
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bull, Bear, and Cowardly Lion Markets

For the next dozen years or so the US broad stock markets will be a wild roller-coaster ride. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 index will go up and down (and in the process will set all-time highs and multiyear lows), stagnate, and trade in a tight range. At some point during the ride, index investors and buy and hold stock collectors will realize that their portfolios aren’t showing much of a return.

Over the last 200 years, every full-blown, long-lasting (secular) bull market (and we just had a supersized one from 1982 to 2000) was followed by a range-bound market that lasted about 15 years. Yes, this happened every time, with the exception of the Great Depression, over the last two centuries.

Though we tend to think about market cycles in binary terms - bull (rising) or bear (declining) - in the long run markets spend a lot more time in bull or range-bound (sideways) states, roughly half in each, and visit a bear cage a lot less often then we think. This distinction between bear and range-bound markets is extremely important, as you’d invest very differently in one versus the other.
Are bull markets driven by superfast economic growth? Are range-bound markets caused by subpar economic growth? Could the subpar market performance be related to high or low inflation?
The answer to all these questions is undoubtedly - "no." Though it is hard to observe in the everyday noise of the stock market, in the long run stock prices are driven by two factors: earnings growth (or decline) and/or price-to-earnings expansion (or contraction).

By taking a look at the last full 1966-2000 range-bound/bull market cycle, we can see that the Fed Model perfectly predicted the direction of equities in relation to interest rates. Long-term interest rates were rising from 1966 to 1982, while implied and actual P/Es were falling. Whereas from 1982 to 2000 interest rates were dropping, and implied and actual P/Es were rising. Intellectually that makes sense, because stocks and bonds compete for investors’ capital, and thus higher interest rates make equities less attractive and vice versa.
However, it is hard to find ANY relationship between interest rates and the animal with its name on the secular market if you look at the first 66 years of the 20th century. None!
It is difficult to dismiss the role interest rates play in stock valuations, but they seem to be a second fiddle in the orchestra conducted by economic growth and valuation. If the Fed Model worked flawlessly, how could we explain declining P/Es of Japanese stocks in the last decade of the 20th century, when interest rates declined and were scratching zero levels?
It is valuation! If earnings growth in the long run remains consistent with the past, P/E is the wild card that is responsible for future returns. Though continued economic growth appears to be a wildly optimistic assumption given the meltdown of the housing industry in particular, and job layoffs, it is not particularly unrealistic to predict that we will see economic growth overall. With the exception of the Great Depression, though it had its ups and downs, economic growth was fairly stable throughout the 20th century. Earnings, though more volatile than real GDP, grew consistently decade after decade, paying no attention to the animal (bull, bear … or cowardly lion - my pet name for range-bound markets, whose bursts of occasional bravery lead to stock appreciation, but which are ultimately overrun by fear that leads to a subsequent descent) lending its name to the stock market.
Though economic fluctuations were responsible for short-term (cyclical) market volatility, as long as economic performance was not far from the average, long-term market cycles were either bull or range-bound. Valuation - the change in price to earnings, its expansion or contraction - was the wild card that was mainly responsible for markets being in a bull or range-bound state.

During bull markets, a vibrant, peaceful combination of P/E expansion (a staple of bull markets, a great source of return) and earnings growth brings outsize returns to jubilant investors. Prolonged bull markets start with below- and end with above-average P/Es.

P/Es are some of the most mean-reverting creatures, and range-bound markets act as clean-up guys: they rid us of the mess (i.e., deflate high P/Es) caused by bull markets, taking them down towards and actually below the mean. P/E compression wipes out most if not all earnings growth, resulting in zero (or nearly) price appreciation plus dividends.

Bear markets are range-bound markets’ cousins; they share half of their DNA: high starting valuations. However, where in cowardly lion markets economic growth helps to soften the blow caused by P/E compression, during secular bear markets the economy is not there to help. Economic blues (runaway inflation, severe deflation, subpar or negative economic or earnings growth) add oil to the fire (started by high valuations) and bring devastating returns to investors.

A true secular bear market has not really taken place in the US, but one has occurred across the pond in Japan. The market decline caused by the Great Depression, though referred to as the greatest decline in US stocks in the 20th century, only lasted three years and thus doesn’t really fit the traditional "secular" requirement of lasting more than five years. Japan’s Nikkei 225 suffered through a true secular bear market: stock prices declined over 80 percent from their 1989-1991 highs until they bottomed in 2003 (the market seems to be coming back now). For more than a decade the country struggled with deflation caused by its banking system coming to a near halt on the heels of a collapsing real estate market and the bad loans that came with it. Of course, all this took place on the heels of a huge bull market, and thus very high valuations.

A unique aspect that contributed to the severity and longevity of the Japanese deflation was a cultural issue: the Japanese government intervened and did not allow structurally defunct companies to go bankrupt, thus tampering with the nucleus of capitalism (and Darwinism as well), creative destruction. I must admit, it seems that lately we’ve been importing a lot more from Japan than their cars and flat-screen TVs, as the US government steps in to "fix" our troubled financial firms.

The conclusions we can draw are:
Secular bull markets end at P/Es much above average. The 1982-2000 bull market ended at the highest valuations ever!
Secular range-bound markets ended when P/Es were below average.
Markets spent very little time at what is known to be a "fairly valued" state of 15 times 12-month trailing earnings. Historically, stocks only saw average valuations on the way from one extreme to the other. From 1900 to 2006 the S&P 500 spent less than 27% of the time between P/Es of 13 and 17.
Today, after eight years of plentiful volatility and no returns, what the WSJ called a "lost decade," stocks are not cheap. If you look at ten-year trailing earnings, they are still at levels where previous range-bound markets started. In other words, based on 10-year trailing earnings, stocks are still at 64% above their average stated valuations.
Now, if you look at historical valuations where P/Es are computed based on one-year trailing earnings, the picture is not that exciting but less grim. At about 18 times trailing earnings, US stocks don’t appear that expensive.

