
Saturday, July 18, 2009


午後傳出「末日博士」羅賓尼(Nouriel Roubini)調高了對經濟前景的預期的消息,投資氣氛驟變活躍,原油回升,杜指亦節節上升,上升逾130點至全日最高位才略為回順。


羅賓尼在6月時還表示美國經濟衰退會再持續6至9個月,看法比較悲觀,昨日有人質疑他早前曾表示過美國經濟要兩年才能復甦,為何忽然變成大好友? 他回應這是錯誤的詮釋,「24個月的復甦時間無變,不過經濟衰退到現時已過了19個月。」


海外股市夏眠 - 謝國忠





美元的“蝴蝶效應” 所有的資產價格似乎都與風險偏好有關。最重要的是,美元與股票市場的表現呈逆相關。美元指數(DXY)在3月初攀升到89點的高峰,但就在80點附近浮動。儘管自2002年以來美元一直處於跌勢,價值下降了約三分之一,而在反彈的道路上,美元曾多次反彈。這種反彈反映了金融市場的風險偏好。美元仍是當之無愧的“避風港”資產。當風險偏好下降時,美元匯率趨於上升。當規避風險的動機強勁時,就會驅動美元出現反彈。

石油價格也與美元顯示出高度相關。 3月底,石油價格一下子翻了一番,達到了70美元/桶,但由於美元在6月初開始反彈,油價也被拖累到在每桶60美元附近徘徊。我認為,總的來看,油價與美元之間的關係還是符合因果關係的。從理論上說,如果其他所有條件保持不變,美元跌了三分之一,石油價格大致會向上調整50%。當然,油價與美元之間的相互關係比這要敏感許多。例如,春天時,美元指數下降了11%,同期,石油價格大約增加了1倍。從那以後,美元出現僅為3%的小幅反彈,石油價格就會隨即出現14%的下降。風險偏好推動下的流動性變化,決定著美元和石油價格的短期走勢。





講故事與聽故事 金融市場正在討論中央銀行的“撤出戰略”,即何時、以什麼方式,在形成通脹之前抽回超額貨幣供應。中央銀行很不情願討論這個問題,因為他們擔心這將導致預期利率上升,並因此抑制經濟復甦。但是,顯然這種想法是錯誤的,因為寬鬆的貨幣政策將提高長期的通貨膨脹率。

可惜的是,各國央行仍沒有認清目前出現經濟頹勢的性質。這不僅僅是周期性的經濟衰退。 “熊彼特創造性毀滅”可在很大程度上解釋如今的經濟衰退。落伍產業中的企業關閉,下崗工人找到其他工作需要很長一段時間。這就是為什麼全球經濟的複蘇總是與“緩慢”和“失業”這兩個詞同時出現。失業率攀高,在中央銀行眼裡就是所謂的經濟“疲軟”,即刺激政策可能會導致更顯著的增長,而不會引起通貨膨脹。如果央行要靠寬鬆的貨幣政策對抗“創造性毀滅”,很可能會導致較高的通脹率,在某些情況下甚至會引發惡性通貨膨脹。






“熊市反彈”將走向末路 根據短期市場波動而作出的投機行為,大都是徒勞的。即使不是所有市場內被廣為傳頌的成功故事都是“巧合”,絕大部分流傳下來的也是如此。統計意義上的證據太少,因此,沒人能夠證明“投機”與“短期市場波動”之間存在任何有意義的相關性。 “五月賣,跑得快”的俗語,也並不比其他的俏皮話更有意義。儘管基金經理們在夏天的確會去度假,這一現象使這句話似乎顯得頗為合理。但是,有足夠的例外都能證明這句話並不可靠。

在預測時,“羊群心理”和結構性偏差是惟一重要的因素。股市總是偏向於看漲。大多數在股市中折騰的投資人,用的都是“別人的錢”(Other People's Money)。市場上升時期發的獎金,要遠遠多於市場下降時候收的“罰金”,正是這種結構不對稱使市場充斥著看漲的傾向。當利率水平很低時,這個因素顯得更加重要。當利率較低時,習慣於存款的人就有了更大的動力,尋找銀行存款之外的其他投資渠道。牛市時,基金經理人更有可能從儲蓄那裡獲得資金。當行情上漲時,儲戶可能被他們鎖定,鼓勵儲戶更多地把銀行存款轉移進股市。





Thursday, July 16, 2009

Traders and Investors

Just like to share my own definition of traders and investors that I thought about recently...
First let's start with Ben Graham's definition of investors and speculators.

Graham first stated that an investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return and operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.

So an investor focuses on analysis to look for capital safety and adequate return.
This is usually interpreted as fundamental analysis of the company, its business model, its competitive advantage, margins, sales growth and of course, the financials: cash on hand, debt, bankruptcy risk, capex needs etc.
Anything less of such analysis means speculation.

A speculator is simply one that doesn't do that kind of rigorous analysis.Simple right?

For me I think it's about different focuses.An investor focuses on value.A trader focuses on price.

An investor is interested in the value of a stock (or any other thing he wants to buy), and he spends an awful lot of time and effort to figure out this value (or intrinsic value).

This is analogous to Graham's analysis. Or more accurately rigorous fundamental analysis of business operations and financials. Price serves only to tell him how much he actually has to pay if he were to buy the stock. Needless to say, the lesser the better. Graham and most value investors advocate buying 30-40% (margin of safety) below the stock's intrinsic value.

To an investor, profit is made when the stock price subsequently rises to its value which usually take years.
A trader is interested in the price of a stock and he spends an awful lot of time and effort following how the price has moved.

Actual value of a stock basically serves no purpose for the trader.

To a trader, profit is made when the stock rises above his buying price and he sells it to another person willing to buy at a higher price. Usually also known as the Greater Fool.

