
Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Flaws Of Using Mass Sentiment To Be Contrarian

The basis of contrarian investment is entirely sound. When everyone is buying like mad, prices are too high, so it is in fact best to sell then, and vice versa. There is a huge amount of literature on the dangers of going with the herd, and why the right time to buy is when there is "blood in the streets" and so on. However, like most allegedly sure-fire methods in the investment industry, this one has its flaws too. (For more, see Averaging Down: Good Idea Or Big Mistake?)

The Essence of Contrarian Investing
The underlying idea is that the majority of market participants are generally wrong. The "masses" get carried away in booms and then panic at the first sign of trouble. As a result, they buy and sell at the worst possible times. The appealing logic is therefore that by simply doing the opposite of the masses, one can buy and sell at the right time.

The Methodology
According to German expert Uwe Lang (2009), enthusiastic contrarians regularly note what most market letters recommend. The stronger and more frequent the recommendations to buy, the more likely the contrarians are to sell, and vice versa. The underlying logic is that market letters reflect prevailing and dominant market sentiment, which is already factored into current prices. So the best thing to do is the opposite of what the letters recommend.

The Flaws and the Problems
Uwe Lang points out that in the 1980s, this approach was popular and people really believed in it. In the meantime, however, it is known that consistent success on this basis is unlikely.

A fundamental problem is that if all market letters use this approach, they would actually have to do the opposite of what they themselves had recommended. This would lead to a vicious circle of chaos and confusion. Furthermore, such a situation is in fact a classic fallacy of composition, meaning in this case, that if one market letter is contrarian, that will work, but if most or all are, the process collapses. And in very real terms, how does one know when the fallacy starts to work, and how does one ever know how many brokers are playing this contrarian game?

When and Why Contrarian Logic Failed
For at least 10 years, says Lang, "mass sentiment" has no longer delivered any reliable signals. For example, on August 14, 1998, when the biggest losses from the Asian/Russian crisis were about to occur, very few German market letters were optimistic. The dominant pessimism would have suggested it was a great time to buy. But in fact, there was a downswing in the offering.

The same thing prevailed in March 2000 when the market letters and mass sentiment were again very negative. The associated contrarian hopes of a market recovery were dashed, however, when the real bears out there squeezed the bulls very decisively out of the financial arena.

To make things even more complicated, Lang doubts that the market letters and market sentiment were really so pessimistic in March 2000. And this is a crucial point - how does one determine whether a market letter is actually pessimistic or optimistic? Most such letters are wary of making blanket statements and tend to balance pros at least partly with cons, or the other way round.

In mid-2007, the market letters proclaimed that stock markets could not fall further, precisely because too many investors were nervous and banking on the bears. In reality, however, a stock market boom always ends in a phase of euphoria, and that was lacking in 2007. So, again, the market sentiment was misleading.

At the end of 2007, the process repeated, with considerable pessimism prevailing in August. According to the contrarian view, therefore, prices should have risen, but the highs of July were not achieved again by the end of the year. In 2008, the financial crisis struck and chaos ensued, so that there were was also no particularly useful message for the contrarians.

The Implications
The existence of excessively euphoric markets, which are best avoided, and deep despair, which is a great time to buy, is not in question. But these tend to be exceptional situations in which contrarian approaches really do work well. On the other hand, the more routine cyclical ups and downs are not reliably reflected in market sentiment as expressed in market letters.

Market sentiment generally still provides useful input to investment decisions, but it is not a panacea that leads to the proverbial pot of gold. The fundamental lesson to be learned, says Uwe Lang, is that no "psycho instrument" is a really reliable stock market indicator.

Market psychology remains an important element in managing investments. But trying to measure the psychology on an ongoing basis, and using it in isolation to make fundamental trend predictions, is a fool's paradise. The famous "state of the market" does indeed exist and one can determine it with reasonable accuracy, but not with mass psychology alone. (Knowing what the market is thinking is the best way to determine what it will do next. For more, see Gauging Major Turns With Psychology.)

