
Saturday, March 21, 2015


EMA 8 14

to time the enter and exit of good FA stock

all psychological

use both fundamental and TA

but I cant use fundamental, no way to match big research company....

TA can only be use short term trading, not long term,,,

so find good FA stock, monitor and wait for the price to crash and then buy

FA cant be use ??? so how to know when is the bottom.. ??
but it reflect the psychological thinking of the masses at he time, so use to gaude the thinkinh of these investors, thus can be use for Guppy....

Is Technical Analysis a Waste of Time?

There are some investors who believe they can profit by finding patterns in historical stock prices or trading volume. These investors are attempting to profit from technical analysisKevin Grogan, my colleague at Buckingham Asset Management, reviewed some evidence on these strategies and found that these investors could probably find a more productive use for their time.

William Eckhardt (trader)

William Eckhardt is a commodities and futures trader and fund manager. He began trading in 1974 after four years of doctoral research at the University of Chicago in mathematical logic.


Eckhardt never finished his PhD in mathematics, claiming that he left graduate school for the trading pits after an unexpected change of thesis advisors. Despite leaving academia prematurely, Eckhardt has published several papers in academic journals. In 1993, Eckhardt's article "Probability Theory and the Doomsday Argument" was published in the philosophical journal Mind. His follow-up article, "A Shooting-Room view of Doomsday" was published in The Journal of Philosophyin 1997. Both articles make arguments skeptical of the Doomsday Argument as formulated by John Leslie. In 2006, he published "Causal time asymmetry" in the journal Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.


In 1991 he founded Eckhardt Trading Company ("ETC"): an alternative investment management firm, specializing in the trading of global financial futures andcommodities, which manages over $1 billion in managed accounts, domestic and offshore products. The firm's international clientele includes "fund of funds", corporate, private, and institutional investors.
Having a strong analytical and mathematical background, Eckhardt believes that the correct application of statistics and mathematical concepts is key for successful trading.[1] However, he highlights the difficulties in using these concepts, mentioning that "the analysis of commodity markets is prone to pitfalls in statistical inference, and if one uses these tools without having a good foundational understanding, it’s easy to get in trouble".
Prior to founding ETC, Eckhardt was also involved in the Turtle Trading experiment,[2] set up by partner, friend and fellow trader Richard Dennis. The goal of that experiment was to settle a philosophical disagreement between the two partners, to determine whether the skills of a successful trader could be reduced to a set of rules (i.e. can trading be taught?). The experience was overwhelmingly successful with novice traders ending up making $100 million. Eckhardt, who believed trading could not be taught, had effectively lost his bet with Dennis.

Gann studies have been used by active traders for decades and, even though the futures and stock markets have changed considerably, they remain a popular method of analyzing an asset's direction. New trading areas, such as the foreign exchange market and the invention of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have also made it necessary to revisit some of the construction rules and application concepts. Although the basic construction of Gann angles remains the same, this article will explain why the changes in price levels and volatility have deemed it necessary to adjust a few key components. (For background reading, see A Discussion of Gann or The Gann Studies)

