罗杰斯:我不知道他们都买了什么股票,也不知道他们所买股票的原因,因此老生常谈:永远不要在股市繁荣、人们对此无比兴奋的时刻买入股票;当人们都在拒绝或者抛售股票时,再去买股票。 (证券市场红周刊)
罗杰斯:坚定持有A股 再涨一倍才会卖(《第一财经日报》)
罗杰斯:商品牛市会持续15年 看好石油却买玉米(《21世纪经济报道》)
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 自强不息 勤以静心,俭以养德 天地不仁, 強者生存
Sunday, July 20, 2008
“亚洲股神”的成功,除了每年到海外考察学习,与财经业人士见面,了解他们如何投资,听听他们的意见,再凭自己的眼光作出判断外,就是以美国“股神”巴菲特为榜样,坚持长线持有,并争取每年有10%至20% 的回报。如当年李嘉诚和郑裕彤都认购了中国人寿H股,但在2005年禁售期过去后,他们就分别在5港元以上的价位抛出了其手上持有的一半股份,回报率分别为40%和50%。两位富豪虽获利不菲,但比起李兆基来就是“小巫见大巫”,因为李兆基一直持股至今。而中国人寿上周末的收市价是42.4元,4年回报超过了10倍。
他指出,现在中国基于自身经济状况持续加息,美国则迫于无奈减息,根本不同味道,美元肯定会走弱。所以如果你仍然以港元为本位,一年下来最少会损失10%。所以我建议将手头现金购入澳元,赚取年息6-7厘,胜过港元存款利率的2-3 厘;如果要做生意则借港元,年息4-5厘,可以赚息兼赚价,财息兼收;第五是沽空一只、持有一只。由于目前在香港可以买卖全球股票,因此李兆基建议不要只买单一产品。你看好一个国家、一个行业,同时看淡一个国家、一个行业,便可以从中取利。
“亚洲股神”的成功,除了每年到海外考察学习,与财经业人士见面,了解他们如何投资,听听他们的意见,再凭自己的眼光作出判断外,就是以美国“股神”巴菲特为榜样,坚持长线持有,并争取每年有10%至20% 的回报。如当年李嘉诚和郑裕彤都认购了中国人寿H股,但在2005年禁售期过去后,他们就分别在5港元以上的价位抛出了其手上持有的一半股份,回报率分别为40%和50%。两位富豪虽获利不菲,但比起李兆基来就是“小巫见大巫”,因为李兆基一直持股至今。而中国人寿上周末的收市价是42.4元,4年回报超过了10倍。
他指出,现在中国基于自身经济状况持续加息,美国则迫于无奈减息,根本不同味道,美元肯定会走弱。所以如果你仍然以港元为本位,一年下来最少会损失10%。所以我建议将手头现金购入澳元,赚取年息6-7厘,胜过港元存款利率的2-3 厘;如果要做生意则借港元,年息4-5厘,可以赚息兼赚价,财息兼收;第五是沽空一只、持有一只。由于目前在香港可以买卖全球股票,因此李兆基建议不要只买单一产品。你看好一个国家、一个行业,同时看淡一个国家、一个行业,便可以从中取利。
Saturday, July 19, 2008
「 亞 洲 股 神 」 , 「 過 氣 股 神 」
去 年 被 傳 媒 稱 為 「 亞 洲 股 神 」 , 但 今 年 卻 被 傳 媒 譏 為 「 過 氣 股 神 」 的 李 兆 基 , 日 前 又 再 開 腔 , 他 認 為 恒 指 21000 點 , 有 很 強 的 支 持 , 比 我 樂 觀 了 1000 點 。 我 近 來 的 評 論 都 以 恒 指 20000 點 為 短 期 支 持 點 , 所 以 當 指 跌 至 21000 點 時 , 並 沒 有 入 市 博 反 彈 。
昨 日 , 港 股 終 於 追 隨 美 股 而 急 升 , 收 市 時 恒 指 為 21734 點 , 李 兆 基 的 眼 光 的 確 不 錯 。 去 年 及 今 年 也 有 數 次 大 市 跌 至 某 個 水 平 時 他 一 開 聲 , 大 市 就 回 升 , 看 來 李 兆 基 炒 短 線 的 能 力 相 當 不 錯 。
過 去 這 段 時 間 裏 , 我 不 斷 地 說 , 現 在 仍 是 熊 市 二 期 , 熊 市 二 期 意 味 著 較 顯 著 的 反 彈 仍 會 出 現 。 這 一 次 恒 指 在 21000 點 反 彈 , 會 不 會 再 繼 續 反 彈 ? 我 倒 沒 甚 麼 把 握 , 因 為 我 不 敢 肯 定 石 油 期 貨 價 格 是 不 是 已 經 見 頂 。
我 們 可 以 感 覺 到 石 油 價 格 已 經 是 進 入 泡 沫 階 段 , 過 去 數 天 , 石 油 期 貨 市 場 的 激 烈 波 動 , 已 顯 示 出 炒 石 油 的 人 開 始 患 得 患 失 、 神 經 緊 張 , 但 是 不 是 已 見 頂 仍 有 待 觀 察 。 石 油 價 格 一 日 不 見 頂 , 股 市 仍 然 會 受 其 左 右 。
美 國 的 房 利 美 與 房 貸 美 兩 大 房 地 產 貸 款 公 司 的 問 題 , 應 該 不 會 再 惡 化 , 因 為 市 場 已 經 相 信 美 國 政 府 不 會 讓 這 兩 家 超 大 的 房 地 產 貸 款 公 司 倒 閉 , 只 要 市 場 相 信 美 國 政 府 不 會 坐 視 不 理 , 這 兩 家 企 業 就 有 能 力 再 發 行 新 債 券 籌 集 資 金 。
昨 日 , 港 股 終 於 追 隨 美 股 而 急 升 , 收 市 時 恒 指 為 21734 點 , 李 兆 基 的 眼 光 的 確 不 錯 。 去 年 及 今 年 也 有 數 次 大 市 跌 至 某 個 水 平 時 他 一 開 聲 , 大 市 就 回 升 , 看 來 李 兆 基 炒 短 線 的 能 力 相 當 不 錯 。
過 去 這 段 時 間 裏 , 我 不 斷 地 說 , 現 在 仍 是 熊 市 二 期 , 熊 市 二 期 意 味 著 較 顯 著 的 反 彈 仍 會 出 現 。 這 一 次 恒 指 在 21000 點 反 彈 , 會 不 會 再 繼 續 反 彈 ? 我 倒 沒 甚 麼 把 握 , 因 為 我 不 敢 肯 定 石 油 期 貨 價 格 是 不 是 已 經 見 頂 。
我 們 可 以 感 覺 到 石 油 價 格 已 經 是 進 入 泡 沫 階 段 , 過 去 數 天 , 石 油 期 貨 市 場 的 激 烈 波 動 , 已 顯 示 出 炒 石 油 的 人 開 始 患 得 患 失 、 神 經 緊 張 , 但 是 不 是 已 見 頂 仍 有 待 觀 察 。 石 油 價 格 一 日 不 見 頂 , 股 市 仍 然 會 受 其 左 右 。
美 國 的 房 利 美 與 房 貸 美 兩 大 房 地 產 貸 款 公 司 的 問 題 , 應 該 不 會 再 惡 化 , 因 為 市 場 已 經 相 信 美 國 政 府 不 會 讓 這 兩 家 超 大 的 房 地 產 貸 款 公 司 倒 閉 , 只 要 市 場 相 信 美 國 政 府 不 會 坐 視 不 理 , 這 兩 家 企 業 就 有 能 力 再 發 行 新 債 券 籌 集 資 金 。
Volatility Index
VIX(volatility index)係量度美股波幅,當佢上升時通常代表股市回落緊;因為股市中唔存在被迫買家,但存在被迫沽家,例如孖展Call,喺咁情況下引發股價急跌令VIX急升,例如1998年長期資金服務公司出事,以及2002年10月科網股拋售高潮,VIX均超過40點,事後證明係入市良機,其餘時間都很少超過30點,一旦超出30點通常係入市時機(最近喺27點即漸接近拋售高潮)。
Bernanke Is Pessimistic, but Bush Urges a ‘Deep Breath’
Warning of the risks of a further slowdown and higher inflation, Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered a gloomy assessment of the economy on Tuesday as President Bush, speaking a few blocks away, urged Americans to have faith in the country’s financial foundation.