Despite the flaws, a degree of contrarianism is important. Situations where markets are at all-time highs are very risky and so too are the converse. Buying into euphoric markets is truly ill-advised, and so too is selling out in situations of panic when prices are plummeting.

However, particularly at in-between times, mass psychology is not a terribly good indicator of where stock markets are heading. Excessive reliance on the approach is therefore dangerous. One is going too far in regularly quantifying mass sentiment as an exclusive basis for investment strategies.





三、 從市場賺來的錢,只是借來的,下一次或許就付得高昂利息償還回去;但無論成功或失敗,都必須從中學到經驗,如果失敗永遠記取教訓。


五、 一家公司的上漲與下跌,不是由該企業的體質決定,而是取決於該公司股票在市場的供需狀況,換句話說每日成交數量張數大不大。


七、 要成為一個固執投資人,必須有「想法和金錢」,以及最重要「耐心和運氣」。

八、 當某家公司的股票,被越來越多的猶豫投資人持有,這家公司再好,最終股票也會下跌。


十、 雞蛋理論:最低點買入股票>初升段A1修正階段成交量小股票持有人少>主升段A2相隨階段成交量和股票持有人增加>末升段A3過熱階段成交量異常-賣出股票>初跌段B1修正階段成交量小持有人逐漸少>主跌段B2相隨階段成交量增加持有人減少>末跌段B3過熱階段持有人最低點。

十一、 股票買賣決定點:魚頭魚尾留給別人吃,留給別人賺。

十二、 買賣法則:低價股分批買,高價股分批賣。

十三、 自己做功課隸屬長線:會買最低點切入買。不是自己做功課隸屬短線:會賣最高點切入賣。

安德烈 科斯托蘭尼(Andre Kostolany)

(一) 股市
















貨幣供應 + 心理 = 趨勢




















勇於與眾不同,大家必須訓練有素、冷靜,有時甚至必須玩世不恭。因此在證券市場內,只有少數人能夠投機成功,所以投資人必須勇敢、全力以赴,明智,甚至表現得自負一些。對自己說: 「我知道,其他人都是傻瓜」





(二) 經濟/匯率
















Friday, December 2, 2011

Conquering the Herd Mentality

In reading Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil", a childhood memory recently surfaced in which, as an eight-year old boy, I was allowed to attend a Baptist Revival with some neighbors who were friends of my parents.
I distinctly remember the intense fear that welled up in my heart as I watched beads of sweat form on the brow of the preacher who delivered his frightening ultimatum to the congregation with all the Puritan flair of a Jonathan Edwards hellfire sermon. Upon deliverance of his message, the exhausted preacher beseeched the unsaved souls of the congregation to walk the aisle and let Jesus deliver them from an eternity of suffering. Being almost frightened to tears at the prospect of eternal flames licking at my flesh, I immediately sprang from my pew and kneeled at the altar to beg Jesus to deliver me from this unthinkable damnation.

After the services were complete and the last refrain of "I Come" was played on the organ, I was a superstar as the youngest member of the congregation to have walked the aisle. I was bombarded by hugs and kisses of acceptance, and my shirt was stained from the tears of pious old women. I was no longer just a little dogie. Fear had mothered this little calf into the mentality and morality of "the herd". I was too young, at the time, to realize that the stage had been set.

My mother could not have been happier with the news that the neighbors brought them about my brave trek to salvation, but my father accepted the news with indifference as he aimlessly chewed his cud in the corner of the living room. My mother and the neighbors, however, were flitting about in anxious anticipation of my growing three additional stomachs. I did not discover Nietzsche until much later in life, but thanks to ideas that reflect some of his philosophical tenets, I was able to spit out my cud and open my mind to new possibilities.

There is no doubt that the members of my boyhood revival accepted God as absolute truth and perfection. The idea of an ultimate truth echoes throughout the history of philosophy, from Plato's forms to the Christian ideal of God and Heaven. No matter what the tradition, the idea of ultimate truth had not been questioned...until Nietzsche.

