但如何做到不亏损呢?答案在1982年巴菲特致股东信中,巴菲特说: “我们的副主席Charlie Munger,总是强调研究事业与人生各方面的失败要比研究成功要重要的多,他这样的精神正如有人说:「我总是想要知道以后我会怎么死,然后尽量去避免这件事发生。”
以下是最新的一个案例: 米勒:金牌基金经理遭遇滑铁卢
1、 投资标的的选择:米勒的失利基本都在金融股上,金融股的固有风险比较大,因其是杠杆经营,在经济好时,其业绩会大幅增长。在经济和金融危机发生时,其业绩会大幅下滑,甚至破产。抄底金融股要慎之又慎。在本次抄底中,不仅是米勒,不少价值投资者都在金融股上遭受了重大损失,如中投,新加坡投资公司等主权财富基金。还有平安保险和一些著名的价值投资者,巴菲特投资的富国股价还是2,3倍的市净率,不少金融股却都跌破了净资产。平安投资富通以为1.1倍市净率抄底是便宜,不想跌的只剩零头。可见金融股并不是越便宜越好。金融股的分析难度很大,不一定适合一般价值投资者操作。从历史记录看,巴菲特对金融股的操作把握的最好。是真正懂金融股的大师。
2、 避免路径依赖: 2007年本次危机开始时,米勒从自己烂熟于心的股票里挑选了美国国际集团、Wachovia Corp.、贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns Cos.)和房地美。当这些股票连连下跌的时候,他认为投资者反应过度了。他还在买进。四季度向股东解释他的举动时,米勒认为情况同1989-90年时类似。当时他也买进了大幅下挫的银行类股。他写道,有时市场会重现你认为在以前见过的模式。金融类股看来已经触底。因为其以前如此逆向投资成功过,这一次以为是又一次重复时,不同的情况发生了,投资者对反复操作过的股票在第二次操作时会有随意性。不能客观评估当的情况。所以投资者要避免路径依赖。
3、 反向投资和集中投资的命门是:要求判断的准确率要高,否则会损失惨重。巴菲特是反向投资和集中投资的大师。但前提是巴菲特判断的准确率相当的高。巴菲特的分析能力,一般投资者并不具备。所以投资者要客观评价自己的成功率,来制定相应的投资策略,如适度分散投资,选择较安全的标的做逆向投资。如选较安全的消费类抄底。
4、 注意避免小概率事件的打击:长期资本公司即是因小概率事件打击而倒闭。米勒的投资系统虽经历了15年的成功。但不能抗小概率事件的打击。这次的金融危机比上次危机严重的多,超出了预期。米勒比长期资本公司来说,好在未用杠杆。投资者可做情景分析来测试其投资组合的抗风险能力,假设历史上重大的意外事件发生,如9.11、地震等,自己组合会如何?
5、 投资判断的成功率:米勒在1998年至2002年,价值型信托基金的投资组合中有10只股票的跌幅超过75%。包括安然(Enron)和WorldCom在内的三家公司则破产了。说明其分析判断的准确率并不高。
米勒这种不成功则成仁的做法甚至令其他价值型投资者也感到畏惧。米勒的朋友、Davis Funds基金经理克里斯托弗•戴维斯(Christopher Davis)回忆说,曾在90年代初同米勒讨论过他的投资策略。当时他告诉米勒:我的一个目标是正确的次数超过犯错的次数。据戴维斯回忆,米勒回击说,这样很愚蠢。米勒称,真正有意义的是你正确的时候能赚多少。如果你10次错了9次,股票变得一钱不值,但只要第十次上涨了20倍,你就够了。戴维斯说,我可做不到这点。
2、戴维斯说,如果他有退休隐居的想法,那他就不是米勒了。金钱固然有意义,但创造纪录要有意 义得多。戴维斯说,他想的只是获胜。
总结: 高手在技术达到一定高度的情况下,境界和心态对投资成败影响很大。从以上资料看,米勒的境界不高,而且其有“赌”的心理。有时在下跌中不断加码是对自己判断的自信。有时却是自负。从其记录看,其判断的成功率并不高。所以其不断加码的操作有一定赌的成份。
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 自强不息 勤以静心,俭以养德 天地不仁, 強者生存
Saturday, January 10, 2009
不战而胜 宁静创富——“巴式投资者”陈理
Rifts show as Obama urges quick action on stimulus
Lawmakers are under orders to finish action on President-elect Barack Obama's nearly $800 billion economic recovery plan by mid-February. But already it is plain that a set of serious fissures need to be bridged if the bill is to be completed within five weeks.
Obama urged Congress on Thursday to "act boldly and act now" to fix an economy growing perilously weaker, even as top Democrats said they dislike key provisions, especially the design of his tax cuts.
Democrats such as Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad complained openly that many of the incoming administration's proposed tax cuts wouldn't work. Republicans warned against excessive new spending, with both parties signaling the incoming president they intend to place their own stamp on the economic recovery effort.
Conrad, D-N.D., and Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., also staked a firm position against using the economic recovery plan for permanent spending increases, opening a split with House
Democrats hoping to use the plan to broaden eligibility for unemployment insurance and boost education spending.
"Doing things that would have a permanent effect when we face trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see is just unwise," Conrad said.
A call for a $3,000 tax break for job creation drew particular criticism in a closed-door meeting, and numerous lawmakers said Obama had not ticketed enough of his tax proposal for energy.
But there was little or no dispute about the need for action, and Obama's remarks coincided with a pair of government reports showing fresh weakness in an economy already in recession. An updated reading on unemployment was expected to bring even more bad news on Friday.
"If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years," with unemployment reaching double digits, Obama said in a speech at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. "A bad situation could become dramatically worse."
Obama's aides and congressional Democrats have been at work for weeks on legislation to create new jobs, help the unemployed, cut taxes and aid cash-strapped states. There also are subsidies to help the newly unemployed afford their health care, a big new effort to improve the energy efficiency of federal buildings, and tax credits for business investment in plants and equipment.
The details are closely held and subject to change — and the cost of various components seems to be bouncing around daily in the push and pull between the Obama transition team and congressional leaders.
Obama's chief political strategist, David Axelrod, and incoming chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, heard plenty of ideas and criticisms during Capitol Hill meetings Thursday.
"There was what one would expect, which is constructive comments," Axelrod told reporters. "I'm not going to characterize it as push-back. I'm going to characterize it as people doing their jobs."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., promised lawmakers would cancel next month's planned Presidents' Day recess if necessary.
"We are not going home without an economic recovery package," she told reporters, and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, at a different appearance, agreed that that allowed enough time to get the job done.
About $300 billion of Obama's package would be for tax cuts or refunds for individuals and businesses.
One tax provision would provide a $500 tax cut for most workers and $1,000 for couples, at a cost of about $140 billion to $150 billion over two years. The individual tax cuts may be awarded through withholding less from worker paychecks, effectively making checks about $10 to $20 larger each week.
Democrats emerging from a closed-door meeting of the Senate Finance Committee had little positive to say about the tax cut proposals. Conrad was critical of the proposed break for workers and their families.
"Twenty bucks a week. How much of a lift is that going to give?" he said.
Nor did he sound positive about a proposed tax break for businesses to create jobs — a $3,000 tax credit for companies that hire or retrain workers.
"If I'm a business person, it's unlikely if you give me a several thousand dollar credit that I'm going to hire people if I can't sell the products they're producing," Conrad said.
Republicans noted forecasts of a record $1.2 trillion deficit for the current year and said too much additional spending could be harmful. "We can't buy prosperity with more and more government spending," declared Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader.
Obama urged Congress on Thursday to "act boldly and act now" to fix an economy growing perilously weaker, even as top Democrats said they dislike key provisions, especially the design of his tax cuts.
Democrats such as Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad complained openly that many of the incoming administration's proposed tax cuts wouldn't work. Republicans warned against excessive new spending, with both parties signaling the incoming president they intend to place their own stamp on the economic recovery effort.
Conrad, D-N.D., and Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., also staked a firm position against using the economic recovery plan for permanent spending increases, opening a split with House
Democrats hoping to use the plan to broaden eligibility for unemployment insurance and boost education spending.
"Doing things that would have a permanent effect when we face trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see is just unwise," Conrad said.
A call for a $3,000 tax break for job creation drew particular criticism in a closed-door meeting, and numerous lawmakers said Obama had not ticketed enough of his tax proposal for energy.
But there was little or no dispute about the need for action, and Obama's remarks coincided with a pair of government reports showing fresh weakness in an economy already in recession. An updated reading on unemployment was expected to bring even more bad news on Friday.
"If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years," with unemployment reaching double digits, Obama said in a speech at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. "A bad situation could become dramatically worse."
Obama's aides and congressional Democrats have been at work for weeks on legislation to create new jobs, help the unemployed, cut taxes and aid cash-strapped states. There also are subsidies to help the newly unemployed afford their health care, a big new effort to improve the energy efficiency of federal buildings, and tax credits for business investment in plants and equipment.
The details are closely held and subject to change — and the cost of various components seems to be bouncing around daily in the push and pull between the Obama transition team and congressional leaders.
Obama's chief political strategist, David Axelrod, and incoming chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, heard plenty of ideas and criticisms during Capitol Hill meetings Thursday.
"There was what one would expect, which is constructive comments," Axelrod told reporters. "I'm not going to characterize it as push-back. I'm going to characterize it as people doing their jobs."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., promised lawmakers would cancel next month's planned Presidents' Day recess if necessary.
"We are not going home without an economic recovery package," she told reporters, and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, at a different appearance, agreed that that allowed enough time to get the job done.
About $300 billion of Obama's package would be for tax cuts or refunds for individuals and businesses.
One tax provision would provide a $500 tax cut for most workers and $1,000 for couples, at a cost of about $140 billion to $150 billion over two years. The individual tax cuts may be awarded through withholding less from worker paychecks, effectively making checks about $10 to $20 larger each week.
Democrats emerging from a closed-door meeting of the Senate Finance Committee had little positive to say about the tax cut proposals. Conrad was critical of the proposed break for workers and their families.
"Twenty bucks a week. How much of a lift is that going to give?" he said.
Nor did he sound positive about a proposed tax break for businesses to create jobs — a $3,000 tax credit for companies that hire or retrain workers.
"If I'm a business person, it's unlikely if you give me a several thousand dollar credit that I'm going to hire people if I can't sell the products they're producing," Conrad said.
Republicans noted forecasts of a record $1.2 trillion deficit for the current year and said too much additional spending could be harmful. "We can't buy prosperity with more and more government spending," declared Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader.
中国股市今年怎么走?与一年前众口一词看多不同,机构、分析师和股评家对今年股市走势的预测存在分歧。 但他们的预测基调大同小异:由于外部环境难以迅速改善,政府财政和货币政策的刺激效应又要滞后体现,中国经济上半年将继续下滑,下半年才有望好转。相应地,股市将会继续探底,甚至创下新低,此后展开的反弹持续前景也不明确。
一句话:今年股市的不确定性很大。 其实在历史上,人们对每一次牛市都会觉得“这一次不一样”,相信它会永远持续;而对每一次熊市,也会觉得这次的不确定性很大,面临的都是新问题,不可能很快解决。但实际上每一次的结果都一样:牛市在人们的疯狂中反转,熊市在人们的绝望中结束。 推动这一切循环往复的,是不变的人性:贪婪与恐惧。 因此,要判断中国股市什么时候见底,或许我们可以从过去人们在熊市末期的表现中找到线索。假如出现了以下表现,基本可以肯定股市已经见底:
(一)蓝筹股大幅下跌,机构投资者纷纷清仓,等待形势更明朗。 被股市下跌吓坏了的不仅是散户,还有机构投资者。他们首先一窝蜂地购入蓝筹股避险,但当蓝筹股也挺不住,其中一些股票价格甚至低于公司净资产价格的时候,机构投资者纷纷清仓,做壁上观,表现出极度的风险厌恶,类似于中投公司在海外投资失利后的表现。
(二)专业人士对价值投资失去信心。 在股指和股价一跌再跌后,分析师们认为股票的价值根本无法衡量,用公司的每股盈利来判断股票价值已经失去意义。据巴菲特的一本传记记载,巴菲特的导师格雷厄姆1934年出版《证券分析》时,一位知名的评论家洛布也出版了一本名为《为投资生存而战》的书。书中问道,如果道琼斯指数能够从1929年的381.17点跌到1932年的41.22点,那么真正的价值在哪里?
(三)投资股市被认为不是正道 在股市极度低迷的时候,人们认为股票从一开始就不是投资之道。上面提到的洛布在书中说,要通过股票投资获利,根本就是“不可能的”。而主流媒体在描述股市和经济时充斥着“暗淡”、“恶化”、“坟墓”等字样。当然最有名的就是美国《商业周刊》在1979年8月直接宣布“股市已经死亡”。
就在《商业周刊》宣布股市“几乎永久性地”死亡的同时,巴菲特在《福布斯》撰文说:“将来永远是看不清晰的。在股市上,人们为令人愉快的共识付出了高昂的代价。对于坚持长期价值的投资者来说,不确定性实际上是一位朋友。” 一年前,中国的机构、分析师和股评家达成了愉快的共识,但现实与他们的预测背道而驰。现在,人们面临的是“不确定性”,我们能不能与它共舞?
一句话:今年股市的不确定性很大。 其实在历史上,人们对每一次牛市都会觉得“这一次不一样”,相信它会永远持续;而对每一次熊市,也会觉得这次的不确定性很大,面临的都是新问题,不可能很快解决。但实际上每一次的结果都一样:牛市在人们的疯狂中反转,熊市在人们的绝望中结束。 推动这一切循环往复的,是不变的人性:贪婪与恐惧。 因此,要判断中国股市什么时候见底,或许我们可以从过去人们在熊市末期的表现中找到线索。假如出现了以下表现,基本可以肯定股市已经见底:
(一)蓝筹股大幅下跌,机构投资者纷纷清仓,等待形势更明朗。 被股市下跌吓坏了的不仅是散户,还有机构投资者。他们首先一窝蜂地购入蓝筹股避险,但当蓝筹股也挺不住,其中一些股票价格甚至低于公司净资产价格的时候,机构投资者纷纷清仓,做壁上观,表现出极度的风险厌恶,类似于中投公司在海外投资失利后的表现。
(二)专业人士对价值投资失去信心。 在股指和股价一跌再跌后,分析师们认为股票的价值根本无法衡量,用公司的每股盈利来判断股票价值已经失去意义。据巴菲特的一本传记记载,巴菲特的导师格雷厄姆1934年出版《证券分析》时,一位知名的评论家洛布也出版了一本名为《为投资生存而战》的书。书中问道,如果道琼斯指数能够从1929年的381.17点跌到1932年的41.22点,那么真正的价值在哪里?
