How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 自强不息 勤以静心,俭以养德 天地不仁, 強者生存
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
山下聖人 - 我的分享集03.07.08 第一次买股票
2008年1月8号, 我正式地进入了马来西亚KLSE股票市场。第一个买的是留意了很久的3476 KECK SENG. 当初买的3lot,现在还留着。一来对它有信心,也希望可以留为纪念,所以打算终身不卖了。买股票就是要购买能够让自己放心的。当初RM4.50买,涨到RM4.80现在掉回RM4.18还是没有恐惧,这就是我喜欢的股票。
谈到买股票,感触良多。接触到股票, 应该是由中学时候开始的。当时对于股票的幻想很多,时常在想应该如何去买,如何以后在股票市场上赚大钱。想的很多很多。跟踪马来西亚KLSE股票市场,是由2007年开始,当时刚从新加坡回国,以身上还有的RM1000多,就想直接冲进股票市场。当时真是马来西亚股票大涨的时期,自己没有任何的头绪,就先跟踪报纸上的新闻,还有分出NTA高过股价的。跟踪了大概半年,哇,竟然发现自己筛选构成的PORTFOLIO回酬变成140%以上。当时我懂了,马来西亚股票市场应该是高点了。我看着股票市场冲高,所以就希望等待它跌回的实际。直到2008年,本身大概觉得是时候进场了。当时自己储蓄也有了一些,反正放在银行也帮不了自己,二来马来西亚股票市场应该是回跌的时候了,所以就买了一些自己留意和跟踪很久的股票。
谈到投资马来西亚KLSE股票市场,我觉得个人需要不断的去学习还有跟进。谈到学习,我觉得应该多去阅读关于股票的书籍,尤其是英文的。因为有很多好书都是由美国人所著作的。例如很值得阅读的,我认为有INTELLIGENT INVESTOR, ONE UP ON WALLSTREET,还有许多其它股票市场赚到钱的人所写的书籍。至于网络上的学习,我大都已经收入在自己这个BLOG的BLOGROLL里头了。值得提的是马来西亚自己的CARI.COM的股票论坛- http://cforum.cari.com.my/forumdisplay.php?fid=401,在这里可以学习到很多东西。另外,我本身较喜欢的BLOG有:http://www.samgang.blogspot.com/ 和http://whereiszemoola.blogspot.com/ 。他们都不自私的分享了自己的经验,还有道出自己研究结果后的疑问,十分值得敬佩。
我阅读过一本书,华文为漫步华尔街,RANDOM WALK DOWN WALLSTREET.自己比较不相信书中的看法,所以也没有在这个BLOG写到。我本身比较不相信RANDOM的道理,如果市场是RANDOM的话,那么根本就不应该去购买任何股票。当然这是我自己的看法,你也可以不认同。
另一个大家常争论的观点是是否应该设立止损点,还有是否应该越起越买,而后跌回逐步卖出;或是越跌越买?香港很多股票大师如曹仁超,林森池都有建议过止损但不止赚,而我本身也阅读过香港一个很出名的BLOG市场先生的书籍,他却建议只赚不止蚀(这个就是他的书名)。中国股神林园却说,继续全仓作业,猫在股票市场,因为不懂另一个高点会不会来。我本身相信市场是有循环的,行业也有循环。 就连亚洲经济也是大概10年一个循环。1997经济风暴到今天2008股票市场大跌20%进入熊市,也是一个循环。那么既然有循环,买入股票的钱不是急需的,只要你买入对的公司,拥有优良的常年业绩的,那么卖出的时间应该不会到来。我本身经历过1997年经济风暴,2000年的美国科技股大跌,美国恐怖袭击,SARS风暴,马来西亚308政治风暴。只要有大跌,就是你进入市场购买好公司的时候。当其他人在恐惧的时候,我就大胆。
最后,应用香港富豪李兆基讲过的话:我在购买股票时,先看国家区域的经济,然后再看行业,然后再选出行业的龙头老大。购买行业的龙头其实不无道理。只要市场份额大,拥有决定价钱的能力,提高PROFIT MARGIN,随时都能够提高本身的业绩。投资者应该建立自己的独立思考和分析能力,拥有世界观还有未来趋势观。
谈到买股票,感触良多。接触到股票, 应该是由中学时候开始的。当时对于股票的幻想很多,时常在想应该如何去买,如何以后在股票市场上赚大钱。想的很多很多。跟踪马来西亚KLSE股票市场,是由2007年开始,当时刚从新加坡回国,以身上还有的RM1000多,就想直接冲进股票市场。当时真是马来西亚股票大涨的时期,自己没有任何的头绪,就先跟踪报纸上的新闻,还有分出NTA高过股价的。跟踪了大概半年,哇,竟然发现自己筛选构成的PORTFOLIO回酬变成140%以上。当时我懂了,马来西亚股票市场应该是高点了。我看着股票市场冲高,所以就希望等待它跌回的实际。直到2008年,本身大概觉得是时候进场了。当时自己储蓄也有了一些,反正放在银行也帮不了自己,二来马来西亚股票市场应该是回跌的时候了,所以就买了一些自己留意和跟踪很久的股票。
谈到投资马来西亚KLSE股票市场,我觉得个人需要不断的去学习还有跟进。谈到学习,我觉得应该多去阅读关于股票的书籍,尤其是英文的。因为有很多好书都是由美国人所著作的。例如很值得阅读的,我认为有INTELLIGENT INVESTOR, ONE UP ON WALLSTREET,还有许多其它股票市场赚到钱的人所写的书籍。至于网络上的学习,我大都已经收入在自己这个BLOG的BLOGROLL里头了。值得提的是马来西亚自己的CARI.COM的股票论坛- http://cforum.cari.com.my/forumdisplay.php?fid=401,在这里可以学习到很多东西。另外,我本身较喜欢的BLOG有:http://www.samgang.blogspot.com/ 和http://whereiszemoola.blogspot.com/ 。他们都不自私的分享了自己的经验,还有道出自己研究结果后的疑问,十分值得敬佩。
我阅读过一本书,华文为漫步华尔街,RANDOM WALK DOWN WALLSTREET.自己比较不相信书中的看法,所以也没有在这个BLOG写到。我本身比较不相信RANDOM的道理,如果市场是RANDOM的话,那么根本就不应该去购买任何股票。当然这是我自己的看法,你也可以不认同。
另一个大家常争论的观点是是否应该设立止损点,还有是否应该越起越买,而后跌回逐步卖出;或是越跌越买?香港很多股票大师如曹仁超,林森池都有建议过止损但不止赚,而我本身也阅读过香港一个很出名的BLOG市场先生的书籍,他却建议只赚不止蚀(这个就是他的书名)。中国股神林园却说,继续全仓作业,猫在股票市场,因为不懂另一个高点会不会来。我本身相信市场是有循环的,行业也有循环。 就连亚洲经济也是大概10年一个循环。1997经济风暴到今天2008股票市场大跌20%进入熊市,也是一个循环。那么既然有循环,买入股票的钱不是急需的,只要你买入对的公司,拥有优良的常年业绩的,那么卖出的时间应该不会到来。我本身经历过1997年经济风暴,2000年的美国科技股大跌,美国恐怖袭击,SARS风暴,马来西亚308政治风暴。只要有大跌,就是你进入市场购买好公司的时候。当其他人在恐惧的时候,我就大胆。
最后,应用香港富豪李兆基讲过的话:我在购买股票时,先看国家区域的经济,然后再看行业,然后再选出行业的龙头老大。购买行业的龙头其实不无道理。只要市场份额大,拥有决定价钱的能力,提高PROFIT MARGIN,随时都能够提高本身的业绩。投资者应该建立自己的独立思考和分析能力,拥有世界观还有未来趋势观。
我很幸运认识了我的师傅,他给我敲醒了警钟:技术高的能赚钱.技术低的也能赚钱.就是不知道自己技术有多高的人赚不到钱. 学习只是手段,赚钱才是目的。你起码能在股市中赚钱,哪怕一年10%,你才有资格学习。
我一直想一个问题.森林里有狮子.老虎.为什么还有那么多弱小的动物生存呢? 俺师傅开玩笑说:羊活着.是因为它吃草.不去吃虎肉.精辟呀,羊有自知之明. 股市是高风险的市场。认识市场,更要认识自己,不是高手才能赚钱。关键是做自己有把握做好的事情。而做自己有把握做好的事情得关键是:首先不要做自己没有把握做好的事情.
我很幸运认识了我的师傅,他给我敲醒了警钟:技术高的能赚钱.技术低的也能赚钱.就是不知道自己技术有多高的人赚不到钱. 学习只是手段,赚钱才是目的。你起码能在股市中赚钱,哪怕一年10%,你才有资格学习。
我一直想一个问题.森林里有狮子.老虎.为什么还有那么多弱小的动物生存呢? 俺师傅开玩笑说:羊活着.是因为它吃草.不去吃虎肉.精辟呀,羊有自知之明. 股市是高风险的市场。认识市场,更要认识自己,不是高手才能赚钱。关键是做自己有把握做好的事情。而做自己有把握做好的事情得关键是:首先不要做自己没有把握做好的事情.
随着美国金融危机爆发,全球股市疯狂跳水,被称为 “股神 ”的巴菲特手持资金,乐呵呵地开始了他的抄底之旅。然而根据权威调查显示,巴菲特在这场金融危机中并不是隔岸观火,他自己的损失竟高达 163亿美元,名列美国股市十大输家排行榜第三位。那么,该如何看待这位损失惨重的 “股神 ”呢?
巴菲特信奉长期投资策略,但这个投资策略也是必须寄托在一个长久稳定的股市之下才可能赚钱。所以你今天不要看他在这一刻损失 163亿,而是要看这 50年来能够赚多少钱。你也不要跟他最高点做比较,而是跟他原始投资做比较,你看他能赚多少钱。他是一个看长线的人,因此就不能以短线损失多少来评判他的是非功过。我相信,只要这次金融危机顺利解决,股票市场恢复正常,他一定大赚一笔,这是一定的。而这也是他会在这个时刻大量买进的原因。如果真像他所预期的,会反弹的话,那他又大赚一笔,说不定他又是赚钱最多的人。
其实巴菲特懂的东西,美国每一个商学院出来的人都懂。在美国教 MBA只有两个学校是案例教学,一个是哈佛,一个是维吉尼亚大学,除了这两个大学之外的其他大学都不是案例教学,根本不谈案例的,而且所有的其他大学所用的教材都是一样的,用的习题都是一样的,标准答案也都是一样的。
因此美国每一个 MBA学生学出来出后,他所懂的东西都是一样的。所以巴菲特懂的东西和别人都是一样的,他所聘用的金融分析师水平也是跟我的学生一模一样的。
他所以能赚钱,他和我们一般人不一样之处,在于这个人耐得住寂寞,一般人耐不住的。他估算出真实价值之后,他一定等到股市大跌他才进场,等到这一家公司股价大跌他才会进场,否则情愿不做。而且这个人非常务实,我觉得他投资的理念是,从来不相信神话,从来不相信高科技。这里所谓高科技是金融方面的高科技,比如说对冲基金,比如说 IT互联网,比如说投资银行的财富神话,他通通不信,他只相信可口可乐,他只相信通用电气。
毫无疑问,巴菲特具有超人的耐心与执著。同时具有当机立断的另一面。在金融危机袭来时,雷曼兄弟公司向巴菲特求援,巴菲特不为所动,但当高盛公司把电话打过来,正喝着樱桃可乐的巴菲特只用了一刻钟就敲定了 50亿美元的投资计划。巴菲特到底是怎样看待企业?这些看法又如何影响他的投资决策呢?