Nietzsche asks for the first time, "From where did our desire for truth come?" Up to now, every philosophical tradition was born on the notion of a desire to believe in a realm where there is not chaos, but order; not constant change, but immutability. Nietzsche declares that these are imaginary realms and that these ideas are not perceptions of something that really exists, but desperate attempts to invent a place where we know for certain that all our beliefs are true.

Why have we done this?
He poses the theory that maybe the appearance or the idea of absolute knowledge or truth is, itself, the illusion-not our imperfect perception of temporal knowledge. What if the unstable is actually the foundation of the stable? Nietzsche wants us to go back to the starting gate and reappraise our assumptions and, at the very least, ask:

"Where did they come from?"
Nietzsche offers his own theory about where our biased thinking originated. He theorizes that there are two types of morality: Master morality and Slave morality.

He further asserts that our desire for ultimate truth was inspired by the Slave morality. People of the Master morality are not truth-seekers. They derive meaning from life through worldly things. The Master morality is composed of conquering, aggressive people who create their own values. Alexander the Great would be an example of the Master morality. He conquered the entire world, that was known at the time, and be-damned to anyone who got in his way.

The Slave morality, on the other hand, derives meaning from life by denying worldly things. Nietzsche believes that the Slave morality arose because slaves could not enjoy the spoils of the Master morality, so they invented God and a realm of ultimate truth in order to give their lives meaning. People of the Slave morality believe that by believing that the world we live in is an illusion, the "true" realm will be their ultimate reward. Nietzsche believed that the problem in later thinking was that society had inherited the Slave morality. Where, then, does Nietzsche want to lead us?

A point to be considered is that if Nietzsche's ideal of the Master morality is accepted, we also have to accept exploitation as a necessary means of attaining it. Slave morality teaches us that exploitation is evil, but Nietzsche wants us to understand that exploitation is imperative for life, so we must come to believe that it is not evil. But once again: Where does Nietzsche want to lead us?

We have already established that he believes our desire for truth is based on an unstable foundation. With that being the case, where can pursuit of truth ultimately lead but to nihilism? But in nihilism, life has no meaning, so Nietzsche wants to lead us beyond nihilism...beyond good and evil. He wants us to see life for what it is; an endless bombardment of fictions and games. The sooner we accept this, the sooner that we can move beyond good and evil and find meaning in our lives. This would be a means of asserting the Master morality toward a new notion of self-mastery, without necessarily having to slay kingdoms as Alexander the Great did. The real question for us, then, is about the standard against which "greatness" is to be measured. That's a tough one.

Be that as it may, Nietzsche is saying that in order to fix the herd mentality, we must, once again, strive for greatness (whatever that may be) and in doing so, we must make some sacrifices. While warmongering conquests may not be the answer for individuals, I believe that necessary sacrifices can begin to be identified by thinking in terms of long-term goals instead of the current societal mindset of instant gratification. Whether these sacrifices would fall within the bounds of current moral standards is unclear, but also unimportant if the Master morality is the goal.

While I do not claim to have all the answers about how to apply Nietzsche's philosophy in our daily lives (or whether we even should) I do believe that being introduced to his new brand of philosophy helped to free me from the chains of the repressive, narrow-minded, dogmatic silliness of religious bondage. He may not have been right about everything but, as I understand him, his philosophy teaches us to aspire to greatness and to celebrate life in the world we live in, not the imaginary world of "perfection". In this new world, little boys would no longer be frightened into the herd by hellfire sermons.

Rick Huffman is a National long-haul driver who spent 20 years in the broadcasting industry before becoming a trucker. He describes the career change as, "...the best decision I ever made on one day, and the worst one I ever made on the next."

Herd Mentality

What is herd mentality?
It means to get influenced according to other people, do what majority of people, group or public are doing. Almost 99% of the population of universe preaches herd mentality and go with others to ride in the same boat. They feel what others feel and all their decisions are based on the people around them.