Basic Elements of Gann Theory
Gann angles are a popular analysis and trading tool that are used to measure key elements, such as pattern, price and time. The often-debated topic of discussionamong technical analysts is that the past, the present and the future all exist at the same time on a Gann angle. When analyzing or trading the course of a particular market, the analyst or trader tries to get an idea of where the market has been, where it is in relation to that former bottom or top, and how to use the information to forecast future price action.
Gann Angles Versus TrendlinesOf all of W.D. Gann's trading techniques available, drawing angles to trade and forecast is probably the most popular analysis tool used by traders. Many traders still draw them on charts manually and even more use computerized technical analysis packages to place them on screens. Because of the relative ease traders today have at placing Gann angles on charts, many traders do not feel the need to actually explore when, how and why to use them. These angles are often compared to trendlines, but many people are unaware that they are not the same thing. (To learn about trendlines, see Track Stock Prices With Trendlines.)
A Gann angle is a diagonal line that moves at a uniform rate of speed. A trendline is created by connecting bottoms to bottoms in the case of an uptrend and tops to tops in the case of a downtrend. The benefit of drawing a Gann angle compared to a trendline is that it moves at a uniform rate of speed. This allows the analyst to forecast where the price is going to be on a particular date in the future. This is not to say that a Gann angle always predicts where the market will be, but the analyst will know where the Gann angle will be, which will help gauge the strength and direction of the trend. A trendline, on the other hand, does have some predictive value, but because of the constant adjustments that usually take place, it's unreliable for making long-term forecasts.
Past, Present and FutureAs mentioned earlier, the key concept to grasp when working with Gann angles is that the past, the present and the future all exist at the same time on the angles. This being said, the Gann angle can be used to forecast support andresistance, strength of direction and the timing of tops and bottoms.
Gann Angles Provide Support and Resistance
Source: TradeStation
Using a Gann angle to forecast support and resistance is probably the most popular way they are used. Once the analyst determines the time period he or she is going to trade (monthly, weekly, daily) and properly scales the chart, the trader simply draws the three main Gann angles: the 1X2, 1X1 and 2X1 from main tops and bottoms. This technique frames the market, allowing the analyst to read the movement of the market inside this framework.
Uptrending angles provide the support and downtrending angles provide the resistance. Because the analyst knows where the angle is on the chart, he or she is able to determine whether to buy on support or sell at the resistance.

Traders should also note how the market rotates from angle to angle. This is known as the "rule of all angles". This rule states that when the market breaks one angle, it will move toward the next one.
Gann Angles Determine Strength and Weakness
Source: TradeStation
The primary Gann angles are the 1X2, the 1X1 and the 2X1. The 1X2 means the angle is moving one unit of price for every two units of time. The 1X1 is moving one unit of price with one unit of time. Finally, the 2X1 moves two units of price with one unit of time. Using the same formula, angles can also be 1X8, 1X4, 4X1 and 8X1.
A proper chart scale is important to this type of analysis. Gann wanted the markets to have a square relationship so proper chart paper as well as a proper chart scale was important to his forecasting technique. Since his charts were "square", the 1X1 angle is often referred to as the 45-degree angle. But using degrees to draw the angle will only work if the chart is properly scaled.
Not only do the angles show support and resistance, but they also give the analyst a clue as to the strength of the market. Trading on or slightly above an uptrending 1X1 angle means that the market is balanced. When the market is trading on or slightly above an uptrending 2X1 angle, the market is in a strong uptrend. Trading at or near the 1X2 means the trend is not as strong. The strength of the market is reversed when looking at the market from the top down. Anything under the 1X1 is in a weak position. (For more insight, readGauging The Strength Of A Market Move.)

Gann Angles Can be Used for Timing
Source: TradeStation
Finally, Gann angles are also used to forecast important tops, bottoms and changes in trend. This is a mathematical technique known as squaring, which is used to determine time zones and when the market is likely to change direction. The basic concept is to expect a change in direction when the market has reached an equal unit of time and price up or down. This timing indicator works better on longer term charts, such as monthly or weekly charts; this is because the daily charts often have too many tops, bottoms and ranges to analyze. Like price action, these timing tools tend to work better when "clustered" with other time indicators.
ConclusionGann angles can be a valuable tool to the analyst or trader if used properly. Having an open mind and grasping the key concept that the past, present and future all exist at the same time on a Gann angle can help you analyze and trade a market with more accuracy. Learning the characteristics of the different markets in regard to volatility, price scale and how markets move within the Gann angle framework will help improve your analytical skills.

