
Tuesday, April 28, 2009




首先是证券公司。证券公司永远要高薪雇用大批证券分析师、研究员、经纪人,不厌其烦地点评股票,日复一日地重复着买入卖出建议,希望你的交易越频繁越好。他们不停地 “ 克隆 ” 着公司研究、评级报告,有时对于同一公司股票价格在10元时评级是买入,而跌倒5元时却是卖出,无论推荐正确与否,这都不影响他们永远辛勤、卖力地工作。也许在这背后有一个声音是永恒的:交易吧,我的朋友,你是我们的衣食父母!所以站在证券公司的立场上,他们当然最不欢迎也不能接受价值投资法,当然不希望每个投资人都信奉巴菲特式的价值投资,因为价值投资法的换手率通常是非常低的,而且可能持有股票长达多年。所以如果市场上都是价值投资者,恐怕很多券商都会亏损甚至倒闭。



金融衍生产品实际上为你提供的不是致富机会而是陷阱。虽然中国股市除了权证之外目前还没有推出那些眼花缭乱、富有魅力的交易品种(如股指期货),但是这只是时间早晚的问题。这些交易品种不具备 “ 创造价值 ” 的特点,完全是一个博弈的市场,即零和游戏。个人投资者在这场高风险的 “ 赌博游戏 ” 中面对强大的竞争对手(业内专业人士)很少会有赢家。


Saturday, April 25, 2009









价值投资者关注基本面 —— 为了捡便宜,当然需要搞清楚东西值多少钱,基本面分析是根本。

价值投资者追求安全边际 —— 同上,捡便宜是价值投资者的中心任务,为的是主动。

价值投资者往往是长期投资者 —— 公司短、长期的估值矛盾是获利的来源,所以价值投资者要长期等待市场认识到公司的真正价值。但如果市场迅速认识到,价值投资者也是短期投资者。

价值投资者不害怕股价下跌 —— 如果花40块买了值80块的东西,现在掉到30块,那就等嘛,不急。

价值投资者对宏观经济不敏感 —— 公司的价值来源于长期,短期的经济形势影响不大。


价值投资者逆风飞行 —— 在大家都恐惧时,公司的长期价值并不受影响,大把便宜货,买入。








第四 ,持续增加的M2到M1。由于市场总市值的变化,增量货币带来的边际效应越来越低。而且可以预期的是随后信贷资金不可能保持一季度那种“狂放”状况,逐步减低将成为事实。也许4,5月信贷仍可以保证,但是再往后呢?退一步将,既是信贷有保障,但信贷只能维持企业现金流,不能保证企业利润,无法消灭过剩产能。



















Thursday, April 23, 2009

Forget About Inflation... It's Deflation You Should Worry About

A consensus has formed that the government's massive money printing and debt-powered spending binge will soon destroy the destroy the dollar, crippling the remaining savings of anyone dumb enough not to buy "real" assets--like gold.

John Mauldin, president of Millennium Wave Advisors, thinks that's ridiculous. He's also author of the popular e-letter, "Thoughts from the Frontline."

The Fed is printing money, Mauldin says, but overall credit is being destroyed. The government is desperately trying to bring back inflation, so we can lessen the real burden of our huge debts, but this will take a year or two at best.

So in the meantime, Mauldin says, ignore the gold bugs. They've been wrong for 25 years and they'll keep on being wrong for the foreseeable future.

Mauldin: Don't Trust the Rally, But Don't Short, Either

In the past few weeks, as stocks have charged almost 30 percent higher, a consensus has emerged that this is the start of a great new bull market.

Stocks always rally six months ahead of the economy, this chorus goes. Today's "green shoots" of good news will soon bloom into a full-blown economic recovery.

So buy now while you still can!

Or not.

Our guest John Mauldin, president of Millennium Wave Advisors, thinks the "great new bull market" theory is. A bunch of baloney. We're not getting out of this mess so fast, he says. The idea that stocks always bottom six months before a recovery is a myth (he's right). And he'll believe it's a new bull market when he finally sees some progress on corporate earnings.

But won't that be too late to buy?

No, says Mauldin, also author of the popular e-letter, "Thoughts from the Frontline." The great bull markets last for decades, so you'll have plenty of time. Those who bought at "the bottom" in 1974 had to suffer through the rest of the 1970s. So stop sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for that perfect moment to buy and just remain cautious for a while.

And that's the key: Mauldin isn't comfortable shorting now, either. He says the environment is too unpredictable. We all must wait and see what "the new normal" turns out to be.

