
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another Wave of Withdrawals Expected to Hit Hedge Funds

The race for the door at hedge funds isn't letting up.
With financial markets in disarray and the alleged fraud by money manager Bernard Madoff casting a pall on the industry, investors have been demanding their money back at a relentless rate in the first weeks of 2009. That is forcing some of the world's best-known hedge-fund managers, who had hoped that massive withdrawals in December would be the worst of it, to brace for another wave.

Among the managers expecting withdrawals are New York-based D.E. Shaw & Co. and Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC, which together manage more than $50 billion in assets. Huw van Steenis, an analyst at Morgan Stanley in London, says he has seen "no deceleration" in investors' requests to pull money out of hedge funds. As a result, he estimates that assets under management in the global hedge-fund industry will shrink by as much as 30% this year due to withdrawals, following a 20% decrease in the second half of last year. That leaves total assets at less than $1 trillion, down from their peak of more than $1.9 trillion in mid-2008.

The exodus comes at a time when hedge funds are under fire on a number of fronts. Policy makers, seeking to root out the causes of the financial crisis, have subjected hedge-fund managers to public grillings and are planning greater regulatory scrutiny. Meanwhile, many hedge-fund investors were caught up in the alleged Ponzi scheme run by Madoff, further tarnishing the industry's reputation.
Overall, investment performance at hedge funds has shown signs of improvement this year.

Hedge funds as a group were flat for January after a 19% decline in 2008, according to data tracker Hedge Fund Research Inc.
Part of the explanation for the wave of withdrawals lies in the way hedge funds work. Many hedge funds, particularly U.S.-based funds, allow investors to take their money out only at quarterly intervals, requiring two to three months' notice. That means that investors who discovered in mid-December that they had lost money in the Madoff case and needed to raise extra cash wouldn't have been able to submit their requests in time for the end of last year.
Also, many U.S. hedge funds are playing catch up with their European peers, which bore the brunt of withdrawals late last year. In Europe, managers typically have shorter notice periods and rely heavily on money from high-net-worth individuals, who have moved more quickly to pull out money than the pension funds, college endowments and other institutions that make up a large portion of U.S. hedge-fund investors. Mr. van Steenis estimates that European funds had redemptions of as much as 30% of their assets during the second half of 2008, compared with as much as 20% in the U.S. Roughly three quarters of the industry's assets are in U.S. funds.

Morgan Stanley estimates that Och-Ziff investors could withdraw $2.1 billion during the first half of 2009. That comes on top of the $5.4 billion of net outflows Och-Ziff experienced during 2008, reducing its assets under management to $22.1 billion as of Jan. 1. "We believe that the industry-wide redemption cycle is not yet over," Chief Executive Daniel Och said in a Feb. 12 conference call with analysts.

D.E. Shaw has had more requests for withdrawals for the period ended March 31 than it did for the end of last year, according to people familiar with the matter. The money manager's assets shrank by $9 billion in the second half of last year to $30 billion, due to a combination of investment losses and withdrawals. Late last year, it placed limits on withdrawals from two of its funds after receiving requests for more than 8% of assets in one of them and more than 6% on the other.

In Europe, some fund managers are enjoying a respite. "We've actually seen a dramatic slowdown in the pace of redemptions," Noam Gottesman, co-CEO of London-based GLG Partners LP, said in a Feb. 12 conference call with analysts. He attributed it to the fact that GLG had been hit earlier than many funds because of the loss of one of its key managers last year. GLG's assets fell by $9.6 billion, or about 40%, last year to $15 billion. Still, he said, "it will take some time to win people's trust back."

In the U.S., the "extreme level of redemptions" is pushing New York-based Jana Partners LLC to set aside hard-to-sell assets to prevent them being sold to meet withdrawal requests for March, the firm told investors in a recent letter. Investors have asked to pull 20% to 30% of assets in March, coming on top of the 35% of assets the firm paid out in January. Jana will honor those requests, it said -- minus the illiquid assets that it is setting aside until markets improve.

Europe's Crisis: Much Bigger Than Subprime, Worse Than U.S.

Europe has borrowed $1.7 trillion abroad, much on short-term maturities. It must repay ? or roll over ? $400bn this year, equal to a third of the region's GDP. Good luck. The credit window has slammed shut.

Not even Russia can easily cover the $500bn dollar debts of its oligarchs while oil remains near $33 a barrel. The budget is based on Urals crude at $95. Russia has bled 36pc of its foreign reserves since August defending the rouble.

