
Monday, November 24, 2008

Strong Rebound Coming in Next 3 Months: Dr. Doom

The sheer amount of money governments are pumping into the financial system will eventually lead to a very strong rally in beaten-down assets, investor Marc Faber said on CNBC Friday.

But Faber also warned that if the markets remain depressed as liquidity increases the result could be a depression worse than in 1929.

By and large asset markets are "terribly oversold" now, while investors are going overboard into the U.S. dollar and U.S. Treasurys, Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, told "Squawk Box Europe."

"What you could see in the next three months is a very strong rebound in asset markets, in equities, followed by a selloff in bonds and eventually a selloff in the dollar," he said.

Governments and central banks around the world are providing liquidity and that will eventually have an impact, Faber said.

And once the buying starts the rally is likely to be "stronger than people expect" given that financial institutions are sitting on so much cash, he added.

"I think the intervention by the government in the past and at the present time has created more volatility, not less, and so right now we have deflation, we have colossal deflation in asset prices," he said, noting that equities alone have lost $30 trillion globally.

But "I assure you if you throw enough money at the system, eventually you can reflate, especially in the United States," Faber added.

Statistically a rebound should happen, but if it doesn't "the air is out" and the world faces an economy "worse than the depression of '29 to '32," he said.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How to Value Equities - The Discounted Cash Flow (Dividends) way! - Example:SingPost

A reader asked us to write about valuing equities using the Discounted Cash Flow method sometime back.

There are many forms of DCF analysis and we will be looking at discounting dividends. This is most appropriate for valuing stable companies (for example in a mature industry) and those that have a consistent payout of dividends. We will be using SingPost as an example. See below for the yearly dividends they give out. We started from year 2005.

Based on the table above, it is logical to assume that they will be giving out at least S$0.0625 in dividends every year from 2009 and beyond. So here comes the DCF formula. Figure 1

The foundation of this formula is that the value of a asset ( stock in this case) is the present value of its expected future cash flows ( dividends in this case). In the above formula, it is taking the present value of all the dividends up to infinity years ahead and bringing it back to the present value, now. People then compare this present value now with the current stock price to see if its cheap or not. The dividends for a company could grow in time, therefore, the variable g takes into account the dividends growth.

SGDividends is going to derive a formula which will be easier than easy to use. The derivation is below in figure 2, but you can skip this part and jump to the final formula in Figure 3.

Figure 2

You can read up on the sum of infinity through thislink. From the above maths in figure 2, we derive the following formula in figure 3 from the equation in figure 1. Isn't it much easier to use now?

Figure 3

So let's put all this in practice, shall we?

For Singpost:

Dividends for current period ( or most recent period) , Do= S$0.0625.

As it is a mature industry, assuming dividends is growing slowly at a rate, g = 2%.

Let's assume your required rate of return, K = 6% ( We use 6% just to follow the rate from DBS preferential shares. It can be anything you wish because its YOUR required rate of return.)

Value of stock = 0.0625 / ( 0.06 - 0.02) = $1.5625

Price currently as of 21 Nov 2008 as listed on SGX = $0.76.

Ok the formula should be Do (1+K) / (k-g).
So the value should be 1.65.
[0.0625(1+0.06)] / ( 0.06 - 0.02) = $1.65625

Don't go rushing to buy this stock yet as we have said before there are many assumptions. Firstly, there is no guarantee that SingPost will continue giving out dividends or dividends will grow. There is no guarantee that SingPost will last forever. It is theoretical and you will realise that is not appropriate for all companies, since some companies don't give out dividends.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008













银行和LOAN SHARK并没什么分别,我们把我们一生中赚来的血汗钱都给了他们。















Monday, November 17, 2008


在普通投资者看来是 "抄底"的举动在巴菲特看来其实是在适当的时候"出手",他坦言抄底不是他强项。从历史上数次"抄底"来看,巴菲特是一个左侧交易者,他对于底部的判断有时要比市场早半年。























Saturday, November 15, 2008



华侨投资研究(OCBC Investment Research)主管李彩莲预计,本地股市在未来几季将继续徘徊在1700点左右水平,最早在明年第二季末才重新吸引投资者进场,出现300至400点的回弹。


针对如何抢攻股市,她建议投资者采取以防御为主的“三层式策略”:第一、把大部分投资集中在防御性、股息高的股票上,如新电信、第一通、SMRT、报业控股等,构成核心投资。第二、考虑跌情惨重、渐呈恢复迹象的金融及岸外与海事股,包括新交所、星展和大华银行、吉宝和胜科等,其他类股包括亚洲海峡资源(Straits Asia Resources)、华业集团(UOL)和来宝(Noble)集团。第三、一旦有多出来的“闲钱”,则放在超卖、但长期展望不错的股票,如泛联和麦达斯(MIDAS)控股。








Second Chance Properties

Co announced their 3Q08 results

Downside - Revenue dn 10.33%, Profit dn 55.73%, Loss on investment securities valuation (equities) $624k.

Upside - Declaration of early dividend of 3 cents.

Question is why early divident payout? ..... could it be to entice warrant holder (expiry 30 May 08) to convert (10c at 1:1) early? At todays share price of 36.5c, it does not need this enticement.

Warrant conversion will be mildly dilutive - NAV will be 29.8c (from 30.1c) and after div payout, it will be about 27c.