(三)投资股市被认为不是正道 在股市极度低迷的时候,人们认为股票从一开始就不是投资之道。上面提到的洛布在书中说,要通过股票投资获利,根本就是“不可能的”。而主流媒体在描述股市和经济时充斥着“暗淡”、“恶化”、“坟墓”等字样。当然最有名的就是美国《商业周刊》在1979年8月直接宣布“股市已经死亡”。
就在《商业周刊》宣布股市“几乎永久性地”死亡的同时,巴菲特在《福布斯》撰文说:“将来永远是看不清晰的。在股市上,人们为令人愉快的共识付出了高昂的代价。对于坚持长期价值的投资者来说,不确定性实际上是一位朋友。” 一年前,中国的机构、分析师和股评家达成了愉快的共识,但现实与他们的预测背道而驰。现在,人们面临的是“不确定性”,我们能不能与它共舞?
美国的财政和货币刺激计划或许并不能带来一些投资者似乎期待的那种提振效果。推动美国股市近期上扬的动力之一是,市场普遍认为,得益于美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)的大力度措施,以及当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)增加政府开支和减税的计划,2009年下半年美国经济将实现复苏。这类政策措施虽然未能立刻给市场带来一片光明,但还是帮助投资者以较为轻松的心态看待一系列负面经济消息。
Amherst Holdings的首席执行长鲍勃森(Sean Dobson)估计,目前仍有大约7,000亿美元不良按揭资产需要从资产负债表上清除。Amherst从事按揭证券的交易。政府还没有什么专门计划来解决这个问题。但只要这一问题依然存在,经济刺激计划就难以使美国的经济航船重归正确航向。
Amherst Holdings的首席执行长鲍勃森(Sean Dobson)估计,目前仍有大约7,000亿美元不良按揭资产需要从资产负债表上清除。Amherst从事按揭证券的交易。政府还没有什么专门计划来解决这个问题。但只要这一问题依然存在,经济刺激计划就难以使美国的经济航船重归正确航向。
Friday, January 9, 2009
Property Sector
4Q flash estimates for property prices. The URA released the flash estimates of the price index of private residential property for the fourth quarter (4Q) of 2008 on 2 January 2009. Based on the estimates, prices fell by 5.7% in 4Q compared with a drop of 2.4% in 3Q. This is the second consecutive quarterly drop in residential property prices and is in line with our expectations. We believe that property prices will continue to decline for 2009.
Prices of non-landed private residential properties decreased by 6.3% in Core Central Region, 5.5% in Rest of Central Region and 4.7% in Outside Central Region. The fall is the largest in the Core Central Region, which would consist of homes in the luxury segment. This is followed by Rest of Central Region, which is the mid-end segment, and Outside Central Region, which is the mass market segment. Wealthy locals and foreigners have been cautious in buying high-end homes due to the negative impact from the global financial crisis. The drop is less for the mass-market as prices have not risen as sharply as high-end homes. Moreover, there is some support from HDB flat prices, which have risen to an all-time high.
Due to the slowdown in the global economy and decreasing purchasing power of property buyers, we are expecting high-end, mid-end and mass-market home prices to decrease by 20% to 25%, 15% to 20% and 10% to 15% respectively for 2009.
At the same time, HDB published the flash estimate for the public housing resale price index for 4Q 2008. The index rose by 1.5 percent to 139.5. This is much lower than the 4.2% increase in 3Q 2008. The HDB market remains strong due to demand from young married couples as well as permanent residents who are buying their own flats due to the rise in rental costs. In fact, the strong demand for HDB homes can be seen from the large number of applications, which can amount to two or three times, for the limited number of new HDB flats.
In summary, we anticipate that private residential property prices will continue to fall in 2009. Recovery will take place after we have seen signs of recovery in the global economy.
Deterioration in the Singapore economy. On 2 January 2009, the government released the advance estimates for the Singapore economy in 2008. For the fourth quarter of 2008, gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 2.6 percent in real terms over the same period in 2008. In fact, real GDP decreased by 12.5 percent compared to the third quarter on a seasonally adjusted, annualized quarter-onquarter basis. For the whole of 2008, GDP grew by only 1.5 percent compared to 7.7 percent in 2007.
The slowdown in the economy was mainly caused by the contraction of 3.7 percent by the manufacturing sector. Meanwhile, the services and construction sectors reported decreases in the growth rates to 5.3 percent and 17.3 percent respectively.
The weak economy is due to the sharp slowdown in global demand, trade & investments.
At the same time, the government cut its estimates and expects GDP in 2009 to be between –2.0 percent and 1.0 percent. This was lower than its November 2008 forecast of –1.0 percent and 2.0 percent.
Moreover, we expect retrenchments and wage cuts to continue to take place for the early part of this year as companies slash costs to ensure their survival during the slowing economy. With the weakness in the economy and the increase in unemployment, property buyers are likely to remain cautious. We maintain our bearish outlook for sales volume and prices in 2009.
Deferred Payment Scheme (DPS). Under the DPS, buyers can purchase uncompleted residential properties by paying 10 to 20 percent downpayment to the developer. The remaining 80 to 90 percent of the purchase price has to be paid only when the temporary occupation permits of the properties are issued. This scheme was introduced in October 1997 and withdrawn in October 2007. Given the fall in property prices, we are concerned about buyers who have purchased properties under the DPS.
There were 10,450 units under the DPS as at 30 November 2008. Of these units, 4,560 units (43.6 percent) were expected to be completed in 2009, 2,540 (24.3 percent) in 2010 and 1,934 (18.5 percent) in 2011. We will first focus on the 4,560 units in 2009. As construction of private properties normally take about three years, it is most likely that the 4,560 units were bought at 2006 prices. In 2006, the URA residential property price index went up by 9.8 percent. The 2,540 units to be completed in 2010 would have been bought at 2007 prices, when the URA price index went up by a hefty 28.1 percent. We believe that those who bought at 2006 prices will still be able to make a small, if any, profit when completion occurs in 2009. However, those who bought in 2007 and later will encounter losses as the prices had risen by huge amounts and price correction would take place in 2009.
Furthermore, banks are tightening credit and buyers may have difficulties securing loans. Therefore buyers, who are unable to obtain loans, may have to sell their properties at lower prices in the open market or forfeit their downpayments and return the properties to the developers. The developers would have to sell their properties at much lower prices to entice buyers as the downturn in the property market continues. This supply of properties from the DPS will add further pressure to the falling property prices.
Response from the government. Due to the economic uncertainties, in December 2008, the government announced that no new sites will be added to the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the first half (1H) of 2009. Moreover, it has reduced the supply of commercial space and will not have new supply of private residential units from government agencies, outside the GLS Programme, for We feel that the measures are timely as the response to the GLS Programme has been poor for 2008. This will not add to the supply of land in the market and further depress prices. At the same time, we note that our property prices have not risen to the correspondingly high levels that are prevalent in the United States.
Price to book graph. In our last report in October 2008, we plotted a graph of price to book ratio of four major property companies, City Development, Keppel Land, CapitaLand and Allgreen.
We note that the troughs may have been reached in 2008 as the stock prices reflect the price to book ratios of 0.3 to 1.3 for the four companies. We believe that the stock prices would have taken into account the property price corrections in 2009.
Based on the graph above, there is potential for stock prices to recover as the price to book ratios can reach higher levels during periods of recovery.
Our call for the sector as a whole. The property stocks have fallen drastically in 2008 as investors anticipate a gloomy outlook for the property market in 2008 and 2009. The release of the 1Q 2009 URA property price index confirmed our weak expectations for property prices. We expect property prices to drop further in 2009 due to the weak global economy. Property prices will rise after the recovery of the economy, which is expected to be in 2010.
Furthermore, property stocks have continued to trade at sharp discounts to both their net tangible asset values and realisable net asset values (RNAVs). We felt that valuations are looking attractive after the huge falls. Investors, who adopt a longterm view, can hold the stocks for capital gains. Overall, we maintain the neutral view on the property sector.
Stocks that we cover. We have listed the current recommendations for the stocks under our coverage. We will be reviewing the target prices for the stocks when the companies report their financial results in February 2009.
Property Companies Recommendation
Ho Bee 0.395
Target price 2.08
SC Global 0.555
Target price 3.03
Sing Holdings 0.185
Target price 0.92
Prices of non-landed private residential properties decreased by 6.3% in Core Central Region, 5.5% in Rest of Central Region and 4.7% in Outside Central Region. The fall is the largest in the Core Central Region, which would consist of homes in the luxury segment. This is followed by Rest of Central Region, which is the mid-end segment, and Outside Central Region, which is the mass market segment. Wealthy locals and foreigners have been cautious in buying high-end homes due to the negative impact from the global financial crisis. The drop is less for the mass-market as prices have not risen as sharply as high-end homes. Moreover, there is some support from HDB flat prices, which have risen to an all-time high.
Due to the slowdown in the global economy and decreasing purchasing power of property buyers, we are expecting high-end, mid-end and mass-market home prices to decrease by 20% to 25%, 15% to 20% and 10% to 15% respectively for 2009.
At the same time, HDB published the flash estimate for the public housing resale price index for 4Q 2008. The index rose by 1.5 percent to 139.5. This is much lower than the 4.2% increase in 3Q 2008. The HDB market remains strong due to demand from young married couples as well as permanent residents who are buying their own flats due to the rise in rental costs. In fact, the strong demand for HDB homes can be seen from the large number of applications, which can amount to two or three times, for the limited number of new HDB flats.
In summary, we anticipate that private residential property prices will continue to fall in 2009. Recovery will take place after we have seen signs of recovery in the global economy.
Deterioration in the Singapore economy. On 2 January 2009, the government released the advance estimates for the Singapore economy in 2008. For the fourth quarter of 2008, gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 2.6 percent in real terms over the same period in 2008. In fact, real GDP decreased by 12.5 percent compared to the third quarter on a seasonally adjusted, annualized quarter-onquarter basis. For the whole of 2008, GDP grew by only 1.5 percent compared to 7.7 percent in 2007.
The slowdown in the economy was mainly caused by the contraction of 3.7 percent by the manufacturing sector. Meanwhile, the services and construction sectors reported decreases in the growth rates to 5.3 percent and 17.3 percent respectively.
The weak economy is due to the sharp slowdown in global demand, trade & investments.
At the same time, the government cut its estimates and expects GDP in 2009 to be between –2.0 percent and 1.0 percent. This was lower than its November 2008 forecast of –1.0 percent and 2.0 percent.
Moreover, we expect retrenchments and wage cuts to continue to take place for the early part of this year as companies slash costs to ensure their survival during the slowing economy. With the weakness in the economy and the increase in unemployment, property buyers are likely to remain cautious. We maintain our bearish outlook for sales volume and prices in 2009.
Deferred Payment Scheme (DPS). Under the DPS, buyers can purchase uncompleted residential properties by paying 10 to 20 percent downpayment to the developer. The remaining 80 to 90 percent of the purchase price has to be paid only when the temporary occupation permits of the properties are issued. This scheme was introduced in October 1997 and withdrawn in October 2007. Given the fall in property prices, we are concerned about buyers who have purchased properties under the DPS.
There were 10,450 units under the DPS as at 30 November 2008. Of these units, 4,560 units (43.6 percent) were expected to be completed in 2009, 2,540 (24.3 percent) in 2010 and 1,934 (18.5 percent) in 2011. We will first focus on the 4,560 units in 2009. As construction of private properties normally take about three years, it is most likely that the 4,560 units were bought at 2006 prices. In 2006, the URA residential property price index went up by 9.8 percent. The 2,540 units to be completed in 2010 would have been bought at 2007 prices, when the URA price index went up by a hefty 28.1 percent. We believe that those who bought at 2006 prices will still be able to make a small, if any, profit when completion occurs in 2009. However, those who bought in 2007 and later will encounter losses as the prices had risen by huge amounts and price correction would take place in 2009.
Furthermore, banks are tightening credit and buyers may have difficulties securing loans. Therefore buyers, who are unable to obtain loans, may have to sell their properties at lower prices in the open market or forfeit their downpayments and return the properties to the developers. The developers would have to sell their properties at much lower prices to entice buyers as the downturn in the property market continues. This supply of properties from the DPS will add further pressure to the falling property prices.
Response from the government. Due to the economic uncertainties, in December 2008, the government announced that no new sites will be added to the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the first half (1H) of 2009. Moreover, it has reduced the supply of commercial space and will not have new supply of private residential units from government agencies, outside the GLS Programme, for We feel that the measures are timely as the response to the GLS Programme has been poor for 2008. This will not add to the supply of land in the market and further depress prices. At the same time, we note that our property prices have not risen to the correspondingly high levels that are prevalent in the United States.
Price to book graph. In our last report in October 2008, we plotted a graph of price to book ratio of four major property companies, City Development, Keppel Land, CapitaLand and Allgreen.
We note that the troughs may have been reached in 2008 as the stock prices reflect the price to book ratios of 0.3 to 1.3 for the four companies. We believe that the stock prices would have taken into account the property price corrections in 2009.
Based on the graph above, there is potential for stock prices to recover as the price to book ratios can reach higher levels during periods of recovery.
Our call for the sector as a whole. The property stocks have fallen drastically in 2008 as investors anticipate a gloomy outlook for the property market in 2008 and 2009. The release of the 1Q 2009 URA property price index confirmed our weak expectations for property prices. We expect property prices to drop further in 2009 due to the weak global economy. Property prices will rise after the recovery of the economy, which is expected to be in 2010.
