选股的原则前面已经提到,就是你必须理性地投资。如果你不熟悉,就不要做它。我只做自己完全了解的事。以下是选股方法:第一步,在你了解的企业上画个圈,然后剔除那些价值,管理和应变能力达不到标准的企业。第二步,选定一个企业进行评估。不要随便采纳别人对企业的评估,要自己分析它。比如,你将怎样 经营它?竞争对手是谁?客户是谁?走出门去并和他们交谈,分析你想投资的公司和其它公司相比,优势和弱点在哪里?如果你这样做了,你就可能比公司的管理层更了解这家企业。这一原则也适用于技术类股票。我相信比尔•盖茨也会用这些原则。他对技术的了解程度和我对可口可乐和吉列的了解程度差不多。如果有人说他能估出交易所上市的所有股票的价值,他一定高估了自己的能力。但如果你集中精力去研究某些行业,你能学会许多和估价有关的东西。最重要的不是你的能力范围有多广,而是你的能力有多强。如果你知道你的能力的界限在哪里,你就比那些能力范围比你大五倍而不清楚界限在哪里的人强多了。
这可以从伯克希尔登在《华尔街日报》上的一则广告来加以说明。广告说:以下是我们所寻求的东西:A 购买额大。(至少具有1000万美元的税后盈余,越大越好) B 可靠的持续获利能力。(对前景和突然好转的情形我们不感兴趣)C 企业股东权益回报水平良好而且债务水平很低或为零。 D 适当的管理。(我们不提供这项服务) E 简单的企业。(如果需要太复杂的技术,我们就无法了解)F 有明确出价。(我们不想把自己和出售者的时间浪费在讨论价格未定的交易上)
在所有的企业中,每一星期每一个月每一年都会发生各种各样的变化。但真正重要的是找对企业。这方面一个经典的例子是可口可乐公司。它在1919年上市,发行价是40美元1股。第二年,股价跌到每股19美元。如果公司发行上市时你就买进,一年之后,你就丧失一半的财富。但如果你持有到今天,并且把所有红利再投入,它大约值180万美元。我们经历过萧条,也经历过战争,糖价也波动不定,发生过成千上万的事。但是看好产品的前景比在股市中进进出出多赚了多少。查理•芒格叫我关注具有巨大获利能力和成长性的大公司的特点,但获利能力和成长性必须是确定的,不能象德州仪器公司或派拉蒙公司那样是虚构出来的。我曾告诉通用食品的总裁,为什么在没有人对通用食品感兴趣的时候, 我会购买这家公司的股票。“你有响亮的品牌,你的利润占销售额的1/3,而其它食品公司只有1/6到1/7,你有大量现金可用。如果你不知道怎么用,我相信有人会知道。”优秀的公司能连续20到30年保持成长。你买进以后,只要回家,高枕无忧地让经理们做他们的事。
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 自强不息 勤以静心,俭以养德 天地不仁, 強者生存
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Lehman May Shift $32 Billion of Mortgage Assets to `Bad Bank'
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. may shift about $32 billion of commercial mortgages and real estate to a new company that will be spun off in a move similar to the good-bank-bad-bank model used in the 1980s banking crisis, two people briefed on the discussions said.
The bad bank, nicknamed Spinco for now, would have about $8 billion of equity coming from Lehman, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the plan is one of several under consideration. Spinco would borrow the remaining $24 billion from Lehman or outside investors. The New York-based bank would replace capital put into Spinco, whose shares would be owned by current Lehman shareholders.
Lehman Chief Executive Officer Richard Fuld, 62, is under pressure to strip the firm's balance sheet of hard-to-sell assets. To raise cash needed to cope with losses from a wholesale disposal, Lehman has been talking with Korea Development Bank about a capital infusion and with private equity firms interested in buying its asset-management unit.
``The model helps banks get on with their real business, focus on their strengths, after they put the bad assets aside,'' said Michael Bleier, an attorney at Reed Smith LLP who was the senior counsel to Bank Mellon during its spinoff of bad assets in 1988. ``We'll see it being used again during this crisis.''
Korea Talks
The Spinco proposal would enable Lehman to dispose of 80 percent of its commercial mortgages, the people said. Under another plan, the firm would establish a company capitalized and managed by outside investors to buy some of its mortgage assets. The Spinco plan would enable Lehman's shareholders to benefit from a turnaround in the mortgage market.
Korea Development Bank has been in discussions to buy a 25 percent stake in Lehman for $6 billion, according to the people familiar with the talks. That would replace most of the capital Lehman would put into the bad bank.
The deal must be structured to guarantee enough cash flow from the mortgages being put into the spun-off entity to repay outside lenders, Reed Smith's Bleier said. That would force Lehman or another bank using the model to disclose much more detail about the mortgages and the securities, he said.
Balancing Act
Lehman's $65 billion mortgage-related portfolio has spooked shareholders, driving the stock price down 77 percent this year on concern that the $2.8 billion loss in the second quarter wouldn't end the bleeding. The bigger portion of the portfolio, or $40 billion, is tied to commercial real estate.
Even though defaults of commercial mortgages are still below 1 percent, speculation that delinquencies will jump in that market has pushed down the prices of the bonds backed by commercial real estate loans. By spinning off the mortgages to its own shareholders, Lehman can allow them to benefit from a possible recovery in asset prices when investors realize commercial mortgages aren't going the way of subprime.
``Management's challenge is not that of discarding a troubled portfolio,'' said David Trone, an analyst at Fox-Pitt Kelton Cochran Caronia Waller. ``Instead, management must find a way to relieve pressure on the stock without destroying shareholder value by succumbing to an unwarranted fire sale of commercial mortgages.''
KKR, Carlyle
Lehman, the largest underwriter of mortgage bonds last year, has been trying to reduce assets linked to that market as demand dried up and prices plummeted, generating more than $8 billion in writedowns and credit losses. BlackRock Inc., the largest publicly traded U.S. money manager, was considering a purchase of some of Lehman's commercial mortgages, people familiar with those discussions said last month.
If talks with the Korean bank fail, Lehman will turn to the other option for raising capital, the people familiar with the firm's plans said. Private-equity firms including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Carlyle Group have been negotiating to buy a stake in Lehman's asset-management business, which includes Neuberger Berman Inc.
Fuld removed his associate of 30 years, President Joseph Gregory, 56, in June and replaced him with Herbert ``Bart'' McDade, 49, who had run fixed income and equities. Fuld, McDade and other members of the management team are racing to conclude a deal with potential investors before the firm reports earnings this month, people familiar with the situation have said. The company typically announces earnings in mid-September, although last quarter it released preliminary figures a week before schedule.
The mortgage-bond crisis that spread to Lehman escalated in June 2007, when Bear Stearns Cos. began liquidating holdings from one of its hedge funds after losing bets on securities tied to subprime mortgages. Bear Stearns, then the fifth-largest U.S. securities firm, sold itself to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $10 a share.
The bad bank, nicknamed Spinco for now, would have about $8 billion of equity coming from Lehman, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the plan is one of several under consideration. Spinco would borrow the remaining $24 billion from Lehman or outside investors. The New York-based bank would replace capital put into Spinco, whose shares would be owned by current Lehman shareholders.
Lehman Chief Executive Officer Richard Fuld, 62, is under pressure to strip the firm's balance sheet of hard-to-sell assets. To raise cash needed to cope with losses from a wholesale disposal, Lehman has been talking with Korea Development Bank about a capital infusion and with private equity firms interested in buying its asset-management unit.
``The model helps banks get on with their real business, focus on their strengths, after they put the bad assets aside,'' said Michael Bleier, an attorney at Reed Smith LLP who was the senior counsel to Bank Mellon during its spinoff of bad assets in 1988. ``We'll see it being used again during this crisis.''
Korea Talks
The Spinco proposal would enable Lehman to dispose of 80 percent of its commercial mortgages, the people said. Under another plan, the firm would establish a company capitalized and managed by outside investors to buy some of its mortgage assets. The Spinco plan would enable Lehman's shareholders to benefit from a turnaround in the mortgage market.
Korea Development Bank has been in discussions to buy a 25 percent stake in Lehman for $6 billion, according to the people familiar with the talks. That would replace most of the capital Lehman would put into the bad bank.
The deal must be structured to guarantee enough cash flow from the mortgages being put into the spun-off entity to repay outside lenders, Reed Smith's Bleier said. That would force Lehman or another bank using the model to disclose much more detail about the mortgages and the securities, he said.
Balancing Act
Lehman's $65 billion mortgage-related portfolio has spooked shareholders, driving the stock price down 77 percent this year on concern that the $2.8 billion loss in the second quarter wouldn't end the bleeding. The bigger portion of the portfolio, or $40 billion, is tied to commercial real estate.
Even though defaults of commercial mortgages are still below 1 percent, speculation that delinquencies will jump in that market has pushed down the prices of the bonds backed by commercial real estate loans. By spinning off the mortgages to its own shareholders, Lehman can allow them to benefit from a possible recovery in asset prices when investors realize commercial mortgages aren't going the way of subprime.
``Management's challenge is not that of discarding a troubled portfolio,'' said David Trone, an analyst at Fox-Pitt Kelton Cochran Caronia Waller. ``Instead, management must find a way to relieve pressure on the stock without destroying shareholder value by succumbing to an unwarranted fire sale of commercial mortgages.''
KKR, Carlyle
Lehman, the largest underwriter of mortgage bonds last year, has been trying to reduce assets linked to that market as demand dried up and prices plummeted, generating more than $8 billion in writedowns and credit losses. BlackRock Inc., the largest publicly traded U.S. money manager, was considering a purchase of some of Lehman's commercial mortgages, people familiar with those discussions said last month.
If talks with the Korean bank fail, Lehman will turn to the other option for raising capital, the people familiar with the firm's plans said. Private-equity firms including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Carlyle Group have been negotiating to buy a stake in Lehman's asset-management business, which includes Neuberger Berman Inc.
Fuld removed his associate of 30 years, President Joseph Gregory, 56, in June and replaced him with Herbert ``Bart'' McDade, 49, who had run fixed income and equities. Fuld, McDade and other members of the management team are racing to conclude a deal with potential investors before the firm reports earnings this month, people familiar with the situation have said. The company typically announces earnings in mid-September, although last quarter it released preliminary figures a week before schedule.
The mortgage-bond crisis that spread to Lehman escalated in June 2007, when Bear Stearns Cos. began liquidating holdings from one of its hedge funds after losing bets on securities tied to subprime mortgages. Bear Stearns, then the fifth-largest U.S. securities firm, sold itself to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $10 a share.
知情人士称,这家新公司的投资者还将管理所持商业不动产相关资产。该知情人士拒绝披露姓名,原因是这项提议尚未公开,且雷曼兄弟尚未 决定如何实施该计划。截至5月份为止,雷曼兄弟拥有大约4000亿美元的商业抵押贷款资产。
据知情人士上周透露称,美国最大的上市资金管理公司黑岩(BlackRock Inc.)正考虑收购雷曼兄弟的部分商业抵押贷款资产。
知情人士称,这家新公司的投资者还将管理所持商业不动产相关资产。该知情人士拒绝披露姓名,原因是这项提议尚未公开,且雷曼兄弟尚未 决定如何实施该计划。截至5月份为止,雷曼兄弟拥有大约4000亿美元的商业抵押贷款资产。
据知情人士上周透露称,美国最大的上市资金管理公司黑岩(BlackRock Inc.)正考虑收购雷曼兄弟的部分商业抵押贷款资产。
Friday, September 5, 2008
Poor market in September bodes ill for incumbent party
Has the stock market already voted by absentee ballot in this November's presidential race?
It may very well be in the process of doing just that.
And a big clue as to how it is voting is provided by Thursday's dismal stock market, in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 345 points. For the still-young month of September, the Dow is now down 3.1%.
This points to an increased likelihood that the Democrats will reclaim the presidency in November's election.
The reason I can even attempt to draw these conclusions from the stock market's recent behavior is an analysis conducted by Ned Davis Research, an institutional research firm based in Venice, Fla.
Specifically, the firm constructed two market averages out of how the Dow has performed in past presidential-election years (back to 1900, in fact). The first of these two benchmarks tracked the market's average performance during years since then in which the incumbent political party eventually won the White House, while the other reflected average returns when the incumbent party lost.
Upon comparing these two benchmarks, as Ned Davis noted earlier this week, "There does not seem to be a lot of difference in election years between those years where the incumbent party wins or loses, except in the month of September where the divergence is striking."
How big a divergence?
During Septembers of years in which the incumbent party goes on to win the White House, the Dow has produced an average gain of 0.32%. During Septembers in which the incumbent party lost, in contrast, the Dow has produced an average loss of 0.71%.
That difference, which totals just over one percentage point, may not appear to be that big. But on an annualized basis it works out to around 13%.
Good statistician that he is, Davis realizes that correlation is not the same as causation. One needs to couple the raw statistics with a plausible theory as to why the stock market would perform differently when the incumbent party wins the White House than when it loses. "Perhaps it is the uncertainty over change," Davis speculates, "or perhaps the stock market predicts or reflects the election results."
Another qualification that Davis emphasizes: "The sample sizes are relatively small." So we can't be as confident in drawing any conclusions as we would if there were lots more data points.
Regardless, however, the stock market's losses this week can't be good news for John McCain's campaign.
It may very well be in the process of doing just that.
And a big clue as to how it is voting is provided by Thursday's dismal stock market, in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 345 points. For the still-young month of September, the Dow is now down 3.1%.
This points to an increased likelihood that the Democrats will reclaim the presidency in November's election.
The reason I can even attempt to draw these conclusions from the stock market's recent behavior is an analysis conducted by Ned Davis Research, an institutional research firm based in Venice, Fla.
Specifically, the firm constructed two market averages out of how the Dow has performed in past presidential-election years (back to 1900, in fact). The first of these two benchmarks tracked the market's average performance during years since then in which the incumbent political party eventually won the White House, while the other reflected average returns when the incumbent party lost.
Upon comparing these two benchmarks, as Ned Davis noted earlier this week, "There does not seem to be a lot of difference in election years between those years where the incumbent party wins or loses, except in the month of September where the divergence is striking."
How big a divergence?
During Septembers of years in which the incumbent party goes on to win the White House, the Dow has produced an average gain of 0.32%. During Septembers in which the incumbent party lost, in contrast, the Dow has produced an average loss of 0.71%.
That difference, which totals just over one percentage point, may not appear to be that big. But on an annualized basis it works out to around 13%.
Good statistician that he is, Davis realizes that correlation is not the same as causation. One needs to couple the raw statistics with a plausible theory as to why the stock market would perform differently when the incumbent party wins the White House than when it loses. "Perhaps it is the uncertainty over change," Davis speculates, "or perhaps the stock market predicts or reflects the election results."
Another qualification that Davis emphasizes: "The sample sizes are relatively small." So we can't be as confident in drawing any conclusions as we would if there were lots more data points.
Regardless, however, the stock market's losses this week can't be good news for John McCain's campaign.
Pound tumbles on bleak British outlook
U.K.'s Darling sees worst conditions in 60 years
The beleaguered British pound accelerated its recent fall, plunging to its lowest level against the U.S. dollar since April 2006 after U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer said the economic environment is the most difficult in 60 years.
"[The times we're facing] are arguably the worst they've been in 60 years. And it's going to be more profound and long-lasting than people thought," Darling said in an interview published in Saturday's Guardian newspaper.
The remarks painted a much gloomier economic outlook than had previously been portrayed by Darling or other government officials, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
News reports said the interview caused tensions between Brown and Darling. Darling later emphasized that he had been speaking in terms of the global economic backdrop.
Still, the remarks stand in contrast to Darling's optimism in the spring budget when he said Britain was better placed than other economies to withstand the global slowdown.
Meanwhile, the comments were "heaping downside pressure" on sterling Monday, said James Hughes, currency strategist at CMC Markets.
The pound plunged in Asian trading and extended losses later in the day to change hands against the dollar at $1.7995, according to FactSet -- a loss of more than 1.5%on the day and the first time the pound has fallen below the $1.80 level since April 2006. The pound had traded above $2.01 as recently as July.
The euro had earlier soared to a new all-time high against sterling, touching 81.26 pence in morning trade. The European single currency remained 0.7% higher against the pound at 80.94 pence.
Simon Derrick, a currency strategist at Bank of New York Mellon, said talk of political tensions will likely overhang Brown's efforts to "re-launch" his premiership with a series of economic measures and would be likely to cause investors to continue to shun the pound "for some time to come."