Looking at the Balance sheet::
About 51.5% ($17.6m) of its current assets is in equities and only 1.2% ($418k) in cash. After divident payout, it would have used up all its cash and proceeds from warrant conversion.
For C. to raise cash, its easiet way is to liquidate some of its equities.......but under today's market cdtn, we can expect further writedowns and losses.

FY09 - If 3Q08 eps of 0.5c is going to be the norm for FY09, then Co. may not be able to meet their divvy forecast of 3.5c, unless they dig into their reserves.

From the above, my opinion is mgmt has over invested in the stock market (51.5% of current asset is definitely improportionate to its core business). It was good whilst it lasted.......but perhaps now they have to swallow the bitter pill.

Furthermore, Co recently announced that the daughter of the Chmn resigned her directorship and exec post of purchaser.....is there more to it than meets the eye?

I would advise forumers not to be enticed by the generous divvy declared (3c) cos the worst may yet to come.

Second Chance an undiscovered property play

ONE of the more interesting corporate developments over the past few weeks may have gone unnoticed by most investors - an offer to listed retail-cum-property group Second Chance Properties (SCP) to buy the company's entire property portfolio.

While some companies might have jumped at the chance of a large cash windfall (something all shareholders would surely welcome because it would mean a big payout), what's interesting about it is that SCP on Wednesday announced that it had decided to reject the offer. The reason? It doesn't need the money!

'We have been accumulating properties since 1999 at attractive prices and have managed to build up a sizeable portfolio,' said SCP's chief executive Mohamed Salleh in an interview with BT. 'All our core businesses are doing well, our gearing is low and the offer, which was unsolicited in the first place, was not attractive so I didn't want to waste the company's time pursuing it.'

SCP on Oct 20 disclosed that it had been approached by an international property consulting firm on behalf of an unnamed client who was interested in buying SCP's entire property portfolio for an undisclosed sum.

As at June 30, SCP owned 42 properties valued at $118 million, of which 39 are spread throughout Singapore and three are in Kuala Lumpur.

The Singapore portfolio comprises mainly shop units in shopping malls in the Orchard Road area and in HDB hubs. Net rental per year is about $7.5 million.

'We have very low gearing and all our properties are tenanted with leases of 2-3 years that provide a steady rental stream,' said Mr Mohamed Salleh.

'Even with the downturn, we've found that demand for retail premises is high so there's no problem finding tenants. Of course if things get much worse, we may have to accept lower rentals, maybe 10 per cent. But for now, there is still plenty of demand.'

SCP this week reported a 22.4 per cent increase in its first quarter revenues to $19.2 million. Net profit was down 2.8 per cent to $5.4 million. The company has proposed an interim cash dividend of 2.5 cents per share and is also proposing a share buyback scheme.

'We want to do a buyback because our shares have fallen to a large discount to our NTA (net tangible assets) of 30.4 cents,' said Mr Mohamed Salleh. SCP's shares yesterday traded at 20 cents, a 34 per cent discount to NTA and indicating a dividend yield of 12 per cent.

If SCP presents an attractive investment story, why has its shares languished from lack of attention? One reason is a misplaced perception - despite the company's name - that it is mainly a retail company specialising in female Islamic apparel.

This, in turn, has led to an absence of adequate research coverage by broking houses which tend to view the firm as a retail play - with all the associated slow-growth connotations that accompany the sector.

Truth is, although SCP counts the retail sector as one of its core businesses, it should also be viewed as offering decent property exposure. In fact, it may be one of the local market's undiscovered - and possibly undervalued - property plays.

DIVIDEND STOCKS: Good for bear markets

DIVIDEND STOCKS may sound like a boring option to investors. But as uncertainty clouds over the stock market, they may prove useful after all.

Inflationary pressures, the credit crisis and a slowing economy could be what many deem to be a wake-up call for individuals to be cautious with their spending and finances. With such doubt looming over the market, dividend stocks are a sensible addition to one’s portfolio.

According to Gabriel Yap, senior dealing director of brokerage firm DMG & Partners Securities, dividend stocks tend to pay higher dividends relative to the market. “If you're talking about Asia for example, the dividend yield is usually about three, three-and-a-half per cent. So any stocks that basically pay higher than that benchmark will tend to be considered as higher dividend yield stocks," says Mr Yap.

Dividend yield basically provides a measure of how much return the shareholder will get and is computed by dividing the estimated payout that a listed company issues at the end of the year over the price with which an investor bought the shares.

The ability to withstand market shocks is what makes dividend stocks attractive. An economic slowdown spurs investors to deviate towards the defensive, and dividend stocks provide one way to hedge against risk. Mr Yap says such stocks pay stable dividends going forward and are not trading at very high price-to-earnings ratios.

He cites transport, telecommunications, utilities and power sectors as examples.

He says while they are generally synonymous with blue-chip companies, it does not apply in all cases. “Blue-chip companies are subject to the cyclicality of businesses. A very good example is the airline industry, which used to be a blue-chip sector and therefore, paying stable dividend.”

Corporate governance is another reason dividend stocks are usually associated with blue-chip companies. “They tend to be bigger companies and are actually entrenched in their businesses, some of them for as long as 50 years," says Mr Yap, pointing out F&N, Hongkong Land and Jardine Strategic as prime examples.

“The earnings that they get tend to be very stable and therefore, they are in the position to pay stable dividends for the next couple of years, going ahead.”