他不会去买 IT,什么对冲基金这种新型金融,他不玩的,他认为是糟糕的。实际上他是对的 ——IT的泡沫多了,投资银行的财富神话也破灭了,对冲基金的神话也爆破了。
他这次买了很多股票,包括美林银行,包括通用电气,还有高盛,甚至还有日本的一家工具制造商,还有另外一家能源公司,还有汇源果汁,这些都是传统公司。他为什么这个时候买呢?他认为, 1932年 7月 8日道琼斯指数创了全世界的新低,但是到了第二年的 3月,罗斯福就任总统之后,这个指数马上上涨 30%。而且纵观 20世纪,虽然美国经历过两次世界大战,经济大萧条,多次金融崩溃,但是道琼斯指数由最初的 66点攀升到 11497点。什么是道琼斯指数?道琼斯指数都是传统行业,包括银行,包括可口可乐、通用电气都在里面。他买的就是以道琼斯指数为主的传统行业。他笃信,长期之下,道琼斯指数一定是向上走,所以碰到经济萧条它是暂时下跌,因此现在就是进场的好时机,将来一定会回弹
巴菲特信奉长期投资策略,但这个投资策略也是必须寄托在一个长久稳定的股市之下才可能赚钱。所以你今天不要看他在这一刻损失 163亿,而是要看这 50年来能够赚多少钱。你也不要跟他最高点做比较,而是跟他原始投资做比较,你看他能赚多少钱。他是一个看长线的人,因此就不能以短线损失多少来评判他的是非功过。我相信,只要这次金融危机顺利解决,股票市场恢复正常,他一定大赚一笔,这是一定的。而这也是他会在这个时刻大量买进的原因。如果真像他所预期的,会反弹的话,那他又大赚一笔,说不定他又是赚钱最多的人。
其实巴菲特懂的东西,美国每一个商学院出来的人都懂。在美国教 MBA只有两个学校是案例教学,一个是哈佛,一个是维吉尼亚大学,除了这两个大学之外的其他大学都不是案例教学,根本不谈案例的,而且所有的其他大学所用的教材都是一样的,用的习题都是一样的,标准答案也都是一样的。
因此美国每一个 MBA学生学出来出后,他所懂的东西都是一样的。所以巴菲特懂的东西和别人都是一样的,他所聘用的金融分析师水平也是跟我的学生一模一样的。
他所以能赚钱,他和我们一般人不一样之处,在于这个人耐得住寂寞,一般人耐不住的。他估算出真实价值之后,他一定等到股市大跌他才进场,等到这一家公司股价大跌他才会进场,否则情愿不做。而且这个人非常务实,我觉得他投资的理念是,从来不相信神话,从来不相信高科技。这里所谓高科技是金融方面的高科技,比如说对冲基金,比如说 IT互联网,比如说投资银行的财富神话,他通通不信,他只相信可口可乐,他只相信通用电气。
毫无疑问,巴菲特具有超人的耐心与执著。同时具有当机立断的另一面。在金融危机袭来时,雷曼兄弟公司向巴菲特求援,巴菲特不为所动,但当高盛公司把电话打过来,正喝着樱桃可乐的巴菲特只用了一刻钟就敲定了 50亿美元的投资计划。巴菲特到底是怎样看待企业?这些看法又如何影响他的投资决策呢?
他不会去买 IT,什么对冲基金这种新型金融,他不玩的,他认为是糟糕的。实际上他是对的 ——IT的泡沫多了,投资银行的财富神话也破灭了,对冲基金的神话也爆破了。
他这次买了很多股票,包括美林银行,包括通用电气,还有高盛,甚至还有日本的一家工具制造商,还有另外一家能源公司,还有汇源果汁,这些都是传统公司。他为什么这个时候买呢?他认为, 1932年 7月 8日道琼斯指数创了全世界的新低,但是到了第二年的 3月,罗斯福就任总统之后,这个指数马上上涨 30%。而且纵观 20世纪,虽然美国经历过两次世界大战,经济大萧条,多次金融崩溃,但是道琼斯指数由最初的 66点攀升到 11497点。什么是道琼斯指数?道琼斯指数都是传统行业,包括银行,包括可口可乐、通用电气都在里面。他买的就是以道琼斯指数为主的传统行业。他笃信,长期之下,道琼斯指数一定是向上走,所以碰到经济萧条它是暂时下跌,因此现在就是进场的好时机,将来一定会回弹
避免落入价值陷阱、寻找到安全边际的关键在于不能简单地从过去的经验出发,要对公司未来的业绩有着清晰的认识和预期。巴菲特将这种基于过去经验的投资称之为 “ 后视镜投资 ” (注:柏拉图化),永远只看见后方,而不能看见未来。深入了解公司的基本面,进行理性的分析,是给予公司内在价值合理评估和把握安全边际进行投资的重要前提。
投资者要明白,并不是股票的价格看起来足够便宜就意味着足够的安全边际,很多时候便宜的股价往往是因为公司的管理和盈利出现了问题,或者公司的业务属于高风险行业。为了对这个问题进行比较清楚的阐述,我们引入一个概念 “ 价值陷阱 ” ,不少寻找安全边际的投资者经常陷入其中。
2、对公司存在巨大的不确定性。这是莫尼什-帕伯莱*投资方法中的基础。他的观点简单概括起来是:投资者对公司的业务状况存在重大不确定时所做出的反应和面对该公司实际发生严重风险的反应一样 - 恐慌。而这种恐慌经常为确信的投资者创造安全边际。
避免落入价值陷阱、寻找到安全边际的关键在于不能简单地从过去的经验出发,要对公司未来的业绩有着清晰的认识和预期。巴菲特将这种基于过去经验的投资称之为 “ 后视镜投资 ” ,永远只看见后方,而不能看见未来。深入了解公司的基本面,进行理性的分析,是给予公司内在价值合理评估和把握安全边际进行投资的重要前提。
投资者要明白,并不是股票的价格看起来足够便宜就意味着足够的安全边际,很多时候便宜的股价往往是因为公司的管理和盈利出现了问题,或者公司的业务属于高风险行业。为了对这个问题进行比较清楚的阐述,我们引入一个概念 “ 价值陷阱 ” ,不少寻找安全边际的投资者经常陷入其中。
2、对公司存在巨大的不确定性。这是莫尼什-帕伯莱*投资方法中的基础。他的观点简单概括起来是:投资者对公司的业务状况存在重大不确定时所做出的反应和面对该公司实际发生严重风险的反应一样 - 恐慌。而这种恐慌经常为确信的投资者创造安全边际。
避免落入价值陷阱、寻找到安全边际的关键在于不能简单地从过去的经验出发,要对公司未来的业绩有着清晰的认识和预期。巴菲特将这种基于过去经验的投资称之为 “ 后视镜投资 ” ,永远只看见后方,而不能看见未来。深入了解公司的基本面,进行理性的分析,是给予公司内在价值合理评估和把握安全边际进行投资的重要前提。
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Z-OBEE: Trading 65% below Net Asset Value
Mr Wang, the chairman, has a master's degree in engineering from the University of New South Wales. We set off to their factory at Xixiang Street, Jingangshan Industrial Zone, Baoan District.
Z-OBEE started off as an investment holding company in September 2002 dealing mainly in procurement and trading of electric components and mobile handsets. It ventured into PCB design solutions in 2004 and by 2006, it was able to provide full-set solutions - from product definition to production support.
To capitalise on the growth of the mobile handset industry, Z-OBEE acquired other design solutions house, Zeus, and established subsidiaries like PhoneLink and CCDH between 2004 and 2006.
Currently, PhoneLink focuses on developing 3G handset solutions while CCHD and Zeus focus on GSM solutions for different IC platforms. To differentiate itself from competitors, Z-OBEE expanded its range of services to offer customers a one-stop service solution, which includes the entire process from design to production of mobile handsets.
In March 2006, a joint venture company, Zhenhua OBEE, was established together with Zhenhua Technology and Full Wealth.
Zhenhua Technology is a licensed mobile handset manufacturer listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Mobile handsets designed by Z-OBEE can be manufactured by the Zhenhua Group and sold under the registered handset brand name of Zhenhua Technology by Z-OBEE’s distribution customers.
To strengthen its capabilities as a one-stop service centre and to improve its cost competitiveness, Tongqing Communication Equipment was established in March 2007 to provide PCBA and the assembly of semi-finished handsets.
Z-OBEE was listed on Singapore Exchange on 21 Nov 2007 at an IPO price of S$0.34, and 129.0m shares were offered, of which 88.0m were new shares and 41.0m vendor shares.
Stock has slumped from 34 cents at IPO about a year ago to 5.5 cents recently.
At the factory, Mr Mao Hong Jian, the Executive Deputy General Manager, gave us a presentation and showed us around. We were told that the new Z-OBEE is a mobile handset solutions house that can provide either full-set solutions service or a specific service at a specific stage, based on customers’ requirements.
Its full-set solutions service comprises the entire handset design cycle, which includes industrial design, mechanical design, software design, hardware design, procurement of hardware, prototype testing, pilot production and production support, and assembly of PCBA and completed handsets.
Z-OBEE serves two major groups of customers:
1) Licensed mobile handset manufacturer customers
Z-OBEE provides solutions mainly in the form of ID/MD and PCB Assembly (PCBA) to these customers who procure the hardware components, assemble the handsets and sell them under their brand names.
2) Mobile handset distributor customers
Z-OBEE provides handset designs and also procurement and production support services to distributors who cooperate with licensed mobile handset manufacturers to manufacture and sell their mobile handsets under manufacturers’ brands. Z-OBEE's production facilities are placed in Shenzhen under Tongqing and Zhenhua Obee.
To expand the capacity in providing one-stop solutions, Z-OBEE established Tongqing, a wholly foreign-owned entity in Shenzhen. In the past, Tongqing did not possess a mobile handset manufacturing license and did not engage in the manufacture of finished handsets. Instead, Tongqing engages in providing subcontracted manufacturing services for hardware used in mobile handsets (mainly PCBA) and assembling semi-finished handsets.
As the PRC government has announced the abolishment of the licensing for handset manufacturing business in late 2007, Z-OBEE can provide finished handset assembly services and sell its own brandname handsets.
The factory and office premises of Tongqing are located on a leased premise in Shenzhen, PRC, with a GFA of approximately 7,872 sq m.
Currently, Tongqing has five SMT lines with a total annual capacity of approximately five million pieces of PCBA. The five lines (Fuji brand) were bought last year, each costing USD 1 million. Mr Mao explained that the current utilization rate is around 70%. Tongqing also has five handset assembly lines, which can assemble approximately 2.4 million units of semi-finished handsets per annum. The factory commenced operations in August 2007.
Zhenhua Obee
The group’s joint venture vehicle, Zhenhua Obee, in which Z-OBEE has a 42% shareholding interest, has two SMT lines to carry out PCBA operations with a combined annual capacity of approximately 2.4 million units of PCBA. The production facilities of Zhenhua Obee are leased to and operated by Zhenhua Communication for a term of three years ending on 30 April 2009 for a monthly rental of RMB 314k. The production facilities of Zhenhua Obee are located in Shenzhen, PRC.
Z-OBEE management is determined to create value for the PRC mobile handset industry. Photo by Mephisto
Large growth potential in the PRC mobile handset industry
China is the world’s largest mobile handset market. According to CCID Consulting, the sales volume in China was 150 million units in 2007 or 24.1% above that of 2006. If black-market mobiles from smuggled, unregistered brands and other illegal products were included, the figure would have exceeded 200 million units.
In addition, over 60% of users changed their mobiles with over 90 million mobiles sold for this purpose. The reasons could be faster function upgrades, higher performance-price ratio, shorter product life cycle, and customized service by the network operators.
The latest report from CCID: Mobile phone sales in China hit a new high of 43.05 million sets or RMB$49b in the first quarter of 2008, up 4.02% YoY and 7.22% QoQ respectively, due mainly to the year-end and Spring Festival promotions launched by mobile phone retailers.
