
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Red Alert 1

We are now at a very critical juncture in global stock markets.

First, Dow Jones Industrial index is now very near its critical support at 10750, currently 11215 (the last defend for the Bulls),
Second, Shanghai Index is also very near its major support around 2400- 2500 level, currently 2576.
Third, STI is also near its support around 2745- 2850 level.The question now is, are we heading for a Bear market OR we are near the best buying opportunity in the Bull market?

To be frank, no one knows the answer. However, I do believe in probability and I think even if unfortunately the world turn into recession, there will still have a good rebound when all these major indexes hit their major support level.

This is especially so on China stocks, where they were heavily beaten this year but only one month to Olympic! So, my conclusion is that, we are in the best buying opportunity now and we should not miss the chance!In the next one to two weeks, I will start featuring some stocks which I think have the potential to go higher for your reference.

You can access these recommendation in the membership website at www.him.com.sg and some by emails.So do get yourself ready and prepare to invest.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

STI- upside capped at 2960-2980

Market mood has turned negative as indices decline. Just 1-2 months ago, consensus views were that the credit crisis was in terminal stages and that equity markets would rally.

On our end, we had lighted in March, that contracting credit market spreads would usher in a bear market rally which could take the STI towards 3180.

While the index rebounded 2.5% higher to 3267, we maintained a sell into strength stance on the basis that the ensuing bear rallies would bring the STI, HSI, FTSE and US indices towards prior lows. Recent price action has vindicated our views. So where do we go from here ?

While general patterns appear similar across markets, the magnitude defers for various reasons. In US, the DJIA has broken below its prior low, while the S&P500 has not. We still see further downside towards 10800-10900 range for the DOW but expect a rebound towards 11500 in the early part of the week.

For the STI, our minimum downside target of 2940 was met last week, as the index declined to a low of 2922, but closed at 2955. Clearly, the Singapore bourse is resilient, relative to US or perhaps there is complacency. Banking stocks in particular have not declined sufficiently in our opinion to warrant buy recommendations. As such, we still expect further declines on the STI. Any near term rebound should be capped at 2960-2980 range.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



经常项目赤字并没有妨碍越南外汇储备上升(增加了100亿美元,占GDP的12%)。这主要是由于短期资本的流入,即“热钱”。这些“热钱”来自亚洲、欧洲和美国的个人投资者。他们听说越南高速增长,受到经纪商的鼓动,买入各种越南基金。短期资本流入推高了越南盾的价格。为保持出口竞争力,越南中央银行买入大量外汇,以避免本币升值,从而带来大量货币供给。重要的是,越南政府没有阻止货币供给增长演变为信贷增长。2007年,越南银行贷款增加 50%,2008年初增幅更超过60%。
不管政府的数据怎么说,任何时候出现大量信贷增长,都很可能是资金正流向股市和房市。其他经济活动都不会吸收如此快速增长的信贷。越南已经设立了19 家小型股份银行。它们将抓住任何机遇扩张。最先需要贷款的就是股票交易和房产投资,从而导致了股市和房市走高。资产价格走高又推动了抵押品——土地和股票的价格,增加了贷款需求。





十年前,处于债务危机谷底的俄罗斯,GDP低于3000亿美元,货币体系崩塌,经济产出衰退。自那以后,俄罗斯经济复苏,GDP现今已高于1万亿美元,并以6%以上的真实速度增长。俄罗斯经济复苏,依靠的是石油价格上涨,这部分原因又是由于西方的货币政策。收入上升带来了俄罗斯自身对自然资源的消费增长。 1989年至1999年间,俄罗斯国内石油消耗量下降了一半,超过了中国在这段时期的需求增长。目前,俄罗斯石油需求以每年超过4%的速度增加。总之,油价上涨是俄罗斯经济复苏的主要动力,而经济发展又提高了俄罗斯的石油需求,推动了全球通胀。
他分析指出,俄罗斯和中东欧国家的名义GDP高于中国,其石油消耗是中国的70%。就资源消费而言,它们一度构成世界经济的巨大通缩力量——1989年至 1999年间,其石油消费的减少量是中国增加量的2倍。它们的复苏,将在能源市场上产生与中国需求同样重要的影响。就劳动力供给来说,中东欧国家的失业率比西欧低;而且,俄罗斯及中东欧国家与西欧一样,都经历着社会的老龄化。在我看来,它们的劳动力市场条件,也将推动全球通胀。






谢国忠:还有一点,货币这个时候不能让它大贬,如果贬的话也会引起恶性循环。本身越南外汇储备大概有200多亿美金,它能支撑一段时间,不能完全支撑得住,不知道能到多少?所以赶紧货币基金跟邻国的央行求助,保持货币稳定加息。(11: 09)



























和讯网:我们中国的恐惧包括和讯的网友都很关心的是这次越南金融动荡对中国股市有什么影响 ?