People mostly follow the herd mentality due to variety of factors:

Feel safe and secure - This is the most important factor which compels people to adopt the herd mentality. People tend to think themselves as a part of this world, society and thus associate themselves with the crowd. They feel that if they dare to defy others they may miss the bus to moon, so they don't bother much to think of their own and go with others. It's a common assumption as others are riding the bus, so let's go for the kill, either I will sink or rise with my group.

Lack of Confidence - People, who are not confident about their decisions, tend to go with herd mentality most of the time. Low of confidence they don't want to take a chance and always bother what if this decision of mine fails? But they never care to think what if our collective decision fails?

Laziness - Most of the people are lazy bums in this universe, when it comes to take their decisions and calculations. They love to go with others and they blindly follow actions of others and again feel too safe with others decision.
Let us analyze some common situations where people herd mentality is common,

1. Markets - What can be biggest example then our stock markets, when there was boom in the markets all over, people ignored many flaws and mistakes of this existent system. All thought that BSE sensex will touch 30000 soon and have lots of time to spare and enjoy before they die. But, all these times, we were just building castles in the air.

I can clearly thousand arguments supporting that since land and oil are most precious natural resources and both are limited. The population increasing everyday, so the demand of these natural resources will increase ever, so people bought them at whatever fancy prices the dealer offered and never cared for the interest rates. All they thought was that if we miss this bus, then we the ticket to moon. Most of them are hard paying prices for their foolishness and herd mentality.

Forget about the average individuals, many corporates were also not saved from this mass hysteria. Companies went on for the merger and acquisition spree, made some blunders and bought thrash companies at fancy prices. If you can go back to the history and search the Dotcom bubble, you will get numerous examples of this herd mentality and the onslaught of many companies for their herd mentality. All these buying spree will definitely put a huge debt and creating holes in the balance sheets. When the fire is out of control, now they are after people and banks for money. Cash is the king in these tough times and all who conserved cash in all those euphoric times without being a participant in the herd mentality can now look for loads of goodies at the same price.

I can clearly remember that during the boom time, tips and recommendations in the stock markets were flying cheap, even the auto rickshawalas and paan walas started to make the prediction of stock market. All the IPO's were oversubscribed many times, even those of small cap companies with no strong proved track records. People thought of these IPO's as the sure shot lotteries tickets. Now many of these companies are floating way below their issue price.

2. Career choices - There is a common consensus that choosing engineering or being a doctor is the safe heaven career. The sad part is that, parents are mostly responsible for this type of behavior. They tend to get assured after looking numerous successful examples of their friends, relatives or colleagues children. When this stock market boom started, people pushed themselves for MBA tag before their qualification and seizing every opportunity from this hysteria, the education institutions started exploiting the innocent minds and they charged some fancy prices for thrash quality of education they provide. Hundreds of colleges were opened up in a few years, but now these colleges find no students to enroll and also no companies to offer campus and all are complaining for the lack or loss of jobs.

Civil service preparation is a common all over the country, the main reason cited behind this is the service to country, but I raise one point, are there not other ways to serve our country? For me, its the herd mentality that dictates this behavior, others become convinced about its salary and the power it commands. It's also more common to measure and pursue after a job with the salary it pays at the cost of satisfaction of job what one serves. The sad part is that most of the parents are part of this evil and instead of guiding their children, where they can excel their best; they force their children to a career as per the established norms and rules of our society. This is where it hurts the most.

3. Daily life situations - consider these simple situations:
A child demands before his parents to enroll him/her for a private tuition; because he/she feels that his/her friends are getting something which he/she is being devoid of. The parents also see no harm in this since all the people are opting for coaching classes, they should send their progeny for the same else their career is at stake. God knows what they teach at these institutes, which the educated parents can't impart.

Nano is launched now; people are blindly considering pampering themselves with one, oblivious of the traffic chaos it will create in the roads. My mind is fully convinces that 3-5 years down the line, more and more people, will prefer bikes as compared to cars after this mess.