Furthermore, property stocks have continued to trade at sharp discounts to both their net tangible asset values and realisable net asset values (RNAVs). We felt that valuations are looking attractive after the huge falls. Investors, who adopt a longterm view, can hold the stocks for capital gains. Overall, we maintain the neutral view on the property sector.
Stocks that we cover. We have listed the current recommendations for the stocks under our coverage. We will be reviewing the target prices for the stocks when the companies report their financial results in February 2009.
Property Companies Recommendation
Ho Bee 0.395
Target price 2.08
SC Global 0.555
Target price 3.03
Sing Holdings 0.185
Target price 0.92
Lighter volume leading to changes in postal routes
Think you know what time your mail arrives each day? Think again.
The U.S. Postal Service is reviewing all its city routes nationwide and changing some of them to cut costs because mail volume is dropping during the recession.
Nationwide, the changes are expected to affect as many as 50 million addresses on 85,000 urban routes. Rural routes already get reviewed each year,
"It should be pretty seamless to customers, except they could possibly see a difference in delivery times," said Al Eakle, a USPS spokesman for the Indiana District.
The route reviews began last month and should be completed by the end of February, Eakle said Thursday. Some customers already may be seeing changes as parts of some routes are consolidated into others.
Some letter carriers are saddened by the changes. In Bloomington, Darlene Meyer said she has watched children grow up, kept an eye on homebound customers and returned escaped pets during the nine years she's delivered her route.
"It's like losing part of my family," Meyer told The Herald Times of Bloomington.
Eakle said the economic downtown affects the Postal Service just as it would any enterprise because businesses have reduced mailings to cut expenses. Nationally, mail volume fell by 9.5 billion pieces, or 4.5 percent, during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30.
An agreement between postal officials and the National Association of Letter Carriers allows the Postal Service to expedite the changes, Eakle said. Rather than laying off carriers, the Postal Service has been offering early retirement to thin the ranks.
Postmaster General John Potter has said that after losing $2.8 billion in the last fiscal year, the Postal Service would continue to cut overtime and working hours. The cost of a first-class stamp rose to 42 cents last May and a new increase based on the rate of inflation will occur in May.
The U.S. Postal Service is reviewing all its city routes nationwide and changing some of them to cut costs because mail volume is dropping during the recession.
Nationwide, the changes are expected to affect as many as 50 million addresses on 85,000 urban routes. Rural routes already get reviewed each year,
"It should be pretty seamless to customers, except they could possibly see a difference in delivery times," said Al Eakle, a USPS spokesman for the Indiana District.
The route reviews began last month and should be completed by the end of February, Eakle said Thursday. Some customers already may be seeing changes as parts of some routes are consolidated into others.
Some letter carriers are saddened by the changes. In Bloomington, Darlene Meyer said she has watched children grow up, kept an eye on homebound customers and returned escaped pets during the nine years she's delivered her route.
"It's like losing part of my family," Meyer told The Herald Times of Bloomington.
Eakle said the economic downtown affects the Postal Service just as it would any enterprise because businesses have reduced mailings to cut expenses. Nationally, mail volume fell by 9.5 billion pieces, or 4.5 percent, during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30.
An agreement between postal officials and the National Association of Letter Carriers allows the Postal Service to expedite the changes, Eakle said. Rather than laying off carriers, the Postal Service has been offering early retirement to thin the ranks.
Postmaster General John Potter has said that after losing $2.8 billion in the last fiscal year, the Postal Service would continue to cut overtime and working hours. The cost of a first-class stamp rose to 42 cents last May and a new increase based on the rate of inflation will occur in May.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dow 4,000. Food shortages. A bubble in Treasury notes. Fortune spoke to eight of the market's sharpest thinkers and what they had to say about the future is frightening.
1. Nouriel Roubini
Known as Dr. Doom, the NYU economics professor saw the mortgage-related meltdown coming. We are in the middle of a very severe recession that's going to continue through all of 2009 - the worst U.S. recession in the past 50 years. It's the bursting of a huge leveraged-up credit bubble. There's no going back, and there is no bottom to it. It was excessive in everything from subprime to prime, from credit cards to student loans, from corporate bonds to muni bonds. You name it. And it's all reversing right now in a very, very massive way. At this point it's not just a U.S. recession. All of the advanced economies are at the beginning of a hard landing. And emerging markets, beginning with China, are in a severe slowdown. So we're having a global recession and it's becoming worse. Things are going to be awful for everyday people. U.S. GDP growth is going to be negative through the end of 2009. And the recovery in 2010 and 2011, if there is one, is going to be so weak - with a growth rate of 1% to 1.5% - that it's going to feel like a recession. I see the unemployment rate peaking at around 9% by 2010. The value of homes has already fallen 25%. In my view, home prices are going to fall by another 15% before bottoming out in 2010. For the next 12 months I would stay away from risky assets. I would stay away from the stock market. I would stay away from commodities. I would stay away from credit, both high-yield and high-grade. I would stay in cash or cashlike instruments such as short-term or longer-term government bonds. It's better to stay in things with low returns rather than to lose 50% of your wealth. You should preserve capital. It'll be hard and challenging enough. I wish I could be more cheerful, but I was right a year ago, and I think I'll be right this year too.
2. Bill Gross
The founder of bond giant Pimco warned of a subprime contagion back in July 2007. While 2008 will probably be best known as the year that global stock markets had their values cut in half, it was really much, much more. It was a year in which every major asset class - stocks, real estate, commodities, even high-yield bonds - suffered significant double-digit percentage losses, resulting in the destruction of over $30 trillion of paper wealth. To blame this on subprime mortgages alone would be to dismiss an era of leveraging that encompassed derivative structures of all types, embodying a belief that economic growth was always and everywhere a certainty and that asset prices never go down. As 2008 nears its conclusion, we as an investor nation have been forced to face a new reality. Wall Street and Main Street are fearful that a recession may be replaced by a near depression. The outcome essentially depends on the ability of the Obama administration to rejuvenate capitalism's "animal spirits" by substituting the benevolent fist of government for the now invisible hand of Adam Smith. Federal spending and guarantees in the trillions of dollars will be required to fill the gap created by the deleveraging of private balance sheets. In turn, lenders and investors alike must begin to assume risk as opposed to stuffing money in modern-day investment mattresses. The process will take time. Twelve months of the Obama Nation will not be sufficient to heal the damage of a half-century's excessive leverage. The downsizing of private risk positions - replaced by government credit - will also result in reduced profit margins and a slower rate of earnings growth after the bottom is reached. Investors need to recognize these titanic shifts in market and public policies and be content with single-digit returns in future years. Perhaps the most lucrative pockets of value are in high-quality corporate bonds and preferred stocks of banks and financial institutions that have partnered with the government in programs such as the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). While their profitability may be restricted, their ability to pay interest and preferred dividends should be unhampered. Above all, stick to high-quality companies and asset classes. The road to recovery will be treacherous.
3. Robert Shiller
The Yale professor and co-founder of MacroMarkets called both the dot-com and housing bubbles. We don't currently have anywhere near the level of unemployment that we had in the 1930s, but otherwise there are many similarities between today's environment and the Great Depression, with things happening today that we haven't seen since then. First of all, there's the magnitude of the stock market's move up and down. The real (inflation-corrected) value of the S&P 500 nearly tripled from 1995 to 2000, and by November 2008 was down nearly 60% from its 2000 peak. The only other comparable event was the one in the 1920s where real stock prices more than tripled from 1924 to 1929 and then fell 80% from 1929 to 1932. Second, we've had the biggest housing bust since the Depression. Third, we've seen 0% interest rates. We've actually seen briefly negative short-term interest rates. That hasn't happened since 1941. There was a period from 1938 to 1941 when we were bouncing around at zero and sometimes negative, but that hasn't happened since. And the list goes on: Our numbers don't go back as far as the Depression, but consumer confidence is plausibly at the lowest level since then. Volatility of the stock market in terms of percentage changes day-to-day is the highest since the Depression. In October 2008 we saw the biggest drop in consumer prices in one month since April 1938. Another thing is that it's a worldwide event, as it was in the Depression. I'm optimistic that we'll do better this time, but I'm worried that we're vulnerable. One of the lessons from the Depression is that things can smolder for a long time. What I'm worried about right now is that our confidence has been hurt, and that's difficult to
restore. No matter what we do, we're trying to deal with a psychological phenomenon. So the Fed can cut interest rates and purchase asset-backed securities, but that only works in really restoring full prosperity if people believe that we're back again. That's a little hard to manage. In terms of the stock market, the price/earnings ratio is no longer high. I use a P/E ratio in which the price is divided by ten-year average earnings. It's a really conservative way of looking at it. That P/E ratio got up to 44 in the year 2000, which was a record high. Recently it was down to less than 13, which is below the average of around 15. But after the stock market crash of 1929, the price/earnings ratio got down to about six, which is less than half of where it is now. So that's the worry. Some people who are so inclined might go more into the market here because there's a real chance it will go up a lot. But that's very risky. It could easily fall by half again.
4. Sheila Bair
The FDIC chairman has been pushing to get mortgage relief for borrowers. My 87-year-old mother is a native Kansan who grew up in the throes of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. She is a classic "buy and hold" investor who would make Warren Buffett proud. Her investment returns always exceeded those of my father, to his eternal consternation. He actively traded his stocks and produced decent returns, but nothing like those my mother achieved by simply buying stocks of companies she understood and liked, and then holding onto them. So I have become a strong advocate of the "basics" when it comes to investing: Do your homework, invest in securities you understand, and then hold on. As a government policymaker, I advocate informed investment decisions - not only to protect investors from losses but also because the efficient functioning of our capital markets relies on investors' doing their homework. The private-label mortgage-backed securitization markets are a prime example. Trillions of dollars of investor money funded millions of mortgages that borrowers had little chance of repaying. Investors relied heavily on ratings agencies, which in turn relied too heavily on mathematical models instead of analyzing the underlying loans. To be sure, borrowers, brokers, lenders, securitizers, as well as state and federal regulators, all bear responsibility for the widespread deterioration in lending standards. But the problem was compounded by the fact that those ultimately holding the risk - the investors - did not look behind their investments at the quality of the mortgages themselves. If they had, they would have seen high loan-to-value ratios, little income documentation, burdensome fees, and steep payment resets. They would have seen mortgages unaffordable from the beginning, originated based on the assumption that home prices would continue to rise and borrowers would refinance. Of course, we now know that as home prices began to depreciate, borrowers were unable to refinance, leading to massive foreclosures and further price declines. This self-reinforcing downward spiral is at the core of the economic problems we face today. We will dig out of this. And when we do, I hope for a back-to-basics society - where banks and other lending institutions promote real growth and long-term value for the economy, and where American families have rediscovered the peace of mind of financial security achieved through saving and investing wisely. We need to return to the culture of thrift that my mother and her generation learned the hard way through years of hardship and deprivation. Those are lessons learned that the current crisis is teaching us again.
5. Jim Rogers
The commodities guru predicted two years ago that the credit bubble would devastate Wall Street. We are in a period of forced liquidation, which has happened only eight or nine times in the past 150 years. The fact that it's historic doesn't make it any more fun, of course. But it is a pretty interesting time when there is forced selling of everything with no regard for facts or fundamentals at all. Historically, the way you make money in times like these is that you find things where the fundamentals are unimpaired. The fundamentals of GM are impaired. The fundamentals of Citigroup are impaired. Virtually the only asset class I know where the fundamentals are not impaired - in fact, where they are actually improving - is commodities. Farmers cannot get a loan to buy fertilizer right now. Nobody's going to get a loan to open a zinc or a lead mine. Meanwhile, every day the supply of commodities shrinks more and more. Nobody can invest in productive capacity, even if he wants to. You're going to see gigantic shortages developing over the next few years. The inventories of food worldwide are already at the lowest levels they've been in 50 years. This may turn into the Great Depression II. But if and when we come out of this, commodities are going to lead the way, just as they did in the 1970s when everything was a disaster and commodities went through the roof. What I've been buying recently is agricultural commodities. I've also been buying more Chinese stocks. And I'm buying stocks in Taiwan for the first time in my life. It looks as if there's finally going to be peace in Taiwan after 60 years, and Taiwanese companies are going to benefit from the long-term growth of China. I have covered most of my short positions in U.S. stocks, and I'm now selling long-term U.S. government bonds short. That's the last bubble I can find in the U.S. I cannot imagine why anybody would give money to the U.S. government for 30 years for less than a 4% yield. I certainly wouldn't. There are going to be gigantic amounts of bonds coming to the market, and inflation will be coming back. In my view, U.S. stocks are still not attractive. Historically, you buy stocks when they're yielding 6% and selling at eight times earnings. You sell them when they're at 22 times earnings and yielding 2%. Right now U.S. stocks are down a lot, but they're still very expensive by that historical valuation method. The U.S. market is yielding 3% today. For stocks to go to a 6% yield without big dividend increases, the Dow will need to go below 4000. I'm not saying it will fall that far, but it could very well happen. And if it gets that low and I'm still solvent, I hope I'm smart enough to buy a lot. The key in times like these is to stay solvent so you can load up when opportunity comes.
6. John Train
The author and chairman of Montrose Advisors has 50 years of Wall Street experience. I presume that although we are in a severe recession it will not decompose into a full-scale depression, because that is what everyone is afraid of and desperate to avoid. Wall Street likes to say that the market has anticipated five of the last three recessions - the point being that a market crash frightens the authorities into taking necessary action. Keynes observed that pragmatic businessmen often could not imagine that they were the slaves of defunct economists, but ironically, never is this more true than today of Keynes himself. So we run a huge deficit to postpone the worst. That means inflation, so bonds are unsatisfactory. Investment opportunity is the difference between the reality and the perception. And since many equities are priced as though a depression might be on the way, many of them are attractively priced. One approach I am comfortable with is owning shares in wonderful businesses that do well in all circumstances - Johnson & Johnson and the like. They rarely fly out of the park, but provide long, steady gains that will get you where you want to go. They often have huge cash hoards, e.g., Cisco, Apple, Microsoft, and Berkshire Hathaway, whose war chests exceed $20 billion. Or Hewlett-Packard, Google, Intel, or IBM, all in the $10 billion league. Such companies can take advantage of a weak market just as private investors would, with the difference that they know very well how much to pay for what fits their product line. In the present environment I favor companies that can prosper in the lean years ahead. So, not Saks, but Wal-Mart; not Neiman Marcus, but Dollar General. Or specialists, such as Fastenal, Monsanto, or Schlumberger. And when should you buy? In or near what I call the Time of Deepest Gloom, if you can spot it.
