the world's greatest investors.
Mohnish Pabrai: Dig deeper.
Like Michael Jordan on the basketball court, Mohnish Pabrai makes investing seem so easy. Whether it owes to his experience as an information-technology entrepreneur, or simply stems from some innate talent, Pabrai seems to have unbelievable skill in finding opportunity where others see only uncertainty.
In his first book, Mosaic: Perspectives on Investing, Pabrai describes his investment in funeral-home operator Stewart Enterprises (Nasdaq: STEI), at a time when the company had a $500 million debt payment coming due in a couple of years.
"Bankrupt" is perhaps the most terrifying word in money management. A holding that goes bankrupt not only makes you look like a goat, but might even cost you your job. Stewart's looming debt payment, and the fearful uncertainty that accompanied it, became a dealbreaker for many investors.
But Pabrai saw that Stewart could simply sell some of its funeral homes to pay off the debt. That's precisely what happened, and Pabrai's fund made roughly 100% from its investment. In Pabrai's latest book, the excellent The Dhandho Investor, curious Fools can find further details about this strategy of low-risk, high-uncertainty investing.
Eddie Lampert: Capital allocation, capital allocation, capital allocation.
As a Yale undergrad, secretive hedge fund manager Eddie Lampert allegedly spent considerable time reverse-engineering Warren Buffett's investments, hoping to indirectly learn from the greatest investor of all time.
He subsequently went to Goldman Sachs, where he learned from legendary arbitrageur Robert Rubin. From there, he started his own hedge fund. Ever since, he's basically been shooting out the lights.
Although Lampert rarely speaks to the press, it's clear from his successes with K-Mart, Sears, and AutoZone -- as well as his letters to Sears shareholders -- that he holds capital allocation sacred.
With Lampert's help, the companies he owns have scoured their assets, working to deploy capital as productively as possible. It's amazing how much idle cash is locked up or wasted in real estate, inventory and working capital, and capital expenditures. From Lampert, I learned that superior capital allocation can help turn a laggard into a leader, and that investors should closely monitor how management invests its assets.
Joel Greenblatt: High earnings yields + high returns on capital = good.
Joel Greenblatt's Gotham Capital has allegedly returned a whopping 40% a year. Greenblatt is the master of the spinoff, having successfully sent former subsidiaries such as Moody's, Ameriprise, and Live Nation off on their own.
Greenblatt also wrote two delightfully short and entertaining books, titled You Can Be a Stock Market Genius and The Little Book That Beats the Market. They teach investors that investing in companies with high returns on capital and low price-to-earnings ratios (or high earnings yields) leads to superior returns. Of course, there's a lot more to it than that, but at the end of the day, this simple formula does work wonders.
Munger: Learn to learn.
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's intellectual partner, wrote a wonderful book called Poor Charlie's Almanack, which deals with things like mental models, biases, and methods of thinking. Most importantly, Munger counsels readers that no one can tell you how to be a superior thinker.
You can read as many books as possible about riding a bike, but nothing compares to the experience of doing it. Hopefully, if we put enough monetary and intellectual effort into learning to become better investors, we can one day kick off the training wheels.
The Greatest Investors: Thomas Rowe Price, Jr.
Personal Profile
Thomas Rowe Price spent his formative years struggling with the Depression, and the lesson he learned was not to stay out of stocks but to embrace them. Price viewed financial markets as cyclical. As a "crowd opposer," he took to investing in good companies for the long term, which was virtually unheard of at this time. His investment philosophy was that investors had to put more focus on individual stock-picking for the long term. Discipline, process consistency and fundamental research became the basis for his successful investing career. .
Price graduated from Swarthmore College with a degree in chemistry in 1919 before discovering that he liked working with numbers better than chemicals. He moved into a career in investments when he started working with the Baltimore-based brokerage firm of Mackubin Goodrich, which today is known as Legg Mason. Price eventually rose to become its chief investment officer.
Over time, Price became frustrated by the fact that "the firm did not fully comprehend his definition of growth stocks," so Price founded T. Rowe Price Associates in 1937. At that time, he defied convention by charging fees based on investments that clients had with the firm, not commissions, and always "putting the client's interests first." Price believed that as his clients prospered, the firm would too.
In 1950, he introduced his first mutual fund, the T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund. He was the company's CEO until his retirement in the late 1960s. He eventually sold the company in the early 1970s, but the firm retained his name and, today, one of the nation's premier investment houses.
Investment Style
Thomas Rowe Price's investment management philosophy was based on investment discipline, process consistency and fundamental analysis. He pioneered the methodology of growth investing by focusing on well-managed companies in fertile fields whose earnings and dividends were expected to grow faster than inflation and the overall economy. John Train, author of "The Money Masters", says that Price looked for these characteristics in growth companies:
Superior research to develop products and markets.
A lack of cutthroat competition.
A comparative immunity from government regulation.
Low total labor costs, but well-paid employees.
At least a 10% return on invested capital, sustained high profit margins, and a superior growth of earnings per share.
Price and his firm became extremely successful employing the growth stock approach to buying stocks. By 1965, he had spent almost thirty years as a growth advocate. At that time, many of his favorite stocks became known in the market as "T. Rowe Price stocks." However, by the late '60s, he had become wary of the market's unquestioning enthusiasm for growth stocks – he felt the time had come for investors to change their orientation. He thought price multiples had become unreasonable and decided that the long bull market was over. This is when he began to sell his interests in T. Rowe Price Associates.
By 1973-1974, what Price's forecast took shape and growth stocks fell hard and fast. Much to Price's dismay, his namesake firm barely managed to survive. Obviously, the term, "irrational exuberance" didn't exist in those days, but its destructive force was well appreciated by Thomas Rowe Price.
"It is better to be early than too late in recognizing the passing of one era, the waning of old investment favorites and the advent of a new era affording new opportunities for the investor."
"If we do well for the client, we'll be taken care of."
"Change is the investor's only certainty."
"No one can see ahead three years, let alone five or ten. Competition, new inventions - all kinds of things - can change the situation in twelve months."
Thomas Rowe Price spent his formative years struggling with the Depression, and the lesson he learned was not to stay out of stocks but to embrace them. Price viewed financial markets as cyclical. As a "crowd opposer," he took to investing in good companies for the long term, which was virtually unheard of at this time. His investment philosophy was that investors had to put more focus on individual stock-picking for the long term. Discipline, process consistency and fundamental research became the basis for his successful investing career. .
Price graduated from Swarthmore College with a degree in chemistry in 1919 before discovering that he liked working with numbers better than chemicals. He moved into a career in investments when he started working with the Baltimore-based brokerage firm of Mackubin Goodrich, which today is known as Legg Mason. Price eventually rose to become its chief investment officer.
Over time, Price became frustrated by the fact that "the firm did not fully comprehend his definition of growth stocks," so Price founded T. Rowe Price Associates in 1937. At that time, he defied convention by charging fees based on investments that clients had with the firm, not commissions, and always "putting the client's interests first." Price believed that as his clients prospered, the firm would too.
In 1950, he introduced his first mutual fund, the T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund. He was the company's CEO until his retirement in the late 1960s. He eventually sold the company in the early 1970s, but the firm retained his name and, today, one of the nation's premier investment houses.
Investment Style
Thomas Rowe Price's investment management philosophy was based on investment discipline, process consistency and fundamental analysis. He pioneered the methodology of growth investing by focusing on well-managed companies in fertile fields whose earnings and dividends were expected to grow faster than inflation and the overall economy. John Train, author of "The Money Masters", says that Price looked for these characteristics in growth companies:
Superior research to develop products and markets.
A lack of cutthroat competition.
A comparative immunity from government regulation.
Low total labor costs, but well-paid employees.
At least a 10% return on invested capital, sustained high profit margins, and a superior growth of earnings per share.
Price and his firm became extremely successful employing the growth stock approach to buying stocks. By 1965, he had spent almost thirty years as a growth advocate. At that time, many of his favorite stocks became known in the market as "T. Rowe Price stocks." However, by the late '60s, he had become wary of the market's unquestioning enthusiasm for growth stocks – he felt the time had come for investors to change their orientation. He thought price multiples had become unreasonable and decided that the long bull market was over. This is when he began to sell his interests in T. Rowe Price Associates.
By 1973-1974, what Price's forecast took shape and growth stocks fell hard and fast. Much to Price's dismay, his namesake firm barely managed to survive. Obviously, the term, "irrational exuberance" didn't exist in those days, but its destructive force was well appreciated by Thomas Rowe Price.
"It is better to be early than too late in recognizing the passing of one era, the waning of old investment favorites and the advent of a new era affording new opportunities for the investor."