Work from home culture is slowly seeping in the Indian corporate culture, yet people find it difficult to resist their temptation to reach office at the morning hours when the traffic is horrific on roads. If one defies this trend and comes to office at odd times, he/she can save a lot of time in traffic.
Gadgets and gizmos are another area, where people tend to follow the herd mentality. The companies at times exploit this herd mentality and mass hysteria to their advantage. What more can be the best example than the apple ipod. It almost changed the balance into apples hands from being nowhere in the list.

It takes real guts or hard balls to against the herd mentality and to defy an established trend. You will be proved wrong every other day, by all these people there of this herd group. All will think you as out of mind and may be some maniac, but you need to just have a belief in yourself that some day you discover the light.

The day you discover the light in this dark phase, you will be the messiah for the whole of this herd and guide them into light. He/she is rewarded the most, who defies this trend and mentality, but the timing should be perfect else doom is imminent.

There is one common conclusion in all these things, we create this mess by following the herd mentality and when this mess is over, we keep complaining but at the end of the day, we are assured that thinking that others are in the same boat.

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful" - Warren Buffet.


假如你在绝望时抛售股票,你一定卖得很低。——投资大师 彼得·林奇

Herd Mentality

Conformity is a powerful instinct. There’s safety in numbers. You have to be different to be better, but different is scary.

So of course there’s some degree of herd mentality in every industry. But I think it’s more pronounced, to a pathological degree, in the PC hardware industry. It was at the root of long-standing punditry holding that Apple should license the Mac OS to other PC makers, or that Apple should dump Mac OS and make Windows PCs. On the surface, those two old canards seem contradictory — one arguing that Apple should be a hardware company, the other arguing that it should be a software company. But at their root they’re the same argument: that Apple should stop being different, and either act just like other PC makers (and sell computers running Windows) or else act just like Microsoft (and sell licenses to its OS).

No one argues those two points any more. But it’s the same herd mentality that led to the rash of Apple needs to get in the “netbook” game punditry that I claim-checked earlier this week. I could have linked to a dozen others. The argument, though, is the same: everyone else is making netbooks, so Apple should, too. Why? Because everyone else is.

I think there’s a simple reason why the herd mentality is worse in the PC industry: Microsoft. In fact, I think it used to be worse. A decade ago the entire computing industry — all facets of it — was dominated by a herd mentality that boiled down to Get behind Microsoft and follow their lead, or else you’ll get stomped. That’s no longer true in application software. The web, and Google in particular, have put an end to that.

But the one area where Microsoft still reigns supreme is in PC operating systems. PC hardware makers are crippled. They can’t stand apart from the herd even if they want to. Their OS choices are: (a) the same version of Windows that every other PC maker includes; or (b) the same open source Linux distributions that every other PC maker could include but which no customers want to buy.1

Apple’s ability to produce innovative hardware is inextricably intertwined with its ability to produce innovative software. The iPhone is an even better example than the Mac.

It’s not just that Apple is different among computer makers. It’s that Apple is the only one that even can be different, because it’s the only one that has its own OS. Part of the industry-wide herd mentality is an assumption that no one else can make a computer OS — that anyone can make a computer but only Microsoft can make an OS. It should be embarrassing to companies like Dell and Sony, with deep pockets and strong brand names, that they’re stuck selling computers with the same copy of Windows installed as the no-name brands.

And then there’s HP, a company with one of the best names and proudest histories in the industry. Apple made news this week for the design and tech specs of its all-new iMacs, which start at $1199. HP made news this week for unveiling a Windows 7 launch bundle at Best Buy that includes a desktop PC and two laptops, all for $1199. That might be great for Microsoft, but how is it good for HP that their brand now stands for bargain basement prices?

Operating systems aren’t mere components like RAM or CPUs; they’re the single most important part of the computing experience. Other than Apple, there’s not a single PC maker that controls the most important aspect of its computers. Imagine how much better the industry would be if there were more than one computer maker trying to move the state of the art forward.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Global economic woes hit Singapore, Japan exports

SINGAPORE (AP) -- The effects of the European debt crisis and sluggish U.S. growth are radiating into Asia's export-driven economies, putting brakes on the rebound from the 2009 global recession.