Monday, April 20, 2009



1968年,吉姆·罗杰斯怀揣600美元独闯华尔街;1970年,他与世界金融巨头索罗斯共同组建“量子基金" ,投资回报率一度高达4000%。1980年,37岁的罗杰斯出人意料地与索罗斯分道扬镳,坐拥1400万美元的他开始了全新的环球投资生涯,投资足迹遍布葡萄牙、奥地利、巴西、中国等十多个国家。人们一定以为这位大师具有非凡的投资觉悟,然而他却如此告诫投资者:“投资的法则之一是袖手旁观,除非真有重大事情发生。大部分的投资人总喜欢进进出出,找些事情做,而我更愿意坐下来等待大势的自然发展。”


众所周知,投资基金追求的是长期收益,然而又有多少人能做到对基金净值短期波动的 “ 袖手旁观 ” 。面对市场的风起云涌,大多数投资者被裹挟其中,诚惶诚恐地追随着股市的浪潮,哪怕稍有风吹草动,便忙不迭地买入或者卖出。一些人自诩为“长期投资者”,一旦股市下挫(或者是稍稍上涨)他们马上就从“长期投资”变成了短期投资,在股市大跌时宁愿损失极大也会恐慌性全部抛出,或者偶尔能够得到一点点小利时也会迫不及待地将基金赎回。由于人性中固有的恐惧和贪婪,投资者总是抵挡不住波段操作和追涨杀跌的诱惑。







06年开始一直到09年整个社会的投资营商环境直线下滑,06年和07年进入股市拉抬股价的资金,就是那些制造业的资金,而且我认为是以民营企业为主的制造业资金进入股市、进入楼市。由于环境恶化,所以很多民营企业家不想干了,大量资金进入楼市与股市的结果就是从06年开始到07年年底的泡沫现象,到了08年投资营商环境持续恶化,可是政府的宏观调控从07年政府的中央经济工作会议之后,执行严格的两防政策,银行大量收回授信,所以使得大中小型企业各个缺钱,再加上投资营商环境的恶化,使得整个股市大幅走低,一直到了08年的10月,政府推出了4万亿的救市工程,这个概念推出来之后激活了股票市场的资金流入,所以形成暂时股市上升现象,但是其后还是会下跌,因这都是短期泡沫, 12月5000亿,一月的6000多亿以及后来的资金持续注入企业,而企业所面临的投资营商环境持续恶化,所以这一次的驱动力量就是大型企业,尤其是大型国企,他拿到了银行授信,部分进入股市,造成泡沫现象。那我们如何判断09年往后的股市呢?按我现在来看,投资营商环境恶化是个必然,所以大家不要期待企业会拿钱去好好的干实业,他们手上只要钱多了就开始炒楼炒股,手中有钱又不好投资又碰到十大产业振兴方案,所以这一拉抬起来很过隐。





Paying a High Price for a Cheery Consensus

Yes, those of you who saw the title are probably thinking it looks very familiar ! It was actually a quote from Warren Buffett when he mentioned that you “pay a very high price in the stock market for a cheery consensus”. I must admit yours truly was quite stumped when I first came across this statement and was wondering what it meant and what implications it had. Initially, I thought he was referring to paying high prices for shares of companies and thereby agreeing with what everyone thought about the company – a form of herd behaviour. Later I realized I was quite wrong when I was thinking about the stock market and the full meaning of this statement hit me like a bolt of lightning from above.

In the context of this bear market, we can be considered to be experiencing one of the worst bear markets and recessions in at least the last 70 years. In fact, economists and market experts have termed this period as “The Great Recession” as many aspects mirror the Great Depression era of the 1930’s, with the exception of more globalization now, more co-ordinated stimulus efforts and more liquidity being pumped into each economy by respective central banks. Most investors have seen their portfolios literally melting like hot candle wax since October 2007 to the troughs seen in October 2008 and more recently, March 2009. Economists and government officials have gone on record stating that the recession does not seem to be lifting any time soon and there is a lack of clarity and visibility on how things will turn out. In Singapore, the MAS revised their GDP forecasts for Singapore for FY 2009 to a range of -6% to -9% (from -2% to -5% just a few months back). Exports are falling off a cliff and year-on-year GDP growth rate for 1Q 2009 has slumped 19% to make it the worst quarter since Singapore became independent.

So what does all this news portend for the retail investor ? Well, for starters, Mr. Market has become very pessimistic and is willing to pay very low prices for most companies, be they good or bad. This is where the phrase comes in – we tend to pay high “prices” (i.e. valuations) for a cheery consensus (clarity and certainty). The words in brackets help to explain the sentence in the context of how it should be viewed. Valuations are low when there is a lack of clarity, companies are reported declining profits and analysts are scrambling to value companies based on Price-to-book, rather than Price-to-Earnings. This is because earnings have become so uncertain that a different metric must be used, they argue. Price to book is “safer” in that it assumes a more conservative stance with respect to a company’s book value, which is usually the liquidation value of a company after accounting for its assets and liabilities; rather than volatile earnings which can fluctuate from period to period due to the severe slump in consumption and lack of financing options for growing the business.