The sales volume is expected to hit 180 million units by the end of the year, representing an expected growth of 20%. Foreign brands gained 65% of the mobile phone market in China in 1Q08, slightly down from 67.5% in the same period of last year. Thus, local players like Z-OBEE have a lot of opportunity to wrestle market share from the foreign brands.
From 2001 to 2007, the number of subscribers grew from 145.2 million to 547.3 million, at a CAGR of 24.7%. In 2007, the number of new subscriber reached a new record in recent years with over 86 million new subscribers. This works out to over seven million new subscribers per month.
The Ministry of Industry and Information recently reported that the number of mobile phone subscribers in China has risen to more than 616 million by Aug 2008, a huge 68.7 million more subscribers than that at the end of 2007. Additionally, the telecom industry produced revenue of RMB$194.1 billion, up 10.8% YoY.
The average number of mobile handsets held by per 100 persons in China is relatively low at 41.6 units (or penetration rate of 41.6%), compared to 80 units held by per 100 persons (penetration rate of 80%) in mature markets. Therefore, many industry players believe there is still great potential for expansion in China, which in turn is likely to increase the demand for mobile handsets.
Business Strategies and Future Plans.
I asked Mr Wang, why he chose to compete in an industry dominated by local and foreign big boys. According to CCID Consulting, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson still dominate the mobile phone market in the world’s fastest growing economy and account for more than 70% of all mobile phones sold there during the first half of this year.
During the first six months, around 295 million mobile phones were produced in China, and the figure is expected to exceed half a billion till the year’s end. Mr Wang replied with a laugh that this was exactly the reason he moved into this market. He has a corporate vision to become a leading mobile handset solutions provider with the brand name “OBEE” that offers services ranging from product definition, solutions design to production support, and to develop Z-OBEE's brandname handsets.
With this in mind, he has set out a number of strategies and future plans. Firstly, the group has plans to enhance its product development capabilities consistently and increase the size of its R&D team.
Secondly, he also intends to enlarge the product mix, enhance the efficiency of existing production facilities and penetrate overseas markets by setting up sales offices or forming strategic alliances. A Hong Kong marketing team was set up in early 2008 to penetrate the South Asia market.
Thirdly, Z-OBEE will develop a flagship brandname for the sales and marketing of its proprietary handsets.
Trading 65% Below NAV
At its last done price of 5.5 cents, Z-OBEE’s market capitalization was S$27.4 million, which is about 35% of its NAV (15 Singapore cents). It is trading at 2x FY2008 (March YE) earnings.
US$’ million 2007 2008 1Q2009
Revenue 46.3 119.6 37.6
Operating expenses -2.0 -5.8 -1.3
EBITDA 8.7 11.5 3.1
Profit before taxation 9.3 10.9
Net Profit 8.8 10.1 1.9
Number of shares (’million) 409.6 497.6 497.6
NAV 12.7 51.6 53.9
Current Liabilities 3.7 16.8 29.8
Non-current Liabilities 3.6 2.9 2.6
Cash and cash equivalents 4.4 19.1 10.8
Financial Ratios
Debtors turnover (days) 30.7 73.4 --
Stock turnover (days) 21.1 22.8 --
Creditor turnover (days) 3.7 23.6 --
The management guided that there will be minimal capex in 2009/2010. While there are some other developments going on con-currently, the use of additional capex is kept at a minimum. Small cap stocks tend to have high beta in volatile markets. But if there is one small cap which looks like it can withstand this market winter, it is Z-OBEE, which may well turn out to be a winner.
Z-OBEE started off as an investment holding company in September 2002 dealing mainly in procurement and trading of electric components and mobile handsets. It ventured into PCB design solutions in 2004 and by 2006, it was able to provide full-set solutions - from product definition to production support.
To capitalise on the growth of the mobile handset industry, Z-OBEE acquired other design solutions house, Zeus, and established subsidiaries like PhoneLink and CCDH between 2004 and 2006.
Currently, PhoneLink focuses on developing 3G handset solutions while CCHD and Zeus focus on GSM solutions for different IC platforms. To differentiate itself from competitors, Z-OBEE expanded its range of services to offer customers a one-stop service solution, which includes the entire process from design to production of mobile handsets.
In March 2006, a joint venture company, Zhenhua OBEE, was established together with Zhenhua Technology and Full Wealth.
Zhenhua Technology is a licensed mobile handset manufacturer listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Mobile handsets designed by Z-OBEE can be manufactured by the Zhenhua Group and sold under the registered handset brand name of Zhenhua Technology by Z-OBEE’s distribution customers.
To strengthen its capabilities as a one-stop service centre and to improve its cost competitiveness, Tongqing Communication Equipment was established in March 2007 to provide PCBA and the assembly of semi-finished handsets.
Z-OBEE was listed on Singapore Exchange on 21 Nov 2007 at an IPO price of S$0.34, and 129.0m shares were offered, of which 88.0m were new shares and 41.0m vendor shares.
Stock has slumped from 34 cents at IPO about a year ago to 5.5 cents recently.
At the factory, Mr Mao Hong Jian, the Executive Deputy General Manager, gave us a presentation and showed us around. We were told that the new Z-OBEE is a mobile handset solutions house that can provide either full-set solutions service or a specific service at a specific stage, based on customers’ requirements.
Its full-set solutions service comprises the entire handset design cycle, which includes industrial design, mechanical design, software design, hardware design, procurement of hardware, prototype testing, pilot production and production support, and assembly of PCBA and completed handsets.
Z-OBEE serves two major groups of customers:
1) Licensed mobile handset manufacturer customers
Z-OBEE provides solutions mainly in the form of ID/MD and PCB Assembly (PCBA) to these customers who procure the hardware components, assemble the handsets and sell them under their brand names.
2) Mobile handset distributor customers
Z-OBEE provides handset designs and also procurement and production support services to distributors who cooperate with licensed mobile handset manufacturers to manufacture and sell their mobile handsets under manufacturers’ brands. Z-OBEE's production facilities are placed in Shenzhen under Tongqing and Zhenhua Obee.
To expand the capacity in providing one-stop solutions, Z-OBEE established Tongqing, a wholly foreign-owned entity in Shenzhen. In the past, Tongqing did not possess a mobile handset manufacturing license and did not engage in the manufacture of finished handsets. Instead, Tongqing engages in providing subcontracted manufacturing services for hardware used in mobile handsets (mainly PCBA) and assembling semi-finished handsets.
As the PRC government has announced the abolishment of the licensing for handset manufacturing business in late 2007, Z-OBEE can provide finished handset assembly services and sell its own brandname handsets.
The factory and office premises of Tongqing are located on a leased premise in Shenzhen, PRC, with a GFA of approximately 7,872 sq m.
Currently, Tongqing has five SMT lines with a total annual capacity of approximately five million pieces of PCBA. The five lines (Fuji brand) were bought last year, each costing USD 1 million. Mr Mao explained that the current utilization rate is around 70%. Tongqing also has five handset assembly lines, which can assemble approximately 2.4 million units of semi-finished handsets per annum. The factory commenced operations in August 2007.
Zhenhua Obee
The group’s joint venture vehicle, Zhenhua Obee, in which Z-OBEE has a 42% shareholding interest, has two SMT lines to carry out PCBA operations with a combined annual capacity of approximately 2.4 million units of PCBA. The production facilities of Zhenhua Obee are leased to and operated by Zhenhua Communication for a term of three years ending on 30 April 2009 for a monthly rental of RMB 314k. The production facilities of Zhenhua Obee are located in Shenzhen, PRC.
Z-OBEE management is determined to create value for the PRC mobile handset industry. Photo by Mephisto
Large growth potential in the PRC mobile handset industry
China is the world’s largest mobile handset market. According to CCID Consulting, the sales volume in China was 150 million units in 2007 or 24.1% above that of 2006. If black-market mobiles from smuggled, unregistered brands and other illegal products were included, the figure would have exceeded 200 million units.
In addition, over 60% of users changed their mobiles with over 90 million mobiles sold for this purpose. The reasons could be faster function upgrades, higher performance-price ratio, shorter product life cycle, and customized service by the network operators.
The latest report from CCID: Mobile phone sales in China hit a new high of 43.05 million sets or RMB$49b in the first quarter of 2008, up 4.02% YoY and 7.22% QoQ respectively, due mainly to the year-end and Spring Festival promotions launched by mobile phone retailers.
The sales volume is expected to hit 180 million units by the end of the year, representing an expected growth of 20%. Foreign brands gained 65% of the mobile phone market in China in 1Q08, slightly down from 67.5% in the same period of last year. Thus, local players like Z-OBEE have a lot of opportunity to wrestle market share from the foreign brands.
From 2001 to 2007, the number of subscribers grew from 145.2 million to 547.3 million, at a CAGR of 24.7%. In 2007, the number of new subscriber reached a new record in recent years with over 86 million new subscribers. This works out to over seven million new subscribers per month.
The Ministry of Industry and Information recently reported that the number of mobile phone subscribers in China has risen to more than 616 million by Aug 2008, a huge 68.7 million more subscribers than that at the end of 2007. Additionally, the telecom industry produced revenue of RMB$194.1 billion, up 10.8% YoY.
The average number of mobile handsets held by per 100 persons in China is relatively low at 41.6 units (or penetration rate of 41.6%), compared to 80 units held by per 100 persons (penetration rate of 80%) in mature markets. Therefore, many industry players believe there is still great potential for expansion in China, which in turn is likely to increase the demand for mobile handsets.
Business Strategies and Future Plans.
I asked Mr Wang, why he chose to compete in an industry dominated by local and foreign big boys. According to CCID Consulting, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson still dominate the mobile phone market in the world’s fastest growing economy and account for more than 70% of all mobile phones sold there during the first half of this year.
During the first six months, around 295 million mobile phones were produced in China, and the figure is expected to exceed half a billion till the year’s end. Mr Wang replied with a laugh that this was exactly the reason he moved into this market. He has a corporate vision to become a leading mobile handset solutions provider with the brand name “OBEE” that offers services ranging from product definition, solutions design to production support, and to develop Z-OBEE's brandname handsets.
With this in mind, he has set out a number of strategies and future plans. Firstly, the group has plans to enhance its product development capabilities consistently and increase the size of its R&D team.
Secondly, he also intends to enlarge the product mix, enhance the efficiency of existing production facilities and penetrate overseas markets by setting up sales offices or forming strategic alliances. A Hong Kong marketing team was set up in early 2008 to penetrate the South Asia market.
Thirdly, Z-OBEE will develop a flagship brandname for the sales and marketing of its proprietary handsets.
Trading 65% Below NAV
At its last done price of 5.5 cents, Z-OBEE’s market capitalization was S$27.4 million, which is about 35% of its NAV (15 Singapore cents). It is trading at 2x FY2008 (March YE) earnings.
US$’ million 2007 2008 1Q2009
Revenue 46.3 119.6 37.6
Operating expenses -2.0 -5.8 -1.3
EBITDA 8.7 11.5 3.1
Profit before taxation 9.3 10.9
Net Profit 8.8 10.1 1.9
Number of shares (’million) 409.6 497.6 497.6
NAV 12.7 51.6 53.9
Current Liabilities 3.7 16.8 29.8
Non-current Liabilities 3.6 2.9 2.6
Cash and cash equivalents 4.4 19.1 10.8
Financial Ratios
Debtors turnover (days) 30.7 73.4 --
Stock turnover (days) 21.1 22.8 --
Creditor turnover (days) 3.7 23.6 --
The management guided that there will be minimal capex in 2009/2010. While there are some other developments going on con-currently, the use of additional capex is kept at a minimum. Small cap stocks tend to have high beta in volatile markets. But if there is one small cap which looks like it can withstand this market winter, it is Z-OBEE, which may well turn out to be a winner.
BENJAMIN CHAN: "I'm a focused investor"
RECENTLY, PRIOR to a briefing Man Wah Holdings held on its latest financial performance, Benjamin Chan, 42, asked to be allowed to attend. He was not the target audience – that is, analysts and fund managers – but he was a very interested individual as he held a substantial stake of the stock.