As dividend stocks are long-term investments, they will ride out periods of inflation. But investors should take note that this is not the case for the immediate term. “Unless a particular high paying dividend company is able to jack up its own sale price…and because of its higher earnings and ability to pay higher dividends, most of the stocks generally will not be able to protect against inflation risks,” says Mr Yap.

When it comes to building a passive income, dividend stocks can be considered for a long-term portfolio. Lee Wen Ching of OCBC Investment Research says they provide a regular income stream for passive investors.

“A high dividend yield stock would be more attractive because they can buy into a stock and accumulate dividends over the years,” says Miss Lee. She recommends a balanced portfolio of dividend stocks and growth stocks but maintains that portfolio management depends on risk appetite and investor goals.

Mr Yap agrees with this sentiment. “It is actually a good idea to have some dividend stocks in one’s portfolio,” he says, adding that while dividend stocks do yield more than government bonds or fixed deposits, their prices do not appreciate sharply.

“If you’re at a young age, where you’re only starting off to build your portfolio, then it is probably more advisable to have a lower level of dividend stocks in your portfolio, says Mr Yap. “Because what you would probably want is capital appreciation and therefore capital gains arising from stocks.”

Low-risk bonds may offer secure returns too, but dividend stocks are considered to be more profitable. They do not offer capital appreciation but only returns in yield-to-maturity levels. Depending on the length of maturity, which range from two to 15 years, Singapore government bonds offer a yield of two-to-four per cent.

A high dividend yield is not indicative of growth.
Principal investments will also be held until the bonds have reached their maturity date. “If you have bought bonds at a discount to the maturity level or the nominal value, then that represents your only return,” says Mr Yap.

But he feels that while dividend stocks have higher share returns, they are a notch higher on the risk meter. As government bonds do not fluctuate, Miss Lee also considers them to be more secure than dividend stocks. “In a sense your principal is guaranteed.

It’s low-risk, low return,” says Miss Lee. “For bonds you won’t have to worry if your principal gets wiped out, but for stocks, there is no guarantee for your principal.”

However, Miss Lee mentions that shipping trusts have comparable dividend yields to those of dividend stocks.

“The trust structure unitises capital-intensive assets…into liquid and affordable units that aretraded on the Singapore Exchange,” says Miss Lee. And at such attractive yield levels, they give blue-chip dividend stocks a run for their money – according to OCBC Investment Research, their average distribution per unit (DPU) yields are about 11.7 per cent.

She also feels that such trusts are defensive plays and will safeguard against market volatility. “Companies are restricted to paying dividends out of their accounting profits,” remarks Miss Lee.

“Business trusts like the shipping trusts can and do pay distributions to investors out of operating cash flows. As a result, trusts typically have high payout ratios.” She also adds that due to long lease terms, they have a higher cash flow visibility.

At 34 cents, Second Chance Properties is yielding 10% in dividends. Its properties' tenants include those above.
But according to UOB Kay Hian’s November 2007 shipping sector report, shipping trusts are not without their risks – charterers could default on their payments and re-negotiate contracts due to an economic downturn and hence, “long-term contracts alone are generally insufficient to secure cash flows over a long period of time”.

Experts emphasise that aside from dividend yields, investors should research the company’s track record and earnings. “Whether a stock pays a high or low dividend depends on the stability of its business,” says Mr Yap.

“The stability of its business is interdependent on the cash flow that the business is able to generate,” continues Mr Yap, underlining that if a company’s fixed level of investments is very low, it could be due to its “mature phase of development” and thus, one cannot expect rapid growth. Mr Yap cites the utilities, power and petrochemical industries as examples of mature sectors that could possibly pay high dividends.

Johnny Kwon from SIAS (Securities Investors Association of Singapore) Research feels that analysing a stock’s dividend payout will reveal its quality. He says investors need to be aware that troubled stocks also bear high dividend yields.

“If the yield is very high due to market sentiment, like the current market uncertainty, then it might suggest the share price has been beaten down due to fear rather than due to poor stock quality,” notes Mr Kwon.

“Investors need to be sure of the quality of the underlying stocks, the consistency of the dividend and the going concern status of the company.”

Mr Yap feels that when it comes to stock picking, a stock’s total share returns is a more constructive way to gauge its value and sustainability.

“It is able to capture the steady dividend yield plus the possible capital appreciation in investment in a particular stock. So it is a more comprehensive measurement to say dividend yield alone,” says Mr Yap.

Second Chance Properties Ltd


Paid Up Capital * SGD 38.86 millions
Market Cap * SGD 71.28 millions (based on value of 0.2150 per share)

Performance (as at 30 June 2007)
Total Assets: -
Intangible Assets: -
Revenue: SGD 48.17
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes: SGD 15.17
EPS (Basic) Inc. Extraordinary Items: SGD 0.06
PE Inc. Extraordinary Items: 3.48
EPS (Basic) Exc. Extraordinary Items: SGD 0.06
PE Exc. Extraordinary Items: 3.48
Net Income: SGD 18.38
Dividends - Common/Ordinary: SGD 8.80
Dividends - Total: SGD 8.80

Last Price 0.22
Previous Close 0.20
Week High 0.22
Week Low 0.18
Month High 0.24
Month Low 0.16
52 Weeks High 0.44
52 Weeks Low 0.16

Volume 248.0K
50 Days Average Volume 128
100 Days Average Volume 117
200 Days Average Volume 146
Average Price 0.34

Relative Price Strength -54.02
Moving Average (50) 0.27
Moving Average (100) 0.32
Moving Average (300) 0.38
RSI (14) 44.27
Beta (Weekly) 0.69

SECOND CHANCE PROPERTIES: Dividend yields of 8-9%

ONE OF the most enterprising and wealthiest Malay businessmen in Singapore is Mr Mohd Salleh Marican, 58, who has a net worth of around $125 million just based on his stake in listed companies.

