
Monday, October 6, 2008

Roubini: 'Much More Radical' Action Needed as Bailout Fails to Lift Confidence

The House passed the bailout bill Friday with much pomp, circumstance and by a wide margin. President Bush quickly signed it into law.
So how did the market react? If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it anymore.

Wells Fargo's bid for Wachovia and hopes the dismal September jobs number would spur the Fed to cut rates helped push the Dow as high as 10,796 ahead of the House's midday vote. But the index tumbled after the affirmative vote, closing down 1.5% to 10,325. Following a similar pattern, the S&P shed 1.4% and the Nasdaq lost 1.5%.

For the week, the worst for stocks since September 2001, the Dow lost 7.3%, the S&P shed 9.4% and the Nasdaq shed 10.8%.

One explanation for the market's reaction: The bailout won't work as structured and now the government is going to throw (another) $850 billion down the rat hole ($700B bailout + $150B in tax breaks and pork).

More alarming than the stock market's decline, credit spreads widened further with LIBOR - a key measure of bank-to-bank lending - hitting an all-time high Friday, Bloomberg reports.

"Unfortunately, we are one accident away from a systemic financial meltdown," says NYU economics professor Nouriel Roubini of RGE Monitor, whose predictions about this credit cycle have been scary - and frighteningly accurate. "It is a situation of generalized panic."

In a conference call Thursday evening, Roubini noted government interventions this year have been getting increasingly bigger - starting with the $29 billion for Bear Stearns-JPMorgan in March to $700 billion today - with increasingly diminished returns, as detailed here.

So what, if anything, can the government do at this point to restore investor confidence, which was the underlying point of this exercise?

Forget rate cuts, or even a bank holiday, as some are chattering about. Roubini says the government needs to take "much more radical" action:

Provide blanket FDIC insurance on all deposits, without limitations. This will stress the Fed's balance sheet but will stop a "silent run on the banking system" that's occurring because large institutions don't want exposure to any banks above the (new) $250,000 insurance cap, Roubini says. "[They] don't know who's next to go belly up and want to pull out."
Do "triage" on the banking system to separate those banks that are merely "distressed but solvent" and can survive with liquidity injections vs. those that should be shut down.
At this point it's pretty foolish to rule anything out, including the possibility of a crash. About the only thing to be optimistic about is that it's always darkest before the dawn and it's very dark right now.




















Sunday, October 5, 2008

Soros' Reflexivity, financial markets, and economic theory

Soros' writings focus heavily on the concept of reflexivity, where the biases of individuals enter into market transactions, potentially changing the fundamentals of the economy. Soros argues that such transitions in the fundamentals of the economy are typically marked by disequilibrium rather than equilibrium, and that the conventional economic theory of the market (the 'efficient market hypothesis') does not apply in these situations. Soros has popularized the concepts of dynamic disequilibrium, static disequilibrium, and near-equilibrium conditions.

Reflexivity is based on three main ideas:
1. Reflexivity is best observed under special conditions where investor bias grows and spreads throughout the investment arena. Examples of factors that may give rise to this bias include (a) equity leveraging or (b) the trend-following habits of speculators.
2. Reflexivity appears intermittently since it is most likely to be revealed under certain conditions; i.e., the equilibrium process's character is best considered in terms of probabilities.
3. Investors' observation of and participation in the capital markets may at times influence valuations AND fundamental conditions or outcomes.

A current example of reflexivity in modern financial markets is that of the debt and equity of housing markets. Lenders began to make more money available to more people in the 1990s to buy houses. More people bought houses with this larger amount of money, thus increasing the prices of these houses. Lenders looked at their balance sheets which not only showed that they had made more loans, but that their equity backing the loans--the value of the houses, had gone up (because more money was chasing the same amount of housing, relatively). Thus they lent out more money because their balance sheets looked good, and prices went up more, and they lent more, etc. Prices increased rapidly, and lending standards were relaxed. The salient issue regarding reflexivity is that it explains why markets gyrate over time, and do not just stick to equilibrium--they tend to overshoot or undershoot.

View of potential problems in the free market system
Despite working as an investor and currency speculator, he argues that the current system of financial speculation undermines healthy economic development in many underdeveloped countries. Soros blames many of the world's problems on the failures inherent in what he characterizes as market fundamentalism. His opposition to many aspects of globalization has made him a controversial figure.

Victor Niederhoffer said of Soros: "Most of all, George believed even then in a mixed economy, one with a strong central international government to correct for the excesses of self-interest."

Soros claims to draw a distinction between being a participant in the market and working to change the rules that market participants must follow.














美国彼得森国际经济研究所日前举办研讨会,讨论“万亿美元俱乐部”国家对世界经济的影响。“万亿美元俱乐部”指GDP超过1万亿美元的新兴国家。彼得森国际经济研究所所长弗雷德·伯格斯腾在会上表示,中国无疑是“万亿美元俱乐部”中单个影响力最大、最重要的国家,中国经济增长占全球经济增长的比重高达 25%;中国的初级产品制造量是西方国家的3-5倍,这对世界经济结构将产生巨大影响。
“公平地讲,我们正处在自大萧条以来最严重的金融危机中。”花旗集团高级副总裁威廉·罗兹(William Rhodes)说。去年年初,他曾成功地预测到次贷危机的到来。在次贷危机影响开始前,他提出必须采取紧急措施来恢复对金融市场的信心。他说,“我们现在开始感受到危机对实体经济的影响。”他预测,未来几个季度,美国经济增长可能放缓。
摩根士丹利亚洲董事长史蒂芬·罗奇(Stephen Roach)呼吁用“有力和有效的”行动使经济形势得到控制。他说,近几年持续的房地产和信贷泡沫表明,美国住房市场的疲软很可能会蔓延到个人消费领域。








The Theory of Reflexivity by George Soros

When Rudi Dornbusch invited me to speak at this conference, he gave me a totally free hand in deciding what I wanted to talk about. Well, I want to discuss a subject which fascinates me but doesn’t seem to interest others very much. That is my theory of reflexivity which has guided me both in making money and in giving money away, but has received very little serious consideration from anybody else. It is really a very curious situation. I am taken very seriously; indeed, a bit too seriously. But the theory that I take seriously and, in fact, rely on in my decision-making process is pretty completely ignored. I have written a book about it which was first published in 1987 under the title The Alchemy of Finance; but it received practically no critical examination. It has been out of print for the last several years but demand has been building up as a result of my increased visibility, not to say notoriety, and now the book is being re-issued. I think this is a good time to get the theory seriously considered.