"This is the largest run on a currency in history," said Mr Jen.
In Poland , 60pc of mortgages are in Swiss francs. The zloty has just halved against the franc. Hungary , the Balkans, the Baltics, and Ukraine are all suffering variants of this story. As an act of collective folly ? by lenders and borrowers ? it matches America 's sub-prime debacle.. There is a crucial difference, however. European banks are on the hook for both. US banks are not.

Almost all East bloc debts are owed to West Europe , especially Austrian, Swedish, Greek, Italian, and Belgian banks. En plus, Europeans account for an astonishing 74pc of the entire $4.9 trillion portfolio of loans to emerging markets.

They are five times more exposed to this latest bust than American or Japanese banks, and they are 50pc more leveraged (IMF data). Spain is up to its neck in Latin America , which has belatedly joined the slump ( Mexico 's car output fell 51pc in January, and Brazil lost 650,000 jobs in one month). Britain and Switzerland are up to their necks in Asia .

Whether it takes months, or just weeks, the world is going to discover that Europe's financial system is sunk, and that there is no EU Federal Reserve yet ready to act as a lender of last resort or to flood the markets with emergency stimulus.

A note from Strategic Energy, as quoted by John Mauldin:
"The sums needed are beyond the limits of the IMF, which has already bailed out Hungary , Ukraine , Latvia , Belarus , Iceland , and Pakistan -- and Turkey next -- and is fast exhausting its own $200bn (€155bn) reserve. We are nearing the point where the IMF may have to print money for the world, using arcane powers to issue Special Drawing Rights. Its $16bn rescue of Ukraine has unravelled. The country -- facing a 12% contraction in GDP after the collapse of steel prices -- is hurtling towards default, leaving Unicredit, Raffeisen and ING in the lurch. Pakistan wants another $7.6bn.

Latvia's central bank governor has declared his economy "clinically dead" after it shrank 10.5% in the fourth quarter. Protesters have smashed the treasury and stormed parliament.
"'This is much worse than the East Asia crisis in the 1990s,' said Lars Christensen, at Danske Bank. 'There are accidents waiting to happen across the region, but the EU institutions don't have any framework for dealing with this. The day they decide not to save one of these one countries will be the trigger for a massive crisis with contagion spreading into the EU.'
Europe is already in deeper trouble than the ECB or EU leaders ever expected. Germany contracted at an annual rate of 8.4% in the fourth quarter. If Deutsche Bank is correct, the economy will have shrunk by nearly 9% before the end of this year. This is the sort of level that stokes popular revolt.

"The implications are obvious. Berlin is not going to rescue Ireland, Spain, Greece and Portugal as the collapse of their credit bubbles leads to rising defaults, or rescue Italy by accepting plans for EU "union bonds" should the debt markets take fright at the rocketing trajectory of Italy 's public debt (hitting 112pc of GDP next year, just revised up from 101pc -- big change), or rescue Austria from its Habsburg adventurism. So we watch and wait as the lethal brush fires move closer. If one spark jumps across the eurozone line, we will have global systemic crisis within days. Are the firemen ready?"

This is why some folks think the dollar is going to remain strong over the coming months: Because the rest of the world is falling apart even faster than we are.

Just as the global economy wasn't "decoupled" at the beginning of 2007, however (when the majority of Wall Street strategists believed that it was), it's not "decoupled" now. So the collapse of Eastern Europe --and, with it, the Western European banks--would almost certainly jump across the pond.

John Mauldin summarizes:
Eastern Europe has borrowed an estimated $1.7 trillion, primarily from Western European banks. And much of Eastern Europe is already in a deep recession bordering on depression. A great deal of that $1.7 trillion is at risk, especially the portion that is in Swiss francs. It is a story that could easily be as big as the US subprime problem.

In Poland , as an example, 60% of mortgages are in Swiss francs. When times are good and currencies are stable, it is nice to have a low-interest Swiss mortgage. And as a requirement for joining the euro currency union, Poland has been required to keep its currency stable against the euro. This gave borrowers comfort that they could borrow at low interest in francs or euros, rather than at much higher local rates.
But in an echo of teaser-rate subprimes here in the US , there is a problem.

Along came the synchronized global recession and large Polish current-account trade deficits, which were three times those of the US in terms of GDP, just to give us some perspective. Of course, if you are not a reserve currency this is going to bring some pressure to bear. And it did.