The bulk of that is his own and his family’s combined 70% holding (worth around $90 m) in Second Chance Properties, of which he is CEO.

His shareholding entitles him to a fat dividend every year as Second Chance (market capitalization: $126 million based on stock price of 38.5 cents recently) has been declaring near-fabulous dividends in recent years.

For the current year ending June 30, it has declared a 3-cent tax-exempt dividend, which equates to a yield of 7.8% based on a recent stock price of 38.5 cents. For the next financial year, Second Chance is set to pay out 3.5 cents (tax-exempt), or a yield of 9.1%.

And that’s one thing about the company: it states its dividend intentions in advance and has, so far, delivered the goods. "Barring any changes in circumstances, the directors intend to continue increasing the dividend payout in future years," according to its press release.

Net profit----$10.0m
Dividend------2 ct

Net profit----$10.5m
Dividend------2.4 ct

Net profit----$18.4m
Dividend------2.7 ct

In a recent meeting with NextInsight, an analyst and a financial industry professional, Mr Mohd Salleh shared insights into his business which looks headed for another good year.

To start with, Second Chance has not only its office but its gold retail business operating out of Tanjong Katong Complex. Some years ago, the government announced that the complex, which is sited near the Paya Lebar MRT station, is earmarked for redevelopment.

To prepare for its relocation, possibly in 2012, Second Chance started buying shop units in City Plaza, which is just across the road. Recognising that other Tanjong Katong Complex tenants might relocate there, Second Chance accumulated more shop units in City Plaza.

It now owns 16 freehold shop units there valued at $34 million.

Future demand for City Plaza space could swell now that it has been announced that Malay Village nearby would also be redeveloped in 2011.

“There are 150 tenants in Tanjong Katong Complex and 40-50 in Malay Village. They depend on Malay customers and they have to be here in the Geylang area. Where can they go? Joo Chiat Complex is full,” reasoned Mr Mohd Salleh.

That’s why he thinks City Plaza will be in big demand, especially during the four to five years it takes for new developments to come up, he added.

After that, City Plaza’s rentals (now at $10-12 psf, compared to the $40-plus psf rates at suburban centers such as Tampines Square and Parkway Parade) will continue to be buoyed by the higher rates that new developments will charge.

“If the new shopping center charges $40 per sq foot, the rental at City Plaza of course won’t be $40 but at just $20, it will be double what the rate is now.”

Becoming a landlord
In April 1999, Second Chance started buying shop units in Housing Board estates when the property market was in a slump. It had $5.4 million raised from its IPO in 1997, and cashflow from its apparel and gold businesses. Significantly, it borrowed as much as it could from the banks.

Its move into the property arena stemmed from it being an apparel retailer and its experience of being a tenant, said Mr Mohd Salleh.

”We knew which properties to buy. We had the confidence.”

He explained that in addition, tenants with a captive pool of customers have a high tolerance for rental increases at their existing shops. Reasons: they would find it more expensive to relocate and fit-out a new shop, and they would be uncertain of building up a new pool of clients.

Being a landlord of retail space was attractive to Second Chance because, unlike residential properties, retail outlets are renovated or spruced up at the cost of the tenants, not the landlord.

As of the last FY annual report, Second Chance owned 18 units shop units in HDB estates such as Clementi and Toa Pyaoh. It also owns nine units in places such as Far East Plaza and Peninsula Plaza. In all, its investment and self-occupied properties were valued at $97 million last year.

Second Chance has been able to increase rental rates on its shops when leases were renewed.
On the whole, its net rental income (after property tax) is $7.6 million, or close to 10% yield based on the original purchase prices of its properties, said Mr Mohd Salleh.

Second Chance has been paring down its debt sharply, and its gearing now is a very low 0.32%.

Stock investor
Second Chance holds about $17.6 million in equities, after having sold $7.8 million in the first nine months of the current FY ending June 30 ’08.

Most of that is in Reits such as Suntec, Allco and MacArthur.

“Prices of physical properties have not corrected a lot but property counters have come down. Why buy a physical property when you can buy a Reit at 30-40% below NTA and providing a yield of as high as 10%?”

The market has de-rated them as some Reits may be facing difficulties in accessing credit to make acquisitions but “this is not going to be the case all the time,” said Mr Mohd Salleh.

As gold prices climb, sales of gold by Second Chance drops. But profit margins go up because the inventory was bought at lower costs, explained Mr Mohd Salleh.

The company does not take a position on where gold prices might be headed. “We don’t gamble. We buy the quantities we sold last week.”

Second Chance has a single gold retailing outlet and it operates at Tanjong Katong Complex, generating $22.5 million in sales in FY07 and $3.8 million pre-tax profit – a relatively stable business.

”Our competitive advantage is that we have the widest range of gold jewellery for Malay taste.”