7. Meredith Whitney
The Oppenheimer & Co. analyst was among the first to warn that the big banks had big problems. What the federal government has done so far- with TARP, bailing out Citigroup, etc. - has stemmed the bleeding, but what it hasn't done is fundamentally alter the landscape. Yes, there's been a tremendous amount of capital thrown into the system, but my concern is that it's just going to plug the holes. It's not going to create new liquidity, which is what the system so desperately needs. When the government announces these plans, investors get excited and hopeful. But details have been slim, and while I appreciate the government saying, "We've been wrong here. Let's try something different," the strategy changes have not solved anything. So far we've had TARP 1.0, TARP 2.0, and TARP 3.0, and I'm certain there will be a 4.0, a 5.0, and a 6.0. There has to be, because the companies cannot raise the capital they need, which means that the default provider of capital has to be the federal government. What happens in 2009? Frankly, it's hard for me to predict what's going to happen next week, never mind next year. What I will say is that I expect all these banks to be back in the market looking for more capital. We'll also have a wholesale restructuring of our banking system, probably toward the end of 2009. There will be banks getting smaller, banks going away, and banks consolidating. At the same time, though, I think you'll see more new banks created. We've already seen more applications. And it's a great idea: You start with a clean balance sheet and make loans today with today's information. Plus, right now you've got a yield curve that's good for lending. I think the overall economy will be worse than people expect. The biggest issue will be consumer spending. If 2008 was characterized by the market impacting the economy, then 2009 will be about the economy impacting the market. It's already started.
8. Wilbur Ross
The billionaire chairman of W.L. Ross & Co. specializes in turning around troubled companies. We are clearly in a serious recession, and more aggressive action is needed to turn things around. The federal government initially underestimated the scale of the mortgage and housing crises and later panicked into an ever-changing series of ad hoc measures that at best dealt with some of the effects of the original crises. But homeowners have now lost $5 trillion, and 12 million families have mortgages in excess of the value of their homes. Therefore the economy will not stabilize until mortgages are adjusted down to the value of homes, with affordable payment schedules, and until new mortgages become available across the home-price spectrum. Till then, the poverty effect of falling house prices and unemployment moving up toward 7% will hold consumer spending back from its former 70% contribution to our economy. I'm optimistic about the choices that President-elect Obama has made for his economic team, and I've got some suggestions for what they should do. Hopefully the new Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, will incentivize lenders to restructure mortgages by guaranteeing half of the reduced principal amount and sharing among the government, homeowners, and lenders any subsequent appreciation. Lenders would gain liquidity by selling the Treasury-guaranteed portion of the loan, and government would receive annual insurance premiums to further protect it against loss. That would cost taxpayers nothing now and probably little or nothing in the future. Addressing unemployment is paramount. Detroit needs government support in order to implement independently verified concessions from all stakeholders - not just labor - which are sufficiently large to permit profitable operations even if auto sales remain as low as 11 million cars per year. A pre-negotiated bankruptcy may be necessary in order to implement the restructuring, but both the industry and the economy are too fragile to withstand the domino effect that a free-fall bankruptcy would have on a car company, its dealers, and its suppliers. In addition, to avoid reversal of the 242,000 jobs created by state and local governments in the past 12 months, Washington should provide or guarantee funding for sorely needed infrastructure projects that would create immediate construction jobs and meaningful amounts of permanent jobs. If President Obama promptly and decisively resolves these problems, whether or not he adopts my recommendations, and restores public confidence, he can end the recession by early 2010. If not, the economy will languish for a long time. Given the economic uncertainty, investors who are too worried to buy equities might consider tax-exempt bonds with yields around 6%, equivalent to almost 10% before federal, state, and local taxes. Investors who want to hedge the risk that federal deficits might lead to longer-term inflation and drive up interest rates, causing these bonds to decline, might buy some TIPS, or Treasury inflation-protected securities, as well. TIPS are U.S. Treasury bonds whose principal amount varies with consumer price indexes to provide holders with a rate of return in constant dollars. TIPS prices currently imply near-term deflation, and that means that they would appreciate in value if inflation comes back. At my firm, we've been starting to invest in some distressed financial companies. That seems as if it will work out reasonably well, because they're very, very cheap. The financial services sector is kind of where the problems started, and it's probably going to need to be fixed in order for the problems to be resolved. We see opportunities there.
1. Nouriel Roubini
Known as Dr. Doom, the NYU economics professor saw the mortgage-related meltdown coming. We are in the middle of a very severe recession that's going to continue through all of 2009 - the worst U.S. recession in the past 50 years. It's the bursting of a huge leveraged-up credit bubble. There's no going back, and there is no bottom to it. It was excessive in everything from subprime to prime, from credit cards to student loans, from corporate bonds to muni bonds. You name it. And it's all reversing right now in a very, very massive way. At this point it's not just a U.S. recession. All of the advanced economies are at the beginning of a hard landing. And emerging markets, beginning with China, are in a severe slowdown. So we're having a global recession and it's becoming worse. Things are going to be awful for everyday people. U.S. GDP growth is going to be negative through the end of 2009. And the recovery in 2010 and 2011, if there is one, is going to be so weak - with a growth rate of 1% to 1.5% - that it's going to feel like a recession. I see the unemployment rate peaking at around 9% by 2010. The value of homes has already fallen 25%. In my view, home prices are going to fall by another 15% before bottoming out in 2010. For the next 12 months I would stay away from risky assets. I would stay away from the stock market. I would stay away from commodities. I would stay away from credit, both high-yield and high-grade. I would stay in cash or cashlike instruments such as short-term or longer-term government bonds. It's better to stay in things with low returns rather than to lose 50% of your wealth. You should preserve capital. It'll be hard and challenging enough. I wish I could be more cheerful, but I was right a year ago, and I think I'll be right this year too.
2. Bill Gross
The founder of bond giant Pimco warned of a subprime contagion back in July 2007. While 2008 will probably be best known as the year that global stock markets had their values cut in half, it was really much, much more. It was a year in which every major asset class - stocks, real estate, commodities, even high-yield bonds - suffered significant double-digit percentage losses, resulting in the destruction of over $30 trillion of paper wealth. To blame this on subprime mortgages alone would be to dismiss an era of leveraging that encompassed derivative structures of all types, embodying a belief that economic growth was always and everywhere a certainty and that asset prices never go down. As 2008 nears its conclusion, we as an investor nation have been forced to face a new reality. Wall Street and Main Street are fearful that a recession may be replaced by a near depression. The outcome essentially depends on the ability of the Obama administration to rejuvenate capitalism's "animal spirits" by substituting the benevolent fist of government for the now invisible hand of Adam Smith. Federal spending and guarantees in the trillions of dollars will be required to fill the gap created by the deleveraging of private balance sheets. In turn, lenders and investors alike must begin to assume risk as opposed to stuffing money in modern-day investment mattresses. The process will take time. Twelve months of the Obama Nation will not be sufficient to heal the damage of a half-century's excessive leverage. The downsizing of private risk positions - replaced by government credit - will also result in reduced profit margins and a slower rate of earnings growth after the bottom is reached. Investors need to recognize these titanic shifts in market and public policies and be content with single-digit returns in future years. Perhaps the most lucrative pockets of value are in high-quality corporate bonds and preferred stocks of banks and financial institutions that have partnered with the government in programs such as the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). While their profitability may be restricted, their ability to pay interest and preferred dividends should be unhampered. Above all, stick to high-quality companies and asset classes. The road to recovery will be treacherous.
3. Robert Shiller
The Yale professor and co-founder of MacroMarkets called both the dot-com and housing bubbles. We don't currently have anywhere near the level of unemployment that we had in the 1930s, but otherwise there are many similarities between today's environment and the Great Depression, with things happening today that we haven't seen since then. First of all, there's the magnitude of the stock market's move up and down. The real (inflation-corrected) value of the S&P 500 nearly tripled from 1995 to 2000, and by November 2008 was down nearly 60% from its 2000 peak. The only other comparable event was the one in the 1920s where real stock prices more than tripled from 1924 to 1929 and then fell 80% from 1929 to 1932. Second, we've had the biggest housing bust since the Depression. Third, we've seen 0% interest rates. We've actually seen briefly negative short-term interest rates. That hasn't happened since 1941. There was a period from 1938 to 1941 when we were bouncing around at zero and sometimes negative, but that hasn't happened since. And the list goes on: Our numbers don't go back as far as the Depression, but consumer confidence is plausibly at the lowest level since then. Volatility of the stock market in terms of percentage changes day-to-day is the highest since the Depression. In October 2008 we saw the biggest drop in consumer prices in one month since April 1938. Another thing is that it's a worldwide event, as it was in the Depression. I'm optimistic that we'll do better this time, but I'm worried that we're vulnerable. One of the lessons from the Depression is that things can smolder for a long time. What I'm worried about right now is that our confidence has been hurt, and that's difficult to
restore. No matter what we do, we're trying to deal with a psychological phenomenon. So the Fed can cut interest rates and purchase asset-backed securities, but that only works in really restoring full prosperity if people believe that we're back again. That's a little hard to manage. In terms of the stock market, the price/earnings ratio is no longer high. I use a P/E ratio in which the price is divided by ten-year average earnings. It's a really conservative way of looking at it. That P/E ratio got up to 44 in the year 2000, which was a record high. Recently it was down to less than 13, which is below the average of around 15. But after the stock market crash of 1929, the price/earnings ratio got down to about six, which is less than half of where it is now. So that's the worry. Some people who are so inclined might go more into the market here because there's a real chance it will go up a lot. But that's very risky. It could easily fall by half again.
4. Sheila Bair
The FDIC chairman has been pushing to get mortgage relief for borrowers. My 87-year-old mother is a native Kansan who grew up in the throes of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. She is a classic "buy and hold" investor who would make Warren Buffett proud. Her investment returns always exceeded those of my father, to his eternal consternation. He actively traded his stocks and produced decent returns, but nothing like those my mother achieved by simply buying stocks of companies she understood and liked, and then holding onto them. So I have become a strong advocate of the "basics" when it comes to investing: Do your homework, invest in securities you understand, and then hold on. As a government policymaker, I advocate informed investment decisions - not only to protect investors from losses but also because the efficient functioning of our capital markets relies on investors' doing their homework. The private-label mortgage-backed securitization markets are a prime example. Trillions of dollars of investor money funded millions of mortgages that borrowers had little chance of repaying. Investors relied heavily on ratings agencies, which in turn relied too heavily on mathematical models instead of analyzing the underlying loans. To be sure, borrowers, brokers, lenders, securitizers, as well as state and federal regulators, all bear responsibility for the widespread deterioration in lending standards. But the problem was compounded by the fact that those ultimately holding the risk - the investors - did not look behind their investments at the quality of the mortgages themselves. If they had, they would have seen high loan-to-value ratios, little income documentation, burdensome fees, and steep payment resets. They would have seen mortgages unaffordable from the beginning, originated based on the assumption that home prices would continue to rise and borrowers would refinance. Of course, we now know that as home prices began to depreciate, borrowers were unable to refinance, leading to massive foreclosures and further price declines. This self-reinforcing downward spiral is at the core of the economic problems we face today. We will dig out of this. And when we do, I hope for a back-to-basics society - where banks and other lending institutions promote real growth and long-term value for the economy, and where American families have rediscovered the peace of mind of financial security achieved through saving and investing wisely. We need to return to the culture of thrift that my mother and her generation learned the hard way through years of hardship and deprivation. Those are lessons learned that the current crisis is teaching us again.
5. Jim Rogers
The commodities guru predicted two years ago that the credit bubble would devastate Wall Street. We are in a period of forced liquidation, which has happened only eight or nine times in the past 150 years. The fact that it's historic doesn't make it any more fun, of course. But it is a pretty interesting time when there is forced selling of everything with no regard for facts or fundamentals at all. Historically, the way you make money in times like these is that you find things where the fundamentals are unimpaired. The fundamentals of GM are impaired. The fundamentals of Citigroup are impaired. Virtually the only asset class I know where the fundamentals are not impaired - in fact, where they are actually improving - is commodities. Farmers cannot get a loan to buy fertilizer right now. Nobody's going to get a loan to open a zinc or a lead mine. Meanwhile, every day the supply of commodities shrinks more and more. Nobody can invest in productive capacity, even if he wants to. You're going to see gigantic shortages developing over the next few years. The inventories of food worldwide are already at the lowest levels they've been in 50 years. This may turn into the Great Depression II. But if and when we come out of this, commodities are going to lead the way, just as they did in the 1970s when everything was a disaster and commodities went through the roof. What I've been buying recently is agricultural commodities. I've also been buying more Chinese stocks. And I'm buying stocks in Taiwan for the first time in my life. It looks as if there's finally going to be peace in Taiwan after 60 years, and Taiwanese companies are going to benefit from the long-term growth of China. I have covered most of my short positions in U.S. stocks, and I'm now selling long-term U.S. government bonds short. That's the last bubble I can find in the U.S. I cannot imagine why anybody would give money to the U.S. government for 30 years for less than a 4% yield. I certainly wouldn't. There are going to be gigantic amounts of bonds coming to the market, and inflation will be coming back. In my view, U.S. stocks are still not attractive. Historically, you buy stocks when they're yielding 6% and selling at eight times earnings. You sell them when they're at 22 times earnings and yielding 2%. Right now U.S. stocks are down a lot, but they're still very expensive by that historical valuation method. The U.S. market is yielding 3% today. For stocks to go to a 6% yield without big dividend increases, the Dow will need to go below 4000. I'm not saying it will fall that far, but it could very well happen. And if it gets that low and I'm still solvent, I hope I'm smart enough to buy a lot. The key in times like these is to stay solvent so you can load up when opportunity comes.