The Polish zloty has basically dropped in half compared to the Swiss franc. That means if you are a mortgage holder, your house payment just doubled. That same story is repeated all over the Baltics and Eastern Europe. Austrian banks have lent $289 billion (230 billion euros) to Eastern Europe. That is 70% of Austrian GDP. Much of it is in Swiss francs they borrowed from Swiss banks. Even a 10% impairment (highly optimistic) would bankrupt the Austrian financial system, says the Austrian finance minister, Joseph Proll. In the US we speak of banks that are too big to be allowed to
fail. But the reality is that we could nationalize them if we needed to do so. (And for the record, I favor nationalization and swift privatization. We cannot afford a repeat of Japan 's zombie banks.)

The problem is that in Europe there are many banks that are simply too big to save. The size of the banks in terms of the GDP of the country in which they are domiciled is all out of proportion. For my American readers, it would be as if the bank bailout package were in excess of $14 trillion(give or take a few trillion). In essence, there are small countries which have very large banks (relatively speaking) that have gone outside their own borders to make loans and have done so at levels of leverage which are far in excess of the most leveraged US banks. The ability of the "host" countries to nationalize their banks is simply not there. They are going to have to have help from larger countries. But as we will see below, that help is problematical.

As John Mauldin explains, fixing the problem in Europe will be even more difficult than it is here:
This has the potential to be a real crisis, far worse than in the US. Without concerted action on the part of the ECB and the European countries that are relatively strong, much of Europe could fall further into what would feel like a depression. There is a problem, though. Imagine being a politician in Germany , for instance. Your GDP is down by 8% last quarter.
Unemployment is rising. Budgets are under pressure, as tax collections are down. And you are going to be asked to vote in favor of bailing out (pick a small country)? What will the voters who put you into office think? We are going to find out this year whether the European Union is like the Three Musketeers. Are they "all for one and one for all?" or is it every country for itself? My bet (or hope) is that it is the former. Dissolution at this point would be devastating for all concerned, and for the world economy at large. Many of us in the US don't think much about Europe or the rest of the world, but without a healthy Europe , much of our world trade
would vanish.

It is not clear how it will all play out. But there is real risk of Europe dragging the world into a longer, darker night. Their banks not only have exposure to our US foibles, much of which has already been written off, but now many banks will have to contend with massive losses from emerging-market loans, which could be even larger than the losses stemming from US problems. Plus, they are more leveraged.






































Monday, March 2, 2009



滙控今天公佈業績,英國報章消息滿天飛,話滙控將削減派息,並可能宣佈供股集資120億英鎊(即1320億港元)。滙控曾經被香港人譽為股王,如今股價56.95元,在美國預託證券更見53.98元,已跌回 96年的價錢,即係過去12年買入滙控者,全部都要輸錢。

買得滙控絕大部份係投資者,而唔係投機者(買滙控輪者例外),但一樣中重招,若在 07年10月時以150元高位買貨者,如今得番三分之一。滙控的下跌,絕對損害唔想炒炒吓的投資者的核心價值,他們信奉buy and hold(買入並長揸)的原則,認為咁樣比進進出出炒股好,愈跌愈買,愈買愈多,如今真係喊都無謂。





一手把AIG搞大的AIG前行政總裁甘伯(Maurice Greenberg),就係令AIG大量承擔信貸違約調期合約的始作俑者,佢發現沽出信貸違約調期合約非常好賺,所以大做特做,這也是AIG近年盈利急升執行業牛耳的一大原因。理由諗落好簡單,AIG賣人壽保險收保險金,每年都有大量投保人過世要賠償,但佢賣信貸違約調期這種企業保險,在金融海嘯到來之前,風平浪靜,鮮有大企業倒閉(之前幾年都只係一間安龍公司執咗),所以沽出信貸違約調期合約,都係白收保險金,賣得多賺得多,AIG自然係盡量做,賺到笑。信貸違約調期的市場全無監管,交易規則又鬆,到去年底已發展成一個54萬億美元(唔係寫錯,真係萬億)的超巨型市場,亦潛藏巨大風險。




銀行情況亦唔係好得好多,銀行亦係槓桿生意,佢一手收存款或在銀行同業市場借錢回來,另一手借錢出街俾客戶,所以銀行有1元淨資產,可以做10元生意,道理係咁,銀行有1000億美元資產,同時有900億美元負債,即係淨資產只有100億美元,即係有100億美元淨資產時去做 1000億美元生意,槓桿相當大。