"We are reminded once again that when the [British pound] falls, it falls hard," Derrick wrote.
The fall, however, has left the dollar/pound currency pair technically oversold on the relative strength index, or RSI, noted Naeem Wahid, currency strategist at HBOS.
Meanwhile, commitments-of-traders data showed speculators holding the largest net-long dollar positions versus the pound since at least 1992 in the futures market, raising the risk sterling could see a near-term squeeze higher, Wahid wrote.
Downbeat data
Meanwhile, British economic data remained largely downbeat.
The CIPS/Market U.K. purchasing managers index for the manufacturing sector came in at 45.9, up slightly from the nine-and-a-half year low of 44.1 set in July. A reading of less than 50 indicates a contraction in the sector, while a reading of more than 50 indicates expansion.
The Bank of England reported that July mortgage approvals totaled 33,000, down from a downwardly revised 35,000 in June and setting a new all-time low for the statistical series, which began in 1993.
Still, with inflation running well above the 2% target, the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee is likely to remain on the sidelines when it meets Thursday, Wahid said, leaving its bank rate unchanged for the fourth consecutive month at 5%.
"The bank rate is likely to remain unchanged this week -- the MPC will only be able to cut the bank rate once inflation begins a downward trajectory," Wahid said.
Yen up sharply but trims gains
The Japanese yen, meanwhile, was sharply higher against major counterparts, but trimmed gains in afternoon trade after Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda announced he would resign in a surprise announcement. See full story.
The dollar remained down 1.2% against the Japanese currency to 108.11 yen. The euro was 1.9% lower at 157.87 yen, notching a five-month low.
Strategists said rising risk aversion has cut into the appetite for carry trades.
A sharp sell-off in Korean equities has put the Korean won under pressure and forced investors to abandon a popular carry trade, said strategists at BNP Paribas.
In a carry trade, traders borrow funds in a low-yielding currency, and then buy assets denominated in a higher-yielding currency.
A sharper-than-expected 1.5% decline in July German retail sales provided further evidence the euro-zone's biggest economy continues to weaken, wrote economists at Capital Economics.
The European Central Bank is expected to leave its key rate on hold at 4.25% when its rate-setting governing council meets on Thursday. The ECB is also wrestling with above-target inflation.
Monday's data, however, show "further signs of weakness in the euro-zone economy, which appears to be spreading north," the Capital Economics economists wrote. "These signs should eventually convince the ECB that underlying inflation will remain relatively subdued and we expect interest rates to fall to 3% by the end of next year."
The beleaguered British pound accelerated its recent fall, plunging to its lowest level against the U.S. dollar since April 2006 after U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer said the economic environment is the most difficult in 60 years.
"[The times we're facing] are arguably the worst they've been in 60 years. And it's going to be more profound and long-lasting than people thought," Darling said in an interview published in Saturday's Guardian newspaper.
The remarks painted a much gloomier economic outlook than had previously been portrayed by Darling or other government officials, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
News reports said the interview caused tensions between Brown and Darling. Darling later emphasized that he had been speaking in terms of the global economic backdrop.
Still, the remarks stand in contrast to Darling's optimism in the spring budget when he said Britain was better placed than other economies to withstand the global slowdown.
Meanwhile, the comments were "heaping downside pressure" on sterling Monday, said James Hughes, currency strategist at CMC Markets.
The pound plunged in Asian trading and extended losses later in the day to change hands against the dollar at $1.7995, according to FactSet -- a loss of more than 1.5%on the day and the first time the pound has fallen below the $1.80 level since April 2006. The pound had traded above $2.01 as recently as July.
The euro had earlier soared to a new all-time high against sterling, touching 81.26 pence in morning trade. The European single currency remained 0.7% higher against the pound at 80.94 pence.
Simon Derrick, a currency strategist at Bank of New York Mellon, said talk of political tensions will likely overhang Brown's efforts to "re-launch" his premiership with a series of economic measures and would be likely to cause investors to continue to shun the pound "for some time to come."
"We are reminded once again that when the [British pound] falls, it falls hard," Derrick wrote.
The fall, however, has left the dollar/pound currency pair technically oversold on the relative strength index, or RSI, noted Naeem Wahid, currency strategist at HBOS.
Meanwhile, commitments-of-traders data showed speculators holding the largest net-long dollar positions versus the pound since at least 1992 in the futures market, raising the risk sterling could see a near-term squeeze higher, Wahid wrote.
Downbeat data
Meanwhile, British economic data remained largely downbeat.
The CIPS/Market U.K. purchasing managers index for the manufacturing sector came in at 45.9, up slightly from the nine-and-a-half year low of 44.1 set in July. A reading of less than 50 indicates a contraction in the sector, while a reading of more than 50 indicates expansion.
The Bank of England reported that July mortgage approvals totaled 33,000, down from a downwardly revised 35,000 in June and setting a new all-time low for the statistical series, which began in 1993.
Still, with inflation running well above the 2% target, the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee is likely to remain on the sidelines when it meets Thursday, Wahid said, leaving its bank rate unchanged for the fourth consecutive month at 5%.
"The bank rate is likely to remain unchanged this week -- the MPC will only be able to cut the bank rate once inflation begins a downward trajectory," Wahid said.
Yen up sharply but trims gains
The Japanese yen, meanwhile, was sharply higher against major counterparts, but trimmed gains in afternoon trade after Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda announced he would resign in a surprise announcement. See full story.
The dollar remained down 1.2% against the Japanese currency to 108.11 yen. The euro was 1.9% lower at 157.87 yen, notching a five-month low.
Strategists said rising risk aversion has cut into the appetite for carry trades.
A sharp sell-off in Korean equities has put the Korean won under pressure and forced investors to abandon a popular carry trade, said strategists at BNP Paribas.
In a carry trade, traders borrow funds in a low-yielding currency, and then buy assets denominated in a higher-yielding currency.
A sharper-than-expected 1.5% decline in July German retail sales provided further evidence the euro-zone's biggest economy continues to weaken, wrote economists at Capital Economics.
The European Central Bank is expected to leave its key rate on hold at 4.25% when its rate-setting governing council meets on Thursday. The ECB is also wrestling with above-target inflation.
Monday's data, however, show "further signs of weakness in the euro-zone economy, which appears to be spreading north," the Capital Economics economists wrote. "These signs should eventually convince the ECB that underlying inflation will remain relatively subdued and we expect interest rates to fall to 3% by the end of next year."
Business unimpressed by UK chancellor Alistair Darling
BUSINESS leaders accused Alistair Darling of talking Britain into a recession as the pound fell to a record low against the euro.
The Chancellor’s warning that Britain is facing its biggest economic challenge for 60 years was described as a “self-fulfilling prophesy”.
His words threaten to overshadow the first day of Gordon Brown’s long-awaited political fightback.
In a further setback for Mr Brown, a Populus poll for The Times suggests that most voters do not believe that his rescue plan can protect them from an economic downturn.
The Prime Minister will announce measures to help first-time buyers and homeowners facing repossession. A second set of initiatives on fuel is expected within a week. The poll shows that a large majority of voters do not believe they will benefit. While most of the expected proposals are popular, few think that they will make a significant difference to their own situations.
The findings deal a serious blow to Mr Brown, who has staked his future on proving to voters he can shield them from the downturn.
The Conservatives, who remain 16 points ahead in polls, are expected to oppose many of today’s measures and to accuse Labour of mortgaging Britain’s long-term future for the sake of Mr Brown’s political survival.
David Cameron accused Mr Darling of triggering a crisis of confidence with his remark during an interview that Britain was facing the biggest economic challenge in 60 years.
The Chancellor insisted later that he had meant that the country faced a global challenge, and Downing Street has sought to dampen speculation that Mr Darling would be sacked.
The markets reacted to both the interview and the speculation over the Chancellor’s future.
Richard Lambert, Director-General of the CBI, said that the remarks were a surprise. “Chancellors usually talk up the economy,” he said.
Steve Radley, chief economist at EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, said that Mr Darling’s comments were “in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy” because of their impact on confidence.
Martin Weale, director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Reform, mocked Mr Darling’s assertion, saying: “Maybe in the October (pre-Budget report) he will implement rationing.”
The euro rose to 81.37p in early trading as investors took fright – the highest level since the single currency was introduced in 1999. It fell back slightly in late trading.
Sterling is now the worst-performing of the ten leading currencies this year, having fallen by more than 9 per cent against the euro since January amid mounting expectations that the Bank of England would cut interest rates. The pound has also plummeted against the US dollar in recent months and fell to a two-year low of $US1.7996 last night.
Mr Brown’s attempt to regain the political initiative was undermined further when Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, warned David Miliband that a leadership challenge would be “crazy, destructive and divisive”.
Asked whether Mr Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, was preparing a leadership bid, Mr Balls said: “I know that he is a sensible, rational, sane politician and a good guy, and I don’t think that he would ever do anything so crazy, destructive and divisive, and that is why I am totally confident that’s not what he was doing.”
The Chancellor’s warning that Britain is facing its biggest economic challenge for 60 years was described as a “self-fulfilling prophesy”.
His words threaten to overshadow the first day of Gordon Brown’s long-awaited political fightback.
In a further setback for Mr Brown, a Populus poll for The Times suggests that most voters do not believe that his rescue plan can protect them from an economic downturn.
The Prime Minister will announce measures to help first-time buyers and homeowners facing repossession. A second set of initiatives on fuel is expected within a week. The poll shows that a large majority of voters do not believe they will benefit. While most of the expected proposals are popular, few think that they will make a significant difference to their own situations.
The findings deal a serious blow to Mr Brown, who has staked his future on proving to voters he can shield them from the downturn.
The Conservatives, who remain 16 points ahead in polls, are expected to oppose many of today’s measures and to accuse Labour of mortgaging Britain’s long-term future for the sake of Mr Brown’s political survival.
David Cameron accused Mr Darling of triggering a crisis of confidence with his remark during an interview that Britain was facing the biggest economic challenge in 60 years.
The Chancellor insisted later that he had meant that the country faced a global challenge, and Downing Street has sought to dampen speculation that Mr Darling would be sacked.
The markets reacted to both the interview and the speculation over the Chancellor’s future.
Richard Lambert, Director-General of the CBI, said that the remarks were a surprise. “Chancellors usually talk up the economy,” he said.
Steve Radley, chief economist at EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, said that Mr Darling’s comments were “in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy” because of their impact on confidence.
Martin Weale, director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Reform, mocked Mr Darling’s assertion, saying: “Maybe in the October (pre-Budget report) he will implement rationing.”
The euro rose to 81.37p in early trading as investors took fright – the highest level since the single currency was introduced in 1999. It fell back slightly in late trading.
Sterling is now the worst-performing of the ten leading currencies this year, having fallen by more than 9 per cent against the euro since January amid mounting expectations that the Bank of England would cut interest rates. The pound has also plummeted against the US dollar in recent months and fell to a two-year low of $US1.7996 last night.
Mr Brown’s attempt to regain the political initiative was undermined further when Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, warned David Miliband that a leadership challenge would be “crazy, destructive and divisive”.
Asked whether Mr Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, was preparing a leadership bid, Mr Balls said: “I know that he is a sensible, rational, sane politician and a good guy, and I don’t think that he would ever do anything so crazy, destructive and divisive, and that is why I am totally confident that’s not what he was doing.”
投資利潤可以無限大,但虧損15%要止蝕,極限係20%。唔使怕波幅,波幅愈大,機會愈多。世上冇一帆風順致富法,卻有點樣將驚濤駭浪生存法。唔好將1萬元變成2萬元,呢個係小孩子遊戲,諗諗點樣將1萬元變成100萬元,甚至1000萬元。年輕人應有冒險精神,但响出發前先好好裝備自己。如果連太平山頂亦未上過,又點可以爬喜馬拉雅山?切忌志大才疏,欲登喜馬拉雅山前必先鍛鍊自己;世界上充滿機會(1967年唔少親戚及朋友話香港冇機會而去咗多倫多,事後證明佢地係錯;1982年D同學話香港冇機會又證明係錯;1989年連至愛親朋亦話香港冇機會,同樣證明佢地係錯)。平均每個月出現二至五次機會,問題係你要把握得到。例如7月份拋空石油期貨,你話可以賺幾多?如果你冇長期鍛鍊又點樣喺奧運奪金?Come On , Don't be a lazy boy!
投資愈後生開始愈好。二十三歲開始每月投資2500元到六十五歲已擁有1000萬元。生活量入為出,投資要睇中長線。搵個良好投資顧問(唔係股票經紀),多做運動、唔食煙、每天飲八杯水……月有圓缺、人有悲歡;牛市中保持平常心,熊市中持盈保泰。男仔約會女仔然後一齊使錢;慢慢買佢地負擔唔起嘢而陷入借貸,債上再加債最後連借錢畀佢地金融機構都因呆壞賬太多而執笠。解決辦法得一個──量入為出,開始儲蓄。只係咁樣一嚟全世界金、銀、銅、鐵及石油都要跌價,全球經濟陷入衰退。Meredith Whitney係去年預見次按危機出現分析員,佢家吓正預見上述情況將出現。未來銀行倒閉事件較Jack and Jill roll down the hill仲多。CNN報道加州過去十二個月出售二手樓中,有63%係蝕本,以及拉斯維加斯60%要蝕本,最差係Merced 74.9%賣樓者係蝕本賣出。格蛇話樓價今年年尾見底?只係佢一廂情願想法。
T Boone Pickens今年八十歲。1951年佢喺地理學系畢業後加入Phillips石油公司;1956年同人地借咗2500美元做資本而搵到自己第一口油井;1981年佢Mesa石油公司係全球最大私人石油公司。今天佢已富甲一方,去年只係私人捐款數目已達2億美元,估計佢今天財富達數百億美元。證明成功同開始時有幾多資本係冇關,而係有幾多智慧。
投資利潤可以無限大,但虧損15%要止蝕,極限係20%。唔使怕波幅,波幅愈大,機會愈多。世上冇一帆風順致富法,卻有點樣將驚濤駭浪生存法。唔好將1萬元變成2萬元,呢個係小孩子遊戲,諗諗點樣將1萬元變成100萬元,甚至1000萬元。年輕人應有冒險精神,但响出發前先好好裝備自己。如果連太平山頂亦未上過,又點可以爬喜馬拉雅山?切忌志大才疏,欲登喜馬拉雅山前必先鍛鍊自己;世界上充滿機會(1967年唔少親戚及朋友話香港冇機會而去咗多倫多,事後證明佢地係錯;1982年D同學話香港冇機會又證明係錯;1989年連至愛親朋亦話香港冇機會,同樣證明佢地係錯)。平均每個月出現二至五次機會,問題係你要把握得到。例如7月份拋空石油期貨,你話可以賺幾多?如果你冇長期鍛鍊又點樣喺奧運奪金?Come On , Don't be a lazy boy!
投資愈後生開始愈好。二十三歲開始每月投資2500元到六十五歲已擁有1000萬元。生活量入為出,投資要睇中長線。搵個良好投資顧問(唔係股票經紀),多做運動、唔食煙、每天飲八杯水……月有圓缺、人有悲歡;牛市中保持平常心,熊市中持盈保泰。男仔約會女仔然後一齊使錢;慢慢買佢地負擔唔起嘢而陷入借貸,債上再加債最後連借錢畀佢地金融機構都因呆壞賬太多而執笠。解決辦法得一個──量入為出,開始儲蓄。只係咁樣一嚟全世界金、銀、銅、鐵及石油都要跌價,全球經濟陷入衰退。Meredith Whitney係去年預見次按危機出現分析員,佢家吓正預見上述情況將出現。未來銀行倒閉事件較Jack and Jill roll down the hill仲多。CNN報道加州過去十二個月出售二手樓中,有63%係蝕本,以及拉斯維加斯60%要蝕本,最差係Merced 74.9%賣樓者係蝕本賣出。格蛇話樓價今年年尾見底?只係佢一廂情願想法。
T Boone Pickens今年八十歲。1951年佢喺地理學系畢業後加入Phillips石油公司;1956年同人地借咗2500美元做資本而搵到自己第一口油井;1981年佢Mesa石油公司係全球最大私人石油公司。今天佢已富甲一方,去年只係私人捐款數目已達2億美元,估計佢今天財富達數百億美元。證明成功同開始時有幾多資本係冇關,而係有幾多智慧。
The Subprime Solution:How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It - Robert Shiller
The subprime mortgage crisis has already wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of people and now it threatens to derail the U.S. economy and economies around the world. In this trenchant book, best-selling economist Robert Shiller reveals the origins of this crisis and puts forward bold measures to solve it. He calls for an aggressive response--a restructuring of the institutional foundations of the financial system that will not only allow people once again to buy and sell homes with confidence, but will create the conditions for greater prosperity in America and throughout the deeply interconnected world economy.