Hence, an investor cannot have the best of both worlds. I repeat, it is impossible to have the cake and eat it too ! What I mean is that one cannot have clarity and certainty on a Company’s future growth and earnings, yet expect to pay a low price for it. A “cheery consensus” means that everyone is happy and satisfied with a company’s future, and thus when this happens, we inevitably end up paying a very high “price” for it, meaning margin of safety would be lesser; as compared to when the future is cloudy and murky and uncertainty reigns.

The lessons one should take away from this is that uncertainty is the friend of the buyer of long-term values, after assessing the corporate strategies and financial fundamentals of the company in question of course. Uncertainty is the only guarantee in the stock markets and as investors, we deal with uncertainty ALL THE TIME. Every earnings report is uncertain, as is the ability of a company to continue to pay dividends and grow earnings. What investors need to realize is that instead of avoiding uncertainty, we have to manage it actively and learn to live with it. We have to learn to pay low prices for a certain tolerable level of uncertainty, and to be able to bravely invest even when the future is highly uncertain (as it is as of this writing).

How can one mitigate against the risks of being wrong about uncertainty and buying a dud company ? I for one use qualitative metrics such as Management experience, how they navigated previous downturns, their track record over 5-6 years in growing the business, their conservatism (or aggressiveness) as well as how they allocate capital. To give some pertinent examples, I will use Tat Hong and Swiber to illustrate.

Swiber recently bought back some of the company’s shares at a price above S$1.00 when it could have used the cash to fund its capex program. Now it is fervently selling off OBT and also part-ownership of its vessels (Swiber Victorious and Swiber Chai) to raise more funds as the downturn intensifies. This is what I call a “horse behind cannon” move as Management should have anticipated the global credit crunch more astutely and begun to conserve cash instead of using it on share repurchases at much higher prices than the current market price. To me, this is a classic case of poor allocation of capital on the part of Management and also an inability to properly manage a crisis, reflecting inexperience. This is not surprising since Swiber is only a 13-year old company established in 1996, and was only recently listed in 2006.

Tat Hong, by contrast, has shown much resilience in its business model as it switches from an equipment sales company to a rental company. Management has about 30years of experience in this industry and have been through crises such as the Asian Financial Crisis and the Dot.Com bust. Through such crises and economic downturns, they have learnt how to conserve cash and protect profits from eroding quickly. The experience from past recessions has served them in navigating the current rough seas, and even though they are not totally unscathed, at least I view them as being more astute in Management capital than Swiber.

So the key to investing successfully is to observe Management’s quality and to avoid paying too high a price for a “cheery consensus”. Learn to expect uncertainty and to invest because of it, as that is the only way one can lock in low valuations and achieve one’s desired margin of safety.

T. Boone Pickens sees oil at $75 at end-year

Texas oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens on Monday reiterated his prediction that crude oil prices would hit $75 a barrel this year as producers scale back production.

Pickens said about OPEC producers: "They told you they want $75 by the end of the year, I would count on that, I believe them."

OPEC has scaled back output to help support crude prices, which have dropped from record highs over $147 a barrel in July to around $47 a barrel on Monday.

"I think you are going to clean up the stocks because the people who have the oil are cutting supply," Pickens said at an alternative fuels and vehicles conference, referring to the nearly 19-year high on U.S. inventories of crude oil reported last week by the federal government.

The United States would likely burn through its supply overhang in three months, he told reporters.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is This the Beginning of a Bull Market, or Just a Breather for the Bear?

Since sinking to a 12-year low of 676.53 on March 9, the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index had risen 24% — the best such short-term rally since 1933. But this isn’t 1933 and you shouldn’t trust the rally. Happy Days are NOT here again, at least not yet.

The 1933 rally came after a record-breaking decline. Real gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 25% during the Great Depression and the Dow Jones Industrial Index fell by almost 90%.

What is less well known, however, is that valuations remained depressed for well over a decade after 1933. In 1949, when the Dow was selling at a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of just 7 times, it was cheaper in terms of earnings, net asset value, and GDP than it had been at its 1932 nadir.

This time around, the S&P 500 index fell 58% from its 2007 peak to its March 9 bottom at the superstitiously significant 666. Of course, 58% is nowhere near as much as 90%. To recover from a 58% drop the stock market must rise by 138%, but it must rise by 1,000% to recover from a 90% drop.

So it is not surprising that in spite of inflation and enormous economic growth, the Dow did not reach its 1929 level until 1954.

The other difference between 2009 and 1933 is that the 2008 stock market peak was both higher and more prolonged than it was in 1929, which was a mere blip by comparison.

Radio Corporation of America - 1929’s equivalent of Cisco Systems Inc. or Google Inc. - never got above 28 times earnings in that market, and the Dow spent less than three years within 50% of its peak value of 381.17, only passing 200 in December 1927, and finally falling below that level in August 1930.