As a side note: The bulk of excesses in overall profit margins, 54.5% to be exact, were in "stuff" stocks (i.e., energy, materials, and industrials). Profit margins will deflate when the global economy slows down. This goes far beyond oil and commodities. Companies that make "stuff," which historically have been very cyclical (today is no different) have benefitted from tremendous operational leverage that contributed to considerable improvement in margins. However, leverage works both ways: lower sales and high fixed costs will push margins to the other extreme.

Financials were responsible for 22% of the excess in margins, as they benefitted from tremendous liquidity hosed down by the Fed over recent years; now they are drowning in it. Their margins are compressing at a faster rate than you can read this.

Finally, the "new" economy stocks are responsible for 17% of the excess. However, I’d argue that these industries have transformed substantially since 1988, so that higher-margin software and services now account for a much larger portion of technology and telecom sales. It is kind of like Microsoft vs. IBM in 1988: the hardware company vs. the new. Thus the "new" economy stocks should have higher margins than they did in 1988, but by how much? I don’t know, but they likely will face a lower margin compression than "stuff" and financials.

The bottom line: Remember those long-term double-digit returns you were promised by stock market gurus during the last bull market? Well, an average passive buy-and-hold investor will be lucky to have very low single-digit returns for the long term. In fact, during the last 1966-1982 range-bound market, investors received almost zero real total returns.

A long-lasting secular range-bound market consists of many mini (months to several years long) cycles. For instance, the last 1966-1982 range-bound market consisted of five mini bull, five bear, and one range-bound market.

Successful investing is a lonely place, as it requires an independent thought process that often goes contrary to the herd mentality. In the range-bound market, a contrarian mindset comes in especially handy, as you’ll be selling when everyone else is buying. Your stocks will be hitting their fair value, and you’ll be buying when everyone else is selling - during the mini bear markets.
This is not to suggest that you need to be a market timer, not at all. Market timing only looks easy with the benefit of hindsight, and it is very difficult to do on a consistent basis. Instead, time (price) individual stocks, one at a time. Buy when they are undervalued and sell when they are fairly valued, and repeat the process over and over again. In other words, instead of focusing on the bowling alley (the market) focus on the ball (individual stocks).
Selling is looked upon as a four-letter word, and therefore a sin, in a bull market. A buy-and-hold strategy is rewarded richly in secular bull markets - every time you made a "don’t sell" decision, stocks go higher. And though buy and hold is not dead but in a coma (waiting for the next bull market), it takes investors to a place of no returns. Forgive yourself the "sin" of selling and become a buy-and-sell investor.
The almighty US constitutes 4% of the world population, but its stock market capitalization represents more than a third of the world’s wealth. It has been comfortable for us to buy US stocks; it felt safe. However, by solely focusing on US stocks we are insulating ourselves from a greater pool of stocks to choose from.

I could be wrong but I doubt it
What if I am wrong and the range-bound market I describe is not in the cards? After all, history is prolific about the past but mute about the future. What if they find life on Venus and our economy starts growing at double digits and the secular bull market thunders upon us? Or the current credit market problems spill into a Japanese-like prolonged recession, causing a bear market? Every strategy should be evaluated not just on a "benefit of being right" basis, but at least as importantly on a "cost of being wrong" basis. An active value-investing strategy has the lowest cost of being wrong in comparison to other investment strategies, as you’ll see in Exhibit



環球化所帶來嘅衝擊力去年似乎已到高潮,雖然貸款者利息負擔去年9月起回落,但無法刺激美國經濟增長率回升。美國同時面對通脹及通縮壓力, 金價、油價及食物價格上升;股價、樓價及美元滙價卻回落。日經平均指數自 1990年起分析員有幾多次認為已見底?結果真正嘅底响2003年4月(十三年後)。呢次美股又點?九十年代日本政府企圖利用刺激經濟方案去抵銷八十年代嘅樓市泡沫,但唔成功。到2000年日本政府才肯面對現實,要求銀行大幅撥備,日經平均指數到2003年4月才止跌回升。


Linens'n Things(傢俬零售公司)因房屋市場萎縮及負債太深昨天已申請破產保護令,該公司响四十六個州共有五百九十間分店,員工一萬七千人。2006年2月 Apollo Management以13億美元收購,二年過去卻面對破產,去年第四季營業額9.62億美元,損失6200萬美元(去年全年虧損2.42億美元, 2006年虧損1.54億美元)。Frontier Airlines Holdings亦申請破產保護令。去年4月至12月虧損1870萬美元,12月裁員10%後,仍然捱唔住。



美國財政部高級官員David McCormick認為,IMF對美國經濟估計過分悲觀(IMF估計今年GDP增長率只有0.5%、2009年0.6%),佢認為經過四年GDP每年平均上升5%後,今年GDP增長率放緩係無可避免,但原材料生產國及新興市場繼續繁榮,可以反過來帶動美國GDP保持一定增長率。  

2007 年第四季美國GDP只上升0.6%(全年2.2%,係2002年以來最低),企業純利下跌3.3%,利率已由去年9月5.25厘降至2.25厘,消費信心 3月底跌至64.5,係2003年3月以來最低(2月76.4)。新興市場亦面對食物價格及燃油價格上升,世界銀行估計,今年新興市場GDP增長率只有 7.3%(去年8.7%)。IMF已修訂2008年全球GDP增長率為3.7%(1月份估計為4.1%)。睇嚟唔係IMF太悲觀而係美國財政部危機意識不足。內地壓抑通脹  


Thursday, April 10, 2008

You know its not over when u get something like this

Someone posted this over at http://www.lemetropolecafe.com/. If this post is real, then fundamentally we are not cleared of the woods and gives more risk to downward break from potential big negative earnings news.