In fact, Man Wah, a China-based sofa manufacturer, is the biggest holding in his portfolio. Having gained entry to the briefing at Republic Plaza, Benjamin, an actuary with an international reinsurer, made the most of it by asking question after question – instead of being contented with the 65 per cent jump in net profit which Man Wah had just unveiled for the first quarter of its new financial year ended June 30.
Even after the question-and-answer session ended and attendees started to leave, he was not done yet. Benjamin lingered behind with a few equally interested analysts and fund managers to speak with Man Wah’s finance director, Francis Lee – just so he could understand the business a little better.
It was at that event that I first met Benjamin. The one thing about him which people sooner or later sense is that he is very good with numbers, which in turn suggests that he has some key tools to analyse businesses and pick good stocks.
He says he has been good with numbers since his student days in Hong Kong, where he was born. But his overall academic results were just average and he didn’t secure a place in Hong Kong universities. So, despite not coming from a well-to-do family, he was able to head to New Zealand where, as luck would have it, foreign students paid the same fees as locals of about NZD 1,000 a year.
There, he “learnt to focus on studies and excelled in them. The discipline I developed during university years continue to help me in my actuarial career, which has one of the toughest professional exams in the world.”
Benjamin, a Singaporean citizen for the last 15 years, is married with a son, Bryan, 11, and daughter, Felicia, 13. His wife, Fiona, a Singaporean too, is a senior bank executive. The couple met in New Zealand during their undergraduate days, and now live in a condominium in Upper Bukit Timah.
Q: In this bear market, is your investment portfolio holding up well?
A: It’s down 50% from its peak in Oct 2007, though I still have a high single digit annual return since 2003 when I first moved to the value-investing approach. It is one thing to read about Mr Market (in Intelligent Investor and frequently quoted by Warren Buffett), but it is another thing to truly experience it like what we all are doing now. The emotional roller coaster can be overwhelming in a bear market.
Q: What have you been doing of late in the market? Buying or selling, or just sitting tight?
A: Sitting tight. I am paying particular attention to various companies’ business moats during this difficult time. I am talking about the operating environment the companies are in such as rising costs, the strengthening of yuan hitting export sales, and cut in export tax rebate. It is crucial to differentiate those who can maintain margins in this environment. If they can maintain their margins, there must be a moat around the company. This analysis will help to re-arrange my portfolio.
Q: Dangerous question: When do you think the Singapore market will bottom and start to recover?
A: The Singapore market is influenced by foreign fund movement. So I think it will recover when they come back to the market. I just don’t know when. No one can consistently predict the market. If I had been able to forsee the plunge in share prices, I would have sold all my holdings in Oct 2007!
Ben was born in HK and studied in New Zealand at a time when foreign students paid only NZD1,000 a year.
Q: What are your five key holdings and what percentage do they collectively represent in your portfolio?
A: They are Man Wah Holdings, Hongwei Technologies, Celestial Nutrifoods, Full Apex and Fung Choi Media. They represent 75% of my stock portfolio. You can tell that I am a focused investor!
Q: You are evidently keen on S-chips? Why?
A: It is not S-chips I am after but small caps. It just happens S-chips offer better value in Singapore – that is, they have low price-earnings ratios and high returns on equity. I am looking for multi-baggers and they are typically small caps. Also, over the long run it has been demonstrated that small caps outperform large caps and value investing outperforms other investment styles. As a result, a combination small cap and value should outperform other investment styles.
Having said that, there is a PE discount for China companies listed in SGX vis-a-vis their counterparts in China and Hong Kong. One of the reasons is that S-chips are on average much smaller in size than those in China and HK. This difference of valuation also makes S-chips attractive to me.
Q: When did you start investing and what led you to it?
A: About 10 years ago, my wife and I finished paying off the mortgage on our home. We came to recognise that with a long-term timeframe, investing in stocks is a good way to build up a nest egg. I had invested in unit trusts for a couple of years but eventually I realised that fund managers and unit holders are usually not aligned since most funds are structured with a fixed regular asset charge independent of fund performance.
One can argue that the better the fund performance, the higher the asset value, hence the higher the charge collected, but this is only a secondary effect. The point here is even though unit holders suffer losses, fund managers still take a cut from the assets under management. In addition, unit trusts usually charge large fees and invest in large caps which prevent them from outperforming.
Q: How different is your investment approach now compared with when you started putting money in stocks 10 years ago?
A: When I started, I wasn’t investing but simply speculating, hoping for a quick return. A 5-20% gain for each trade would be satisfying enough, though I wasn’t trading frequently and had never used margin financing for Singapore stocks.
I did use margin financing during the dot-com period via a US Internet trading account but the amount was relatively small. I eventually lost 95% of my capital and learnt a good lesson. Ironically, I didn’t look at fundamentals at all then despite my actuarial training.
I don’t use margin in investing, and have never sold short in Singapore. Debt and patience cannot mix.
Q: Was there any unforgettable experience arising from doing hard research and investing longer term?
A: My first move to value investing was with the stock of Jardine C&C. I accumulated it from 2002 to 2004. This was the first stock whose fundamentals I studied closely and did a lot of research on the Web. During this period, the stock price did not move much even though the fundamentals were improving.
I learnt that Indonesia car sales were increasing every month by checking Yahoo news on Astra every night, and as Astra has half the market, Jardine C&C’s profit result was bound to be good. So I kept adding shares to my holding when I had spare cash. My experience of holding C&C led me to change my investment style to holding a stock beyond a 5-20% gain. In 2005, I sold all when the Indonesian car market started to slow down. By then, my gain was more than 130%! I was very happy as it was a big gain to me in dollar terms at that time.
Ben has made more than 100% gains on MMI and Sembawang Kimtrans in the past.
Q: Sorry to interrupt, but can you give an idea of the gain?
A: Short of $400,000 – well, $386,000 to be exact. I could fully appreciate the inefficiency of the market in the sense that information of C&C fundamentals was there and yet this information was not fully recognised for a long time. The key lesson I learnt was that having the knowledge and information on a stock gives me an advantage in the marketplace.
During this period, I started to read investment books especially classic like Intelligent Investor, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Essays of Warren Buffett. I began to understand that buying stock is like buying a portion of the business.
Q: Since selling Jardine C&C, was there any stock that you made big gains on?
A: There was MMI, which returned 141% and Sembawang Kimtrans, a 131% gain. My top 3 holdings now are Man Wah, Hongwei, and Celestial Nutrifoods - they are the multi-baggers in waiting, I hope. My gain on Celestial Nutrifoods did reach 300% - from 50 cents to $2 - at its peak in 2006 due mainly to PE expansion but I reckoned the price was still below the stock’s intrinsic value then so I didn’t sell. The business has been improving but the price-earnings ratio simply contracted as the market fell.
Q: How, if at all, does your training and work experience as an actuary help in your stock picking?
A: Probabilistic thinking, discount cash flow and long-term thinking are the core components of actuarial science. These are the tools most appropriate for investing. Like Warren Buffett, I don't do exact calculations of intrinsic value using discount cash flow, but roughly I can see a PE of 4-8x is attractive. The very high analytic skills and a sharp and quick mind every actuary has also help in research and analysing companies and business.
Q: Do you invest your wife’s savings as well? Given the financial nature of her work, does she have any investing skills or ideas to chip in?
A: Our savings are pooled. Some are under her name and some are under mine. I do the research and come up with recommendations – but all decisions are agreed jointly.
A very good book on investing.
Q: Earlier you talked about reading investment books. What’s a new solid book that you can recommend?
A: I have read almost all the classic investing books and I think most of the good stuff on investing has already been written. A recent book by Pat Dorsey (The Little Book that Builds Wealth) is a very good one. It focuses on business moats. I think they are the key to investment success and I have to admit that some of my stocks don't have many moats and I plan to let go some when the market turns.
Q: Let’s talk a bit about lifestyle: I guess you would be what is termed a high net-worth investor. Is yours a glittering lifestyle?
A: My lifestyle has not changed much in the last five years. I feel that how much money you have need not affect your lifestyle. My family shop and eat at the same places as before, and, predictable as it sounds, do the same things most Singaporeans do – that is, shop, watch TV and movies, for example. The only big-ticket item is travel, and we usually try to go on one long and one short trip a year.
The only difference is that in the past few years, I have developed a habit of spending one to two hours a night to go through a routine, which is:
- Check company announcements on the SGX website pertaining to my stocks.
- Check announcements for stocks on my watch list.
- Visit news and research websites to find out industry trends for some raw materials, etc.
- Visit some investment blogs and websites, both local and overseas.
- Occasionally do Google searches for information on my stocks.
In fact, Man Wah, a China-based sofa manufacturer, is the biggest holding in his portfolio. Having gained entry to the briefing at Republic Plaza, Benjamin, an actuary with an international reinsurer, made the most of it by asking question after question – instead of being contented with the 65 per cent jump in net profit which Man Wah had just unveiled for the first quarter of its new financial year ended June 30.
Even after the question-and-answer session ended and attendees started to leave, he was not done yet. Benjamin lingered behind with a few equally interested analysts and fund managers to speak with Man Wah’s finance director, Francis Lee – just so he could understand the business a little better.
It was at that event that I first met Benjamin. The one thing about him which people sooner or later sense is that he is very good with numbers, which in turn suggests that he has some key tools to analyse businesses and pick good stocks.
He says he has been good with numbers since his student days in Hong Kong, where he was born. But his overall academic results were just average and he didn’t secure a place in Hong Kong universities. So, despite not coming from a well-to-do family, he was able to head to New Zealand where, as luck would have it, foreign students paid the same fees as locals of about NZD 1,000 a year.
There, he “learnt to focus on studies and excelled in them. The discipline I developed during university years continue to help me in my actuarial career, which has one of the toughest professional exams in the world.”
Benjamin, a Singaporean citizen for the last 15 years, is married with a son, Bryan, 11, and daughter, Felicia, 13. His wife, Fiona, a Singaporean too, is a senior bank executive. The couple met in New Zealand during their undergraduate days, and now live in a condominium in Upper Bukit Timah.
Q: In this bear market, is your investment portfolio holding up well?
A: It’s down 50% from its peak in Oct 2007, though I still have a high single digit annual return since 2003 when I first moved to the value-investing approach. It is one thing to read about Mr Market (in Intelligent Investor and frequently quoted by Warren Buffett), but it is another thing to truly experience it like what we all are doing now. The emotional roller coaster can be overwhelming in a bear market.
Q: What have you been doing of late in the market? Buying or selling, or just sitting tight?
A: Sitting tight. I am paying particular attention to various companies’ business moats during this difficult time. I am talking about the operating environment the companies are in such as rising costs, the strengthening of yuan hitting export sales, and cut in export tax rebate. It is crucial to differentiate those who can maintain margins in this environment. If they can maintain their margins, there must be a moat around the company. This analysis will help to re-arrange my portfolio.
Q: Dangerous question: When do you think the Singapore market will bottom and start to recover?
A: The Singapore market is influenced by foreign fund movement. So I think it will recover when they come back to the market. I just don’t know when. No one can consistently predict the market. If I had been able to forsee the plunge in share prices, I would have sold all my holdings in Oct 2007!
Ben was born in HK and studied in New Zealand at a time when foreign students paid only NZD1,000 a year.
Q: What are your five key holdings and what percentage do they collectively represent in your portfolio?
A: They are Man Wah Holdings, Hongwei Technologies, Celestial Nutrifoods, Full Apex and Fung Choi Media. They represent 75% of my stock portfolio. You can tell that I am a focused investor!
Q: You are evidently keen on S-chips? Why?
A: It is not S-chips I am after but small caps. It just happens S-chips offer better value in Singapore – that is, they have low price-earnings ratios and high returns on equity. I am looking for multi-baggers and they are typically small caps. Also, over the long run it has been demonstrated that small caps outperform large caps and value investing outperforms other investment styles. As a result, a combination small cap and value should outperform other investment styles.