So, that's that! Just two different philosophies here to make money.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


第一个特质是,在他人恐慌时果断买入股票、而在他人盲目乐观时卖掉股票的能力。每个人都认为自己能做到这一点,但是当 1987年10月19日这天到来的时候(历史上著名的“黑色星期一”),市场彻底崩溃,几乎没人有胆量再买入股票。而在1999年(次年即是纳斯达克大崩盘),市场几乎每天都在上扬,你不会允许自己卖掉股票,因为你担心会落后于他人。绝大多数管理财富的人都有MBA学位和高智商,读过很多书。到1999年底,这些人也都确信股票被估值过高,但他们不能允许自己把钱撤离赌台,其原因正是巴菲特所说的“制度性强制力”(institutional imperative)。
第二个特质是,伟大投资者是那种极度着迷于此游戏,并有极强获胜欲的人。他们不只是享受投资的乐趣——投资就是他们的生命。他们清晨醒来时,即使还在半梦半醒之间,想到的第一件事情就是他们研究过的股票,或者是他们考虑要卖掉的股票,又或者是他们的投资组合将面临的最大风险是什么以及如何规避它。他们通常在个人生活上会陷入困境,尽管他们也许真的喜欢其他人,也没有太多的时间与对方交流。他们的头脑始终处在云端,梦想着股票。不幸的是,你们无法学习这种对于某种东西的执迷,这是天生的。如果你没有这样的强迫症,你就不可能成为下一个布鲁斯·博克维茨(Fairholme funds的创始人,选股思路深受巴菲特影响,组合集中、低换手率、很少越界)。
第五个特质是,伟大的投资家都对于他们自己的想法怀有绝对的信心,即使是在面对批评的时候。巴菲特坚持不投身疯狂的网络热潮,尽管人们公开批评他忽略科技股。当其他人都放弃了价值投资的时候,巴菲特依然岿然不动。《巴伦周刊》为此把他做成了封面人物,标题是“沃伦,你哪儿出错了?”当然,事后这进一步证明了巴菲特的智慧,《巴伦周刊》则变成了完美的反面教材。就个人而言,我很惊讶于大多数投资者对他们所买股票的信心之微弱。根据凯利公式(Kelly Formula,一个可用于判断投资和赌博风险的数学公式),投资组合中的20%可以放在一支股票上,但很多投资人只放2%。从数学上来说,运用凯利公式,把2%的投资放在一支股票上,相当于赌它只有51%的上涨可能性,49%的可能性是下跌。为何要浪费时间去打这个赌呢?这帮人拿着100万美元的年薪,只是去寻找哪些股票有51%的上涨可能性?简直是有病。

Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust: Retail story still compelling

Sponsored REITs like Lippo-Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust (LMIR)are generally perceived to have a lower risk profile. As of 3Q, LMIR has avery low leverage level of about 9% with no refinancing risk until 2013. Wethink the retail story in Indonesia is still compelling.

LMIR's portfolioof eight retail malls and seven retail strata spaces is strategicallylocated within well-established population catchments across Indonesia.LMIR's assets are due to be revalued in 4Q08.
The REIT's portfolio will berevalued in IDR ? this IDR value will then be converted back into SGD atspot rates. This creates a major revaluation risk ? even if the IDR valueof the portfolio stays the same. We have taken a fresh look at ourvaluation model, relaxing our fairly bleak expectations for the IDR-SGD.Our RNAV estimate for the REIT is S$0.55.

Our fair value estimate of S$0.39(prev. S$0.27) prices in a 30% discount to that estimate. Maintain BUY.





“这里让我说一件事情:在华尔街经历了这么多事情,在赚了几百万美元,又亏了几百万美元之后,我想告诉你这一点:我的想法从来都没有替我赚过大钱,总是我坚持不动替我赚大钱,懂了吗?是我坚持不动!对市场判断正确丝毫不足为奇。你在多头市场里总是会找到很多一开始就做多的人,在空头市场里也会找到很多一开始就做空的人。但他们没有从中赚到真正的钱。因为能够同时判断正确又坚持不动的人很罕见,我发现这是最难学习的一件事。但是股票做手只有切实了解这一点后,他才能够赚大钱。"摘自《股票做手回忆录》 解决的方法:制定规则,执行规则。好的公司一路持有不要管其他任何因素的干扰 要成功首先要有能力控制自己的行为。向控制自己下功夫!心理控制、行为控制的重要性怎么强调都不过分,做不到这一点,无人能帮你,其他部分做的再好都没用。最大的敌人,就是你自己。校正自己,永远比观察市场重要。   

知和行的问题。无知,无畏行;一知半解,难行;真知(跟市场尽量融为一体,以自己的视角读懂市场),易行。 拿不住手中的股票,从市场的角度看,是对市场趋势的发展过程细节波动理解不深刻造成的。如果中间趋势的发展一切都在我的”掌控“中,那还有什么拿不牢的?在市场有利的时候,你必须学会习惯于获利,这是区别交易者是否成熟的一个重要标志。假设你的成本是8元,市场价格现在是80元,但是仍然低于其本身的价值,你是否会坚定的持有?很多的交易者在获利的时候惴惴不安,而亏损的时候却心安理得,这样如何能够长期稳定的获利? 向控制自己下功夫!对赔钱的恐慌常使人违背原则,具体表现是经常止损割肉,频繁交易。追求做得正确比老想着赚钱赔钱更重要!

如果说短线交易者是艺术家,则长线交易者就是工程师。艺术家进行艺术创作充满兴奋和激情,而工程师进行工程却充满艰辛和挑战,因为工程需要长期努力,中途会出现意想不到的情况。长线交易更注重理性,而不是激情。长线交易理论上更适合广大投资者,因为他注重理性,但也正是因为他太理性和客观,就会失去每日交易的兴奋,形成一种孤独和更需要忍耐力的交易行为,有点象苦行僧,这种清苦让很多人重新加入到短线交易行列中去。 长线交易追逐趋势,认为趋势是自己唯一的真正的朋友,是自己利润的来源,他不重视价格的日内波动,认为价格的日内波动几乎和自己没有关系,这也会让人觉得你麻木不仁,甚至象个傻子,他也不重视第二天行情会怎么走,他只重视趋势是否结束。长线交易者持仓的忍耐力绝非一般投资者所能理解,也非一般投资者所能承受。市场有一种误解,认为长线交易者之所以能够长期持仓是因为他能预测到市场的趋势和终点所以才能放心长期持有!这真是一个天大的误解!其实长线交易者跟你一样不知道市场的未来走势,他只是遵守纪律跟踪趋势。


痛苦1: 市场的大幅波动可以轻松的吃掉原有持仓的大部分利润,最难以忍受的是这种回折往往还是你认为确实要发生的,也就是说你眼睁睁的看到利润回去,这就如有人在你有准备的情况下抢走你的钱一样,这种痛苦你理解吗?你能接受吗?