I was invited to testify before Congress last week and this is how I started my testimony. I quote: “I must state at the outset that I am in fundamental disagreement with the prevailing wisdom. The generally accepted theory is that financial markets tend towards equilibrium, and on the whole, discount the future correctly. I operate using a different theory, according to which financial markets cannot possibly discount the future correctly because they do not merely discount the future; they help to shape it. In certain circumstances, financial markets can affect the so-called fundamentals which they are supposed to reflect. When that happens, markets enter into a state of dynamic disequilibrium and behave quite differently from what would be considered normal by the theory of efficient markets. Such boom/bust sequences do not arise very often, but when they do, they can be very disruptive, exactly because they affect the fundamentals of the economy.” I did not have time to expound my theory before Congress, so I am taking advantage of my captive audience to do so now. My apologies for inflicting a very theoretical discussion on you.

The theory holds, in the most general terms, that the way philosophy and natural science have taught us to look at the world is basically inappropriate when we are considering events which have thinking participants. Both philosophy and natural science have gone to great lengths to separate events from the observations which relate to them. Events are facts and observations are true or false, depending on whether or not they correspond to the facts.

This way of looking at things can be very productive. The achievements of natural science are truly awesome, and the separation between fact and statement provides a very reliable criterion of truth. So I am in no way critical of this approach. The separation between fact and statement was probably a greater advance in the field of thinking than the invention of the wheel in the field of transportation.

But exactly because the approach has been so successful, it has been carried too far. Applied to events which have thinking participants, it provides a distorted picture of reality. The key feature of these events is that the participants’ thinking affects the situation to which it refers. Facts and thoughts cannot be separated in the same way as they are in natural science or, more exactly, by separating them we introduce a distortion which is not present in natural science, because in natural science thoughts and statements are outside the subject matter, whereas in the social sciences they constitute part of the subject matter. If the study of events is confined to the study of facts, an important element, namely, the participants’ thinking, is left out of account. Strange as it may seem, that is exactly what has happened, particularly in economics, which is the most scientific of the social sciences.

Classical economics was modeled on Newtonian physics. It sought to establish the equilibrium position and it used differential equations to do so. To make this intellectual feat possible, economic theory assumed perfect knowledge on the part of the participants. Perfect knowledge meant that the participants’ thinking corresponded to the facts and therefore it could be ignored. Unfortunately, reality never quite conformed to the theory. Up to a point, the discrepancies could be dismissed by saying that the equilibrium situation represented the final outcome and the divergence from equilibrium represented temporary noise. But, eventually, the assumption of perfect knowledge became untenable and it was replaced by a methodological device which was invented by my professor at the London School of Economics, Lionel Robbins, who asserted that the task of economics is to study the relationship between supply and demand; therefore it must take supply and demand as given. This methodological device has managed to protect equilibrium theory from the onslaught of reality down to the present day.

I don't know too much about the prevailing theory about financial markets but, from what little I know, it continues to maintain the approach established by classical economics. This means that financial markets are envisaged as playing an essentially passive role; they discount the future and they do so with remarkable accuracy. There is some kind of magic involved and that is, of course, the magic of the marketplace where all the participants, taken together, are endowed with an intelligence far superior to that which could be attained by any particular individual. I think this interpretation of the way financial markets operate is severely distorted. That is why I have not bothered to familiarize myself with efficient market theory and modern portfolio theory, and that is why I take such a jaundiced view of derivative instruments which are based on what I consider a fundamentally flawed principle. Another reason is that I am rather poor in mathematics.

It may seem strange that a patently false theory should gain such widespread acceptance, except for one consideration; that is, that all our theories about social events are distorted in some way or another. And that is the starting point of my theory, the theory of reflexivity, which holds that our thinking is inherently biased. Thinking participants cannot act on the basis of knowledge. Knowledge presupposes facts which occur independently of the statements which refer to them; but being a participant implies that one’s decisions influence the outcome. Therefore, the situation participants have to deal with does not consist of facts independently given but facts which will be shaped by the decision of the participants. There is an active relationship between thinking and reality, as well as the passive one which is the only one recognized by natural science and, by way of a false analogy, also by economic theory.

I call the passive relationship the “cognitive function” and the active relationship the “participating function,” and the interaction between the two functions I call “reflexivity.” Reflexivity is, in effect, a two-way feedback mechanism in which reality helps shape the participants’ thinking and the participants’ thinking helps shape reality in an unending process in which thinking and reality may come to approach each other but can never become identical. Knowledge implies a correspondence between statements and facts, thoughts and reality, which is not possible in this situation. The key element is the lack of correspondence, the inherent divergence, between the participants’ views and the actual state of affairs. It is this divergence, which I have called the “participant’s bias,” which provides the clue to understanding the course of events. That, in very general terms, is the gist of my theory of reflexivity.

The theory has far-reaching implications. It draws a sharp distinction between natural science and social science, and it introduces an element of indeterminacy into social events which is missing in the events studied by natural science. It interprets social events as a never-ending historical process and not as an equilibrium situation. The process cannot be explained and predicted with the help of universally valid laws, in the manner of natural science, because of the element of indeterminacy introduced by the participants’ bias. The implications are so far-reaching that I can’t even begin to enumerate them. They range from the inherent instability of financial markets to the concept of an open society which is based on the recognition that nobody has access to the ultimate truth. The theory gives rise to a new morality as well as a new epistemology. As you probably know, I am the founder—and the funder—of the Open Society Foundation. That is why I feel justified in claiming that the theory of reflexivity has guided me both in making and in spending money.

But is it possible to come up with a valid new theory about the relationship between thinking and reality? It seems highly unlikely. The subject has been so thoroughly explored that probably everything that can be said has been said. In my defense, I did not produce the theory in a vacuum. The logical indeterminacy of self-referring statements was first discussed by Epimenides, the Cretan philosopher, who said, “Cretans always lie,” and the paradox of the liar was the basis of Bertrand Russell's theory of classes. But I am claiming more than a logical indeterminacy. Reflexivity is a two-way feedback mechanism, which is responsible for a causal indeterminacy as well as a logical one. The causal indeterminacy resembles Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, but there is a major difference: Heisenberg’s theory deals with observations, whereas reflexivity deals with the role of thinking in generating observable phenomena.

I am thrilled by the possibility that I may have reached a profound new insight, but I am also scared because such claims are usually made by insane people and there are many more insane people in the world than there are people who have reached a profound new insight. I wonder whether my insight has an objective validity or only a subjective significance.