Shiller blames the subprime crisis on the irrational exuberance that drove the economy's two most recent bubbles--in stocks in the 1990s and in housing between 2000and 2007. He shows how these bubbles led to the dangerous overextension of credit now resulting in foreclosures, bankruptcies, and write-offs, as well as a global credit crunch. To restore confidence in the markets, Shiller argues, bailouts are needed in the short run. But he insists that these bailouts must be targeted at low-income victims of subprime deals. In the longer term, the subprime solution will require leaders to revamp the financial framework by deploying an ambitious package of initiatives to inhibit the formation of bubbles and limit risks, including better financial information; simplified legal contracts and regulations; expanded markets for managing risks; home equity insurance policies; income-linked home loans; and new measures to protect consumers against hidden inflationary effects.
This powerful book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how we got into the subprime mess--and how we can get out.
"With The Subprime Solution, Robert Shiller offers his formula to protect us from repeating such disasters: more financial engineering. It would be easy to sneer at this idea, but Mr. Shiller, an economics professor at Yale University, always deserves a hearing. . . . In what he describes as a 'brief manifesto,' Mr. Shiller argues that bailouts of distressed borrowers are inevitable to avoid wrecking our economy and shredding our social fabric--even though bailouts may punish the prudent (say, through higher taxes) while comforting those who gambled on real estate and lost."--James R. Hagerty, Wall Street Journal
"Robert J. Shiller's clear-eyed look at what happened in the U.S. housing market--and what might be done about it--is not keen to attribute blame to the actors in the drama. He explains that the development of subprime mortgages in the Nineties was welcomed as a way of extending home ownership to those once locked out of the market, and it was not the dishonesty of the mortgage lenders, or the greed of bankers, that led to the bubble. There was dishonesty and greed, but these were the result of the bubble, not its cause."--Tim Worstall, The Telegraph
"American optimism: Is there any investment bubble it can't fuel? Consider the excesses of the housing market, the effects of which are roiling the global economy. As Yale University economist Robert Shiller demonstrates in his short, whip-smart new book The Subprime Solution, there was a contagion at work that helped pushed home prices to unsustainable levels. . . . Shiller's views are grounded in exhaustive research and penetrating analysis. The Subprime Solution should be read by anyone with assets at risk in the global financial crisis and a desire to fix things ahead of the next crisis. Which is to say, all of us."--Robert Elder, Austin American-Statesman
"Robert Shiller's got an argument that will make some peoples' heads explode in his new book The Subprime Solution--we need more speculation in the housing market. . . . I said above that this solution will make some peoples' heads explode, that the solution to an excess of speculation is to create a market in yet more speculation. Yet in this case ti is indeed true, this is a valid solution."--Tim Worstall, The Register
"[The Subprime Solution] is short, punchy and political. Shiller is a top-flight academic economist who has often warned of the tendency of markets towards irrational exuberance, and of the harmful consequences that follow. He is rightly scathing towards the 'boosters' who kept assuring us that house prices only rise, and he gains authority for having spoken out during the boom, when it was an unpopular position to hold. . . . Shiller's debunking of house price myths is masterful. Especially important is his rubbishing of the concept of scarcity . . . Shiller's explanations are sophisticated and intelligent, and they are also admirably clear."--Michael Savage, Fund Strategy
"The Subprime Solution, his postmortem on irrational exuberance in the real estate market, is superb, even for general-interest readers otherwise confused by the whole mess. Though his introduction reads a bit like an arid position paper, his insistence on the fundamentally psychological, rather than economic, basis of the boom is supple and fascinating."--Andrew Rosenblum, New York Observer
"If you're unfamiliar with Robert Shiller then understand that he is perhaps the most eminent and considered examiner of modern investment bubbles. . . . Shiller's new book, The Subprime Solution, is a concise attempt to elaborate in just seven short chapters the genesis of the housing bubble, explode its myths, explore its scale and the dangers of its deepening impact, assert the need to maintain confidence in our economic and financial institutions by aggressive action, and then explore longer-term, more fundamental reforms and innovations that will create a population much more attuned to economic risk.... There are many more recommendations, but if this book has the ambition of Keynes' earlier work, and the scale of the problem is as suggested, I'd argue that the book is as accessible as you are going to get from such a modern behavioural economics guru. It's a book that everyone who lives in a house should own; just don't buy ten and try to rent them out to friends."--The Knackered Hack
"The subprime crisis has visited ruin on thousands of Americans, and it threatens the health of the global economy. In this timely and fascinating book, Robert Shiller, an expert on irrational behavior in financial markets, conducts a postmortem. How could so many smart people have been so wrong? Shiller concludes that unchecked financial innovation works poorly in asset markets, and he describes the institutions needed to prevent future bubbles."--Gregory Clark, author of A Farewell to Alms
"Reading this exciting book is like watching a skilled surgeon at work. The diagnosis of the subprime mortgage mess is biting in its intensity--the best I have seen--and encompasses the human tragedy as well as the economic and financial crisis. The recommended therapy develops logically from Shiller's analysis and is unique in concept as well as powerful in application. The crystal-clear writing style makes his manifesto a pleasure to read."--Peter L. Bernstein, author of Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street and Capital Ideas Evolving
Shiller blames the subprime crisis on the irrational exuberance that drove the economy's two most recent bubbles--in stocks in the 1990s and in housing between 2000and 2007. He shows how these bubbles led to the dangerous overextension of credit now resulting in foreclosures, bankruptcies, and write-offs, as well as a global credit crunch. To restore confidence in the markets, Shiller argues, bailouts are needed in the short run. But he insists that these bailouts must be targeted at low-income victims of subprime deals. In the longer term, the subprime solution will require leaders to revamp the financial framework by deploying an ambitious package of initiatives to inhibit the formation of bubbles and limit risks, including better financial information; simplified legal contracts and regulations; expanded markets for managing risks; home equity insurance policies; income-linked home loans; and new measures to protect consumers against hidden inflationary effects.
This powerful book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how we got into the subprime mess--and how we can get out.
"With The Subprime Solution, Robert Shiller offers his formula to protect us from repeating such disasters: more financial engineering. It would be easy to sneer at this idea, but Mr. Shiller, an economics professor at Yale University, always deserves a hearing. . . . In what he describes as a 'brief manifesto,' Mr. Shiller argues that bailouts of distressed borrowers are inevitable to avoid wrecking our economy and shredding our social fabric--even though bailouts may punish the prudent (say, through higher taxes) while comforting those who gambled on real estate and lost."--James R. Hagerty, Wall Street Journal
"Robert J. Shiller's clear-eyed look at what happened in the U.S. housing market--and what might be done about it--is not keen to attribute blame to the actors in the drama. He explains that the development of subprime mortgages in the Nineties was welcomed as a way of extending home ownership to those once locked out of the market, and it was not the dishonesty of the mortgage lenders, or the greed of bankers, that led to the bubble. There was dishonesty and greed, but these were the result of the bubble, not its cause."--Tim Worstall, The Telegraph
"American optimism: Is there any investment bubble it can't fuel? Consider the excesses of the housing market, the effects of which are roiling the global economy. As Yale University economist Robert Shiller demonstrates in his short, whip-smart new book The Subprime Solution, there was a contagion at work that helped pushed home prices to unsustainable levels. . . . Shiller's views are grounded in exhaustive research and penetrating analysis. The Subprime Solution should be read by anyone with assets at risk in the global financial crisis and a desire to fix things ahead of the next crisis. Which is to say, all of us."--Robert Elder, Austin American-Statesman
"Robert Shiller's got an argument that will make some peoples' heads explode in his new book The Subprime Solution--we need more speculation in the housing market. . . . I said above that this solution will make some peoples' heads explode, that the solution to an excess of speculation is to create a market in yet more speculation. Yet in this case ti is indeed true, this is a valid solution."--Tim Worstall, The Register
"[The Subprime Solution] is short, punchy and political. Shiller is a top-flight academic economist who has often warned of the tendency of markets towards irrational exuberance, and of the harmful consequences that follow. He is rightly scathing towards the 'boosters' who kept assuring us that house prices only rise, and he gains authority for having spoken out during the boom, when it was an unpopular position to hold. . . . Shiller's debunking of house price myths is masterful. Especially important is his rubbishing of the concept of scarcity . . . Shiller's explanations are sophisticated and intelligent, and they are also admirably clear."--Michael Savage, Fund Strategy
"The Subprime Solution, his postmortem on irrational exuberance in the real estate market, is superb, even for general-interest readers otherwise confused by the whole mess. Though his introduction reads a bit like an arid position paper, his insistence on the fundamentally psychological, rather than economic, basis of the boom is supple and fascinating."--Andrew Rosenblum, New York Observer
"If you're unfamiliar with Robert Shiller then understand that he is perhaps the most eminent and considered examiner of modern investment bubbles. . . . Shiller's new book, The Subprime Solution, is a concise attempt to elaborate in just seven short chapters the genesis of the housing bubble, explode its myths, explore its scale and the dangers of its deepening impact, assert the need to maintain confidence in our economic and financial institutions by aggressive action, and then explore longer-term, more fundamental reforms and innovations that will create a population much more attuned to economic risk.... There are many more recommendations, but if this book has the ambition of Keynes' earlier work, and the scale of the problem is as suggested, I'd argue that the book is as accessible as you are going to get from such a modern behavioural economics guru. It's a book that everyone who lives in a house should own; just don't buy ten and try to rent them out to friends."--The Knackered Hack
"The subprime crisis has visited ruin on thousands of Americans, and it threatens the health of the global economy. In this timely and fascinating book, Robert Shiller, an expert on irrational behavior in financial markets, conducts a postmortem. How could so many smart people have been so wrong? Shiller concludes that unchecked financial innovation works poorly in asset markets, and he describes the institutions needed to prevent future bubbles."--Gregory Clark, author of A Farewell to Alms
"Reading this exciting book is like watching a skilled surgeon at work. The diagnosis of the subprime mortgage mess is biting in its intensity--the best I have seen--and encompasses the human tragedy as well as the economic and financial crisis. The recommended therapy develops logically from Shiller's analysis and is unique in concept as well as powerful in application. The crystal-clear writing style makes his manifesto a pleasure to read."--Peter L. Bernstein, author of Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street and Capital Ideas Evolving
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
House Prices Still Too High Despite Collapse
Despite early signs of a turn in the housing market, prices still have a long way to fall. In fact, we're probably only halfway there.
There's no perfect valuation metric for houses, but two measures--price-to-rent and price-to-income--are the best we know of. Asha Bangalore of Northern Trust provides recent charts of both, and a quick glance reveals how expensive house prices still are.
Price to Rent
Asha calculates the price-to-rent ratio using the Case-Shiller price index and the "Owner's Equivalent Rent" component of the CPI. The horizontal "means" in her chart are one standard deviation above the long term mean (i.e., they're not the average...they're a standard-deviation higher than the average*). The higher mean includes the high prices of the bubble years, and the lower one doesn't. Either way, it's clear that house prices are still well above their long-term average level relative to rents. (And don't forget that prices spend about half the time below the average).
Price to Income
The median price of an existing single- family home as a percentage of median disposable income rose to a record high of 469.5% in 2005, far above the median value of 337.9% during the history of this series (1968-2007) which includes the inflationary period of the later 1970s and the sharp increase in home prices seen in the first seven years of the current decade. Excluding the problematic period of the 1970s and the current decade, the median was 336.5%.
It's hard to say precisely how far house prices will drop and when they'll bottom. But based on these two valuation measures, combined with the rate of decline in house prices, it seems likely that house prices will fall for at least another year and at least as far as they have already (at least in inflation-adjusted terms).
There's no perfect valuation metric for houses, but two measures--price-to-rent and price-to-income--are the best we know of. Asha Bangalore of Northern Trust provides recent charts of both, and a quick glance reveals how expensive house prices still are.
Price to Rent
Asha calculates the price-to-rent ratio using the Case-Shiller price index and the "Owner's Equivalent Rent" component of the CPI. The horizontal "means" in her chart are one standard deviation above the long term mean (i.e., they're not the average...they're a standard-deviation higher than the average*). The higher mean includes the high prices of the bubble years, and the lower one doesn't. Either way, it's clear that house prices are still well above their long-term average level relative to rents. (And don't forget that prices spend about half the time below the average).
Price to Income
The median price of an existing single- family home as a percentage of median disposable income rose to a record high of 469.5% in 2005, far above the median value of 337.9% during the history of this series (1968-2007) which includes the inflationary period of the later 1970s and the sharp increase in home prices seen in the first seven years of the current decade. Excluding the problematic period of the 1970s and the current decade, the median was 336.5%.
It's hard to say precisely how far house prices will drop and when they'll bottom. But based on these two valuation measures, combined with the rate of decline in house prices, it seems likely that house prices will fall for at least another year and at least as far as they have already (at least in inflation-adjusted terms).
曾渊沧@股友通讯录 八月份
8月份又是一个股市下跌的月份。股市在5 月份反弹见顶后就接连3 个月,下跌的速度不快,慢慢的跌,这也是最可怕的跌。跌得快,反弹得快;跌得慢,反弹也慢。
可以说,目前整体股价于长期趋势中已属于遍低水平,或者说,熊市已过了中期。熊市从去年11 月开始,已经历了9 个月,也许,再过9 个月就是熊市见底时,大家该耐心地等,仍未卖掉的股票也没有必要再卖了。
整体国际经济大势则出现相当混乱的讯息。美国道琼斯指数在跌破11000 点之后出现不错的反弹,同时美元兑世界各地主要货币的汇率也出现反弹,反弹的幅度颇大。7 月份还有人说石油价格将升上每桶200 美元,现在则有人说石油价格会跌破每桶80 美元。不单止石油,许许多多的贵金属、天然资源、商品(Commodity)的价格更出现暴跌现象。看来,这类商品的炒卖泡沫也爆破了。商品期货泡沫爆破,其他货币的汇价回落,大量热钱没地方去,极大的一部分会回到美国,推动美元汇价继续上升,推动美股反弹。如果你有胆量的话,也不妨以少
中国的情况更古怪。目前中国经济依然高速增长,最新GDP 的增长率依然达10%以上,经济如果高速增长,8 成国企公布的业绩都不错,盈利增加,但是中国上海、深圳股市大幅下跌,上海综合指数已由去年6000 点高位跌至2300 点,跌幅超越60%。大量股民天天在网上呼吁中央政府救市,连一些外资大证券行也曾经出报告说听到消息中央将会出4000 亿元人民币救市。
可以说,目前整体股价于长期趋势中已属于遍低水平,或者说,熊市已过了中期。熊市从去年11 月开始,已经历了9 个月,也许,再过9 个月就是熊市见底时,大家该耐心地等,仍未卖掉的股票也没有必要再卖了。
整体国际经济大势则出现相当混乱的讯息。美国道琼斯指数在跌破11000 点之后出现不错的反弹,同时美元兑世界各地主要货币的汇率也出现反弹,反弹的幅度颇大。7 月份还有人说石油价格将升上每桶200 美元,现在则有人说石油价格会跌破每桶80 美元。不单止石油,许许多多的贵金属、天然资源、商品(Commodity)的价格更出现暴跌现象。看来,这类商品的炒卖泡沫也爆破了。商品期货泡沫爆破,其他货币的汇价回落,大量热钱没地方去,极大的一部分会回到美国,推动美元汇价继续上升,推动美股反弹。如果你有胆量的话,也不妨以少
中国的情况更古怪。目前中国经济依然高速增长,最新GDP 的增长率依然达10%以上,经济如果高速增长,8 成国企公布的业绩都不错,盈利增加,但是中国上海、深圳股市大幅下跌,上海综合指数已由去年6000 点高位跌至2300 点,跌幅超越60%。大量股民天天在网上呼吁中央政府救市,连一些外资大证券行也曾经出报告说听到消息中央将会出4000 亿元人民币救市。
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
索羅斯(George Soros),著名的金融巨鱷。1997年,他在亞洲金融風暴中,扮演扣下扳機的角色,成為各國央行的頭號敵人,被美國《商業週刊》喻為「動搖市場的人」。
然而,也因為他總能從亂世中獲利,他被《機構投資人》雜誌封為「全球最傑出的基金經理人」。他操盤的量子基金(Quantum Fund)至今40年,平均年報酬率超過30%,更曾經創下累積十年高達3365%報酬率的紀錄。
不過,大多數的信用緊縮,預期會在短期內發生。對沖基金與銀行正全力降低財務槓桿,一年內應該可以完成過程。 在當下,保有現金是最好的
要面對現實,體認錯誤是其中最重要、也最困難的一步。多數人以為,認錯是羞恥的來源;但實際上,只要能體認「不完美的理解」(imperfect understanding)是人類的常態,就不會覺得認錯有什麼好丟臉的。
認錯的好處,是可以刺激並增進批判力,讓你進一步重新檢視決定,然後修正錯誤。我以承認錯誤為榮,甚至我驕傲的根源來自於認錯(to recognize mistake is my source of pride)。
答:是、是、是、是、是(語氣越來越強調)。我覺得是對的。 我對自己非常挑剔,同時也很容易釋懷
現在想起來,我當時把手上的部位出清,也不見得是對的決定,我也可以放在那裡不要賣,但是生存下來是更重要的(編按:股市崩盤當週,索羅斯承認自己看錯,立刻大砍美股多頭部位,但隔天美股迅速反彈,故出此言)。有句俗話說,留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒(he who runs away lives to fight another day)。
答:我寧可說我自己是一個不安全感分析師(insecurity analyst),而不是一個證券分析師。
答:我改變了我的態度。我接受我成功的事實,我放棄了不安全感,完全接納放棄不安全感可能帶來的危機。接下來就是一個狂亂的階段,那時羅傑斯(編按:Jim Rogers,當時量子基金的合夥人)離我而去,也跟第一任妻子離婚。
對於市場不願接納的投資主題,我特別注意,通常這些都是最強勁的趨勢。記得這句話:「市場總是在憂慮之牆上攀爬」(the market climbs on a wall of worry)。
問:現在台灣有亞洲最低的本益比、寬鬆的貨幣政策,與中國之間有所謂「和平紅利」(peace dividend)題材,你認為是投資台灣的好時機嗎?