痛苦2: 长线交易者要放弃很多认为必然有把握的获利机会而换取长期利润。

痛苦3: 长线交易的机会较少,市场一年之中大部分时间都在震荡,震荡之中长线交易者有时一直在亏损,并且往往都是在持仓获利的情况下转为亏损的,这种折磨足以击跨任何人!这些情况说起来容易真做起来会超出你想象的难!

痛苦4: 长线交易最重要的是保持客观和遵守纪律,在很多情况下要放弃你自己鲜活的思想和判断,但结束一次成功的长线头寸却可以获取令人羡慕的回报,这也是长线之所以令人向往的原因。

长线交易有一个最大的特点:亏小赢大,他不重视盈亏的次数比例,而重视盈亏的质量,这是他与短线交易的最本质区别!要做艺术家还是做工程师?要做长线还是做短线?这个选择应该不是很难。 想在股票市场赚大钱,持有股票的本领要下苦功去学,不管你是否有水平研究指数,是否有水平选择股票,真正能使你赚到大钱的真功夫就是如何长久持股! 成功必然来自于坚持正确的习惯方法和不断完善的性格修炼! 

Sunday, July 12, 2009


在美國金融市場逐漸穩定之後,美國政府開始出手整頓華爾街,多名華爾街中人被控各種各樣的欺騙罪,這對投資者有一定的壓力。近日美國股市一再調整,道瓊斯指數已退至 8100點,一旦跌破 8000點,沽壓可能會加重。不過,內地股市則是一片大好,上證綜合指數不斷地創金融海嘯後的新高,已破了 3100點。

不少人說,內地股市狂熱的理由是銀行新增大量貸款所致,剛公佈的 6月份新增貸款高達 1.53萬億元人民幣,令許多人吃了一驚。今年年初,溫家寶總理說中國的銀行今年全年新增貸款將高達 5萬億元人民幣。現在,才半年時間,新增貸款已達 7.36萬億元人民幣,看來全年新增貸款肯定超越 10萬億元人民幣。溫總最近也說,貨幣政策不會輕易轉勢,至今中國的「保八」目標仍未達到。
在 2000點之間徘徊了一段時間,有本事的人則天天炒高炒低,我則寧可成為一個旁觀者,耐心地等待突破,向上突破。數個月前,恒指也曾經徘徊於 14000點與 15000點間一段時間,最後突然向上突破,破了 16000點後就一躍向上,升至近日才暫停,等待另一個突破。




金融海嘯發生後,美國政府為挽救金融市場及經濟,除了把息率調低至接近零水平外,更推出「量化寬鬆」(Quantitative Easing)政策,在金融體系內注入萬億美元計的資金,嘗試力挽狂瀾。聯儲局最終能否成功拯救經濟,以及令金融市場回復秩序,還有待觀察。然而,聯儲局的救市行動,已令不少投資者擔憂超級通脹(Hyperinflation)的來臨,畢竟聯儲局(甚至連同歐羅區和英國)的救市行動形同大規模印鈔票。不過,事實是迄今美國經濟不但沒有嚴重的通脹壓力,反而出現溫和通縮的情況。箇中原因何在?此外,聯儲局「量化寬鬆」政策仍在,惡性通脹的危機不能抹煞,但作為投資者如何利用有效的指標監察惡性通脹的來臨呢?研究部今次與讀者探討這方面的議題。

剩餘儲備飆升400多倍在過去近年半以來,你是否知道升幅最快且最急的是什麼?股市、黃金或商品,全都錯!是美國金融機構存放在聯儲局的剩餘儲備水平(US Aggregate Reserves Depository Institutions Excess Reserves,即美國金融機構扣除法律規定所需儲備要求外,存放在聯儲局的剩餘儲備金額;下稱「剩餘儲備」)。

由於美國貨幣基礎(monetary base)是由兩個主要成分所組成,分別是美國金融機構存放在聯儲局的儲備(這包括所須及剩餘儲備兩部分),以及整體貨幣流通量,而「剩餘儲備」過去一年多時間內大幅攀升,直接令美國貨幣基礎出現暴升情況。美國貨幣基礎由2007年年底約8200多億美元急速膨脹,至今年5月最高曾見1.8萬億美元,升幅近一點二倍。而美國金融機構存放在聯儲局的儲備水平,則由佔貨幣基礎不足0.3%,大幅攀升至佔50%以上的水平,升幅達一百七十倍!



聯儲局資產負債表質素轉壞值得補充的是,美國金融機構雖有龐大的資金存放在聯儲局內,但仍有不少銀行存在資不抵債情況,只是當資產不在按市價計算價值後(mark-to-market),情況「看似」有所改善。以花旗集團為例,它的資產約為2.1萬億美元,但當它進行壓力測試(stress test)時,當局處理其加權風險資產值,只計算資產值的一半而已,可見美國金融機構的資產值仍存在甚高水分。因此,美國金融機構也欠缺向市場拆出資金的意欲,令大量的剩餘儲備資金只存放在聯儲局內收取利息。



貨幣流速仍低那麼為何聯儲局實行「量化寬鬆」政策多時,卻未令美國經濟出現高通脹呢?關鍵在於貨幣流速(Velocity of money;有興趣讀者可參閱5月22日「全球聯手救市 美三項中、長期經濟隱憂」)。以下的程式可反映出,貨幣基礎與經濟的關係:MV = PQ(M是貨幣供應;V為貨幣流速;P為物價;Q是實質產出)。







三、美國聯儲局調升儲備利率或儲備要求(reserve requirement),甚至開始調升聯邦基金利率:目前聯儲局給予金融機構剩餘儲備25個基點的利息。若然聯儲局開始調升這方面的利率或調升儲備要求,某程度顯示聯儲局已呈現剩餘儲備流出的壓力,即反映金融機構借貸意欲開始回升,通脹惡化的風險也將隨之上升;



Saturday, July 11, 2009

More toxic loans could haunt banks

Japan's economy was paralyzed for a decade as banks failed to deal with their troubled loans. That's why it's nothing short of stunning to discover some U.S. banks are doing the same thing now.