6. John Train
The author and chairman of Montrose Advisors has 50 years of Wall Street experience. I presume that although we are in a severe recession it will not decompose into a full-scale depression, because that is what everyone is afraid of and desperate to avoid. Wall Street likes to say that the market has anticipated five of the last three recessions - the point being that a market crash frightens the authorities into taking necessary action. Keynes observed that pragmatic businessmen often could not imagine that they were the slaves of defunct economists, but ironically, never is this more true than today of Keynes himself. So we run a huge deficit to postpone the worst. That means inflation, so bonds are unsatisfactory. Investment opportunity is the difference between the reality and the perception. And since many equities are priced as though a depression might be on the way, many of them are attractively priced. One approach I am comfortable with is owning shares in wonderful businesses that do well in all circumstances - Johnson & Johnson and the like. They rarely fly out of the park, but provide long, steady gains that will get you where you want to go. They often have huge cash hoards, e.g., Cisco, Apple, Microsoft, and Berkshire Hathaway, whose war chests exceed $20 billion. Or Hewlett-Packard, Google, Intel, or IBM, all in the $10 billion league. Such companies can take advantage of a weak market just as private investors would, with the difference that they know very well how much to pay for what fits their product line. In the present environment I favor companies that can prosper in the lean years ahead. So, not Saks, but Wal-Mart; not Neiman Marcus, but Dollar General. Or specialists, such as Fastenal, Monsanto, or Schlumberger. And when should you buy? In or near what I call the Time of Deepest Gloom, if you can spot it.
7. Meredith Whitney
The Oppenheimer & Co. analyst was among the first to warn that the big banks had big problems. What the federal government has done so far- with TARP, bailing out Citigroup, etc. - has stemmed the bleeding, but what it hasn't done is fundamentally alter the landscape. Yes, there's been a tremendous amount of capital thrown into the system, but my concern is that it's just going to plug the holes. It's not going to create new liquidity, which is what the system so desperately needs. When the government announces these plans, investors get excited and hopeful. But details have been slim, and while I appreciate the government saying, "We've been wrong here. Let's try something different," the strategy changes have not solved anything. So far we've had TARP 1.0, TARP 2.0, and TARP 3.0, and I'm certain there will be a 4.0, a 5.0, and a 6.0. There has to be, because the companies cannot raise the capital they need, which means that the default provider of capital has to be the federal government. What happens in 2009? Frankly, it's hard for me to predict what's going to happen next week, never mind next year. What I will say is that I expect all these banks to be back in the market looking for more capital. We'll also have a wholesale restructuring of our banking system, probably toward the end of 2009. There will be banks getting smaller, banks going away, and banks consolidating. At the same time, though, I think you'll see more new banks created. We've already seen more applications. And it's a great idea: You start with a clean balance sheet and make loans today with today's information. Plus, right now you've got a yield curve that's good for lending. I think the overall economy will be worse than people expect. The biggest issue will be consumer spending. If 2008 was characterized by the market impacting the economy, then 2009 will be about the economy impacting the market. It's already started.
8. Wilbur Ross
The billionaire chairman of W.L. Ross & Co. specializes in turning around troubled companies. We are clearly in a serious recession, and more aggressive action is needed to turn things around. The federal government initially underestimated the scale of the mortgage and housing crises and later panicked into an ever-changing series of ad hoc measures that at best dealt with some of the effects of the original crises. But homeowners have now lost $5 trillion, and 12 million families have mortgages in excess of the value of their homes. Therefore the economy will not stabilize until mortgages are adjusted down to the value of homes, with affordable payment schedules, and until new mortgages become available across the home-price spectrum. Till then, the poverty effect of falling house prices and unemployment moving up toward 7% will hold consumer spending back from its former 70% contribution to our economy. I'm optimistic about the choices that President-elect Obama has made for his economic team, and I've got some suggestions for what they should do. Hopefully the new Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, will incentivize lenders to restructure mortgages by guaranteeing half of the reduced principal amount and sharing among the government, homeowners, and lenders any subsequent appreciation. Lenders would gain liquidity by selling the Treasury-guaranteed portion of the loan, and government would receive annual insurance premiums to further protect it against loss. That would cost taxpayers nothing now and probably little or nothing in the future. Addressing unemployment is paramount. Detroit needs government support in order to implement independently verified concessions from all stakeholders - not just labor - which are sufficiently large to permit profitable operations even if auto sales remain as low as 11 million cars per year. A pre-negotiated bankruptcy may be necessary in order to implement the restructuring, but both the industry and the economy are too fragile to withstand the domino effect that a free-fall bankruptcy would have on a car company, its dealers, and its suppliers. In addition, to avoid reversal of the 242,000 jobs created by state and local governments in the past 12 months, Washington should provide or guarantee funding for sorely needed infrastructure projects that would create immediate construction jobs and meaningful amounts of permanent jobs. If President Obama promptly and decisively resolves these problems, whether or not he adopts my recommendations, and restores public confidence, he can end the recession by early 2010. If not, the economy will languish for a long time. Given the economic uncertainty, investors who are too worried to buy equities might consider tax-exempt bonds with yields around 6%, equivalent to almost 10% before federal, state, and local taxes. Investors who want to hedge the risk that federal deficits might lead to longer-term inflation and drive up interest rates, causing these bonds to decline, might buy some TIPS, or Treasury inflation-protected securities, as well. TIPS are U.S. Treasury bonds whose principal amount varies with consumer price indexes to provide holders with a rate of return in constant dollars. TIPS prices currently imply near-term deflation, and that means that they would appreciate in value if inflation comes back. At my firm, we've been starting to invest in some distressed financial companies. That seems as if it will work out reasonably well, because they're very, very cheap. The financial services sector is kind of where the problems started, and it's probably going to need to be fixed in order for the problems to be resolved. We see opportunities there.
Jim Rogers Says Massive inflation is Coming
We are going to have an inflation nightmare.
Whenever people have printed a lot of money, six months to two years later, you have terrible inflation.
People all over the world are printing money like mad.
Massive inflation is coming and the only way to protect yourself is to be out of paper assets and in hard assets like gold and other commodities. (US Treasury Rates)
Jim says he is currently in short term treasuries but expects to get out soon and go short more government long term bonds.
He also says commodities are still in a bull market, he has used this downturn to add to commodities, especially gold, and he expects to make the most money in agriculture in the years ahead.
Jim is buying commodities and Swiss Francs.
Jim says we should abolish the US Federal Reserve and the guys on Wall Street with the fancy cars need to learn to drive tractors and the farmers in the years ahead will be buying the fancy cars.
Jim also showed two gold coins he bought in Zurich. The woman interviewing him said individual investors are having a hard time getting gold coins to which Jim said that is often the sign of a top.
"There has been a run on gold..... The public, the odd lotters, are sometimes the last ones in.
Jim says Paulson, Bernanke and the "idiot at the NY Fed" are never right and making it worse because they are not letting people/banks fail. Jim thinks they could turn this into another depression. Jim brought up what happened in Japan and blamed it on not letting banks fail in Japan.
Jim, didn't Japan have massive deflation during that period where they let banks mark assets to market to show they failed?
Jim says "propping people up has never worked in the history of the World."
Jim says the competent people should be taking market share from the incompetent, but we are seeing the reverse due to government interaction. Banks that make bad loans are getting more money from the governments to make more bad loans rather than let them fail.
Jim says the inventory of food is the lowest in 50 years. There is a shortage of farmers, tractors, tractor tires, seeds, etc.. Too many stockbrokers, journalists and investment bankers.
Jim says the bottom in equities will come when the market goes up on bad news.
Whenever people have printed a lot of money, six months to two years later, you have terrible inflation.
People all over the world are printing money like mad.
Massive inflation is coming and the only way to protect yourself is to be out of paper assets and in hard assets like gold and other commodities. (US Treasury Rates)
Jim says he is currently in short term treasuries but expects to get out soon and go short more government long term bonds.
He also says commodities are still in a bull market, he has used this downturn to add to commodities, especially gold, and he expects to make the most money in agriculture in the years ahead.
Jim is buying commodities and Swiss Francs.
Jim says we should abolish the US Federal Reserve and the guys on Wall Street with the fancy cars need to learn to drive tractors and the farmers in the years ahead will be buying the fancy cars.
Jim also showed two gold coins he bought in Zurich. The woman interviewing him said individual investors are having a hard time getting gold coins to which Jim said that is often the sign of a top.
"There has been a run on gold..... The public, the odd lotters, are sometimes the last ones in.
Jim says Paulson, Bernanke and the "idiot at the NY Fed" are never right and making it worse because they are not letting people/banks fail. Jim thinks they could turn this into another depression. Jim brought up what happened in Japan and blamed it on not letting banks fail in Japan.
Jim, didn't Japan have massive deflation during that period where they let banks mark assets to market to show they failed?
Jim says "propping people up has never worked in the history of the World."
Jim says the competent people should be taking market share from the incompetent, but we are seeing the reverse due to government interaction. Banks that make bad loans are getting more money from the governments to make more bad loans rather than let them fail.
Jim says the inventory of food is the lowest in 50 years. There is a shortage of farmers, tractors, tractor tires, seeds, etc.. Too many stockbrokers, journalists and investment bankers.
Jim says the bottom in equities will come when the market goes up on bad news.
Jim Roger summary thoughts for 2009
Part 1 - Global recession will be long and deep.
He has not yet exited his US dollar positions, as he believes the current rally is an artificial one driven by short covering.
It could go longer and higher than anyone expects.
Reiterated his opinion that the US dollar is a flawed and maybe doomed currency.
We're going to have the worst recession since World War II.
Likely we'll see exchange controls at some point in the US.
Part 2 - Market correction is good for commodities.
The way to make money now is to buy the things where the fundamentals have been unimpaired.
Not only are the fundamentals of commodities unimpaired, but they have been strengthened, as supply is going to take a serious hit across the board as a result of tight credit markets.
"Farmers can't get loans for fertilizer now." In the 30's, commodities hit bottom first because there was no supply. The same thing happened in the 1970's - again because there was no supply.
Part 3 - China economic story still intact.
"Selling China in 2008 would be like selling America in 1908. You might have looked good in the short term...but who cares?" He bought more Chinese shares in Oct/Nov of this year. Also believes the fundamentals of China will come out of this recession unimpaired.
Part 4 - Inflation is coming
you'd better own real assets.
We're following the mistakes of Japan by bailing everyone out.
This is the first time in world history that every government in the world is printing money.
It will lead to much, much higher prices.
Don't sell your gold, cotton, or sugar, because prices will be much, much higher in a few years.
We are not experiencing deflation - this is forced liquidation. We're fighting the wrong battle by fighting deflation."
He has not yet exited his US dollar positions, as he believes the current rally is an artificial one driven by short covering.
It could go longer and higher than anyone expects.
Reiterated his opinion that the US dollar is a flawed and maybe doomed currency.
We're going to have the worst recession since World War II.
Likely we'll see exchange controls at some point in the US.
Part 2 - Market correction is good for commodities.
The way to make money now is to buy the things where the fundamentals have been unimpaired.
Not only are the fundamentals of commodities unimpaired, but they have been strengthened, as supply is going to take a serious hit across the board as a result of tight credit markets.
"Farmers can't get loans for fertilizer now." In the 30's, commodities hit bottom first because there was no supply. The same thing happened in the 1970's - again because there was no supply.
Part 3 - China economic story still intact.
"Selling China in 2008 would be like selling America in 1908. You might have looked good in the short term...but who cares?" He bought more Chinese shares in Oct/Nov of this year. Also believes the fundamentals of China will come out of this recession unimpaired.
Part 4 - Inflation is coming
you'd better own real assets.
We're following the mistakes of Japan by bailing everyone out.
This is the first time in world history that every government in the world is printing money.
It will lead to much, much higher prices.
Don't sell your gold, cotton, or sugar, because prices will be much, much higher in a few years.
We are not experiencing deflation - this is forced liquidation. We're fighting the wrong battle by fighting deflation."