"If we do well for the client, we'll be taken care of."
"Change is the investor's only certainty."
"No one can see ahead three years, let alone five or ten. Competition, new inventions - all kinds of things - can change the situation in twelve months."
T Rowe Price
Investment style
Cyclical investor in long-term growth companies, buying at the bottom of the business cycle and selling at the top. In later life, Price switched to a more value-driven style, investing in steady-growth, oil and gold stocks.
Price was a strong-willed and egotistical man. He never deviated from the daily agenda he set himself, nor from his decisions about when to buy and sell stocks. He demanded the same zeal and discipline from his employees. This unforgiving work ethic turned his firm into one of the largest asset managers of his day.
Price was very much an entrepreneur rather than a manager. He liked to start a fund, establish it and then move on to launch another one. Some of his most famous funds are still running today: T Rowe Price Growth Stock, New Horizons and New Era. His favourite companies, such as Avon Products and Black and Decker, actually became known as 'T Rowe Price stocks'.
But he sold the business to his associates when he saw that the prices of this group of companies were reaching absurd levels in the late Sixties. He himself changed to a more cautious and diversified approach, buying bonds and stocks from the energy and commodity sectors. The 1973-4 bear market proved the wisdom of this decision. His family portfolios soared, while those of his old firm collapsed.
Long-term returns
Price published a sample family portfolio to show how he had turned $1,000 invested in 1934 into $271,201 by the end of 1972 - a compound return of about 15.4% over 39 years.
Biggest success
Price's sample portfolio contained many striking successes. Among the most remarkable was pharmaceuticals firm Merck, bought for the equivalent of 37.5 cents in 1940 and still held 32 years later at $89.13 - a compound growth rate of about 18.6%, even without any reinvestment of dividends.
Method and guidelines
Like people, companies pass through three phases in their life cycle:
Look for companies in the earliest identifiable phase of growth. This growth is of two kinds:
Cyclical - growth in unit volumes of sales and in net earnings, which peaks at progressively higher levels at the top of each succeeding business cycle. These stocks are ideal for investors looking for capital gains during the recovery stage of the business cycle
Stable - growth in unit volumes and in net earnings, which persists through the downturn in the business cycle. These stocks are suitable for investors who need relatively stable income.
Concentrate on industry leaders. These can usually be identified by their competitive advantages, including:
Outstanding management
Leading-edge research and development
Patents, licences and other legally enforceable product rights
Relative protection from government regulation
Low labour costs, but good labour relations
These advantages usually go hand-in-hand with
A strong balance sheet
A high return on capital (at least 10%)
High profit margins
Consistently above-average earnings growth.
If these financial ratios are improving, that is often a good indicator that the company is still in its growth phase.
The best time to consider buying is when growth stocks are out of fashion. As a group, their P/E ratio will have fallen to roughly the same level as the market. Consider buying when the P/E is about 33% higher than the lowest point it has reached at the bottom of the last few cycles. Continue buying ('scaling in') until the price starts to rise strongly above this initial level.
The time to start selling is when the stock is 30% above your upper buying price limit. Sell off your stock gradually ('scale out') as the price continues to advance. (Price himself sold 10% every time the price rose 10%. Smaller investors may need to think in terms of selling 25-33% on each 20% advance.)
Also consider selling if
You can be reasonably certain the bull market has peaked
The company appears to be entering its mature phase
The company reports bad news
The stock price collapses on widespread selling.
Key sayings
"Even the amateur investor who lacks training and time to devote to managing his investments can be reasonably successful by selecting the best-managed companies in fertile fields for growth, buying their shares and retaining them until it becomes obvious that they no longer meet the definition of a growth stock."
"'Growth stocks' can be defined as shares in business enterprises that have demonstrated favourable underlying long-term growth in earnings and that, after careful research study, give indications of continued secular growth in future...Secular growth extends through several business cycles, with earnings reaching new high levels at the peak of each subsequent major business cycle..."
Cyclical investor in long-term growth companies, buying at the bottom of the business cycle and selling at the top. In later life, Price switched to a more value-driven style, investing in steady-growth, oil and gold stocks.
Price was a strong-willed and egotistical man. He never deviated from the daily agenda he set himself, nor from his decisions about when to buy and sell stocks. He demanded the same zeal and discipline from his employees. This unforgiving work ethic turned his firm into one of the largest asset managers of his day.
Price was very much an entrepreneur rather than a manager. He liked to start a fund, establish it and then move on to launch another one. Some of his most famous funds are still running today: T Rowe Price Growth Stock, New Horizons and New Era. His favourite companies, such as Avon Products and Black and Decker, actually became known as 'T Rowe Price stocks'.
But he sold the business to his associates when he saw that the prices of this group of companies were reaching absurd levels in the late Sixties. He himself changed to a more cautious and diversified approach, buying bonds and stocks from the energy and commodity sectors. The 1973-4 bear market proved the wisdom of this decision. His family portfolios soared, while those of his old firm collapsed.
Long-term returns
Price published a sample family portfolio to show how he had turned $1,000 invested in 1934 into $271,201 by the end of 1972 - a compound return of about 15.4% over 39 years.
Biggest success
Price's sample portfolio contained many striking successes. Among the most remarkable was pharmaceuticals firm Merck, bought for the equivalent of 37.5 cents in 1940 and still held 32 years later at $89.13 - a compound growth rate of about 18.6%, even without any reinvestment of dividends.
Method and guidelines
Like people, companies pass through three phases in their life cycle:
Look for companies in the earliest identifiable phase of growth. This growth is of two kinds:
Cyclical - growth in unit volumes of sales and in net earnings, which peaks at progressively higher levels at the top of each succeeding business cycle. These stocks are ideal for investors looking for capital gains during the recovery stage of the business cycle
Stable - growth in unit volumes and in net earnings, which persists through the downturn in the business cycle. These stocks are suitable for investors who need relatively stable income.
Concentrate on industry leaders. These can usually be identified by their competitive advantages, including:
Outstanding management
Leading-edge research and development
Patents, licences and other legally enforceable product rights
Relative protection from government regulation
Low labour costs, but good labour relations
These advantages usually go hand-in-hand with
A strong balance sheet
A high return on capital (at least 10%)
High profit margins
Consistently above-average earnings growth.
If these financial ratios are improving, that is often a good indicator that the company is still in its growth phase.
The best time to consider buying is when growth stocks are out of fashion. As a group, their P/E ratio will have fallen to roughly the same level as the market. Consider buying when the P/E is about 33% higher than the lowest point it has reached at the bottom of the last few cycles. Continue buying ('scaling in') until the price starts to rise strongly above this initial level.
The time to start selling is when the stock is 30% above your upper buying price limit. Sell off your stock gradually ('scale out') as the price continues to advance. (Price himself sold 10% every time the price rose 10%. Smaller investors may need to think in terms of selling 25-33% on each 20% advance.)
Also consider selling if
You can be reasonably certain the bull market has peaked
The company appears to be entering its mature phase
The company reports bad news
The stock price collapses on widespread selling.
Key sayings
"Even the amateur investor who lacks training and time to devote to managing his investments can be reasonably successful by selecting the best-managed companies in fertile fields for growth, buying their shares and retaining them until it becomes obvious that they no longer meet the definition of a growth stock."
"'Growth stocks' can be defined as shares in business enterprises that have demonstrated favourable underlying long-term growth in earnings and that, after careful research study, give indications of continued secular growth in future...Secular growth extends through several business cycles, with earnings reaching new high levels at the peak of each subsequent major business cycle..."
Thomas Rowe Price, Jr
Thomas Rowe Price, Jr. followed a very simple business principle: “What is good for the client is also good for the firm”. Rather than charge a commission, as was then the practice in the securities business, Mr. Price charged a fee based on the assets under management.
Mr. Price first entered the world of Wall Street Investing in the 1920’s. By 1937 he founded his investment firm, T. Rowe Price. Between 1937 and 1971, when he sold his firm to his former employees, Price gradually developed a theory that investing was superior to speculating.
Mr. Price is best known for developing the growth stock style of investing. Although he was trained as a chemist, he had a passion for investing. Mr. Price believed that investors could earn superior returns by investing in well-managed companies in fertile fields whose earnings and dividends could be expected to grow faster than inflation and the overall economy. The core of Mr. Price’s approach, proprietary research to guide investment selection and diversification to reduce risk, has remained part of the firm’s principles.
Mr. Price first entered the world of Wall Street Investing in the 1920’s. By 1937 he founded his investment firm, T. Rowe Price. Between 1937 and 1971, when he sold his firm to his former employees, Price gradually developed a theory that investing was superior to speculating.