量子基金成立於1969年,前身為「雙鷹基金」,是一檔針對海外投資人設計的對沖基金。1973年,索羅斯與羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)合夥成立索羅斯基金管理公司,並擷取量子物理學家海森堡(Werner Heisenberg)的「測不準原理」,將基金更名為「量子基金」。該基金針對美國以外的海外投資個人募集,最低購買金額為100萬美元,人數以99人為限,第100名投資者是索羅斯自己。
索羅斯(George Soros),著名的金融巨鱷。1997年,他在亞洲金融風暴中,扮演扣下扳機的角色,成為各國央行的頭號敵人,被美國《商業週刊》喻為「動搖市場的人」。
然而,也因為他總能從亂世中獲利,他被《機構投資人》雜誌封為「全球最傑出的基金經理人」。他操盤的量子基金(Quantum Fund)至今40年,平均年報酬率超過30%,更曾經創下累積十年高達3365%報酬率的紀錄。
不過,大多數的信用緊縮,預期會在短期內發生。對沖基金與銀行正全力降低財務槓桿,一年內應該可以完成過程。 在當下,保有現金是最好的
要面對現實,體認錯誤是其中最重要、也最困難的一步。多數人以為,認錯是羞恥的來源;但實際上,只要能體認「不完美的理解」(imperfect understanding)是人類的常態,就不會覺得認錯有什麼好丟臉的。
認錯的好處,是可以刺激並增進批判力,讓你進一步重新檢視決定,然後修正錯誤。我以承認錯誤為榮,甚至我驕傲的根源來自於認錯(to recognize mistake is my source of pride)。
答:是、是、是、是、是(語氣越來越強調)。我覺得是對的。 我對自己非常挑剔,同時也很容易釋懷
現在想起來,我當時把手上的部位出清,也不見得是對的決定,我也可以放在那裡不要賣,但是生存下來是更重要的(編按:股市崩盤當週,索羅斯承認自己看錯,立刻大砍美股多頭部位,但隔天美股迅速反彈,故出此言)。有句俗話說,留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒(he who runs away lives to fight another day)。
答:我寧可說我自己是一個不安全感分析師(insecurity analyst),而不是一個證券分析師。
答:我改變了我的態度。我接受我成功的事實,我放棄了不安全感,完全接納放棄不安全感可能帶來的危機。接下來就是一個狂亂的階段,那時羅傑斯(編按:Jim Rogers,當時量子基金的合夥人)離我而去,也跟第一任妻子離婚。
對於市場不願接納的投資主題,我特別注意,通常這些都是最強勁的趨勢。記得這句話:「市場總是在憂慮之牆上攀爬」(the market climbs on a wall of worry)。
問:現在台灣有亞洲最低的本益比、寬鬆的貨幣政策,與中國之間有所謂「和平紅利」(peace dividend)題材,你認為是投資台灣的好時機嗎?
量子基金成立於1969年,前身為「雙鷹基金」,是一檔針對海外投資人設計的對沖基金。1973年,索羅斯與羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)合夥成立索羅斯基金管理公司,並擷取量子物理學家海森堡(Werner Heisenberg)的「測不準原理」,將基金更名為「量子基金」。該基金針對美國以外的海外投資個人募集,最低購買金額為100萬美元,人數以99人為限,第100名投資者是索羅斯自己。
讓我們探討一下股神巴菲特的投資另類新思維。為什麼華倫‧巴菲特 (Warrant Buffet) 的財富可以從1956年暴增到現在的4000倍?!翻開巴菲特歷經的四次股市大跌:1973年到1974年的大跌,1987年的股災,2000年的網路泡沫化危機,以及去年席捲全球的次貸風暴。我們不難發現,巴菲特總是在股市大跌時,大舉出手企業隱含價值被市場嚴重低估的股票,這也是他奉為圭臬的危機入市新哲學。
巴菲特曾經公開宣佈要一生持有的三支股票為華盛頓郵報、Geico保險以及可口可樂。其中華盛頓郵報便是巴菲特在1973年和1974年股市暴跌40%後,進場揀的便宜貨,如今可是為他敲進700多倍的報酬率。第二次大股災發生在1987年10 月19 日,史上首稱黑色星期一,當天道瓊指數爆跌508 點,或者說下跌22.6%。但巴菲特卻又逆勢操作,於1988年開始買入可口可樂,陸續加碼到10億美元,至今股價成長50%以及每年豐厚的股利讓他天天笑口常開。
一、銀行業。巴菲特趁銀行業低迷大量買進,增持富國銀行(Wells Fargo)近30億美元、美國合眾銀行(US Bancorp)14億美元。銀行因為進出都是貨幣,所以只要管理得當,自然可以抗通膨。
二、消費品。巴菲特買了歐洲最大食品股Kraft 41億美元。巴菲特持有的食品、消費類股,如:Coca Cola、Gillette、箭牌口香糖(Arrow),都有強大品牌可行市場定價能力。
三、醫藥。巴菲特藉弱勢美元之優勢積極佈局歐洲最大製藥廠GlaxoSmithKline 0.76億美元,增持法國最大藥廠Sanofi-Aventis 14億美元。同時也投資美國市值最大的聯合保健集團(United Health),以及客戶數最多的偉彭保健公司(Well-Point)。回顧美國200年股市歷史,那些大型醫療股成長性相當不錯。
四、交通能源行業。巴菲特近幾年在電力和石油類股大規模做收購及投資。去年還買入鐵路公司柏靈頓北方聖大非公司(Burlington Northern Santa Fe)47億美元。
巴菲特曾經公開宣佈要一生持有的三支股票為華盛頓郵報、Geico保險以及可口可樂。其中華盛頓郵報便是巴菲特在1973年和1974年股市暴跌40%後,進場揀的便宜貨,如今可是為他敲進700多倍的報酬率。第二次大股災發生在1987年10 月19 日,史上首稱黑色星期一,當天道瓊指數爆跌508 點,或者說下跌22.6%。但巴菲特卻又逆勢操作,於1988年開始買入可口可樂,陸續加碼到10億美元,至今股價成長50%以及每年豐厚的股利讓他天天笑口常開。
一、銀行業。巴菲特趁銀行業低迷大量買進,增持富國銀行(Wells Fargo)近30億美元、美國合眾銀行(US Bancorp)14億美元。銀行因為進出都是貨幣,所以只要管理得當,自然可以抗通膨。
二、消費品。巴菲特買了歐洲最大食品股Kraft 41億美元。巴菲特持有的食品、消費類股,如:Coca Cola、Gillette、箭牌口香糖(Arrow),都有強大品牌可行市場定價能力。
三、醫藥。巴菲特藉弱勢美元之優勢積極佈局歐洲最大製藥廠GlaxoSmithKline 0.76億美元,增持法國最大藥廠Sanofi-Aventis 14億美元。同時也投資美國市值最大的聯合保健集團(United Health),以及客戶數最多的偉彭保健公司(Well-Point)。回顧美國200年股市歷史,那些大型醫療股成長性相當不錯。
四、交通能源行業。巴菲特近幾年在電力和石油類股大規模做收購及投資。去年還買入鐵路公司柏靈頓北方聖大非公司(Burlington Northern Santa Fe)47億美元。
巴菲特專訪 - 再三說看好中國
這次采訪是CNBC的「SQUAWK BOX」欄目8月22日在伯克希爾.哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的總部所在地奧馬哈進行的,采訪持續了3個小時。
「房地美曾宣稱是穩定的,房利美曾說他們每年利潤將增加15%。」巴菲特說,「任何大型金融機構如果這樣告訴你們,那他們一定是想欺騙你(giving you a line of baloney)。」
巴菲特還抨擊了政府對於房利美和房地美的監管。「1992年國會專門成立了OFHEO,用來監管房利美和房地美。這個擁有200名員工和每年8000 萬美元預算的機構,每年寫100頁的報告來說這兩個公司是如何的好。但當事情爆發後,他們寫了340~350頁的報告來檢查哪里出了問題,他們抱怨管理層,抱怨主管、審計機構,但他們就是不說自己的問題。」
這次采訪是CNBC的「SQUAWK BOX」欄目8月22日在伯克希爾.哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的總部所在地奧馬哈進行的,采訪持續了3個小時。
「房地美曾宣稱是穩定的,房利美曾說他們每年利潤將增加15%。」巴菲特說,「任何大型金融機構如果這樣告訴你們,那他們一定是想欺騙你(giving you a line of baloney)。」
巴菲特還抨擊了政府對於房利美和房地美的監管。「1992年國會專門成立了OFHEO,用來監管房利美和房地美。這個擁有200名員工和每年8000 萬美元預算的機構,每年寫100頁的報告來說這兩個公司是如何的好。但當事情爆發後,他們寫了340~350頁的報告來檢查哪里出了問題,他們抱怨管理層,抱怨主管、審計機構,但他們就是不說自己的問題。」
根據Bill Bishop資料,1977至79年美國四百三十五個國會議員中,40%係溫和派;2003至05年已急速下降至10%。根據賓州大學政治科學Diana Mutz調查,有23%美國人對政治好不滿,最不滿嘅階級係教育程度中學或以下,最少不滿係博士。即美國中下層社會對依家嘅政治狀況好不滿,呢個就係點解奧巴馬提出改變後,受到咁熱烈反應嘅理由。
美國7月份CPI上升5.6%,係十七年內最大嘅升幅,相信同政府6月份退稅有關。7月寄出支票較6月少一半,相信8月份CPI升幅將少過7月份,唔排除CPI升幅喺7月見頂。Hyun Song Shin係普林斯頓大學經濟系教授,佢認為美國金融危機正進入第二階段(第一階段係撥備5000幾億美元時)。第二階段將公布信貸蝕咗1萬億美元,開始影響日常經濟。未來十二個月美國GDP增長率將受呢D因素影響。
OECD曾研究稅與經濟增長(Taxes and Economic Growth),證明稅率愈高,愈不利經濟增長。過去十八個月三十個OECD國家中有九個減稅,全球三十個國家減稅。八十年代英國同美國經濟開始復甦部分理由亦係減稅。今年參議員Dorgan主張向油公司抽重稅不幸畀奧巴馬支持,並計劃擴展到美國企業海外收益上(美國企業海外收益只要唔滙返美國,係唔使畀美國稅,令美國企業可將海外利潤再投資。如滙返美國就要抽39.03%稅。未來唔理係咪滙返去一律要抽39.03%稅。擔心美國企業將減少海外投資,將資金調返美國)。7月15日起美元滙價回升係咪美國企業開始擔心奧巴馬當選;向大企業加重稅務負擔短期有利(例如資金回流、美元滙價上升),長期不利(因未來企業純利升幅下降)。
六十年代後期美國國會通過Alternative Minimum Tax法案,向有錢人抽重稅。隨住通貨膨脹上升令愈嚟愈多美國人進入上述法案嘅範圍。喺六十年代擁有25萬美元就算係有錢人,到八十年代擁有25萬美元嘅人又點算係有錢人?結果美國人將大量資金流向海外避稅,令美國經濟由六十年代後期開始停滯不前;明年起美國將重蹈覆轍。2000年起美國中產階級收入唔升反跌,1%有錢人財富卻大幅上升,的確幾令群眾氣憤。奧巴馬提出改變深得中產階級嘅心;站喺投資者立場,上述嘅改變幾令人擔心。
根據Bill Bishop資料,1977至79年美國四百三十五個國會議員中,40%係溫和派;2003至05年已急速下降至10%。根據賓州大學政治科學Diana Mutz調查,有23%美國人對政治好不滿,最不滿嘅階級係教育程度中學或以下,最少不滿係博士。即美國中下層社會對依家嘅政治狀況好不滿,呢個就係點解奧巴馬提出改變後,受到咁熱烈反應嘅理由。
美國7月份CPI上升5.6%,係十七年內最大嘅升幅,相信同政府6月份退稅有關。7月寄出支票較6月少一半,相信8月份CPI升幅將少過7月份,唔排除CPI升幅喺7月見頂。Hyun Song Shin係普林斯頓大學經濟系教授,佢認為美國金融危機正進入第二階段(第一階段係撥備5000幾億美元時)。第二階段將公布信貸蝕咗1萬億美元,開始影響日常經濟。未來十二個月美國GDP增長率將受呢D因素影響。
OECD曾研究稅與經濟增長(Taxes and Economic Growth),證明稅率愈高,愈不利經濟增長。過去十八個月三十個OECD國家中有九個減稅,全球三十個國家減稅。八十年代英國同美國經濟開始復甦部分理由亦係減稅。今年參議員Dorgan主張向油公司抽重稅不幸畀奧巴馬支持,並計劃擴展到美國企業海外收益上(美國企業海外收益只要唔滙返美國,係唔使畀美國稅,令美國企業可將海外利潤再投資。如滙返美國就要抽39.03%稅。未來唔理係咪滙返去一律要抽39.03%稅。擔心美國企業將減少海外投資,將資金調返美國)。7月15日起美元滙價回升係咪美國企業開始擔心奧巴馬當選;向大企業加重稅務負擔短期有利(例如資金回流、美元滙價上升),長期不利(因未來企業純利升幅下降)。
六十年代後期美國國會通過Alternative Minimum Tax法案,向有錢人抽重稅。隨住通貨膨脹上升令愈嚟愈多美國人進入上述法案嘅範圍。喺六十年代擁有25萬美元就算係有錢人,到八十年代擁有25萬美元嘅人又點算係有錢人?結果美國人將大量資金流向海外避稅,令美國經濟由六十年代後期開始停滯不前;明年起美國將重蹈覆轍。2000年起美國中產階級收入唔升反跌,1%有錢人財富卻大幅上升,的確幾令群眾氣憤。奧巴馬提出改變深得中產階級嘅心;站喺投資者立場,上述嘅改變幾令人擔心。
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Elusive Bottom
We aren’t past the halfway point of this recession
My sense is that we probably aren’t even past the halfway point yet of this recession, the credit losses or the house price deflation. Looking at whether equities may have bottomed or not on an intermediate basis, maybe the recent action to the negative side was an important inflection. In terms of what I do, which is trying to tie the macro into the markets, I have a very tough time believing that we have reached anything close to a fundamental low, either in the S&P 500 or in the long-bond yield, for that matter.