Despite all the tough talk out of Washington and Wall Street about how the U.S. can't repeat what happened in Japan, the reality is that banks are granting extensions to borrowers in one key category, commercial real-estate loans, so they don't default. It's a bet that economic conditions will improve before the loans come due.
"They are kicking the can down the road, hoping things will be better soon," said Barry Ritholtz, head of the financial research firm FusionIQ and author of the new book "Bailout Nation."
This maneuvering is being called "extend and pretend" in financial circles, reflecting banks' willingness to extend loan maturities because they believe -- or hope-- rental rates and building values could come back to levels seen during the peak of the real-estate market in 2007.
Ritholtz and other financial experts worry that banks are just delaying the inevitable by not dealing with troubled loans now. And since commercial loans are such an important part of the portfolio of many small and midsized banks, it also could constrain their ability to make other new loans. An average of 20 percent of local and regional banks' loan exposure is in commercial real estate vs 4 percent for the nation's biggest banks, according to data from Deutsche Bank.
"This is a bad strategy," said Bryan Marsal, CEO of the corporate restructuring firm Alvarez & Marsal. "It is really about not facing up to where you are today."
Unlike fixed-rate home mortgages, most commercial property loans are structured as balloon notes. Borrowers pay only interest for the first five or 10 years until the loans mature, and then the entire amount must be paid back.
In the boom years, rising rents and property values made it easy for borrowers to find multiple lenders willing to roll over these loans into new and often larger principal amounts that allowed owners to take out millions of dollars in cash to buy other properties.
That game has come to a crashing halt. Cash flows are down on many properties as rental and occupancy rates have fallen, causing the value of many properties to drop significantly. That's made it tougher for owners to refinance their loans.
Delinquency rates on commercial loans have doubled in the past year to 7 percent as more companies downsize and retailers close their doors, according to the Federal Reserve.
In some cases, banks are offering a temporary fix by granting borrowers an extension on loan maturities. On paper, that looks like a plus for the bank because the borrower pays a fee or agrees to pay a higher interest rate, or both. This allows banks to avoid having to foreclose or write down these loans as impaired assets. They also can keep the loans on their books as if nothing were amiss.
"This lets the banks post results that are misleading because the loans have more risk to them than they are disclosing," said Len Blum, managing partner at the investment-bank Westwood Capital. "They can pretend things are better than they are."
That's just what banks in Japan did back in the 1990s. After its debt-fed real estate bubble burst, Japan slid into what has come to be known the "lost decade" because of its drawn out economic and financial malaise.
Even though the Japanese government injected trillions of yen into its banking system, new lending was constrained because troubled loans clogged banks' balance sheets. In some cases, banks refused to foreclose when owners couldn't even pay the interest. Instead, they added the unpaid interest to the loan's principal in the hope that borrowers' problems would be alleviated by an improving economic climate, which never materialized.
What's worrisome is the lack of transparency about how often this is happening now in the United States. Due to privacy issues, banks aren't required to disclose details of specific loan extensions, and most news that does trickle out comes from public companies announcing that they have reached accommodations with their lenders.
Just this week, Bluegreen Corp., a Boca Raton, Fla.-based timeshare resort developer, said it had gotten the maturity dates of a combined $130.1 million in liabilities extended. Others getting loan extensions in recent months were Toys R Us, Tanger Factory Outlets and Washington Real Estate Investment Trust.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. believes that extending the maturity on commercial real-estate loans can be a "value-maximizing and prudent approach," said FDIC spokesman Andrew Gray.
Gray said that its examiners are trying to make sure the loan extensions are being done prudently, and that credit losses are being recognized appropriately. The FDIC directly examines and supervises about 5,160 banks and savings banks.
Bob Seiwert, who heads the Center for Commercial Lending and Business Banking at the American Bankers Association, said loan extensions should be done on a case-by-case basis and aren't necessarily a bad thing. Banks need to assess the chances of the principal amount being repaid and evaluate the viability on the loan on an ongoing basis, he said.
"It may still be a good project," Seiwert said. "It just may need more time."
There are already clear signs that worries about the commercial real estate market have constrained lending. The latest Federal Reserve Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey, from April, showed almost two-thirds of domestic banks had reported tightening lending standards and terms on commercial real estate loans over the previous three months.
"When lenders do the 'extend and pretend' routine because they don't want to deal with the problem ... what that causes them to do is to restrict their future lending. They pull back into their shell," said Marsal, who is also leading the liquidation of Lehman Brothers. "When and if we do have an economic recovery, what it will do is slow the pace."
Now imagine if the loans that are being extended turn up rotten a year or two from now. That could further hamper lending at local banks -- the backbone of many small-town economies -- meaning companies wouldn't be able to get loans to build new facilities or do renovations or repairs. Hiring would be curbed or more jobs cut, slowing consumer spending.
"The banks seem to think it is OK to hide their head in the sand and keep these kinds of loans on their balance sheets," said Westwood Capital's Blum. "Until the banks really clean up their books, we risk repeating what happened in Japan."

Friday, July 10, 2009

REIT - Positioned for a recovery

Investment summary
• S-REITs have rebounded by 56% from March low, in line with 60% for the STI. The S-REIT sector has rebounded strongly from its all-time low in Mar 09, attributed to a strong inflow of foreign funds. Correspondingly, yield expectations have abated from an all-time high of 17% to 11%.

• Recapitalised; refinancing concerns largely averted. REITs have gone beyond the successful refinancing of debt to recapitalisations in a bid to strengthen their balance sheets for the recession ahead. Sponsor-backed REITs including Ascendas REIT, CapitaMall Trust, CapitaCommercial Trust, Starhill Global, and Frasers Commercial Trust went to the market and raised a combined S$3bn of equity. Average asset leverage for REITs under our coverage has retreated to 32% from 35%. Interest cover also appears healthy at 4.5x vs. the typical lenders’ requirement of 2x. We consider balance sheets to be relatively healthy.

• Positioned for a recovery. The larger environment looks positive for investing in REITs, underpinned by: 1) expected high liquidity and low interest rates; and 2) the Singapore government’s continued support for the REIT industry.

• We are most optimistic on hospitality and retail sub-sectors, which we believe will be major beneficiaries of the following in 2010: 1) the completion of the two integrated resorts (IRs); 2) a change in the marketing of Singapore as a standalone destination for tourists; 3) an expanded transport infrastructure with more rail lines; and 4) the anticipated return of corporates and expatriates as Singapore grows more cost-competitive against its regional peers.