Mr. Price is best known for developing the growth stock style of investing. Although he was trained as a chemist, he had a passion for investing. Mr. Price believed that investors could earn superior returns by investing in well-managed companies in fertile fields whose earnings and dividends could be expected to grow faster than inflation and the overall economy. The core of Mr. Price’s approach, proprietary research to guide investment selection and diversification to reduce risk, has remained part of the firm’s principles.
全球金融步入寒冬 港股短期易跌難升
Marc Faber Says U.S. Rescue Plan Will Fail to Avert Recession
Investor Marc Faber said any proposal to rescue the U.S. financial system will fail to avert a recession in the world's largest economy.
Any stock rally in the event that a package is approved will be temporary and should be used as ``an opportunity'' to sell, said Faber, who predicted the so-called Black Monday crash in 1987. U.S. lawmakers voted yesterday to reject a $700 billion plan worked out by congressional leaders and the administration of President George W. Bush.
``The rejection of the package is good because it shows that some people in the U.S. are still sane,'' Faber said in a phone interview. ``A bailout will not buy the U.S. a way out. The government is less powerful than markets in fixing this mess.''
Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, told investors to sell U.S. stocks a week before 1987's so-called Black Monday crash, according to his Web site, and recommended buying gold at the start of its six-year rally. He manages more than $300 million.
Any stock rally in the event that a package is approved will be temporary and should be used as ``an opportunity'' to sell, said Faber, who predicted the so-called Black Monday crash in 1987. U.S. lawmakers voted yesterday to reject a $700 billion plan worked out by congressional leaders and the administration of President George W. Bush.
``The rejection of the package is good because it shows that some people in the U.S. are still sane,'' Faber said in a phone interview. ``A bailout will not buy the U.S. a way out. The government is less powerful than markets in fixing this mess.''
Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, told investors to sell U.S. stocks a week before 1987's so-called Black Monday crash, according to his Web site, and recommended buying gold at the start of its six-year rally. He manages more than $300 million.
Sell setup, Sell banks
Last week, we stated the rally in the US stock markets was seen to be countertrend bear rallies and that there were no signs pointing to major lows for the US indices. There is a strong chance of another knee-jerk rally on news that the Paulson bailout plan would be approved by the US Congress. However, do bear in mind that previous rallies on Fed rate cuts and other measures have only led to further declines. This time, the chart formations on the DJIA and the S&P 500 suggest the same. We now lower our resistance target on the DJIA from 10700-10750 to 10600-10650 and expect a decline towards 9500-9600.
In Singapore, we similarly warned that an earlier 270-point advance was highly speculative and risky. We suggested switching into defensive stocks.. Most of these stocks like SIA Engineering, SPH, Parkway Life REIT and FSL Trust have outperformed, even as the STI lost 62% of its gain to reach a low of 2399.
We continue to recommend the same defensive stocks and add CDL Hospitality Trust to the list. There is a strong possibility that the index could rally towards 2520-2535 before heading down towards 2200. We would see any such gains as opportunity to add shorts, in particular to banking stocks. We have been recommending shorts on banking stocks for the past four months, expecting them to at least re-test March lows. We still expect the same. In fact, there is a strong chance that banking stocks could correct at least another 10% from current levels.
In Singapore, we similarly warned that an earlier 270-point advance was highly speculative and risky. We suggested switching into defensive stocks.. Most of these stocks like SIA Engineering, SPH, Parkway Life REIT and FSL Trust have outperformed, even as the STI lost 62% of its gain to reach a low of 2399.
We continue to recommend the same defensive stocks and add CDL Hospitality Trust to the list. There is a strong possibility that the index could rally towards 2520-2535 before heading down towards 2200. We would see any such gains as opportunity to add shorts, in particular to banking stocks. We have been recommending shorts on banking stocks for the past four months, expecting them to at least re-test March lows. We still expect the same. In fact, there is a strong chance that banking stocks could correct at least another 10% from current levels.
Monday, September 29, 2008
摆脱了量子基金每日 18小时的工作后,罗杰斯没有再加盟任何一家投资公司。他尝试转型为专家,时常在商业电视节目中抛头露面。为了得到哥伦比亚大学体育馆的终身会员资格,他同意在该大学商学院教授 证券分析课程,以此作为交换。他最终成了一名全职教授。
罗杰斯最喜欢的地方是曼哈顿上西区那套 5 层维多利亚式洋房。这座房子是一位富商于 1899 年建造的。罗杰斯用很多富有异国情调的东西来装饰它,如北极熊皮制成的地毯,还有他从阿拉斯加买来的猛象长牙。1977 年,罗杰斯从第二位房主那里买来一套房子,当时纽约市处于破产边缘,房市一落千丈。他花了 10.5 万美元,而今这座房子价值逾 1500 万美元。
摆脱了量子基金每日 18小时的工作后,罗杰斯没有再加盟任何一家投资公司。他尝试转型为专家,时常在商业电视节目中抛头露面。为了得到哥伦比亚大学体育馆的终身会员资格,他同意在该大学商学院教授 证券分析课程,以此作为交换。他最终成了一名全职教授。
罗杰斯最喜欢的地方是曼哈顿上西区那套 5 层维多利亚式洋房。这座房子是一位富商于 1899 年建造的。罗杰斯用很多富有异国情调的东西来装饰它,如北极熊皮制成的地毯,还有他从阿拉斯加买来的猛象长牙。1977 年,罗杰斯从第二位房主那里买来一套房子,当时纽约市处于破产边缘,房市一落千丈。他花了 10.5 万美元,而今这座房子价值逾 1500 万美元。
林奇认为赢输实际和市场的关系不大,股市不过是用来验证一下是否有人在做傻事的地方。不能依赖市场来带动手里的股票上扬。 从不相信谁能预测市场。 对林奇来说,投资只是赌博的一种,没有100%安全的投资工具。
投资前三个问题:1、你有物业吗? 2、你有余钱投资吗? 3、你有赚钱能力吗?
林奇认为赢输实际和市场的关系不大,股市不过是用来验证一下是否有人在做傻事的地方。不能依赖市场来带动手里的股票上扬。 从不相信谁能预测市场。 对林奇来说,投资只是赌博的一种,没有100%安全的投资工具。
投资前三个问题:1、你有物业吗? 2、你有余钱投资吗? 3、你有赚钱能力吗?