Something Big out There

I have worked retail for several years. I am in mid-level store management right now. I don’t want to say exactly what company I work for, but it is in the top 3 largest. I work at a store in a major city.
There have been some crazy things going on recently. The changes that we are being asked me make per corporates direction makes me think that the people at the top think something VERY big is going to be happening to the economy soon. I don’t think the media or the government is giving us the full details of what is actually going on, but I think the CEO’s and others at the top are fully aware and are making plans.
For one thing I check sales every day. At the store level we usually compare what sales are today compared to sales for the same day, week, month, and year last year. Sales at our store, our district, and company wide have taken a HUGE drop compared to the same time last year. When I looked at them today my store and every store in our district was down over 30% for the same time last year. The company as a whole is also in the negative for the same time last year. (but not as much, but it gets lower every day).
Honestly at my store I could say that we have done everything in our power at the store level to increase sales, but it just isn’t happening. Departments like electronics are literally almost completely empty the entire day. The only departments that actually are getting sales are consumables, health, and chemicals. Just walking the store these are the only departments I ever even see people in ever since christmas ended.
Sometimes I will cover the service desk so a team member can take a lunch/break. When I do I sometimes process peoples credit card payments which lets me see how much they owe and how much they are paying. There are tons of people with THOUSANDS of dollars on their card only making minimum payments. These balances are usually at interest rates over 20%. Then there are people bringing in checks for the full amount, but they are BALANCE TRANSFER checks…. they are just moving it to other cards. But that isn’t what really worries me. What worries me is the changes corporate is making. I have worked here for years, and in the last 4 months I have seen more changes than all that time combined.
We are getting emails all the time from corporate telling us to reduce costs anyway we can. We recently got one telling us to start pulling fluorescent light bulbs, that we don’t need all of them in order to provide illumination…. and those bulbs barely use any power. Corporate has instructed all stores to lower the AC. It has been lowered enough to the point we get complaints from team members and customers.
Corporate has sent us emails telling us to make sure we fill bags to the absolute possibly maximum. They are not even sending us large bags anymore to some stores. Corporate has recently eliminated (what I would estimate based on how many positions we lost vs the thousands of stores we have) several thousand management positions at *all levels* of management at stores.
This NEVER APPEARED ON THE NEWS! I suspect because it was not a traditional lay off. What corporate basically told us was "Your position is eliminated, but you are not laid off. Once you quit/get your self fired/whatever your position just won’t be filled again" So we are basically slowly losing jobs as people company wide quit, get fired, etc…. but the jobs are never filled again. So basically we are cutting jobs, but the way it is being done is preventing it from getting reported in the media or tracked by the government as job losses.
No non-management positions have been eliminated, instead hours have been cut for them.
Raises this year have also been lowered in amount compared to in previous years. They have been lowered enough that corporate is keeping it a secret until we have to tell team members.
The company is also buying less. Our distribution centers are sending us, for example, 3 of a certain item when normally we would get 50…. and they don’t send us more until those sell. I have not been able to keep departments full of product despite contacting corporate and asking for more because we are being sent such small amounts of product.
We have had trucks cancelled all the time now simply because we sold so little that they can’t justify sending so few items to a store.
People are simply NOT buying things. They are not buying anything that isn’t a consumable basically. I asked our pricing team to do a store mark down and lower the price on almost all of our TVs by 30-50%. We still have not sold a single one in over a week after! Our TVs were not priced very high to begin with.
Our pricing team is also being sent price increase changes from corporate in huge numbers. I am talking entire aisles of product for them to raise the prices on.[Bag here: Inflation? what Inflation?] The other day we got a STACK of pages of product to increase prices on. We thought it HAD to be a mistake because that has simply never happened before. We have emailed corporate asking if it was a mistake… we have not heard back yet, but I suspect it was not.
Many stores are now changing to non-overnight stores. They will be closed overnight and ALL power except in office areas will be cut overnight to save on costs.
There have even been changes to job descriptions recently. Corporate is basically giving job dutys to people at lower levels which used to be reserved for people at higher levels. Even some management tasks are being given to people in non-management positions. Basically they are paying people less to do what people used to get paid more to do.
Things are NOT looking pretty right now. I can tell you from a consumer spending point of view something is definantely going on…. All these changes tell me the people at the top are trying to brace for something big that is going to be happening to the economy.

Approaching Investing in a Business-Like Manner

Investing is actually part and parcel of growing our wealth, albeit slowly and steadily instead of instantly. Thus, the attitude one should take when approaching this important activity should be one of utmost seriousness, which is why the title mentions "business-like manner".

So what exactly does business-like manner mean ?
This means observing a company as if you are a stakeholder who wishes to do business with the company, or acquire the company.
Think of the company as a business and examine all facets of it. First of all, one should apply what I call a "common-sense" view of a business, by examining the nature of its principal activities.
Companies which are in "commodity" businesses or those with a weird business model (a.k.a. something overtly innovative and which has no history of commercial success) should be shunned because it is unlikely that they can sustain increased earnings or ensure steady and predictable profits.

This is what I consider the “raw filter” for assessing companies for investment purpose. By using common sense to review whether a business has endearing characteristics or not, one can then make a conscious decision to pick and select the better businesses to drill down in detail.
The SGX has over 700 companies listed on it and it will be impossible to drill down into each one as it would be too onerous and impractical.
Finer filters can then be applied to assess the fundamentals and prospects of each individual company so as to ascertain its merits and demerits. One can then apply Phil Fisher’s 15 basic criteria as well to ask oneself if a particular company is investment-worthy.