In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Mr. Bernanke avoided the word “recession” in characterizing the current economy, noting instead that consumer spending and exports were keeping growth “at a sluggish pace” while the housing sector “continues to weaken.”
He added that spending for personal goods had “advanced at a modest pace so far this year, generally holding up somewhat better than might have been expected given the array of forces weighing on household finances and attitudes.”
While the risks to the overall economy were still “skewed to the downside,” he said, inflation “seems likely to move temporarily higher in the near term.”
Even as Mr. Bernanke fielded questions from senators, a different view of the economy emanated from the White House.
President Bush, speaking at a White House news conference that coincided with the Fed chair’s testimony, urged Americans to “take a deep breath.”
“My hope is — is that people take a deep breath and realize that their deposits are protected by our government,” the president said. He added that economic growth “was not the growth we’d like” but expressed confidence that the country would overcome “a time of uncertainty.” The nation’s troubled financial system is "basically sound," he added.
The president said that the economy and the pillars on which it rests were “basically sound.” And he dismissed questions about reports that wholesale prices rose 1.8 percent in June, the fastest 12-month inflation rate in more than a quarter century.
Mr. Bernanke’s mixed assessment of the economy appeared to signal that the Fed would not be lowering interest rates further in spite of the economic sluggishness, as it did earlier this year, out of concern that lower rates would spur more inflation. In June, the Fed declined to lower rates and instead suggested it might raise rates later in the year.
In his testimony, he was especially pessimistic about any easing of energy prices, dismissing suggestions that they were being driven by speculation in futures markets. Instead, he said high energy costs reflected the markets’ recognition that demand was outstripping supplies.
“Over the past several years, the world economy has expanded at its fastest pace in decades, leading to substantial increases in the demand for oil,” Mr. Bernanke said. “On the supply side, despite sharp increases in prices, the production of oil has risen only slightly in the past few years.”
President Bush’s remarks, and Mr. Bernanke’s testimony, came at an unusually turbulent time in financial markets, since it followed on the heels of the Fed’s announcement that it would temporarily open its discount window to the two troubled mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The actions to stabilize Fannie and Freddie occurred over the weekend as the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., also called for Congress to approve emergency legislation giving the federal government power to inject billions of federal funds through investments and loans.
The actions announced Sunday echoed similar actions in mid-March, when the Fed moved to avert a financial collapse of the investment bank Bear Stearns by offering an emergency loan to facilitate its sale to JPMorgan Chase. At the same time, the Fed set up emergency lending facilities for major investment banks hit by the credit crunch.
“These steps to address liquidity pressures coupled with monetary easing seem to have been helpful in mitigating some market strains,” Mr. Bernanke said. But despite the “positive effects” of the Fed’s actions, he said that the problems of unstable markets continued because of “declining house prices, a softening labor market and rising prices of oil, food and some other commodities.”
After Mr. Bernanke’s testimony, Mr. Paulson and the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Christopher Cox, took center stage.
In prepared remarks, Mr. Paulson focused on the government’s efforts to assist Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, complementing comments earlier by Mr. Bush, who urged Congress to pass housing legislation that would modernize federal regulatory procedures while stabilizing the two companies.
Continued confidence in the two companies “is important to maintaining financial system and market stability,” Mr. Paulson said. While lawmakers have said that they would attach the bailout plan to housing legislation, the timing was uncertain.
Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts and the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said Monday that a bill could be sent to President Bush by week’s end. But on Tuesday, Congressional Democrats said it would take at least until early next week for the House to act, citing resistance among some Republicans to the administration’s rescue plan for Fannie and Freddie.
In his testimony Tuesday, Mr. Paulson said Fannie and Freddie “are central to the availability of housing finance, which will determine the pace at which we emerge from this housing correction.”
“Our plan is aimed at supporting the stability of financial markets,” he said, “not just these two enterprises. This is consistent with Treasury’s mission to promote the market stability, orderliness and liquidity necessary to support our economy.”
In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Mr. Bernanke avoided the word “recession” in characterizing the current economy, noting instead that consumer spending and exports were keeping growth “at a sluggish pace” while the housing sector “continues to weaken.”
He added that spending for personal goods had “advanced at a modest pace so far this year, generally holding up somewhat better than might have been expected given the array of forces weighing on household finances and attitudes.”
While the risks to the overall economy were still “skewed to the downside,” he said, inflation “seems likely to move temporarily higher in the near term.”
Even as Mr. Bernanke fielded questions from senators, a different view of the economy emanated from the White House.
President Bush, speaking at a White House news conference that coincided with the Fed chair’s testimony, urged Americans to “take a deep breath.”
“My hope is — is that people take a deep breath and realize that their deposits are protected by our government,” the president said. He added that economic growth “was not the growth we’d like” but expressed confidence that the country would overcome “a time of uncertainty.” The nation’s troubled financial system is "basically sound," he added.
The president said that the economy and the pillars on which it rests were “basically sound.” And he dismissed questions about reports that wholesale prices rose 1.8 percent in June, the fastest 12-month inflation rate in more than a quarter century.
Mr. Bernanke’s mixed assessment of the economy appeared to signal that the Fed would not be lowering interest rates further in spite of the economic sluggishness, as it did earlier this year, out of concern that lower rates would spur more inflation. In June, the Fed declined to lower rates and instead suggested it might raise rates later in the year.
In his testimony, he was especially pessimistic about any easing of energy prices, dismissing suggestions that they were being driven by speculation in futures markets. Instead, he said high energy costs reflected the markets’ recognition that demand was outstripping supplies.
“Over the past several years, the world economy has expanded at its fastest pace in decades, leading to substantial increases in the demand for oil,” Mr. Bernanke said. “On the supply side, despite sharp increases in prices, the production of oil has risen only slightly in the past few years.”
President Bush’s remarks, and Mr. Bernanke’s testimony, came at an unusually turbulent time in financial markets, since it followed on the heels of the Fed’s announcement that it would temporarily open its discount window to the two troubled mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The actions to stabilize Fannie and Freddie occurred over the weekend as the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., also called for Congress to approve emergency legislation giving the federal government power to inject billions of federal funds through investments and loans.
The actions announced Sunday echoed similar actions in mid-March, when the Fed moved to avert a financial collapse of the investment bank Bear Stearns by offering an emergency loan to facilitate its sale to JPMorgan Chase. At the same time, the Fed set up emergency lending facilities for major investment banks hit by the credit crunch.
“These steps to address liquidity pressures coupled with monetary easing seem to have been helpful in mitigating some market strains,” Mr. Bernanke said. But despite the “positive effects” of the Fed’s actions, he said that the problems of unstable markets continued because of “declining house prices, a softening labor market and rising prices of oil, food and some other commodities.”
After Mr. Bernanke’s testimony, Mr. Paulson and the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Christopher Cox, took center stage.
In prepared remarks, Mr. Paulson focused on the government’s efforts to assist Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, complementing comments earlier by Mr. Bush, who urged Congress to pass housing legislation that would modernize federal regulatory procedures while stabilizing the two companies.
Continued confidence in the two companies “is important to maintaining financial system and market stability,” Mr. Paulson said. While lawmakers have said that they would attach the bailout plan to housing legislation, the timing was uncertain.
Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts and the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said Monday that a bill could be sent to President Bush by week’s end. But on Tuesday, Congressional Democrats said it would take at least until early next week for the House to act, citing resistance among some Republicans to the administration’s rescue plan for Fannie and Freddie.
In his testimony Tuesday, Mr. Paulson said Fannie and Freddie “are central to the availability of housing finance, which will determine the pace at which we emerge from this housing correction.”
“Our plan is aimed at supporting the stability of financial markets,” he said, “not just these two enterprises. This is consistent with Treasury’s mission to promote the market stability, orderliness and liquidity necessary to support our economy.”
Thursday, July 17, 2008
SEC issues emergency rule to curb short sales
U.S. securities regulators issued an emergency rule on Tuesday to limit certain types of short selling in major financial firms, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The rule is the latest effort by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to clamp down on market manipulation that some blame for the sharp declines in financial stocks and the demise of investment bank Bear Stearns in March.