That is why I am so eager to submit my ideas to a critical examination and that is why I find the present situation, where I am taken so seriously but my theory is not, so frustrating. As I have said before, the theory of reflexivity has received practically no serious consideration. It is treated as the self-indulgence of a man who made a lot of money in the stock market. It is generally summed up by saying that markets are influenced by psychological factors, and that is pretty trite. But that is not what the theory says. It says that, in certain cases, the participants’ bias can change the fundamentals which are supposed to determine market prices.

I ask myself, why did I fail to communicate this point? The answer I come up with is that I tried to say too much, too soon. I tried to propound a general theory of reflexivity at a time when reflexivity as a phenomenon is not even recognized. In retrospect, I think I should have started more modestly; I should have tried to prove the existence of reflexivity as a phenomenon before I tried to revise our view of the world based on that phenomenon. It can be done relatively easily, and the financial markets provide an excellent laboratory in which to do it. And that is what I should like to do here today.

What I need to do is to demonstrate that there are instances where the participants’ bias is capable of affecting not only market prices but also the so-called fundamentals that market prices are supposed to reflect. I have collected and analyzed such instances in The Alchemy of Finance, so all I need to do here is simply to enumerate them. In the case of stocks, I have analyzed two particular instances which demonstrate my case perfectly; one is the conglomerate boom and bust of the late 1960s, and the other is the boom and bust of real estate investment trusts in the early 70s. I cite may other instances, such as the leveraged buyout boom of the 1980s and the boom/bust sequences engendered by foreign investors. But these cases are less clear cut.

The common thread in the two instances I have mentioned is so-called equity leveraging; that is to say, companies can use inflated expectations to issue new stock at inflated prices, and the resulting increase in earnings per share can go a long way to validate the inflated expectations. But equity leveraging is only one of many possible mechanisms for transmitting the participants’ bias to the underlying fundamentals. Consider, for instance, the boom in international lending which occurred in the 1970s and led to the bust of 1982. In the boom, banks relied on so-called debt ratios, which they considered as objective measurements of the ability of the borrowing countries to service their debt, and it turned out that these debt ratios were themselves influenced by the lending activity of the banks.

In all these cases, the participants’ bias involved an actual fallacy: in the case of the conglomerate and mortgage trust booms, the growth in earnings per share was treated as if it were independent of equity leveraging; and in the case of the international lending boom, the debt ratio was treated as if it were independent of the lending activities of the banks. But there are other cases where no such fallacy is involved. For instance, in a freely-fluctuating currency market, a change in exchange rates has the capacity to affect the so-called fundamentals which are supposed to determine exchange rates, such as the rate of inflation in the countries concerned; so that any divergence from a theoretical equilibrium has the capacity to validate itself. This self-validating capacity encourages trend-following speculation, and trend-following speculation generates divergences from whatever may be considered the theoretical equilibrium. The circular reasoning is complete. The outcome is that freely-fluctuating currency markets tend to produce excessive fluctuations and trend-following speculation tends to be justified.

I believe that these examples are sufficient to demonstrate that reflexivity is real; it is not merely a different way of looking at events; it is a different way in which events unfold. It doesn't occur in every case but, when it does, it changes the character of the situation. Instead of a tendency towards some kind of theoretical equilibrium, the participants’ views and the actual state of affairs enter into a process of dynamic disequilibrium which may be mutually self-reinforcing at first, moving both thinking and reality in a certain direction, but is bound to become unsustainable in the long run and engender a move in the opposite direction. The net result is that neither the participants’ views nor the actual state of affairs returns to the condition from which it started. Once the phenomenon of reflexivity has been isolated and recognized, it can be seen to be at work in a wide variety of situations. I studied one such situation in The Alchemy of Finance which was particularly relevant at the time the book was written. I called it “Reagan’s Imperial Circle.” It consisted of financing a massive armaments program with money borrowed from abroad, particularly from Japan. I showed that the process was initially self-reinforcing but it was bound to become unsustainable. A similar situation has arisen recently with the reunification of Germany, which eventually led to the breakdown of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The ERM operated in near- equilibrium conditions for about a decade before the reunification of Germany created a dynamic disequilibrium.

What renders reflexivity significant is that it occurs only intermittently. If it were present in all situations all the time, it would merely constitute a different way of looking at events and not a different way for events to evolve. That is the point I failed to make sufficiently clear in my book. I presented my theory of reflexivity as a general theory in which the absence of reflexivity appears as a special case. I was, of course, trying to imitate Keynes, who proposed his general theory of employment in which full employment was a special case. But Keynes proposed his theory when unemployment was a well-established fact, whereas I proposed the theory of reflexivity before the phenomenon has been recognized. In doing so, I both overstated and understated my case. I overstated it by arguing that the methods and criteria of the natural sciences are totally inapplicable to the study of social phenomena. I called social science a false metaphor. That is an exaggeration because there are many normal, everyday, repetitive situations which can be explained and predicted by universally valid laws whose validity can be tested by scientific method. And even historical, reflexive processes have certain repetitive aspects which lend themselves to statistical generalizations. For instance, the trade cycle follows a certain repetitive pattern, although each instance may have some unique features and there is a lot more to be gained from understanding the unique features than the repetitive pattern.

I have also understated my case by presenting reflexivity as a different way of looking at the structure of social events rather than a different way in which events unfold when reflexivity comes into play. I made the point that, in natural science, one set of facts follows another irrespective of what anybody thinks; whereas in the events studied by social science, there is a two-way interaction between perception and facts. I also drew a distinction between humdrum, everyday events in which the element of indeterminacy introduced by the reflexive connection can be treated as mere noise, and historical events where the reflexive interaction brings about an irreversible change both in the participants' views and the actual state of affairs. All this is very profound and very significant, but the really interesting undertaking is to study the difference between humdrum and historical events and to gain a better understanding of historical processes.

I have done a lot of work in that direction since I wrote The Alchemy of Finance, not so much in the financial markets as in the historical arena. I have come to distinguish between normal conditions and far-from-equilibrium conditions. In normal conditions, there is a tendency for the participants’ views and the actual state of affairs to converge or, at least, there are mechanisms at work to prevent them from drifting too far apart. I call these conditions “normal,” because that is what our intellectual traditions—including philosophy and scientific method —have prepared us for. I contrast them with far-from- equilibrium conditions, where the participants’ views are far removed from the actual state of affairs and there is no tendency for the two of them to come together. I have always found the far-from-equilibrium conditions much more fascinating, and I have studied them both in theory and in practice.

There are two very different kinds of far-from-equilibrium conditions: one is associated with the absence of change, and the other with revolutionary change. These two opposite poles act as “strange attractors”—an expression with which has become familiar since chaos theory has come into vogue.