Singapore, seen as a bellwether of Western demand because of its very high reliance on trade, said Monday its economy would likely suffer a sharp slowdown next year as export orders from developed countries wane.

Adding to the pessimism, Japan suffered its first drop in exports in three months and a top Chinese official predicted the current malaise in the world economy would be long lasting. The slew of dour news helped send Asian stock markets lower.

"Although resilient domestic demand in emerging Asia will provide some support to global demand, it will not fully mitigate the effects of an economic slowdown in the advanced economies," Singapore's Trade and Industry Ministry said in a statement.

Europe's economy is barely growing amid its ever widening debt crisis and sharp government spending cuts might tip the region back into recession. At the same time, the U.S. is dogged by high unemployment, making it difficult for the world's No. 1 economy to stage a healthy comeback from the recession sparked by the 2008 financial crisis.

Asia, led by China's enormous stimulus spending, bounced back quickly from the last worldwide downturn and gained increased global clout as a result. But the region remains reliant on Western demand for its cars, electronics, clothing and other goods.

The Asian Development Bank estimated that the 2008 financial crisis that sparked the global recession added 60 million people in developing Asia to the ranks of those already trapped in extreme poverty. That was in addition some 900 million Asians already living on $1.25 or less a day.

In bluntly negative terms, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan, who oversees trade and finance, described the global economic situation as "extremely serious," state media reported on the weekend.

"In a time of uncertainty the only thing we can be certain of is that the world economic recession caused by the international crisis will last a long time," Wang was quoted as saying ahead of annual talks between U.S. and Chinese trade officials.

In Japan, exports fell for the first time in three months in October, eroded partly by a strong yen. Exports declined 3.7 percent from a year earlier to 5.51 trillion yen ($71.7 billion), the finance ministry said. Shipments to key markets such as China, North America and the European Union weakened.

The world's No. 3 economy relies heavily on overseas demand to drive growth. The slowdown suggests that its recovery from the March 11 tsunami and earthquake is fading in the face of global headwinds.

Rising energy prices pushed imports up almost 18 percent to 5.79 trillion yen ($75.3 billion). That resulted in an unexpected trade deficit of 273.8 billion yen ($3.56 billion).

Economists predict Japan's gross domestic product will contract in the last three months of the year after a recovery in exports helped it surge 6 percent in the July-September quarter.

Momentum is also being sapped by a strong yen, which shrinks the value of overseas earnings when repatriated and makes Japanese products less price competitive. The currency levels have forced manufacturers including Nissan Motor Co. and Panasonic Corp. to shift some production overseas, a trend that could further undermine Japan's exports.

The Singapore government forecast that economic growth will probably drop to between 1 percent and 3 percent in 2012 from 5 percent this year. The island of 5.1 million people off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, relies on exports, finance and tourism to maintain one of the world's highest levels of GDP per head.

Citigroup said it expects Singapore's economy to shrink as much as 7 percent in the fourth quarter of this year from the previous quarter. That would be followed by a bigger contraction in the first quarter of next year, it said.

Economic growth in the U.S. and Europe will likely be hamstrung by government austerity, lower lending to households and weak labor and housing markets, Singapore's trade ministry said. It said its GDP forecast does not factor in "a worsening debt situation or a full-blown financial crisis in the advanced economies."

Singapore lowered its forecast for this year's export growth to between 2 percent and 3 percent from 6 to 7 percent after sales abroad contracted 1.1 percent in the third quarter.

The economy grew 6.1 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier.