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
我貓王至今仍未正式對A股市場展開詳盡的研究,原因之一.是工作時間不足夠;二.是在香港所找到的資訊不足;三.國內亦找不到可信的研究文獻。有報導謂 "如果國內股民開始炒港股,他們不會按炒A股的思維來炒港股,如果按炒A股的方法來炒港股的話,其失敗的可能性會很大。香港市場的監管和運作規律與A股市場是不同的,香港又沒有類似A股的漲停板或者跌停板限制,並且受到全球股市連動性影響特別大,而A股則是相對封閉性較強的市場。因此,他炒港股時會選擇那些大型藍籌H股,等它跌至低位時才考慮買入,並在獲得一定利潤時即便退出,不會長線持有。"
市場結構有點不同,分析思維當然有所分別,現在要說最簡單的市盈率法,香港或 "H"股的市盈率低得多,連帶香港幣值匯價貶值的考量,長線投資者一定會捨棄A股選H股的。說到投機,最重要的是要瞭解什麼是趨勢,無論是A股、B股、H股、外國股或期貨的操作,不知趨勢是何者也?就等於學武術者連馬步是什麼也不知?思維說是要改變實在不容易的, "天生易改,品性難移”,一旦習慣形成了,改變是難事,例如我們多以股票為工具的炒家,投入期指的操作時,也會方寸大亂!以我貓王的經驗來說,國內客戶的佣金真的比較容易賺,因為他們每每是以現價賺入的,事實上這真的是炒家所為,因為趨勢一旦形成,還是期待在低位買進的想法是不徹實際的。一般來說,我自己的買賣是傾向現價賺入的,但是在一些成交疏落的二三線上,買賣相差的價位可以很遠,過於衝動的搶購只會驚動莊家,引來莫名的沽售,相反,於06、07年的行情中,我們香港的一批老股民每每沾不到一些好處,因為股票價格一搶即上,沒有一點豪氣的股民根本擠身不下,事實上,在牛市第三期中,香港股市場除了本地莊家以外,國際的對沖基金大鱷、國內莊家、澳門莊家、台灣及東南亞資金等都在這裡大炒特炒,這時本地莊家已成為少數族群,我們不能以以往的思維探索港股了。我歸納了以下數個要點,相信這可以瞭解兩地市場分別之處,並可在各個行情階段中的操作方法:
市場結構有點不同,分析思維當然有所分別,現在要說最簡單的市盈率法,香港或 "H"股的市盈率低得多,連帶香港幣值匯價貶值的考量,長線投資者一定會捨棄A股選H股的。說到投機,最重要的是要瞭解什麼是趨勢,無論是A股、B股、H股、外國股或期貨的操作,不知趨勢是何者也?就等於學武術者連馬步是什麼也不知?思維說是要改變實在不容易的, "天生易改,品性難移”,一旦習慣形成了,改變是難事,例如我們多以股票為工具的炒家,投入期指的操作時,也會方寸大亂!以我貓王的經驗來說,國內客戶的佣金真的比較容易賺,因為他們每每是以現價賺入的,事實上這真的是炒家所為,因為趨勢一旦形成,還是期待在低位買進的想法是不徹實際的。一般來說,我自己的買賣是傾向現價賺入的,但是在一些成交疏落的二三線上,買賣相差的價位可以很遠,過於衝動的搶購只會驚動莊家,引來莫名的沽售,相反,於06、07年的行情中,我們香港的一批老股民每每沾不到一些好處,因為股票價格一搶即上,沒有一點豪氣的股民根本擠身不下,事實上,在牛市第三期中,香港股市場除了本地莊家以外,國際的對沖基金大鱷、國內莊家、澳門莊家、台灣及東南亞資金等都在這裡大炒特炒,這時本地莊家已成為少數族群,我們不能以以往的思維探索港股了。我歸納了以下數個要點,相信這可以瞭解兩地市場分別之處,並可在各個行情階段中的操作方法:
為2008年做過總結,輸錢,但因為早知錯,輸得不多。MPF 於25000點時全轉為保本,好聽叫做分散風險,實情是不像股票般有感情死手不放。這注錢會在更差的時候才做長線入市第一擊,但肯定不是現在,等恆指跌到極心動的水平才說吧。
手上的股票做了一個大清倉,原因之一當然是覺得經濟有排衰。美國之衰係人都知,早前講過,重點在於Age-liabilities mismatch 究竟有幾誇張,這方面的數據不是很齊全,仍在收集中。大家都知日本是一個老人國家,現時年齡中位數是42.6,另一老人國瑞士則是39.8,美國現在是37.9,中國則是32歲。不要看輕這幾歲,因為發達國家的出生率都低,醫療水平卻令人民壽命不斷提高,就算經濟不衰退,每個人要支付的退休開支不急速上升中,這必定會令非醫療disposable income 降低。再看這個2008的調查, 美國3億人入面有1.8億是working population,其中有7千萬是baby boomers,即今年44-62歲以上。沒有年齡歧視,這個年齡的人,大部份吃過大浪之後都無法再爬起來,看看日本當年的例子,你會發覺有點相似, 日本當年Age pyramid 最多的正是44歲左右的人。現在問題是,究竟這些44-62歲的baby boomers 的age-liabilities mismatch 有多少,如果是像新聞一樣誇張的話,內部消費必定會重創,問題長長的帶下去。除非這群人大部份都斷供,將問題轉移到銀行身上,這樣的後果是更嚴重的金融問題。坦白講現在資料還不是很足,之後會繼續跟進Age liabilities mismatch 的問題。
中國1/3 GDP由出口帶動,中資股中市值最大的都是金融股,保險不是我強項,自有高人分析;中資銀行和本地銀行有一個很根本的分別。內地以前每次加息都是加定期和貸款利息,活期利率長期都是不變的0.72%,香港的則是活期、定期、貸款齊加。由於總會有人/公司雖要存活期,得出的結果,是每次對稱加息都會大幅增加銀行存貸息差,反之每次減息則是向銀行插一刀,這個和香港大部份銀行都不同。另一重點是,股票成交大幅減少,除了減少銀行非利息收入之外,也令息差收窄。原因是,你買股票幫襯銀行/證券行,它們都要為客戶開一個信託戶口,這個信託戶口一定是活期,當大部份人的資金放在股票中的時候,即是整個金融體系的定期存款減少,活期增加,這條數相當大,股票旺對銀行息差大有幫助,反之亦然。第三是壞賬,從事會計行業多年,內地假賬叫做見過不少,對非國企公司都說,我敢講問題遠比一般人所想的嚴重,而非上市公司又遠比上市公司嚴重。老實說,國內銀行在改革之後從未經歷過一個似樣的大考,我對一般銀行預測企業現金流的能力並沒有十足信心。所以,除增長性之外,中資銀行股的周期性其實遠比本地的高,這點我相信大部份股民也是沒有留意的。至於環球金融股,我只可說最差的時間未到,如果你看得懂它財報中的附注,應知道2009的首要任務是將大魔王繼續封印,相對而言,供不供股,有冇息派只是末節。我估大魔王破印而出的機會大概有20-30%,睇得明的的自然知,不明的也不需要問,寫匯豐惹來太多麻煩,反正我也不打算講了。
2009年最差的股票,我相信非港交所莫屬,以400億成交計,預期PE近20倍,在周期股中算是極昂貴水平。港交所的價值在於投票權,可以左右trading rules 使橫手,如收市競價和上市公司長期不能回購等。這招明顯是大戶想沽空而怕華人老闆低價增持食哂d 貨,此例一通,大市必有腥風血雨。
自己的組合只清剩兩隻,只留下新一年仍會有強勁業績增長、又食正國策的平價股票,一隻是中國製藥,另一隻是昆機。1093 年初受維生素C之前簽落的長單影響,平均售價拉低,頭3季VC售價只有8.5美元,頭3季增長放緩至133%.市場散單最多做過20美元,第4季行業簽下下年的長單,達11-14美元,今年增長超100%-150%應無難度,明年最差也應再有50%增長。
國內07年下半年強推醫保,即香港人講既強醫金,僱主僱員都要要供,供左睇醫生買藥有70% discount, 這樣必定大大提升醫藥需求。國內冇錢既人最大既問題係看病難,要推動內需,一定要推行多點醫療保障,d 人先敢消費。更重要的是,醫保是permanent 的政策,不像鐵路行業等只吃幾年高增長,如果政府宣佈供保險政府永久補貼7成,我相信中人壽一個月內可見100蚊。推動VC需求的主要因素之一是飼料需求,在中國的扶農政策之下,food multiplier effect 會令肉食需求有超過十年的high compound growth。風險是它的anti-monopoly 官司,但從另一方面看,世界上可以屈到可口石樂機既公司鳳毛麟角,依間係其中之一。
之前講過香港什麼都沒有,吃的是人流、物流、資金流。物流必死,只是用錢買時間,因為工業不在香港,貨流必會慢慢流走,南沙港鹽田洋山港很快便會遠遠超越維多利亞港。我說10年內香港轉口物流會完全消失,結果比朋友們笑,有咩可能會頂到10年? 我們要做的不是起什麼白癡大橋,珠西的貨流去南沙一定平過去香港。你知唔知南沙港的老闆是邊個? 李姓商人在南沙收平一平、在香港收貴一貴,兩面通吃玩price discrimination,吃虧的是香港吃貨流飯的所有人和行業。你唔做佢世界,就等如比佢繼續做我地世界。
資金流,金融業,極之周期性,之前講過了。要香港以全攻型走金融,恐怕未必行得通。金融必然要服務實體經濟,工商服務業都不行的話,實體型金融業便難以發展,剩下炒賣型金融業。炒賣型金融業的重點在一個騙字,說得好聽的是知識型略奪,好像銀行的金融毒品一樣,西洋鏡終有一天會被識破。我敢大膽講一句,在整個周期來說,香港的金融資金流是負的,即是非外國大鱷本地人在資金流佣金股務等賺回來的錢,會比每幾年一次外資騙走的錢少。在人流物流優勢不斷縮減的時候,如果還不放棄「以散戶以標靶的衍生產品」driven 的所謂金融中心路,香港將會出現負現金流。金融中心要搞,但要阻止外國大鱷大量不公平衍生工具賺散戶錢。既然這是合法開賭,為何要讓它不收0.1%印花? 為何不像馬會要收40%博彩幫有需要的人? 反正也有人上當,就收它1%,一防止散戶被騙,二是分它的行騙盈利一部份做有意義的事。當然這會令港交所大跌,在港交所角度,要谷成交自然要和輪商狼狽為奸,讓它繼續走這條路下去,和以前包庇鴉片煙館沒有分別。我敢講一句,如果政府不做李姓商人和港交所世界,10年之內,香港會出現結構性負現金流。
其實除了人流、物流和資金流之外,香港還有一個出路,便是知識流。香港的優勢在於制度完善,適合做地區總部,做control的工作。國內人樣樣都講關係,香港人始終比較工事工辦,不易收買,也比較flexible和了解外國人的需要,做control 的工作有大優勢。在做數的角度,香港找人做綜合賬和分析的確比國內容易得多,但知識流的規模比人、物、資金三流遠小,香港的前途,還看政府有沒有膽識打下長和系和港交所兩座大山。
手上的股票做了一個大清倉,原因之一當然是覺得經濟有排衰。美國之衰係人都知,早前講過,重點在於Age-liabilities mismatch 究竟有幾誇張,這方面的數據不是很齊全,仍在收集中。大家都知日本是一個老人國家,現時年齡中位數是42.6,另一老人國瑞士則是39.8,美國現在是37.9,中國則是32歲。不要看輕這幾歲,因為發達國家的出生率都低,醫療水平卻令人民壽命不斷提高,就算經濟不衰退,每個人要支付的退休開支不急速上升中,這必定會令非醫療disposable income 降低。再看這個2008的調查, 美國3億人入面有1.8億是working population,其中有7千萬是baby boomers,即今年44-62歲以上。沒有年齡歧視,這個年齡的人,大部份吃過大浪之後都無法再爬起來,看看日本當年的例子,你會發覺有點相似, 日本當年Age pyramid 最多的正是44歲左右的人。現在問題是,究竟這些44-62歲的baby boomers 的age-liabilities mismatch 有多少,如果是像新聞一樣誇張的話,內部消費必定會重創,問題長長的帶下去。除非這群人大部份都斷供,將問題轉移到銀行身上,這樣的後果是更嚴重的金融問題。坦白講現在資料還不是很足,之後會繼續跟進Age liabilities mismatch 的問題。
中國1/3 GDP由出口帶動,中資股中市值最大的都是金融股,保險不是我強項,自有高人分析;中資銀行和本地銀行有一個很根本的分別。內地以前每次加息都是加定期和貸款利息,活期利率長期都是不變的0.72%,香港的則是活期、定期、貸款齊加。由於總會有人/公司雖要存活期,得出的結果,是每次對稱加息都會大幅增加銀行存貸息差,反之每次減息則是向銀行插一刀,這個和香港大部份銀行都不同。另一重點是,股票成交大幅減少,除了減少銀行非利息收入之外,也令息差收窄。原因是,你買股票幫襯銀行/證券行,它們都要為客戶開一個信託戶口,這個信託戶口一定是活期,當大部份人的資金放在股票中的時候,即是整個金融體系的定期存款減少,活期增加,這條數相當大,股票旺對銀行息差大有幫助,反之亦然。第三是壞賬,從事會計行業多年,內地假賬叫做見過不少,對非國企公司都說,我敢講問題遠比一般人所想的嚴重,而非上市公司又遠比上市公司嚴重。老實說,國內銀行在改革之後從未經歷過一個似樣的大考,我對一般銀行預測企業現金流的能力並沒有十足信心。所以,除增長性之外,中資銀行股的周期性其實遠比本地的高,這點我相信大部份股民也是沒有留意的。至於環球金融股,我只可說最差的時間未到,如果你看得懂它財報中的附注,應知道2009的首要任務是將大魔王繼續封印,相對而言,供不供股,有冇息派只是末節。我估大魔王破印而出的機會大概有20-30%,睇得明的的自然知,不明的也不需要問,寫匯豐惹來太多麻煩,反正我也不打算講了。
2009年最差的股票,我相信非港交所莫屬,以400億成交計,預期PE近20倍,在周期股中算是極昂貴水平。港交所的價值在於投票權,可以左右trading rules 使橫手,如收市競價和上市公司長期不能回購等。這招明顯是大戶想沽空而怕華人老闆低價增持食哂d 貨,此例一通,大市必有腥風血雨。
自己的組合只清剩兩隻,只留下新一年仍會有強勁業績增長、又食正國策的平價股票,一隻是中國製藥,另一隻是昆機。1093 年初受維生素C之前簽落的長單影響,平均售價拉低,頭3季VC售價只有8.5美元,頭3季增長放緩至133%.市場散單最多做過20美元,第4季行業簽下下年的長單,達11-14美元,今年增長超100%-150%應無難度,明年最差也應再有50%增長。
國內07年下半年強推醫保,即香港人講既強醫金,僱主僱員都要要供,供左睇醫生買藥有70% discount, 這樣必定大大提升醫藥需求。國內冇錢既人最大既問題係看病難,要推動內需,一定要推行多點醫療保障,d 人先敢消費。更重要的是,醫保是permanent 的政策,不像鐵路行業等只吃幾年高增長,如果政府宣佈供保險政府永久補貼7成,我相信中人壽一個月內可見100蚊。推動VC需求的主要因素之一是飼料需求,在中國的扶農政策之下,food multiplier effect 會令肉食需求有超過十年的high compound growth。風險是它的anti-monopoly 官司,但從另一方面看,世界上可以屈到可口石樂機既公司鳳毛麟角,依間係其中之一。
之前講過香港什麼都沒有,吃的是人流、物流、資金流。物流必死,只是用錢買時間,因為工業不在香港,貨流必會慢慢流走,南沙港鹽田洋山港很快便會遠遠超越維多利亞港。我說10年內香港轉口物流會完全消失,結果比朋友們笑,有咩可能會頂到10年? 我們要做的不是起什麼白癡大橋,珠西的貨流去南沙一定平過去香港。你知唔知南沙港的老闆是邊個? 李姓商人在南沙收平一平、在香港收貴一貴,兩面通吃玩price discrimination,吃虧的是香港吃貨流飯的所有人和行業。你唔做佢世界,就等如比佢繼續做我地世界。
資金流,金融業,極之周期性,之前講過了。要香港以全攻型走金融,恐怕未必行得通。金融必然要服務實體經濟,工商服務業都不行的話,實體型金融業便難以發展,剩下炒賣型金融業。炒賣型金融業的重點在一個騙字,說得好聽的是知識型略奪,好像銀行的金融毒品一樣,西洋鏡終有一天會被識破。我敢大膽講一句,在整個周期來說,香港的金融資金流是負的,即是非外國大鱷本地人在資金流佣金股務等賺回來的錢,會比每幾年一次外資騙走的錢少。在人流物流優勢不斷縮減的時候,如果還不放棄「以散戶以標靶的衍生產品」driven 的所謂金融中心路,香港將會出現負現金流。金融中心要搞,但要阻止外國大鱷大量不公平衍生工具賺散戶錢。既然這是合法開賭,為何要讓它不收0.1%印花? 為何不像馬會要收40%博彩幫有需要的人? 反正也有人上當,就收它1%,一防止散戶被騙,二是分它的行騙盈利一部份做有意義的事。當然這會令港交所大跌,在港交所角度,要谷成交自然要和輪商狼狽為奸,讓它繼續走這條路下去,和以前包庇鴉片煙館沒有分別。我敢講一句,如果政府不做李姓商人和港交所世界,10年之內,香港會出現結構性負現金流。
其實除了人流、物流和資金流之外,香港還有一個出路,便是知識流。香港的優勢在於制度完善,適合做地區總部,做control的工作。國內人樣樣都講關係,香港人始終比較工事工辦,不易收買,也比較flexible和了解外國人的需要,做control 的工作有大優勢。在做數的角度,香港找人做綜合賬和分析的確比國內容易得多,但知識流的規模比人、物、資金三流遠小,香港的前途,還看政府有沒有膽識打下長和系和港交所兩座大山。
Monday, January 5, 2009
Master Investor - Warren Buffett
What does it take to become a successful investor? Brilliance or Smartness?