所以第三個教訓是簡單的買入長揸策略,已經不合時宜,現今全球化的社會,一切事情以10倍的速度發生,97年香港回歸港股升上17,000點,98年亞洲金融風暴跌番落5800點,2000年科網狂潮再上18,000點,翌年科網爆破又落到12,000點,到2007年又炒番到31,900點,如今跌到 13,000點,12年經歷3個起跌周期,你長揸股票升到高一高時唔走,結果跌番轉頭就一身蟻,如果揸着一隻AIG,更加可以變到差不多一無所有,你話揸咗啲四線神仙股跌咁多都心甘命抵,揸隻環球保險股王都變咁,就要明白現代社會企業用咁多金融槓桿搵食,無一隻股可以話十足穩陣。


Sunday, March 1, 2009

股神巴菲特「认蠢」错买油股 巴郡资产缩115亿美元


掌舵44年 去年最差


入股爱尔兰银行 劲蚀9成




'Turnaround could take years'

NEW UBS chief executive Oswald Gruebel said it could take years to return the troubled Swiss bank to sustained profitability in an interview published Sunday.

Mr Gruebel also told the NZZ am Sonntag that it would take the banking industry 'a long time' to work 'like it used to.' Asked how long it would take to return UBS to lasting profits again, he said: 'If there were only factors that I could determine myself I would say two to three years. But there's the market, and that I can't control.'

Mr Gruebel underlined that there was a 'natural' limit of five years, by which time he will be 70.

The 65 year-old German, who led a turnaround at rival Credit Suisse earlier this decade, was appointed chief executive of UBS on Thursday after Marcel Rohner resigned following just 18 months in the job.

While Mr Gruebel underlined that he was still taking stock of the situation at Switzerland's biggest bank, he confirmed in the interview that more cost-cutting would be necessary.

'When we have overall costs of 30 billion Swiss francs, you should already assume that we have room to manage the whole bank somewhat more efficiently,' he said.

'I don't want to commit myself to a figure yet. But costs must go down further,' he added.

UBS lost billions in the United States subprime home loan crisis and the ensuing financial fallout and is also caught up in a costly legal dispute with the US over a tax evasion probe.


新一波的金融风暴正悄悄降临。美国股市下跌到12年低点,投资者的目光都锁定在花旗集团(Citigroup)、美国银行(Bank of America)等金融股,实际上这一轮把股市推低的罪魁祸首并非金融类股,而是更加多样化的股票——从大型机器制造商到日常用品制造商。






将有问题的企业国有化,并非拯救美国经济的正确方法,反而像是自杀多一些。著名经济学家米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)的追随者都不会同意美国政府的做法。

国际货币基金(IMF)前首席经济师、目前在麻省理工学院任教的西蒙·约翰逊(Simon Johnson)便认为,国有化不是治本之策,它只是将不可避免的结局推迟而已,接下来还会出现更多有问题的银行。

然而,支持政府接管银行的派系,包括美国联邦储备局前主席格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)、诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗克鲁曼(Paul Krugman)等人在内,却认为既然这是非常时期,就必须用非常的手段解决问题,不能再让如雷曼兄弟一般大规模的银行倒闭。






It’s not the time to buy

End 09, early next year could be better, says CDL chief

CITY Development Limited (CDL) believes it is too early for it to start snapping up property in the downturn.

“The buyer-seller price gap is too wide still, so it’s not time to buy. The end of the year, early next year could be better,” said City Developments Limited’s (CDL) executive chairman Kwek Leng Beng at the group’s annual results briefing yesterday. Asset prices, he said, have not fallen to levels that are attractive enough.

CDL yesterday announced an after-tax profit of $580.9 million, almost a 20-per-cent dip from a year earlier. Even so, that was the group’s second-highest earnings since inception.

It attributed the fall partly to a 5.2-per-cent decline in revenue and lower contribution from its hotel operations under London-listed Millennium and Copthorne Hotels (M&C). This was mostly due to currency conversion, given the Singapore dollar’s recent strength against the British pound.

“Not unexpectedly, 2008 was a challenging year for the Singapore property market with downward pressure on both transaction volumes and sale prices after blistering performance in the previous two years, weighed down by global financial woes,” the company said.

“The group is aware of the many challenges that lie ahead.”