John W. Henry: Top Trader

Wisdom from John W. Henry:
I don’t believe that I am the only person who cannot predict future prices. No one consistently can predict anything, especially investors. Prices, not investors, predict the future. Despite this, investors hope or believe that they can predict the future, or someone else can. A lot of them look to you to predict what the next macroeconomic cycle will be. We rely on the fact that other investors are convinced that they can predict the future, and I believe that’s where our profits come from. I believe it’s that simple… when I was designing what turned out to be a trend following system…[that] approach–a mechanical and mathematical system–has not really changed at all. Yet the system continues to be successful today, even though there has been virtually no change to it over the last 18 years.
If one theme summarizes Henry’s philosophy, it is the knowledge that one cannot predict anything. Henry is a long-term follower. His philosophy is based on the premise that market prices, rather than market fundamentals, are the key aggregation of information needed to make investment decisions. He says, The markets are people’s expectations, and these expectations manifest themselves as price trends. We live in an uncertain world. One cannot predict the future of anything. In an uncertain world, identifying and following trends may be the only reasonable investment approach over the long term. Henry feels that a mechanical approach has more value since no scientific approach or solid testing can be applied to discretionary trading. Henry says that when he first researched the markets in the 1970s, he was looking for a methodology that would work through many market conditions. His research showed that long-term approaches work best over decades. There is an overwhelming desire to act in the face of adverse market moves. Usually it is termed ‘avoiding volatility’ with the assumption that volatility is bad. However, I found avoiding volatility really inhibits the ability to stay with the long-term trend. The desire to have close stops to preserve open trade equity has tremendous costs over decades. Long-term systems do not avoid volatility, they patiently sit through it. This reduces the occurrence of being forced out of a position that is in the middle of a long-term major move.

Q&A With John W. Henry

Q. How did you get started in money management, and what advice could you give to someone who would be interested in following in your footsteps?
A. How did I get started? I was hedging crops for farmland that I owned in a couple of states. I just seemed to do fairly well trading by the seat of my pants. It was a broker at Reynolds Securities in those days that asked me if I would manage money for farmers, because I seemed to do so well in the grain markets. That is sort of how it all started. I said no to hedging for farmers. I spent five years working on some ideas I had for trading, and one thing led to another. I came up with a [trend following] philosophy.

Larry Williams

Larry Williams is a well known commodities trader and author with materials dating back to the early eighties. In these past three decades he has written several best sellers and has secured his reputation as a trading expert.
There are several reasons why Larry Williams and his books have become so popular. He gained much credibility when a book that he published correctly predicted the upswing of the market at a time when the majority was forecasting a slowdown.
Moreover, Larry Williams shocked people in 1987 with his impressive results at the Robbins World Cup Trading Championship. Throughout the event Williams was able to turn $10,000 into a little more than one million dollars. To this day results like that haven’t been reported; supposedly this is why some have accused him of foul play at that tournament.
Larry Williams is also known for developing and teaching his own trading system. His methods have been called unconventional and at times risky. However, each trader should have their own system that is tailored to their financial situation, risk/loss threshold, and emotions.
His trading style does not rely heavily on charts so much as it does on indicators and timing tools that he has personally developed. These are known as the Williams %R and the Ultimate Oscillator.

Sunday, December 7, 2014















等来等去 ……



Total Risk in Dover..... Second Chance.....Grab it
Total Risk in CCS

Socrates:Where are you?

Dan Millman: Here.

Socrates: What time is it?

Dan Millman: Now.

Socrates: What are you?

Dan Millman: This moment.





不要在意别人在背后怎么看你说你, 因为这些言语改变不了事实,却可能搅乱你的心。






































一份工作,一种专长,一项本业,做得好, 都少不了一样东西:专注力。所谓专注力,就是在工作上,事业上,生意上,能心无旁骛,全身心投入。一件事情,只有全身心投入去做了,才能超越常人,能别人之不能。所谓台上十分钟,台下十年功;别只看到别人抛头露面的风光,也要明白,在台下,另有你不曾看见过的十年孤寂、隐忍、修炼、磨炼,以及坚持。








消气法      (分九个层次,逐级提升):

2.回避 ;