• Neutral on industrial sub-sector. The outlook for both the manufacturing and logistics industries remains weak, and we expect the businesses of industrialists in factory and warehouse space to be under pressure. We expect occupancy for industrial space to lag behind the actual slowdown in industrial businesses, holding out the downturn for industrial properties for longer.

• Negative on office sector. We expect occupancy to hold up with the return of corporates as Singapore grows more cost-competitive vis-à-vis the region. However, rents are expected to remain under pressure from three continuous years of strong potential supply and shadow space.

• Overweight on S-REITs; top picks are Suntec REIT and CDLH-HT. We retain our Overweight position on REITs. Our top picks are CDL-HT and Suntec REIT on the back of their lower valuations and near-term catalysts. Dividend yields are also attractive at 9% and 10% respectively. CDL-HT’s Singapore concentration makes it the best proxy for a tourism revival in Singapore. Suntec REIT’s Suntec City Developments (87% of gross revenue) is the closest sizeable retail cluster to the Marina Bay Sands IR and one of the major beneficiaries of two MRT stations opening next to it. We also have Outperform ratings for FCT, ART, PLife.

General environment is positive
Beyond balance-sheet and debt issues, we believe that the outlook for REITs’ growth is more positive than a year ago. Contributing factors are expected high liquidity and low interest rates and the Singapore government’s continued support for the REIT industry.

High liquidity and low interest rates
Ample liquidity and low interest rates likely to sustain yield spread. Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, sharply higher borrowing costs have cast a pall on REITs’ ability to finance acquisitions and refinance debts. However, with most of the S-REITs proving their ability to refinance debt and the easing of medium-term swap offer rates, such concerns have abated. Additionally, concerted global monetary easing has lifted liquidity conditions in recent months. Our regional strategists have analysed key liquidity indicators, namely M1 to GDP, foreign fund flows and market turnover to market capitalisation (velocity) for a gauge on where excess liquidity may drive Asian markets. They conclude that on the global front, US M1 growth has been unprecedented and the widely used LIBOR benchmark has fallen to a historical low.
Judging from previous recessions, they believe that the era of low interest rates has only begun and short-term risk-free rates could stay low for a year or two, at the least.
Implications for the Asian markets we cover are positive. Based on M1 to GDP and velocity measures, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia stand to benefit the most.
With M1 to GDP at a historical high, these three markets could gain the most from liquidity drivers, in our view.
Further on rates, SIBOR has a close correlation with LIBOR. Hence, we are expecting SIBOR to stay low longer with weak global growth.
An environment of ample liquidity and low interest rates is highly positive for REITs, which should benefit from easier access to funding as well as cheaper financing.
US and Singapore 10-year bond yields maintain an attractive spread of 690bp and 780bp respectively, to average REIT yields.

Hospitality and retail are our preferred sub-sectors
We are most optimistic on the hospitality and retail sub-sectors, which we expect to be major beneficiaries of certain catalysts in 2010: 1) the completion of Singapore’s two IRs; 2) a change in the marketing of Singapore towards a standalone tourist destination; and 3) an expanded transport infrastructure with more rail lines. The biggest stock beneficiaries should include CDLHT-HT, Ascott REIT, Suntec REIT, and Frasers Centrepoint Trust.

Tourism and infrastructure catalysts
The IR catalyst to benefit retail and hospitality subsectors
Profound changes in Singapore’s tourism industry; impact on hospitality and retail REITS. We anticipate sea changes for Singapore’s tourism sector after the opening of its two IRs by 2010, when a seamless chain of attractions around the Marina Bay area would be created. Orchard Road and other attractions are also scheduled for rejuvenation. All this would have a profound effect on Singapore’s economy and employment, auguring well for the retail sector which should benefit from both increased tourist and domestic spending; as well as the hospitality sector which should benefit from increased visitor arrivals and increased length of stay.

Change in the marketing of Singapore. Officially, Singapore wants to book annual tourist receipts of S$30bn (S$15bn in 2008), tourist arrivals of 17m (10.1m in 2008) and an average length of stay of 4.5 days (3.7 days in 2008) by 2015. These goals are showing initial signs of success. Recent talks with Genting Singapore indicate that Genting remains confident of drawing in 4.5m-5.5m visitors to Resorts World in its first year of launch. With the combined draw of the two IRs and Universal Studios, Chinese and Indian tour agencies are, for the first time, positive about marketing Singapore as a single tourist destination in their respective markets. This is a significant improvement over their traditional marketing of Singapore as a stop-over destination, or lumped together with its neighbouring countries Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
Additionally, non-gaming elements in the two resorts such as Universal Studios and conference facilities should attract more family-oriented visitors, as well as BTMICE (business travel, meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) audiences.
Comparisons with the established gaming markets of Las Vegas and Macau show that family-oriented and BTMICE visitors have a much higher propensity for retail spending than less family-oriented and non-BTMICE gamers. For these two reasons, the outlook for sizeable retail clusters in close proximity to the two resorts is positive.
Hotel supply within IRs insufficient to meet demand. We maintain that increased tourist arrivals generated by the IRs will exceed what the IR hotels can absorb, thus benefiting existing hotels. We add the following scenario for illustration.
In a press release dated 19 Feb 09, Resorts World said that it expects to welcome 15m visitors in its first year of operation. Assuming that demand is eroded by about a third by the global recession and only 11m visitors arrive, of whom 4.5m are Singapore residents who will not require hotel accommodation, and assuming only one day of stay on a twin-sharing basis for foreign guests, there would be 3.25m room nights generated by Resorts World. Around 11,130 rooms would be required, assuming an average hotel occupancy rate of 80% on a daily basis to meet the demand. This would be three times what the two IRs can accommodate, and also more than the 9,950 new rooms coming up in the next four years. Hence, we believe that the success of the two IRs will create strong spillover demand to benefit hotels outside the two IRs.
We believe that centrally-located, mid-priced hotels can best tap the demand from both families and BTMICE visitors.