By adopting a business-like attitude towards investing, one can approach companies from a more practical stand point to see if their business will be viable and sustainable in the near to medium term. Of course, any events may occur which may cause our initial assumptions to be invalid, but detailed research and in-depth reading about the company’s industry and the company’s financials should mitigate such risks.
Still, there will always be residual risk in any investment which cannot be eliminated, such as Acts of God (e.g. fires, floods, earthquakes and typhoons) and also deliberate and pervasive fraud. This is why the margin of safety concept always applies to protect the investor from massive losses, and how it will always remain a central concept in value investing.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Trading takeover the job

There are many ways that an investor can choose to invest. He can be a buy and hold investor or a value investor, or he can be a momentum trader or a day trader for the matter.
Sometimes choosing the kind of methods that suits your work environment is important as well. Lets just say that if your current superior allows you to do that doesn’t mean that your future superior will.
It gets even worse if you happen to be a happy go lucky trader and you work in a bank with full disclosure policy of your trades and holdings.
Some ways of investing just becomes so much of a hassle that it disrupts your productivity. I used to spend so much time looking at the numbers jumping. Thinking back to that time, I cannot imagine what I was doing back then.
The more you look at those numbers the more you are incline to force yourself into a decision that you have not carefully evaluate. A value investor or a buy and hold investor do not need to look at it that much.
I am of the opinion that if you have done your homework right, you shouldn’t be force to watch your position EVERY DAY EVERY MINUTE. Sure, you get one of those days when the company announce a bad quarter or profit guidance but hey, by the time the news release, the market would have reverted to a lower price, whether rational or irrational.
Last but not least, the best way to profit from the economy is to perform well at work, learn new things and earn a good increment. Not alot of stock market returns will measure up to that.

Actions will lead to future inflationary condition

These past two weeks have been extraordinary in that the Federal Reserve has had to take actions that have not been used since the Great Depression and a few that heretofore have never been used.

There have been several crises in the capital markets that lead us to comment on what they appear to mean. During the last year, we have conveyed a growing concern, through several prior commentaries, as to the dangers and implications of an absence of fear toward various types of increasing risks in our financial system. We believe the culmination of these risks forced the Federal Reserve to take the recent extraordinary actions of creating two new lending facilities for primary dealers and facilitating a merger of Bear StearnsBear-Stearns-Troubles with JPMorganChase to prevent a liquidity and solvency crisis from potentially toppling the U.S. capital markets. The partners of First Pacific Advisors, LLC (FPA) discussed these events on

March 21 and came to several conclusions about what the long-term implications of these actions might be and we will share them with you in this commentary. Fortunately, over the last two years, our preparations for potential financial market disruptions have meant that FPA and most of our product areas have essentially avoided the calamitous effects of this credit crisis.

We have been in disagreement with the Federal Reserve’s policy actions since this credit crisis began. In FPA New Income’s September 2007 shareholder letter, we argued that future Fed policy actions, the lowering of the Federal Funds rate, may prove rather ineffective in dealing with the unfolding credit crisis. The Fed proceeded under the assumption that this was a liquidity crisis, whereby lowering the Fed Funds rate would resolve the credit problems and return stability to the capital markets. However, with each lowering of the Fed Funds rate, there appeared to be very few positive responses from the U.S. capital markets. Even with a record 125 basis point cut in the Fed Funds rate between January 22 and January 30, liquidity and stability in the financial markets did not return by any appreciable degree.

As the Fed Funds rate declined, a growing flight to quality, as reflected by the rush into Treasury securities and away from any security that might have credit risk, began to take hold.

Despite the decline in Treasury interest rates, these declines did not spread to other areas of the capital markets, as exemplified by the 30-year Agency mortgage-backed securities market, where yields rose while Treasury yields declined. At one point, FNMA and Freddie Mac yield spreads increased to over 300 basis points above the Treasury curve versus a more normal 150 basis point spread. Our capital markets were shutting down since participants did not trust the counter parties with whom they were trading.

Friday, April 4, 2008



积极吸引和培养人才美国未来仍将独领风骚, 美国是今日的世界超级强国,未来还将独领风骚。 内阁资政李光耀认为今后四五十年惊天动地的新发明,还会继续源自美国。这是因为它是个不断物色和吸收全球精英的大国,实力得以不断壮大






凱恩斯有不少「投機心法」,值得大家借鏡。有一個時期,香港投資界流傳「音樂椅」的說法,即是說買賣股票的人如不知「收手」,「音樂」一停(回市),必然有人遭受損失。這種說法見於凱恩斯的著作中,在〈長期預期狀態〉第五節最後一段,凱恩斯用「叫停」(Game of Snap)和「音樂椅」(Musical Chairs)等英國小孩的遊戲來解說股市和期市的風險。在這些遊戲中,每一輪「賽事」中都有人佔(搶)不到座位而被罰,這是人人都知道的律規。因此,投機者都應有可能會損手的心理準備。後人據此發展出所謂「大傻理論」(Greater Fool Theory),即入市不是因為股票前景佳而是希望有人接貨,顯而易見,購入後股價下挫者便是大傻。
凱恩斯這種購進「一致叫好」的股票的論調,對於已成熟的股市來說,是行不通的,因為大家看好爭購,或正是大戶順應民情派發的時候,結果股價即使會再升,恐怕亦無法獲利回吐。最精明的做法應該在大眾未「一致叫好」之時,慢慢吸入,等到股民發覺該股「潛質優厚」時派發,這就是「相反理論」(Contrary Theory)的精粹。
有一點必須一提的是,凱恩斯堅信「購買力平價說」(Purchasing Power Parity,俗稱三P理論)對貨幣滙價的影響。一言以蔽之,它顯示通脹高低與貨幣滙價強弱成反比,即通脹率愈高滙價愈弱,反之亦然。落實三P理論,令凱恩斯在二十年代「初入賭場」時成為美元大好友、德國馬克大淡友,在買進美元沽空馬克(to bull dollar and bear marks)上大有斬獲。三P理論現在仍為學界和專家推許,但如今市場投資風氣太盛,「無招(理論)勝有招」!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


去年駐伊美軍每天人均耗汽油量二十點五加侖,比二○○四年增一倍;伊拉克是世上石油蘊藏量第三多的國家(已知蘊藏一千一百五十多億桶,約佔世界油藏百分之九點五),不過,美軍並非就地取油,其所用點滴汽油,都是「泊來品」。據美國防部的「國防能源支援中心」(Defense Energy Support Center)的資料,「自由伊拉克行動」每天消耗三百萬加侖汽油。
駐伊美軍汽油消耗量大增,根本原因在防彈的「高性能多功能(軍用)汽車」(Humvee)因為鋼板裝置愈來愈重有以致之,去年美國國防部訂製二萬三千部「抗雷車」(MRAP),出廠價每部三百五十萬;一般重達一萬二千磅的Humvee每加侖行車八里,而重達四萬磅(迷你谷巴重二千七百磅、勞斯萊斯幻影型五千八百八十六磅、Range Rover五千八百磅)的MRAP每加侖只能行車三里!