The rule will go into effect on Monday, July 21, and last through July 29, although it could be extended to last up to 30 days. The SEC said it will consider rules to address short selling issues across the entire stock market.
The emergency rule applies to 19 financial firms including Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Citigroup Inc.
The SEC said that a loss of confidence in markets can lead to panic selling, which may be further exacerbated by certain types of short selling.
"As a result, the prices of securities may artificially and unnecessarily decline well below the price level that would have resulted from the normal price discovery process," the SEC said. "If significant financial institutions are involved, this chain of events can threaten disruption of our markets."
Short sellers arrange to borrow shares they consider overvalued and sell them in hopes of making profit when the price drops.
With financial stocks dropping dramatically over the year, lawmakers have been calling on the SEC to investigate whether short sellers and speculators are behind the move.
Over the weekend, the SEC announced plans to crack down on false rumors and said it is examining whether broker dealers and investment advisers have controls in place to prevent market manipulation.
The agency's rule change would prevent investors from making "naked" short sales of the biggest financial stocks. A "naked" short sale occurs when an investor sells stock that has not yet been borrowed.
Broker-dealers will sometimes accidentally fail to deliver stocks to investors who have arranged to borrow a stock. If it is done intentionally, it is illegal.
"Today's commission action aims to stop unlawful manipulation through naked short selling that threatens the stability of financial institutions," SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said in a statement.
The emergency rule would require a short seller to borrow the securities before executing the sale. It would also require the investor to deliver the securities on the settlement date.
"The new rule will benefit the investment community and help bring more stability to the market," said Dylan Wetherill, president and founder of short interest tracking service ShortSqueeze.com.
"This rule would help relieve the extreme downward pressure on stocks that has helped fuel the market down to these levels," he said.
As of June 30, short sellers held about 14 percent of Fannie's outstanding stock, up from around 3 percent last August. For the same period, shorts held almost 12 percent of Freddie's outstanding stock, up from about 2.7 percent. They also held about 10 percent of Lehman's stock, up from 4.5 percent.
Short sellers say they prevent stocks from becoming overvalued and are an essential feature of the market.
"While no one in Washington did their job, now they are trying to blame short sellers," said William Fleckenstein, president of Fleckenstein Capital, which manages a Seattle-based hedge fund.
"Short sellers don't make stocks go down. If a short seller was trying to push a stock to a price where it didn't belong, it would come back right away," said Fleckenstein, who is not currently short the investment banks or Fannie or Freddie. He had a short position on Fannie, which he covered on Tuesday.
Earlier, Cox told a Senate Banking Committee hearing that the emergency rule would be more effective than the so-called tick test rule, which was repealed June 2007.
The tick test rule only allowed short sales when the last sale price was higher than the previous price. That meant a trader could not short a stock if the movement prior to the short sale was down.
Cox said the SEC is going to look at whether some other kind of a price test might be useful for "circumstances such as those we find ourselves in now."
"We are very open to that," said Cox.
The tick test rule, adopted a decade after the 1929 stock market crash, was designed to prevent short sellers from adding to the downward pressure on a stock that is already falling sharply.
The SEC has already proposed another rule to curb naked short selling abuses and prevent market price manipulation. It is not known when the SEC will adopt this rule.
The agency identified the following securities affected by its order:
* BNP Paribas Securities Corp (BNPQF.PK) (BNPQY.PK)
* Bank of America Corp (BAC.N)
* Barclays PLC (BCS.N)
* Citigroup Inc (C.N)
* Credit Suisse Group (CS.N)
* Daiwa Securities Group Inc (DSECY.PK)
* Deutsche Bank Group AG (DB.N)
* Allianz SE (AZ.N)
* Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N)
* Royal Bank ADS (RBS.N)
* HSBC Holdings Plc ADS (HBC.N)
* JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N)
* Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEH.N)
* Merrill Lynch & Co Inc (MER.N)
* Mizuho Financial Group Inc (MFG.N)
* Morgan Stanley (MS.N)
* Freddie Mac (FRE.N)
* Fannie Mae (FNM.N)
The rule is the latest effort by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to clamp down on market manipulation that some blame for the sharp declines in financial stocks and the demise of investment bank Bear Stearns in March.
The rule will go into effect on Monday, July 21, and last through July 29, although it could be extended to last up to 30 days. The SEC said it will consider rules to address short selling issues across the entire stock market.
The emergency rule applies to 19 financial firms including Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Citigroup Inc.
The SEC said that a loss of confidence in markets can lead to panic selling, which may be further exacerbated by certain types of short selling.
"As a result, the prices of securities may artificially and unnecessarily decline well below the price level that would have resulted from the normal price discovery process," the SEC said. "If significant financial institutions are involved, this chain of events can threaten disruption of our markets."
Short sellers arrange to borrow shares they consider overvalued and sell them in hopes of making profit when the price drops.
With financial stocks dropping dramatically over the year, lawmakers have been calling on the SEC to investigate whether short sellers and speculators are behind the move.
Over the weekend, the SEC announced plans to crack down on false rumors and said it is examining whether broker dealers and investment advisers have controls in place to prevent market manipulation.
The agency's rule change would prevent investors from making "naked" short sales of the biggest financial stocks. A "naked" short sale occurs when an investor sells stock that has not yet been borrowed.
Broker-dealers will sometimes accidentally fail to deliver stocks to investors who have arranged to borrow a stock. If it is done intentionally, it is illegal.
"Today's commission action aims to stop unlawful manipulation through naked short selling that threatens the stability of financial institutions," SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said in a statement.
The emergency rule would require a short seller to borrow the securities before executing the sale. It would also require the investor to deliver the securities on the settlement date.
"The new rule will benefit the investment community and help bring more stability to the market," said Dylan Wetherill, president and founder of short interest tracking service ShortSqueeze.com.
"This rule would help relieve the extreme downward pressure on stocks that has helped fuel the market down to these levels," he said.
As of June 30, short sellers held about 14 percent of Fannie's outstanding stock, up from around 3 percent last August. For the same period, shorts held almost 12 percent of Freddie's outstanding stock, up from about 2.7 percent. They also held about 10 percent of Lehman's stock, up from 4.5 percent.
Short sellers say they prevent stocks from becoming overvalued and are an essential feature of the market.
"While no one in Washington did their job, now they are trying to blame short sellers," said William Fleckenstein, president of Fleckenstein Capital, which manages a Seattle-based hedge fund.
"Short sellers don't make stocks go down. If a short seller was trying to push a stock to a price where it didn't belong, it would come back right away," said Fleckenstein, who is not currently short the investment banks or Fannie or Freddie. He had a short position on Fannie, which he covered on Tuesday.
Earlier, Cox told a Senate Banking Committee hearing that the emergency rule would be more effective than the so-called tick test rule, which was repealed June 2007.
The tick test rule only allowed short sales when the last sale price was higher than the previous price. That meant a trader could not short a stock if the movement prior to the short sale was down.
Cox said the SEC is going to look at whether some other kind of a price test might be useful for "circumstances such as those we find ourselves in now."
"We are very open to that," said Cox.
The tick test rule, adopted a decade after the 1929 stock market crash, was designed to prevent short sellers from adding to the downward pressure on a stock that is already falling sharply.
The SEC has already proposed another rule to curb naked short selling abuses and prevent market price manipulation. It is not known when the SEC will adopt this rule.
The agency identified the following securities affected by its order:
* BNP Paribas Securities Corp (BNPQF.PK) (BNPQY.PK)
* Bank of America Corp (BAC.N)
* Barclays PLC (BCS.N)
* Citigroup Inc (C.N)
* Credit Suisse Group (CS.N)
* Daiwa Securities Group Inc (DSECY.PK)
* Deutsche Bank Group AG (DB.N)
* Allianz SE (AZ.N)
* Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N)
* Royal Bank ADS (RBS.N)
* HSBC Holdings Plc ADS (HBC.N)
* JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N)
* Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEH.N)
* Merrill Lynch & Co Inc (MER.N)
* Mizuho Financial Group Inc (MFG.N)
* Morgan Stanley (MS.N)
* Freddie Mac (FRE.N)
* Fannie Mae (FNM.N)
US face funding crisis
The US Treasury is running out of time before foreign patience snaps.
Merrill Lynch has warned that the United States could face a foreign "financing crisis" within months as the full consequences of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage debacle spread through the world.