法国哲学家布莱仕.帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)说了一句用在何处都最有说服力的话:“人类所有的悲剧,都源于他们不能独处静坐。”







真的是这样吗?如果你相信这样的结论,那只能怪你并不真的了解巴菲特,或者说了解的只是那个媒体塑造的买入股票后一生持有的 “僵化”巴菲特。


是的,巴菲特不喜欢过于复杂的衍生品。在《2008年给股东的信》中,巴菲特曾提及过这样一段往事:当伯克希尔在1998年收购GeneralRe时,我们知道我们搞不定它同884个交易商达成的23218份衍生产品合约(其中很多交易商和衍生产品我们听都没听过)。因此我们决定不做这生意。尽管当我们选择退出时,我们不用承受任何压力,市场也很温和,大致完成这项任务仍用了我们五年时间,让我们蒙受了超过4亿美元的损失。离别之际,我们对这门生意的感觉正如一句乡村民谣歌词所唱:“在我了解你之前,我还更喜欢你些。 ”





















Wednesday, November 30, 2011


安德烈 科斯托兰尼(Andre Kostolany),德国知名投资大师,娴熟金融商品和证券市场的一切,被誉为「二十世纪股市见证人」、「本世纪金融史上最成功的投资者之一」。他在德国投资界的地位,有如美国的沃伦巴菲特。其著作有《证券心理学》、《一个投机者的告白》
















股市一切取决于一件事, 就看是傻瓜比股票多, 还是股票比傻瓜多!







































Tuesday, November 29, 2011




被譽為「20世紀股市見證人」、「本世紀金融史最成功的投資者之一」,有德國的華倫巴菲特(Warren Buffet)之稱的德國知名投資大師安德列‧科斯托蘭尼(Andre Kostolany)曾說:「一種股票最多可能上漲1,000%甚至10,000%,但最多只能下跌100%。」


人稱「金融巨鱷」、曾榮登《金融世界雜誌》華爾街收入排行榜首的索羅斯(George Soros)說:「冒險是生存的必須。」人生是該放手一搏,但面對未知的風險,特別是當自己不再是20來歲的年輕小伙子,人生沒有太多重來機會的人,該怎麼將風險降至最低?

想飛之前 先架好安全網







What are the technical indicators/studies most commonly used by institutional investors and hedge fund managers to forecast the stock market (S&P 500)

I have noticed an emergence in cloud charting techniques (also referred to as Ichimoku Clouds) to determine buy/sell signals. It is useful in looking at indices especially since it will give you a good indication of weather you should be short or long the market. However it is important to note that this is a lagging indicator, so you won't be pumping out massive returns "predicting" the next move in the market. But in a choppy, non-trending market this type of indicator is very useful.

Aside from that, as John mentioned, there are many types of indicators you can use. My advice it to find the one's you feel comfortable with and use them to your advantage. If you try to use "all" (or more than one is capable of managing) of the indicators at once, you are going to become overwhelmed, and you will probably get many contradictory signals.

George Soros Trading Strategy

George Soros is a Hungarian financier who was born in 1930 in the capital city of Budapest and later fled to avoid the Nazi's, after studying at the London School of Economics and then moved to America and has become one of most famous traders of all times..

Soros maqnages a highly successful fund management company and also runs the Quantum Investment Group. He became a household name when in 1992, when the Bank of England was forced to withdraw sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and devalue the currency; at the time he was nicknamed ・the man who broke the Bank of England. George Soros in this time period, traded an around $10 billion worth of the currency and made profits of around $1.1 billion. When the Asian crash occured, the Malaysian Parliament accused George Soros, of bringing down the country's currency. Of course he isn't always right and has had some huge losses as well and it's estimated he lost $2 billion, when trading Russian markets.

Philosophy of Trading

Some of his most interesting writings are on the belief, that traders sometimes do so on their own biases and therefore, change the market itself. He says that in this way trading can rather than promoting stability in the market, actually destabilize it and the view that a market will stabilize itself on its own, is often not always the case.

George Soros is a short-term trader and has a very aggressive style of trading. He makes massive, highly leveraged trades and his trading style is based on Global Macro strategy, a philosophy based on making massive, one-way bets on the movement of a financial investment. The bet is a simple one, based around whether the value of the investment traded will either rise or fall.