Monday, March 31, 2008


今年第一季,我提出長Put短Call的戰略,長Put者,以Put來對 手上長期持有的股,短Call 者,打游擊也,每逢股市出現恐慌性拋售的那一天,這不必驚慌,鎮定地買入Call 。之後,可以見好就收。現在,股市進入第二季,我認為短Call就不妨持久一點,從3月18日指跌到新低點20572開始,我就持續看好,期待熊市二期的反彈市來臨。熊市不可能一跌再跌永無休止的下跌,因為熊市來臨之時是無聲無息,不但小投資者察覺不到,不少經驗豐富的大戶也 察覺不到。但是,大戶比小股民優勝之處是手上彈藥依然充足,再加上忍耐性較高,大戶不會在驚慌中胡亂沽售股票。上個星期,有數隻股票股價狂跌,說是大戶基金洗倉,你以為基金經理是笨蛋,大手低價賣光股票?沒有,他們早已在期貨市場做了對 ,買Put賣Call然後才進行洗倉的行動,拿一隻兩隻股來洗倉不會影響基金的整體投資組合,但就足以將小股民嚇個半死。將不願意賣掉、挨了大半年的優質藍籌股也賣掉了,這就是震倉,把你手上的股票低價震出來,將來你必然以高價再買入.上星期我已告誡大家要防止被震倉。

Sunday, March 30, 2008



周四滬深A股下跌5.4%確認熊市(50天線低於200天線),一如恒生指數進入熊市二期大反彈,理論上可重見50天線甚至250天線水平才完成反彈。响走勢學上叫做吻別(Kiss me good-bye)。熊市二期第一隻腳通常強而有力,喺出現死亡交叉後短期股市係不跌反升。
Wilbur Ross、畢非德及Bill Gross都係世上知名嘅投資家,佢地本周不約而同認為市場已到咗可以投資水平。

Irving Fisher係美國著名經濟學者,雖然因睇錯市1933年接近破產,但佢所出嘅書The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions卻十分有參考作用。佢認為1929至33年美國大蕭條係聯儲局過分緊張通脹結果,反而英倫銀行因冇過分抽緊銀根,三十年代英國經濟仍然良好。佢嘅爭論點係1929年美國已負債纍纍,千萬唔好「Rock the boat」,不然一旦傾覆便不可收拾。到1933年3月美國負債減少20%,但美元購買力卻上升75%,即以商品價格計負債反而上升40%!換言之,減債行為加上價格下跌引發大蕭條。今天美國負債纍纍,如任由股票及樓價下跌,一樣可引發1929至33年嘅情況,樂觀點睇則會出現1990年日式衰退。阻止辦法係設法停止樓價及股市回落,一如1966至82年,讓美元購買力慢慢地失去;睇嚟貝南奇正採用咁嘅手法。現年五十四歲嘅貝南奇首次對貨幣政策有興趣,係三十年前閱讀佛利民得諾貝爾獎文章,當時佢剛從麻省理工畢業。其後致力研究中央銀行問題,2005年年底獲布殊委任時相信係全球對中央銀行此一項目最有研究嘅人,尤其係點樣防止「通縮恐慌」(deflationary panics)及聯儲局如何影響股市價格,喺呢方面佢曾寫過多篇討論文章,相信亦係對大蕭條最有研究嘅人,佢係阻止金融危機失控而威脅一般經濟方面嘅專家,包括如何規範銀行危機殃及正常信貸流動;似乎佢嘅一生就係為咗應付當前發生嘅次按危機一樣。只係佢無法令公眾人士對佢產生信心,而佢相信嘅現代預測模型亦未能預見樓按者大量不履行責任先兆而引發次按危機,响次按危機出現時亦低估其影響力。

佢心目中嘅英雄佛利民又點睇佢?佛利民認為貝南奇嘅優柔寡斷有如花灑內嘅傻瓜(like a fool in the shower),亂開熱水掣後又開冷水掣,總之不知所謂。美林證券北美洲分析員形容他佢係「seriously behind the curve」! 上述亦係一般學者常犯嘅錯誤,便係冇足夠證據前不作決定,不過股市往往走响證據之前。佢亦不乏同情者,認為今天樓市泡沫及次按危機係由2001年格老過分放寬銀根造成;格老在任十八年攞盡光彩卻留下爛攤子畀貝南奇去收拾。佢亦面對1972年前聯儲局主席Arthur Burns問題:當年尼克遜認為冇一屆總統因高通脹而不獲連任,卻可因高失業率而競選失敗。今年大選年佢努力阻止失業率上升而暫時忘記高通脹問題。另一前聯儲局主席伏爾克(1979至87年)認為依家聯儲局面對太多泡沫已漸失控。


Jim Cramer本周一响電視show Mad Money中認為熊市已經完成,次按危機發展到貝爾斯登事件已淋漓盡致,佢認為一般分析員太悲觀。


以今時今日物價,想唔節衣縮食都唔掂。雖然係咁,請唔好忘記畢非德嘅教訓:唔好蝕本!  去年10月30 日至今年3月18日,恒指已下跌三分一,平均O跌至十四倍,已經唔算貴,但經濟正步向衰退期,即企業邊際利潤見頂,面對回落。唔算貴並唔係入市買嘢嘅理由,例如呢次次按嘅Great Unwind係咪完成?經濟係咪已進入通縮期?科網股泡沫爆破,股市十九個月後才見底;呢次次按危機,股市五個月後便見底?西方中產階級正面對身家縮水,中國年輕一代卻開始躋身中產行列,形成西方物業市場出現通縮,東方由原材料到食物卻出現通脹。西方經濟步入九十年代日式經濟,東方經濟卻類似八十年代日本。  