CDL said its balance sheet remained healthy, and it was not planning any rights issue to raise capital. It expects to stay profitable this year.

In the coming year, CDL said it would “exercise prudence” on expenses. It would “keep staff as much as (it) can” in Singapore.

CDL’s net borrowings stood at $3.4 billion, or 32 per cent of assets if fair value gains are taken into account, said chief financial officer Goh Ann Nee.

In the first half of this year, it will launch 60 units at the 724-unit Livia, 100 units at the 336-unit The Arte at Thomson, and 100 units of the 228-unit The Quayside Isle @ Sentosa Cove.

The group has 142 unsold units from projects previously launched projects, with less than 10 per cent of those high-end.

CDL is holding back its South Beach project. It added that based on a recent valuation for the year ended Dec 31, there was no impairment required for the development.

Mr Kwek refuted rumours about consortium partners pulling out of the project.

The company is planning to issue the second tranche of Islamic Sukuk in the first quarter of this year. It is likely to be three or four times larger than the first one. In January, CDL issued $100 million worth of notes under its $1-billion Islamic note programme.

Dividend-rich story is waning

IT MAY be a nag but a mother's reminder of 'safety first' to her kids is pretty good advice.

And in such uncertain times, people are turning maternal. They are looking for investments that they can nestle into and sleep soundly over.

Ordinarily, this would refer to dividend-rich stocks such as those in the banking, oil and gas, and the telecommunications sectors.

Which explains why several blue chips tend to find favour among analysts. Besides the assumption that shareholders are buying into an established and stable business, the stocks yield attractive dividends for shareholders.

This is despite (or a consequence of) them typically being more expensive in dollar terms compared with other stocks on the market.

But the dividend-rich story that some analysts still keep up is waning.

Oil and gas kingpin Keppel Corporation slashed its dividend payout ratio last month to 51 per cent from 99 per cent a year ago, despite posting a slight 3 per cent dip in full-year net profit to about $1.1 billion.

And while competitor Sembcorp Marine is prepared to push out a dividend of 11 cents per share for the full year, 26 per cent higher than the 8.73 cents paid in 2007, the company has noted that the dividend policy is not cast in stone. This signals that future dividends for the company could be shaved to explore mergers and acquisitions (M&A) opportunities or as a precaution against the credit crunch, as banks turn coy on lending.

Over in the US, JPMorgan Chase became the latest bank to cut dividend payout. It lopped dividend payout by 87 per cent to five US cents per share from 38 US cents, saving US$5 billion in capital per year from the reduction, reported Bloomberg. This is despite the bank expecting a profit in the first quarter in 2009 that is aligned with analysts' estimates.

Banks at home - which are assumed to be stronger than their Western counterparts - have maintained their payouts so far. But OCBC has plans to introduce a scrip dividend scheme that allows shareholders to receive the latest dividend in the form of shares instead of cash, which is seen as a means to conserve capital.

Even the real estate investment trusts (Reits) sector, which rests on a stable income distribution as its selling point, is not as resilient as some analysts make them out to be.

Saizen Reit yanked distribution payout for its fiscal second quarter and has proposed a scrip-only dividend scheme, under which it would pay dividends in the form of Reit units instead of cash.

CDL Hospitality Trusts also said that it would distribute 90 per cent of its taxable income - the minimum amount of distribution - for the second-half 2008, compared with off-loading 100 per cent of its taxable income. This would save the company about $4 million.

Analysts say that the 'scrip-only' scheme and other dividend reinvestments schemes are being mulled by other Reits as well to hoard cash. This is especially as the situation of debt maturity appears 'more acute' here compared to other Reits in the region, said DBS Vickers Securities in a recent report, with about $3.2 billion or 24 per cent of the total sector indebtedness being due for refinancing this year.

The bottom line is that stocks that paid out generous dividends in past may not necessary do so now.

Measures to crimp dividend payouts are understandable. While there is little doubt that shareholders will lose out in the short term, it would be unwise for companies to pay out cash, or worse, to borrow (at much higher costs now) and risk future operations by weakening its cash position.

But this means that stocks that were once lauded as safe, resilient or defensive based simply on their dividend yields, may no longer be seen as such.

ARA Asset Management: An Eye on China (BUY; S$0.44; ARA SP; Price Target : 12-Month S$ 0.60 (Prev S$ 0.63)

With earnings steady like a rock, we see little downside earnings risk for ARA Asset Management (ARA) due to its highly scalable fee-income based model. Our target price is adjusted slightly downwards to 60cts, based on 10x P/E FY10 trough earnings. Opportunistic new funds and M&A activities could provide earnings surprise in the near term. Maintain BUY.