活在当下 ,此话来自禅修。禅师们认为,活在当下就是:该吃饭时吃饭,该睡觉时就睡觉,该高兴时就高兴,也就是说该干什么时就干什么。如果不是这样的话,那可能是活在过去,或活在未来。如,两个仇人相见时,彼此对以往的仇恨现在还耿耿于怀,说明此时的他们不是活在当下,而是活在过去的仇恨中。对于每个人来说,过去是永远的记忆,不管过去多么荣耀或失意,过去的已过去,未来正在当下演变。关于未来,与其忧心忡忡,不如愉快地做好当下种种。活在当下就是一个人的生命力自然呈现。








3、金钱是你的吗? 不是。
4、房子和车是你的吗? 不是。

只有它才是始终不离不弃的陪伴你的生命,走完人生的全部历程。 只有它才能拼命地呵护、保护你的生命, 直到耗尽它全部的能量为止。如果你的身体健康状况越好, 陪你所走的路程就越远。

没有了身体,你的生命也就终止了。因此, 你要把这唯一属于你的东西“身体”,看做无价之宝,爱护它、 满足它的一切需求。锻炼、营养、作息、防病治病、讲究卫生、 心情舒畅、不受伤害等等一切保护性的措施全部跟上, 一刻也不能松懈。







无任别人如何看不起你,你都要有自信。 别人如何打击你, 你也要坚强。 活在当下。 ....无论别人如何伤害你,你都要原谅他 。 ....无论你自己有何不完美,你都要原谅自己 。。。我不是完美,但我独一无二。。。。没有人是十全十美。。。。。就祘没人爱你。你也要爱你自己










I don’t believe that I am the only person who cannot predict future prices. No one consistently can predict anything, especially investors. Prices, not investors, predict the future





亲爱的  你离开自己多久了




















Self Talk





Two opposing internal personalities – Is it good verses evil? Dominion over the other?