另一投資界泰斗Joseph Granville今年已八十四歲。去年10月9日發出美股熊市訊號,認為道指最少下跌2200點,依家已證明準確。佢今天又再作驚人預測:道指將見9000點,低潮响今年10月左右(或年底)!Van Kampen主要投資策略員Rob Schumacher則完全唔同意上述睇法,認為年底標普五百可見1600點,升20%。一淡一好,誰對誰錯?投資市場無專家,只有贏家同輸家。  商品價格回落,油價見100.86 美元、金價見918.7美元,擔心商品泡沫上周爆破。2月份美國二手樓出售減少3%,至四百零三萬間(年率),代表九點六個月供應量,雖然較估計中嘅四百八十五萬間好,即地產放緩速度冇估計中咁快。OECD組織估計,美國、歐洲及日本今年上半年經濟進入徘徊區,美國GDP只升0.1%、歐羅區升0.5%、日本升0.3%。  

所謂馬英九效應已由今年1月23日台股7384點開始,到3月22日9049點結束,升幅共22.5%。上述升幅係由希望台灣加強同中國大陸聯繫所引發。2003年7月透過自由行、 CEPA、QDII等,令香港經濟復甦,唔少人認為上述事件可以喺台灣重演一次。呢幾日我老曹踏足台灣,所有响台灣嘅朋友都告訴我老曹只要藍營贏出,台灣經濟就有救。真係咩?1949年國民黨退守台灣,蔣介石實行勵精圖治,到蔣經國時代建立一個清廉政府。1971年台灣雖然失去聯合國地位,但經濟卻蒸蒸日上,可惜漸漸又故態復萌,又出現貪污腐敗,令2000年政權落入民進黨手裏。阿扁上台後,扁嫂由一位為「民主」而搞到自己坐輪椅嘅鬥士,漸漸變成貪污嘅小婦人,民進黨又走上國民黨嘅老路。




1990年2月Drexel Burnham Lambert出事,六個月後金融股復甦。呢次貝爾斯登2007年3月出事,今年第四季金融股復甦?1998年9月長期資本管理出事,美國金融股亦响六個月後便復甦。

聯儲局搏命減息,令短期利率急跌,但三十年期樓按利率不跌反升!減息嘅目的係鼓勵市民借錢買樓,但三十年期樓按利率上升,卻打擊買樓欲望。睇嚟長達二十五年嘅信貸上升周期已响去年第四季結束,信貸擴張期已經完成,而信貸收縮期剛開始。投資者尋求嘅係資金安全性大於保值,寧可忍受貶值嘅代價,上述行為係引發信貸壓縮(credit crunch)嘅理由。呢個情況九十年代响日本出現,1997年8月後响香港出現,去年10月起亦响美國開始,最後必引發通縮(而非通脹)。雖然各國央行曾努力阻止通縮出現,但日本銀行唔成功,香港政府唔成功(1998年9月曾動用過千億元資金買股票,令股市上升,但一樣解決唔到香港通縮問題),美國聯儲局可以咩?地產泡沫爆破後嘅影響,可用邊個更大嘅泡沫去抵銷?金價由3月17日1032.7美元一盎斯急跌至3月20日905.53美元,係咪一葉知秋? 4月份將係聯儲局最後一次減息(估計半厘),之後聯儲局便失去減息能力,到時美國會否開始進入通縮期?

二、 1986至95年;

1974年12月至76年3月美股大升,然後牛皮到1977年3月,再回落到1978年初,然後連升三年,到1981年爆煲;2002年10月至07年 10月走勢亦大同小異。至於2007年10月以後表現會否同1981至82年相似?我地不妨細心觀察。美國上一次黃金歲月係1949至69年,經濟繁榮而 CPI升幅唔大,呢段日子美國由擺脫戰爭恐懼,到順利發展經濟,直到1970、71年美元出現危機才結束。





中國經濟嘅外在因素同內在因素都在惡化中。今天中國經濟抗衰退能力較1997年好許多,但出口佔中國GDP 36%,亦較1997年高許多。依家中國生產全球70% T裇、60%記事簿、45%船隻;製造業方面投資佔中國固定資產投資31%,並間接影響道路、海港、電廠、工業邨等投資。製造業共聘用一億二千萬工人,佔城市就業人口50%(其中七千萬係低薪工人)。美國、歐盟及日本佔中國總出口60%。如中國出口增幅由去年20%降至今年10%,可令GDP升幅由 11.2%降至9%,投資者宜小心。  


今天日經平均指數收12604點,較去年6月20日18297點下跌31.11%(今年至今下跌17.66%),已成為美國次按危機嘅第二大重災區!至去年12月止,日本三菱、瑞銀等六大銀行集團响美國次按貸款中損失超過5000億日圓,業內人士估計,至3月31日止財政季度結束,未來公布嘅損失將遠高於此。3月 24日官方公布2月份破產企業多達一千一百九十四家,涉及負債36萬億日圓,較去年同期上升8.3%及26.2%。滙豐銀行估計,今年第一季日本工業生產總值將較去年同期下降2.5%。  






雖然美國減息,但冰島加息1.25厘、至15厘去支持克朗;波蘭、羅馬尼亞亦宣布加息0.5厘,至9.5厘去支持列伊(Leu),仲有斯洛伐克、捷克、匈牙利、拉脫維亞、立陶苑、愛沙尼亞、土耳其等。呢D國家收支赤字大增,貨幣面對好大壓力。例如保加利亞及拉脫維亞收支赤字相等於GDP 20%,羅馬尼亞亦達14%。一旦全球流動性過剩情況改變,可引發「東歐金融風暴」(類似1997年7月亞洲金融風暴),出現貨幣大幅貶值!