Having said that, there is a PE discount for China companies listed in SGX vis-a-vis their counterparts in China and Hong Kong. One of the reasons is that S-chips are on average much smaller in size than those in China and HK. This difference of valuation also makes S-chips attractive to me.
Q: When did you start investing and what led you to it?
A: About 10 years ago, my wife and I finished paying off the mortgage on our home. We came to recognise that with a long-term timeframe, investing in stocks is a good way to build up a nest egg. I had invested in unit trusts for a couple of years but eventually I realised that fund managers and unit holders are usually not aligned since most funds are structured with a fixed regular asset charge independent of fund performance.
One can argue that the better the fund performance, the higher the asset value, hence the higher the charge collected, but this is only a secondary effect. The point here is even though unit holders suffer losses, fund managers still take a cut from the assets under management. In addition, unit trusts usually charge large fees and invest in large caps which prevent them from outperforming.
Q: How different is your investment approach now compared with when you started putting money in stocks 10 years ago?
A: When I started, I wasn’t investing but simply speculating, hoping for a quick return. A 5-20% gain for each trade would be satisfying enough, though I wasn’t trading frequently and had never used margin financing for Singapore stocks.
I did use margin financing during the dot-com period via a US Internet trading account but the amount was relatively small. I eventually lost 95% of my capital and learnt a good lesson. Ironically, I didn’t look at fundamentals at all then despite my actuarial training.
I don’t use margin in investing, and have never sold short in Singapore. Debt and patience cannot mix.
Q: Was there any unforgettable experience arising from doing hard research and investing longer term?
A: My first move to value investing was with the stock of Jardine C&C. I accumulated it from 2002 to 2004. This was the first stock whose fundamentals I studied closely and did a lot of research on the Web. During this period, the stock price did not move much even though the fundamentals were improving.
I learnt that Indonesia car sales were increasing every month by checking Yahoo news on Astra every night, and as Astra has half the market, Jardine C&C’s profit result was bound to be good. So I kept adding shares to my holding when I had spare cash. My experience of holding C&C led me to change my investment style to holding a stock beyond a 5-20% gain. In 2005, I sold all when the Indonesian car market started to slow down. By then, my gain was more than 130%! I was very happy as it was a big gain to me in dollar terms at that time.
Ben has made more than 100% gains on MMI and Sembawang Kimtrans in the past.
Q: Sorry to interrupt, but can you give an idea of the gain?
A: Short of $400,000 – well, $386,000 to be exact. I could fully appreciate the inefficiency of the market in the sense that information of C&C fundamentals was there and yet this information was not fully recognised for a long time. The key lesson I learnt was that having the knowledge and information on a stock gives me an advantage in the marketplace.
During this period, I started to read investment books especially classic like Intelligent Investor, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Essays of Warren Buffett. I began to understand that buying stock is like buying a portion of the business.
Q: Since selling Jardine C&C, was there any stock that you made big gains on?
A: There was MMI, which returned 141% and Sembawang Kimtrans, a 131% gain. My top 3 holdings now are Man Wah, Hongwei, and Celestial Nutrifoods - they are the multi-baggers in waiting, I hope. My gain on Celestial Nutrifoods did reach 300% - from 50 cents to $2 - at its peak in 2006 due mainly to PE expansion but I reckoned the price was still below the stock’s intrinsic value then so I didn’t sell. The business has been improving but the price-earnings ratio simply contracted as the market fell.
Q: How, if at all, does your training and work experience as an actuary help in your stock picking?
A: Probabilistic thinking, discount cash flow and long-term thinking are the core components of actuarial science. These are the tools most appropriate for investing. Like Warren Buffett, I don't do exact calculations of intrinsic value using discount cash flow, but roughly I can see a PE of 4-8x is attractive. The very high analytic skills and a sharp and quick mind every actuary has also help in research and analysing companies and business.
Q: Do you invest your wife’s savings as well? Given the financial nature of her work, does she have any investing skills or ideas to chip in?
A: Our savings are pooled. Some are under her name and some are under mine. I do the research and come up with recommendations – but all decisions are agreed jointly.
A very good book on investing.
Q: Earlier you talked about reading investment books. What’s a new solid book that you can recommend?
A: I have read almost all the classic investing books and I think most of the good stuff on investing has already been written. A recent book by Pat Dorsey (The Little Book that Builds Wealth) is a very good one. It focuses on business moats. I think they are the key to investment success and I have to admit that some of my stocks don't have many moats and I plan to let go some when the market turns.
Q: Let’s talk a bit about lifestyle: I guess you would be what is termed a high net-worth investor. Is yours a glittering lifestyle?
A: My lifestyle has not changed much in the last five years. I feel that how much money you have need not affect your lifestyle. My family shop and eat at the same places as before, and, predictable as it sounds, do the same things most Singaporeans do – that is, shop, watch TV and movies, for example. The only big-ticket item is travel, and we usually try to go on one long and one short trip a year.
The only difference is that in the past few years, I have developed a habit of spending one to two hours a night to go through a routine, which is:
- Check company announcements on the SGX website pertaining to my stocks.
- Check announcements for stocks on my watch list.
- Visit news and research websites to find out industry trends for some raw materials, etc.
- Visit some investment blogs and websites, both local and overseas.
- Occasionally do Google searches for information on my stocks.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Obama: Economy 'a big problem, and it's going to get worse'
President-elect Barack Obama braced the country for more tough times Sunday, saying twice in an interview that the nation’s already dismal economy would continue to worsen in the months ahead.
Obama, speaking to Tom Brokaw on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” used some of his starkest language yet to underscore the severity of the challenge he’ll face upon taking office next month.
“If you look at the unemployment numbers that came out yesterday, if you think about almost 2 million jobs lost so far, if you think about the fragility of the financial system and the fact that it is now a global financial system so that what happens in Thailand or Russia can have an impact here, and obviously what happens on Wall Street has an impact worldwide, when you think about the structural problems that we already had in the economy before the financial crisis, this is a big problem, and it's going to get worse,” he said in the interview taped Saturday.
Later in the interview Obama reiterated his downbeat projection, saying, “Things are going to get worse before they get better.”
Obama’s assessment, offered with an eye toward lowering the already considerable expectations on his shoulders, comes two days after the worst monthly job losses in over three decades, and a day after he proposed a series of ways to marry job-creation with infrastructure improvements in the forthcoming economic stimulus package.
In the wide-ranging appearance, Obama once again gave strong indications that he’s backing off his stance on two key campaign pledges – whether to repeal President George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, and his call for bringing U.S. combat troops home from Iraq in 16 months. On a lighter note, he sketched a vision of an Obama White House alive with cultural and musical events, saying he hoped to include children from local Washington, D.C., schools.
But the economy dominated the discussion. Obama, who has been largely restrained from leveling political criticism during the transition period, took shots at Congress and the current administration for their handling of the crisis.
He told Brokaw that decisions based on where to focus infrastructure improvements would be based on merit, and “not in the old, traditional politics-first way.”
In an unambiguous brush-back to his former colleagues Obama said, “You know, the days of just pork coming out of Congress as a strategy, those days are over.”
And after weeks of public magnanimity toward the Bush administration and much cooperation between the outgoing and incoming economic teams, Obama expressed irritation at what he described as a lack of urgency on the part of the incumbent about offering mortgage assistance to struggling homeowners.
“I'm disappointed that we haven't seen quicker movement on this issue by the administration,” Obama said. “We have said publicly and privately that we want to see a package that helps homeowners not just because it's good for that particular homeowner; it's good for the community.’
But pressed by Brokaw if he or his advisers had conveyed their unhappiness on the mortgage question to the Bush administration, Obama dodged. “We have specifically said that moving forward we have to have a housing component to any actions that we take. If we are only dealing with Wall Street and we're not dealing with Main Street, then we're only handling one half of the problem,” he said.
Obama also wouldn’t delve too deeply into the woes of the automakers, or answer specifically if they should be given government oversight, but did make clear he wanted to see financial assistance to the Big Three tied to reforms.
“They're going to have to restructure, and all their stakeholders are going to have to restructure—labor, management, shareholders, creditors—everybody is going to recognize that they have—they do not have a sustainable business model right now,” Obama said. “And if they expect taxpayers to help in that adjustment process, then they can't keep on putting off the kinds of changes that they frankly should have made 20 or 30 years ago. If they want to survive, then they better start building a fuel-efficient car. And if they want to survive, they've got to recognize that the auto market is not going to be as large as some of their rosy scenarios that they put forward over the last several years.”
On taxes, the president-elect suggested he would avoid any increases in the near term. He rejected the prospect of putting a fuel surcharge on falling gas prices to fund alternative energy, saying that “putting additional burdens on American families right now, I think, is a mistake.”
And he signaled that his campaign pledge to raise taxes on the rich may be put off, something his economic advisers have been saying quietly for weeks.
“My economic team right now is examining -- do we repeal that through legislation?” Obama said of the Bush tax cuts for those Americans making over $250,000 per year. “Do we let it lapse so that, when the Bush tax cuts expire, they're not renewed when it comes to wealthiest Americans?”
Obama, speaking to Tom Brokaw on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” used some of his starkest language yet to underscore the severity of the challenge he’ll face upon taking office next month.
“If you look at the unemployment numbers that came out yesterday, if you think about almost 2 million jobs lost so far, if you think about the fragility of the financial system and the fact that it is now a global financial system so that what happens in Thailand or Russia can have an impact here, and obviously what happens on Wall Street has an impact worldwide, when you think about the structural problems that we already had in the economy before the financial crisis, this is a big problem, and it's going to get worse,” he said in the interview taped Saturday.
Later in the interview Obama reiterated his downbeat projection, saying, “Things are going to get worse before they get better.”
Obama’s assessment, offered with an eye toward lowering the already considerable expectations on his shoulders, comes two days after the worst monthly job losses in over three decades, and a day after he proposed a series of ways to marry job-creation with infrastructure improvements in the forthcoming economic stimulus package.
In the wide-ranging appearance, Obama once again gave strong indications that he’s backing off his stance on two key campaign pledges – whether to repeal President George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, and his call for bringing U.S. combat troops home from Iraq in 16 months. On a lighter note, he sketched a vision of an Obama White House alive with cultural and musical events, saying he hoped to include children from local Washington, D.C., schools.
But the economy dominated the discussion. Obama, who has been largely restrained from leveling political criticism during the transition period, took shots at Congress and the current administration for their handling of the crisis.
He told Brokaw that decisions based on where to focus infrastructure improvements would be based on merit, and “not in the old, traditional politics-first way.”
In an unambiguous brush-back to his former colleagues Obama said, “You know, the days of just pork coming out of Congress as a strategy, those days are over.”
And after weeks of public magnanimity toward the Bush administration and much cooperation between the outgoing and incoming economic teams, Obama expressed irritation at what he described as a lack of urgency on the part of the incumbent about offering mortgage assistance to struggling homeowners.
“I'm disappointed that we haven't seen quicker movement on this issue by the administration,” Obama said. “We have said publicly and privately that we want to see a package that helps homeowners not just because it's good for that particular homeowner; it's good for the community.’
But pressed by Brokaw if he or his advisers had conveyed their unhappiness on the mortgage question to the Bush administration, Obama dodged. “We have specifically said that moving forward we have to have a housing component to any actions that we take. If we are only dealing with Wall Street and we're not dealing with Main Street, then we're only handling one half of the problem,” he said.
Obama also wouldn’t delve too deeply into the woes of the automakers, or answer specifically if they should be given government oversight, but did make clear he wanted to see financial assistance to the Big Three tied to reforms.