So we can observe three very different conditions in history: the “normal,” in which the participants’ views and the actual state of affairs tend to converge; and two far-from- equilibrium conditions, one of apparent changelessness, in which thinking and reality are very far apart and show no tendency to converge, and one of revolutionary change in which the actual situation is so novel and unexpected and changing so rapidly that the participants’ views cannot keep up with it.

Interestingly, the rise and fall of the Soviet system presents both extremes. During Stalin’s time, reality and dogma were very far apart, but both of them were very rigid and showed no tendency to come together. Indeed, the divergence increased with the passage of time. When the system finally collapsed, people could not cope with the pace of change and events spun out of control. That is what we have witnessed recently.

But the two extremes can also be observed in totally unrelated contexts. Take, for instance, the banking industry in the United States. After the breakdown of the banking system in the Great Depression, it became closely regulated and very rigid; but when the restrictions were relaxed, the industry swung to the other extreme and entered a period of revolutionary change. I can locate the transition point with great precision: it was on that evening in 1973 when the management of First National City Bank held an unprecedented meeting for securities analysts in order to promote the stock as a growth stock. The pattern in the rise and fall of the Soviet system closely parallels the pattern in the fall and rise of the American banking system.

These three conditions are perhaps better explained by using an analogy. The analogy is with water, which also can be found in nature in three conditions: as a liquid, a solid or a gas. The three historical conditions I am trying to describe are as far apart as water, ice and steam. In the case of H2O, we can define exactly the three conditions; it has to do with temperature. Can we establish a similar demarcation line among the three conditions of historical change? I believe we can, and it has to do with the values that guide people in their actions. But I am not yet ready to give a firm answer. That is the problem that I am currently working on. But I feel rather exposed in dealing with such an esoteric issue. I need to know whether what I have said so far makes any sense; that is why I have imposed on you by giving you this rather heavy theoretical lecture, and I would welcome your comments either here or on another occasion.







格雷厄姆曾用“市场先生”这种形象的说法,来说明市场行为。在他看来,股票市场应该被看作一个情绪容易波动的商业伙伴。这个伙伴每天都会出现,告诉你一个价格,他会以这个价格买你手中的股票,或把他手中的股票卖给你。这个伙伴每天都有一个新价格。我们要做市场先生的主人,而不是做他的奴隶。当我们投资股票时,我们实际上是投资股票所 代表的企业。当我们找到了喜欢的公司时,市场高低不会对我们的决策产生影响。我们一个一个地寻找公司,很少花时间考虑宏观因素。我们只考虑那些我们熟悉的 企业,而且价格和管理状况要让我们满意。凯恩斯说,不要试图去弄清楚市场在做什么。我们需要弄清楚的是企业。由于某些原因,人们热衷于寻找价格变动中的线 索,而不是价值。在这个世界上,最愚蠢的买股行为莫过于看到股价上升就按捺不住而出手。








我很重视确定性。如果你这样做了,风险因素就对你没有意义了。以低于价值的价格买入证券不是冒险。以《华盛顿邮报》为例,它就是一种无风险投资。1973年时,《华盛顿邮报》的市值为8000万美元,而且没有任何负债。如果你问商界人士,《华 盛顿邮报》值多少钱,他们一定会说值4亿美元。即使是凌晨2点在大西洋当中进行拍卖,也会有人来买。这种投资是非常安全的,令人不可思议。决定这个投资, 也不用花费多少精力。










对独立投资者来说,你应当了解企业运作的过程和企业语言(会计),具有一些比智商更重要的性格和品质。它会有助于你独立思考和避免各种各样的狂热,这种狂 热无时无刻不会影响市场。了解会计原理是保证不依赖别人的手段之一。当经理们报告企业情况时,通常会提供按会计原则制成的报表。不幸的是,如果他们想欺骗 你,报告也会符合会计原则。如果你不能弄清其中的奥妙,你就不应该从事证券投资这一行。




选股的原则前面已经提到,就是你必须理性地投资。如果你不熟悉,就不要做它。我只做自己完全了解的事。以下是选股方法:第一步,在你了解的企业上画个圈, 然后剔除那些价值,管理和应变能力达不到标准的企业。第二步,选定一个企业进行评估。不要随便采纳别人对企业的评估,要自己分析它。比如,你将怎样  经营它?竞争对手是谁?客户是谁?走出门去并和他们交谈,分析你 想投资的公司和其它公司相比,优势和弱点在哪里?如果你这样做了,你就可能比公司的管理层更了解这家企业。这一原则也适用于技术类股票。我相信比尔•盖茨 也会用这些原则。他对技术的了解程度和我对可口可乐和吉列的了解程度差不多。如果有人说他能估出交易所上市的所有股票的价值,他一定高估了自己的能力。但 如果你集中精力去研究某些行业,你能学会许多和估价有关的东西。最重要的不是你的能力范围有多广,而是你的能力有多强。如果你知道你的能力的界限在哪里, 你就比那些能力范围比你大五倍而不清楚界限在哪里的人强多了。




这可以从伯克希尔登在《华尔街日报》上的一则广告来加以说明。广告说:以下是我们所寻求的东西:A 购买额大。(至少具有1000万美元的税后盈余,越大越好) B 可靠的持续获利能力。(对前景和突然好转的情形我们不感兴趣)C 企业股东权益回报水平良好而且债务水平很低或为零。 D 适当的管理。(我们不提供这项服务) E 简单的企业。(如果需要太复杂的技术,我们就无法了解)F 有明确出价。(我们不想把自己和出售者的时间浪费在讨论价格未定的交易上)






是的,我也犯过许多错误,包括位于新英格兰的一家叫伯克希尔的纺织厂。这家落后的纺织企业最终被关闭,然而公司的结构和名称却得以保存,它成了一家投资企 业。在21岁时,我把自己所有财富的20%投资在一家加油站,那是一次最糟糕的决策。这次错误的机会成本大约是11亿美元。


我花了很多时间去研究沃尔特•迪斯尼公司。我最喜欢的公司是这样的:美丽的城堡,周围是一条又深又险的护城河,里面住着一位诚实而高贵的首领。护城河就像 一个强大的威慑,使得敌人不敢进攻。首领不断创造财富,但不独占它。换句话说,我们喜欢那种具有市场统治地位,别人难以模仿,耐久可靠的大公司。你的企业 要有一定的保护能力,使得对手难以进入并以低价与你竞争。当我买股票时,我就认为是买下了整个公司,就像在街边买了家商店。如果买下了商店,我就要了解它 的一切。1966年上半年迪斯尼的每股价格为53美元,看起来不太便宜,但以这个价格你能以8000万美元买下整个迪斯尼公司,等于你有了白雪公主和其他 一引起卡通人物,有了迪斯尼乐园,还有沃尔特•迪斯尼这个天才当合伙人。