巴菲特本人对于内在价值的计算最为详细的叙述出现在1996年致巴克夏公司股东的信中:“内在价值是估计值,而不是精确值,而且它还是在利率变化或者对未来现金流的预测修正时必须相应改变的估计值。此外,两个人根据完全相同的事实进行估值,几乎总是不可避免地得出至少是略有不同的内在价值估计值,即使对于我和查理来说也是如此,这正是我们从不对外公布我们对内在价值估计值的一个原因。”此外,巴菲特还坦承:“我们只是对于估计一小部分股票的内在价值还有点自信,但也只限于一个价值区间,而绝非那些貌似精确实为谬误的数字。价值评估既是艺术,又是科学。”与一些市场人士的想法不同,笔者更倾向于认为巴菲特这番话是真的坦诚而非卖关子。因为我们常常看到,在证券市场上,过度追求精确量化往往不会带来好的后果。最典型的例子莫过于大名鼎鼎的美国LTCM(长期资本管理公司),其高管包括1997年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、“期权定价模型之父”默顿(Robert Merton)和舒尔茨(Myron Schols)、美国前财政部副部长及联储副主席莫里斯(David Mullis)等学术界及政经界要人,堪称梦幻组合。1990年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者威廉·夏普称其为“也许是世界上学术水平最高的金融机构”,在华尔街与量子基金齐名。从运作方式上看,LTCM是通过运用电脑建立数量模型分析金融工具价格,再利用不同证券的市场价格差异进行操作,是投资界精确量化的祖师,却也难逃失败命运。LTCM曾经是如此成功——3年盈利增长2.84倍,一度成为市场唯马首是瞻的旗舰。然而就是这样一泰斗级的公司,也创造了另一项金融记录——150天亏损超过50亿美元,亏损率超过90%。正如同中国古代的项羽,百战百胜,一败而失天下。
巴菲特本人对于内在价值的计算最为详细的叙述出现在1996年致巴克夏公司股东的信中:“内在价值是估计值,而不是精确值,而且它还是在利率变化或者对未来现金流的预测修正时必须相应改变的估计值。此外,两个人根据完全相同的事实进行估值,几乎总是不可避免地得出至少是略有不同的内在价值估计值,即使对于我和查理来说也是如此,这正是我们从不对外公布我们对内在价值估计值的一个原因。”此外,巴菲特还坦承:“我们只是对于估计一小部分股票的内在价值还有点自信,但也只限于一个价值区间,而绝非那些貌似精确实为谬误的数字。价值评估既是艺术,又是科学。”与一些市场人士的想法不同,笔者更倾向于认为巴菲特这番话是真的坦诚而非卖关子。因为我们常常看到,在证券市场上,过度追求精确量化往往不会带来好的后果。最典型的例子莫过于大名鼎鼎的美国LTCM(长期资本管理公司),其高管包括1997年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、“期权定价模型之父”默顿(Robert Merton)和舒尔茨(Myron Schols)、美国前财政部副部长及联储副主席莫里斯(David Mullis)等学术界及政经界要人,堪称梦幻组合。1990年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者威廉·夏普称其为“也许是世界上学术水平最高的金融机构”,在华尔街与量子基金齐名。从运作方式上看,LTCM是通过运用电脑建立数量模型分析金融工具价格,再利用不同证券的市场价格差异进行操作,是投资界精确量化的祖师,却也难逃失败命运。LTCM曾经是如此成功——3年盈利增长2.84倍,一度成为市场唯马首是瞻的旗舰。然而就是这样一泰斗级的公司,也创造了另一项金融记录——150天亏损超过50亿美元,亏损率超过90%。正如同中国古代的项羽,百战百胜,一败而失天下。
安東尼·波頓 25年賺90倍的秘訣
安東尼·波頓(Anthony Bolton)為富達特別時機基金經理人,該基金自1979年成立迄今已25年,投資報酬率超過9000%,規模達40億歐元,是英國一般股票型基金中規模最大者。
近期,晨星分析师与价值投资的另一位传奇人物卢·辛普森(Lou Simpson)进行了交流,讨论的范围甚广,涵盖了其哲学理念、投资经验以及教训。这位人物并非家喻户晓,却是巴菲特所欣赏的,多次在其致股东的信中提及,并声称其应进入投资名人堂。
过去三十年来,辛普森低调地掌管着伯克夏·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hath-away)旗下的保险公司盖可(Geico)超过40亿美元资产的投资管理业务,创造了惊人的业绩。在辛普森任职期间,盖可的组合每年打败标准普尔500指数约7%。说年届70的辛普森是历史上最伟大的投资者之一,应该不算言过。
近期,晨星分析师与价值投资的另一位传奇人物卢·辛普森(Lou Simpson)进行了交流,讨论的范围甚广,涵盖了其哲学理念、投资经验以及教训。这位人物并非家喻户晓,却是巴菲特所欣赏的,多次在其致股东的信中提及,并声称其应进入投资名人堂。
过去三十年来,辛普森低调地掌管着伯克夏·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hath-away)旗下的保险公司盖可(Geico)超过40亿美元资产的投资管理业务,创造了惊人的业绩。在辛普森任职期间,盖可的组合每年打败标准普尔500指数约7%。说年届70的辛普森是历史上最伟大的投资者之一,应该不算言过。
人的人性包括两方面: 一方面是有利的,比如坚定、平和、冷静、客观,另一种是不利的,比如恐惧、焦虑、着急,贪婪等等,这些都是不利于投资人的状态。在投资实践中,投资人应该把控制自己的人性,修炼自己的情绪做为一个很重大的工作,如果我们不在这个方面投入必要的努力,那么我们在理性方面投入的努力就会大打折扣。我们要借助一些简单的常识和道理,来调整情绪把握人性:一夜暴富不会长久,正常的收益率也就是百分之十几或者几十,天天发财,次次盈利这种情况也没有,别人赚了大钱,自己不眼红,安于稳定的正常收益,自己亏了钱不过分焦虑,能回归平和,当我们决定投资下一笔资金的时候,不应该忘记我们考虑有不周全的地方,应该做好必要的防范,而不是坚决的对赌。凡此种种都是简单的常识,也是人性管理和情绪控制的有效方法!
人的人性包括两方面: 一方面是有利的,比如坚定、平和、冷静、客观,另一种是不利的,比如恐惧、焦虑、着急,贪婪等等,这些都是不利于投资人的状态。在投资实践中,投资人应该把控制自己的人性,修炼自己的情绪做为一个很重大的工作,如果我们不在这个方面投入必要的努力,那么我们在理性方面投入的努力就会大打折扣。我们要借助一些简单的常识和道理,来调整情绪把握人性:一夜暴富不会长久,正常的收益率也就是百分之十几或者几十,天天发财,次次盈利这种情况也没有,别人赚了大钱,自己不眼红,安于稳定的正常收益,自己亏了钱不过分焦虑,能回归平和,当我们决定投资下一笔资金的时候,不应该忘记我们考虑有不周全的地方,应该做好必要的防范,而不是坚决的对赌。凡此种种都是简单的常识,也是人性管理和情绪控制的有效方法!
据观察,99%以上的投资者很难抗拒 “ 波段操作 ” 。而且这个比例并没有下降的趋势,假如将股市比喻成大海,投资者是希望达到彼岸的海员的话, 那么 “ 波段操作 ” 极似希腊神话中的半岛半人的女妖塞任(sirens),常用美妙的歌声引诱航海者。
“ 波段操作 ” 本身并没有错误,而且是使投资者收益最大的理想化方法,像塞任的歌声那样美妙绝伦,问题是在于历史的长河中和实际操作中几乎没有人能持续成功。
“ 波段操作 ” 本身并没有错误,而且是使投资者收益最大的理想化方法,像塞任的歌声那样美妙绝伦,问题是在于历史的长河中和实际操作中几乎没有人能持续成功。
摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)首席经济学家布鲁斯•卡斯曼(Bruce Kasman)说,这个计划有一定的好处,但我们认为经济已经陷得太深,难以避免损害。
道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)调查的经济学家们预计,本周五的就业报告9月新失业人数将为105,000人。与此同时,消费者信心疲弱,零售销量额的数据显示出购物者在缩减支出。
布鲁金斯研究所(Brookings Institution)资深研究员道格拉斯•埃尔门多夫(Douglas Elmendorf)说,救助计划无法阻止衰退。对人们来说,重要的是经济低迷会持续多长时间,程度会多深。
加州大学伯克利分校经济学家巴里•埃肯格林(Barry Eichengreen)说,不管我们对信贷违约掉期和抵押贷款证券采取何种措施,房市还是会进一步下跌。
不过,救助计划可能会充当救心丸的角色,让金融市场的活动恢复,并可能防止经济危机进一步恶化。Wrightson ICAP经济学家卢•克兰德尔(Lou Crandall)说,这会让潜在投资者觉得应该现在买进。
摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)首席经济学家布鲁斯•卡斯曼(Bruce Kasman)说,这个计划有一定的好处,但我们认为经济已经陷得太深,难以避免损害。
道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)调查的经济学家们预计,本周五的就业报告9月新失业人数将为105,000人。与此同时,消费者信心疲弱,零售销量额的数据显示出购物者在缩减支出。
布鲁金斯研究所(Brookings Institution)资深研究员道格拉斯•埃尔门多夫(Douglas Elmendorf)说,救助计划无法阻止衰退。对人们来说,重要的是经济低迷会持续多长时间,程度会多深。
加州大学伯克利分校经济学家巴里•埃肯格林(Barry Eichengreen)说,不管我们对信贷违约掉期和抵押贷款证券采取何种措施,房市还是会进一步下跌。
不过,救助计划可能会充当救心丸的角色,让金融市场的活动恢复,并可能防止经济危机进一步恶化。Wrightson ICAP经济学家卢•克兰德尔(Lou Crandall)说,这会让潜在投资者觉得应该现在买进。
Market Focus:Baptism of fire
The focus has shifted from inflationary worries to fears of asset deflation, as the process of deleveraging unwinds in the face of tightening liquidity. While we do not discount a rebound in the STI as markets have been oversold, the road ahead is bumpy as investors grapple with the knock-on effects of the global financial crisis filtering into Singapore’s small and open economy.Cheap valuation but risks have risen.
The STI has fallen to a five year low, trading at P/E of 12.5x (08F) and 11x (09F). In the event of a positive outcome from the U.S. Congress approving the US$700bn rescue package in the US, this should restore some stability to the US financial institutions. However, we are not at the end of GDP or earnings downgrade cycle yet. The risk of Singapore going into technical recession in 3Q08 is rising, given weak NODX figures.