In this market, the Dow was above 7,000 - within 50% of its 14,164 peak - continually from May 1997 until February 2009. Because the 2000s market was more overvalued for longer for a longer period of time, it has further to fall, even without a “Great Depression” economically.

The current rally has been based on signs that the U.S. banking system is not about to expire - a development I wrote about in an article entitled “The Top 12 U.S. Banks: From Zombies to Hidden Gems” in late February.

Apart from the very largest banks, which gorged themselves on the most foolish and ill-designed products of the derivatives business, the banking system is suffering from a normal real estate downturn and is coping well with the high levels of loss that downturn has brought. With short-term interest rates well below long-term rates, banks’ ongoing lending business is currently exceptionally profitable.

The U.S. economy, as a whole, has stopped falling with ever-increasing velocity and may actually be beginning a lengthy “bottoming out” process. Had politicians avoided meddling with the monetary and fiscal systems of the globe, devoting trillions of dollars to bailouts and stimulus, the bottom we are approaching might well be somewhat deeper, but we could at least be sure that it was indeed the bottom, with recovery to follow.

In Asian countries such as Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, where stimulus has been modest, and in China where it has created only a modest budget deficit, the sharp recession caused by collapsing exports is already coming to an end. (China, however, has a major banking and real estate problem that could still cause trouble down the road.)

But in the United States, we can have no such assurance. Monetary policy, which was far too expansive in 1995-2008, reached expansiveness of extraordinary dimensions after last September’s crisis, with the monetary base doubling and broad money expanding at a rate of more than 15%. Fiscal policy has produced record peacetime deficits - deficits that are more than double the previous peacetime record. The Federal budget deficit in 2009 will be double the 2007 balance of payments deficit, which had previously been thought of as a critical and dangerous imbalance.

With imbalances of this size, there can be no assurance that a recessionary bottom will be followed by recovery, quite the opposite. Japan has now suffered near-recessionary conditions for almost two decades with a weak recovery in 2003-07. And that modest recovery is now being followed by a new recession as the Japanese government foolishly resorted to more wasteful public spending and debt.

Fiscal stimulus stimulates nothing in a country where public debt is already 160% of GDP; instead it increases uncertainty and crowds out risk-taking private capital.

The most likely scenario for the United States is a recession, or near-recession, that lasts for a decade with the economy unsuccessfully struggling against the twin problems of surging inflation and a budget deficit that crowds out private capital investment. Either real interest rates will be high to combat inflation or inflation will rage out of control.

In such an environment, the outlook for stocks is bleak. The high stock prices of 1996-2008 have gone, and they will not return. When the excessive monetary expansion began in the spring of 1995, the Dow was at 4,000. That is equivalent to a level of 7,800 today when you inflate it by the increase in nominal GDP since 1995.

However, 1995 was not a bear market low. It was far from it. The market had been rising for four years since its 1990 bottom and was almost 50% above its 1987 peak, just before the “Black Monday” crash.

Thus, even if the economy had the growth prospects of 1995, a level of 7,800 on the Dow would be a reasonable expectation, not for a bear market low but for an equilibrium value. If you then take into account the markedly worse expectations for the U.S. economy resulting from excessive fiscal and monetary stimulus, 7,800 is too high.

Take the 1949 P/E multiple of 7, and apply it to a recovering earnings level of say $60 on the Standard and Poor’s 500, and you get an S&P of 420 - equivalent to a Dow of around 4,000.

The market is no longer hugely overvalued with the Dow at 8,000, but any rally will be temporary, and we can expect an eventual low well below the 6,547 the Dow reached last month.

The “Cheap Oil Era” is Ending Soon…

Oil prices have fallen 70% since hitting a record $147.27 a barrel in July, which means in just five months, crude has given up all the price gains it made in the past four years.

After such a wrenching plunge, many analysts believe the outlook for the “black gold” remains bleak - and in the short term it certainly is. In the long run, however, dwindling supplies, resurgent demand, and a lack of investment will cause crude oil to double, triple, or even quintuple in price over the next few years.

In fact, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) - energy advisor to 28 industrialized nations - says oil will rise to $100 a barrel by 2015, as a result of a major “supply crunch,” and will ultimately soar to $200 a barrel.

But before it does, prices are likely to sink even further, perhaps falling as low as $20 a barrel in the first quarter of the New Year.

Indeed, much of Wall Street expects oil prices to average about $50 a barrel in 2009. Some of the firms and their specific forecasts include:

Deutsche Bank AG, which says oil prices will average $47.50 for all of next year.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., which predicts that prices will average $50 even.
Moody’s Investors Service also says crude will average $50 a barrel in 2009, but says that average will increase to $55 a barrel for 2010.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is slightly more bearish, predicting that prices will average $45 for all of next year - after falling as low as $30 in the 2009 first quarter. (It’s worth noting that Goldman - just five months ago - predicted oil prices would hit $200 a barrel in 2009).
But analysts also agree on something else: When the recessionary tide finally recedes, all of the factors that drove oil to its record high last summer will once again be exposed, and crude will again soar to record highs.