“They're going to have to restructure, and all their stakeholders are going to have to restructure—labor, management, shareholders, creditors—everybody is going to recognize that they have—they do not have a sustainable business model right now,” Obama said. “And if they expect taxpayers to help in that adjustment process, then they can't keep on putting off the kinds of changes that they frankly should have made 20 or 30 years ago. If they want to survive, then they better start building a fuel-efficient car. And if they want to survive, they've got to recognize that the auto market is not going to be as large as some of their rosy scenarios that they put forward over the last several years.”
On taxes, the president-elect suggested he would avoid any increases in the near term. He rejected the prospect of putting a fuel surcharge on falling gas prices to fund alternative energy, saying that “putting additional burdens on American families right now, I think, is a mistake.”
And he signaled that his campaign pledge to raise taxes on the rich may be put off, something his economic advisers have been saying quietly for weeks.
“My economic team right now is examining -- do we repeal that through legislation?” Obama said of the Bush tax cuts for those Americans making over $250,000 per year. “Do we let it lapse so that, when the Bush tax cuts expire, they're not renewed when it comes to wealthiest Americans?”
Friday, December 5, 2008
曾渊沧@股友通讯录 十二月
上一次的通讯中,我告诉大家10 月28 日当海峡时报指数跌至1473 点时,已跌至《曾氏通道》的95%悲观线。过去10年,每逢海峡时报指数对数跌至《曾氏通道》的95%悲观线时,熊市就恰恰好结束;那是1998年,2003年。同样的,升破《曾氏通道》的95%乐观线时,牛事也恰恰好结束;那是1997年,2000年,及2007年。也因此,去年年底我很大胆地出版一本书,书名是《迎战转势》,告诉所有的人,牛市结束了。
还记得2003年的3月是什麽日子,那是SARS 刚刚暴发期,人人都慌得很,4月份SARS的高峰期时,新加坡有如鬼城,人人都对前景非常悲观。但是,股市却已度过最低潮的日子,一个新牛市开始了。
股市的确是很奇妙,往往在经济仍然暗淡的时候,已经见底回升,在人人兴高采烈,庆祝经济蓬勃发展时见顶回落。2003年至2007年是我投资史中最丰收的4 年,累积了目前足以轻松过下半辈子的财富。今日,我是属於已经《上了岸》的人,无复当年之勇。1998 年与2003年,我是奋身而入,将所有可以动用的现金一次过全投入股市。现在,《上了岸》的心态使我依然保有适量现金及适量股票,再加上房地产,维持一个比较平衡的资产分配。不过,如果你仍然年轻,手上的现金属於丢到海里都无所谓的话,胆子不妨大一些。记住,机会不是经常
我的所谓长期投资是至少3年。现在,许多人都在批评,讥笑以长期投资出名的股神巴菲特。这些人在3个月前想捞底入市,结果股价一跌再跌,持货3 个月亏了一大截,就大骂长期投资,害人不浅。这是错误的。3个月,甚至一年,两年都不是长期投资;你知道吗,巴菲特手上的股票,平均持有时间是17年,这才叫做长期投资。
还有,长期投资者的入市时间也很重要,不是要你在海指3800 点时入市搞长期投资,不是要你在海指由高位下跌半年之后就入市捞底不成然后被逼长线投资。过去一年,当股市由最高位下跌时,我不断地说,熊市最短是一年,在一年之内都只能短炒博反弹,不是什麽长线投资的机会。 长线投资只应该在海峡时报指数跌穿《曾氏通道》的底线,平均P/E不足10倍才出手。
还记得2003年的3月是什麽日子,那是SARS 刚刚暴发期,人人都慌得很,4月份SARS的高峰期时,新加坡有如鬼城,人人都对前景非常悲观。但是,股市却已度过最低潮的日子,一个新牛市开始了。
股市的确是很奇妙,往往在经济仍然暗淡的时候,已经见底回升,在人人兴高采烈,庆祝经济蓬勃发展时见顶回落。2003年至2007年是我投资史中最丰收的4 年,累积了目前足以轻松过下半辈子的财富。今日,我是属於已经《上了岸》的人,无复当年之勇。1998 年与2003年,我是奋身而入,将所有可以动用的现金一次过全投入股市。现在,《上了岸》的心态使我依然保有适量现金及适量股票,再加上房地产,维持一个比较平衡的资产分配。不过,如果你仍然年轻,手上的现金属於丢到海里都无所谓的话,胆子不妨大一些。记住,机会不是经常
我的所谓长期投资是至少3年。现在,许多人都在批评,讥笑以长期投资出名的股神巴菲特。这些人在3个月前想捞底入市,结果股价一跌再跌,持货3 个月亏了一大截,就大骂长期投资,害人不浅。这是错误的。3个月,甚至一年,两年都不是长期投资;你知道吗,巴菲特手上的股票,平均持有时间是17年,这才叫做长期投资。
还有,长期投资者的入市时间也很重要,不是要你在海指3800 点时入市搞长期投资,不是要你在海指由高位下跌半年之后就入市捞底不成然后被逼长线投资。过去一年,当股市由最高位下跌时,我不断地说,熊市最短是一年,在一年之内都只能短炒博反弹,不是什麽长线投资的机会。 长线投资只应该在海峡时报指数跌穿《曾氏通道》的底线,平均P/E不足10倍才出手。
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Betting your shirt on property
Switching from clothes to property, the Singapore brand remains very viable
FOR those who want to foray into real-estate investment trusts (Reits) but are finding them a tad too expensive, a cheaper alternative would be former shirt maker and retailer Second Chance Properties.
It is not exactly a Reit in the strict sense, as it has other businesses, including apparel, gold, jewellery and securities investment. But, Second Chance’s founder and head honcho Mr Mohamed Salleh has over the last few years built up an extensive portfolio of small properties (60 to be exact) at a cost of some $87 million.
These range from outlets in shopping malls like Lucky Plaza, Far East Plaza, City Plaza and Peninsula Plaza to shophouses in housing board estates like in Geylang, Ang Mo Kio, Serangoon North, Toa Payoh, Jurong and Tampines.
An end-June valuation of all the properties by Jones Lang LaSalle showed they were worth some $118.4 million, an increase of $15.1 million over the previous year. The properties account for most of the group’s total assets of $158.56 million.
In the last financial year, which ended June 30, the company’s property division was the largest contributor to pre-tax profits accounting for $21.12 million of the $26.9 million earned.
The securities division, which contributed $12.81 million in FY2007, saw a sharp decline in pre-tax earnings to just $1.6 million in the wake of the United States sub-prime mortgages crisis.
Pre-tax contribution from its apparel division amounted to $2.69 million($2.06 million previously) while the gold and diamond jewellery section earned $4.03 million ($3.76 million).
What makes Second Chance so attractive is its dividend policy of announcing what it is going to pay, way in advance. For instance, it announced on Aug 27 this year that it will be recommending a tax-exempt dividend of 3.5 cents a share for the financial year ending June 2009 and 3.8 cents a share for FY 2010.
This amounts to yields of over 10 per cent on its current share price of just over 30 cents apiece, well over what you can get from putting money in the bank, or even from most other regular Reits on the market here.
Asked how Second Chance can make such promises,Mr Mohamed, who started out as a men’s tailor in 1974 in Peninsula Plaza, points out that rentals have been locked-in for the next few years for most of the properties.
“While some properties come to the end of their tenancy, others are being renewed. Many of our tenants are also in for the long haul and stay with us,”Mr Mohamed says.
Apart from his own-use outlets for his jewellery and apparel business, tenants include such well-known names as Bossini, Giordano, Hang Ten and 7-Eleven.
But, as in all other investments in equities, an investor in Second Chance runs the risk of a falling share price, which in the worst case, could wipe out almost every cent invested.
On the other hand, one also stands to gain from a run-up in share prices, offering a handsome return on both capital outlay and in dividends.
Second Chance’s foray into property like its name was by chance. Just after it got listed in 1997, the region was hit by the financial crisis which wiped out billions of dollars in the value of shares and properties.
“We had raised $5.4 million from the listing and with the crash of the property market we saw an opportunity to buy on the cheap,” he recalled with glee and pride.
The company was able to raise another $5 million from the sale of his gold business “and with the $10 million or so in capital, we were to leverage that and buy $30 million worth of properties”.
And so, in 1999, Mr Mohamed changed the name of his company from Second Chance Enterprises to Second Chance Properties to better reflect the change in its core business.
Perhaps investors would do well to have a second look at the company.
Source : Today - 18 Sep 2008
FOR those who want to foray into real-estate investment trusts (Reits) but are finding them a tad too expensive, a cheaper alternative would be former shirt maker and retailer Second Chance Properties.
It is not exactly a Reit in the strict sense, as it has other businesses, including apparel, gold, jewellery and securities investment. But, Second Chance’s founder and head honcho Mr Mohamed Salleh has over the last few years built up an extensive portfolio of small properties (60 to be exact) at a cost of some $87 million.
These range from outlets in shopping malls like Lucky Plaza, Far East Plaza, City Plaza and Peninsula Plaza to shophouses in housing board estates like in Geylang, Ang Mo Kio, Serangoon North, Toa Payoh, Jurong and Tampines.
An end-June valuation of all the properties by Jones Lang LaSalle showed they were worth some $118.4 million, an increase of $15.1 million over the previous year. The properties account for most of the group’s total assets of $158.56 million.
In the last financial year, which ended June 30, the company’s property division was the largest contributor to pre-tax profits accounting for $21.12 million of the $26.9 million earned.
The securities division, which contributed $12.81 million in FY2007, saw a sharp decline in pre-tax earnings to just $1.6 million in the wake of the United States sub-prime mortgages crisis.
Pre-tax contribution from its apparel division amounted to $2.69 million($2.06 million previously) while the gold and diamond jewellery section earned $4.03 million ($3.76 million).
What makes Second Chance so attractive is its dividend policy of announcing what it is going to pay, way in advance. For instance, it announced on Aug 27 this year that it will be recommending a tax-exempt dividend of 3.5 cents a share for the financial year ending June 2009 and 3.8 cents a share for FY 2010.
This amounts to yields of over 10 per cent on its current share price of just over 30 cents apiece, well over what you can get from putting money in the bank, or even from most other regular Reits on the market here.
Asked how Second Chance can make such promises,Mr Mohamed, who started out as a men’s tailor in 1974 in Peninsula Plaza, points out that rentals have been locked-in for the next few years for most of the properties.
“While some properties come to the end of their tenancy, others are being renewed. Many of our tenants are also in for the long haul and stay with us,”Mr Mohamed says.
Apart from his own-use outlets for his jewellery and apparel business, tenants include such well-known names as Bossini, Giordano, Hang Ten and 7-Eleven.
But, as in all other investments in equities, an investor in Second Chance runs the risk of a falling share price, which in the worst case, could wipe out almost every cent invested.
On the other hand, one also stands to gain from a run-up in share prices, offering a handsome return on both capital outlay and in dividends.
Second Chance’s foray into property like its name was by chance. Just after it got listed in 1997, the region was hit by the financial crisis which wiped out billions of dollars in the value of shares and properties.
“We had raised $5.4 million from the listing and with the crash of the property market we saw an opportunity to buy on the cheap,” he recalled with glee and pride.
The company was able to raise another $5 million from the sale of his gold business “and with the $10 million or so in capital, we were to leverage that and buy $30 million worth of properties”.
And so, in 1999, Mr Mohamed changed the name of his company from Second Chance Enterprises to Second Chance Properties to better reflect the change in its core business.
Perhaps investors would do well to have a second look at the company.
Source : Today - 18 Sep 2008
Second Chance Properties Limited
Business Description
2nd Chance was listed on the SGX-Sesdaq on 24 January 1997, and upgraded to the Mainboard on 2 March 2004. It started out as a sole proprietorship in 1975, when Mohamed Salleh set up Second Chance Enterprises to engage in the tailoring of men's garments. By 1976, the business had expanded to 3 tailoring shops. However, due to difficulty in expanding the tailoring business further, Second Chance Enterprises decided to switch to retailing of men's ready-to-wear fashion clothes in 1979.