Improving on Value Investing Techniques

After reading a few books on value investing, I realized that my framework, though sound, was not water-proof enough in the sense that I did not have a quantitativ framework for computing the intrinsic value of companies. Though it is good to get a rough idea of a company's intrinsic value in terms of its customers, market share, margins, competitors etc., it will be even better still to follow this up with a proper framework and template for assessing a company, so as to make appropriate comparisons with other companies within the same industry or companies which may share the same ratio comparisons (e.g. same store sales growth standards). Such quantitative methods may seem tedious at first but they do add a useful dimension when assessing the suitability of a company for long-term investment.

While reading "Value Investing for Dummies" by Peter J. Sander and Janet Haley, I came across templates which the book advocated that value investors make use of, in order to enhance understanding of a company and also to have a more systematic approach to valuation. Thus far, I have been assessing companies based on many qualitative aspects as well as simple metrics such as margins, earnings growth and earnings per share. In order to constantly improve and grow as a value investor, one must incorporate new models or knowledge which will enhance his assessment of companies suitable for investment; and these templates and spreadsheets really do assist in giving me a better picture of various aspects of a company. I will just briefly list the key areas I wish to look into to give myself an added dimension, as I have yet to design my own customized template. Once I have the templates ready, I will proceed to use them in future posts to evaluate companies which I deem suitable and worth investigating.

First of all, the book talks about "running the numbers" in order to arrive at an intrinsic value computation. Essentially, this estimates the number of years of growth of the company at a certain rate, discounted using an appropriate discount rate. Suffice to say the worksheet is comprehensive enough to cover most aspects of the assumptions but the growth and discount rate assumptions are the most important in order to arrive at a conservative value. It is this conservative value which value investors seek to establish a margin of safety against. I will go into more detail in subsequent posts when I design the spreadsheet for this.

The next section talks about "Strategic Financials", which seeks to examine three aspects of a company - profitability, productivity and capital structure. Again, a template is provided for assessing these three key traits of a company using a 5-year comparison (to look for trends and to see if things are improving). It is a pretty rigorous exercise and it is not easy to fill in the numbers, but it definitely provides a lot of useful information about a company.
Finally, an ROE figure is computed based on these three aspects, and I will again provide more details of the ROE equation in a subsequent post.

The final section is the one without numbers, as it focuses on Strategic Intangibles. This area is the most difficult to ascertain and may be "grey" in certain instances due to subjective assessments of a company's brand power and management effectiveness. The characteristics given in the book which are evaluated include brand power, market share (and leadership), special competencies (if any), management effectiveness in terms of candour and independence, ownership, asset productivity and credit rating (less important factor). It will be extremely tedious to go through each and every one of these to obtain a "holistic" view of the company, thus even the book recommends skipping the less important and focusing on what makes the company worthwhile to consider. This is also the most interesting part of the analysis as it can provide insights into many qualitative aspects of a company which I frequently discuss on my blog.

Ultimately, these three aspects of analysis are just based on numbers and ratios. It is up to the astute value investors to MAKE SENSE of all the information and churn it into something useful and insightful. In a way, I have to admit that is the most difficult part of value investing - applying common sense and logic to a bunch of numbers and facts. But this is where the challenge comes in: if we do our homework properly and adopt a disciplined approach to investing, there is very little chance for failure and very little reason for losing money.

Phil Fisher's "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits"
I managed to purchase this classic book from Phil Fisher which I had been eyeing for very long. Warren Buffett's style had evolved from being almost 100% Graham to being part Graham and part Fisher, which signifies the start of Buffett looking at businesses for the quality and intangibles instead of just plainly numbers. My investing style has long incorporated aspects of Phil Fisher's style in that he also enjoys talking to Management and also the company's stakeholders to get a more balanced view of the company outside of simply the numbers.

Friday, March 28, 2008

STI- limited upside in the near term. Take profit

On Monday, we had issued a report indicating that the index will very likely stage the best rally since January 22 and potentially head uptowards 3140.
As of today, the index has already rallied to a high of 3057,with banks leading the way. We now lower our immediate target to 3070-3090as the range matches a trendline resistance and a fibonacci projection zone.
Additionally, we see no indication for either that a lasting bottom is in place or even a pattern indicating that the index has completed an initial corrective phase for both the STI and the HSI. Several stocks had registered some 20-30% gains in the past 4-5 trading days.

Our recommendation is to lock in some of these gains and switch into defensive stocks like SingTel, ST Engineering, SPH and SMRT or even into defensive shipping trusts.So long as the index fails to cross 3090, our working assumption is that the index is in a consolidation phase. As such a further decline towards the 2800 level cannot be ruled out.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

美国经济不利因素盘旋 亚洲股市欲振乏力



Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ready for a rally

Finding the silver lining
Despite higher volatility, largely reflecting financial market stability concerns and expectations for a US recession, there is reason for optimism in global equity markets. Monetary and fiscal policy response has been aggressive and more is likely on the way. Thus, a major source of ‘tail’ risk appears to have been removed.
Coupled with attractive valuations, low interest rates, and reasonable earnings growth, we believe prospects for a more sustainable rally in equities appear good.

Lingering challenges
We recognize that a move to become less defensive could still be early given that uncertainty could persist. Details of policy response are still unknown and global growth is still under pressure, which may keep earnings expectations muted.

With expectations for a US recession still on the rise and concerns about the stability of the financial system acute, markets have reeled amid the uncertainty.
Credit markets are under strain, banks have been under associated stress, and pressures have seemed unlikely to abate on their own.

Past examples of banking system bailouts should offer hope to investors.
Performance of domestic bank stocks following inception of a banking sector bailout is usually robust, with an average gain of nearly 30% in three months.

The historical pattern of a market rebound suggests that the sectors that have been under the most pressure also rebound the most.