“We may see prices drop lower - into the twenties, even - but there’s a better-than-average chance that they’ll be back over $70 a barrel by the end of next year,” says Money Morning Investment Director Keith Fitz-Gerald. “That’s where firms like Goldman and Merrill are getting all of these ‘middle-of-the road,’ $50-a-barrel estimates. And it’s why investors who buy in through the first quarter could enjoy compelling returns at the end of the year.”

In the meantime, however, low oil prices are crimping investment in new capacity, a reality that will lead to much higher prices down the road.

Just ask the IEA.

IEA: Rising Demand + Lack of Investment = ‘Supply Crunch’

According to widely respected energy advisor, global oil demand will slide 0.2%, or 200,000 barrels per day (bpd), this year, falling to an average of 85.8 million bpd. But the IEA also says that oil demand will advance by an annual average of 1.6% between 2006 and 2030.

The bottom line: Regardless of any short-term pullback, daily demand will rise from the current level of 86 million barrels to 106 million barrels in 2030. In other words, daily demand in 2030 will be 23%.

To meet that demand, the agency estimates that the world needs $26.3 trillion in supply-side investments over the next 21 years.

China, India and other developing countries, alone, will need investments of $360 billion a year through 2030, the agency said.

About 7 million bpd of additional capacity needs to be added to the market by 2015. And right now - because of marketplace changes - the financial incentives to make that happen just don’t exist.

Exploration costs have more than quadrupled since 2000, as oil producers have been forced to take on more complex projects, and the costs of both labor and materials have skyrocketed. At the same time, the steep drop in oil prices has put even more pressure on energy companies to curtail their investments rather than increase them.

Earlier this year, for instance, ConocoPhillips and Saudi Arabia Investment Co. were forced to postpone bidding on the construction of a 400,000 bpd export refinery at the Yanbu Industrial City.

“We see and hear about energy investments being delayed … this is a major worry and could lead to a supply crunch and much higher oil prices than we’ve seen before,” said Fatih Birol, the IEA’s chief economist.

The IEA predicts that, by 2015, a lack of investment and rising demand will create a “supply crunch” - that will once again send oil prices up into the triple digits.

“There remains a real risk that under-investment will cause an oil supply crunch in that time frame,” the IEA said in an executive summary of its “2008 World Energy Outlook.” “The gap between what is currently being built and what will be needed to keep pace with demand is set to widen sharply after 2010.”

The agency predicts that crude will average more than $100 a barrel from 2008 to 2015and rise above $200 a barrel by 2030, as demand far outpaces supply.

“While the situation facing the world is critical, it is vital we keep our eye on the medium to long-term target of a sustainable energy future,” Nobuo Tanaka, the Paris-based agency’s executive director, told reporters in London. “While market imbalances will feed instability, the era of cheap oil is over.”

While it’s probably true that the “era of cheap oil” is in our rearview mirror, a new question has arisen: Just how high do oil prices go?

According to some analysts, the IEA’s target price of $200 a barrel is far too conservative.

$500 Oil?

The lack of exploration and development is certainly a problem. But a much bigger issue is the fact that output from the world’s existing oil fields has sharply declined.

“The future rate of decline in output from producing oilfields as they mature is the single most important determinant of the amount of new capacity that will need to be built globally to meet demand,” the IEA says.

And output from the world’s oilfields is declining faster than previously thought.

In its “2007 World Energy Outlook,” the IEA estimated that output from the world’s existing oilfields was declining by 3.7% a year. But in its latest report, published in November, the IEA revised that estimate to an annual decline of 6.7%. (The November report was based on the first major study of the world’s 800 largest oil fields.)

Unfortunately, the IEA is behind the curve.

For nearly a decade, Matthew R. Simmons has said that the world’s oil production was nearing - or already at - an “inflection point.” While his book “Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy,” was scoffed at when it was originally published back in 2005, Simmons is now viewed as perhaps the preeminent expert on the so-called “peak oil” movement.

“Like most people who ignore conventional wisdom, he was scoffed at, ridiculed, and denied,” commodities guru Jim Rogers told Fortune magazine. “And now, of course, people are starting to say, ‘Oh, well, I thought of that.’”

Simmons, chairman of the Houston-based investment bank Simmons & Co. International, poured through hundreds of technical documents submitted by Saudi oil geologists to the Society of Petroleum Engineers over the past 50 years.