和讯网:在越南居高不下高通胀的情况下会不会加速亚洲的通胀,推动中国CPI的上涨 ?
























谢国忠: 我觉得今年基本工资,一般人调20%以上是应该的,我觉得这个是市场的压力,要推的也是这样。因为现在很多工厂里出现劳工短缺,其实就是价格没有到位。价格到位了人就都来了,所以这说明我们工资是有问题的。


















谢国忠:中国陷入熊市已半年 3年后将迎新牛市




































谢国忠亲谈辞职内幕 - 直言新加坡为印尼,中国洗黑钱















“很重要的因素,就是这轮炒股票主力军,是90年代工作的这一代人, 他们也从来没见过熊市,没有吃过亏。这一代人,可能是看金庸的小说长大的,而这种思维方式,就是说浪漫化这种思维方式,对他们的投资行为又起了一个非常重要的一个作用。”



谢国忠“解套”大摩 年初三预言震惊世界













曾渊沧@股友通讯录 - 6月份

美股终于开始出现恐慌性抛售潮了。去年开始的次级按揭贷款问题在最坏的情况时,道琼斯指数只是跌至12000点就止跌反弹,一度更反弹至13000 点,与历史高位的14000 点比较,下跌幅度不足10%。但是,现在道指已跌至11000 点的边缘,问题已比次级贷款更严重。

引发这一轮的跌势,导火线是油价创历史新高。上周末之前,石油输出国主席说今年夏天油价会升至每桶170 美元,利比亚政府威胁减产石油,于是油价上升至每桶143 美元,道指也就一连两天跌去500 点。


什么东西没涨价?那是股票与房地产,这两样东西炒过了头,不能不跌下来。石油涨价的速度太恐怖了,已经远远超过供给与需求的平衡,而是人为的炒卖,是财技的比赛。那些公开说石油价格会炒上170 美元的人是不是也在炒做石油期货?他们是不是已经预早买了大量的石油期货?现在,石油王子、对冲基金及各式各样的石油炒家大户都在炒石油期货。今日传媒报导的石油的所谓价格,所指的只是期货价格,不论是买家或卖家,他们手上不需要任何石油现货,他们只需要赌一赌自己的眼光,也许再加上影响力,正如石油王子公开说石油会涨至170美元,难道不是为石油价格造势?参与这场游戏的人越来越多,许多是2008 年才开始加入这场游戏的人,很可能会变成在2007 年不断的加入股市的人同一命运。与去年年初比较,石油价格翻了两番,石油的需求增加了这么多吗?没有的。这完全是炒卖的结果。这场炒卖还会炒多久,炒买的最高峰会是多少钱?没人知道。但是结果一定会是重演上个世纪80 年代至90 年代的崩溃。如果石油王子不甘于只是卖石油,而是加入炒卖石油期货,最后的破产者很可能是石油王子。

上个世纪70 年代,出现过两次严重的石油危机。但是,在里根总统上任后,推出的20%的联邦利率,石油价格就崩溃了。

Things to Remember When the Market Crashes - July 1, 2008

#1: Nobody knows where the market bottom is.
It may be hard to believe, but your guess on the stock market bottom is as good as anyone's. That anyone includes Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Bill Gross, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Lloyd Blankfein and even Jim Cramer.

In six months, the media will dig up some lucky market analyst who made a "remarkably prescient" call and turn them into a hero, a la Elaine Garzarelli, the analyst credited with predicting the Crash of 1987.

#2: Do not sell into a panic.
Anyone who sold their stocks on Black Monday, Oct. 21, 1987, came to almost immediately regret it. I know I did. I was a junior banker in London and watched the meltdown on our lone department Quotron.

My brain said, "Hang on, hang on." My wallet said, "Run for your life." With one phone call, I sold every Fidelity stock fund I had and promptly lost a quarter of my net worth.