Corporate Goals:
First Lady-- To expand First Lady into the largest retailer & wholesaler of modern Islamic apparel in the region. To grow from 14 outlets in Malaysia as of June 2006, to 100 outlets by June 2012.
Golden Chance-- To maintain our dominance of the gold jewellery business in the domestic Malay market.
2nd Chance Properties-- To continue selective purchases of choice retail properties thereby augmenting our stable source of rental income.
In 1993, the Group opened its goldsmith shop, called Golden Chance Goldsmith. The gold jewellery retail business is currently the main revenue and profit contributor to the Group. In 1996, the Group expanded its gold jewellery retail business into Malaysia.
The Company was incorporated on 7 July 1981 as Indonesian Mercantile Traders (S) Pte Ltd. It changed its name to Second Chance Enterprises Pte Ltd in 1986 and to its present name in 1987 to reflect its change of status to a public limited company.
The Group is principally engaged in the retailing of ready-made wearing apparel, and gold and diamond jewellery, through a network of retail outlets in Singapore and Malaysia. Its 2nd Chance and First Lady outlets retail mainly the 2nd Chance brand of boys and men's clothing, and the First Lady brand of traditional Malay ladies' and girls' clothing respectively, while its Golden Chance outlets retail gold and diamond jewellery. In 1999, it diversified into property investments.
Recent Development
2 Dec 2007- The Founder and present Chairman & CEO of Second Chance Properties Ltd (the “Company”) has outlined a succession plan for the Group to adopt. He wishes to emulate the proven effectiveness of MM Lee Kuan Yew’s own style of succession whereby while still healthy and in good form effect a smooth transition and at the same time continue to play a pivotal role.
1. Under this plan, Dr. Ahmad Magad, the Lead Independent Director, was invited and has accepted the position of Chairman (Non-Executive) of the Group with effect from 1st December 2007. The tenure is for 3 years with re-appointment at the pleasure of the Board. The incumbent remains as CEO.
2. The Deputy Chairman & Deputy CEO, Mr Hasan Marican, has agreed to take up the position of Group CEO for a period of 5 years with effect from 1st July 2009. Mr. Hasan has proven himself beyond any doubt over the last 24 years and is confident in taking the Group to greater heights. Mr. Mohd Salleh will then take up the role of Advisor and Executive Director. He intends to continue playing an active full time role in the Group for many years to come and continue to help navigate it.
3. To further strengthen the Board, Mr Ferus Bakar, Business Manager of the Group, has been promoted and appointed as an Executive Director with effect from 1 December 2007.
Mr. Ferus Bakar joined the Group on 1st July 2005 as Business Manager. He is responsible for purchasing, A&P & assisting Chairman & CEO in human resource activities and general management of business for the Group. Prior to joining the Group, he was an Associate Account Director with MediacorpTV12. He has accumulated 13years of Retail, Hospitality, Food & Beverage and Media industry experience in managerial capacity.
29 August 2007- FY June 2007 Results Highlights
Revenue: $48.17m (+13%)
Net profits after tax: $18.3m (+74%)
Basic EPS: 6.18cents
Net Operating Cashflow: $6.1m
Dividend: 2.7cents nett
23 March 2007 - Second Chance Properties Ltd announced that its subsidiary, Super Chance Properties Pte Ltd, has signed a sale and purchase agreement to buy the following unit for investment purpose. Details of the transaction are as follow:
Address of property : Block 12 Haig Road #01-323 Singapore 430012
Tenure of property : Leasehold (82 years from 1 July 1993)
Size of property : 393 sq metres
Purchase price : S$6,820,000.00
Purpose of purchase : Investment
Deposit and Date paid : S$358,050.00 inclusive of GST paid on 23 March 2007
Rental income per month : S$40,000.00 excluding GST and service charges
Expected date of completion : 13 July 2007
Purchaser : Super Chance Properties Pte Ltd
18 Aug 2006...
Record Net Profit for fourth consecutive year
Higher and Increasing Dividend for the next Three Years
First Lady to Expand to 100 stores in Malaysia
FY 2006 Performance
In 2006, Second Chance Properties Ltd generated total revenue of $42.49 million, which is 8.68% more than the prior year. The Group reported net profit after tax of $10.513 million, which is 4.86% more from FY 2005.
The net cash generated from operating activities was $7.38 million as compared to $6.3 million in the prior year. The Group maintained a strong balance sheet and healthy financial position at the end of 2006 with gearing lowered to 0.66.
Due to the strong performance and our optimistic outlook for the Group, the Directors are recommending an increase in the dividend to 3.0 cents per ordinary share less Singapore tax of 20% or 2.4 cents after tax for this financial year.
For the next two financial years that is June 2007 and June 2008, the Directors will be recommending a higher dividend payout of 2.7cents and 3.0cents after tax respectively.
Barring any change in circumstances, the Directors intend to continue with its high dividend policy for future years.
Future Growth
The successful expansion of First Lady in Malaysia will provide a new engine of growth for the Group. At present, we have fourteen (14) highly profitable stores in peninsula Malaysia making us the dominant and unrivalled market leader. The plan now is to expand our chain of stores to one hundred (100) within a period of five to six years; in all cities and major towns throughout both east & west Malaysia.
The increase in interest rates and higher property prices has resulted in much lower real net returns and higher risk, making good buys difficult to find. There was one property investment of $4.59 million made in FY 2006. This does not mean that our growth in property investment will stop. Our strong profits and good cash flow is reducing our debt and with much lower gearing, we are well positioned to re-enter and take advantage of any sudden negative events affecting the property market.
Outlook for FY 2007
The increase in property prices and rentals is expected to continue with the robust economy. This augurs well for our investment properties purchased earlier during the years of economic uncertainty.
Our retail business will continue to do well. The gold business is expected to maintain its profitability, while the apparel division with the strong expansion of First lady in Malaysia will contribute higher profits.
With all these positive factors, the outlook for this year has never been as good.
2nd Chance has a good track record of maintaining profitability, often trades below NAV, and pays a high dividend yield.
WS Dividend Rank :
Consecutive Years Paying Div : 2
Consecutive Years Increase Div : 2
One-Year Total Return : 54 %
Revenue (Million S$ )
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Year
2007 - - - - 48.2
2006 - - - - 42.5
2005 - - - - 39.1
2004 - - - - 36.1
Earnings Per Share ( S$ )
2007 - - - - 0.0618
2006 - - - - 0.0400
2005 - - - - 0.0520
2004 - - - - 0.0480
Dividend Data (cents - SGD )
Year Interim Final Total Share Bonus
2006 - 0.0240 0.0240
2005 - 0.0200 0.0200
2007 - - 0.0270
Ms. Joharabee Bte Kadir Maideen Saiboo Marican: GM First Lady
Safie Hussain: Field Mgr, Men's Stores
J. Raj Mohamed: Accounts Mgr
Ms. Geetha Padmanabhan: Finance Mgr
Ferus Baker: Business Mgr
Board of Directors
Mohamed Salleh Marican: Adviser & Executive Director
Hasan Marican: Group CEO (effective 1 July 2009)
Dev Pisharody: Executive Director
Ms. Radiah Maricar: Executive Director
Ahmad Bin Mohamed Magad: Non-Executive Chairman
David Tan Chao Hsiung: Independent Director
Paul Tan Lye Heng: Independent Director
Ferus Bakar: Executive Director
Founded: 1975
Stockholders:2,371 (at 30 Sep 2005)
Largest Stockholders (Sep 2005)
Mohamed Selleh Marican, Director: 58%
2nd Chance was listed on the SGX-Sesdaq on 24 January 1997, and upgraded to the Mainboard on 2 March 2004. It started out as a sole proprietorship in 1975, when Mohamed Salleh set up Second Chance Enterprises to engage in the tailoring of men's garments. By 1976, the business had expanded to 3 tailoring shops. However, due to difficulty in expanding the tailoring business further, Second Chance Enterprises decided to switch to retailing of men's ready-to-wear fashion clothes in 1979.
Corporate Goals:
First Lady-- To expand First Lady into the largest retailer & wholesaler of modern Islamic apparel in the region. To grow from 14 outlets in Malaysia as of June 2006, to 100 outlets by June 2012.
Golden Chance-- To maintain our dominance of the gold jewellery business in the domestic Malay market.
2nd Chance Properties-- To continue selective purchases of choice retail properties thereby augmenting our stable source of rental income.
In 1993, the Group opened its goldsmith shop, called Golden Chance Goldsmith. The gold jewellery retail business is currently the main revenue and profit contributor to the Group. In 1996, the Group expanded its gold jewellery retail business into Malaysia.
The Company was incorporated on 7 July 1981 as Indonesian Mercantile Traders (S) Pte Ltd. It changed its name to Second Chance Enterprises Pte Ltd in 1986 and to its present name in 1987 to reflect its change of status to a public limited company.
The Group is principally engaged in the retailing of ready-made wearing apparel, and gold and diamond jewellery, through a network of retail outlets in Singapore and Malaysia. Its 2nd Chance and First Lady outlets retail mainly the 2nd Chance brand of boys and men's clothing, and the First Lady brand of traditional Malay ladies' and girls' clothing respectively, while its Golden Chance outlets retail gold and diamond jewellery. In 1999, it diversified into property investments.
Recent Development
2 Dec 2007- The Founder and present Chairman & CEO of Second Chance Properties Ltd (the “Company”) has outlined a succession plan for the Group to adopt. He wishes to emulate the proven effectiveness of MM Lee Kuan Yew’s own style of succession whereby while still healthy and in good form effect a smooth transition and at the same time continue to play a pivotal role.
1. Under this plan, Dr. Ahmad Magad, the Lead Independent Director, was invited and has accepted the position of Chairman (Non-Executive) of the Group with effect from 1st December 2007. The tenure is for 3 years with re-appointment at the pleasure of the Board. The incumbent remains as CEO.
2. The Deputy Chairman & Deputy CEO, Mr Hasan Marican, has agreed to take up the position of Group CEO for a period of 5 years with effect from 1st July 2009. Mr. Hasan has proven himself beyond any doubt over the last 24 years and is confident in taking the Group to greater heights. Mr. Mohd Salleh will then take up the role of Advisor and Executive Director. He intends to continue playing an active full time role in the Group for many years to come and continue to help navigate it.
3. To further strengthen the Board, Mr Ferus Bakar, Business Manager of the Group, has been promoted and appointed as an Executive Director with effect from 1 December 2007.
Mr. Ferus Bakar joined the Group on 1st July 2005 as Business Manager. He is responsible for purchasing, A&P & assisting Chairman & CEO in human resource activities and general management of business for the Group. Prior to joining the Group, he was an Associate Account Director with MediacorpTV12. He has accumulated 13years of Retail, Hospitality, Food & Beverage and Media industry experience in managerial capacity.
29 August 2007- FY June 2007 Results Highlights
Revenue: $48.17m (+13%)
Net profits after tax: $18.3m (+74%)
Basic EPS: 6.18cents
Net Operating Cashflow: $6.1m
Dividend: 2.7cents nett
23 March 2007 - Second Chance Properties Ltd announced that its subsidiary, Super Chance Properties Pte Ltd, has signed a sale and purchase agreement to buy the following unit for investment purpose. Details of the transaction are as follow:
Address of property : Block 12 Haig Road #01-323 Singapore 430012
Tenure of property : Leasehold (82 years from 1 July 1993)
Size of property : 393 sq metres
Purchase price : S$6,820,000.00
Purpose of purchase : Investment
Deposit and Date paid : S$358,050.00 inclusive of GST paid on 23 March 2007
Rental income per month : S$40,000.00 excluding GST and service charges
Expected date of completion : 13 July 2007
Purchaser : Super Chance Properties Pte Ltd
18 Aug 2006...
Record Net Profit for fourth consecutive year
Higher and Increasing Dividend for the next Three Years
First Lady to Expand to 100 stores in Malaysia
FY 2006 Performance
In 2006, Second Chance Properties Ltd generated total revenue of $42.49 million, which is 8.68% more than the prior year. The Group reported net profit after tax of $10.513 million, which is 4.86% more from FY 2005.