300-point rallies in the Dow happen in bear markets
We’re in a very confusing atmosphere. People didn’t really know what to make of a 300-point rally in the Dow the other day, but my main message was that 300point rallies from the Dow don’t happen in bull markets. In fact, they never happened in the bull market from October ‘02 to October ‘07, but it has happened 6 times in this bear market and happened 12 times in the last bear market. You don’t get moves like that in bull markets. As Rich Bernstein has said time and again, “This is the hallmark of a recession and a hallmark of a bear market.”
How can there be recession with GDP still positive?
We are at a crossroad in the economy. The 2Q GDP numbers recently came in at plus 1.9%. The details of the number left a little to be desired, but it was still a positive number. Turn on CNBC, and everybody says, “How can there possibly be a recession with GDP positive?”
Employment has been down seven months in a row
The very next day we got nonfarm payrolls. It prints down 51,000 and frankly, it doesn’t matter whether it was below or above Wall Street expectations. The bottom line is that employment is down seven months in a row. In 60 years of sifting through the data here, that’s never happened before without the economy being in a classic recession.
GDP is useful but it has its limitations
I think the point that has to be made as an economist talking to a group of portfolio managers or FAs or investors, it is important to convey to clients that there is a lot of noise out there. GDP is useful, but it has its limitations. First, GDP is going to get revised. We thought we had a plus 0.6 in the fourth quarter; all of a sudden, it’s minus 0.2. Twenty percent of GDP is government. So, you really can’t fully concentrate on GDP when a fifth of it is state, local and federal government, unless you’re trading defense stocks.
You’ll miss a lot of action waiting for GDP to go negative
More to the point, if you’re waiting as an investor for GDP to actually turn negative, you’re going to miss a lot of action along the way. I think the best example is to just go back to Japan. They had a real estate bubble that turned bust and they had their own credit contraction back in the early 1990s. Guess what; Japan didn’t post its first back-to-back contraction of real GDP until the second half of 1993. By the time the back-to-back negative that people seem to be waiting for happened, the Nikkei had already plunged 50%, the 10-year JGB yield rallied 300 basis points, and the Bank of Japan had cut the overnight rate 500 basis points, which said a thing or two about the efficacy of using the traditional monetary policy response of cutting interest rates into a credit contraction (as we’re now finding out here in the US).
Dating the recession is a very scientific process
The point is we can’t make the assumption that we’ve avoided a recessionary condition in the economy, just because we have so far managed to avoid back-toback quarters of negative GDP. I’m just telling you as the economist that it is basically irrelevant. The only body that officially makes the call on the broad contours - when the recession started, when it ends, when the expansion starts, when it ends - is the National Bureau of Economic Research, the NBER. It’s a very scientific process. It’s not a gut check or a judgment call.
We should actually be welcoming the recession call
When they make the determination - it’s very interesting, by the way - when they make the announcement that the recession began, when they actually date it for us, traditionally we’re a month away from the recession actually ending. The announcement, in fact, is going to be a rather cathartic event, something we should actually welcome happening, but so far they are still taking their sweet time in making the proclamation.
Four factors used to determine recession
1) Employment
The NBER relies on four different variables. The first is employment. Now I’ve told you before; employment is down seven months in a row. Does employment go in the GDP? The answer is no. Is it correlated? Yes. Does it help grow the business cycle? Of course.
2) Industrial production
The next variable is industrial production. Does that go into GDP? The answer is no. Does it help grow the business cycle? The answer is yes. This is a number that comes from the Fed. The GDP comes from the Commerce Department. It’s a very important variable.
3) Real personal income net government transfers
The next variable, the third one, is real personal income excluding government transfers. This metric is now down four months in a row. Does personal income go into GDP? The answer is no; of course, it doesn’t. GDP is all about spending. Personal income goes into gross domestic income, which is another chart of the national accounts.
4) Real sales activity
The fourth variable and the only variable that actually feeds into GDP is real sales activity in manufacturing, retail and wholesale sectors.
Recession probably started in January
When I take a look at these four key indicators that define the broad contours of the business cycle, they all peaked and began to roll over sometime between October of last year and February of this year. I am convinced that when the NBER does make the final proclamation, it will tell us a that recession officially began in January. Of course, to any market person, this would make perfect sense, because of when the S&P 500 peaked. It did a double top into October, right when it usually does, before a recession begins.
This recession won’t end before mid-2009, in our view
Now I’m just giving you the rearview mirror. What’s most important to you folks is let’s look through the front window and see when this recession is going to end. The tea leaves that I’m reading at this point in time show that this recession is not ending any time before the mid part of 2009, which would mean that, if you’re looking for, not the Mary Ann Bartels intermediate bottoms, but the fundamental bottom, I don’t think you can expect to see it before February or March of next year, if I’m correct on when this recession ends. Historically the S&P 500 troughs four months before the economy actually hits its bottom point.
Profit as a share of GDP was at unheard of levels
The next question, of course, is what levels are we talking about? Again, I’m going to take what I do, which is earnings, and then talk about the appropriate multiple. What is the appropriate multiple at the low in a recession? In terms of earnings, I think that we have to understand where we’re coming from in this cycle. We’re coming from a situation where, because of all the leverage in the system, profits in the share of GDP went into this recession and bear market at 14% of GDP, which is unheard of. That’s never happened before. A lot of the reason why profits soared was because everybody turned to financials. There was this tremendous amount of leverage, and that accounted for half of just about everything in the cycle from GDP growth to employment to profits.
The profits share of GDP, again, as a proxy for margins, is now down to 12%. Think about that for a second. This terrible earnings recession so far has taken the share of profits from 14% down to 12%. The question is, if I’m right on a recession, where does the profit share of GDP go to at a recession trough? Well, consistently it goes to 7%.
We could get below $50 on operating earnings
Even the economists who are predicting a recession are going say, “Playing in a little recession, on average, troughs go down 25%.” The problem this time is that we have to overlay the revenue decline that actually comes from a recession with a much more significant margin, considering the levels from which we headed into this bear market and recession. So when I’m talking about that historically, what’s normal in a recession is that this profit share equals to 7% and we started at 14%, we are talking about a 25% decline in earnings. We can be talking about something closer to 50% peak to trough. The peak is $90 on a full-quarter trailing basis. It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities that we get below $50 in operating earnings. The first call consensus numbers is $105 earnings for next year. I give the odds of that happening at exactly 0.0%.
There is a good chance we test the 2002 lows
Now, I’m not at $50 for next year. We’re at $63 for operating EPS, but that means that the answer is no, I don’t feel that we’re too low on earnings. Usually you slap a historical trough multiple on in a recession. But typically, during a recession coupled with a credit crunch, the multiple bottoms at 12. You’re at a 12 multiple with $63 in earnings and you’re going to ask the question, “Are you talking about the possibility that we can actually test the … 2002 lows?” And the answer is that it is certainly not outside the realm of the possible. I’m not making that forecast, but what I am telling you is that there is a good chance that that could happen.
We are in a secular bear market
With that being respectful to the fact, I believe we’re in a secular bear market. I don’t even think that’s an opinion anymore. I think it’s a stylized fact. If you saw it, Rich Bernstein put out his performance asset mix table. Out of all the asset classes, stocks, cash, bonds, commodities, the only one to have a negative inflation-adjusted return over the past 10 years is the S&P 500. So I think we have to be honest about this. If it’s something like a 1929 and 1955 or 1966, 1982 type of secular bear market, I think this one actually started in 2000, it doesn’t mean that you don’t get cyclical bull markets along the way. We actually had a cyclical bull market in the context of a secular bear market that actually took the S&P to a new high. Of course, as I said before, half of that was unprecedented leverage, the stone process of unwinding.
I think that it is important now to recognize for our clients that we have a cyclical bear market being overlaid into a secular bear market. I think the message that we’re trying to send is that there is a different investing style and strategy for every part of the business cycle. One part of the business cycle is all about adding … data and risk to maximize your turns. Then there are times when it is all about preserving your capital and focusing on income, earnings, stability and dividend growth. I think that’s where we have been, and I firmly believe that’s where we will continue to be, at least over the course of the next 12 months.
Chapter 1 was the end of the res construction bubble
When I look at where we are in this book, and we continue to write chapters in this book and it is a book; this is an epic period. We are living through history. People will be writing about this in the future, no different than they wrote about the 1920s and the 1930s. Chapter one of the book was the end of the residential construction bubble, which I would tag as the first quarter of 2006, when housing started to peak and began to roll over at 2.3 million units. I continue to look back at that, 2.3 million units.
The natural level of demographic demand for housing in this country is annual demand of 1.45 million units. From 2003 until 2007, builders added on average nearly 2 million residential units per year, or 30% more, than the natural demand could absorb, because, of course, we were in a new paradigm. So the builders were building homes and condos as if we had the same demographics as the 1970s when the Boomers were buying their first refrigerator. This is a case of Global Crossing meeting D.R. Horton, and we are paying the price for that, even today.
Chapter two was the end of the home price bubble
Chapter two of the book was the end of the home-price bubble, and I would date that to the first quarter of 2007 when the Case-Shiller Index began to deflate year over year. Now, I want to make this point, and I want to make this point emphatically. Home prices in this country on average rose 20% per year for six years. That has never happened before. When you take a look at home prices in real terms, they’re still more than 30% higher today than they were when this mania morphed into a bubble back in 2001. So to those people who are thinking that we’re only 5% away from the low, I’d say I don’t think so. Make no mistake that there is going to be more deflation in home prices ahead - I think significant deflation - just as Freddie Mac put us on notice yesterday.
Chapter three was the end of the credit cycle
The third chapter was the end of the credit cycle, which, again, I would tag at exactly a year ago. I think the way we have to look at this, and we’re talking about how this affects our ability to navigate the portfolio and manage the macro forecast. This cycle saw the end of a 20-year secular credit expansion that went absolutely parabolic in the last 6 years and accounted for half the growth in just about every segment that’s forecast.
Chapter four was the end of the employment cycle
This is very big stuff and it’s taking on different forms. We have the end of the credit cycle as chapter three. Chapter four was the end of the employment cycle, which I discussed earlier, which started in December of 2007.
Chapter 5 is the first consumer recession since 1990-91
We’re heading into chapter five, and chapter five is the onset of the first consumer recession since 1990-91. I would argue this could end up being very similar to that six-quarter consumer recession that we endured from 1973-75. There are differences, but there are similarities. A lot of people like to compare this to 199091, because of the real estate flavor and the credit crunch, but there is actually a lot more going on that compares it to 1975.
I was around in the 1980s, and I remember that it played out very similarly. What people called resilience and people called contained and people called decoupling were all very pleasant euphemisms for lags. That’s what they are; they’re lags. There are built-in lags. Housing peaked in 1988, rolled over, the credit crunch intensified in 1989 when RTC got into real action. Then 1990 … two years after housing peaked, we had this very surprising consumer recession that caught even the Fed off guard.
The Four Horsemen
I wrote a report late last year titled The Four Horsemen. It was a regretful choice of words, because I kept on fielding questions as to whether or not I was, in fact, calling for the end of the world. I got to a point where my answer was “Just wait; it’s going to get worse than that.” In any event, who are the four horsemen? The four horsemen are credit contraction, deflation of both housing and equities, and that happened in the mid-1970s. Usually you’ll get one or the other. To have both housing and equities deflate on the household balance sheet, we’re talking about $30 trillion of assets. Half the assets on the household balance sheet are compressing dramatically right now. That last happened in the mid-1970s. We got credit contraction. We got deflation on the asset side of the household balance sheet that’s forcing the savings rate higher. We have employment, which I mentioned before.
Of course, food and energy - and, again, not just energy, but energy and food - and food is a bigger deal. Food is 15% of the household budget; energy is 10%. That’s a quarter of the household budget constrained by food and energy. Food is going to come down at a slower rate than energy will, but it’s already too late.
Oil prices are going down because demand is going down
People are saying to me all the time, “Gee, aren’t you going to turn more bullish with oil prices going down?” Well, oil prices are going down, because for the first time in this cycle it took $145 to break the back of the consumer. Quite amazing that it took that long, but it has happened. So we’re seeing true demand destruction in energy at a rate we haven’t seen in almost two decades.
It’s something to get an oil price decline that’s predicated on a new oil supply. I would keep that as a de facto exogenous tax cut; but when you’re getting oil price declines because of recessionary pressures cutting into energy demand, it’s no different than what happened in late 2000. That was the last time we had oil peel off as much as it is right now. I think it would have been a bit of a mistake for the economists at the end of 2000 to say, “Ah-ha, oil is coming down; I’m going to raise my 2001 GDP forecast.” You have to take a look at the reason why oil is going down, and the reason is not because of supply. The reason is because consumer demand is starting to go down. Again, the last time you had food and energy deviating so much from the long-run norm was in the mid-1970s.
Cash flow drain to household sector is $800 billion
When I take a look at the four horsemen and I try to come up with a number, the number I’m trying to come up with is a cash flow number. What is the cash flow drain on the household sector from the four horsemen in the coming year? The answer is $800 billion. So Uncle Sam, give me six more of those tax stimulus plans. That is a huge number. It’s equivalent to 12% of discretionary spending, which, by the way, is exactly the peak-to-trough decline in real consumer cyclical spending back in that 1973 to 1975 recession. The S&P 500 goes down peak to trough not by 20%, but more like 40%.
Three markers to turn us bullish
In terms of what are some of the markers that I’m weighing down to turn more bullish? I think this is very important. I look at not so much where am I going to be wrong, but looking at what are the things that will turn me more positive? There are three markers that I have laid down. The first marker is the personal savings rate. I have to see the personal savings rate go back to the pre-bubbles, normalized levels, which was 8%. I’m not talking about the Jurassic period here. I’m talking about where we were in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, before the last two bubbles. That’s why I said plural.
We had a tech stock bubble followed very quickly by a housing bubble. This had tremendous implications for perceived net worth and perceived future asset growth of the household sector. It had monumental impact on how people spent their after-tax income. That’s why we got to a point last year where briefly the savings rate got to negative for the first time since the 1920s. There was a belief system that we could retire on our assets, and now these assets are deflating and people’s expectations of how they’re going to retire is going to force that savings rate higher. That’s going to be very disinflationary, by the way.
I think it’s important to note that, in 2002, as the tech sector was deflating, Greenspan and Bernanke decided that it was a good idea to re-slate the housing stock as an antidote to the deflation in the tech capital stock. This is almost a piece of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; we built the monster, now we have to tear it down. I don’t know what else is left. We’ve had an equity bubble followed by a housing bubble, followed by a credit bubble. I don’t think there are any more rabbits in the hat to create the next bubble, unless that bubble is going to be in Treasuries, and maybe that is, in fact, going to happen. It’s pretty clear that the Fed is going to be concentrating a lot more in the future on non-traditional measures to ease monetary conditions, and not just cutting the Fed fund rate. Part of that may be reflating by expanding its balance sheet, which means that it’s not just talk. The Fed is actually going to add to its balance sheet, and that’s exactly what happened.
1) Need to see the savings rate go to eight percent
With the Bank of Japan and the operations they conducted back in the 1990s, this is just stuff to consider for the future. Let me just say that a savings rate of 8% would leave me feeling very good about the fact that we would have gone to a level of pent-up demand that would help us embark on the next bull market and economic expansion. That’s going to take quite a bit of time. This is a process. This a process we’re talking, even after the recession ends, that’s going to be an elongated recovery, as there was in the early 1990s, after that asset cycle. Remember, the recession might have ended in November 2001, but that did not give you a “get out of jail free” card as an equity investor, and certainly the recovery was a good two years away, even if the recession technically ended at the end of 2001. I’m talking about the markers that will turn me bullish for the next cycle. An eight percent savings rate, to me, would be a very critical launching pad.
2) Months supply below eight months
What else? Well, I doubt that anything is really going to bottom, including the financials, until we’re convinced that house prices have hit bottom. For that we have to look at the inventory to sales ratio, and there are different measures. There is the new inventory, which is a 10-month supply. There’s the resale; that’s 11-month supply. When I take a look at the Census Bureau data, which includes total vacant units for sale, single-family, condo, it’s more like 17-month supply. We need to include everything, including foreclosed properties. I have to see that number sliced in half. I have to see it down below eight months supply before I’ll be convinced home prices don’t bottom, at least the second derivatives start to turn positive. I have to see that metric at the eight-month supply. I’m keeping a very close eye on it. That will make me feel a lot more comfortable with turning bullish for the next cycle.