The temptation to panic is primal. Be a man, not a monkey.

#3: Look forward, not backward.
Does anybody remember how negative sentiment was in October 2002? The S&P 500 was down almost 50% from its record of 2000. The Nasdaq Composite Index was off 75%. I had just returned from 10 years in Europe to run the UBS tech banking group.

What struck me when I first visited Silicon Valley was how negative everyone was. That was because my colleagues and clients saw the world through the distorted prism of the Internet boom. They couldn't see the tech market getting better in the future, because the tech market couldn't be any better than it had just been.

The market looks forward, but people like to look backward. A Cisco Systems shareholder that owned the stock at $77 has trouble forgetting that $77 price when the stock falls to $15. In time, it doubled to $30.

Is Citigroup at today's closing price of $16.76 so different? Wall Street in 2008 is Silicon Valley in 2002. It will get better in time.

#4: It's investing, not gambling.
Why do we obsess over our ability to pick the bottom or top of a stock price or the market? Statistically, it is a total crap shoot.

As Bernard Baruch said, "Don't try to buy at the bottom and sell at the top. It can't be done except by liars."

Financial panics bring out the worst in these tendencies. All this weekend, I was chewing over whether or not it was the right time to buy the XLF, the financial sector ETF that is trading at nearly half its record high.

I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but I know that picking a bottom is a mugs game. Admittedly, an awfully tempting one. Better to use common sense.
Set price and allocation targets, space out investments over time. Since the beginning of this year, I have made fund purchases on about 20 different dates with an average cost base equivalent to an S&P 500 level of 1346. On that money, I am down about 5%. There are mutual funds that charge that much for an up-front load. Investing like this won't make you rich, but you won't gamble yourself into the poorhouse either.

#5: It's only money.
There is no point in fighting the tape or your emotions as the market is gripped by panic. Next time the Dow industrials are down 300 and heading down further, do what you make your children do: take a time out. Turn off CNBC, your computer and BlackBerry and leave the office. (Wall Street professionals, unfortunately, this doesn't apply to you­. You will get fired.)

I am a believer in the equity markets and have most of my net worth tied up in the stock market. So every panic over the past two decades has cost me, albeit temporarily, big chunks of my net worth.

Does it hurt? Of course. Do I lose sleep over it? Occasionally. But I always keep in mind that it is only money.

I think of my dad, who would inspect me after exhausting banker trips to Japan, India, and Hong Kong. As he would put it: "There's no point in being the richest man in the cemetery."

Boustead Singapore: Strengthening foothold in Libya; BUY

Boustead Singapore: BUY (Upgrade from HOLD) S$2.36
Price Target : 12-Month S$ 2.85 (Prev S$ 2.46)

Strengthening foothold in Libya
Story: Boustead announced its largest water contract to date with its wholly owned-subsidiary, Salcon being awarded a S$175m contract to design, construct and upgrade a major water infrastructure system in Libya. Salcon will hold a 65% stake in the Joint Venture with a state-owned utilities company as partner. This contract comprises two phases under which the JV will fulfill all water and wastewater needs of a 731 hectare township in Tarhunah, 80 km east of Tripoli. The contract is commencing in July 2008 and expected to be completed by 1Q 2011.

Point: With the contract, new order wins to date stand at ~S$200m, or about 44% of our full year order win assumption of S$450m. Apart from being on track to meet our orderbook expectation for the full year, this contract would immediately boost FY09 and FY10 earnings by 7% and 9% respectively since project commencement and earnings accretion is ahead of schedule.

Relevance: In addition to contribution from this contract win, we have also factored in an expected S$26m gain ( vs our previous forecast of S$13m) from the proposed sale of a building under construction and land at Ubi Ave1 for a consideration of S$200m. Consequent to our earnings upgrade, our SOTP target price is now revised to S$2.85, translating to 10x FY09 PE and 21% potential upside from current price.
Upgrade to Buy.

心得片片录之二 土方最管用















Construction Stocks: Keep The 3 S's In Mind

Tiptoeing gingerly around the sector, think specialised, short and selective

THEY say there's no business like show business; right now, they are also saying there's no worse business than the construction business.

The construction industry is being battered from every angle: margins are being squeezed; sand, concrete and steel prices have been taking turns to take off; and residential property sales have turned anaemic.