Have you seen the old Superman movie with Christopher Reeve?  Maybe not if  you’re not over 40. There’s a part in one of the movies where superman is separated into two beings the “good” part and the “evil” part.  The two fight it out where ultimately good triumphs over evil exterminating the evil one  completely.
Do you ever feel that there is a “bad”, “evil” or “shameful” part with in you that is controlling your life that you would either like to exterminate or have control over?
What if these parts of ourselves that we have labeled as bad, evil or shameful really had positive intentions for us?  They try to control your life so that it is predictable and manageable, they try to protect you and ensures your survival.  Perhaps these parts haven’t been doing such great job and they haven’t been producing the results you would like in a healthy way.
So what have you done with these less than desirable parts or personalities/personas in your life?  Have you tried to ignore them?  Shut them up by locking them away in a closet?  Attempt to only focus on “positive” thinking?  What if these parts were merely screaming to be heard?  What if they were trying to get your attention and tell you that they are just trying to meet an unmet need?  What if they’re really not all that scary and you’re not so shameful or “bad”.  Your parts do not define who you are.  Once you listen, like an out of control child throwing a temper tantrum, the energy is diffused and they calm down.  How well does it go when you try to convince the child instead that you are in charge and they must listen to you and do as they are told?  They will only try to scream and take control of your life as long as you are unwilling to listen.
So how about taking a deep breath and open the door to one of those closets and say to that part inside of you,  “I am here.  I see you.  I am willing to listen to what you have to say.  I do not judge you.  I love you. I want to understand you.  What is the message?  How can I serve you?  What is it that you need?”
I’ve been reading the book,  “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers”  by Debbie Ford.  She brings light to the ugly dark side of ourselves.  At the end of the 3rd chapter I did the exercise outlined in the book.
This is my story of opening one of those closet doors.
There’s a persona inside of me that wishes not to be seen.  She is the archetype of the prostitute.  When I say prostitute, I am not referring solely to being sexually compromising  but rather the consciousness of the prostitute as a whole.  She is of the mind that sells her birthright  for a pot of pottage.  The analogy comes from the Bible where Esau sold Jacob his birthright for pottage of lentils with bread.
I had a look at the prostitute within me.  Now I have never had sex outside of my marriage so what I came to see was through the lens of her which has nothing to do with reality.
The prostitute is kept locked away in a dumpster like discarded dirty trash where no one can see of her filth.  She is disgusting, a shameful disgrace.  She’s been ignored, pushed away as though she doesn’t exist.  Yet there she lies – naked in a heap of trash of people’s waste, rotten food, rodents and insects.  It smells, she stinks.  She is repulsive.  She’s been thrown away by men who have used her up, stole her virtue and stole her light.  Her body is emaciated, her skin is pale and lusterless.  She can feel and smell the semen that runs down her legs.  She doesn’t even care to wipe it off.  She is cold.  Even her hair has been cut and robbed from her.
She’s been mauled, molested  and mocked.  Her body is hardly desirable but it is easy.  Her breasts are empty bags of skin that have fed her children for over 9 years but the men do not see that.  They do not see her at all.  She is an object of their desires. She is not even a person to them.  She no longer pretends to have affection for them so they will be gentler with her.  She no longer gives them the satisfaction of the illusion that they are receiving any kind of approval.  She is their cocaine fix until they need their next high.  Each time a piece of her life energy is sucked away.  She sells herself for nuggets of attention.  They need her, yet despise her.  They throw her out but keep her close by.
She is void of feeling.  She is numb.  She is too tired to feel, too tired to say no when no one listens, too tired to walk away, too tired to fight, too tired to hear the shaming for not complying.   No one sees her.  No one will come to her rescue.  She is alone.
She is hungry but has made herself content with eating the garbage there.  She is too tired to get up and find herself food.  She is too embarrassed to be seen in public.  She’d rather lie there and cease to exist.  She doesn’t want to pretend she’s strong anymore.  She doesn’t want to pretend she’s happy and has it all together.  She doesn’t want to pretend she can do it all on her own anymore.  She doesn’t know how to live any other way than the way she’s known since her youth.
There’s another persona inside of her that’s been hidden and locked away as well.  She is savvy, sassy, and spunky.  Her sexuality is her power, her source of creativity.  She radiates the divine feminine power.  It is her vitality – her Shakti.  She can wield, create and manifest with this powerful source of energy and only desires to bless the world with it.  She is a powerful influence for good.  She is an inspiration to others.  She is highly respected as her self dignity commands it.  She is secure in who she is.  She is grounded in her self-worth.  No one dares to defile her.  The men in her life bend over backwards for her just to receive a smile or word of approval.  They are happy to support her and assist her.  They are willing to labor in the fields with her for the fruits of the harvest are nourishing and fulfilling.
She wears a black dress that reaches her ankles.  It is form fitting up top and free flowing below the waistline.  The bottom half of the dress has beautiful embroidered flowers of vibrant colors. She wears a short opened front teal sweater over her shoulders.  Her hair is red and wild like Meredith from the movie “Brave”.  Her body moves with ease and confidence as she speaks with eloquence and passion.  Her countenance is lustrous and radiant.  You can almost see streamers of beautiful pastel colors of energy moving in and through and out her body like an angel using them to create miracles in the world and in people’s lives.
Yet this savvy, sassy and spunky persona – this vibrant Shatki stays hidden for she was shamed very young for being too much energy, talking too much and was taught what to think and do as she was told.
Miss Vibrant went to visit prostitute.  The two of them resented each other yet they were unwilling to admit they needed each other.  Vibrant resented prostitute as being beneath her and not worth her time.  She had things to do, places to go, creations to create and she was slowing and dragging her down.  She was restless with many things to do and so little time.  She wanted to lock her up and throw her away and be done with her.  She saw her as shameful and embarrassing.  She wanted nothing to do with her.
Prostitute looked at her with loathing.  “Who does she think she is anyway?  She thinks she’s so special with her head all high and mighty in the sky like she knows everything.  She acts like she’s the most important person in the world and totally self-absorbed and selfish.  All she cares about is herself.  Look at her, how she uses people to do things for her.”  She sees her as the bitch that men despise, the nag, the control freak, the master manipulator.  The selfish woman who has no concern for people like her.  She should be serving not leading.  Men are leaders not women, she is totally usurping men’s authority.  She should mind her place and work hard to survive like herself.  It’s not fair she gets all the breaks in life.
Miss Vibrant approached prostitute in the dumpster.  Prostitute wanted nothing to do with her.  She didn’t want to be touched but yet wanted to be free of there.  Vibrant took her to some warm tropical pool of water beneath a gentle magical healing waterfall.  Prostitute felt a profound sense of relief.  She didn’t want vibrant to be near her but allowed her to take watch over her as she knew she would dismember any man that would attempt to come near her.  This made her feel safe and secure.  She sat and bathed beneath the warm nourishing waterfall.  As the water washed down her head and body she felt a wash of sadness come over her.  She wanted to cry, she’d been trying to be strong for so long but didn’t even have the energy left to cry.  So she knelt beneath the water that washed over her beginning to feel some of the sadness that she hadn’t been willing to feel for a long time and there she stayed.
Vibrant wanted to go over there and help her through the process more quickly but prostitute didn’t want her close nor her help.  Prostitute wanted desperately to feel the warmth and tenderness of her love but didn’t trust that she didn’t have some sort of hidden personal agenda so vibrant sat on a rock and laid watch becoming impatient.  Vibrant twirled her thumbs wondering how long this was going to last.  She had things to do, places to go, creations to create, money to be made to pay the bills, her children to tend to, gardens to care for, a divorce to work through.  Yet prostitute is so tired she feels like she really just wants to stay there where she is nourished and safe and take a very long nap.   For now, they lay wait.   For now, it is OK.