3) Interest coverage ratio has to come down to 10.5%
The third and last marker comes down to the household balance sheet. What I’m referring to here is interest coverage in the household sector. We have a record debt-income ratio, but that’s a stop-to-flow concept. I’m talking about interest coverage, how much are principal and interest payments from the record debt absorbing out of household income? It is 14.1%. It’s at a near-record high. We have never been in a recession with this metric at this level. So, that means there are too many things that are levels we’ve never seen before. The whole thing about economic bottling is you run the rest of it based on the past, and there are so many things that we’re entering into this thing that I’ve never seen before.
There is, I’d have to admit, a wide dispersion around the forecast I am providing. What I am really trying to do is put things into a certain perspective. What I know, being an economist, is that in some sense you’re a glorified historian. So when I take a look at the chart of interest coverage in the household sector, what do I see? I see that after the recession of the early 1980s, this interest coverage ratio got down to 10.5% by 1982 and, voila, that was the touch-off point for a multi-year bull market and economic expansion.
Then we had the recession of the early 1990s, and what do you know? In 1992, interest coverage went down to 10.5% again. That was the launching pad for a multi-year bull market and economic expansion. We’re 14.1% in this metric today. I know this historical record tells me that there is something about a 10.5% ratio that is a very cathartic event. The problem is that to get there from here would require the elimination of $2 trillion of household debt. So, maybe when NYU’s Nouriel Roubini talks about that the total losses could be up to $2 trillion, maybe he’s not talking through a paper bag.
Frugality is going to set in
As far as I know, there are only two ways to eliminate debt. You either walk away from it, which people obviously are doing, which is why we got these write-downs and these foreclosures, or you pay it down. I think people with a FICO score that they are concerned about are going to pay that down. That means that the savings rate is going to be forced higher. This, again, is going to be very, very disinflationary. It means that fashions are going to change. It means frugality is going to set in. We’re going to be living in smaller houses, driving smaller cars and living more frugally. It’s not going to be the end of the world; it’s going to be a necessary process to truly embark on getting the balance sheets down to more comfortable levels so that we can actually embark on the next cycle.
Intense deleveraging in the banking sector
The whole thing about being an economist is that you’re being requested to model behavior. What I found recently was three signs of significant changes in behavior. We obviously know of at least one investment bank that is taking aggressive action to sell assets and to deleverage. That’s going to force a lot of action in other parts of the industry. What we’re talking about here is intensified deleveraging in the banking sector.
Inventories cut by $62 billion despite tax stimulus
What else did we see? Well, those GDP numbers were just fascinating when you dig through them. Think about it for a second. How did businesses respond to the biggest tax stimulus of all time? They cut their inventory by $62 billion. Can you fathom that? Instead of boosting production as a result of the stimulus, they just allowed the stimulus to absorb past production. We already know that the inventory component went down another five points based on the July ISM number, so this inventory liquidation process is continuing.
Savings rate boosted despite stimulus too
Alan Greenspan cut his teeth on inventory investment cycles. So banks are deleveraging, and companies are liquidating inventories. How did households respond to the biggest tax stimulus of all time? They boosted their savings rate from 0.3% in the first quarter to 2.6% in the second quarter, which is only the third steepest increase in the savings rate in any given quarter in the past 55 years. Now you probably didn’t read that in the front page of The Wall Street Journal, but I find that to be a very relevant statistic.
So we have financial sector deleveraging. We have business sector inventory liquidation overlaid with the households boosting their savings rate. These are new themes, and the theme is about getting small. That’s going to play very well into Rich Bernstein’s decision two months ago to allocate an extra 15 percentage points to his fixed income portfolio. Now we’re talking about fixed income. We’re talking about bonds that are high quality and have non-callable protection.
Nominal GDP growth has highest correlation with yields
I’ll tell you that the really key forecast next year coming from the economics department here is the nominal GDP, nominal, price times quantity, because we’re calling for nominal GDP growth next year to average 1.5%. That is going to be very bullish for sectors that have proven earnings stability and reliable dividend growth, and it’s going to be very bullish for bonds. I say that, because I know that the critical driving factor for bonds is not fiscal deficits. It’s not the dollar and, guess what, it’s not commodities. Nominal GDP growth has the highest correlation. People look and they say, “Four percent 10-year note; who’d want to touch it?” The reality is that nominal GDP growth this year is averaging 4%. The fact that the 10-year note is averaging 4% is not really a big mystery, if you’re looking at the macro underpinnings.
Now, if I’m right on 1.5% nominal GDP growth for next year, all I can tell you is that the last time we had a condition like that was in 1958. All I can tell you is that 1958, the funds rate averaged to 1.5% and the 10-year note averaged 3%. If you’re going to ask me if we have a realistic chance of going back and retesting the June 2003 lows and the 10-year note or the March 2008 lows and the 10-year note, I firmly believe that’s going to happen. I believe that’s going to also provide you with very handsome total returns.
My sense is that we probably aren’t even past the halfway point yet of this recession, the credit losses or the house price deflation. Looking at whether equities may have bottomed or not on an intermediate basis, maybe the recent action to the negative side was an important inflection. In terms of what I do, which is trying to tie the macro into the markets, I have a very tough time believing that we have reached anything close to a fundamental low, either in the S&P 500 or in the long-bond yield, for that matter.
300-point rallies in the Dow happen in bear markets
We’re in a very confusing atmosphere. People didn’t really know what to make of a 300-point rally in the Dow the other day, but my main message was that 300point rallies from the Dow don’t happen in bull markets. In fact, they never happened in the bull market from October ‘02 to October ‘07, but it has happened 6 times in this bear market and happened 12 times in the last bear market. You don’t get moves like that in bull markets. As Rich Bernstein has said time and again, “This is the hallmark of a recession and a hallmark of a bear market.”
How can there be recession with GDP still positive?
We are at a crossroad in the economy. The 2Q GDP numbers recently came in at plus 1.9%. The details of the number left a little to be desired, but it was still a positive number. Turn on CNBC, and everybody says, “How can there possibly be a recession with GDP positive?”
Employment has been down seven months in a row
The very next day we got nonfarm payrolls. It prints down 51,000 and frankly, it doesn’t matter whether it was below or above Wall Street expectations. The bottom line is that employment is down seven months in a row. In 60 years of sifting through the data here, that’s never happened before without the economy being in a classic recession.
GDP is useful but it has its limitations
I think the point that has to be made as an economist talking to a group of portfolio managers or FAs or investors, it is important to convey to clients that there is a lot of noise out there. GDP is useful, but it has its limitations. First, GDP is going to get revised. We thought we had a plus 0.6 in the fourth quarter; all of a sudden, it’s minus 0.2. Twenty percent of GDP is government. So, you really can’t fully concentrate on GDP when a fifth of it is state, local and federal government, unless you’re trading defense stocks.
You’ll miss a lot of action waiting for GDP to go negative
More to the point, if you’re waiting as an investor for GDP to actually turn negative, you’re going to miss a lot of action along the way. I think the best example is to just go back to Japan. They had a real estate bubble that turned bust and they had their own credit contraction back in the early 1990s. Guess what; Japan didn’t post its first back-to-back contraction of real GDP until the second half of 1993. By the time the back-to-back negative that people seem to be waiting for happened, the Nikkei had already plunged 50%, the 10-year JGB yield rallied 300 basis points, and the Bank of Japan had cut the overnight rate 500 basis points, which said a thing or two about the efficacy of using the traditional monetary policy response of cutting interest rates into a credit contraction (as we’re now finding out here in the US).
Dating the recession is a very scientific process
The point is we can’t make the assumption that we’ve avoided a recessionary condition in the economy, just because we have so far managed to avoid back-toback quarters of negative GDP. I’m just telling you as the economist that it is basically irrelevant. The only body that officially makes the call on the broad contours - when the recession started, when it ends, when the expansion starts, when it ends - is the National Bureau of Economic Research, the NBER. It’s a very scientific process. It’s not a gut check or a judgment call.
We should actually be welcoming the recession call
When they make the determination - it’s very interesting, by the way - when they make the announcement that the recession began, when they actually date it for us, traditionally we’re a month away from the recession actually ending. The announcement, in fact, is going to be a rather cathartic event, something we should actually welcome happening, but so far they are still taking their sweet time in making the proclamation.
Four factors used to determine recession
1) Employment
The NBER relies on four different variables. The first is employment. Now I’ve told you before; employment is down seven months in a row. Does employment go in the GDP? The answer is no. Is it correlated? Yes. Does it help grow the business cycle? Of course.
2) Industrial production
The next variable is industrial production. Does that go into GDP? The answer is no. Does it help grow the business cycle? The answer is yes. This is a number that comes from the Fed. The GDP comes from the Commerce Department. It’s a very important variable.
3) Real personal income net government transfers
The next variable, the third one, is real personal income excluding government transfers. This metric is now down four months in a row. Does personal income go into GDP? The answer is no; of course, it doesn’t. GDP is all about spending. Personal income goes into gross domestic income, which is another chart of the national accounts.
4) Real sales activity
The fourth variable and the only variable that actually feeds into GDP is real sales activity in manufacturing, retail and wholesale sectors.
Recession probably started in January
When I take a look at these four key indicators that define the broad contours of the business cycle, they all peaked and began to roll over sometime between October of last year and February of this year. I am convinced that when the NBER does make the final proclamation, it will tell us a that recession officially began in January. Of course, to any market person, this would make perfect sense, because of when the S&P 500 peaked. It did a double top into October, right when it usually does, before a recession begins.
This recession won’t end before mid-2009, in our view
Now I’m just giving you the rearview mirror. What’s most important to you folks is let’s look through the front window and see when this recession is going to end. The tea leaves that I’m reading at this point in time show that this recession is not ending any time before the mid part of 2009, which would mean that, if you’re looking for, not the Mary Ann Bartels intermediate bottoms, but the fundamental bottom, I don’t think you can expect to see it before February or March of next year, if I’m correct on when this recession ends. Historically the S&P 500 troughs four months before the economy actually hits its bottom point.
Profit as a share of GDP was at unheard of levels
The next question, of course, is what levels are we talking about? Again, I’m going to take what I do, which is earnings, and then talk about the appropriate multiple. What is the appropriate multiple at the low in a recession? In terms of earnings, I think that we have to understand where we’re coming from in this cycle. We’re coming from a situation where, because of all the leverage in the system, profits in the share of GDP went into this recession and bear market at 14% of GDP, which is unheard of. That’s never happened before. A lot of the reason why profits soared was because everybody turned to financials. There was this tremendous amount of leverage, and that accounted for half of just about everything in the cycle from GDP growth to employment to profits.
The profits share of GDP, again, as a proxy for margins, is now down to 12%. Think about that for a second. This terrible earnings recession so far has taken the share of profits from 14% down to 12%. The question is, if I’m right on a recession, where does the profit share of GDP go to at a recession trough? Well, consistently it goes to 7%.
We could get below $50 on operating earnings
Even the economists who are predicting a recession are going say, “Playing in a little recession, on average, troughs go down 25%.” The problem this time is that we have to overlay the revenue decline that actually comes from a recession with a much more significant margin, considering the levels from which we headed into this bear market and recession. So when I’m talking about that historically, what’s normal in a recession is that this profit share equals to 7% and we started at 14%, we are talking about a 25% decline in earnings. We can be talking about something closer to 50% peak to trough. The peak is $90 on a full-quarter trailing basis. It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities that we get below $50 in operating earnings. The first call consensus numbers is $105 earnings for next year. I give the odds of that happening at exactly 0.0%.
There is a good chance we test the 2002 lows
Now, I’m not at $50 for next year. We’re at $63 for operating EPS, but that means that the answer is no, I don’t feel that we’re too low on earnings. Usually you slap a historical trough multiple on in a recession. But typically, during a recession coupled with a credit crunch, the multiple bottoms at 12. You’re at a 12 multiple with $63 in earnings and you’re going to ask the question, “Are you talking about the possibility that we can actually test the … 2002 lows?” And the answer is that it is certainly not outside the realm of the possible. I’m not making that forecast, but what I am telling you is that there is a good chance that that could happen.
We are in a secular bear market
With that being respectful to the fact, I believe we’re in a secular bear market. I don’t even think that’s an opinion anymore. I think it’s a stylized fact. If you saw it, Rich Bernstein put out his performance asset mix table. Out of all the asset classes, stocks, cash, bonds, commodities, the only one to have a negative inflation-adjusted return over the past 10 years is the S&P 500. So I think we have to be honest about this. If it’s something like a 1929 and 1955 or 1966, 1982 type of secular bear market, I think this one actually started in 2000, it doesn’t mean that you don’t get cyclical bull markets along the way. We actually had a cyclical bull market in the context of a secular bear market that actually took the S&P to a new high. Of course, as I said before, half of that was unprecedented leverage, the stone process of unwinding.
I think that it is important now to recognize for our clients that we have a cyclical bear market being overlaid into a secular bear market. I think the message that we’re trying to send is that there is a different investing style and strategy for every part of the business cycle. One part of the business cycle is all about adding … data and risk to maximize your turns. Then there are times when it is all about preserving your capital and focusing on income, earnings, stability and dividend growth. I think that’s where we have been, and I firmly believe that’s where we will continue to be, at least over the course of the next 12 months.
Chapter 1 was the end of the res construction bubble
When I look at where we are in this book, and we continue to write chapters in this book and it is a book; this is an epic period. We are living through history. People will be writing about this in the future, no different than they wrote about the 1920s and the 1930s. Chapter one of the book was the end of the residential construction bubble, which I would tag as the first quarter of 2006, when housing started to peak and began to roll over at 2.3 million units. I continue to look back at that, 2.3 million units.
The natural level of demographic demand for housing in this country is annual demand of 1.45 million units. From 2003 until 2007, builders added on average nearly 2 million residential units per year, or 30% more, than the natural demand could absorb, because, of course, we were in a new paradigm. So the builders were building homes and condos as if we had the same demographics as the 1970s when the Boomers were buying their first refrigerator. This is a case of Global Crossing meeting D.R. Horton, and we are paying the price for that, even today.
Chapter two was the end of the home price bubble
Chapter two of the book was the end of the home-price bubble, and I would date that to the first quarter of 2007 when the Case-Shiller Index began to deflate year over year. Now, I want to make this point, and I want to make this point emphatically. Home prices in this country on average rose 20% per year for six years. That has never happened before. When you take a look at home prices in real terms, they’re still more than 30% higher today than they were when this mania morphed into a bubble back in 2001. So to those people who are thinking that we’re only 5% away from the low, I’d say I don’t think so. Make no mistake that there is going to be more deflation in home prices ahead - I think significant deflation - just as Freddie Mac put us on notice yesterday.
Chapter three was the end of the credit cycle
The third chapter was the end of the credit cycle, which, again, I would tag at exactly a year ago. I think the way we have to look at this, and we’re talking about how this affects our ability to navigate the portfolio and manage the macro forecast. This cycle saw the end of a 20-year secular credit expansion that went absolutely parabolic in the last 6 years and accounted for half the growth in just about every segment that’s forecast.
Chapter four was the end of the employment cycle
This is very big stuff and it’s taking on different forms. We have the end of the credit cycle as chapter three. Chapter four was the end of the employment cycle, which I discussed earlier, which started in December of 2007.
Chapter 5 is the first consumer recession since 1990-91
We’re heading into chapter five, and chapter five is the onset of the first consumer recession since 1990-91. I would argue this could end up being very similar to that six-quarter consumer recession that we endured from 1973-75. There are differences, but there are similarities. A lot of people like to compare this to 199091, because of the real estate flavor and the credit crunch, but there is actually a lot more going on that compares it to 1975.
I was around in the 1980s, and I remember that it played out very similarly. What people called resilience and people called contained and people called decoupling were all very pleasant euphemisms for lags. That’s what they are; they’re lags. There are built-in lags. Housing peaked in 1988, rolled over, the credit crunch intensified in 1989 when RTC got into real action. Then 1990 … two years after housing peaked, we had this very surprising consumer recession that caught even the Fed off guard.
The Four Horsemen
I wrote a report late last year titled The Four Horsemen. It was a regretful choice of words, because I kept on fielding questions as to whether or not I was, in fact, calling for the end of the world. I got to a point where my answer was “Just wait; it’s going to get worse than that.” In any event, who are the four horsemen? The four horsemen are credit contraction, deflation of both housing and equities, and that happened in the mid-1970s. Usually you’ll get one or the other. To have both housing and equities deflate on the household balance sheet, we’re talking about $30 trillion of assets. Half the assets on the household balance sheet are compressing dramatically right now. That last happened in the mid-1970s. We got credit contraction. We got deflation on the asset side of the household balance sheet that’s forcing the savings rate higher. We have employment, which I mentioned before.