Second Chance reckons it has about 40% of the Malay market.
It, however, does not plan to open another store in another part of Singapore, since “it will cannibalise part of our existing sales and it won’t make this kind of profit. It’s not worth it.”

In addition, gold is a capital-intensive business. Even for a small shop, Second Chance would need a few million dollars in cash, said Mr Mohd Salleh, adding that with that money he would rather buy properties for rental income.

What about the company’s focus on expanding its apparel business?

“That is a business that doesn’t need much capital to expand. It doesn’t cost much to start up, and if the business is good, you get back your money in two or three years. You can use the money to open more shops.”

All the company’s 29 First Lady apparel shops, which are located all over Malaysia, are profitable.

Of all its businesses, the apparel business is the most challenging as fashion and customer taste are ever changing. Property rental is, in comparison, stable with leases locked in for a long duration. Gold retailing, too, is stable.

Daughter’s resignation
Finally, when asked about the recent resignation of his daughter, Radiah, as an executive director of Second Chance, Mr Mohd Salleh said she was hoping to start a family. So there, nothing for investors to be unduly concerned about.







而且,巴菲特庞大的资金量可以支持其在股票下跌的情况下越跌越买,使股票下跌成为巴菲特买进廉价筹码的机会。正如巴菲特自己所说: “ 如果股价价格继续保持吸引力,我的非伯克希尔净资产不久后将100%是美国证券 ” 。毕竟巴菲特的做多,并不等同于抄底,巴菲特自己也坦言: “ 我无法预计股市的短期波动,对于股票在1个月或1年内的涨跌我不敢妄言。 ” 但作为一般的投资者来说由于拥有的资金非常有限,要做到越跌越买根本是不可能的事情。因此,同样的投资,巴菲特肯定可以迎来股市的黎明,但一般的投资者很有可能就在股市黎明前的黑暗里倒下。

由于巴菲特信奉的是价值投资的原则,并且巴菲特拥有的资金量又很庞大,这就决定了巴菲特的买进与卖出都要把握一定的提前量。而且从巴菲特投资的历史来看,巴菲特对于顶部和底部的判断要比市场早数月至半年。所以,投资者大可在巴菲特买卖完成之后再作出自己的投资决定。毕竟市场是充满了投机性的,涨要涨过头,跌也要跌过头。而这 “ 涨过头 ” 与 “ 跌过头 ” 之处,就是投资者走在巴菲特身后的机会所在。




















巴菲特投资 “ 金 ” 定律













Thursday, November 13, 2008

擇肥而噬 長線持有


成立於1326年的克萊爾書院,因其捐款者狄.克萊爾夫人(Lady Elizabeth de Clare, 1295-1360)而得名,她為英皇愛德華一世(1239-1307)的孫女,三嫁,當第三任丈夫羅渣公爵於1321年去世後,只有26歲的她宣布「梳起」,「從婚姻市場淡出」,此後終生從事慈善事業,劍橋有家剛成立的書院因獲她捐出「二筆地產」而為她改名。在劍大31家書院中,克萊爾無論從校舍、花園(草坪)及學生人數(去年本科及研究生只有七百餘名),都可稱為「精品店」。


克萊爾投資基金的投資策略如此保守穩健,看其投資顧問名單,識者便道「怪不得如此」。其首席顧問亦是校友的史密化斯(A. Smithers),上世紀末一度大紅大紫;另一位是同類基金中表現最出色的耶魯校產基金首席投資經理亦是校友的史雲仙(D. Swensen)……。

史密化斯(倫敦同名顧問公司主席)是少數在1999年9月間退出市場的投資專家之一,他在大跌市前全面獲利回吐,絕非「幸運之神眷顧」,而是他向來奉「杜賓q比率」(Tobin's q,筆者過去譯「杜賓的q」)為圭臬,令他較早預期大市將出狀況。所謂q比率是某種資產的市價對其生產成本的比,引伸至股市,杜賓認為在「自有資金」(即投資者集體持有的資金)比率高的社會,股價代表投資者對某公司的資本財價值所做的宏觀評估;假設某公司股票市價高於其欲獲得的資本財(如機器等生產工具)之購買價亦即所謂「重置成本」,則公司可輕易從市場集資;購進股票的投資者,必會履行作為股東的權利,督促該投資計劃(集資的目的)完成……。基於這種分析,投資者可評估公司的「重置成本」值與股價的差距,若股價較低,即公司的股票總市值低於「重置成本」,便可購入。這種理論當然不是放諸四海而皆準,因為除了機器之類價格比較穩定的資本財,他類資產的「重置成本」不易評估,此外還有商譽的估值更難,而事實上這對於服務行業並不適用。


克萊爾書院11月3日宣布和滙豐達成協議,向該行貸款一千五百萬鎊,引起投資界的注意;貸款數額雖是小數目,但貸款戶是向以保守見稱的劍大書院,遂令人嘖嘖稱奇。原來該書院的投資顧問委員會認為金融海嘯已令大部分股票市價減半,不少股價低於「重置成本」,因此是擇肥而噬的適當時機;它為此度出一項利用貸款的長線投資計劃,向滙豐貸款的條件是年期四十、年利息為通脹率加百分之1點09(如通脹率百分之十,利息為百分之11點09)。以平均通脹年率百分之三推算,至公元2048年,克萊爾書院應償還滙豐的本息約為七千五百萬鎊,而該投資委員會預期屆時還債後有利潤三千六百萬鎊。非常明顯,克萊爾書院的校產基金決策者,相信購進「好」股然後束諸高閣,「長期一定有利可圖」。芝加哥大學財務學教授柯克蘭(J. Cochrane)昨天(12日)在《紐約時報》論股市,認為那些「有現金在手」(less leveraged)、不會受衰退影響和對遠見有信心的投資者,現在可能是考慮吸納優質股的時候。柯克蘭的看法,和克萊爾校產基金如出一轍。