Our base case STI target is now 2960, translating into PE of 13x on 2009 earnings. We have attempted to stress-test the STI to determine trough valuations. Based on our bear case scenario, our bottom-up target for STI is 2162 assuming Singapore’s GDP growth slows to 3% next year, property prices fall by 40% from its peak and oil price collapses to US$60/bbl. Our strategy is to pick stocks backed by cash and high yield with minimal downside risks to earnings, namely SPH and A REIT. We have highlighted STX and Keppel Corp as Fully Valued. We expect STX’s share price to fall in anticipation of an oversupply situation in dry bulkers come 2010, while Keppel Corp’s performance is dragged down by Keppel Land (oversupply in office space), refining margins peaking at SPC and slower order flows at offshore and marine.
The STI has fallen to a five year low, trading at P/E of 12.5x (08F) and 11x (09F). In the event of a positive outcome from the U.S. Congress approving the US$700bn rescue package in the US, this should restore some stability to the US financial institutions. However, we are not at the end of GDP or earnings downgrade cycle yet. The risk of Singapore going into technical recession in 3Q08 is rising, given weak NODX figures.
Our base case STI target is now 2960, translating into PE of 13x on 2009 earnings. We have attempted to stress-test the STI to determine trough valuations. Based on our bear case scenario, our bottom-up target for STI is 2162 assuming Singapore’s GDP growth slows to 3% next year, property prices fall by 40% from its peak and oil price collapses to US$60/bbl. Our strategy is to pick stocks backed by cash and high yield with minimal downside risks to earnings, namely SPH and A REIT. We have highlighted STX and Keppel Corp as Fully Valued. We expect STX’s share price to fall in anticipation of an oversupply situation in dry bulkers come 2010, while Keppel Corp’s performance is dragged down by Keppel Land (oversupply in office space), refining margins peaking at SPC and slower order flows at offshore and marine.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
问:你曾说过,太早卖掉Home Depot(DIY工具店)和玩具反斗城,是你毕生最大的遗憾,最近,这个错误还有再犯吗?
问:你曾说过,太早卖掉Home Depot(DIY工具店)和玩具反斗城,是你毕生最大的遗憾,最近,这个错误还有再犯吗?
What $700B won't buy: a quick fix for the economy
Not even $700 billion will be enough to spare the United States from more economic anguish if the government's proposed banking bailout pans out like similar desperation moves during the past two decades.
It usually takes years to recover from a financial crisis severe enough for politicians to ride to the rescue with truckloads of taxpayer money.
Take, for example, the U.S. government's August 1989 bailout of the savings-and-loan industry. The stock market fell by 12 percent within the first 14 months of the rescue plan while the economy slipped into an eight-month recession that began in July 1990. Housing prices that had just begun to erode continued to fall for another three years.
There's little reason to believe it will be dramatically different this time around, particularly since this bailout involves harder-to-value assets and comes with the U.S. economy already on the edge of a recession, if one hasn't begun already.
"This is going to take years to work out and it will be incredibly complicated," predicted banking consultant Bert Ely, who has extensively studied the U.S. government's 1989 bailout.
Although lawmakers are still sparring over the precise details, the proposed bailout would authorize the government to borrow up to $700 billion to buy the toxic assets poisoning banks. Most of these holdings are tied to mortgages made to borrowers who either can't afford to make their monthly payments or have simply chosen to default because they owe far more than their homes are worth. No one seems quite certain how much these assets are worth, but the government is betting that -- with time -- it can get a handle on it and eventually profit.
Even as the government tries to clean up the mess left by reckless home lenders, borrowers and investors, more problems are likely to stack up.
The trouble could include longer unemployment lines as struggling companies faced with declining sales and limited access to credit trim their payrolls. That could lead to even more bank failures as cash-strapped borrowers don't repay loans. And most experts think there's still a good chance the downturn in the housing and stock markets will deepen to further spook already frightened consumers.
The government is hoping its intervention will unclog the lending pipeline, but that isn't a certainty either, said Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University, Channel Islands.
"If I am a medium-sized bank on Main Street, simply because the government is bringing a bailout package to Wall Street doesn't mean I am suddenly going to change my mind and start lending money again," Sohn said.
That suggests the economic statistics won't even capture some of the collateral damage -- all the lost lending opportunities that occur as banks try to bolster their rickety balance sheets. Many banks have curtailed their lending because they are already swimming in losses and don't want to risk drowning by taking chances on more borrowers.
"The real tragedy is we will never know how many businesses would have been started or how many businesses might have expanded if all this hadn't happened," said Jonathan Macey, deputy dean of Yale Law School, who wrote a book about a government bailout in Sweden during the early 1990s.
In a best case scenario, Macey said the United States will bounce back within two years, like Sweden did after the government spent billions of dollars to salvage the country's troubled banks and prop up a slumping housing market.
Before the medicine took effect, Sweden suffered through a 20-month recession that saw nearly 60,000 companies go bankrupt, housing prices fall by 19 percent and the country's bellwether stock market index plunge 45 percent from its peak. Once the hangover ended, the good times resumed; Sweden's economic growth has averaged 3.2 percent since 1994.
Sweden spent 65 billion kronor (about $10 billion at the time), but made most of the money back because it bought a stake in some of the troubled banks. The government still owns nearly 20 percent in one bank -- a stake that is now up for sale. U.S. lawmakers also have been debating whether it makes sense to acquire stock in some of the banks that the government intends to help out.
In a more sobering situation, the payoff from the U.S. bailout might take much longer. That's what happened in Japan after its government finally intervened in a real estate and banking crisis that began in the early 1990s.
By the time the government acted in 1997, the economic hole was so deep that it took another seven or eight years to climb out. The net public outlay to clean up mess was 18 trillion yen ($168 billion), according to the Financial Services Agency.
The abysmal times in Japan during the 1990s are now known as the "lost decade." Even though the economy is better now, the Japan's stock market still hasn't returned to its peak before the bubble burst. And Japan still has about $9 billion worth of property held as collateral that needs to be sold.
It seems unlikely that the United States will have to wait as long for a recovery because the government is wading into the financial muck much more quickly than Japan did.
In contrast, the United States is promising to bail out its banks 18 months after mortgage lender New Century Financial Corp. filed for bankruptcy -- a move that set off alarms about the rot ruining home loan portfolios.
"Some resolution measures are more effective than others in restoring the banking system to health and containing the fallout on the real economy," the International Monetary Fund concluded in a study of 124 financial crises since 1970. "Above all, speed appears to be of the essence."
Even if the U.S. government is moving in time to make a difference, success is likely to hinge on the ability to figure out the right price to pay for an exotic mix of mortgage-backed investments and other serpentine securities that aren't easily appraised. And then the government must hope the housing market eventually rebounds to lift the value of the acquired assets.
If those pieces fall into place, the United States could profit or at least minimize its losses. On the flip side, the losses could be huge if the government misjudges the value of the problem assets or the housing market remains in a funk.
"The best we can hope for is that this (bailout) buys us time," said Edward Yardeni, who runs his own economic research firm.
The United States moved a little quicker to address the mortgage crisis than it did in the savings-and-loan debacle of the 1980s. Although warning signs of an industry breakdown started to flash in the mid-1980s, the government waited until August 1989 to create the Resolution Trust Corp. to dispose of the repossessed homes, offices, cars, planes and even artwork held by failed S&Ls.
During the next six years, the RTC sold nearly $400 billion in assets on the books of more than 700 failed thrifts. Taxpayers ended up sustaining a loss of $125 billion to $150 billion on the fire sale -- about 2 percent of the country's gross domestic product by the time the bailout was completed in 1995. Entering the S&L bailout, the government had projected a taxpayer loss of $40 billion to $50 billion.
If the ratio of losses to assets inherited in the latest $700 billion bailout is similar to what occurred in the S&L crisis, the taxpayers will be saddled with a bill of more than $250 billion, which also translates into about 2 percent of the nation's current GDP.
Data from the IMF's study suggest the losses could run even higher. The monetary fund calculated governments typically recover about 18 cents on every dollar spent in bailouts -- a rate that would translate into a loss of more than $500 billion. The United States seems unlikely to sustain a loss that large since it presumably will be buying the banking assets at a sharp discount -- leaving plenty of room for an upside.
Although the S&L bailout was the biggest in U.S. history before this one, the challenges facing the government are radically different.
In 1989-95, the government and an army of contractors disposed of assets that were dumped into their laps as S&Ls collapsed. And it wasn't too difficult to figure what those assets were worth because their value could be easily measured against similar property. That's not the case this time. Part of the reason so many banks are imperiled is that no one is sure what their investments are worth.
Most economists agree absorbing the bailout's costs are preferable to running the risk of the entire U.S. financial system unraveling -- a calamity that would probably trigger a global depression. But knowing things could be even worse probably won't make it easier to stomach the turmoil still to come.