在所有的企业中,每一星期每一个月每一年都会发生各种各样的变化。但真正重要的是找对企业。这方面一个经典的例子是可口可乐公司。它在1919年上市,发 行价是40美元1股。第二年,股价跌到每股19美元。如果公司发行上市时你就买进,一年之后,你就丧失一半的财富。但如果你持有到今天,并且把所有红利再 投入,它大约值180万美元。我们经历过萧条,也经历过战争,糖价也波动不定,发生过成千上万的事。但是看好产品的前景比在股市中进进出出多赚了多少。查 理•芒格叫我关注具有巨大获利能力和成长性的大公司的特点,但获利能力和成长性必须是确定的,不能象德州仪器公司或派拉蒙公司那样是虚构出来的。我曾告诉 通用食品的总裁,为什么在没有人对通用食品感兴趣的时候, 我会购买这家公司的股票。“你有响亮的品牌,你的利润占销售额的1/3,而其它食品公司只有 1/6到1/7,你有大量现金可用。如果你不知道怎么用,我相信有人会知道。”优秀的公司能连续20到30年保持成长。你买进以后,只要回家,高枕无忧地 让经理们做他们的事。




我总把自己想象成拥有整个公司。如果管理层也这样想,并依此制定政策,这便是我喜欢的管理层。由于我不是糖果销售,辞书出版,服装和鞋类等业务的专家,所 以我喜欢那种专家型的经理。管理很重要,但好公司更重要。我们的结论是,如果让声名卓著的优秀管理人员来经营行业基本素质不太好的企业,企业的状况不会有 多大的改观。很少有例外。我喜欢那种即使没人管理也能赚钱的企业。那才是我想要的企业。

Hope in strong basics

HEAVILY exposed to the global economy, Singapore will see an economic slowdown that will last not just one or two quarters, but 'several quarters', said Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on Sunday.
In tandem, unemployment is expected to increase.

But he also sounded a note of optimism, saying with its strong fundamentals, Singapore will ride out the crisis - and emerge better than most countries.

Mr Tharman was addressing some 300 grassroots leaders and residents of Toa Payoh East, after a three-hour walkabout which saw him, among other things, opening an exercise corner for the elderly.

Accompanied by MPs from the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC including Toa Payoh East MP Josephine Teo, it was his first ministerial walkabout since taking charge of the finance portfolio this year.

During the 80-minute dialogue that followed, residents asked 13 questions ranging from foreign talent to greater rewards for grandparent caregivers.

But the focus was on the darkening economic outlook amid increasingly gloomy news from the United States - and the world - on what some have termed 'the worst financial crisis since the 1930s'.

So grassroot leader Raymond Teo, 39, wanted Mr Tharman's opinion of the US$700 billion (S$1 trillion) package to bail out the US troubled financial institutions, and how it impacts Singapore.

The minister expressed relief the US Congress had supported the package as it is a step forward.

But it is 'not a full solution' in addressing the real malaise - shortage of capital in the banks, he noted. This, the new US President would have to work out when he takes over in Jan.

And because the problems are 'deep and extensive', it will take 'a year or two' before the world emerges from the crisis, he later told reporters.

Meanwhile, the crisis has moved into what he calls 'its second phase'.

'It's no longer just a financial crisis,' he said. 'It is now an economic crisis.'

HIM's view

The market is very very sick! Despite the $700 bn package been announced there isn't a single bid of respect for a rally, instead a sell off was followed immediately after the announcement.

For the coming week, there should have more bad news coming out in Europe (the weekend meeting between the big four in Europe will probably provide nothing in concrete!) We believe there should be more shocking news coming from Europe financial industries before any concrete actions will be taken by the European Union bank, which again is behind the curve in taking action.

The 3rd quarter corporate results will also kick start next week, which will definitely provide more bad news. Plus more bad news from economic data, I simply do not see any chance of rebound from here! Technically, global indexes are all very negative and should be heading for another big sell off! I am expecting a continue selling in global stock markets and the selling may turn violent by end of the week, so do be careful!
Expect Dow Jones to continue coming down and may reach 9800 by end of the week. As for STI, it will break the recent low of 2239 and may be heading to 2200- 2180 level soon.
So, good luck to those who have short positions and be alert for action for those who have no positions.

If you are a short term trader, I am sure the next two weeks will be volatile and you should have plenty of opportunities to trade. As for medium term investors, my suggestion is to stay sideline and wait for a clearer picture.
The following are the support and resistance to watch for Dow Jones, Hang Seng and Nikkei next week.





STI futures

STI futures can be bought and sold through SGX Derivatives Trading member broking companies, as well as your regular stockbrokers and/or remisiers licensed to market futures.
You may need to check with a few brokers before making your selection. Information that you should ask for includes: (1) the minimum capital required and how many contracts you will be allowed to trade with such capital; (2) broking commission; and (3) type of broking services provided.

Only when you are comfortable with your choice should you open an account.

For instance, the minimum capital required to open a futures account at Phillip Futures is $3,000.

For retail investors, the per transaction commission is around $12 for e-trading and $18 for call-in. Commissions may vary across the broking houses. The GST applies in both types of fees.

To open an account, you must complete two sets of documents and furnish the capital required before you start trading.

The first document is the Account Agreement Form for you to fill in your particulars, account information and operating procedures. The second is the Risk Disclosure Document required under the Securities and Futures Act.

To begin trading, you must deposit cash with your broker. Although SGX establishes the margin levels, your broker may have higher requirements than those set by the exchange.

Bull or bear market, you can make money

STI Futures give retail investors a chance to profit even from a falling stock market

For the past months, many stock investors have been caught in a roller-coaster ride, no thanks to the current financial turmoil.
It is common to hear investors lamenting about how much they have sunk into the stock market, only to see the value of their stocks plummet.

How to get started
STI futures can be bought and sold through SGX Derivatives Trading member broking companies, as well as your regular stockbrokers and/or remisiers licensed to market futures.

You may need to check with a few brokers before making your selection. Information that you should ask for includes:
(1) the minimum capital required and how many contracts you will be allowed to trade with such capital;
(2) broking commission; and
(3) type of broking services provided.

If you have a stock portfolio and are bearish on where the market is heading, there are two things you can do: sell your stocks now, which may mean a loss, or just hope for the best.

Rather than do nothing, you may also want to check out the recently relaunched Straits Times Index (STI) Futures, which provide retail investors an opportunity to profit even from a falling market.

For those unfamiliar with the topic, the benchmark STI represents the performance of the top 30 stocks of the Singapore market, based on market capitalisation. They include Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore Exchange (SGX), SingTel and the local banks.