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


哈佛大学第一堂经济学课只教两个概念,一是花钱要区分 “ 投资 ” 行为或 “ 消费 ” 行为;二是每月先储蓄30%的工资,剩下的才用于消费。


譬如:10年前,甲和乙是本科的同学,在社会工作5年后,不约而同积蓄了30万元人民币。甲去通州购买了一套房,乙买了一辆 “ 奥迪 ” 。5年后的今天,甲的房子市值为60万元;乙的二手车,市值只有5万元。两人目前的资产,明显有了很大差异,但他们的收入都一样。甲花钱买房是 “ 投资 ” 行为,钱其实没有花出去,只是转移在了房子上。乙花钱买车是 “ 消费 ” 行为,钱是花出去的,给了别人,二手车用过10年后,几乎一文不值。

A正是那种只有 “ 消费 ” 没有 “ 投资 ” 的人。从开始工作算起,A花的钱都属于 “ 消费 ” 。人家买国库券,几年后现金翻番;A买名牌皮鞋、西装,几年后旧了扔了。人家集邮、收藏古董,现在已经价值连城;而A爱好唱歌、跳舞,这么多年进歌舞厅的费用少说也有几十万元。后来人家买股票,A说买那玩意干吗?人家买房子,A说有公房住就够了。人家没装电话时,A先装了电话。人家没买汽车时,A就先买了汽车。A一直认为 “ 花掉的钱才算是自己的 ” ,你说A能成为富翁吗?


富有的定义,并不是你每月工资挣得多,而是你每月 “ 剩下多少 ” ,剩下的才是财富。美国人每月工资平均超过中国人两三倍,照说美国人应比中国人富有,实际情况却不是这样。一个美国人身上有几张信用卡,每个月花完钱后,会欠下不少债。在美国,理财规划师的理财讲座,时间多花在讲 “ 如何减少你的债务 ” 。




2008年10月底,中国平安公布季报,公司因为巨额投资损失,陷入亏损,与此同时股价也跌破了20元。作为一个中国平安的持有人,当股价在很短的时间里就从40元跌破20元,实话实说,凌通心里绝对没有愉快可言,但是从40元到20元的整个过程中, 我们心里完全没有担心,对于这种价格的急速下跌, 凌通始终认为,这是不正确的,我们也并没有因为它的股价下跌,丝毫怀疑过自己的判断,在那种山崩地裂的下跌过程中,凌通看好中国平安的判断没有任何变化。因此,在平安股价下跌的过程中,一直保持了比较平和的平常心。

当中国平安股价跌破20元时,这个时候买入的念头很强烈地产生出来。因为破20元也是重大的价格变化,是过去完全没有想到的,中国平安股价跌破20元一下就触发了凌通买入的欲望,但在这种买入的欲望产生之后,心灵深处一个奇怪声音和力量也快速地同步出现,这个力量总之是阻挡买入想法的,这种力量是从身体内部钻出来的,是一种莫名的东西,它制约着想要买入平安的那种愿望,它使得买入行为不再变得坚决果断了,并且最终这股力量使得在20元买入平安的初始愿望没有变成行动. 这种力量并不是简单的恐惧,因为从始到终凌通做为平安的持有人,伴随着股价下跌,始终没有发生过担心,所以并没有恐惧。


这种东西凌通反思应该是人性,人性不是理性的范畴,它是与理性截然相反和截然对抗的。(人性为什么要约束理性,要排斥理性,这真是个奇怪的复杂的难题,希望人类早日认识这问题)人的任何行为都是理性和人性的博弈后形成的行为。人的任何行为都是理性与人性共同决定的。在大部分情况下,尤其是重大利益决策时上理性和人性的博弈,理性常常败给人性。因此,在处理重大利益的决策过程中,你首先必须形成正确的理性判断,如果本身就没做调查研究和思考,就不可能有正确的结论.也永远不会有正确的行为。但是有了理性的结论,最终执行这个决策的过程中, 把正确决策变成正确的行为,理性还需要和人性对抗,在执行理性的判断时,还必须通过人性这道关,人性是你把正确的主观判断落实到实处的必经环节。人性总是要干扰和阻挡你,大部分好的理性判断,最终在人性的干扰下不能实现,正确的判断是基础,但最后的关键是过人性关。 过了人性关,就是最高境界的投资者,过不了人性关,你就会功败垂成,这就是为什么说投资最关键的是超越人性。








“ 我的成功并非源于高智商,我相信你们听到这一点,一定很高兴。我认为最重要的是理性,我总是把知识和才能看作是发动机的马力,但是输出功率,也就是发动机的工作效率,则取决于理性。为什么一些聪明的人在做事情的时候,不能获得他们理应得到的结果呢?这涉及到习惯,性格和气质等方面的因素,涉及到行为是否合乎理性?是不是自己在妨碍自己? ”