Delivering with prudence.
FY08 was largely uneventful as the group consolidate its position and did not raise new funds which on hindsight could have diluted performance. Gross revenues were 13% higher at S$70m, mainly on the back of full year contribution of its fee income from ARA Asia Dragon fund. Net profit margins remained relatively stable at c. 52%, resulting in a NOPAT of S$36.5m (+8% y-o-y). The group also proposed a final dividend of 2.24 Scts per share, bringing total dividend per share to 3.8 Scts, translating to a yield of c. 10%.

Adjust fund raisings assumptions, mark-to-market Reits. We mark to market the various reits AUM valuations as at 31 Dec’08 and moderate fund raisings assumptions due to increasingly tight capital markets. Our forward estimates assumes: (i) further 10% decline in asset values in its listed reits as at Dec’09, (ii) adjust new funds raised over FY09 to US$350m (previously US$500m), contributing only in FY10. Our forward FY09-10 EPS forecasts are thus reduced by c. 12% respectively to 6.1 cts and 6.7 cts.

China Fund- the next catalyst?
Declining real estate prices in China & Japan, could present buying windows of opportuntities for ARA in the near term. In this aspect, we believe that ARA could launch a new China fund given (i) relative attractive value proposition compared to Japan, (ii) group has begun expanding its networks and presence there. The launch of a new fund, we view, is likely to serve as the re-rating catalyst for the stock in the near term.
















巴菲特从不预测股市的短期波动,但是巴菲特却认为股市长期波动是可以预测的: “ 如果预期股市长期走势的话,我就觉得非常容易。格雷厄姆曾经告诉我们为什么会如此:尽管短期来说股市是一个投票机,但长期来说股市却是个称重机。 ”








巴菲特分析了过去80年来美国所有上市公司总市值占GNP的比率,他发现的规律是: “ 如果所有上市公司总市值占GNP的比率在70%~80%之间,则买入股票长期而言可能会让投资者有相当不错的报酬。 ”



从2000年3月24日最高的1552.87点,到 2002年10月10日最低跌到768.63点,32个月下跌超过50%。巴菲特成功避开了股市大跌。


2005年股票总市值与GDP的比率创9年新低,仅有17.7%,上证指数年底收盘于1161点,也创7年新低。 2007年底股票总市值与GDP的比率创16年最高,达到127%,上证指数年底收盘于5262点,也创16年以来最高。



2008年10月17日,巴菲特在《纽约时报》公开发表文章宣布,如果美国股市继续下跌,将用私人账户买入美国公司股票。美国股票总市值占GNP比率在1999年最高峰时达到190%,经过2008年大跌之后,目前下降到75%左右,给了巴菲特一个充分的入市理由: “ 如果总市值与GNP的比率落在70%到80%之间,进场购买股票可能会很有利。 ”

巴菲特对于总市值占GNP比率重返正常一点也不感到讶异,他告诉《财富》杂志说,这种变化让他想起他的导师对股市波动规律的描述,他说: “ 股市短期像是一台投票机,但长期像是一台称重机。 ”

2008年10月17日巴菲特在《纽约时报》发表文章时标准普尔500指数收于940点,到 2009年2月23日却跌到743点。过了4个月,股市又下跌了21%。




中国股市却从 2008年10月28日最低的1664点开始反弹, 2009年2月16日最高冲到2389点,最大涨幅超过43%。如果你根据巴菲特的这个指标,短短3个来月会赚上一大笔。可能股神也没想到,他的文章没有唤来美国股市的春天,却唤来中国股市的一波小阳春。



花旗国有化 美国经济丧失灵魂


花旗事实上已经被国有化,美国政府救助的450亿美元,而目前花旗市值只有100多亿美元,花旗技术破产。中央财经大学中国经济与管理学院教授卜若柏(Robert H. Blohm)指出,鉴于美国联邦政府此前曾同意吸收花旗银行资产负债表上价值数千亿美元的不良资产损失,花旗集团已属政府。