STI Futures are contracts or agreements between buyers and sellers to buy or sell the STI portfolio of 30 stocks at an agreed price (futures price) to be settled at a specific future date.

STI Futures were launched in 2000 but not many retail investors were aware of this tool. With the relaunch last Thursday, there will be firms that provide ready buy and sell prices for STI Futures. This will lead to greater liquidity of the product.

It is a useful tool for investors who wish to take a position on where the local market is heading - that is, whether they believe that the STI will trend up or down - by buying or selling STI Futures contracts.

This means trading based on broad market movements instead of single stock movements. This reduces the need for individual stock selection; your risk is also diversified over 30 stocks instead of being pegged to a single stock.

At the same time, it can help to protect you against, or help you profit from, fluctuations in the stock market.

Here are some things you need to know about STI Futures:

What is the value of one STI Futures contract?

The value of each STI Futures contract is equal to $10 multiplied by the current index trading level.

For instance, if the index is trading at 2,300, holding a futures contract will be equivalent to investing $23,000 in the stock portfolio of the 30 listed companies.

This means that when a STI Futures contract is traded, the seller has, in essence, agreed to sell $23,000 and the buyer has agreed to buy $23,000 worth of stocks, as measured by the STI.

How are STI Futures transacted?

You are not required to cough up the full payment equivalent to the contract value. But the buyer or seller must each put up an initial margin deposit with the broker in order to secure the contract.

This margin, which is decided by SGX, is typically about 5 to 15 per cent of the contract value. The prevailing initial margin is $1,625 for one contract.

The margin essentially means that the STI Futures allow the investor to trade a portfolio of 30 stocks at a mere fraction - about 5 to 15 per cent - of its value.

At the end of each trading day and all following days that your position remains open, the contract value is "marked-to-market".

Your account is credited or debited based on that day's trading session. If your margin deposit falls below a certain maintenance level - currently set at $1,300 - your broker will request additional funds to replenish your trading account. If your position generates a profit, you may withdraw any excess funds from your account.

Margin levels prescribed by SGX are based on the movement of the underlying stock market as represented by the STI. The margin levels, therefore, will fluctuate depending on the historical and prevailing movement of the STI.

Do I need to own any of the stocks included in the STI in order to trade the futures contract?

You do not need to own any stock in order to trade the STI Futures. In stock index futures trading, you do not actually deliver or receive any stocks.

How can I profit from trading the STI Futures?

Like trading stocks, the point is to buy low, sell high.

The STI Futures offer the flexibility of buying and selling in whatever order you want.

That is, you can "buy first, sell later" or you can "sell first, buy later". If you think prices are going up, you may establish a "long" (buy) position, and if you think prices are going down, you may initiate a "short" (sell) position.

In addition, with the STI comprising a portfolio of 30 stocks, you can effectively participate in the broad market movements without the hassle of stock-picking. Each index point movement has a value of $10.

In other words, you gain $10 per index point rise if you have a long position or per index point fall for a short position.

Below are two trading scenarios:

Scenario A
Day 1: You are bullish about the Singapore stock market and decide to buy a September STI Futures contract at 2,400.
Contract value = 2,400 x $10 x 1 contract = $24,000
Initial margin required (at $1,625 per lot) = $1,625
The STI rises that day.
End-of-Day 1 settlement price = 2,425
Daily marked-to-market profit = (2,425 - 2,400) x $10 x 1 = $250
You now have a paper profit of $250.
Margin account balance = $1,625 + $250 = $1,875
As you have not liquidated your contract, you have one lot of open position.

Day 2: Market rallies further to 2,438. You feel the price is good and decide to take profit, selling your September STI Futures contract at 2,438.
Daily marked-to-market profit = (2,438 - 2,425) x $10 = $130
Margin account balance = $1,875 + $130 = $2,005
Total net profit = $130 + $250 = $380
In this scenario, your bullish outlook holds and you ultimately make a net profit of $380 when you liquidate your position.

Scenario B
Day 1: You are bearish about the short-term prospects of the Singapore market and decide to sell a September STI Futures contract at 2,400.
Contract value = 2,400 x $10 x 1 contract = $24,000
Initial margin required (at $1,625 per lot) = $1,625
Contrary to your initial bearish view, the market turns bullish; the STI closes higher.
End-of-Day 1 settlement price = 2,435
Daily marked-to-market loss = (2,435 - 2,400) x $10 x 1 = $350
You now have a paper loss of $350.
Margin account balance = $1,625 - $350 = $1,275
Maintenance margin required (at $1,300 per lot) = $1,300
You have a margin call and must deposit additional funds now because your margin account balance of $1,275 is below the maintenance margin of $1,300.
You need to top up $350 to bring it back to the initial margin level of $1,625.

Day 2: The market shows a decline.

You want to cash in on this move by liquidating your position by buying a September STI Futures contract at 2,388.
Daily marked-to-market profit = (2,435 - 2,388) x $10 = $470
Total net profit = - $350 + $470 = $120
In this example, you ultimately make a net profit of $120 on Day 2 when you liquidate your position.
How long should I hold on to a position?
As stock markets can be volatile, you take advantage of price movements by getting in and out quickly. Depending on your personal preference and perspective, you may wish to adopt a short-term trading approach (taking a position for one day, one hour, or even just a few minutes); or medium-term approach (several days to several weeks); or long-term (months at a time).

What are the risks?

The initial margin deposit is relatively small compared to the contract's value. The transaction may lead to quick and substantial profits, but the reverse is true for losses too when prices do not move in the expected direction. Investors should also be mindful of margin calls if the margin account falls below the maintenance margin.

It is possible that you may lose more than the amount you have in your margin account under circumstances of extreme market movements. Investors are strongly advised by financial experts to use only excess funds that they can afford to invest.

Saturday, October 4, 2008



获取 float 源的控制权,然后对这些 float 进行资本配置。
源源不断的 float 源头 + 一生二、二生三、三生万象的滚雪球能力。
































市场PE承受力:市场经常无效,悲观的时候只能承受较低PE,乐观的时候估值标准不断提高,可以承受较高的PE甚至市梦率,我们假设市场先生理性的时候给的PE为合理PE,而不理性的时候,实际PE就高于或低于合理PE。设想有一个市场PE承受力,合理值为1,乐观的时候高于1,悲观的时候小于1,个股的实际PE值=合理PE * 市场PE承受力。

















增长率回落 - 增长率高位与市场PE承受力中值对应2

增长率回落 - 增长率高位与市场PE承受力低点对应

增长率回落 - 增长率高位与市场PE承受力高点对应





Hedge funds: Next in line?