Of course, food and energy - and, again, not just energy, but energy and food - and food is a bigger deal. Food is 15% of the household budget; energy is 10%. That’s a quarter of the household budget constrained by food and energy. Food is going to come down at a slower rate than energy will, but it’s already too late.
Oil prices are going down because demand is going down
People are saying to me all the time, “Gee, aren’t you going to turn more bullish with oil prices going down?” Well, oil prices are going down, because for the first time in this cycle it took $145 to break the back of the consumer. Quite amazing that it took that long, but it has happened. So we’re seeing true demand destruction in energy at a rate we haven’t seen in almost two decades.
It’s something to get an oil price decline that’s predicated on a new oil supply. I would keep that as a de facto exogenous tax cut; but when you’re getting oil price declines because of recessionary pressures cutting into energy demand, it’s no different than what happened in late 2000. That was the last time we had oil peel off as much as it is right now. I think it would have been a bit of a mistake for the economists at the end of 2000 to say, “Ah-ha, oil is coming down; I’m going to raise my 2001 GDP forecast.” You have to take a look at the reason why oil is going down, and the reason is not because of supply. The reason is because consumer demand is starting to go down. Again, the last time you had food and energy deviating so much from the long-run norm was in the mid-1970s.
Cash flow drain to household sector is $800 billion
When I take a look at the four horsemen and I try to come up with a number, the number I’m trying to come up with is a cash flow number. What is the cash flow drain on the household sector from the four horsemen in the coming year? The answer is $800 billion. So Uncle Sam, give me six more of those tax stimulus plans. That is a huge number. It’s equivalent to 12% of discretionary spending, which, by the way, is exactly the peak-to-trough decline in real consumer cyclical spending back in that 1973 to 1975 recession. The S&P 500 goes down peak to trough not by 20%, but more like 40%.
Three markers to turn us bullish
In terms of what are some of the markers that I’m weighing down to turn more bullish? I think this is very important. I look at not so much where am I going to be wrong, but looking at what are the things that will turn me more positive? There are three markers that I have laid down. The first marker is the personal savings rate. I have to see the personal savings rate go back to the pre-bubbles, normalized levels, which was 8%. I’m not talking about the Jurassic period here. I’m talking about where we were in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, before the last two bubbles. That’s why I said plural.
We had a tech stock bubble followed very quickly by a housing bubble. This had tremendous implications for perceived net worth and perceived future asset growth of the household sector. It had monumental impact on how people spent their after-tax income. That’s why we got to a point last year where briefly the savings rate got to negative for the first time since the 1920s. There was a belief system that we could retire on our assets, and now these assets are deflating and people’s expectations of how they’re going to retire is going to force that savings rate higher. That’s going to be very disinflationary, by the way.
I think it’s important to note that, in 2002, as the tech sector was deflating, Greenspan and Bernanke decided that it was a good idea to re-slate the housing stock as an antidote to the deflation in the tech capital stock. This is almost a piece of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; we built the monster, now we have to tear it down. I don’t know what else is left. We’ve had an equity bubble followed by a housing bubble, followed by a credit bubble. I don’t think there are any more rabbits in the hat to create the next bubble, unless that bubble is going to be in Treasuries, and maybe that is, in fact, going to happen. It’s pretty clear that the Fed is going to be concentrating a lot more in the future on non-traditional measures to ease monetary conditions, and not just cutting the Fed fund rate. Part of that may be reflating by expanding its balance sheet, which means that it’s not just talk. The Fed is actually going to add to its balance sheet, and that’s exactly what happened.
1) Need to see the savings rate go to eight percent
With the Bank of Japan and the operations they conducted back in the 1990s, this is just stuff to consider for the future. Let me just say that a savings rate of 8% would leave me feeling very good about the fact that we would have gone to a level of pent-up demand that would help us embark on the next bull market and economic expansion. That’s going to take quite a bit of time. This is a process. This a process we’re talking, even after the recession ends, that’s going to be an elongated recovery, as there was in the early 1990s, after that asset cycle. Remember, the recession might have ended in November 2001, but that did not give you a “get out of jail free” card as an equity investor, and certainly the recovery was a good two years away, even if the recession technically ended at the end of 2001. I’m talking about the markers that will turn me bullish for the next cycle. An eight percent savings rate, to me, would be a very critical launching pad.
2) Months supply below eight months
What else? Well, I doubt that anything is really going to bottom, including the financials, until we’re convinced that house prices have hit bottom. For that we have to look at the inventory to sales ratio, and there are different measures. There is the new inventory, which is a 10-month supply. There’s the resale; that’s 11-month supply. When I take a look at the Census Bureau data, which includes total vacant units for sale, single-family, condo, it’s more like 17-month supply. We need to include everything, including foreclosed properties. I have to see that number sliced in half. I have to see it down below eight months supply before I’ll be convinced home prices don’t bottom, at least the second derivatives start to turn positive. I have to see that metric at the eight-month supply. I’m keeping a very close eye on it. That will make me feel a lot more comfortable with turning bullish for the next cycle.
3) Interest coverage ratio has to come down to 10.5%
The third and last marker comes down to the household balance sheet. What I’m referring to here is interest coverage in the household sector. We have a record debt-income ratio, but that’s a stop-to-flow concept. I’m talking about interest coverage, how much are principal and interest payments from the record debt absorbing out of household income? It is 14.1%. It’s at a near-record high. We have never been in a recession with this metric at this level. So, that means there are too many things that are levels we’ve never seen before. The whole thing about economic bottling is you run the rest of it based on the past, and there are so many things that we’re entering into this thing that I’ve never seen before.
There is, I’d have to admit, a wide dispersion around the forecast I am providing. What I am really trying to do is put things into a certain perspective. What I know, being an economist, is that in some sense you’re a glorified historian. So when I take a look at the chart of interest coverage in the household sector, what do I see? I see that after the recession of the early 1980s, this interest coverage ratio got down to 10.5% by 1982 and, voila, that was the touch-off point for a multi-year bull market and economic expansion.
Then we had the recession of the early 1990s, and what do you know? In 1992, interest coverage went down to 10.5% again. That was the launching pad for a multi-year bull market and economic expansion. We’re 14.1% in this metric today. I know this historical record tells me that there is something about a 10.5% ratio that is a very cathartic event. The problem is that to get there from here would require the elimination of $2 trillion of household debt. So, maybe when NYU’s Nouriel Roubini talks about that the total losses could be up to $2 trillion, maybe he’s not talking through a paper bag.
Frugality is going to set in
As far as I know, there are only two ways to eliminate debt. You either walk away from it, which people obviously are doing, which is why we got these write-downs and these foreclosures, or you pay it down. I think people with a FICO score that they are concerned about are going to pay that down. That means that the savings rate is going to be forced higher. This, again, is going to be very, very disinflationary. It means that fashions are going to change. It means frugality is going to set in. We’re going to be living in smaller houses, driving smaller cars and living more frugally. It’s not going to be the end of the world; it’s going to be a necessary process to truly embark on getting the balance sheets down to more comfortable levels so that we can actually embark on the next cycle.
Intense deleveraging in the banking sector
The whole thing about being an economist is that you’re being requested to model behavior. What I found recently was three signs of significant changes in behavior. We obviously know of at least one investment bank that is taking aggressive action to sell assets and to deleverage. That’s going to force a lot of action in other parts of the industry. What we’re talking about here is intensified deleveraging in the banking sector.
Inventories cut by $62 billion despite tax stimulus
What else did we see? Well, those GDP numbers were just fascinating when you dig through them. Think about it for a second. How did businesses respond to the biggest tax stimulus of all time? They cut their inventory by $62 billion. Can you fathom that? Instead of boosting production as a result of the stimulus, they just allowed the stimulus to absorb past production. We already know that the inventory component went down another five points based on the July ISM number, so this inventory liquidation process is continuing.
Savings rate boosted despite stimulus too
Alan Greenspan cut his teeth on inventory investment cycles. So banks are deleveraging, and companies are liquidating inventories. How did households respond to the biggest tax stimulus of all time? They boosted their savings rate from 0.3% in the first quarter to 2.6% in the second quarter, which is only the third steepest increase in the savings rate in any given quarter in the past 55 years. Now you probably didn’t read that in the front page of The Wall Street Journal, but I find that to be a very relevant statistic.
So we have financial sector deleveraging. We have business sector inventory liquidation overlaid with the households boosting their savings rate. These are new themes, and the theme is about getting small. That’s going to play very well into Rich Bernstein’s decision two months ago to allocate an extra 15 percentage points to his fixed income portfolio. Now we’re talking about fixed income. We’re talking about bonds that are high quality and have non-callable protection.
Nominal GDP growth has highest correlation with yields
I’ll tell you that the really key forecast next year coming from the economics department here is the nominal GDP, nominal, price times quantity, because we’re calling for nominal GDP growth next year to average 1.5%. That is going to be very bullish for sectors that have proven earnings stability and reliable dividend growth, and it’s going to be very bullish for bonds. I say that, because I know that the critical driving factor for bonds is not fiscal deficits. It’s not the dollar and, guess what, it’s not commodities. Nominal GDP growth has the highest correlation. People look and they say, “Four percent 10-year note; who’d want to touch it?” The reality is that nominal GDP growth this year is averaging 4%. The fact that the 10-year note is averaging 4% is not really a big mystery, if you’re looking at the macro underpinnings.
Now, if I’m right on 1.5% nominal GDP growth for next year, all I can tell you is that the last time we had a condition like that was in 1958. All I can tell you is that 1958, the funds rate averaged to 1.5% and the 10-year note averaged 3%. If you’re going to ask me if we have a realistic chance of going back and retesting the June 2003 lows and the 10-year note or the March 2008 lows and the 10-year note, I firmly believe that’s going to happen. I believe that’s going to also provide you with very handsome total returns.
Looking for clues in past downturns
IT is a forgone conclusion that we are entering a period of economic slowdown. Or perhaps, the signs have been there for some months but people are now finally choosing not to be in denial.
For five straight years between 2003 and 2007, companies in Singapore have been registering robust growth in revenues and earnings. The past few years can almost be described as a golden era for corporates where demand for their products was strong and costs were low, be it financing costs, or raw materials costs or even staff costs.
This has led to soaring profits. But things took an about-turn in the last 12 months. Oil and other raw material prices shot through the roof. The economic outlook is now very uncertain with companies not creating as many jobs. Against that backdrop, consumers have turned cautious and are tightening their belts. Consequently, demand has softened. So companies are hit on both ends, weaker demand and higher costs.
In the current environment, it is inevitable that earnings will decline. But by how much?
I thought it would be illuminating if we could go back to the last two downturns we’ve gone through and see what kind of impact the economic slowdown had on corporate earnings.
I used the Straits Times Index component stocks, since they are fairly representative of the economy. And I only used companies which have operating records going as far back as 1995. There were 18 of them and their financial records were downloaded from Bloomberg.
They are: City Developments, Cosco Corp, DBS Group, Fraser & Neave, Genting International, Hongkong Land, Jardine Cycle and Carriage, Jardine Strategic, Keppel Corp, Keppel Land, Noble Group, NOL, OCBC Bank, Singapore Airlines, SembCorp Marine, Singapore Press Holdings, SingTel and United Overseas Bank.
Back in 1995, the 18 companies had a combined revenue of $38.2 billion. Operating profit and net profit came to $8.2 billion and $6.4 billion respectively. As at 2007, the corresponding numbers were $143.8 billion, $20.6 billion and $22.2 billion.
During the past 12 years, revenue had grown by a compounded rate of 11.7 per cent a year, while profits grew by 11 per cent a year.
The year 1996 continued to be a good one, and the aggregate revenue rose 12 per cent while net earnings climbed 19 per cent.
Then came 1997, the second half of which marked the start of the Asian financial crisis. By the end of that year, the combined net profit of the 18 companies had fallen by 18 per cent. There was however still growth in the top line, with revenue expanding by 9 per cent.
The Asian crisis played itself out, and while it did, people were getting gloomier. By the end of 1998, net earnings fell a whopping 39 per cent. Still, revenue managed to edge up by 4 per cent.
Exactly a year after the Asian crisis started, the economies in the region staged a strong rebound - helped in no small part by the Internet boom that was taking place in the US.
The despair a year ago was replaced by euphoria by end of 1999. And for that year, the 18 companies’ net earnings more than doubled from the year before. In other words, the profit decline of the two prior years had been clawed back, and the aggregate profits of $8.3 billion in 1999 was about 8 per cent higher than the $7.7 billion chalked up in 1996.
The good times carried on until 2000, even though the air was slowly being let out of the Internet or dotcom bubble by early 2000.
And to make matters worse, US came under terrorist attacks in 2001 and the world became a much darker place. In 2001, the aggregate net earnings plunged by 36 per cent, and the following year, by another 12 per cent.
But just like the Asian crisis a four years earlier, when the recovery came, earnings came roaring back. In 2003, earnings surged 96 per cent and the following year, by another 76 per cent.
Net earnings growth in the subsequent three years were not as dramatic, although those years saw an acceleration of revenue growth.
It could be that the profits came from non-cash items like revaluation of certain assets, or the companies actually disposed of some of their assets at a profit. These disposals were one-off events and not part of the companies’ normal operations.
So as can be seen, in the previous two cycles, earnings decline span over two years.
The two-year earnings decline duration confirmed the finding of an analysis by Citigroup’s global strategy team.
The analysts studied MSCI Global Earnings Index over the last 35 years. They found that earnings weakness takes place over extended periods of time. They are not normally a one or two quarter event. They have averaged just over two years, they said. ‘The longest, in the early 1990s, lasted nearly four years. The shortest decline was in the late 1990s, but that still took over a year.
‘With earnings having peaked at the end of November 2007 the current period of weakness would look to have only just started if history is any guide,’ they said in a report in early June.
And on average, the peak to trough decline is 25 per cent. The two most severe declines were in early 1990s and early 2000s. Earnings fell by over 35 per cent. While the former was over an extended time frame, the latter, the most severe decline of them all, was of relatively short duration, they noted.
The Citigroup analysts said that historically, earnings have peaked well after the economic cycle and have not troughed until the economy is into recovery mode.
But for the current cycle, the peak in earnings occurred much earlier, in fact even before the global economy has really started to slow.
This is because the massive writedowns that have led to a collapse in the financial sector’s earnings have been brought about largely by non-cyclical factors, principally financial engineering and leverage, so the normal lagged relationship has not applied this time, they said.
Sector-wise, not all experienced earnings declines during periods of global weakness. Defensive sectors continued to see growth regardless of the harshness of the economic downturn, they said. ‘Utilities and health care sector earnings have always risen. Consumer staples earnings fell only once. Cyclical sectors have borne the brunt of declines. The commodity sectors have been particularly weak. Energy’s average decline has been 30 per cent and Materials 35 per cent. ‘Elsewhere amongst the cyclicals, declines have averaged around 20 per cent.’
So based on past cycles, global corporate earnings could fall anywhere between 10 per cent and 40 per cent going forward. The average has been 25 per cent.
Another approach is to look at the likely impact if return on equity (ROE) were to return to long-term average levels or collapse to previous trough levels.
Global ROE hit 35-year highs (16.1 per cent) last summer, driven by leverage in the financials sector, record profit margins, a shrinking equity base and an extremely robust global economy.
Despite falling since then, it still remains at historically elevated levels. Reverting the ROE to its 10-, 20- and 30-year averages, which range between 11.8 per cent and 12.6 per cent, would result in earnings declines of 22-27 per cent from last November’s peak.
But ROEs usually fall below averages, said the Citigroup analysts. If they fall to previous troughs, which have been between 8 per cent and 11 per cent, earnings would decline anywhere between 30 per cent and 50 per cent, averaging just over 40 per cent. ‘On this basis, the risks to earnings remain substantial,’ they said.
But in the report, Citi said it was of the opinion that the current earnings downturn could turn out to be a relatively mild one. ‘How could we be wrong?,’ the analysts asked. ‘There are some obvious reasons,’ they said. These include a more severe and extended economic slowdown, with emerging economy resilience proving temporary, a collapse in commodity prices, stronger-than-expected cost pressures and the credit crunch evolving into a more systemic financial crisis.
Are there already signs that some of the scenarios mentioned are starting to emerge? Perhaps, hence investors definitely have to be vigilant.
The worst, it seems, may not be over yet.
For five straight years between 2003 and 2007, companies in Singapore have been registering robust growth in revenues and earnings. The past few years can almost be described as a golden era for corporates where demand for their products was strong and costs were low, be it financing costs, or raw materials costs or even staff costs.