岂止花旗,其他金融机构也面临国有化的处境,8000亿美元的坏帐拨备没有解决问题,金融机构继续面临负债困境。美国财政部长盖特纳本月10日发布的第二轮金融救援方案。根据该方案,政府将很快对资产超过千亿美元的主要银行展开全方位 “ 压力测试 ” ,确定银行的健康状况,如果银行无法通过测试,政府将有条件地提供 “ 额外支持 ” 。政府已经全方位地介入金融机构拯救运动中,其结果与全部国有化仅有一纸之隔。如果说20世纪初期的大衰退是由JP摩根的慷慨缓解了金融、资本市场的危机,那现在是露出虎牙、打算惩治尾大不掉的金融巨鳄的美国政府。






24日,美联储主席伯南克在国会作证时也否认了外界有关政府将以审查银行资产负债表为名,将大型银行国有化的猜测,他表示没有任何理由在不必要的情况下将银行收归国有。伯南克对美国国会金融委员会表示, “ 这并不是国有化,因为政府不会拥有全部或大多数银行股份。 ”




最终,当受困银行足够强大,勿需援助时,他们会偿还政府的资金,并募集私人资本。伯南克说, “ 当私人资本重新回来时,就是游戏的结尾。我也确信这会发生。当然越快越好。 ” 最理想的情况是,政府可以从现在的投资中赚钱。














Buffett optimistic despite Berkshire's worst year, prospects for more economic turmoil

Warren Buffett remains optimistic about the prospects for his company and the nation even though Berkshire Hathaway Inc. turned in its worst performance in 2008 and the widely-followed investor says the economy will likely remain a mess beyond this year.

Buffett used his annual letter Saturday to reassure shareholders that the Omaha-based insurance and investment company has the financial strength needed to withstand the current turmoil and improve after the worst showing of Buffett's 44 years as chairman and CEO.

Buffett wrote he's certain "the economy will be in shambles throughout 2009 -- and, for that matter, probably well beyond -- but that conclusion does not tell us whether the stock market will rise or fall."

In between the news of Berkshire's sharply lower profit and a thorough explanation of its largely unrealized $7.5 billion investment and derivative losses, Buffett offered a hopeful view of the nation's future.

He said America has faced bigger economic challenges in the past, including two World Wars and the Great Depression.

"Though the path has not been smooth, our economic system has worked extraordinarily well over time," Buffett wrote. "It has unleashed human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so. America's best days lie ahead."

Buffett's letter appeared to mollify the concerns of many who follow the company, but it's not yet clear whether that will help Berkshire's Class A stock extend its rebound from the new five-year low it set last Monday at $73,500. On Friday, it closed up $250 at $78,600.

"If anything, I feel better than I did before I read it," Morningstar analyst Bill Bergman said. Berkshire's results could have easily been worse, he said.

But Buffett estimates Berkshire's book value -- assets minus liabilities -- declined 9.6 percent to $70,530 per share in 2008 -- the biggest drop since he took control of the company in 1965. Berkshire's book value declined only one other time under Buffett, and that was a 6.2 percent drop in 2001 when insurance losses related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks hurt results.

Berkshire's Class A shares remain the most expensive U.S. stock, but they fell nearly 32 percent in 2008 and have declined 48 percent since setting a high of $151,650 in December 2007. That high came after an exceptionally profitable quarter that was helped by a $2 billion investment gain.

The S&P 500 fell 37 percent in 2008.

Within Berkshire, Buffett said the company's retail businesses, including furniture and jewelry stores, and those tied to residential construction, such as Shaw carpet and Acme Brick, were hit hard last year. Net income for those businesses slipped 3 percent to $2.28 billion, and Buffett said they will likely continue to perform below their potential in 2009.

But he said Berkshire's utility and insurance businesses, which includes Geico, both delivered outstanding results in 2008 that helped balance out the other businesses.

The Des Moines, Iowa-based utility division, MidAmerican Energy Holdings, contributed $1.7 billion to Berkshire's net income in 2008 thanks to more than $1 billion in proceeds from MidAmerican's failed takeover of Constellation Energy. That's up from the $1.1 billion utility profit that Berkshire recorded in 2007.

The insurance division, which also includes reinsurance giant General Re, contributed $1.8 billion in earnings from underwriting -- a drop of 17 percent from 2007. Buffett praised Geico CEO Tony Nicely's efficiency and his ability to increase Geico's market share to 7.7 percent of the auto insurance market last year.

"As we view Geico's current opportunities, Tony and I feel like two hungry mosquitoes in a nudist camp. Juicy targets are everywhere," Buffett wrote.