As time passed the persona called Prostitute continued to enjoy her rest and her nourishing shower while she felt safe to release some of her sadness.  From time to time she would observe  the persona called Miss Vibrant on the rock as she took watch over her.  Why is she doing this for me, she wondered.  Doesn’t she have better things to do than waste her time on a lowly person as such as I, she thought.  She wondered why she loathed her so much.  Where did that come from?  She saw her mother in her.  She saw her father in her.  She saw every person that ever tried to control her or tell her what to think or what to do or how to be.  She didn’t trust Vibrant to have her best interest at heart.  She believed there must be some kind of personal agenda – that she must need her for her own selfish interests.  Yet she hadn’t told her what to do, she respected her space, she guarded her and protected her staying by her side.  She brought her to these healing waters. She brought her nourishing, live fruits and vegetables that her physical body was craving.
She was jealous of her.  Deep down she admired her; wanted to be like her but dared not admit it.  She wondered what made her so special, why Miss Vibrant got to be born with all these desirable qualities and she didn’t.  It wasn’t fair she got to have all these fabulous experiences in life while she lived her life in the filth of the dumpster.  Prostitute started to think that perhaps the universe was out to conspire against her.  Maybe she was being punished for not being enough, for not being better at giving these men what they needed.  She ran this loop through her mind continually that if she had only been kinder to these men, offered more of what they were looking for, gave them more of the love and approval they were yearning for then maybe she would start being treated with respect and greater kindness.  Maybe if she were just a better prostitute and gave them a better show or better service.  Maybe if she had stroked their egos better by telling them how wonderful they were, making them happy.  Maybe if ……  she could then finally prove her value by being enough she would no longer be punished and then finally find the love and approval she was craving.
Or maybe there is something broken inside of her.  She started to think that maybe something is wrong with her that maybe something is malfunctioning inside of her. Maybe if she could figure out what that something is she could fix it. Maybe if she could just find the right tool or the right technique to correct the error….  There must be something out there that can fix this defective part of her and then she’d be all better again.
Prostitute continued to take in the restoring nature of the waterfall.  The falls had always been here.  Why was she not aware of them before?  She never would have thought herself worthy of such a special treat. It was too luxurious for someone like her.  She looked up at Miss Vibrant again.  She didn’t seem to be such a horrible person anymore.  She still didn’t understand why should would take the time to be with someone like her.
She admired her and then remembered that she was apart of herself.  She was the part within her that she had disowned and sent away.  She had lost connection with her.  Then like a stroke of lightening she became aware that there was nothing broken or defective inside of her that needed fixing or correcting.  That pain inside of her was the empty longing for a missing part of herself and there she was looking up at her admiringly.  All along, she had everything she ever needed.  All along she was whole and complete but chose to separate herself from herself and from the healing waters of Divine love – her connection to the Source of life – with God.
This new awareness became very unsettling to her.  She began to feel another wave of sadness come over her.  If this were true  – that she was indeed whole and complete and worthy of love than her living in the dumpster was largely one of choice.  She would have to admit that she chose to be the victim. That she had bought into a lie.  She chose to sell her birthright for a pot of pottage buying into the enticings of the bearer that it would suffice her longing for love and peace. She chose to punish herself for imagined insufficiencies. She was the one who denied herself the nourishing waters. How many years had she given up on her life?  How many years wasted?  She felt so much grief and disappointment come over her.  No wonder Vibrant despised her.  Prostitute had betrayed her and chose to disgrace her own part of herself.  This disappointment welled up inside bursting out like a volatile geyser.
Her tears flooded down her face mixing in with the water that ran down her head. She saw the darkness the tears added to the pool of water running down stream as she began to feel some of the darkness and sorrow leave her body.