His strategy is based on reflexivity which rejects the idea that all information is known, to all market participants and thereby discounted in the price. Soros takes the view that market participants themselves, directly influence market fundamentals (as we looked at earlier) and its their irrational behaviour which lead to booms and busts that present him with investment opportunities.

George Soros Quotes

"Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes"

"Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux and money is make by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected."

"Stock market bubbles don't grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality, but reality as distorted by a misconception."

"The financial markets generally are unpredictable. So that one has to have different scenarios... The idea that you can actually predict what's going to happen contradicts my way of looking at the market."

"The worse a situation becomes the less it takes to turn it around, the bigger the upside".

Books - The Alchemy of Finance

If you want to know more about the trading techniques and strategies George Soros used to make billions, you should read the above book.

・George Soros is unquestionably the most powerful and profitable investor in the world today. Dubbed by BusinessWeek as "The Man Who Moves Markets," Soros once made a billion dollars by betting that the British pound would be devalued. Soros is not merely a man of finance, but a thinker to reckon with as well. In The Alchemy of Finance, this extraordinary man reveals the investment strategies that have made him "a superstar among money managers"(The New York Times)

This book is not an easy read and doesn't give you a specific strategy you can use but it take you into the mind of one of the most successful traders of all time. You get to learn his philosophy of trading and life and for that reason, this book should be read by any serious trader.

One of the World's Best Traders?

Trading like George Soros is pure aggression and while it can yield huge profits he downside of betting big and winning big is of course, betting big and losing big. Over the course of more than three decades, he has made the right moves on numerous occasions, generating Billions of Dollars in profit and a huge number of fans among traders who hold him in awe on the other hand, a huge number of critics amongst those on the losing end of his trades. The fact is George Soros is one of the most famous and one of the most successful traders of all time and in the business of finance, you are judged on profits alone and few have made better gains than him.

Avoid the Herd Mentality

When people first start investing, they often believe they'll make their investment decisions based purely on facts and research, but they end up letting their emotions run the show. This can lead to investments that don't fit into the investor's plans and portfolios. For example, it's very tempting to follow the herd and buy what everyone else is buying. But when a bubble bursts, like the tech bubble did at the end of the 1990s, investors learn the hard way not to invest just because everyone else is doing it.

You can't outperform the market if you buy the market. Bernard Baruch, an economic advisor to Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, was a firm believer in this principal of market investing, saying repeatedly, “Never follow the crowd.” If you buy with the crowd, you will achieve the same results as everyone else, good or bad.
Following the crowd is a major part of behavioral finance, a relatively new analysis approach that many investment professionals now use as part of their overall strategies. Traditional market analysis is founded on the idea that investors behave rationally and make their decisions only after carefully considering all available information. Behavioral finance adds a more human component by combining basic psychology with investing.

It turns out that many individual investors often act irrationally when it comes to making their buy and sell decisions — for example, they might trade based on the popularity of a stock rather than its value or growth potential. This emotional trading usually leads to losses, yet these investors continue to make the same types of investment decisions. In the relatively new field of behavioral finance, these poor decision-making strategies are examined and linked to market irregularities like crashes and bubbles.

Here's how behavioral finance tends to work. People jump to buy a stock because it's hot. That drives up the price, and more investors snap up shares. It makes no difference that the company has an unproven track record or is loaded with debt — all that matters in the heat of the trading moment is the excitement of owning this very popular stock. The number of investors who jump on that bandwagon alters the patterns and directions of the stock market — and not necessarily for the better.

Corporate websites are an invaluable source of information in helping you make your investment decisions. In a study of individual investors, 74 percent said they visit a company's website before investing in a company and 53.6 percent visit often before making a final decision to invest.
The irony is that while many investors have no problem plowing their hard-earned money into portfolios stuffed with complicated creatures like biotech or nanotechnology stocks, these very same investors pause when given the opportunity to invest in a classic alternative investment like a hedge fund or a real estate trust.


