Draining away: The US may struggle to plug its capital gap
The country depends on Asian, Russian and Middle Eastern investors to fund much of its $700bn (£350bn) current account deficit, leaving it far more vulnerable to a collapse of confidence than Japan in the early 1990s after the Nikkei bubble burst. Britain and other Anglo-Saxon deficit states could face a similar retreat by foreign investors.
"Japan was able to cut its interest rates to zero," said Alex Patelis, Merrill's head of international economics.
"It would be very difficult for the US to do this. Foreigners will not be willing to supply the capital. Nobody knows where the limit lies."
Brian Bethune, chief financial economist at Global Insight, said the US Treasury had two or three days to put real money behind its rescue plan for Fannie and Freddie or face a dangerous crisis that could spiral out of control.
"This is not the time for policy-makers to underestimate, once again, the systemic risks to the financial system and the huge damage this would impose on the economy. Bold, aggressive action is needed, and needed now," he said.
Mr Bethune said the Treasury would have to inject up $20bn in fresh capital. This in turn might draw in a further $20bn in private money. Funds on this scale would be enough to see the two agencies through any scenario short of a meltdown in the US prime property market.
He said concerns about "moral hazard" - stoked by hard-line free-marketeers at the White House and vocal parts of the US media - were holding up a solution. "We can't dither. The markets can be brutal. We have to break the chain of contagion before confidence is destroyed."
Fannie and Freddie - the world's two biggest financial institutions - make up almost half the $12 trillion US mortgage industry. But that understates their vital importance at this juncture. They are now serving as lender of last resort to the housing market, providing 80pc of all new home loans.
Roughly $1.5 trillion of Fannie and Freddie AAA-rated debt - as well as other US "government-sponsored enterprises" - is now in foreign hands. The great unknown is whether foreign patience will snap as losses mount and the dollar slides.
Hiroshi Watanabe, Japan's chief regulator, rattled the markets yesterday when he urged Japanese banks and life insurance companies to treat US agency debt with caution. The two sets of institutions hold an estimated $56bn of these bonds. Mitsubishi UFJ holds $3bn. Nippon Life has $2.5bn.
But the lion's share is held by the central banks of China, Russia and petro-powers. These countries could all too easily precipitate a run on the dollar in the current climate and bring the United States to its knees, should they decide that it is in their strategic interest to do so.
Mr Patelis said it was unlikely that any would want to trigger a fire-sale by dumping their holdings on the market. Instead, they will probably accumulate US and Anglo-Saxon debt at a slower rate. That alone will be enough to leave deficit countries struggling to plug the capital gap. "I don't see how the current situation can continue beyond six months," he said.
Merrill Lynch said foreign governments had added $241bn of US agency debt over the past year alone as their foreign reserves exploded, accounting for a third of total financing for the US current account deficit. (They now own $985bn in all.) By most estimates, China holds around $400bn, Russia $150bn and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states at least $200bn.
Global inflation is now intruding with a vengeance as well. Much of Asia is having to raise rates aggressively, drawing capital away from North America. This may push up yields on US Treasuries and bonds, tightening the credit screw at a time when the US is already mired in slump.
Russia's deputy finance minister, Dmitry Pankin, said the collapse in the share prices of Fannie and Freddie over the past week was irrelevant because their debt has been effectively guaranteed by the US government under the rescue package.
"We don't see a reason to change anything because the rating of the debt of those agencies hasn't changed," he said.
Foreign policy experts doubt that the picture is so simple. Russia is likely to use its $530bn reserves as an implicit bargaining chip in high-stakes diplomacy, perhaps to discourage the US from extending Nato membership to the Ukraine and Georgia.
Vladimir Putin, now Russia's premier, has stated repeatedly that his country is engaged in a new Cold War with the United States. It is clear that Moscow would relish any chance to humiliate the United States, provided the costs of doing so were not too high for Russia itself.
China is regarded as a more reliable partner, with a greater desire for global stability. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has intimate relations with the Chinese elite, dating from his days at Goldman Sachs when he visited the country over 70 times.
Brad Setser, from the US Council on Foreign Relations, said the Chinese have a stake in upholding Fannie and Freddie, not least to ensure that their loans are "honoured on time and in full".
David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said fears that regional banks could start toppling after the Fed takeover of IndyMac last week were now the biggest threat to the dollar.
"We have a pure dollar sell-off," he said. "It's a hating competition: at the moment the markets hate the dollar more than they hate the euro, even though German's ZEW confidence indicator was absolutely atrocious."
Merrill Lynch has warned that the United States could face a foreign "financing crisis" within months as the full consequences of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage debacle spread through the world.
Draining away: The US may struggle to plug its capital gap
The country depends on Asian, Russian and Middle Eastern investors to fund much of its $700bn (£350bn) current account deficit, leaving it far more vulnerable to a collapse of confidence than Japan in the early 1990s after the Nikkei bubble burst. Britain and other Anglo-Saxon deficit states could face a similar retreat by foreign investors.
"Japan was able to cut its interest rates to zero," said Alex Patelis, Merrill's head of international economics.
"It would be very difficult for the US to do this. Foreigners will not be willing to supply the capital. Nobody knows where the limit lies."
Brian Bethune, chief financial economist at Global Insight, said the US Treasury had two or three days to put real money behind its rescue plan for Fannie and Freddie or face a dangerous crisis that could spiral out of control.
"This is not the time for policy-makers to underestimate, once again, the systemic risks to the financial system and the huge damage this would impose on the economy. Bold, aggressive action is needed, and needed now," he said.
Mr Bethune said the Treasury would have to inject up $20bn in fresh capital. This in turn might draw in a further $20bn in private money. Funds on this scale would be enough to see the two agencies through any scenario short of a meltdown in the US prime property market.
He said concerns about "moral hazard" - stoked by hard-line free-marketeers at the White House and vocal parts of the US media - were holding up a solution. "We can't dither. The markets can be brutal. We have to break the chain of contagion before confidence is destroyed."
Fannie and Freddie - the world's two biggest financial institutions - make up almost half the $12 trillion US mortgage industry. But that understates their vital importance at this juncture. They are now serving as lender of last resort to the housing market, providing 80pc of all new home loans.
Roughly $1.5 trillion of Fannie and Freddie AAA-rated debt - as well as other US "government-sponsored enterprises" - is now in foreign hands. The great unknown is whether foreign patience will snap as losses mount and the dollar slides.
Hiroshi Watanabe, Japan's chief regulator, rattled the markets yesterday when he urged Japanese banks and life insurance companies to treat US agency debt with caution. The two sets of institutions hold an estimated $56bn of these bonds. Mitsubishi UFJ holds $3bn. Nippon Life has $2.5bn.
But the lion's share is held by the central banks of China, Russia and petro-powers. These countries could all too easily precipitate a run on the dollar in the current climate and bring the United States to its knees, should they decide that it is in their strategic interest to do so.
Mr Patelis said it was unlikely that any would want to trigger a fire-sale by dumping their holdings on the market. Instead, they will probably accumulate US and Anglo-Saxon debt at a slower rate. That alone will be enough to leave deficit countries struggling to plug the capital gap. "I don't see how the current situation can continue beyond six months," he said.
Merrill Lynch said foreign governments had added $241bn of US agency debt over the past year alone as their foreign reserves exploded, accounting for a third of total financing for the US current account deficit. (They now own $985bn in all.) By most estimates, China holds around $400bn, Russia $150bn and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states at least $200bn.
Global inflation is now intruding with a vengeance as well. Much of Asia is having to raise rates aggressively, drawing capital away from North America. This may push up yields on US Treasuries and bonds, tightening the credit screw at a time when the US is already mired in slump.
Russia's deputy finance minister, Dmitry Pankin, said the collapse in the share prices of Fannie and Freddie over the past week was irrelevant because their debt has been effectively guaranteed by the US government under the rescue package.
"We don't see a reason to change anything because the rating of the debt of those agencies hasn't changed," he said.
Foreign policy experts doubt that the picture is so simple. Russia is likely to use its $530bn reserves as an implicit bargaining chip in high-stakes diplomacy, perhaps to discourage the US from extending Nato membership to the Ukraine and Georgia.
Vladimir Putin, now Russia's premier, has stated repeatedly that his country is engaged in a new Cold War with the United States. It is clear that Moscow would relish any chance to humiliate the United States, provided the costs of doing so were not too high for Russia itself.