“I finished reading the last paper on a Sunday afternoon,” Simmons told Fortune, “and I sat back and thought, ‘Holy crap, this is unbelievable. I’ve just discovered the biggest energy illusion ever in the world. We’re in big trouble. I’m going to write a book.’ “

Much of the alleged Saudi Arabia subterfuge has to do with a complete lack of transparency with respect to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. After OPEC decided to base its production quotas on reserve figures in the 1980s, several of the cartel’s producers suddenly raised their levels of “proven reserves” by 40% or more.

Back in 1988, for instance, Saudi Arabia raised its proven-reserve figure from 170 billion barrels to about 260 billion barrels. That figure has remained more or less constant since then, despite the fact that billions of barrels of oil have been pumped out of the ground.

“Saudi Arabia has announced for 20 years in a row that they have 260 billion barrels of oil in reserve,” Rogers told Money Morning during an exclusive interview in Singapore recently. “It’s astonishing. The figure never goes up and it never goes down. They have produced dozens of millions - billions - of dollars of oil in that period of time.

“Every oil country in the world has declining reserves except Saudi Arabia,” Rogers said. ”And I know that every oil company has declining reserves. So unless somebody discovers a lot of oil very quickly in very accessible areas, the surprise is going to be how high the price stays, and how high it goes.”

Simmons thinks oil prices could hit $300 a barrel - and could possibly even surge as high as $500 a barrel - during the next several years.

“Black Gold” Profit Plays

When it comes to investing, the oil sector poses some very clear risks, especially given the murky near-term outlook. However, there are a number of large-cap integrated oil companies that may offer some truly compelling values at current prices.

Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. are currently trading at multi-year lows, making them exceptionally cheap in both relative and absolute terms. These companies also have strong balance sheets (Exxon is “AAA”- rated and has more cash on its balance sheet than debt), generate strong cash flows, and have traditionally increased their dividends on a regular basis.

Chevron was actually recommended as a “Buy” by Money Morning Contributing Editor Horacio Marquez in his “Buy, Sell or Hold” column earlier this year.

“Chevron is the kind of company that is capable of continuing to post large profits - propelling its share higher from current levels - even if oil-and-gas prices were to drop from current levels over the next three years,” Marquez said. “That’s because Chevron’s business is well cushioned, since refining, marketing and chemicals margins would expand dramatically if market ’spot’ prices were to decline. Also, the company’s production is poised to expand strongly and Chevron uses some selective hedging that works very well in downside oil markets.”

Offshore drillers, particularly those capable of drilling in the deepest waters, also offer value at current levels. Petroleo Brasileiro (PBR), also known as Petrobras, is particularly appealing, as it recently discovered one of the largest offshore oil fields on earth off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Known as Carioca, the field could hold 33 billion barrels of oil and gas, making the world’s largest discovery in at least 32 years.

Fitz-Gerald, the Money Morning investment director, suggests investors look at China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC Ltd. The Hong Kong-based company recently got approval for a $29 billion exploration project in the South China Sea. The company expects to produce 50 million tons of oil equivalent per year from that region during the next 10-20 years. That would equal the production of China’s biggest project, the Daqing Oil Field.

Petrobras and CNOOC are also attractive because, as foreign companies, they will also get a boost from any devaluation in the U.S. dollar.

All of these companies have been hit hard by the combination of commodity-price weakness and credit market turmoil. But these operators do not require peak-cycle commodity prices to generate stellar results and have little or no credit-market exposure.

For a more direct play on oil prices, you might also try an exchange-traded fund (ETF), such as the United States Oil Fund LP (USO), the iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Fund (OIL), or the United States Gasoline Fund LP.

[Editor's Note: As the whipsaw trading patterns energy investors have endured this year have shown, the ongoing financial crisis has changed the investment game forever. Uncertainty is now the norm and that new reality alone has created a whole set of new rules that will help determine who profits and who loses. Investors who ignore this "New Reality" will struggle, and will find their financial forays to be frustrating and unrewarding. But investors who embrace this change will not only survive - they will thrive.

How to Bank Real Profits by Bucking Wall Street’s Latest Fashion Trends

Investors who trade actively and are closely in touch with the ebb and flow of opinion on Wall Street have one enormous barrier to good investment performance: They will often be seduced by what’s fashionable – whether it be in terms of sectors, countries or individual stocks.

But in this market, as in all markets, it’s best to look at the unfashionable – sectors that are scorned or ignored by the market and countries whose stock markets have been beaten down by adversity. Of course, it’s difficult to do this if you constantly have an ear to Wall Street. Perhaps that’s why Warren Buffett’s bases his investment business in Omaha, Neb., not New York.

Fashionable investments can do very well in the short term. In 1998-99, you could have made a lot of money in tech stocks. In 2006-07, you could have made lots of money investing in China. If you were given perfect foresight, you could construct a successful investment philosophy around “momentum” sectors, buying whatever is currently “hot” and dumping it before the market turned. For most of us, there’s nothing more boring than an investment that just sits there.