Increased accessibility and catchment population.
A number of infrastructure works is in progress in the Marina Bay area. They include the construction of two Circle Line MRT stations, Esplanade and Promenade, scheduled for opening in 2010.
The Promenade station will also serve as the interchange station for the Downtown Line that will link Marina Bay Sands IR (MBSIR) to all four major rail lines. Promenade will be one station away from Bayfront Station, the gateway to MBSIR.
Furthermore, a pedestrian bridge will be built to link the MBSIR with the Marina area. This bridge is part of the URA’s plan to build a 3.5km promenade linking the necklace of attractions around the bay. Attractions that will form part of the S$35m waterfront promenade include a 300-m long steel structure, water features and a shaded tropical walk. We expect Suntec REIT to be a key beneficiary of the infrastructure works as the catchment population of Suntec City, its key asset, is expected to expand materially with the opening of the two stations.

Staying negative on office sub-sector
Office: large potential supply and shrinking demand. Historically, there is a close correlation between Singapore’s GDP performance and office space demand. Both the government and our house are expecting Singapore’s GDP to contract this year, by 5-9% yoy. As such, we expect new demand for office space to weaken further. Additionally, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) forecasts that office supply will be significant over the next five years at 9.8m sf, equivalent to a 2.7% increase p.a. on current supply of 72.2m sf. The projection takes into account known delayed projects, including City Development’s South Beach development, which is located close to
Suntec City. With potential new supply and shrinking demand, occupancy levels are expected to move further south.

Shadow space may prolong rental depression.
Shadow space is excess office space that companies have leased but are looking to sublet to third parties. Colliers estimates that office shadow space had increased 48% in a short span of two months, from 250,000 sf in Mar 09 to 370,000 sf in May 09, with more than half contributed by the two key micro-markets of Raffles Place/New Downtown and Marina/City Hall. This is equivalent to 0.5% of islandwide office supply. The sharp increase has intensified the competition for tenants and exacerbated the downward pressure on rents. As a result, some landlords are resorting to incentives such as rent holidays in addition to competitive closing rents, some of which are 25-30% below asking rents. Hence, effective rents have fallen by more than what signing rents are indicating.
We expect the availability of shadow space to peak in 2010, as a number of financial institutions had pre-committed to a large amount of space in yet-to-be completed offices or business park buildings in the last two years. An estimated 400,000-600,000 sf of additional shadow space could enter the market in 2010, from financial institutions alone. Increased shadow space is expected to prolong the rental depression and delay a market recovery until after 2010. Colliers forecasts that by the end of 2010, average monthly gross rents for Grade A office space in the Raffles Place area could reach the mid-2005 level of S$5.00psf/month, although this would remain above the S$3.95 seen at the bottom of the market in 2004 Occupancy to be supported, but rents likely to stay low. With still lower rents than its regional peers, a stable political environment, and relatively low tax rates, we believe that Singapore will grow increasingly attractive to multi-national corporations which need to be established in this part of the world. We expect occupancy levels for prime office space to be supported by the gradual return of expatriates, who are attracted by Singapore’s cost-competitiveness. Nonetheless, a large supply and global recession could continue to keep office rents low.

Maintain Overweight on S-REITs; CDLHT and Suntec REIT are our top picks.
Overall, we are most positive on hospitality and retail on visible catalysts in the next 12 months, including the IRs and a possible return of expatriates to Singapore. Within these two sub-sectors, we prefer CDL-HT for its Singapore concentration, which makes it the best proxy for a tourism revival in Singapore. Suntec REIT’s Suntec City Developments (87% of gross revenue) is the closest sizeable retail cluster to the Marina Bay Sands IR and should be one of the major beneficiaries of the two MRT stations opening next to it.
We are Neutral on the industrial sub-sector. A weak outlook for the manufacturing and logistics sectors and intensifying rental competition from Grade A office space largely diminish the potential for higher rental reversions, although occupancy is more likely to stay stable given long leases for all our three industrial REITs. Our top industrial picks, AREIT and MLT, are nearing our target prices.
We remain negative on the office sub-sector on the back of a large supply overhang over the next three years. We believe that cheaper rents will eventually lure back demand, particularly to newer, quality office buildings. However, we are doubtful that the demand will be strong enough to revive rents to 2007 levels. Valuations appear low now at 0.5x P/BV against the sector average of 0.6x. However, with more asset devaluations expected and a lack of near-term catalysts, we expect limited upside potential for share prices.
Our top picks for the REIT sector are CDL-HT and Suntec REIT for their valuations and near-term catalysts. Dividend yields are also attractive at 9% and 10% respectively.

Suntec REIT
• Maintain Outperform. We believe there is room for upside surprises from SUN’s retail segment, from a higher catchment population after the opening of two new MRT stations at Suntec City, and direct linkage to the Marina Bay integrated resort. Additionally, Chinese and Indian tour agencies are starting to market Singapore as a single tour destination over their traditional marketing of Singapore as a stop-over destination. This change should have a significant impact on the length of visitors’ stay in Singapore, and hence retail spending.

• Supply overhang in office; but cost-competitiveness also increases. New office supply of 9.8m over the next five years as well as 400,000-600,000 sf of potential shadow space from 2010 is likely to depress a rental recovery. On the other hand, this development should also improve Singapore’s cost-competitiveness vs. its regional competitors, Hong Kong and Tokyo. We expect continued low rents to support occupancy. A pick-up in leasing volumes in recent months is a sign that occupancy could turn out less depressed than expected.

•DDM-derived target price of S$1.07 (discount 9.4%). We like Suntec REIT for its: 1) quality office and retail portfolio; 2) low leverage of 34.4%; 3) absence of refinancing concerns until 2011; and 4) severely discounted price for a possible fall in asset values. We believe that downside risks for the office sector have been factored into its share price while upside surprises from its retail segment have largely been neglected.

Suntec REIT is the first mixed commercial real estate investment trust (REIT) to be listed in Singapore, in Dec 04, owning prime retail and office space in Singapore’s Central Business District. From two properties (Suntec City Mall and Suntec City Office Towers), Suntec REIT now has five properties. The three additions are a onethird stake in One Raffles Quay (ORQ), Park Mall and Chijmes. Its portfolio value had more than doubled from S$2.2bn at the time of listing to S$5.4bn as at 31 Dec 08, with 1.9m sf of office space and 1m sf of retail space under management. As at 31 Mar 09, office occupancy was 97.4% and retail occupancy, 98.8%.