China is regarded as a more reliable partner, with a greater desire for global stability. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has intimate relations with the Chinese elite, dating from his days at Goldman Sachs when he visited the country over 70 times.
Brad Setser, from the US Council on Foreign Relations, said the Chinese have a stake in upholding Fannie and Freddie, not least to ensure that their loans are "honoured on time and in full".
David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said fears that regional banks could start toppling after the Fed takeover of IndyMac last week were now the biggest threat to the dollar.
"We have a pure dollar sell-off," he said. "It's a hating competition: at the moment the markets hate the dollar more than they hate the euro, even though German's ZEW confidence indicator was absolutely atrocious."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
George Soros:investors are facing the "worst financial crisis of our lifetime"
For many Americans this feels like the worst economic crisis in their lifetimes, and some leading investors are starting to say they may be right.
After IndyMac's failure, which bank could be next?
The bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000 and 2001 seems tame by comparison, and the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s almost forgettable. Similarly, the global impact looks to be greater than that of the Asian financial crisis of 1994.
Most comparisons turn to the low growth, high inflation, weak dollar and soaring energy prices of the 1970s, but this time with a housing crisis and spiking commodities prices thrown in, all threatening a prolonged recession.
“It is the most serious financial crisis of our lifetime,” said billionaire investor George Soros, noting a growing effect on the U.S. economy as a whole, rather than just financial markets. ”It is an idle dream to think that you could have this kind of crisis without the real economy being affected.
“We are facing a recession and it is slow in coming but the slower it comes, the more powerful it is,” Soros told Reuters.
The rapid erosion in confidence in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae underscores the toxic nature of the problems facing the U.S. financial system. The publicly traded, government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) own or guarantee $5 trillion of debt, close to half the value of all U.S. mortgages.
With 8,000 to 9,000 American homes entering foreclosure every day, stock in Fannie and Freddie lost nearly half their value last week, leading the U.S. Treasury to open its discount window to the two firms to ease fears over their capitalization.
This comes as U.S. stock indexes have fallen by more than 20 percent from their peaks in October, while the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 is down 30 percent, the Shanghai Composite has dropped 45 percent since the year began and Japan's Nikkei 225 is also significantly lower.
Experts who lived through the stagflation of the 1970s – a mixture of stagnated growth with inflation – say it may be worse this time because there are no safe havens in global markets.
Foreign central banks, mostly in Asia, hold almost $1 trillion of the bonds and mortgage-backed bonds sold by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
One investor who lived through the early 1970s noted that in those days an equities investor could take refuge in the money markets.
“Now you're a stone loser in the money market fund whether it's before tax, after tax, or after inflation,” said Cummins Catherwood, managing director of the broker-dealer Boenning & Scattergood.
Dan Fuss, 74, vice chairman of Boston-based Loomis Sayles, which oversees more than $100 billion in fixed-income securities, said the current situation is “eerily reminiscent” of the markets in 1974.
Economist Jeffrey Sachs, who advised Eastern European governments after the fall of communism, also compared it to the early 1970s, which he said noted led to years of slow growth and economic difficulty.
“The '70s were pretty bad,” Sachs said. “There were serious dislocations in the world economy. It was very tough and I hope we don't go through that again.”
But one person's crisis is another's buying opportunity.
While financials and companies sensitive to fuel prices are getting hammered, many industries are attractive long-term holdings, said investment manager Don Hodges of Hodges Capital Management, who has been active in the market since 1960.
“I think ultimately the consumer comes to the rescue,” he said. “A lot of them that say they are hurting have a TV in every room and a couple of SUVs. It's not like they're on poverty street.”
Inevitably, comparisons will be made with the Great Depression, a worldwide economic downturn that lasted for most of the 1930s, until World War II.
For George Schwartz of investment adviser Schwartz Investment Counsel, the current situation is the worst he's seen in 40 years of managing investments.
“I can't tell you first-hand how it was during the Depression but people have been saying to me for months now, 'Gee, it has to get better, it can't get any worse than this.' And I keep saying I don't see why it can't.”
After IndyMac's failure, which bank could be next?
The bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000 and 2001 seems tame by comparison, and the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s almost forgettable. Similarly, the global impact looks to be greater than that of the Asian financial crisis of 1994.
Most comparisons turn to the low growth, high inflation, weak dollar and soaring energy prices of the 1970s, but this time with a housing crisis and spiking commodities prices thrown in, all threatening a prolonged recession.
“It is the most serious financial crisis of our lifetime,” said billionaire investor George Soros, noting a growing effect on the U.S. economy as a whole, rather than just financial markets. ”It is an idle dream to think that you could have this kind of crisis without the real economy being affected.
“We are facing a recession and it is slow in coming but the slower it comes, the more powerful it is,” Soros told Reuters.
The rapid erosion in confidence in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae underscores the toxic nature of the problems facing the U.S. financial system. The publicly traded, government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) own or guarantee $5 trillion of debt, close to half the value of all U.S. mortgages.
With 8,000 to 9,000 American homes entering foreclosure every day, stock in Fannie and Freddie lost nearly half their value last week, leading the U.S. Treasury to open its discount window to the two firms to ease fears over their capitalization.
This comes as U.S. stock indexes have fallen by more than 20 percent from their peaks in October, while the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 is down 30 percent, the Shanghai Composite has dropped 45 percent since the year began and Japan's Nikkei 225 is also significantly lower.
Experts who lived through the stagflation of the 1970s – a mixture of stagnated growth with inflation – say it may be worse this time because there are no safe havens in global markets.
Foreign central banks, mostly in Asia, hold almost $1 trillion of the bonds and mortgage-backed bonds sold by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
One investor who lived through the early 1970s noted that in those days an equities investor could take refuge in the money markets.
“Now you're a stone loser in the money market fund whether it's before tax, after tax, or after inflation,” said Cummins Catherwood, managing director of the broker-dealer Boenning & Scattergood.
Dan Fuss, 74, vice chairman of Boston-based Loomis Sayles, which oversees more than $100 billion in fixed-income securities, said the current situation is “eerily reminiscent” of the markets in 1974.
Economist Jeffrey Sachs, who advised Eastern European governments after the fall of communism, also compared it to the early 1970s, which he said noted led to years of slow growth and economic difficulty.
“The '70s were pretty bad,” Sachs said. “There were serious dislocations in the world economy. It was very tough and I hope we don't go through that again.”
But one person's crisis is another's buying opportunity.
While financials and companies sensitive to fuel prices are getting hammered, many industries are attractive long-term holdings, said investment manager Don Hodges of Hodges Capital Management, who has been active in the market since 1960.
“I think ultimately the consumer comes to the rescue,” he said. “A lot of them that say they are hurting have a TV in every room and a couple of SUVs. It's not like they're on poverty street.”
Inevitably, comparisons will be made with the Great Depression, a worldwide economic downturn that lasted for most of the 1930s, until World War II.
For George Schwartz of investment adviser Schwartz Investment Counsel, the current situation is the worst he's seen in 40 years of managing investments.
“I can't tell you first-hand how it was during the Depression but people have been saying to me for months now, 'Gee, it has to get better, it can't get any worse than this.' And I keep saying I don't see why it can't.”
It pays to ACT Holdings when others hold back
Striking when the market’s cold turns out to be a profitable strategy for developer
TINY home-grown property player ACT Holdings has long made money by jumping into the market just when other investors are cautious or even want out.
A decision to invest in Sentosa Cove properties in early 2005 before they became highly popular proved a shrewd and profitable move. Now the company is looking at a market where few would dare to tread - the United States, where many homes are hit by mortgage foreclosures.
‘Right now, there’s a property slump in the US. We actually think this is a good time to invest even more in the US because this is a time when valuations are very low,’ says ACT’s managing director, Mr James Toh. He said the company is trying to raise a US$20 million (S$27 million) fund to invest in distressed US real estate assets.
This strategy of not adopting the herd mentality paid dividends on Sentosa. ACT bought nearly a dozen exclusive homes in the waterfront enclave when the market was decidedly cool. The firm then found itself with red-hot homes as the market roared to life in 2006 and 2007.
As a result, ACT’s profits grew 10 times in just two years to $15million last year, from $1.5 million in 2005.