Fate of these funds does matter - not just to the rich, but to all investors

NO ONE knows where the next domino will fall amid this financial crisis but the US$2 trillion (S$2.9 trillion) hedge fund industry looks as good a candidate as any.
There has been an exodus of money from the funds in recent weeks, raising fears the industry may collapse.

But no one is talking about a US$700 billion bailout for these guys. No one will be shedding tears if a run on even the biggest 'hedgie' kicks in.

Yet the unthinkable prospect of a bailout could still happen given that some hedge funds are so large, so interlocked with the financial system, that they cannot be allowed to fail.

It has become painfully clear that in this complex global economy, the fate of hedge funds matters, not just to the rich who can afford them, but to all investors.

These funds claim to deliver absolute returns in both rising and falling markets, using strategies like leverage unavailable to other investments. Pension funds, foundations and sovereign wealth funds, including those from Abu Dhabi and Singapore, have invested in hedgies.

But returns this year have averaged a negative 10 per cent, according to Hedge Fund Research. Doomsayers portend the demise of one-third or so of the 12,000 hedge funds worldwide as jittery investors demand their money back.

Hedge funds are facing investor redemptions of between 10 per cent and half of their funds, forcing them to dump shares, bonds and other securities to raise the cash, said the Financial Times.

Hedge funds account for an estimated 30 per cent of equity and bond trades in the US and beyond, according to consultancy Oxford Analytica. So the knock-on effect of their forced selling on financial markets may well be a knock-out.

Asia-focused hedge funds have fared worse than the rest. Many are based in Hong Kong and Singapore, which have been vying to be Asia's hedge fund hub.

Yet the talk of Armageddon has a familiar ring to industry veterans. Hedge funds have gone under then bounced back before. Recall the crises of 1968, 1972, 1986, 1987, 1998 and 2002, says fund manager Ramiz Hasan of Samena Capital.

In Singapore, where the industry of over 170 hedge funds is still relatively young, many hedgies earned their battle scars during the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) in 1998, which sparked a liquidity crisis. The implosion of Amaranth Investors in 2002 tested their mettle as well.

The resilient industry resurfaced each time. But things seem worse now, given the scale of the current financial crisis.

The shock bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers choked many hedge funds of their much-needed assets, which they had pledged to the prime broker in return for loans to make investment bets.

Then there are Collateral Fund Obligations (CFOs) - the hedge fund equivalent of the toxic assets that forced banks to write-down billions. As ratings agencies start downgrading CFOs, several hedge funds may find the value of these assets disappearing.

The ban on short-selling is also tying the hands of hedge funds, which rely on this tool to make big gains by exploiting market inefficiencies.

And then came Oct 1 - or D-Day as Reuters called it - the final date for clients to put in redemption requests to get their money back by the year-end.

Asia-focused funds arguably have the most to fear from redemptions, given that the HFRI Asia ex-Japan Index fell over 20 per cent for the eight months to the end of August - the worst performing index among those tracked by HFRI.

The freefall in overvalued China and India stocks this year was partly to blame for the poor performance.

But about 46 per cent of Asia-Pacific hedge funds are also largely focused on long/short equity strategies that made them more vulnerable to losses when Asian equity markets fell, said Mr Hasan.

Asia-Pacific hedge funds hold US$168 billion in assets - 5 per cent less than a year ago. Poor performance and investor exits caused 70 of the roughly 1,200 hedge funds in Asia to go belly-up in the year to August, up from 59 a year ago, said consultancy Eurekahedge.

Of the 70 shuttered funds, 10 were in Singapore. Interestingly, the failed funds averaged under US$50 million in size.

The minimum size for hedge funds to survive may well be US$100 million in the tough new world of turbulent markets and more regulations, which drive up compliance costs, said Mr Hasan.

One estimate is that funds should be US$500 million or more if they are to enjoy reasonable returns and cover management fees. Just 10 per cent of Asia-Pacific funds are of this size.

The current turmoil will likely lead to consolidation of the industry, with experts predicting the death of more than 1,100 funds this year. The ones that remain are likely to be mega funds with stronger balance sheets and the best fund managers. But the scale of the shake-up is reflected in the fact that even the largest players with over US$30 billion each in assets are wobbling.

Examples include Farallon Capital Management, which fell by 8 per cent; Renaissance Technologies, with a nearly 15 per cent decline; and Goldman Sachs Asset Management, with an 8 per cent drop, according to Absolute Return magazine.

If these funds were to collapse, would they warrant a bailout because they are so large and likely to have an impact on the financial system?

There is already a precedent of a hedge fund bailout - in 1998, LTCM was rescued by the private sector in a deal orchestrated by the New York Federal Exchange. And today's mega funds are far larger than LTCM.

But a bailout is not a likely scenario. The industry will pull through on its own, as it has done many times in the past.

Still, the current financial turmoil has prompted hedge fund managers to relook their business models and make changes. Those left standing when the dust settles on the corpses of the cowboy hedgies will have much bigger financial and risk management muscle, and be backed by a more diversified investor base.

After all, in an industry that thrives on the survival of the fittest, hedge funds live by the mantra that whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger.

Bailout 'not a panacea'

THE federal government's US$700 billion (S$1 trillion) bailout of the financial industry could help homebuilders and mortgage lenders, but is unlikely to bring fast relief to anybody trying to buy or sell a house anytime soon.

The Treasury Department's future purchases of sour mortgages and other securities from banks are designed to inject cash into the credit markets and restore confidence among shaken investors and consumers.

But that may only have a slow and gradual impact on home prices, record foreclosures and the 10-plus-month supply of unsold homes.

'What the bailout does is keeps a bunch of really bad future events from happening,' said Dr Scott Shane, an economics professor at Case Western Reserve University.

'It doesn't make ...what's going on today much better.'

Many analysts say US home prices - down 20 per cent from their peak in July 2006 - still have further to fall, and must hit bottom before demand picks up. The long-awaited bottom in prices could be a year or more away.

'This is a step...to put the grease back into the machinery,' said Mr Gerard Cassidy, an analyst with RBC Captial Markets.

'This is not the panacea.'

The US economic picture continues to worsen. The Labour Department said on Friday employers cut payrolls by 159,000 in September, the largest loss in more than five years, while unemployment remained at 6.1 per cent. The cuts included 35,000 construction jobs.

Mr Jerry Howard, chief executive of the National Association of Home Builders, praised the plan, but said lawmakers need to do more.

The bailout package 'does not address the root problem of housing prices in its totality and Congress is going to have to look at doing something to help establish a floor in the housing market,' Mr Howard said.