The problem is that none of us have perfect foresight, and what’s worse is that we all have a tendency to believe what limited foresight we do have is better than it really is.

But if investing in fashionable sectors is pretty well guaranteed to give you worse returns than the market, then there must be some other strategy that will give you better returns, on average. After all, for every loser there must be a winner.

And while some of those winners are Wall Street insiders trading on privileged information – the Securities and Exchange Commission can’t catch them all – there is also reason to suppose that a winning investment strategy is to invest in sectors and countries that are actively unfashionable, in which the conventional Wall Street wisdom is to shun them, even on a “bottom-fishing” basis.

One example of this appeared in the banking sector a few weeks ago when Citigroup Inc. shares sold for less than a dollar.

During 2008, there had been innumerable attempts to rally the banking sector’s stock prices, mostly led by the same types of Wall Street operators who had caused the banks’ initial problem. But by February/March 2009, the hot money had stopped trying – either through bankruptcy or exhaustion – and Citigroup’s decline to $1, after several months languishing around the $4 to $5 level, was a pretty good sign that the pros had given up.

At that point, there were two possible routes for the unfashionable investor to take: Invest directly in the stocks that had been beaten down by buying Citigroup or Bank of America Corp; or go in the opposite direction, staying with the unfashionable banking sector but looking for the banks that were best run and had the fewest operating or asset problems.

The first strategy, if blessed with pinpoint timing, would have made the most money in the short run, no question. A buyer of Citigroup at $1 would today be sitting on a 300% profit in about six weeks.

However, that was a risky strategy. Citigroup could have been subjected to a government intervention that wiped out its shareholders. Further it was in no sense “value investing.” Even the bankrupt American International Group Inc. has risen five-fold from its nadir to $1.70, in spite of the fact that the government owns 80%, and would be due to receive no less than $150 billion before AIG shareholders got a penny in the case of a liquidation.

Indeed, investing in either would have been like gambling at a Las Vegas casino – fun when it works, but not if you might need the money.

But at the other end of the spectrum investment in banks such as U.S. Bancorp or BB&T Corp. made a lot of sense. I said as much in my late February review of the top 12 U.S. banks.

Those banks had made money even in the dire fourth quarter of 2008, and looked likely to continue making money going forward. They have powerful franchises in attractive regions of the country, and with short-term rates now much lower than medium term rates their new businesses should be exceptionally profitable. USB has risen 110% from its early March nadir and BBT is up 80%. And both were, and are, investments into which you could reasonably put a decent chunk of money.

Going forward, the banking sector is no longer unfashionable; analysts are waiting eagerly for first quarter figures and the results of the government “stress test” so they can pick winners. It is, however, more than possible that at some point in the future the current recession will once again cast a cloud over the banking sector, making it possible to invest while it is again unfashionable. If not, some other sector will be in the doghouse, and we at Money Morning will try and alert you to that event.

Another example, this time an international one.

In 1999, I was working as a banker in Croatia. NATO was engaged in its Kosovo campaign, dropping bombs on neighboring Serbia and Montenegro (with the occasional stray hitting Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia). Needless to say, the tiny Croatian stock market was itself “bombed out” and people were saying that the country was economically doomed.

That was obvious nonsense. Croatia has an exquisite coast and 5,000 islands, and when the neighborhood is free from explosions they attract tourists from all over Europe and beyond. So, I put my modest savings into Croatian shares – the least risky I could find; a medium-sized bank and a food company. Within a year, I had tripled my money.

Opportunities for unfashionable investment occur fairly rarely, but are more common in bleak economic environments like the present. When they occur, they can prove exceptionally rewarding.

Thursday, April 16, 2009




















得克萨斯大学的阿洛克-库玛(Alok Kumar)在一篇论文中尝试将彩票和选股进行类比,该文将发表在今年的《金融杂志》上。他对彩票型股票的定义是这样的:价格低、波动大、历史回报率相当反常。利用从一家大型零售券商获得的数据,他报告了四个主要发现。

















Friday, April 10, 2009

The Problem with "Bear Market Rallies"

Of late, Mr. Market has seemingly begun to look a little more on the sunny side, instead of remaining moody and depressed which was his prevailing mood for the past 17 months. Just to remind, the Singapore Stock Market's index (STI) has risen in 4 straight weeks, with only 5 "down" days out of a total of 20 trading days (meaning 25% down, 75% up). Many may recall that it was only on March 6, 2009 when the Index hit a 5.5 year-low (of 1,456.95), after which it has so far rallied around 25% to its current level of 1,820.87. The sharp rebound has had many pundits and investors shaking their heads and rolling their eyes, and provided no end of amusement to the author of this blog (yours truly). I will proceed to explain why below, so dear readers, please be patient and read on.....