Mr Toh, 43, says ACT’s growth in the past three years was mainly due to its Sentosa foray. It sold three bungalows for $8 million to $12 million as well as eight terrace units at healthy prices.
‘It was a decent profit margin,’ he says. ‘We were very lucky to get in when there was a lot of uncertainty.’
* Buy low and wait
MR TOH has had a taste of the US market before.
The son of the firm’s founder, Mr A.C. Toh, he made his early money from investing in US projects in the early 1990s when everybody wanted out.
Mr Toh’s father started up his business as a local joint-venture partner for Japanese firms such as Hitachi back in the 1960s.
The elder Mr Toh then invested in land in Atlanta, Georgia in the mid-1980s when prices were very low, but died in 1990, leaving James to run the business.
‘It was really the beginning of one of the worst US recessions,’ recalls Mr Toh.
They had just completed a new condo in Atlanta and had to lease it out at a loss as there were simply no buyers.
‘We were bleeding money because we had a loan from Citibank at 10 per cent interest. The rental income couldn’t pay for the loan.’
But instead of cutting his losses, Mr Toh decided to bite the bullet and buy more property. ‘I felt the market was so bad that it was actually a good time to invest more money.’
He found a few investors and bought five properties with about 100 to 150 units each at about US$30,000 per unit. These turned out to be some of the best investments the company had ever made - a fact borne out when the market turned around about three to five years later.
‘We either doubled or trebled our money,’ says Mr Toh, who did his MBA at Wharton Business School in the early 1990s.
* Baptism of fire
BUT it wasn’t until 1996 when Mr Toh was 31 that he decided to become a property developer in Singapore.
He felt it was more worthwhile to run his own company after working for leading consultancy firms Booz Allen Hamilton and A.T. Kearney. Mr Toh’s first project on home soil came in 1996 - the award-winning conservation project Gambier Court in Kim Yam Road. ‘Most people felt that the market topped up at that point,’ he explains.
‘Being not very experienced, I was willing to take risks that other people may not want to.’
Naivety helped for someone who is not much of a risk-taker. But there was a price to pay. A year after he won the tender for the Gambier Court site, the Asian financial crisis struck. Banks pulled theircredit lines.
‘I launched the project in ‘98. Everybody thought I was mad. Relatives and friends, nobody bought,’ he says.
ACT offered 30 per cent price cuts and stamp duty absorption to entice buyers.
‘It was like a baptism of fire,’ says Mr Toh. ‘But touch wood, in ‘99, the market recovered and from then, we have been doing a few small projects.’
* Growing the business
IT HAS been largely smooth-sailing for the firm since then. Another project, Empire Lofts in Mosque Street, also won an URA Architectural Heritage Award. Mr Toh restored the four-storey shophouses into a residential project, which ACT leases out.
When Mr Toh decided to redevelop his family home into the 39-unit The Ventana in Pasir Panjang Hill, he kept part of the house as a clubhouse and gym in the spirit of conservation.
Apart from conservation properties, ACT also focuses on small landed homes, cluster housing and boutique apartments.
The only project to lose money, out of 10 that ACT has undertaken, was the 20-unit Eastside Loft in Tanjong Katong Road. Launched in early 2001 at prices below those of nearby developments, it nevertheless remained half-sold for about five years.
For every project the firm takes on, Mr Toh almost always shares the risks - and rewards - with other investors.
The firm is controlled by Mr Toh, his mother and two sisters - one a doctor and the other a lawyer. But he is the only one who is interested in running it.
‘I believe in living in the developments I developed,’ says the man who built himself a 4,500sqft bungalow to get a taste of what it is like to have his own home before venturing into luxury houses.
Dealing with steel and concrete is something he compares to storylines. ‘The director is like an architect,’ says Mr Toh, who keeps up another life as a film-maker. A partner in local film company Zhao Wei Films, he worked with Eric Khoo on the screenplay for 12 Storeys in 1996 and has just adapted it into a book.
‘If I had been less of a practical man, I could have become a writer,’ he says.
He has grown the business slowly but steadily. ‘I have been pretty conservative. If I have $200, I will not use all of it,’ says Mr Toh, who is married with two young sons. ‘Investors know that I will try to protect their money. I would rather be safe and not make the last dollar.’
When it comes to getting investors, he has been fortunate to have friends in the market with whom he works. For instance, Mr Toh got listed Nobel Design in as an investor through his former classmate at St Joseph’s Institution, Mr Terence Goon, who is the firm’s general manager.
This year, ACT, with partners Nobel Design and Fortune Group, aims to launch 40 units of cluster houses near Queen Astrid Park - a project called Astrid Hill Residences.
It will also launch 60 units of cluster homes at Watten Rise called Watten Residences, together with a private investor and Sin Heng Chan - also its partner in the 50-unit NOMU, a freehold development in Handy Road.
It is building three bungalows in Braddell Heights that have yet to go on sale.
One day, after its US foray, the firm may venture into another foreign market if it is fairly safe to do so. ‘As long as we can continue to grow without a lot of risks, we will continue to grow,’ says Mr Toh.
TINY home-grown property player ACT Holdings has long made money by jumping into the market just when other investors are cautious or even want out.
A decision to invest in Sentosa Cove properties in early 2005 before they became highly popular proved a shrewd and profitable move. Now the company is looking at a market where few would dare to tread - the United States, where many homes are hit by mortgage foreclosures.
‘Right now, there’s a property slump in the US. We actually think this is a good time to invest even more in the US because this is a time when valuations are very low,’ says ACT’s managing director, Mr James Toh. He said the company is trying to raise a US$20 million (S$27 million) fund to invest in distressed US real estate assets.
This strategy of not adopting the herd mentality paid dividends on Sentosa. ACT bought nearly a dozen exclusive homes in the waterfront enclave when the market was decidedly cool. The firm then found itself with red-hot homes as the market roared to life in 2006 and 2007.
As a result, ACT’s profits grew 10 times in just two years to $15million last year, from $1.5 million in 2005.
Mr Toh, 43, says ACT’s growth in the past three years was mainly due to its Sentosa foray. It sold three bungalows for $8 million to $12 million as well as eight terrace units at healthy prices.
‘It was a decent profit margin,’ he says. ‘We were very lucky to get in when there was a lot of uncertainty.’
* Buy low and wait
MR TOH has had a taste of the US market before.
The son of the firm’s founder, Mr A.C. Toh, he made his early money from investing in US projects in the early 1990s when everybody wanted out.
Mr Toh’s father started up his business as a local joint-venture partner for Japanese firms such as Hitachi back in the 1960s.
The elder Mr Toh then invested in land in Atlanta, Georgia in the mid-1980s when prices were very low, but died in 1990, leaving James to run the business.
‘It was really the beginning of one of the worst US recessions,’ recalls Mr Toh.
They had just completed a new condo in Atlanta and had to lease it out at a loss as there were simply no buyers.
‘We were bleeding money because we had a loan from Citibank at 10 per cent interest. The rental income couldn’t pay for the loan.’
But instead of cutting his losses, Mr Toh decided to bite the bullet and buy more property. ‘I felt the market was so bad that it was actually a good time to invest more money.’
He found a few investors and bought five properties with about 100 to 150 units each at about US$30,000 per unit. These turned out to be some of the best investments the company had ever made - a fact borne out when the market turned around about three to five years later.
‘We either doubled or trebled our money,’ says Mr Toh, who did his MBA at Wharton Business School in the early 1990s.
* Baptism of fire
BUT it wasn’t until 1996 when Mr Toh was 31 that he decided to become a property developer in Singapore.
He felt it was more worthwhile to run his own company after working for leading consultancy firms Booz Allen Hamilton and A.T. Kearney. Mr Toh’s first project on home soil came in 1996 - the award-winning conservation project Gambier Court in Kim Yam Road. ‘Most people felt that the market topped up at that point,’ he explains.
‘Being not very experienced, I was willing to take risks that other people may not want to.’
Naivety helped for someone who is not much of a risk-taker. But there was a price to pay. A year after he won the tender for the Gambier Court site, the Asian financial crisis struck. Banks pulled theircredit lines.
‘I launched the project in ‘98. Everybody thought I was mad. Relatives and friends, nobody bought,’ he says.
ACT offered 30 per cent price cuts and stamp duty absorption to entice buyers.