Neither, Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that gets other people into trouble in investing.
When do you deicide to invest in a firm?
The best thing that happens to us is when a great company gets into temporary trouble. We want to buy them when they're on the operating table.. (Mr. Buffett bought Coke when it had its biggest fiasco after launching New Coke; he bought American Express when it went through a loss making phase in the early 60's)
What do you look for in people when they come to sell their firms to you?
I don't look for the usual credentials such as an MBA, a pedigree (Harvard, Wharton), or cash reserves or market cap of their firm. What I look for is just a passion in their eyes; I think that's the key. A person who is hungry will always do well. I prefer it when people even after selling stay on and work for the firm; they are people who can't wait to get off their bed to get to work. Passion is everything; there is no replacement for innate interest.
Mr. Buffett, you told us that Berkshire Hathaway has $ 45 Billion in cash. Why aren't you investing?
Up until a few years back I had more ideas than money. Now I have more money than ideas.
When do you plan to retire?
I love my job; I love it so much that I tap dance to work. Mrs. B, the founder of Nebraska Furniture Mark worked until she was 104, she died within 6 months of her retirement, that's a lesson to all my managers, don't retire! I personally am going to work 6-7 years after I die, probably that's what they mean when they say- "Thinking out of the Box"!!
Why do stock market crashes happen?
Because of human nature for greed and insecurity. The 1970s were unbelievable. The world wasn't going to end, but businesses were being given away. Human nature has not changed. People will always behave in a manic-depressive way over time. They will offer great values to you."
What are taught wrong in Business school and the corporate world?
I think Business schools should refrain from teaching their wards about profit making and profit making alone, it gives a sense of 1 dimensional outlook to the young students that loss is a curse. In reality, in the corporate world, failure and loss making are inevitable. The capital market without loss is like Christianity without hell. I think they should teach the student on how to buy a business, how to value a business? Not just on how to determine the price of a business. Because price is what you pay, value is what you get.
Do you still hate Technology stocks?
With Coke I can come up with a very rational figure for the cash it will generate in the future. But with the top 10 Internet companies, how much cash will they produce over the next 25 years? If you say you don't know, then you don't know what it is worth and you are speculating, not investing. All I know is that I don't know, and if I don't know, I don't invest."
How to think about Investing?
The first investment primer was written by Aesop in 600 B.C. He said, 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' Aesop forgot to say when you get the two in the bush and what interest rates are; investing is simply figuring out your cash outlay (the bird in the hand) and comparing it to how many birds are in the bush and when you get them."
What do you think are the pitfalls in donation?
I have never donated a dime to churches or other such organizations; I need to believe in something before I end up doing that. I have been observing the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for years now and I am confident they will do a fantastic job of making use of the money. I am a big believer in Outsourcing, others believed in me as an Investor and gave their hard earned money to invest. I believe in Bill Gates, he is a better donor than me.
Why do you work from Omaha and not Wall Street, New York?
Wall Street is the only place where people alight from Rolls Royce to get advised by people who use the Public transportation system.
You seem to be so well read, tell us how it all started ?
My father was a stock broker, so we had all these financial books in our library. He introduced me to those classics and I got into them. I am lucky that my father was not a fan of Playboy! Reading is the best habit you can get. Well, you can learn from teachers too, and have mentors but there are so many constraints attached- they will talk fast, talk slow, they might talk like a pro or they might be terrible communicators. Books are a different animal altogether, I love reading! The beauty about reading and learning is that the more you learn the more you want to learn.
People who join Berkshire Hathaway seldom leave. How do you get along well with all your executives?
I try to get quality people. I always say - Hire someone in your organization who is better than you are. If you do that, you build a company of giants. If you get people worse than yourself, you build a company of dwarfs. And do not try to do everything yourself. Delegate the jobs and look out of the window. The results will come. That's how you build institutions. It happens only when you empower others, believe in others. Iam an investor, Iam very secured at that, I have no clue how to make Coca-Cola or how to dole out credit cards. I understand the wisdom of the aphorism that you cannot please all the people all the time. Of Course, you will always find qualities that you don't like in people around you, but if you observe carefully the love of the work unites you both. There is no point in being obsessive about a bad quality in a person, whom you otherwise respect.
I am a small time businessman from Dallas, Texas, what do I need to do to hit big time?
Be patient, Achieving your financial goals and dreams will not happen overnight. As much as we would all really love to accomplish our goals in a few years, this is an ongoing process. Defining your financial goals is not a one-time task; you need to keep adding new plans at different stages in your life. We all admire the skills of Olympic ice skaters, pro golfers, and concert pianists. But do we remember that they didn't acquire their skills overnight? They had to practice hours on end for years to achieve their dreams. The key to success is to continue learning throughout your life with a voracious appetite.
I think it is marvelous that you have had a golden run with investing, how did you do that?
My rule is to be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. Besides, I call investing the greatest job in the world because you never have to swing. You stand at the plate; the pitcher throws you General Motors at 47! U.S. Steel at 39! And nobody calls a strike on you. There's no penalty except opportunity lost. All day you wait for the pitch you like; then when the fielders are asleep, you step up and hit it. Stay dispassionate and be patient. You're dealing with a lot of silly people in the marketplace; it's like a great big casino and everyone else is boozing. If you can stick with drinking Coke, you should be OK. First the crowd is boozy on optimism and buying every new issue in sight. The next moment it is boozy on pessimism, buying gold bars and predicting another Great Depression, most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is.. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can't buy what is popular and do well.
Mr. Buffett you have seen so many crashes and recessions, your take on facing recessions and stock market crashes?
If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians. Every scenario is different. But always remember, Tough times do not last. Tough people do.
What is the 1 biggest advice you would impart to a young investor like me?
Think for a moment that you are given a car and told this is the only car you would get for the rest of your life. Then you would make sure that you car is taken care of well, it is oiled and detailed every now and then. You would make sure that it never gets rusted, and you would garage it.. Think of yourself as that car. You just get 1 body, 1 mind and 1 soul. Take care of it well. Invest in yourself that would be my advice.
You personally know many of the Financial executives who are engineers of the current turmoil in the financial world, surprisingly even after record losses, those executives receive astronomical salaries and bonuses and arrogantly declare that they deserve it, why dint you advice them from making such decisions and what's your view on their justification for their pay?
I like sharing my ideas but don't like imposing my ideas on anybody. It doesn't make sense and is a waste of time. If somebody has decided that they know everything that is there to know, nobody can help them. The best way to learn and succeed is to know that we know nothing. There is an entire universe out there and still some of us think we can know everything. In the world of investing a few people after making some money tend to imagine they are invincible and great. This is the worst thing that could happen to any investor, because it surely means that the investor will end up taking unnecessary risks and end up losing everything – arrogance, ego and overconfidence are very lethal. Personally I don't feel too comfortable with too much extravagance, because I always think like an investor. My thought process doesn't see a lot of value in a fancy car or a designer suit. Thinking like an investor always is very important to bring in a sense of discipline and focus. Before reading balance sheets and investing you need to make sure your outlook and mindset is that of an investor. Never let ego, arrogance and over-confidence control you - not just as an investor but also as a human being. You will never have internal peace if you are unable to look at everybody around you with love, compassion and understanding. Irrespective of who the person is, he or she can teach you something you don't know. I have learnt so much from people all around me and I wouldn't have been able to learn all these wonderful things if I had not spoken to them with a smile. To quote Sir Isaac Newton- If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
How do you make the Government eat out of your hands? How do you make them agree to everything you do?
If the strategy of a private enterprise matches the policy of the government, the government will be compelled to support you even if they don't like you.
Neither, Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that gets other people into trouble in investing.
When do you deicide to invest in a firm?
The best thing that happens to us is when a great company gets into temporary trouble. We want to buy them when they're on the operating table.. (Mr. Buffett bought Coke when it had its biggest fiasco after launching New Coke; he bought American Express when it went through a loss making phase in the early 60's)
What do you look for in people when they come to sell their firms to you?
I don't look for the usual credentials such as an MBA, a pedigree (Harvard, Wharton), or cash reserves or market cap of their firm. What I look for is just a passion in their eyes; I think that's the key. A person who is hungry will always do well. I prefer it when people even after selling stay on and work for the firm; they are people who can't wait to get off their bed to get to work. Passion is everything; there is no replacement for innate interest.
Mr. Buffett, you told us that Berkshire Hathaway has $ 45 Billion in cash. Why aren't you investing?
Up until a few years back I had more ideas than money. Now I have more money than ideas.
When do you plan to retire?
I love my job; I love it so much that I tap dance to work. Mrs. B, the founder of Nebraska Furniture Mark worked until she was 104, she died within 6 months of her retirement, that's a lesson to all my managers, don't retire! I personally am going to work 6-7 years after I die, probably that's what they mean when they say- "Thinking out of the Box"!!
Why do stock market crashes happen?
Because of human nature for greed and insecurity. The 1970s were unbelievable. The world wasn't going to end, but businesses were being given away. Human nature has not changed. People will always behave in a manic-depressive way over time. They will offer great values to you."
What are taught wrong in Business school and the corporate world?
I think Business schools should refrain from teaching their wards about profit making and profit making alone, it gives a sense of 1 dimensional outlook to the young students that loss is a curse. In reality, in the corporate world, failure and loss making are inevitable. The capital market without loss is like Christianity without hell. I think they should teach the student on how to buy a business, how to value a business? Not just on how to determine the price of a business. Because price is what you pay, value is what you get.
Do you still hate Technology stocks?
With Coke I can come up with a very rational figure for the cash it will generate in the future. But with the top 10 Internet companies, how much cash will they produce over the next 25 years? If you say you don't know, then you don't know what it is worth and you are speculating, not investing. All I know is that I don't know, and if I don't know, I don't invest."
How to think about Investing?
The first investment primer was written by Aesop in 600 B.C. He said, 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' Aesop forgot to say when you get the two in the bush and what interest rates are; investing is simply figuring out your cash outlay (the bird in the hand) and comparing it to how many birds are in the bush and when you get them."
What do you think are the pitfalls in donation?
I have never donated a dime to churches or other such organizations; I need to believe in something before I end up doing that. I have been observing the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for years now and I am confident they will do a fantastic job of making use of the money. I am a big believer in Outsourcing, others believed in me as an Investor and gave their hard earned money to invest. I believe in Bill Gates, he is a better donor than me.
Why do you work from Omaha and not Wall Street, New York?
Wall Street is the only place where people alight from Rolls Royce to get advised by people who use the Public transportation system.
You seem to be so well read, tell us how it all started ?
My father was a stock broker, so we had all these financial books in our library. He introduced me to those classics and I got into them. I am lucky that my father was not a fan of Playboy! Reading is the best habit you can get. Well, you can learn from teachers too, and have mentors but there are so many constraints attached- they will talk fast, talk slow, they might talk like a pro or they might be terrible communicators. Books are a different animal altogether, I love reading! The beauty about reading and learning is that the more you learn the more you want to learn.
People who join Berkshire Hathaway seldom leave. How do you get along well with all your executives?
I try to get quality people. I always say - Hire someone in your organization who is better than you are. If you do that, you build a company of giants. If you get people worse than yourself, you build a company of dwarfs. And do not try to do everything yourself. Delegate the jobs and look out of the window. The results will come. That's how you build institutions. It happens only when you empower others, believe in others. Iam an investor, Iam very secured at that, I have no clue how to make Coca-Cola or how to dole out credit cards. I understand the wisdom of the aphorism that you cannot please all the people all the time. Of Course, you will always find qualities that you don't like in people around you, but if you observe carefully the love of the work unites you both. There is no point in being obsessive about a bad quality in a person, whom you otherwise respect.
I am a small time businessman from Dallas, Texas, what do I need to do to hit big time?
Be patient, Achieving your financial goals and dreams will not happen overnight. As much as we would all really love to accomplish our goals in a few years, this is an ongoing process. Defining your financial goals is not a one-time task; you need to keep adding new plans at different stages in your life. We all admire the skills of Olympic ice skaters, pro golfers, and concert pianists. But do we remember that they didn't acquire their skills overnight? They had to practice hours on end for years to achieve their dreams. The key to success is to continue learning throughout your life with a voracious appetite.