Overall, Berkshire's 2008 profit of $4.99 billion, or $3,224 per Class A share, was down 62 percent from $13.21 billion, or $8,548 per share, in 2007.

Berkshire's fourth-quarter numbers were even worse. Buffett's company reported net income of $117 million, or $76 per share, down 96 percent from $2.95 billion, or $1,904 per share, a year earlier.

Buffett devoted nearly five pages of his letter to shareholders to explaining the role derivatives played in the company's investment losses last year.

The derivatives Berkshire offers operate similar to insurance policies. Some of them cover whether certain stock market indexes -- the S&P 500, the FTSE 100 in the United Kingdom, the Euro Stoxx 50 in Europe and the Nikkei 225 in Japan -- will be lower 15 or 20 years in the future. Others cover credit losses at groups of 100 companies, and some cover credit risks of individual companies.

Buffett said he initiated all of Berkshire's 251 different derivative contracts because he believes they were mispriced in Berkshire's favor.

Analyst Justin Fuller, who works with Midway Capital Research & Management in Chicago, said he thinks the details Buffett offered about Berkshire's derivatives will help.

Fuller said two key things make Berkshire's derivatives different from the complex financial bets of the same name that other companies have used. Berkshire requires most payment upfront, so there's little risk the other party to the derivative will fail to pay. And Berkshire won't take part in derivatives that require the company to post substantial collateral when the value of the contract falls.

"I think laying those out as plainly and simply as he did with examples should calm investors' fears about derivatives," said Fuller.

Berkshire has received $8.1 billion in payments for derivatives which can be invested until the contracts expire years from now.

But Berkshire has to estimate the value of its derivatives every quarter. Buffett said he supports that mark-to-market accounting, but the Black-Scholes formula used to estimate that value tends to overstate Berkshire's liability on long-term contracts.

"Even so, we will continue to use Black-Scholes when we are estimating our financial-statement liability for long-term equity puts. The formula represents conventional wisdom and any substitute that I might offer would engender extreme skepticism," Buffett wrote.

Buffett said he made at least one major investing mistake last year by buying a large amount of ConocoPhillips stock when oil and gas prices were near their peak.

Berkshire increased its stake in ConocoPhillips from 17.5 million shares in 2007 to 84.9 million shares at the end of 2008. Buffett said he didn't anticipate last year's dramatic fall in energy prices, so his decision cost Berkshire shareholders several billion dollars.

Buffett says he also spent $244 million on stock in two Irish banks that appeared cheap. But since then, he's had to write down the value of those purchases to $27 million.

But Buffett also had several investing successes in 2008.

Berkshire committed $14.5 billion to fixed income investments in Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and General Electric Co. Those investments carry high interest rates and give Berkshire the option to acquire stock in those companies.

To fund those investments, Buffett said he had to sell some of Berkshire's holdings in Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble Co. and ConocoPhillips even though he would have rather kept that stock.

"However, I have pledged -- to you, the rating agencies and myself -- to always run Berkshire with more than ample cash. We never want to count on the kindness of strangers in order to meet tomorrow's obligations," Buffett said.

In that regard, Berkshire should be OK because the company finished 2008 with $24.3 billion cash on hand. That's down significantly from the $37.7 billion the company held at the end of 2007, reflecting the investments Buffett made during the year.

Berkshire owns a diverse mix of more than 60 companies, including insurance, furniture, carpet, jewelry, restaurants and utility businesses. And it has major investments in such companies as Wells Fargo & Co. and Coca-Cola Co.





Stamp Duty 1st RM100,000 X 1% = RM 1,000
RM160,000 X 2% = RM 3, 200

Legal Fees 1st RM 150,000 X 1% = RM 1,500
RM 110,000 X 0.7% = RM 770


Loan Legal Fees 1st RM 150,000 X 1% = RM 1,500
RM 84,000 X 0.7% = RM 588



风险就是给了10% 定金后,不知道几时才能转换地契。
当然有机会不成功,不过10% 的定金是可以收回,只要在SPA 做一些特别条款既可。


我就直接赚取了RM30,000 的价差。不过,记得风险就是10%的定金会被扣押和损失这笔资金的其他投资机会。


举个例子,这里有些屋主叫价RM300,000。理由是以前的买价是RM265,000。加上银行利息和管理费,他们认为RM 300,000才是合理的。身为买者,我是不需要顾虑这些的。我只参考现在的市场状况和我愿意负担的价格。