Miss Vibrant began to have compassion for her weakness.  She had judged her harshly for being so weak.  She saw this as cowardice and shameful.  She was angry at her for giving up so easily for not putting up a fight, for hiding and avoiding.  She noticed how prostitute put so much energy into rationalizing and stuffing away her anger and resentment instead of doing something about it.  She noticed how her “no” was weak, how it had no bones or action or conviction behind it.  It’s like she was asking to be mistreated so she could wallow in her own self-pity and beat her self up.  then she would go look for approval from outside sources.  So much wasted and misdirected energy, it’s now wonder she is so tired.   In actuality, she had tremendous strength, she had just turned it against herself.
What do I do with her now?, she wondered.  Should she leave her?  She doesn’t seem to want her help.   She turned towards her and spoke to her.  Softly she just said, “I’m sorry”.   She paused.  Then she said,  “I see you’ve been in pain a very long time.  I see the wear on your body and spirit ….   I hear your cries of sorrow, your self-judgment and disappointment …  I feel your grief ….   Please forgive me.”   She waited.  Prostitute looked up at her but said nothing.  Vibrant put her feet in the pool of water and very slowly began to approach her.  Prostitute walked out from under the falls running towards Vibrant where the two embraced each other lovingly.   Neither saying a word they shed tears of great joy.  Prostitute basked in the warmth of the her love feeling safe and protected like she could finally take a deep breath and let go.  She could finally let go of needing to defend herself.  She was relieved and at peace.  She had come home to the missing part of herself once long gone.  She could now finally put the bags (the heavy emotions) down she’d been carrying around and rest.  She felt light and free.
Vibrant placed her hands on prostitutes cheeks and kissed her on the forehead.  I love you, she said.   “I will always be here for you no matter what, I will never leave you, ….  I will protect you, …  You are precious, …  You are sacred, … there is nothing those men can give you that you don’t already have, …  I have gift for you.”   She handed her a sparkly crystal and held it in her hands.  “This is for you whenever you need me,  to remember who we are together.”   They held hands and the two merged into one again with the crystal binding their two hearts together.  Together they walked out of the pool, her dress half wet.  The warmth of the sun quickly dried it out.
This new woman walked back over to the dumpster where she had once lived.  She took a fire bomb and exuberantly threw it into the dumpster lighting its contents on fire.  She watched the contents turn into flames incinerating all the pain, the sorrow, releasing them into expansiveness into the open sky.  It is done.  It is free.  She then took cans of spray paint of vibrant colors and like a little girl coloring, she painted pictures of butterflies, hearts, and white doves.  She was very delightful and giggling as she painted.  She then painted the words: LOVE, PEACE, JOY, POWER, FREEDOM on the sides of the dumpster.  She then threw the cans in the dumpster hearing them rattle in the emptiness inside.  Exhilarated she walked away taller, happier and more confident.