Monday, July 6, 2009

CapitaCommercial Trust: Rights issue completed

Rights issue completed.
CapitaCommercial Trust (CCT) had recently completed its Rights issue with 1.4b new units listed last Friday, bringing the total number of outstanding units to 2.8b. The Rights issue was wellaccepted, with a subscription rate of 135.4% of the total units available under the Rights issue. With the completion of the Rights issue, CCT's gearing will decline from 43.1% to 30.7%, after the repayment of borrowings using the proceeds.

Slower rate of decline in office rental but cautiousness is warranted.
According to Jones Lang LaSalle, average prime Grade A office rental declined 11% QoQ to S$9.50 psf per month in 2Q09 and the decline had decelerated in comparison to the 28% QoQ decline in 1Q09. Despite the positive news, our fundamental view of a worsening office market going forward remains unchanged. The slower rate of decline also came after a steep decline in rental in 1Q09. The office market in Singapore will continue to be plagued by the huge oncoming supply of new office space (13.9m sq ft in the pipeline) and shadow space that will continue to put downward pressure on office rental.

Current gearing sufficient to withstand devaluation through downturn.
At a post-Rights gearing of 30.7% after the recent revaluation of its properties, CCT can withstand a further S$1,995.6m or 31.8% decline in the valuation of its properties before it reaches the upper bound of its comfortable gearing range of 30%-45% and this is also more than the S$1,581.5m or 26.2% decline in valuation (based on latest valuation report) that we have factored in our RNAV computation. We believe that this provides a sufficient buffer for CCT to tide over the asset devaluation during this downturn without the need to tap on the equity market again.

Maintain BUY.
Despite the weak sector outlook, we continue to like CCT for its quality office assets and strong management which is evident in the high portfolio occupancy rates, diversified tenant base and long established tenant-landlord relationship. Support from a strong sponsor - CapitaLand - also provides an added level of comfort to investors in turbulent time. Based on CCT's current price/NAV ratio of 0.54x, the market is now factoring in a 32.4% decline in asset value, which is over-excessive in our view. Success of its Rights issue has also removed refinancing concerns going forward.

We maintain our BUY rating on CCT with fair value of S$0.96.

Jim Rogers Sells Dollars, Plans to Short Treasuries

The dollar and U.S. Treasuries are both likely to slide as soaring government debt in the world's biggest economy undermines confidence in its assets, according to Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings.

"The government is printing lots of money and borrowing even more; that's not the basis for a sound currency," he said in a telephone interview today from Singapore . "The idea that anybody would lend money to the U.S. government for 30 years at 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 percent interest is mind-boggling to me."

Rogers, the author of books including "Investment Biker" and "Adventure Capitalist", said he holds fewer dollars than a year ago and plans to "short U.S. government bonds someday." A short bet involves selling a security you don't own with a view to buying it back after the price has fallen.

He recently bought the Swiss franc and within the Asia- Pacific region his currency holdings include yen, Singapore dollars, the yuan as well as the Australian and New Zealand dollars.

Rogers said he expects commodities prices to climb, saying it's one of the few asset classes with improving fundamentals.
Stocks in Sri Lanka are the only equities the investor said he would consider buying at present, adding that he plans to hold on to his holdings in China for many years to come.
"Selling Chinese shares in 2009 would be like selling U.S. ones in 1909," Rogers said. "My children were born in 2003 and 2008 and I expect them to hold my shares someday."

曾渊沧@股友通讯录 - 七月份

股市从今年3 月开始上升,升势惊人,至6月初,海峡时报指数破2400点,之后出现调整,但调整幅度不大。

股市在如此短时间有这么大幅度的升幅的确少见,主要的力量来自美国狂印钞票所产生的效果。那是一种担心通货膨涨的恐惧心,因为这个恐惧心,人们觉得为了对抗通涨,应该把钱由银行里提出来买一些东西,股票就成了选择之一。当然另一个原因是今年3 月股市也的确跌得太恐怖了,跌过了头。人人在惊弓之鸟的威胁之下不顾一切卖掉手上的股票。




因此,我们可以说,今年3 月份股市最坏的情况已经发生,股市的确是在复苏中,只是因为股市到底能领先经济多长时间并不定论,因此至今经济仍未见曙光。





太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)投资总监比尔·格罗斯7月1日在其公司网站上发表的月度研究报告称, 金融危机使得美国消费者的谨慎情绪增加,美国人重拾储蓄、削减开支可能使美国经济在一段时间内维持低于潜在增长水平的增速,他因此建议投资者更多关注固定收益投资。





格罗斯特别提及了人类的贪性与经济增长的互动关系,他说:“对经济来说,贪婪不仅是件好事,而且是不可或缺的。”他推崇经济学家凯恩斯的“动物精神”理论。凯恩斯通过观察大萧条,认为个人经济行为更多是出于“非理性的动物精神”,而非经济理论学家所钟爱的长期理性计算。 凯恩斯认为,出于“动物精神”,人们总有自发冲动想要有所作为,并且具有“自发的乐观主义精神”。





有人在批评我的《我只在 “ 大象 ” 出现时才射击》一文中说,巴菲特其实并不是在股票价值低估或恐慌时买进的,费雪、林奇等更不会是这样,而格兰厄姆相比这些人来说采用此方法,业绩是最差的。他还说,1987年10月美国股市发生世纪性大跌,但可口可乐公司该年反而上涨19%,巴菲特更是在1988年反弹后的 “ 高位 ” 追进可口可乐。言外之意,巴菲特似乎更喜欢紧跟市场在股票上涨时买进。果真是这样的吗?