"Unwinding asset and credit bubbles is a long and arduous task even with aggressive government involvement," Merrill Lynch economist David Rosenberg wrote in a report titled "Capitalism takes a sabbatical."
It usually takes years to recover from a financial crisis severe enough for politicians to ride to the rescue with truckloads of taxpayer money.
Take, for example, the U.S. government's August 1989 bailout of the savings-and-loan industry. The stock market fell by 12 percent within the first 14 months of the rescue plan while the economy slipped into an eight-month recession that began in July 1990. Housing prices that had just begun to erode continued to fall for another three years.
There's little reason to believe it will be dramatically different this time around, particularly since this bailout involves harder-to-value assets and comes with the U.S. economy already on the edge of a recession, if one hasn't begun already.
"This is going to take years to work out and it will be incredibly complicated," predicted banking consultant Bert Ely, who has extensively studied the U.S. government's 1989 bailout.
Although lawmakers are still sparring over the precise details, the proposed bailout would authorize the government to borrow up to $700 billion to buy the toxic assets poisoning banks. Most of these holdings are tied to mortgages made to borrowers who either can't afford to make their monthly payments or have simply chosen to default because they owe far more than their homes are worth. No one seems quite certain how much these assets are worth, but the government is betting that -- with time -- it can get a handle on it and eventually profit.
Even as the government tries to clean up the mess left by reckless home lenders, borrowers and investors, more problems are likely to stack up.
The trouble could include longer unemployment lines as struggling companies faced with declining sales and limited access to credit trim their payrolls. That could lead to even more bank failures as cash-strapped borrowers don't repay loans. And most experts think there's still a good chance the downturn in the housing and stock markets will deepen to further spook already frightened consumers.
The government is hoping its intervention will unclog the lending pipeline, but that isn't a certainty either, said Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University, Channel Islands.
"If I am a medium-sized bank on Main Street, simply because the government is bringing a bailout package to Wall Street doesn't mean I am suddenly going to change my mind and start lending money again," Sohn said.
That suggests the economic statistics won't even capture some of the collateral damage -- all the lost lending opportunities that occur as banks try to bolster their rickety balance sheets. Many banks have curtailed their lending because they are already swimming in losses and don't want to risk drowning by taking chances on more borrowers.
"The real tragedy is we will never know how many businesses would have been started or how many businesses might have expanded if all this hadn't happened," said Jonathan Macey, deputy dean of Yale Law School, who wrote a book about a government bailout in Sweden during the early 1990s.
In a best case scenario, Macey said the United States will bounce back within two years, like Sweden did after the government spent billions of dollars to salvage the country's troubled banks and prop up a slumping housing market.
Before the medicine took effect, Sweden suffered through a 20-month recession that saw nearly 60,000 companies go bankrupt, housing prices fall by 19 percent and the country's bellwether stock market index plunge 45 percent from its peak. Once the hangover ended, the good times resumed; Sweden's economic growth has averaged 3.2 percent since 1994.
Sweden spent 65 billion kronor (about $10 billion at the time), but made most of the money back because it bought a stake in some of the troubled banks. The government still owns nearly 20 percent in one bank -- a stake that is now up for sale. U.S. lawmakers also have been debating whether it makes sense to acquire stock in some of the banks that the government intends to help out.
In a more sobering situation, the payoff from the U.S. bailout might take much longer. That's what happened in Japan after its government finally intervened in a real estate and banking crisis that began in the early 1990s.
By the time the government acted in 1997, the economic hole was so deep that it took another seven or eight years to climb out. The net public outlay to clean up mess was 18 trillion yen ($168 billion), according to the Financial Services Agency.
The abysmal times in Japan during the 1990s are now known as the "lost decade." Even though the economy is better now, the Japan's stock market still hasn't returned to its peak before the bubble burst. And Japan still has about $9 billion worth of property held as collateral that needs to be sold.
It seems unlikely that the United States will have to wait as long for a recovery because the government is wading into the financial muck much more quickly than Japan did.
In contrast, the United States is promising to bail out its banks 18 months after mortgage lender New Century Financial Corp. filed for bankruptcy -- a move that set off alarms about the rot ruining home loan portfolios.
"Some resolution measures are more effective than others in restoring the banking system to health and containing the fallout on the real economy," the International Monetary Fund concluded in a study of 124 financial crises since 1970. "Above all, speed appears to be of the essence."
Even if the U.S. government is moving in time to make a difference, success is likely to hinge on the ability to figure out the right price to pay for an exotic mix of mortgage-backed investments and other serpentine securities that aren't easily appraised. And then the government must hope the housing market eventually rebounds to lift the value of the acquired assets.
If those pieces fall into place, the United States could profit or at least minimize its losses. On the flip side, the losses could be huge if the government misjudges the value of the problem assets or the housing market remains in a funk.
"The best we can hope for is that this (bailout) buys us time," said Edward Yardeni, who runs his own economic research firm.
The United States moved a little quicker to address the mortgage crisis than it did in the savings-and-loan debacle of the 1980s. Although warning signs of an industry breakdown started to flash in the mid-1980s, the government waited until August 1989 to create the Resolution Trust Corp. to dispose of the repossessed homes, offices, cars, planes and even artwork held by failed S&Ls.
During the next six years, the RTC sold nearly $400 billion in assets on the books of more than 700 failed thrifts. Taxpayers ended up sustaining a loss of $125 billion to $150 billion on the fire sale -- about 2 percent of the country's gross domestic product by the time the bailout was completed in 1995. Entering the S&L bailout, the government had projected a taxpayer loss of $40 billion to $50 billion.
If the ratio of losses to assets inherited in the latest $700 billion bailout is similar to what occurred in the S&L crisis, the taxpayers will be saddled with a bill of more than $250 billion, which also translates into about 2 percent of the nation's current GDP.
Data from the IMF's study suggest the losses could run even higher. The monetary fund calculated governments typically recover about 18 cents on every dollar spent in bailouts -- a rate that would translate into a loss of more than $500 billion. The United States seems unlikely to sustain a loss that large since it presumably will be buying the banking assets at a sharp discount -- leaving plenty of room for an upside.
Although the S&L bailout was the biggest in U.S. history before this one, the challenges facing the government are radically different.
In 1989-95, the government and an army of contractors disposed of assets that were dumped into their laps as S&Ls collapsed. And it wasn't too difficult to figure what those assets were worth because their value could be easily measured against similar property. That's not the case this time. Part of the reason so many banks are imperiled is that no one is sure what their investments are worth.
Most economists agree absorbing the bailout's costs are preferable to running the risk of the entire U.S. financial system unraveling -- a calamity that would probably trigger a global depression. But knowing things could be even worse probably won't make it easier to stomach the turmoil still to come.
"Unwinding asset and credit bubbles is a long and arduous task even with aggressive government involvement," Merrill Lynch economist David Rosenberg wrote in a report titled "Capitalism takes a sabbatical."
最近全球都在谈论一件金融大丑闻,很不幸,它的主角就是中国。中国大陆除了拥有 “ 两房 ” 垃圾债券3763亿美元以外,还拥有5000多亿美国国债,看来早晚也是垃圾,即使不是垃圾也是在帮美国经济泡沫买单。两者之和超过9000亿美元。30年改革开放血汗换来的外汇家底大部分都套在里面。
Cheap properties galore in Geylang
These days, even with the property market in the doldrums, it is almost impossible to buy a condominium for less than $500 per sq ft (psf).
Almost impossible, that is, except in Geylang.
To the ordinary homebuyer, it is not hard to see why. Even on a weekday afternoon, the red-light district is peppered with young girls wearing skin-tight skirts and the men who crowd around them.
Temples on one side of the road face dimly lit terrace houses with blatantly displayed ‘open’ signs on the other. Famous food outlets are tucked between rows of cheap, rundown hotels.
But get past the sleaze and you will find some of Singapore’s best condo buys lining the streets off Geylang Road. Many are freehold and a handful, such as Atrium Residences, are even brand new.
Properties come at a song partly because of the area’s still-squalid reputation, and partly because some banks do not offer loans to buy homes in Geylang, agents say.
But savvy buyers with cash in hand, or who are willing to pay the higher interest rates offered by some financing firms, can often pick up a good deal, they add.
Firms that offer loans for Geylang properties include Hong Leong Finance and Singapura Finance.
‘Many buyers are open-minded enough to know that there is a lot of investment potential in the area. Geylang is near the city, but even cheaper than the heartland,’ said Ms Natalie Maia Indra, an agent with DTZ Debenham Tie Leung, who has been selling homes in the area for almost a year.
The low prices mean that rental yields, calculated by dividing a property’s total rents for a year over its purchase price, can ‘easily hit 7 per cent’, especially for the newer properties. This compares with an average of 2 per cent to 4 per cent for most homes in Singapore.