知识可以战胜恐惧,打败贪婪。当你通过学习,了解和掌握了"股价始终围绕企业内在波动 “ 这一股市永恒的规律后。(股票是狗,内在价值是主人,跑远了,它又回来。)深知股票的长期价值取决于企业的经济运行,而不是市场的每天行情,涨跌无常,你就会从容地坦然面对。一切全在掌握中,多份知识,少份盲动,多份理性,少份贪怕。



巴菲特 號召入市

筆者註: 全球金融已經一體化. 由美國次按演變而來的金融海嘯由北美傳導至歐洲, 以致亞洲等新興市場, 然而,銀行業乃百業之母, 為各企業資金的主要來源, 一旦心臟衰竭, 血液供應必然大大減弱, 身體各器官的正常運作也會受到負面影響. 於是,原本屬於金融業的系統性風險無可避免擴大至全面的經濟風險. 如果將金融業視為上遊企業(以資金供應鏈的角度), 上游有事,下游各企業(需要銀行提供資金的企業)豈能獨善其身?當金融公司倒閉的新聞出現一段時間後, 其他下游企業出現倒閉的新聞也是意料中事.在銀行收緊信貸額度之後, 下游企業無可避免要停止擴充甚至收縮業務, 減低營運成本甚至裁員.失業率上升將影響消費市道, 繼而影響企業盈利, 企業盈利的倒退甚至虧損將影響企業的還款能力, 繼而影響銀行的資產質素.惡性循環的效果是壞消息不斷的出現.

I’ve been buying American stocks. This is my personal account I’m talking about, in which I previously owned nothing but United States government bonds. (This
description leaves aside my Berkshire Hathaway holdings, which are all committed top hilanthropy.) If prices keep looking attractive, my non-Berkshire networth will soon be 100 percent in United States equities.

筆者註: 巴菲特個人財富之中, 大部分是持有Berkshire Hathaway. 其次就是持有美國政府的債券. 可以睇到 巴菲特和費雪(Philip Fisher)一樣, 不喜歡持有現金. 而當股價吸引時, 甚至會100%持股.

A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. And most certainly, fear is now widespread, gripping even seasoned investors. To be sure, investors are right to be wary of highly leveraged entities or businesses in weak competitive positions. But fears regarding the long-term prosperity of the nation’s many sound companies make no sense. These businesses will indeed suffer earnings hiccups, as they always have. But most major companies will be setting new profit records 5, 10 and 20 years from now.

筆者註: 巴菲特的名句: "在別人恐懼的時候你要變得貪心; 在別人貪心的時候你要變得恐懼" 的確是投資至勝之道.問題是, 幾多人可以實行到? 然而, 並非所有公司都可以逆市買入. 當中, 要避開的, 包括高負債高槓桿操作的公司, 以及沒有競爭優勢的公司.對於那些體質健壯的公司, 雖然短期盈利會受損, 但是, 5年後, 10年後, 盈利回復活力以及再創盈利新記錄是可以預期的.

Let me be clear on one point: I can’t predict the short-term movements of the stock market. I haven’t the faintest idea as to whether stocks will be higher or lower a month — or a year — from now. What is likely,however, is that the market will move higher, perhaps substantially so,well before either sentiment or the economy turns up. So if you wait for the robins, spring will be over.

筆者註: 短期股市的走勢難以預測. 然而, 如果投資者等待經濟出現明顯復甦的跡象時, 那時股市極可能已經上升不少了, 因為股市的上升將發生在經濟復甦之前.

A little history here: During the Depression, the Dow hit its low, 41, on July 8, 1932. Economic conditions, though, kept deteriorating until Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in March 1933. By that time, the market had already advanced 30 percent. Or think back to the early days of World War II, when things were going badly for the United States in Europe and the Pacific. The market hit bottom in April 1942, well before Allied fortunes turned. Again, in the early 1980s, the time to buy stocks was when inflation raged and the economy was in the tank. In short, bad news is an investor’s best friend. It lets you buy a slice of America’s future at a marked-down price.

筆者註: 巴菲特再次強調, 壞消息是投資者的好朋友, 因為不利消息可以為投資者提供較低的進場價格.

Over the long term, the stock market news will be good. In the 20th century,the United States endured two world wars and other traumatic and expensive military conflicts; the Depression; a dozen or so recessions and financial panics; oil shocks; a flu epidemic; and the resignation of a disgraced president. Yet the Dow rose from 66 to 11,497.

You might think it would have been impossible for an investor to lose money during a century marked by such an extraordinary gain. But some investors did. The hapless ones bought stocks only when they felt comfort in doing so and then proceeded to sell when the headlines made them queasy.

筆者註: 有些倒楣的投資者發覺自己通常是高買低賣. 巴菲特提醒你, 問問自己, 是否見到好消息才有信心去高追, 而見到壞消息就不安地沽出.

Today people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. They shouldn’t. They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value. Indeed, the policies that government will follow in its efforts to alleviate the current crisis will probably prove inflationary and therefore accelerate declines in the real value of cash accounts.

Equities will almost certainly outperform cash over the next decade, probably by a substantial degree. Those investors who cling now to cash are betting they can efficiently time their move away from it later. In waiting for the comfort of good news, they are ignoring Wayne Gretzky’s advice: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been.”

I don’t like to opine on the stock market, and again I emphasize that I have no idea what the market will do in the short term. Nevertheless,I’ll follow the lead of a restaurant that opened in an empty bank building and then advertised: “Put your mouth where your money was.”Today my money and my mouth both say equities.