This has led to soaring profits. But things took an about-turn in the last 12 months. Oil and other raw material prices shot through the roof. The economic outlook is now very uncertain with companies not creating as many jobs. Against that backdrop, consumers have turned cautious and are tightening their belts. Consequently, demand has softened. So companies are hit on both ends, weaker demand and higher costs.
In the current environment, it is inevitable that earnings will decline. But by how much?
I thought it would be illuminating if we could go back to the last two downturns we’ve gone through and see what kind of impact the economic slowdown had on corporate earnings.
I used the Straits Times Index component stocks, since they are fairly representative of the economy. And I only used companies which have operating records going as far back as 1995. There were 18 of them and their financial records were downloaded from Bloomberg.
They are: City Developments, Cosco Corp, DBS Group, Fraser & Neave, Genting International, Hongkong Land, Jardine Cycle and Carriage, Jardine Strategic, Keppel Corp, Keppel Land, Noble Group, NOL, OCBC Bank, Singapore Airlines, SembCorp Marine, Singapore Press Holdings, SingTel and United Overseas Bank.
Back in 1995, the 18 companies had a combined revenue of $38.2 billion. Operating profit and net profit came to $8.2 billion and $6.4 billion respectively. As at 2007, the corresponding numbers were $143.8 billion, $20.6 billion and $22.2 billion.
During the past 12 years, revenue had grown by a compounded rate of 11.7 per cent a year, while profits grew by 11 per cent a year.
The year 1996 continued to be a good one, and the aggregate revenue rose 12 per cent while net earnings climbed 19 per cent.
Then came 1997, the second half of which marked the start of the Asian financial crisis. By the end of that year, the combined net profit of the 18 companies had fallen by 18 per cent. There was however still growth in the top line, with revenue expanding by 9 per cent.
The Asian crisis played itself out, and while it did, people were getting gloomier. By the end of 1998, net earnings fell a whopping 39 per cent. Still, revenue managed to edge up by 4 per cent.
Exactly a year after the Asian crisis started, the economies in the region staged a strong rebound - helped in no small part by the Internet boom that was taking place in the US.
The despair a year ago was replaced by euphoria by end of 1999. And for that year, the 18 companies’ net earnings more than doubled from the year before. In other words, the profit decline of the two prior years had been clawed back, and the aggregate profits of $8.3 billion in 1999 was about 8 per cent higher than the $7.7 billion chalked up in 1996.
The good times carried on until 2000, even though the air was slowly being let out of the Internet or dotcom bubble by early 2000.
And to make matters worse, US came under terrorist attacks in 2001 and the world became a much darker place. In 2001, the aggregate net earnings plunged by 36 per cent, and the following year, by another 12 per cent.
But just like the Asian crisis a four years earlier, when the recovery came, earnings came roaring back. In 2003, earnings surged 96 per cent and the following year, by another 76 per cent.
Net earnings growth in the subsequent three years were not as dramatic, although those years saw an acceleration of revenue growth.
It could be that the profits came from non-cash items like revaluation of certain assets, or the companies actually disposed of some of their assets at a profit. These disposals were one-off events and not part of the companies’ normal operations.
So as can be seen, in the previous two cycles, earnings decline span over two years.
The two-year earnings decline duration confirmed the finding of an analysis by Citigroup’s global strategy team.
The analysts studied MSCI Global Earnings Index over the last 35 years. They found that earnings weakness takes place over extended periods of time. They are not normally a one or two quarter event. They have averaged just over two years, they said. ‘The longest, in the early 1990s, lasted nearly four years. The shortest decline was in the late 1990s, but that still took over a year.
‘With earnings having peaked at the end of November 2007 the current period of weakness would look to have only just started if history is any guide,’ they said in a report in early June.
And on average, the peak to trough decline is 25 per cent. The two most severe declines were in early 1990s and early 2000s. Earnings fell by over 35 per cent. While the former was over an extended time frame, the latter, the most severe decline of them all, was of relatively short duration, they noted.
The Citigroup analysts said that historically, earnings have peaked well after the economic cycle and have not troughed until the economy is into recovery mode.
But for the current cycle, the peak in earnings occurred much earlier, in fact even before the global economy has really started to slow.
This is because the massive writedowns that have led to a collapse in the financial sector’s earnings have been brought about largely by non-cyclical factors, principally financial engineering and leverage, so the normal lagged relationship has not applied this time, they said.
Sector-wise, not all experienced earnings declines during periods of global weakness. Defensive sectors continued to see growth regardless of the harshness of the economic downturn, they said. ‘Utilities and health care sector earnings have always risen. Consumer staples earnings fell only once. Cyclical sectors have borne the brunt of declines. The commodity sectors have been particularly weak. Energy’s average decline has been 30 per cent and Materials 35 per cent. ‘Elsewhere amongst the cyclicals, declines have averaged around 20 per cent.’
So based on past cycles, global corporate earnings could fall anywhere between 10 per cent and 40 per cent going forward. The average has been 25 per cent.
Another approach is to look at the likely impact if return on equity (ROE) were to return to long-term average levels or collapse to previous trough levels.
Global ROE hit 35-year highs (16.1 per cent) last summer, driven by leverage in the financials sector, record profit margins, a shrinking equity base and an extremely robust global economy.
Despite falling since then, it still remains at historically elevated levels. Reverting the ROE to its 10-, 20- and 30-year averages, which range between 11.8 per cent and 12.6 per cent, would result in earnings declines of 22-27 per cent from last November’s peak.
But ROEs usually fall below averages, said the Citigroup analysts. If they fall to previous troughs, which have been between 8 per cent and 11 per cent, earnings would decline anywhere between 30 per cent and 50 per cent, averaging just over 40 per cent. ‘On this basis, the risks to earnings remain substantial,’ they said.
But in the report, Citi said it was of the opinion that the current earnings downturn could turn out to be a relatively mild one. ‘How could we be wrong?,’ the analysts asked. ‘There are some obvious reasons,’ they said. These include a more severe and extended economic slowdown, with emerging economy resilience proving temporary, a collapse in commodity prices, stronger-than-expected cost pressures and the credit crunch evolving into a more systemic financial crisis.
Are there already signs that some of the scenarios mentioned are starting to emerge? Perhaps, hence investors definitely have to be vigilant.
The worst, it seems, may not be over yet.
Richard Russell On The Market
It’s OK to be confused. It happens to me all the time. I receive about 20 advisory reports ever week, and in my 50 years in this business I can’t ever remember such utter confusion (or let’s call it differences of opinions). Many leading economists can’t even agree as to whether we’re in a recession or not.
And yes, the news is awful. The best economists in the nation are warning of bad things to come. Lower house prices, rising home inventories, hundreds of local banks fated to go under, Europe slowing down, foreign stock indices crumbling, commodities collapsing. You want bad news and even worse predictions, they’re a dime a dozen.
Ah, but nobody has the ultimate answer to this one — has the stock market discounted the worst — or not? On this crucial count, nobody has the answer to this trillion dollar question. Nobody.
There are any number of good arguments as to why we’re in a bear market or a bull market. I want to review some of the evidence on either side of the puzzle.
First, volatility is currently high — the VIX has been running over the 20 level for months on end. High volatility is a characteristic of bear markets. High volatility is usually a result of huge differences in opinions. One day the bulls run the stock market higher, the next day the bears hammer it down. In bull markets, volatility tends to be on the low side. Big-move days are rarer, and the advances tend to be steady and relatively calm. High volatility is a bear market characteristic. So score one for the bears.
Last week saw the Dow up over 300 points on two separate days. But those big surges did not have the power that typical advances have, following the turn up from a bear market bottom. Neither of last week’s 300-point Dow advances was a 90% up-day. The market acted more like an oversold bounce with added short covering. Score another for the bears.
Investor’s seem to be somewhat discouraged but not panicked and not desperate. At true bear market bottoms sentiment tends to be black-bearish. We haven’t been there yet.
All the above are in favor of the bear market designation. The action has not been typical bull market action. If we are in a bear market, then following the current rally, the market will turn down again to test, and probably violate, the July l4 lows (Dow 10962.44).
Following are the bull’s arguments (the bull stance is that the decline from the 2007 highs was a deceptive and atypical correction in an ongoing bull market).
Following their January 17 lows, the D-J Transportation Average rallied, then backed off, but the Transports never even hinted of confirming the series of new lows set by the D-J Industrial Average. As of last Friday, the Transports closed a huge 1075 points above their January 17 low of 4140.29. This is hardly bear market action. As a matter of fact, as of last Friday the Transports were only 231 points below their all-time high recorded in July 2007.
The recent bull market advance started in October 2002 at Dow 7286. The advance carried the to Dow 14164 in October 2007. The 50% or halfway level of that entire advance comes in at 10725. According to the 50% Principle, it would be bullish if the Dow on any and all declines holds above 10725, the halfway level.
On July 15 the Dow declined to 10962.54. That decline halted exactly 237 points ABOVE the 10725 or 50% level. Was that a coincidence? Or was the market trying to tell us something? Was the fact that the Dow halted its decline 237 points above the 10725 level a significant (but unpublicized) bullish act?
Below we see a Point&Figure chart of the very broad Wilshire 5000 stock index. I’ve been directing subscribers’ attentions to this chart. Note that the Wilshire plummeted to a low at the 12250 box. From there it rallied up to the 13150 box. In fact, the Wilshire rallied to the 13150 box twice, and each time it was turned back. Note the tight consolidation. Then last week the Wilshire (last column of green boxes) broke out to the upside. Following the obvious consolidation, I have to consider last week’s breakout as bullish. And the rally continued today. The 13150 level on the Wilshire should now represent support on any further weakness. Price action trumps all other considerations. Give the bulls a gold ring and a cigar. Well, at least so far.
I’ll be honest. I am impressed by the Lowry’s argument that suggests that the July 15was not a legitimate bottom for this market.
But I’m also impressed by the bullish arguments that I laid out in the section above. Very frankly, I can’t come to a firm conclusion as to whether we’re dealing with a bull or a bear market. Sometimes you just have to wait and allow the market to tell its story. Remember, we may be in a hurry, but the market never is.
Fred Hickey, who writes the great “The High-Tech Strategist” report, expects the market to fool everybody and head down while at the same time he expects gold to head higher. My old buddy, Joe Granville, who’s been great at calling the shots, now expects the market to head higher into the Dow 1200s.
Martin Pring is an old-timer; he wrote one of the classic books on technical analysis. Below is the opening of a recent report that he wrote — Published by Pring Turner, here is the opening:
“Yes, the financial news gets worse every day. Yes, the average stock is down more than 25% over the past thirteen months. Yes, the housing market is still reeling and foreclosure activity is rising. Yes, the price of gas is skyrocketing. And yes, this too will pass, and the economy and stock market will begin a new expansion and sustainable bull market, as all business cycles have.
“Over our several decades of investment management experience, we have witnessed many business cycle recessions and stock market declines. They all have one thing in common. In the midst of the most negative financial news, the stock market (fulfilling its role as an accurate leading economic indicator) begins to move higher in anticipation of the next economic recovery. We believe the market has more than discounted all the bad news out there and is putting the finishing touches on the bottoming process for stocks. Yes, a significant advance is set to begin that will take stocks much higher in the year ahead.” (Thanks to David Fuller of FullerMoney out of London for the above).
Me, I’m going to stay largely in cash and gold for a while, but I’ll keep adding top-quality dividend-paying stocks to the compounding portfolios that I manage (stocks added — GE, JNJ, PG, MCD).
And yes, the news is awful. The best economists in the nation are warning of bad things to come. Lower house prices, rising home inventories, hundreds of local banks fated to go under, Europe slowing down, foreign stock indices crumbling, commodities collapsing. You want bad news and even worse predictions, they’re a dime a dozen.
Ah, but nobody has the ultimate answer to this one — has the stock market discounted the worst — or not? On this crucial count, nobody has the answer to this trillion dollar question. Nobody.
There are any number of good arguments as to why we’re in a bear market or a bull market. I want to review some of the evidence on either side of the puzzle.
First, volatility is currently high — the VIX has been running over the 20 level for months on end. High volatility is a characteristic of bear markets. High volatility is usually a result of huge differences in opinions. One day the bulls run the stock market higher, the next day the bears hammer it down. In bull markets, volatility tends to be on the low side. Big-move days are rarer, and the advances tend to be steady and relatively calm. High volatility is a bear market characteristic. So score one for the bears.
Last week saw the Dow up over 300 points on two separate days. But those big surges did not have the power that typical advances have, following the turn up from a bear market bottom. Neither of last week’s 300-point Dow advances was a 90% up-day. The market acted more like an oversold bounce with added short covering. Score another for the bears.
Investor’s seem to be somewhat discouraged but not panicked and not desperate. At true bear market bottoms sentiment tends to be black-bearish. We haven’t been there yet.
All the above are in favor of the bear market designation. The action has not been typical bull market action. If we are in a bear market, then following the current rally, the market will turn down again to test, and probably violate, the July l4 lows (Dow 10962.44).
Following are the bull’s arguments (the bull stance is that the decline from the 2007 highs was a deceptive and atypical correction in an ongoing bull market).
Following their January 17 lows, the D-J Transportation Average rallied, then backed off, but the Transports never even hinted of confirming the series of new lows set by the D-J Industrial Average. As of last Friday, the Transports closed a huge 1075 points above their January 17 low of 4140.29. This is hardly bear market action. As a matter of fact, as of last Friday the Transports were only 231 points below their all-time high recorded in July 2007.
The recent bull market advance started in October 2002 at Dow 7286. The advance carried the to Dow 14164 in October 2007. The 50% or halfway level of that entire advance comes in at 10725. According to the 50% Principle, it would be bullish if the Dow on any and all declines holds above 10725, the halfway level.
On July 15 the Dow declined to 10962.54. That decline halted exactly 237 points ABOVE the 10725 or 50% level. Was that a coincidence? Or was the market trying to tell us something? Was the fact that the Dow halted its decline 237 points above the 10725 level a significant (but unpublicized) bullish act?
Below we see a Point&Figure chart of the very broad Wilshire 5000 stock index. I’ve been directing subscribers’ attentions to this chart. Note that the Wilshire plummeted to a low at the 12250 box. From there it rallied up to the 13150 box. In fact, the Wilshire rallied to the 13150 box twice, and each time it was turned back. Note the tight consolidation. Then last week the Wilshire (last column of green boxes) broke out to the upside. Following the obvious consolidation, I have to consider last week’s breakout as bullish. And the rally continued today. The 13150 level on the Wilshire should now represent support on any further weakness. Price action trumps all other considerations. Give the bulls a gold ring and a cigar. Well, at least so far.
I’ll be honest. I am impressed by the Lowry’s argument that suggests that the July 15was not a legitimate bottom for this market.
But I’m also impressed by the bullish arguments that I laid out in the section above. Very frankly, I can’t come to a firm conclusion as to whether we’re dealing with a bull or a bear market. Sometimes you just have to wait and allow the market to tell its story. Remember, we may be in a hurry, but the market never is.
Fred Hickey, who writes the great “The High-Tech Strategist” report, expects the market to fool everybody and head down while at the same time he expects gold to head higher. My old buddy, Joe Granville, who’s been great at calling the shots, now expects the market to head higher into the Dow 1200s.
Martin Pring is an old-timer; he wrote one of the classic books on technical analysis. Below is the opening of a recent report that he wrote — Published by Pring Turner, here is the opening:
“Yes, the financial news gets worse every day. Yes, the average stock is down more than 25% over the past thirteen months. Yes, the housing market is still reeling and foreclosure activity is rising. Yes, the price of gas is skyrocketing. And yes, this too will pass, and the economy and stock market will begin a new expansion and sustainable bull market, as all business cycles have.
“Over our several decades of investment management experience, we have witnessed many business cycle recessions and stock market declines. They all have one thing in common. In the midst of the most negative financial news, the stock market (fulfilling its role as an accurate leading economic indicator) begins to move higher in anticipation of the next economic recovery. We believe the market has more than discounted all the bad news out there and is putting the finishing touches on the bottoming process for stocks. Yes, a significant advance is set to begin that will take stocks much higher in the year ahead.” (Thanks to David Fuller of FullerMoney out of London for the above).
Me, I’m going to stay largely in cash and gold for a while, but I’ll keep adding top-quality dividend-paying stocks to the compounding portfolios that I manage (stocks added — GE, JNJ, PG, MCD).
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