It remains a difficult situation for builders and mortgage lenders alike because credit remains tight.

On Friday, the national average interest rate on a 30-year mortgages was 6.2 per cent, down from 6.3 per cent on Thursday and roughly equal to last week, according to financial publisher HSH Associates.

Though the bailout is attracting most of the attention, another change in the mortgage market announced this week is likely to have a more immediate and direct impact on consumers.

Mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are rolling back fee increases imposed to shore up their finances this year.

Unlike the bailout, which likely will take months to play out, 'it's something that directly impacts mortgage lending right now,' said Mr Guy Cecala, publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance, a trade publication in Bethesda, Maryland.

Speaking just before President George W. Bush signed the rescue bill, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson pledged to act quickly but wouldn't say how the government would go about purchasing troubled assets.

For homeowners who are behind on their mortgages and facing foreclosure, the bailout bill offers little certainty. It directs the Treasury Department to 'maximise assistance for homeowners' and write up monthly progress reports, but says little else.

Senator Dick Durbin, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, immediately called on the federal government to enact an aggressive loan modification plan in a letter to Secretary Paulson and other officials.

'The federal government now owns or has a controlling interest in a large percentage of the outstanding mortgages in America,' Mr Durbin wrote.

'With that control and influence comes responsibility.'

Friday, October 3, 2008

曾渊沧@股友通讯录 - 九月份

9 月29 日美国众议会否决美国政府提出的7000 亿美元救市方案。当日美股大跌,但本地股市却先大跌而后回稳。
7000 亿美元的救市方案在众议会表决失败后,白宫收回去稍做修改,先送到参议会表决,结果在10 月1 日晚上通过,那是亚洲10 月2 日的早上。但亚洲股市一开市全跌,很明显地对后市仍抱怀疑态度。



还有,7000 亿美元是不是足够?
这些由房地产按押贷款合约衍生出来的高度复杂的结构性产品与中国的毒牛奶有一个相同的性质,那就是高度扩散。今日,一场毒牛奶,除了可以直接生产出令婴孩肾结石的奶粉外,也使到朱古力、雪糕、牛油、饼干、面包……全部出了问题,扩散范围非常大。同样的,一个出了问题的按押贷款债券,混了其他的优质,非优质的各种金融产品后,也一样令人退避三舍,谁也不敢碰。扩散范围之大,总不良资产是数十万亿美元之数。布斯的7000 亿美元如何足够救市?



The MRT guide to home prices

Buyers increasingly keen on units near stations, which can command up to a 20% premium

HOME seeker Wan Kum Wai is hunting for a flat that is well-located - specifically, within walking distance of an MRT station.

For this convenience, the multimedia designer and his wife Jessie are willing to pay 10 to 20 per cent more than they would for a home a few bus stops away from a station.

‘We don’t drive, and the cost of living is running high,’ he said. ‘We don’t mind paying more because we think this will help us save on transportation costs and other expenses in the long run.’

In an era of sky-high petrol prices, multiplying Electronic Road Pricing gantries and increasing worries over environmental degradation, the all-important ‘location, location, location’ element of a home purchase has taken on a new slant.

While the classic prime districts of 9, 10, 11 are still sought after, home buyers are also increasingly keen on properties near MRT stations.

Apart from non-drivers, MRT-accessible homes also attract buyers with school-going children as well as investors who want to rent the units to expatriates, many of whom rely heavily on public transport, say property agents.

Ms Mylene Kwan, a PropNex agent who is helping Mr Wan find a home, said some of her clients have only one priority: to be near an MRT station.

‘Many of them don’t drive, so it’s very important to these buyers,’ she said.

But such proximity comes at a price.

Ms Kwan estimated that HDB flats with this privilege have their valuations alone jacked up by at least $20,000 or $30,000, and buyers often pay even more in cash on top of that.

The most popular HDB flats near MRT stations are those close to town, such as in the Tiong Bahru, Redhill and Queenstown areas, she said.

But even in the suburbs, a nearby station can give a big boost to prices.

In Woodlands, owners of flats near the MRT station are asking $40,000 to $50,000 above valuation just because of the location, said Ms Rohaizah Ramjan, another PropNex agent.

Whenever these flats come on the market, they get snapped up within two or three weeks, she added. For ‘normal ones’ further from the station, it can take a few months for a sale to be closed.

‘Flats near MRT stations are harder to come by, because owners are comfortable there and don’t want to sell,’ she said. ‘So if a buyer has the budget and they see a well-located flat for sale, they just grab.’

The same principle applies to private property. Condominiums near MRT stations can command a premium of up to 20 per cent over similar units a bit further away, said Mr Eric Cheng, executive director of HSR Property Group.

The price difference stems partly from the convenience of these homes, but is also due to their limited supply, he added.

‘If you look at the whole map of Singapore, I dare say only about half the MRT stations have condos right next door. Of course, they command a premium, a good 10 to 20 per cent above neighbouring properties 10 minutes’ walk away.’

At Tiong Bahru MRT station, for instance, new condos that are at the doorstep of the station - such as Twin Regency and Regency Heights in Kim Tian Road - fetch $1,240 per sq ft (psf) on average.

About five to 10 minutes away, prices average $1,072 psf, or about 15 per cent less, at the equally new The Regency at Tiong Bahru on Chay Yan Street.

‘Most of these units are rarely on the market,’ said Mr Cheng. ‘Even if the owners are not staying in them, they might not want to sell because they can get very high rental returns.’

Still, not all MRT stations are equal. Property values can differ widely between two consecutive stops, such as in the case of Novena and Toa Payoh, where condos around the former are almost double the price of those around the latter, according to an extensive analysis done by property firm Savills Singapore.

Even stations within a few kilometres of each other can see significantly different prices.

Savills’ data showed that condos around the Dhoby Ghaut station, for instance, fetched an average of around $1,600 psf in the first six months of the year. Less than 2km away, condos near the Little India station cost only two-thirds that on average, or $1,071 psf.

‘Apart from the proximity to an MRT station, buyers do look at other factors,’ said Mr Ku Swee Yong, Savills’ director of marketing and business development.

“Equally important is the quality, age and tenure of the project and its facilities, how much the unit can fetch in rentals and what amenities are nearby.”

Mr Ku cited Lavender and Farrer Park MRT stations, separated by just 1.5km in distance but about $200 psf in price

At Lavender, well-equipped condos such as Citylights boosted prices in the vicinity to an average of $1,104 psf in the first six months of the year. But Farrer Park is surrounded by several smaller condos with minimal facilities, so rents and prices tend to be lower, said Mr Ku.