‘It was like a baptism of fire,’ says Mr Toh. ‘But touch wood, in ‘99, the market recovered and from then, we have been doing a few small projects.’
* Growing the business
IT HAS been largely smooth-sailing for the firm since then. Another project, Empire Lofts in Mosque Street, also won an URA Architectural Heritage Award. Mr Toh restored the four-storey shophouses into a residential project, which ACT leases out.
When Mr Toh decided to redevelop his family home into the 39-unit The Ventana in Pasir Panjang Hill, he kept part of the house as a clubhouse and gym in the spirit of conservation.
Apart from conservation properties, ACT also focuses on small landed homes, cluster housing and boutique apartments.
The only project to lose money, out of 10 that ACT has undertaken, was the 20-unit Eastside Loft in Tanjong Katong Road. Launched in early 2001 at prices below those of nearby developments, it nevertheless remained half-sold for about five years.
For every project the firm takes on, Mr Toh almost always shares the risks - and rewards - with other investors.
The firm is controlled by Mr Toh, his mother and two sisters - one a doctor and the other a lawyer. But he is the only one who is interested in running it.
‘I believe in living in the developments I developed,’ says the man who built himself a 4,500sqft bungalow to get a taste of what it is like to have his own home before venturing into luxury houses.
Dealing with steel and concrete is something he compares to storylines. ‘The director is like an architect,’ says Mr Toh, who keeps up another life as a film-maker. A partner in local film company Zhao Wei Films, he worked with Eric Khoo on the screenplay for 12 Storeys in 1996 and has just adapted it into a book.
‘If I had been less of a practical man, I could have become a writer,’ he says.
He has grown the business slowly but steadily. ‘I have been pretty conservative. If I have $200, I will not use all of it,’ says Mr Toh, who is married with two young sons. ‘Investors know that I will try to protect their money. I would rather be safe and not make the last dollar.’
When it comes to getting investors, he has been fortunate to have friends in the market with whom he works. For instance, Mr Toh got listed Nobel Design in as an investor through his former classmate at St Joseph’s Institution, Mr Terence Goon, who is the firm’s general manager.
This year, ACT, with partners Nobel Design and Fortune Group, aims to launch 40 units of cluster houses near Queen Astrid Park - a project called Astrid Hill Residences.
It will also launch 60 units of cluster homes at Watten Rise called Watten Residences, together with a private investor and Sin Heng Chan - also its partner in the 50-unit NOMU, a freehold development in Handy Road.
It is building three bungalows in Braddell Heights that have yet to go on sale.
One day, after its US foray, the firm may venture into another foreign market if it is fairly safe to do so. ‘As long as we can continue to grow without a lot of risks, we will continue to grow,’ says Mr Toh.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
谢国忠:美短期救火将导致油价飙升 金融危机全球化
Fed chief details woes in markets, housing, jobs
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress Tuesday the fragile economy is facing "numerous difficulties" including persistent strains in financial markets, rising joblessness and housing problems -- despite the Fed's aggressive interest rate reductions and other fortifying steps.
At the same time, Bernanke, testifying before the Senate Banking Committee, sounded another warning that rising prices for energy and food are elevating inflation risks.
The situation, he said, poses "significant challenges" for Fed policymakers as they try to chart the best course for keeping the economy growing, while making sure inflation doesn't dangerously flare up. All the economy's problems, including slumping home values, which threaten to make people feel less wealthy and less inclined to spend in the months ahead, represent "significant downside risks" to economic growth.
Over the rest of this year, the economy will grow "appreciably below its trend rate" mostly because of continued weakness in housing markets, high energy prices and tight credit conditions.
On Wall Street, stocks tumbled. The Dow Jones industrials were down nearly 200 points in morning trading.
Inflation has remained high and "seems likely to move temporarily higher in the near term," he warned.
Indeed, before Bernanke delivered his twice-a-year comprehensive economic assessment to Congress, the Labor Department reported wholesale prices jumped 1.8 percent in June. That left inflation rising over the past year at the fastest pace in more than a quarter-century.
"Given the high degree of uncertainty" about the Fed's economic outlook, Fed policymakers will need to carefully assess incoming information about inflation and economic growth, he said.
The Fed in June signaled an end to its nearly year long rate-cutting campaign because of growing concerns about inflation. Bernanke kept up his tough anti-inflation talk on Tuesday but stressed many other problems that could short circuit economic growth. He seemed to be keeping his options open in terms of rates. Given all the risky cross currents, economists believe the Fed will leave rates alone when they meet on Aug. 5.
Righting wobbly financial markets is key to getting the economy back on track, he said.
"In general, healthy economic growth depends on well-functioning financial markets," Bernanke said. "Consequently, helping the financial markets to return to more normal functioning will continue to be a top priority," he said.
Bernanke's testimony comes just two days after the Fed and the Treasury Department came to the rescue of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, offering to throw them a financial lifeline.
The companies hold or guarantee more than $5 trillion in mortgages -- almost half of the nation's total. The Bush administration is asking Congress to temporarily increase lines of credit to Fannie and Freddie and to let the government buy their stock. The Fed has offered to let the companies draw emergency loans.
The pledges of aid have raised concerns about the government's role in such financial problems and the risk to taxpayers.
Strengthening regulatory oversight of Fannie and Freddie, Bernanke said, is "job one." Congress is moving ahead on a broad housing rescue package that includes provisions to tighten regulation over the two companies. Bernanke said legislative efforts to help stabilize the housing market -- the biggest threat to the economy -- are of vital importance.
Bernanke, in the first day of back-to-back appearances on Capitol Hill, said investors are nervous in general because of the cloudy outlook for the economy and credit conditions, feeding a vicious cycle that can be hard to break.
"Many financial markets and institutions remain under considerable stress, in part because the outlook for the economy and thus for credit quality, remains uncertain."
The Fannie and Freddie troubles came on the heels of the failure of IndyMac, a big bank.
And, earlier this year, a run on investment bank Bear Stearns pushed the company to the edge of bankruptcy and into a take over by JPMorgan Chase, which was backed financially by the Fed. That was a controversial move that prompted critics to call it a government bailout, putting taxpayers money at risk.
The Fed, in new projections, now believes inflation will be higher this year than previously thought, with prices rising as high as 4.2 percent under one inflation measure.
Growth for the year will be sluggish -- at best 1.6 percent growth -- but not as bad as previously forecast, helped by the government's $168 billion stimulus, including rebates. The unemployment rate, which could rise as high as 5.7 percent this year, is the same as earlier projections.
At the same time, Bernanke, testifying before the Senate Banking Committee, sounded another warning that rising prices for energy and food are elevating inflation risks.
The situation, he said, poses "significant challenges" for Fed policymakers as they try to chart the best course for keeping the economy growing, while making sure inflation doesn't dangerously flare up. All the economy's problems, including slumping home values, which threaten to make people feel less wealthy and less inclined to spend in the months ahead, represent "significant downside risks" to economic growth.
Over the rest of this year, the economy will grow "appreciably below its trend rate" mostly because of continued weakness in housing markets, high energy prices and tight credit conditions.
On Wall Street, stocks tumbled. The Dow Jones industrials were down nearly 200 points in morning trading.
Inflation has remained high and "seems likely to move temporarily higher in the near term," he warned.
Indeed, before Bernanke delivered his twice-a-year comprehensive economic assessment to Congress, the Labor Department reported wholesale prices jumped 1.8 percent in June. That left inflation rising over the past year at the fastest pace in more than a quarter-century.
"Given the high degree of uncertainty" about the Fed's economic outlook, Fed policymakers will need to carefully assess incoming information about inflation and economic growth, he said.
The Fed in June signaled an end to its nearly year long rate-cutting campaign because of growing concerns about inflation. Bernanke kept up his tough anti-inflation talk on Tuesday but stressed many other problems that could short circuit economic growth. He seemed to be keeping his options open in terms of rates. Given all the risky cross currents, economists believe the Fed will leave rates alone when they meet on Aug. 5.
Righting wobbly financial markets is key to getting the economy back on track, he said.
"In general, healthy economic growth depends on well-functioning financial markets," Bernanke said. "Consequently, helping the financial markets to return to more normal functioning will continue to be a top priority," he said.