1989年,巴菲特公开宣布他已持有可口可乐的股份,亚特兰大《机构》杂志的一名记者采访了巴菲特,提问了一个巴菲特被经常问及的问题:为什么没有更早买入可口可乐的股份?巴菲特回答:“假如你要离开10年,而此时你想做一笔投资,你了解你现在所知道的一切,但当你不在的时候不能改变这一切,你会怎么想?”这里的意思是,这家公司的业务要简单易懂,并且其政策要始终如一。长期业绩的展望要令人满意。“假如我知道一些事情确定会发生 —— 例如,市场会不断地扩大,公司领导不会更换,公司将有可喜的成长。但我唯独不了解像可口可乐这类商品和可口可乐公司的业务。"巴菲特解释说,“我必须确信当我回来时,这家公司会比现在做得更多更好。”但是,为什么现在又买进可口可乐的股票呢?因为可口可乐公司的“特性已经存在了几十年了”。更重要的是,巴菲特看上了可口可乐公司1980年代由罗伯特·格伊祖塔和唐纳德·考夫领导下所发生的巨大变化。也就是说,因为可口可乐公司令人满意的长期发展前景加上有吸引力的价格,才最终促使巴菲特买入其股份。可见,根本不是某些人所说的巴菲特是在1988年反弹后的“高位"追进可口可乐这么一回事。

至于菲利普·费雪,虽然他非常强调公司成长性的重要,但是费雪又说, “ 如果公司有一项大幅提升获利能力的计划,而这种提升尚未反映在股价变化上时,投资者就可以大胆介入。也就是说,无论具体情况如何变化,只要公司的盈利能力将会有很大的的改善或加强,而股票的价格又还没有被这种预期推高。那么就是投资的良好买入点。 ” 彼得·林奇认为,市场投资的良机出现于一家公司的真正价值发生改变,而不是最近股市行情的变化,作为基金经理,当他看到股票价格明显低于实际价值时,他就买入,希望从中赚取三分之一左右的收益。而格雷厄姆在他的公司20年的经营期内,它的年收益率比市场高出2.5%。熟悉基金史的人应该知道,这是一个非常惊人的数字,我不知道他 “ 业绩最差 ” 从何说起。

某些人愿意在牛市中不计价格地购买股票,而在熊市中不计后果地抛售股票,那是他自己的事。但是我只牢记约翰·邓普顿说过的: “ 正确的买入时间是悲观情绪最严重的时刻,那样的话,大部分的问题都可能被解决。 ” 当然,逆潮流而行是一件极度困难的事,尤其在最黑暗的时刻。但是如果我随潮流的话,我也会得到别人同样的结果。因此,伯纳德·巴鲁克将这条原则归纳总结如下: “ 永远不要跟随潮流。 ”













Saturday, July 4, 2009




麥嘉華這番話,正是我於去年金融海嘯最嚴重的時候,用來勉勵某些人,他們在股市上虧很多錢,眼看自己手上的股票一日日貶值。當時我已經在專欄上重複強調,自從這個世界出了一名稱為凱恩斯的經濟學家之後,這個世界就沒有解決不了的經濟衰退問題。所謂經濟衰退,就是人人手上沒錢,沒錢消費,因此,政府只要狂印鈔票,分給這些沒錢的人,問題就解決了。當然,如何分是另一門學問,今年 3月 19日,美國聯邦儲備局終於宣佈大量印鈔票,股市就急速地復蘇。

印鈔票來解決經濟衰退問題不是每一個國家都可以做的,只有貨幣呈強勢的國家才可以這麼做。今年 3月,美元正處於強勢,於是可以開動印鈔機印鈔票;人民幣也處於強勢,也同樣可以印;香港金管局也印了不少,不斷地向銀行體系注資,還發行數以百億元計的短期票據,吸收市場上過量的資金。



Some pain before the gain

STI could possibly slide to 2080 level over the next 2-3 months? The STI has surged 58% from the early Mar 09 low point. Economic indicators, though off the worst, have not taken off in similar fashion. We believe the current market has priced in a sharp economic recovery, and the risk of being disappointed is high. Hence, we believe there could be downside pressure on STI in the short term. We believe the STI could correct to 2080, or 1.3x P/B, which is one standard deviation below the 12-year mean of 1.6x P/B.

But upside to 2750 likely over the next 12-months. The STI P/B peak in 2000 coincided with the peak of M3 to GDP ratio. This occurred after the 1997/1998 Asian Financial Crisis. The liquidity generated led to the strength in the STI then. The M3 to GDP ratio has risen sharply over the past 2 years, and we expect the ratio to rise further with M3 rising faster than GDP. We see this contributing to further upside on the STI over the 12-month time horizon. Our target of 2750 is based on 1.6x P/B, the mean over the past 12 years.

To ride on the short-term weakness, we recommend selling SIA, SGX and Parkway.

SIA (SELL\S$12.34\Target: S$8.80) suffered weak May 09 operating statistics, and we expect H1N1 concerns to lead to further softness in passenger load.

SGX's (SELL\S$7.17\Target: S$6.20) Jun 09 average daily turnover is down~20% from the May 09 peak of S$2.27b. Chinese companies can now also list on alternative exchanges such as Bursa Malaysia, and this could lower SGX long term growth.

Parkway (SELL\S$1.63\Target: S$0.92) is dependent on foreign patients and this segment has been adversely affected by the fall in foreign visitors to Singapore due to the H1N1 concerns.

Certain stocks will outperform despite the likely STI short-term softness.

City Development (BUY\S$8.80\Target: S$12.00) will benefit from the recent strength in new property units sold. We forecast 10,000 residential units to be sold in Singapore in 2009, versus 4,300 for 2008.

ComfortDelgro (BUY\S$1.28\Target: S$1.78) should register resilient bus and rail ridership numbers despite the recession. Softer diesel and electricity prices will keep expenses low.

Keppel Corp (BUY\S$6.75\Target: S$8.60) will see strong demand from its customers as the breakeven cost of drilling a deepwater well is now US$60/bbl, versus US$75/bbl two years ago.

StarHub (BUY\S$2.06\Target: S$2.39) should see resilience given its strong yields of over 8%, the highest in the industry.

失业率高企 无需担心通货膨胀

那些担心美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)宽松的货币政策将引发通货膨胀的投资者,应该留意一个大体维持了几十年的经济趋势。



美国的失业率目前正处于25年来的最高水平。接受道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)调查的经济学家们预计,6月份的失业率将从5月份的9.4%升至9.6%。

从以往经验看,在失业率降至5%以下之前,通货膨胀不会成为大问题。美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)称,自2001年以来,非加速通货膨胀失业率(NAIRU)一直维持在4.8%的水平。也就是说,在经济学家们看来,只要失业率不低于4.8%,就不会出现通货膨胀。





穆迪经济网(Moody's Economy.com)的首席经济学家赞迪(Mark Zandi)说,他认为通货膨胀率加速上扬的可能性很小,这一定程度上要归因于美国的就业前景。赞迪称,在2011、甚至2012年以前,美国的通货膨胀风险都不会加大。