Geylang is also drawing more interest from homebuyers these days because of its growing reputation as a bona fide food paradise. This has not only helped Singaporeans get a taste of the more savoury parts of the red-light district, but also spawned foodie crowds that make the area feel less dangerous.
Of course, even within Geylang, not all properties are equal. The traditional wisdom is that odd-numbered lorongs are ’safe’, while even-numbered ones are shunned.
A better guide, however, is that the area above Lorong 25 is generally quieter. Below that, a large cluster of cheap hotels and coffee shops gives rise to ribald revelry that often continues into the wee hours of the morning.
The more popular homes are those further removed from Geylang Road: nearer Aljunied MRT Station to the north, and around Guillemard Road to the south. These areas are favoured by big-name developers such as CapitaLand and Far East Organization, which jointly developed Central Grove near Aljunied MRT Station.
Between desirable streets and less preferred ones, prices can differ markedly.
Along Lorong 20, the newly completed Sunflower Regency is fetching around $550 psf. Down the road, Cosmo in Guillemard Crescent, lying just outside Geylang proper, was sold out at an average price of about $1,100 psf when it was launched in April.
A few streets west of that, Wing Fong Court and Wing Fong Mansions are hovering at about $400 psf. They are located at the heart of seedy Geylang, where the streets are dirty, the buildings old, and the noise of raucous foodies extends late into the night.
Still, potential buyers such as entrepreneur Sebastian Lim, 27, are not deterred by such details.
‘Geylang properties are really cheap and I think they will appreciate in time because the area is not too far from town,’ he said.
Almost impossible, that is, except in Geylang.
To the ordinary homebuyer, it is not hard to see why. Even on a weekday afternoon, the red-light district is peppered with young girls wearing skin-tight skirts and the men who crowd around them.
Temples on one side of the road face dimly lit terrace houses with blatantly displayed ‘open’ signs on the other. Famous food outlets are tucked between rows of cheap, rundown hotels.
But get past the sleaze and you will find some of Singapore’s best condo buys lining the streets off Geylang Road. Many are freehold and a handful, such as Atrium Residences, are even brand new.
Properties come at a song partly because of the area’s still-squalid reputation, and partly because some banks do not offer loans to buy homes in Geylang, agents say.
But savvy buyers with cash in hand, or who are willing to pay the higher interest rates offered by some financing firms, can often pick up a good deal, they add.
Firms that offer loans for Geylang properties include Hong Leong Finance and Singapura Finance.
‘Many buyers are open-minded enough to know that there is a lot of investment potential in the area. Geylang is near the city, but even cheaper than the heartland,’ said Ms Natalie Maia Indra, an agent with DTZ Debenham Tie Leung, who has been selling homes in the area for almost a year.
The low prices mean that rental yields, calculated by dividing a property’s total rents for a year over its purchase price, can ‘easily hit 7 per cent’, especially for the newer properties. This compares with an average of 2 per cent to 4 per cent for most homes in Singapore.
Geylang is also drawing more interest from homebuyers these days because of its growing reputation as a bona fide food paradise. This has not only helped Singaporeans get a taste of the more savoury parts of the red-light district, but also spawned foodie crowds that make the area feel less dangerous.
Of course, even within Geylang, not all properties are equal. The traditional wisdom is that odd-numbered lorongs are ’safe’, while even-numbered ones are shunned.
A better guide, however, is that the area above Lorong 25 is generally quieter. Below that, a large cluster of cheap hotels and coffee shops gives rise to ribald revelry that often continues into the wee hours of the morning.
The more popular homes are those further removed from Geylang Road: nearer Aljunied MRT Station to the north, and around Guillemard Road to the south. These areas are favoured by big-name developers such as CapitaLand and Far East Organization, which jointly developed Central Grove near Aljunied MRT Station.
Between desirable streets and less preferred ones, prices can differ markedly.
Along Lorong 20, the newly completed Sunflower Regency is fetching around $550 psf. Down the road, Cosmo in Guillemard Crescent, lying just outside Geylang proper, was sold out at an average price of about $1,100 psf when it was launched in April.
A few streets west of that, Wing Fong Court and Wing Fong Mansions are hovering at about $400 psf. They are located at the heart of seedy Geylang, where the streets are dirty, the buildings old, and the noise of raucous foodies extends late into the night.
Still, potential buyers such as entrepreneur Sebastian Lim, 27, are not deterred by such details.
‘Geylang properties are really cheap and I think they will appreciate in time because the area is not too far from town,’ he said.
Can't Anyone Afford My Home?
Prices have dropped. A lot. But it's still surprisingly hard to find buyers.
(Money Magazine) -- Maybe you've started thinking that now you can finally find a buyer for your house. After all, this summer the National Association of Homebuilders asserted that houses were more affordable than at any time during the previous four years. Prices have slid so far that many homes are now within the reach of people who couldn't buy during the bubble.
Other faintly cheery facts have emerged too. Sales of existing homes were 3% brisker in July than June, and in several metropolitan areas - among them Boston and Denver - the market seems to be turning around.
What about my mortgage?
When examined closely, however, those glimmers of better times ahead seem to fade. Sure, lower prices can help you sell, but you also have to know whether there are enough people who can afford to pay the price you want.
That, in turn, depends on a mix of factors including the financing that buyers can get, whether there are enough of them who want to live where you do, their other housing options and how they feel about investing so much in an asset whose future appreciation is iffy.
"Price is just one of many variables that go into a decision to buy a house," says real estate analyst Michael Larson of Weiss Research, a Jupiter, Fla. investment newsletter publisher. "Many other factors are overriding price right now. That's why the market remains challenged."
The long fall
Price, though, is still the primary measure of affordability for any buyer. And while the median price for an existing house has tumbled 8% from $230,100 to $212,400 since its peak in 2006, according to the National Association of Realtors, many potential buyers still see asking prices as expensive.
And they're not wrong. That $212,400 house, after all, costs 39% more than it did back in pre-boom 2001 when it sold for about $153,100. Prices in red-hot markets such as Miami became even more inflated during the boom and are still up about twice as high as they were in 2001.
So while homes are selling at a discount, they're not on clearance - not yet anyway. Peak to trough, the median-priced home nationwide is projected to fall as much as 20%, bottoming out around $185,000 by late 2009, according to a July report from Wachovia.
"Houses may be more affordable, but they will probably be even more affordable next year," says Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist at Global Insight, an economic forecasting firm. "So why buy now?"
Crunched credit
The price may be right, but if buyers can't borrow enough, the house isn't affordable. Difficulty borrowing is keeping many Americans from buying. "The industry went from little or no credit standards to credit standards on steroids," says Marc Savitt, president of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers.
According to the Federal Reserve Board, about 85% of lenders, worried about falling prices and rising foreclosures, have stiffened requirements for borrowers in the past three months. Those with a credit score of 600 or lower cannot get loans at all, says Keith Gumbinger of HSH Associates, a mortgage information publisher.
The upshot: 21 million, or 13% of those who have credit records, many of whom would have qualified for mortgages during the bubble, can no longer do so.
Those whose credit scores are high enough to qualify for a mortgage will likely pay more. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which set the lending criteria for most loans, in November will require a 740 score, up from 680 for buyers to escape a surcharge that ultimately increases their interest rate.
As a result, the 33 million Americans whose scores fall between 680 and 740 (roughly 20% of adults with credit histories) may have to pay half a percentage point more to borrow. On a $300,000, 30-year loan, that would add about $100 to a buyer's monthly payment.
Adios, easy money
Back in the go-go years, lenders fell all over themselves to make no-down-payment loans. Those are gone, and lenders want some skin in the game, at least 5%. But to avoid paying extra, most buyers need the full 20% demanded in days of yore. To buy a $400,000 house, a family would now have to amass $80,000 in cash, up from $20,000 or less a few years ago.
Buyers also face higher interest rates, which allow them to borrow less. In mid-2004 a borrower with good credit could have qualified for a rate of 5.87% on a 30-year fixed $300,000 loan. That translates to a monthly payment of $1,774. Now, with the rate for the same loan at 6.57%, the same monthly payment could support a loan of just $278,500.
Back in the day, option ARMs and other exotic mortgages with low teaser rates helped struggling purchasers stretch to buy houses that they could not otherwise afford. Those deals have largely disappeared.
And while banks once allowed a homeowner's monthly principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI) to make up as much as 45% of a family's before-tax income, now buyers are restricted to using only 32% for a house payment. If PITI rises beyond that limit, banks consider the loan unaffordable and the family cannot receive a mortgage.