I think it is marvelous that you have had a golden run with investing, how did you do that?
My rule is to be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. Besides, I call investing the greatest job in the world because you never have to swing. You stand at the plate; the pitcher throws you General Motors at 47! U.S. Steel at 39! And nobody calls a strike on you. There's no penalty except opportunity lost. All day you wait for the pitch you like; then when the fielders are asleep, you step up and hit it. Stay dispassionate and be patient. You're dealing with a lot of silly people in the marketplace; it's like a great big casino and everyone else is boozing. If you can stick with drinking Coke, you should be OK. First the crowd is boozy on optimism and buying every new issue in sight. The next moment it is boozy on pessimism, buying gold bars and predicting another Great Depression, most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is.. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can't buy what is popular and do well.
Mr. Buffett you have seen so many crashes and recessions, your take on facing recessions and stock market crashes?
If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians. Every scenario is different. But always remember, Tough times do not last. Tough people do.
What is the 1 biggest advice you would impart to a young investor like me?
Think for a moment that you are given a car and told this is the only car you would get for the rest of your life. Then you would make sure that you car is taken care of well, it is oiled and detailed every now and then. You would make sure that it never gets rusted, and you would garage it.. Think of yourself as that car. You just get 1 body, 1 mind and 1 soul. Take care of it well. Invest in yourself that would be my advice.
You personally know many of the Financial executives who are engineers of the current turmoil in the financial world, surprisingly even after record losses, those executives receive astronomical salaries and bonuses and arrogantly declare that they deserve it, why dint you advice them from making such decisions and what's your view on their justification for their pay?
I like sharing my ideas but don't like imposing my ideas on anybody. It doesn't make sense and is a waste of time. If somebody has decided that they know everything that is there to know, nobody can help them. The best way to learn and succeed is to know that we know nothing. There is an entire universe out there and still some of us think we can know everything. In the world of investing a few people after making some money tend to imagine they are invincible and great. This is the worst thing that could happen to any investor, because it surely means that the investor will end up taking unnecessary risks and end up losing everything – arrogance, ego and overconfidence are very lethal. Personally I don't feel too comfortable with too much extravagance, because I always think like an investor. My thought process doesn't see a lot of value in a fancy car or a designer suit. Thinking like an investor always is very important to bring in a sense of discipline and focus. Before reading balance sheets and investing you need to make sure your outlook and mindset is that of an investor. Never let ego, arrogance and over-confidence control you - not just as an investor but also as a human being. You will never have internal peace if you are unable to look at everybody around you with love, compassion and understanding. Irrespective of who the person is, he or she can teach you something you don't know. I have learnt so much from people all around me and I wouldn't have been able to learn all these wonderful things if I had not spoken to them with a smile. To quote Sir Isaac Newton- If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
How do you make the Government eat out of your hands? How do you make them agree to everything you do?
If the strategy of a private enterprise matches the policy of the government, the government will be compelled to support you even if they don't like you.
Wall Street braces for 2009's first full week
Wall Street will open for trading Monday at a two-month high as investors have grown more optimistic that the worst of the market's rout might be over. But, analysts contend, the real test is still to come.
There will be no shortage of economic data and potential corporate news as traders get back to work after the holidays. The real hope is that the market can build upon Friday's rally, when the Dow Jones industrial average snapped a four-week losing streak and closed above 9,000 for the first time since Nov. 5.
The past month has shown that the negative sentiment about things like corporate earnings and still-sluggish credit markets have already been factored into the market. Analysts say the next few weeks will determine if investors are comfortable enough to return to the market — with their fears of missing out on a rally outweighing concerns of a renewed downturn.
"There's now an estimated $8.9 trillion sitting on the sidelines in cash and money markets," said Stephen Leeb, president of New York-based Leeb Capital Management. "High cash levels and low stock prices historically go hand in hand. The current level as a percentage of the stock market's capitalization matches that at the market bottom in 1990."
He said this huge amount of liquidity "has yet to include the massive amount of money that will be created as a result of the Federal Reserve's recent unprecedented actions to stimulate the economy and financial system." That also could help bolster markets in the coming months.
Leeb and other analysts do not discount that the market may retreat and retest lows seen in November. The next few weeks will go a long way in assessing the market's resiliency, even in the face of abysmal economic news.
Early futures prices pointed to a negative start to the week. Dow industrials futures dipped 22 points, or 0.25 percent, to 8,936. Broader indexes also slipped, with Standard & Poor's 500 index futures down 2.40 points, or 0.26 percent, to 923.00; while Nasdaq-100 futures shed 3.00, or 0.24 percent, to 1,250.00.
This week investors will be eyeing the Labor Department's December unemployment report, due out Friday. Employers are expected to have cut 475,000 jobs from their payrolls, according to analysts polled by Thomson Reuters. That would be below the 533,000 jobs in the previous month.
Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is expected to have risen to 7 percent from 6.7 percent in November. The government will also release its weekly jobless claims report on Thursday, which is again expected to show another increase.
Other reports on tap this week include November construction spending, auto sales reports, a survey on the services sector, November factory orders, and chain store sales.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday will release the minutes from its Dec. 15-16 policy-making meeting. At that meeting, the central bank lowered the federal funds rate to between zero percent and 0.25 percent, and indicated rates would remain at that level for foreseeable future.
Also on Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee meets to discuss how the next administration might make use of the remaining TARP funds. A House panel will also hold an economic recovery plan hearing with testimony from some of the nation's top economists.
The House Financial Services Committee on Monday will also hold a hearing on Bernard Madoff, the investor who lost potentially $50 billion in what is being called the biggest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history.
In corporate news, technology stocks may also be in the spotlight with two major events planned — Macworld and the Consumer Electronics Show.
Apple Inc. will unveil some of its new products at Macworld in San Francisco on Monday and Tuesday, where investors will be looking for any signs into the health of Chief Executive Steve Jobs. He is not expected to attend the event.
The Consumer Electronics Show will kick off in Las Vegas on Wednesday night. The trade show gives tech companies an opportunity to present new products, and that often can send their shares higher.
There will be no shortage of economic data and potential corporate news as traders get back to work after the holidays. The real hope is that the market can build upon Friday's rally, when the Dow Jones industrial average snapped a four-week losing streak and closed above 9,000 for the first time since Nov. 5.
The past month has shown that the negative sentiment about things like corporate earnings and still-sluggish credit markets have already been factored into the market. Analysts say the next few weeks will determine if investors are comfortable enough to return to the market — with their fears of missing out on a rally outweighing concerns of a renewed downturn.
"There's now an estimated $8.9 trillion sitting on the sidelines in cash and money markets," said Stephen Leeb, president of New York-based Leeb Capital Management. "High cash levels and low stock prices historically go hand in hand. The current level as a percentage of the stock market's capitalization matches that at the market bottom in 1990."
He said this huge amount of liquidity "has yet to include the massive amount of money that will be created as a result of the Federal Reserve's recent unprecedented actions to stimulate the economy and financial system." That also could help bolster markets in the coming months.
Leeb and other analysts do not discount that the market may retreat and retest lows seen in November. The next few weeks will go a long way in assessing the market's resiliency, even in the face of abysmal economic news.
Early futures prices pointed to a negative start to the week. Dow industrials futures dipped 22 points, or 0.25 percent, to 8,936. Broader indexes also slipped, with Standard & Poor's 500 index futures down 2.40 points, or 0.26 percent, to 923.00; while Nasdaq-100 futures shed 3.00, or 0.24 percent, to 1,250.00.
This week investors will be eyeing the Labor Department's December unemployment report, due out Friday. Employers are expected to have cut 475,000 jobs from their payrolls, according to analysts polled by Thomson Reuters. That would be below the 533,000 jobs in the previous month.
Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is expected to have risen to 7 percent from 6.7 percent in November. The government will also release its weekly jobless claims report on Thursday, which is again expected to show another increase.
Other reports on tap this week include November construction spending, auto sales reports, a survey on the services sector, November factory orders, and chain store sales.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday will release the minutes from its Dec. 15-16 policy-making meeting. At that meeting, the central bank lowered the federal funds rate to between zero percent and 0.25 percent, and indicated rates would remain at that level for foreseeable future.
Also on Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee meets to discuss how the next administration might make use of the remaining TARP funds. A House panel will also hold an economic recovery plan hearing with testimony from some of the nation's top economists.
The House Financial Services Committee on Monday will also hold a hearing on Bernard Madoff, the investor who lost potentially $50 billion in what is being called the biggest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history.
In corporate news, technology stocks may also be in the spotlight with two major events planned — Macworld and the Consumer Electronics Show.
Apple Inc. will unveil some of its new products at Macworld in San Francisco on Monday and Tuesday, where investors will be looking for any signs into the health of Chief Executive Steve Jobs. He is not expected to attend the event.
The Consumer Electronics Show will kick off in Las Vegas on Wednesday night. The trade show gives tech companies an opportunity to present new products, and that often can send their shares higher.
巴菲特在投资中尽量避免犯这样的错误,事实上20世纪60年代对伯克夏"哈撒韦的投资(当年主要以纺织业为主)给了巴菲特非常大的教训,20世纪80 年代他被迫将持续亏损的纺织业务关闭。这形成了巴菲特非常重要的投资准则,即投资于保持一贯经营原则的公司,避开陷入困境的公司。不要高估自己,指望自己比该公司的经营者做得更好,能够扭亏为盈。“我和查理还没学会如何解决公司的难题,”巴菲特承认,“但是我们学会了如何避开难题,我们的成功在于我们集中力量于我们能跨越的一尺栅栏上,而不是发现了跨越七尺栅栏的方法。”
过度自信倾向几乎影响了每一个人,约翰逊的过度自信造成了美国20世纪60年代陷入了越南战争的泥潭,尼克"里森的过度自信造成了百年巴林银行的倒闭。可以说过度自信倾向是人类理性决策的最大敌人,这一倾向还容易使人们产生控制错觉,就如赌徒,一旦赢了就归因于自己的赌技与预见力,一旦输了就认为 “差一点就成了,或偶然倒霉”。而从理性角度来看,进行赌博与购买彩票从概率上来说是一场必输的游戏,然而还是有无数赌徒与彩民由于控制错觉而沉迷于此。
一、 关于价值
价值投资,简而言之,就是在一家公司的市场价格相对于它的内在价值大打折扣时买入其股份。内在价值在理论上的定义就是一家企业在其余下的寿命史中可以产生的现金的折现值。但是问题来了,一家企业余下的寿命史到底有多长?能产生多少现金?这本身就充满了玄念,以这个充满了玄念的现金流为基础而形成的判断有多大的可信度呢? 再有,折现率该如何确定?在不同的时点、不同的投资人会有不同选择,据以计算的价值必然是失之毫厘、差之千里。如果不能做到精确的价值评估,又怎能知道应该在什么价位购买股票呢?如果说这是价值投资人最大的困惑所在,当不为过。
金融投资,须观其形、辨其意、审其时、度其势;深得阴阳互化之妙,常怀敬畏自然之心。法法相济,法无定法,远非单纯的模型和程式化操作所能涵盖。在内在价值评估方面,大抵也是如此吧。或许,但凡介于科学和艺术层面之间的东西,都要用到中国古人说的一句话:运用之妙,存乎一心。老巴爱引用凯恩斯的一句话 “宁要模糊的正确,不要精确的错误”,也是异曲同工。尽管我们相信在某一个特定的时空,某一公司的价值只有一个,我们也只能力求最大限度地逼进它。而赢家却总是相对的。
二、 关于安全边际
三、 价值投资和市场波动
巴菲特在投资中尽量避免犯这样的错误,事实上20世纪60年代对伯克夏"哈撒韦的投资(当年主要以纺织业为主)给了巴菲特非常大的教训,20世纪80 年代他被迫将持续亏损的纺织业务关闭。这形成了巴菲特非常重要的投资准则,即投资于保持一贯经营原则的公司,避开陷入困境的公司。不要高估自己,指望自己比该公司的经营者做得更好,能够扭亏为盈。“我和查理还没学会如何解决公司的难题,”巴菲特承认,“但是我们学会了如何避开难题,我们的成功在于我们集中力量于我们能跨越的一尺栅栏上,而不是发现了跨越七尺栅栏的方法。”
过度自信倾向几乎影响了每一个人,约翰逊的过度自信造成了美国20世纪60年代陷入了越南战争的泥潭,尼克"里森的过度自信造成了百年巴林银行的倒闭。可以说过度自信倾向是人类理性决策的最大敌人,这一倾向还容易使人们产生控制错觉,就如赌徒,一旦赢了就归因于自己的赌技与预见力,一旦输了就认为 “差一点就成了,或偶然倒霉”。而从理性角度来看,进行赌博与购买彩票从概率上来说是一场必输的游戏,然而还是有无数赌徒与彩民由于控制错觉而沉迷于此。
一、 关于价值
价值投资,简而言之,就是在一家公司的市场价格相对于它的内在价值大打折扣时买入其股份。内在价值在理论上的定义就是一家企业在其余下的寿命史中可以产生的现金的折现值。但是问题来了,一家企业余下的寿命史到底有多长?能产生多少现金?这本身就充满了玄念,以这个充满了玄念的现金流为基础而形成的判断有多大的可信度呢? 再有,折现率该如何确定?在不同的时点、不同的投资人会有不同选择,据以计算的价值必然是失之毫厘、差之千里。如果不能做到精确的价值评估,又怎能知道应该在什么价位购买股票呢?如果说这是价值投资人最大的困惑所在,当不为过。
金融投资,须观其形、辨其意、审其时、度其势;深得阴阳互化之妙,常怀敬畏自然之心。法法相济,法无定法,远非单纯的模型和程式化操作所能涵盖。在内在价值评估方面,大抵也是如此吧。或许,但凡介于科学和艺术层面之间的东西,都要用到中国古人说的一句话:运用之妙,存乎一心。老巴爱引用凯恩斯的一句话 “宁要模糊的正确,不要精确的错误”,也是异曲同工。尽管我们相信在某一个特定的时空,某一公司的价值只有一个,我们也只能力求最大限度地逼进它。而赢家却总是相对的。
二、 关于安全边际
三、 价值投资和市场波动
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