Actions already taken by the Federal Reserve over the last nine months in response to the housing and financial market crisis have been significant.
Those actions include cuts of 300 bps in the Fed Funds rate and 375 bps in the Discount Rate since August, creation of the Term Auction Facility (TAF), Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), and involvement in term-funding of Bear Stearns.
In addition to monetary policy measures, there has also been fiscal action, with a tax rebate approved by Congress.
Further, we believe that there’s a probability of additional measures that will be taken by Congress and, perhaps, the Fed to provide more stimulus and liquidity to the economy and to markets. The combination of these measures should act as a stabilizer against the instabilities caused by the weakness in the housing market.
Therefore, coupled with other positive factors, equities appear oversold.

Low levels of nominal and real interest rates also favour equity markets. Real interest rates (the real Fed funds rate is now negative) are supportive of overall equity market valuations.

While we continue to believe that earnings growth is slowing globally and that bottom-up estimates for this year remain somewhat optimistic (particularly in emerging markets), though there have been downgrades to earnings estimates in recent months.

How to position for a market rebound
Looking back over previous market sell-offs (-10% from 12-month peak) that are followed by a sharp rebound (greater than 10% in three months) we find that the sectors that led markets lower also tend to lead in the recovery.

Markets are poised for a broad recovery in valuations driven by a decline in risk premiums. These moves are likely to benefit the whole market. However, the historical pattern of a market rebound suggests that the sectors that have been under the most pressure over the last year (financials -22% and consumer discretionary -16%, compared to the market which has been roughly flat) have potential to rebound sharply in the near-term.

In that vein, both sectors face hurdles that are unlikely to be cleared quickly. For consumers, the US appears still at the early stages of recession, the unemployment rate is likely to rise, and the downturn in housing will continue to force household balance sheet repair. Meanwhile, financials will face continued questions about growth potential in coming years given shrinking balance sheets.

Banking bailouts: A history lesson
Our Global Banks Analyst Philip Finch published a report on March 17th called “UBS Global I/O™: Banking Crisis – A banking bailout?” which takes a close look at past banking crises and the parallels we can draw from them to help understand the current turbulence. The team looked at four other crises with similar features to today which were preceded by a long period of over-lending and were all derived in one way or another from a real estate bubble. These bank crises are :-
1) The Great Depression of 1929,
2) the Savings and Loans crisis in 1986,
3) the Swedish banking crisis in 1992 and
4) the Japanese banking crisis of 1990.
Stacked up against these prior episodes, the current subprime crisis ranks second in terms of its cost as a percentage of GDP.

On average the financial sector returned 148% in the twelve months after the inception of the government bailout. The team believe a swift response from the US government this time could lead to a similar rally.

Overall economic conditions may remain challenging as recession in the US appears probable. To that end, sustainability of overall earnings growth may remain a concern.
Fears of a spreading global slowdown. These growth concerns could be most acute in Europe and Emerging markets, where growth expectations have been more stable. Moreover, materials and energy stocks could be vulnerable if demand concerns finally trump expectations for limited supply, driving prices lower.

Challenges remain Much of the stemming of systemic risk in the financial markets was predicated on a fiscal policy response from the US government. If this fails to materialise or the Fed disappoints with future monetary measures, substantial uncertainty could return to the capital markets.

Jim Rogers on the Bear Stearns bailout.....

The current market has some similarites of what happen in 1970s.

Psychology rules the markets,always. Inflation expectatios have produce "hope" that all sectors will do well. However "hope" is never a good investment tool.
Current market actions is pretty fast as psychology swings. And normally, no stock market can rally far without the banking stocks.
Currently Bernake is doing something similar like what happen in late 1970s where he expanded the amount of so-called cheap currency. People will borrow and use stocks as inflation hedges - yes stocks will rise.
Commodities prices will go higher and when inflation reach a all time high. Economy will plunged from the cliff. Deflation will follow. By allowing inflation to go higher, the US deflicit directly will be reduced (SGD to US was 1.70 and now 1.38).
Now the question is whether inflation forces is more powerful than the deflationary forces of collapsing credit. It seems collapsing credit is faster for now. Not taking too much risk, look around for high yield stocks or stocks you understand well enough.

Ahead market still look pretty bearish for now and at least for months.

Jim Rogers on the Bear Stearns bailout......
Jim Rogers was none too pleased with the way the U.S. government has been throwing its money around.

On why Bear Stearns was bailed out:
You know the reason they did it this way was because, if Bear Stearns had to declare bankruptcy, you'd realize that Bear Stearns paid out billions of dollars in bonuses in January - six weeks ago. If he let them go into bankruptcy, they all would have had to send back their bonuses.This is what they're doing, they're doing it so they don't have to give back their bonuses. That's why they didn't put them into bankruptcy. Jamie Dimon has gotten a great deal because the Federal Reserve is paying for it. The Federal Reserve is using taxpayer money to buy a bunch of Bear Stearns traders' Mazeratis.

On letting banks fail:
Investment banks have been going bankrupt since the beginning of time. What are you talking about? Let somebody go bankrupt - it's not the end of the world. You remember what happened in the 70s when they tried this tactic -when Arther Burns kept printing money. Finally, interest rates had to go to over 20 percent and they had to bring in Paul Volcker who had to take draconian measures and put the country into a serious recession. How much more money do you think the Federal Reserve has?

On risks to the banking system:
In 1966, the entire Japanese financial community went bankrupt. Every broker in Japan was in bankruptcy. Japan came out of that and became one of the great powerhouses of the world. In 1907, everbody on Wall Street was bankrupt. America recovered from that and had a very nice future. Are you telling me that we're never going to have bankruptcies in the financial community again?

On Alan Greenspan's role in this mess:
The first two central banks in America failed. Between Greenspan and Bernanke - they're setting up the failure of the central bank. The demise of the Federal Reserve. The first two failed, this one is going to fail too -because of Greenspan and Bernanke. Greenspan laid the perfect foundation for Bernanke.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008