That limit boosts the amount of income a homeowner needs to purchase. Say your house has dropped from $425,000 to about $395,000. A couple of years ago a family needed an income of only $80,000 to buy. Now, even though the house costs less, a prospective buyer must have an income of $92,000.
Less expensive options
Rental prices are looking good in many areas. Christopher Mayer, a Columbia University real estate professor, recently found that in 11 of 16 top cities, renting is a better deal compared to buying than it has been historically.
The extra expense of owning was offset by rising house values - at least a few years ago. Now that new buyers can no longer count on steep appreciation, they have less incentive to buy.
And it's not as if rents are standing still while your house's price falls. "Competition from vacant houses or condos that people can't sell is driving down rental rates," says Hessam Nadji, managing director of research at Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services in Encino, Calif.
The big pinch
A house is only affordable if a homeowner can meet its monthly payment and have enough left over to live on. Incomes rose by about 5% in the first half of the year, but few people feel as though they're better off.
Americans spent an extra $165 billion, or 26% more, on gasoline and oil in the first six months than over the same period last year, and food bills rose by 7%. Without a doubt, most Americans feel pinched.
If you live in an area dominated by financial companies or car makers, two sectors shedding jobs in the current downturn, you may encounter even less appetite to buy.
If the economic turmoil continues, vacation destinations like Las Vegas or Orlando could suffer a drop-off in business that would leave prospective buyers with less in their pockets.
"Not only is the amount of money people have to spend on housing in decline but because a house is a risky asset, the amount they want to spend on it is falling too," says Michael Englund, chief economist at Action Economics, a forecasting firm.
Buyers being wary
That fear may be the biggest obstacle keeping buyers from knocking on your door. During the boom, people were willing to spend as much as they did on housing because they thought that they were putting away money for retirement or college. And they could draw on their equity for renovations or other goodies.
If homes rose in value faster than stocks, as they did for a few years, homeowners could console themselves that forgoing 401(k) contributions for high mortgage payments was a sensible strategy.
Few these days think of real estate as a safe place to invest, however. According to Gallup, only 27% of the population believe a home is their best long-term investment, down from 50% in 2002.
"Nearly a quarter of potential buyers are on the sidelines waiting for some form of encouragement," says Walter Molony, spokesman for the National Association of Realtors. Maybe they're looking for some sign that houses have truly become more affordable. The price declines haven't done that yet.
(Money Magazine) -- Maybe you've started thinking that now you can finally find a buyer for your house. After all, this summer the National Association of Homebuilders asserted that houses were more affordable than at any time during the previous four years. Prices have slid so far that many homes are now within the reach of people who couldn't buy during the bubble.
Other faintly cheery facts have emerged too. Sales of existing homes were 3% brisker in July than June, and in several metropolitan areas - among them Boston and Denver - the market seems to be turning around.
What about my mortgage?
When examined closely, however, those glimmers of better times ahead seem to fade. Sure, lower prices can help you sell, but you also have to know whether there are enough people who can afford to pay the price you want.
That, in turn, depends on a mix of factors including the financing that buyers can get, whether there are enough of them who want to live where you do, their other housing options and how they feel about investing so much in an asset whose future appreciation is iffy.
"Price is just one of many variables that go into a decision to buy a house," says real estate analyst Michael Larson of Weiss Research, a Jupiter, Fla. investment newsletter publisher. "Many other factors are overriding price right now. That's why the market remains challenged."
The long fall
Price, though, is still the primary measure of affordability for any buyer. And while the median price for an existing house has tumbled 8% from $230,100 to $212,400 since its peak in 2006, according to the National Association of Realtors, many potential buyers still see asking prices as expensive.
And they're not wrong. That $212,400 house, after all, costs 39% more than it did back in pre-boom 2001 when it sold for about $153,100. Prices in red-hot markets such as Miami became even more inflated during the boom and are still up about twice as high as they were in 2001.
So while homes are selling at a discount, they're not on clearance - not yet anyway. Peak to trough, the median-priced home nationwide is projected to fall as much as 20%, bottoming out around $185,000 by late 2009, according to a July report from Wachovia.
"Houses may be more affordable, but they will probably be even more affordable next year," says Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist at Global Insight, an economic forecasting firm. "So why buy now?"
Crunched credit
The price may be right, but if buyers can't borrow enough, the house isn't affordable. Difficulty borrowing is keeping many Americans from buying. "The industry went from little or no credit standards to credit standards on steroids," says Marc Savitt, president of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers.
According to the Federal Reserve Board, about 85% of lenders, worried about falling prices and rising foreclosures, have stiffened requirements for borrowers in the past three months. Those with a credit score of 600 or lower cannot get loans at all, says Keith Gumbinger of HSH Associates, a mortgage information publisher.
The upshot: 21 million, or 13% of those who have credit records, many of whom would have qualified for mortgages during the bubble, can no longer do so.
Those whose credit scores are high enough to qualify for a mortgage will likely pay more. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which set the lending criteria for most loans, in November will require a 740 score, up from 680 for buyers to escape a surcharge that ultimately increases their interest rate.
As a result, the 33 million Americans whose scores fall between 680 and 740 (roughly 20% of adults with credit histories) may have to pay half a percentage point more to borrow. On a $300,000, 30-year loan, that would add about $100 to a buyer's monthly payment.
Adios, easy money
Back in the go-go years, lenders fell all over themselves to make no-down-payment loans. Those are gone, and lenders want some skin in the game, at least 5%. But to avoid paying extra, most buyers need the full 20% demanded in days of yore. To buy a $400,000 house, a family would now have to amass $80,000 in cash, up from $20,000 or less a few years ago.
Buyers also face higher interest rates, which allow them to borrow less. In mid-2004 a borrower with good credit could have qualified for a rate of 5.87% on a 30-year fixed $300,000 loan. That translates to a monthly payment of $1,774. Now, with the rate for the same loan at 6.57%, the same monthly payment could support a loan of just $278,500.
Back in the day, option ARMs and other exotic mortgages with low teaser rates helped struggling purchasers stretch to buy houses that they could not otherwise afford. Those deals have largely disappeared.
And while banks once allowed a homeowner's monthly principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI) to make up as much as 45% of a family's before-tax income, now buyers are restricted to using only 32% for a house payment. If PITI rises beyond that limit, banks consider the loan unaffordable and the family cannot receive a mortgage.
That limit boosts the amount of income a homeowner needs to purchase. Say your house has dropped from $425,000 to about $395,000. A couple of years ago a family needed an income of only $80,000 to buy. Now, even though the house costs less, a prospective buyer must have an income of $92,000.
Less expensive options
Rental prices are looking good in many areas. Christopher Mayer, a Columbia University real estate professor, recently found that in 11 of 16 top cities, renting is a better deal compared to buying than it has been historically.
The extra expense of owning was offset by rising house values - at least a few years ago. Now that new buyers can no longer count on steep appreciation, they have less incentive to buy.
And it's not as if rents are standing still while your house's price falls. "Competition from vacant houses or condos that people can't sell is driving down rental rates," says Hessam Nadji, managing director of research at Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services in Encino, Calif.
The big pinch
A house is only affordable if a homeowner can meet its monthly payment and have enough left over to live on. Incomes rose by about 5% in the first half of the year, but few people feel as though they're better off.
Americans spent an extra $165 billion, or 26% more, on gasoline and oil in the first six months than over the same period last year, and food bills rose by 7%. Without a doubt, most Americans feel pinched.
If you live in an area dominated by financial companies or car makers, two sectors shedding jobs in the current downturn, you may encounter even less appetite to buy.
If the economic turmoil continues, vacation destinations like Las Vegas or Orlando could suffer a drop-off in business that would leave prospective buyers with less in their pockets.
"Not only is the amount of money people have to spend on housing in decline but because a house is a risky asset, the amount they want to spend on it is falling too," says Michael Englund, chief economist at Action Economics, a forecasting firm.
Buyers being wary
That fear may be the biggest obstacle keeping buyers from knocking on your door. During the boom, people were willing to spend as much as they did on housing because they thought that they were putting away money for retirement or college. And they could draw on their equity for renovations or other goodies.
If homes rose in value faster than stocks, as they did for a few years, homeowners could console themselves that forgoing 401(k) contributions for high mortgage payments was a sensible strategy.
Few these days think of real estate as a safe place to invest, however. According to Gallup, only 27% of the population believe a home is their best long-term investment, down from 50% in 2002.
"Nearly a quarter of potential buyers are on the sidelines waiting for some form of encouragement," says Walter Molony, spokesman for the National Association of Realtors. Maybe they're looking for some sign that houses have truly become more affordable. The price declines haven't done that yet.
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