Interestingly, most analysts and economists who were interviewed were decidedly bearish and pessimistic. They pointed out (rightly so) that the economy had yet to bottom, manufacturing data was still weak, exports had fallen off a cliff and unemployment (in the USA and Singapore) was set to increase even further. Against such a bleak backdrop, how could rallies possibly sustain and how could Mr. Market be perceived as being more sunny and optimistic for an extended period of time ? The even more cynical ones point out that corporate results reporting season is due in a few weeks' time, and the probability of more companies reporting dismal earnings and lower profits would cause "reality" to sink in and give Mr. Market a blow in the face for being too exuberant. In short, there's nothing much to look forward to given that data, numbers, facts, figures and sentiment are so poor right now. Even if there was some hope that things were "bottoming out", these experts are quick to point out that more certainty needs to come along in the form of hard data to justify any cheer that the gloom is about to lift.

The above paragraph shows the distinct difficulty in what investors would term the "tricks" of Mr. Market. To quote a very over-used cliched line: "Bull Markets climb a wall of worry". This basically means that a bull market has to overcome an amazing load of negative news, all the while reaching for greater heights and overcoming adversity (and doubt). The greatest difficulty faced by pundits and seasoned experts who observe markets is in differentiating between a bear market rally (of which many occurred during The Great Depression) and the start of a genuine bull market (or even if not, at least an end to the current bear market). Understandably, the confusion often lies in the fact that no one can predict future turn of events well enough to state if economies will recover, and how soon that will be, and to what extent. Investors are also unaware if markets have priced in the most pessimistic scenario in terms of earnings growth and industry doldrums, and thus prices only have one direction to go in future which is: higher. This confusion and lack of clarity is the main reason which keeps investors from placing their money in good, high quality companies for fear that "the bottom has not been reached".

In order to adopt good value investing practices, one must identify suitable value and purchase at a price which provides a decent margin of safety. In the case of Mr. Market's moods, I have often used the STI as a rough barometer of sentiment, and thus have made my purchases on days when the Mr. Market is pessimistic, rather than when he is exuberant. The fear that "the bottom" is still out there does not make sense to me because I believe it is impossible to time the market - thus an investor should just look out for good value and purchase within his means. If we have evaluated a good company and understand its business characteristics and are confident with its prospects, we should feel comfortable buying at current depressed valuations. Too many people live with the perpetual fear that Mr Market's moods will determine if their investments will do well or badly, but then one must remember that it is his pocketbook which we have to take advantage of, and we must NOT be lulled by his schizoprehnic mood swings.

As long as one purchases with a value mindset, one does not have to care if a rally is a "bear market rally" or a "genuine rally". That is the focus and discussion for analysts, pundits and prognosticators who make a living out of predicting and commenting. They are fun to read and amusing to follow but offer no real value in terms of building wealth through the ownership of equities, as most of them are armed with a trading mindset to boot (e.g. sell into the next bear rally after prices have risen 10% etc). With the fricitonal costs relating to frequent trading, volatile market mood swings and the risk of getting whipsawed often by changing sentiments, I find it hard to see how most traders can consistently make money.

In adhering to my value investing principles, I have, of late, also learnt more about the way businesses and companies function during long periods of drought where financing dries up, as well as how companies cope with adversity (e.g. slashing selling prices, cutting costs aggressively by retrenching). It has been a good learning experience and I now understand businesses better than before and it will assist me in my evaluation of more companies to own in future. I am glad that I have managed to escape a severe permanent loss in capital through the concepts of value and margin of safety - it could have been a lot worse had I been speculating recklessly or if I had purchased "over-hyped" companies with flawed business models.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

全球通胀不可避免 股票投资是最佳出路






















在巴菲特 1982年给股东的信中,他把交易比作一场代价相当昂贵的“听音乐抢椅子”的游戏,投资者付出的交易成本相当于他们对自己征收了重税。比如每天交易量为1亿股,那意味着相对于5000万股交易日,股东们为了“抢座椅”要付出两倍的手续费—因为要一卖一买—再假设每买卖一股的平均成本为15美分,那么一年累积下来约要花费75亿美元的代价,这相当于埃克森石油、通用动力、通用汽车与太古石油这四家全美最大企业在1982年利润的总和。这种现象在中国资本市场似乎一点也不弱,在交易最火爆的2007年,全年股票市场交易印花税达到2005亿人民币,这就已经覆盖了中国石油、工商银行和建设银行三家中国最赚钱的公司的总利润,这里还没有算各家券商的手续费用。





















世界上最大的债券公司Pimco Total Return管理者比尔.格雷斯说,投资者必须知道市场有无理变化的一面,应该做好充分的准备。另一方面,你应该在机会可能对你有利时下大注。