筆者註:不要持有現金然後期望(觀望)政府推出利好政策救市, 因為政府的救市方案將導致通貨膨脹. 長遠來看, 持有現金是非常低回報的資產,因為會被通貨膨脹侵蝕購買力. 相反, 持有股票長遠的回報將大大勝過持有現金.巴菲特認為現時堅持持有現金的投資者是在賭緊自己能夠掌握股市的走勢, 和升跌的韻律, 是在等待令自己心安的好消息.但是巴菲特認為現時就是買股票的時候.

美國和海外的金融市場一團糟,金融問題已殃及經濟。短期內,失業率將上揚,商業景氣轉弱,報紙頭條仍會怵目驚心。所以,我已不斷買進美股,是用自己的帳戶。以前除美國公債外,我沒有別的投資。(這不包括我在波克夏公司的持股,那已預定捐出來做公益。)如果價錢仍具吸引力,我波克夏以外的資產很快會全部轉成美股。 為什麼?有個簡單的買進規則:別人貪婪時應恐懼,別人恐懼時應貪婪。現在瀰漫的是恐懼感,即使投資老手也逃不過。投資人提防借貸比率過高或競爭力弱的企業是對的,但對許多體質健全公司的長期展望憂心忡忡卻沒道理。這些企業的獲利偶爾會打嗝,但多數大公司會在五年、十年或二十年後締造新的獲利紀錄。





股票未來十年的表現勢必勝過現金。現在緊抱現金的投資人,是賭他們稍後可算準時機再進場買進。在等待好消息時,他們忽視冰上曲棍球巨星葛瑞斯基(Wayne Gretzky)的建言:「溜冰時要滑向曲棍球餅預料會到的地方,而不是現在的位置。」


The sunny side of bear markets

YES, WE are in a market downturn and it's depressing to see Mr Market's valuations of our stock portfolios (and our own valuation of our stockpicking abilities) going down.

There is bad news all round with seemingly no hope of recovery in the next five years - but things are not all bad. No, this is not an article encouraging short-selling (I think you are an idiot to short-sell the Singapore market at current levels) nor is it meant to be chicken soup for the investor's soul because if one just sips it without acting on it, it's simply no use --- conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct.

Here are my views:

(1) You can't have a market rally without a market downturn.
Translating that into something closer to our hearts, you can't have big profits without tolerating substantial drawdowns. Why does this always work? For one, the valuation goes from overvalued to undervalued, and valuations always regress to the mean. For another, in downturns the stock scrip moves from weak holders (margin, contra, institutions with investor mandate that could face redemptions etc) to the strong holders (pension funds, investors managing with no heavy liability considerations, wealthy people, other cash-rich fund managers) and sets the stage for a compressed spring effect.

(2)Don't hit the panic button
Certain things are controllable and one should not be beset by a sense of panic and helplessness. Aren't there some stocks that you always wanted to buy because they had all the elements of a Buffett-type long-term stock with economic moats and honest management and high returns on equity and all that, except that their valuations were too expensive? A market slump presents such an opportunity because the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater.

(3) The irony is that one doesn't have to worry too much about the price-fundamentals linkage in down markets. In bull markets, one should take note if the price is weak despite apparently strong fundamentals; it might signal something wrong. In down markets, more often than not it's due to a rush for liquidity and institutional risk aversion. Of course, this conviction must be supported by an understanding of market dynamics and evidence that the company is not going to be hit, especially in the long-term, by the declining real economy.

(4) It's an opportunity to swap the weaker companies in one's portfolio for stronger ones. If you bought Ipco at 10 cents in July 07 when Celestial Nutrifoods was at $1.50, you have the option of swapping one for the other now at no relative loss since they have both halved. Isn't it great that you can wash away your stockpicking mistakes in a down market?

(5) Market downturns offer validation of a stock's underlying potential – it’s like stress-testing. It offers you a chance to see the price action of the stocks you hold/are interested in under a market downturn scenario. Often it offers many insights on the resilience of price supports, trading volume in weak markets (indicative of institutional interest), and of course fundamental earnings performance in a weak real economy. It’s very valuable information that either strengthens your conviction or removes it.

(6) For the investor, it allows him to practise value averaging effectively. If one is certain of the (non-cyclical) fundamentals of the companies he holds, market downturns offer the best justification for averaging down because often the stock's price decline has little to do with its core operating strength. Just as pyramiding in a bull market allows one to build on gains exponentially, averaging down in bear markets can work (big caveat: know the fundamentals with conviction).

(7) There are always certain sectors that will do better, or even flourish, stock market-wise. Check out William O'Neill's book "How To Make Money In Stocks" for a listing of the bull sectors even through the stagflation years of the 1970s.

(8) If not price-wise, there are always certain sectors that will do better operations-wise while their stocks perform in a lack-lustre manner on the moribund stock market. So one will be able to get emerging champions at a good price in a market downturn. In the 1970s, an example of a new bull sector that would come to the fore and enjoy a secular run over the next two decades was the electronics sector - specifically, computers. The important thing is to stay alert by tracking the news so that you can spot these sectors.

So there you have 8 reasons to huat from a market downturn. Of course, if in doubt, remain in cash. Risk-taking is a function of one's stomach, one's conviction, one's liability considerations and one's time horizon. There is no one size that fits all.