Bernanke's testimony comes just two days after the Fed and the Treasury Department came to the rescue of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, offering to throw them a financial lifeline.
The companies hold or guarantee more than $5 trillion in mortgages -- almost half of the nation's total. The Bush administration is asking Congress to temporarily increase lines of credit to Fannie and Freddie and to let the government buy their stock. The Fed has offered to let the companies draw emergency loans.
The pledges of aid have raised concerns about the government's role in such financial problems and the risk to taxpayers.
Strengthening regulatory oversight of Fannie and Freddie, Bernanke said, is "job one." Congress is moving ahead on a broad housing rescue package that includes provisions to tighten regulation over the two companies. Bernanke said legislative efforts to help stabilize the housing market -- the biggest threat to the economy -- are of vital importance.
Bernanke, in the first day of back-to-back appearances on Capitol Hill, said investors are nervous in general because of the cloudy outlook for the economy and credit conditions, feeding a vicious cycle that can be hard to break.
"Many financial markets and institutions remain under considerable stress, in part because the outlook for the economy and thus for credit quality, remains uncertain."
The Fannie and Freddie troubles came on the heels of the failure of IndyMac, a big bank.
And, earlier this year, a run on investment bank Bear Stearns pushed the company to the edge of bankruptcy and into a take over by JPMorgan Chase, which was backed financially by the Fed. That was a controversial move that prompted critics to call it a government bailout, putting taxpayers money at risk.
The Fed, in new projections, now believes inflation will be higher this year than previously thought, with prices rising as high as 4.2 percent under one inflation measure.
Growth for the year will be sluggish -- at best 1.6 percent growth -- but not as bad as previously forecast, helped by the government's $168 billion stimulus, including rebates. The unemployment rate, which could rise as high as 5.7 percent this year, is the same as earlier projections.
Fannie, Freddie crisis not the last: Soros
Billionaire investor George Soros said that the crisis over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not be the last, and noted that the broader credit meltdown will impact an already slowing United States economy.
The Treasury Department agreed to raise Fannie and Freddie's credit lines above the existing US$2.25 billion apiece and buy shares to strengthen their finances, if needed. The Federal Reserve offered to let the mortgage finance companies borrow at the rate it charges banks for direct loans.
The government's aggressive move on Sunday underscored problems plaguing the markets and the potential for them to send the US economy into a severe recession.
'This incident (with Fannie and Freddie) is not the last one,' Mr Soros said in a phone interview on Monday, adding the year-long global financial market turmoil represented 'the most serious financial crisis of our lifetime'.
'Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have a solvency crisis not a liquidity crisis,' said Mr Soros. 'There's no problem in their borrowing. And in fact, insofar there is a problem, the Fed is there to provide the liquidity.'
That said, both Fannie and Freddie are 'extremely leveraged', he said. 'The deterioration in the housing market, the foreclosures are going to cause losses which exceed their equity,' said Mr Soros, whose famous bet against the British pound earned his Quantum Fund US$1 billion in 1992.
The government's drastic measures could keep the US dollar under pressure, Mr Soros added.
'I think the dollar is vulnerable because the economy is going into a recession and the actions of the authorities do involve the accumulation of debt,' he said. 'There is various ratios by which the creditworthiness of a country's assurances are deteriorating.'
Growing effect on economy
Mr Soros said the credit crisis is having a growing effect on the US economy, not just financial markets. 'It is an idle dream to think that you could have this kind of crisis without the real economy being affected,' he added.
All told, Mr Soros said Mr Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, is in a bind.
'When he recognised the seriousness of the credit crisis, he acted very radically lowering interest rates and he used the tools that are at his disposal,' Mr Soros said.
However, now the 'armory' is depleted, he said adding that Mr Bernanke can't lower interest rates because of the effect it would have on the dollar and he can't raise interest rates because of the looming recession.
'Therefore, his options are limited - he is boxed in,' Mr Soros said.
The Treasury Department agreed to raise Fannie and Freddie's credit lines above the existing US$2.25 billion apiece and buy shares to strengthen their finances, if needed. The Federal Reserve offered to let the mortgage finance companies borrow at the rate it charges banks for direct loans.
The government's aggressive move on Sunday underscored problems plaguing the markets and the potential for them to send the US economy into a severe recession.
'This incident (with Fannie and Freddie) is not the last one,' Mr Soros said in a phone interview on Monday, adding the year-long global financial market turmoil represented 'the most serious financial crisis of our lifetime'.
'Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have a solvency crisis not a liquidity crisis,' said Mr Soros. 'There's no problem in their borrowing. And in fact, insofar there is a problem, the Fed is there to provide the liquidity.'
That said, both Fannie and Freddie are 'extremely leveraged', he said. 'The deterioration in the housing market, the foreclosures are going to cause losses which exceed their equity,' said Mr Soros, whose famous bet against the British pound earned his Quantum Fund US$1 billion in 1992.
The government's drastic measures could keep the US dollar under pressure, Mr Soros added.
'I think the dollar is vulnerable because the economy is going into a recession and the actions of the authorities do involve the accumulation of debt,' he said. 'There is various ratios by which the creditworthiness of a country's assurances are deteriorating.'
Growing effect on economy
Mr Soros said the credit crisis is having a growing effect on the US economy, not just financial markets. 'It is an idle dream to think that you could have this kind of crisis without the real economy being affected,' he added.
All told, Mr Soros said Mr Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, is in a bind.
'When he recognised the seriousness of the credit crisis, he acted very radically lowering interest rates and he used the tools that are at his disposal,' Mr Soros said.
However, now the 'armory' is depleted, he said adding that Mr Bernanke can't lower interest rates because of the effect it would have on the dollar and he can't raise interest rates because of the looming recession.
'Therefore, his options are limited - he is boxed in,' Mr Soros said.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Carry Nears A Breakout As Earnings Gear Up And Credit Fears Rise
While the DailyFX Carry Trade Index was modestly higher over the past week, the strategy (and overall risk sentiment) is on the verge of a breakout with earnings season kicking off and signs of a deepening financial crisis popping up all over the market. Today, the carry index stood at 28,935 – 101 points above last Friday’s level. However, looking at the chart below, it is easy to grasp the pressure building behind an inevitable break in the market’s cautious stance.
Since May, the basket has cut an ascending wedge with a horizontal resistance around 29,050. Perhaps offering a bias for the eventual trend development, market condition indicators are actually working their way lower despite improvements seen this past week. USDJPY risk reversals corrected considerably from its highest levels since last October and the volatility index is holding above the critical 10 percent figure.
The rebound in risk appetite seen from the March swing low has been slowly curbed by various signs that credit conditions and a lack of liquidity are still burdening the financial markets. Recently, a Bank of England credit report forecasted that the credit market – the life blood of investment – would worsen through the third quarter.
Such a forecast is troubling considering European banks are paying the highest prices in a decade to raise capital just to meet reserve requirements, while the governmentally sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the US are paying record yields in their own efforts to fortify reserves.
In the weeks ahead, speculation that these two lenders may require a government bailout or face bankruptcy will help to define the overall direction of risk trends; and the debate is lively. St. Louis Fed President William Poole has suggested the government step in now as the companies are essentially insolvent. Another driver for risk trends and the carry trade will be banks’ second quarter earnings numbers, which start to hit the wires next week.
Since May, the basket has cut an ascending wedge with a horizontal resistance around 29,050. Perhaps offering a bias for the eventual trend development, market condition indicators are actually working their way lower despite improvements seen this past week. USDJPY risk reversals corrected considerably from its highest levels since last October and the volatility index is holding above the critical 10 percent figure.
The rebound in risk appetite seen from the March swing low has been slowly curbed by various signs that credit conditions and a lack of liquidity are still burdening the financial markets. Recently, a Bank of England credit report forecasted that the credit market – the life blood of investment – would worsen through the third quarter.
Such a forecast is troubling considering European banks are paying the highest prices in a decade to raise capital just to meet reserve requirements, while the governmentally sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the US are paying record yields in their own efforts to fortify reserves.
In the weeks ahead, speculation that these two lenders may require a government bailout or face bankruptcy will help to define the overall direction of risk trends; and the debate is lively. St. Louis Fed President William Poole has suggested the government step in now as the companies are essentially insolvent. Another driver for risk trends and the carry trade will be banks’ second quarter earnings numbers, which start to hit the wires next week.
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