The net cash generated from operating activities was $7.38 million as compared to $6.3 million in the prior year. The Group maintained a strong balance sheet and healthy financial position at the end of 2006 with gearing lowered to 0.66.
Due to the strong performance and our optimistic outlook for the Group, the Directors are recommending an increase in the dividend to 3.0 cents per ordinary share less Singapore tax of 20% or 2.4 cents after tax for this financial year.
For the next two financial years that is June 2007 and June 2008, the Directors will be recommending a higher dividend payout of 2.7cents and 3.0cents after tax respectively.
Barring any change in circumstances, the Directors intend to continue with its high dividend policy for future years.
Future Growth
The successful expansion of First Lady in Malaysia will provide a new engine of growth for the Group. At present, we have fourteen (14) highly profitable stores in peninsula Malaysia making us the dominant and unrivalled market leader. The plan now is to expand our chain of stores to one hundred (100) within a period of five to six years; in all cities and major towns throughout both east & west Malaysia.
The increase in interest rates and higher property prices has resulted in much lower real net returns and higher risk, making good buys difficult to find. There was one property investment of $4.59 million made in FY 2006. This does not mean that our growth in property investment will stop. Our strong profits and good cash flow is reducing our debt and with much lower gearing, we are well positioned to re-enter and take advantage of any sudden negative events affecting the property market.
Outlook for FY 2007
The increase in property prices and rentals is expected to continue with the robust economy. This augurs well for our investment properties purchased earlier during the years of economic uncertainty.
Our retail business will continue to do well. The gold business is expected to maintain its profitability, while the apparel division with the strong expansion of First lady in Malaysia will contribute higher profits.
With all these positive factors, the outlook for this year has never been as good.
2nd Chance has a good track record of maintaining profitability, often trades below NAV, and pays a high dividend yield.
WS Dividend Rank :
Consecutive Years Paying Div : 2
Consecutive Years Increase Div : 2
One-Year Total Return : 54 %
Revenue (Million S$ )
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Year
2007 - - - - 48.2
2006 - - - - 42.5
2005 - - - - 39.1
2004 - - - - 36.1
Earnings Per Share ( S$ )
2007 - - - - 0.0618
2006 - - - - 0.0400
2005 - - - - 0.0520
2004 - - - - 0.0480
Dividend Data (cents - SGD )
Year Interim Final Total Share Bonus
2006 - 0.0240 0.0240
2005 - 0.0200 0.0200
2007 - - 0.0270
Ms. Joharabee Bte Kadir Maideen Saiboo Marican: GM First Lady
Safie Hussain: Field Mgr, Men's Stores
J. Raj Mohamed: Accounts Mgr
Ms. Geetha Padmanabhan: Finance Mgr
Ferus Baker: Business Mgr
Board of Directors
Mohamed Salleh Marican: Adviser & Executive Director
Hasan Marican: Group CEO (effective 1 July 2009)
Dev Pisharody: Executive Director
Ms. Radiah Maricar: Executive Director
Ahmad Bin Mohamed Magad: Non-Executive Chairman
David Tan Chao Hsiung: Independent Director
Paul Tan Lye Heng: Independent Director
Ferus Bakar: Executive Director
Founded: 1975
Stockholders:2,371 (at 30 Sep 2005)
Largest Stockholders (Sep 2005)
Mohamed Selleh Marican, Director: 58%
Friday, November 28, 2008
市 場 氣 氛 漸 樂 觀
美 國 政 府 的 7000 億 美 元 救 市 基 金 用 了 一 半 , 又 馬 上 推 出 另 一 個 8000 億 美 元 的 救 市 計 劃 , 主 要 用 來 買 下 兩 房 手 上 的 有 毒 資 產 及 信 用 卡 、 汽 車 貸 款 債 券 , 7000 億 加 8000 億 , 再 加 上 之 前 通 過 的 減 稅 1000 億 , 合 共 1.6 萬 億 美 元 , 明 年 奧 巴 馬 正 式 上 任 , 不 知 道 會 再 倒 多 少 錢 救 市 , 相 信 不 會 少 過 1 萬 億 美 元 吧 。
數 萬 億 美 元 從 何 而 來 ? 奧 巴 馬 在 競 選 時 說 會 向 富 人 抽 稅 , 美 國 富 人 有 難 了 。 當 年 , 羅 斯 福 總 統 在 1932 年 上 台 後 , 也 向 富 人 徵 重 稅 , 稅 率 好 像 高 達 90% ! 嗚 呼 , 你 賺 100 元 , 政 府 拿 走 90 元 , 如 果 你 是 富 人 你 想 當 美 國 人 嗎 ?
今 日 , 許 多 人 都 喜 歡 把 目 前 的 金 融 海 嘯 與 1929 年 開 始 的 大 蕭 條 比 較 , 當 時 的 羅 斯 福 總 統 上 任 時 所 面 對 的 局 面 就 與 奧 巴 馬 明 年 初 將 面 臨 的 局 面 差 不 多 , 奧 巴 馬 會 向 富 人 抽 多 重 的 稅 呢 ?
大 行 也 轉 唱 好
除 了 抽 稅 , 政 府 另 外 兩 個 方 法 找 錢 就 是 發 行 債 券 與 印 鈔 票 , 美 國 政 府 已 發 行 10 萬 億 美 元 的 債 券 , 再 大 量 發 行 債 券 , 賣 給 誰 ? 中 國 也 買 不 起 萬 億 美 元 的 債 券 。 還 有 , 現 在 美 國 政 府 出 面 挽 救 兩 房 、 AIG 及 花 旗 銀 行 , 這 四 家 企 業 的 債 務 已 變 相 成 了 國 債 。 美 國 國 債 太 多 了 , 多 得 驚 人 , 最 後 , 最 大 的 可 能 性 就 是 印 鈔 票 , 半 年 前 , 我 們 談 通 脹 , 今 日 我 們 談 通 縮 , 半 年 後 , 我 們 會 不 會 再 談 通 脹 ? 如 果 美 國 政 府 如 此 大 量 的 印 鈔 票 , 請 不 要 驚 訝 半 年 後 通 脹 突 然 又 成 了 傳 媒 頭 條 新 聞 。
數 萬 億 美 元 從 何 而 來 ? 奧 巴 馬 在 競 選 時 說 會 向 富 人 抽 稅 , 美 國 富 人 有 難 了 。 當 年 , 羅 斯 福 總 統 在 1932 年 上 台 後 , 也 向 富 人 徵 重 稅 , 稅 率 好 像 高 達 90% ! 嗚 呼 , 你 賺 100 元 , 政 府 拿 走 90 元 , 如 果 你 是 富 人 你 想 當 美 國 人 嗎 ?
今 日 , 許 多 人 都 喜 歡 把 目 前 的 金 融 海 嘯 與 1929 年 開 始 的 大 蕭 條 比 較 , 當 時 的 羅 斯 福 總 統 上 任 時 所 面 對 的 局 面 就 與 奧 巴 馬 明 年 初 將 面 臨 的 局 面 差 不 多 , 奧 巴 馬 會 向 富 人 抽 多 重 的 稅 呢 ?
大 行 也 轉 唱 好
除 了 抽 稅 , 政 府 另 外 兩 個 方 法 找 錢 就 是 發 行 債 券 與 印 鈔 票 , 美 國 政 府 已 發 行 10 萬 億 美 元 的 債 券 , 再 大 量 發 行 債 券 , 賣 給 誰 ? 中 國 也 買 不 起 萬 億 美 元 的 債 券 。 還 有 , 現 在 美 國 政 府 出 面 挽 救 兩 房 、 AIG 及 花 旗 銀 行 , 這 四 家 企 業 的 債 務 已 變 相 成 了 國 債 。 美 國 國 債 太 多 了 , 多 得 驚 人 , 最 後 , 最 大 的 可 能 性 就 是 印 鈔 票 , 半 年 前 , 我 們 談 通 脹 , 今 日 我 們 談 通 縮 , 半 年 後 , 我 們 會 不 會 再 談 通 脹 ? 如 果 美 國 政 府 如 此 大 量 的 印 鈔 票 , 請 不 要 驚 訝 半 年 後 通 脹 突 然 又 成 了 傳 媒 頭 條 新 聞 。
谢国忠:股价已经足够便宜了 巴菲特都抄底了
Thursday, November 27, 2008
价值投资 做好股票的收藏家
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
这个怵目惊心的标题给读者的印象必然是:美国 经济完了。
全世界银行的资本适当比例(Capital adequacy)大同小异,都是8%。
这个怵目惊心的标题给读者的印象必然是:美国 经济完了。
全世界银行的资本适当比例(Capital adequacy)大同小异,都是8%。
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
11月19日公布的美联储上次议息会议纪要显示,美联储对经济前景的展望进一步悲观。这加剧了市场对美联储12月进一步降息的猜测。当日,联邦基金利率期货的引申概率显示,在2008年12月16日举行的议息会议上,美联储维持1%利率不变的可能性为4.2%;降息25个基点的概率为12.3%;降息 50个基点的概率为44.7%;降息75个基点的概率为38.8%。
11月19日公布的美联储上次议息会议纪要显示,美联储对经济前景的展望进一步悲观。这加剧了市场对美联储12月进一步降息的猜测。当日,联邦基金利率期货的引申概率显示,在2008年12月16日举行的议息会议上,美联储维持1%利率不变的可能性为4.2%;降息25个基点的概率为12.3%;降息 50个基点的概率为44.7%;降息75个基点的概率为38.8%。
Monday, November 24, 2008
Strong Rebound Coming in Next 3 Months: Dr. Doom
The sheer amount of money governments are pumping into the financial system will eventually lead to a very strong rally in beaten-down assets, investor Marc Faber said on CNBC Friday.
But Faber also warned that if the markets remain depressed as liquidity increases the result could be a depression worse than in 1929.
By and large asset markets are "terribly oversold" now, while investors are going overboard into the U.S. dollar and U.S. Treasurys, Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, told "Squawk Box Europe."
"What you could see in the next three months is a very strong rebound in asset markets, in equities, followed by a selloff in bonds and eventually a selloff in the dollar," he said.
Governments and central banks around the world are providing liquidity and that will eventually have an impact, Faber said.
And once the buying starts the rally is likely to be "stronger than people expect" given that financial institutions are sitting on so much cash, he added.
"I think the intervention by the government in the past and at the present time has created more volatility, not less, and so right now we have deflation, we have colossal deflation in asset prices," he said, noting that equities alone have lost $30 trillion globally.
But "I assure you if you throw enough money at the system, eventually you can reflate, especially in the United States," Faber added.
Statistically a rebound should happen, but if it doesn't "the air is out" and the world faces an economy "worse than the depression of '29 to '32," he said.
But Faber also warned that if the markets remain depressed as liquidity increases the result could be a depression worse than in 1929.
By and large asset markets are "terribly oversold" now, while investors are going overboard into the U.S. dollar and U.S. Treasurys, Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, told "Squawk Box Europe."
"What you could see in the next three months is a very strong rebound in asset markets, in equities, followed by a selloff in bonds and eventually a selloff in the dollar," he said.
Governments and central banks around the world are providing liquidity and that will eventually have an impact, Faber said.
And once the buying starts the rally is likely to be "stronger than people expect" given that financial institutions are sitting on so much cash, he added.
"I think the intervention by the government in the past and at the present time has created more volatility, not less, and so right now we have deflation, we have colossal deflation in asset prices," he said, noting that equities alone have lost $30 trillion globally.
But "I assure you if you throw enough money at the system, eventually you can reflate, especially in the United States," Faber added.
Statistically a rebound should happen, but if it doesn't "the air is out" and the world faces an economy "worse than the depression of '29 to '32," he said.
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