Steel suppliers further tightened the screws by cutting the lock-in period for steel prices from six months to three months early this year, leaving contractors even more vulnerable to price fluctuations.

It isn't surprising then that some pundits are ironically predicting the destruction of the construction business.

'This is a very bad time to be looking for bargains in the construction industry. It's in bad shape and is the worst hit by inflation,' says an analyst who does not want to be identified.

Other analysts, however, are decidedly bullish on the industry and insist that all builders cannot be tarred with the same brush.

'Investors are not able to differentiate between specialised and integrated construction firms. The former have a lower risk profile,' explains CIMB analyst Lawrence Lye.

Investors should bear in mind the three S's when tiptoeing around the minefield of construction stocks: think specialised, short and selective.

Specialist companies involved in specific parts of a construction project may be better placed to stay out of the crossfire between suppliers and the main contractors that attempt to do everything.

'We would recommend investors reduce their exposure to integrated construction companies,' Mr Lye says. 'These companies have large order books and stand a higher risk of margin erosion.'

Instead, he suggests specialist firms with low exposure to construction material costs, like Tat Hong and Tiong Woon, both of which are crane-leasing companies.

With commodity prices being contractors' Achilles heel, firms with shorter- term contracts are better bets, like foundation engineering firm CSC Holdings, according to Mr Lye.

'CSC's average contracts are short at three to six months, which limits its exposure to fluctuating prices,' he says.

And while trite, it pays to remember the adage, 'location, location, location'. Selective locations, in particular.

'Wealthy buyers tend to be more discriminating, and they will be looking for property in areas like Districts 9, 10 and 11 which are not overbuilt,' says Mr Lye.

Contractors with projects in such areas will be safer bets, as prices are expected to remain relatively higher.

BBR, a contractor working on a development in Nassim Hill, would appear to fit the bill, especially since the estimated benchmark sale price of a similar unit was $2,200 per square foot in June, far exceeding BBR's breakeven price of $1,304 psf on the project.

One particular firm that has struck out on all three counts is Lian Beng Group, a main contractor saddled with a large order book of $800 million extending till 2010 and unsold residential properties.

Order books provide an indication of both future revenue and costs. The larger and longer a firm appears to be committed to an order, the larger and more risky its exposure to raw material price increases.

While Lian Beng's latest projects in Bukit Timah and Emerald Hill are estimated to have higher gross margins, its overall development portfolio remains a risky bet.

'We are cutting our FY08-10 forecasts for Lian Beng by 11-60 per cent to account for risks in its property development profits, which stem from projects such as Lincoln Lodge and Kovan Road, where benchmark transacted prices have fallen below breakeven costs,' Mr Lye said in a report this month that downgraded Lian Beng from 'outperform' to 'neutral'.

Kim Eng analyst Wilson Liew begs to differ on Lian Beng, citing the contractor's advantage in controlling raw material costs because it owns a batching plant for ready-mixed concrete, and maintaining a 'buy' recommendation.

Even so, the writing on the wall cannot be ignored. The valuation of the company has been lowered from $1.12 to $0.68 per share by Mr Liew, based on an expected shrinkage of all-important margins.

In addition to its three strikes, Lian Beng also falls into a category of firms that now fancy themselves as property developers as well.

This category also includes the likes of investment holding company Eastern Holdings and is dismissed by CIMB's Mr Lye as 'Johnny-come-lately firms that snapped up land in the middle of 2007 when property prices had peaked, right before the meltdown in July'.

'Reduce exposure to contractors that have turned opportunistic property developers late in the cycle,' he says. 'These are likely to be saddled with unsold inventory or expensive land.'

And if you must invest in a giant, go for one that has fluctuation clauses to manage raw material prices, like main contractor Chip Eng Seng.

'Gross margins for public projects are likely to remain stable at around 5 per cent, as increases in raw material prices will be protected by fluctuation clauses,' Westcomb analyst Wong Say Tian said in a report this month on Chip Eng Seng. 'We estimate that public projects account for about 60 per cent of the group's existing order book.'

While the bottom line may take a beating for some builders this year, it is still clear: investors should avoid construction companies built on sand if they want a solid portfolio.

Boustead to mark 180th year with bash, $800k donation

THE way Mr Wong Fong Fui tells it, one may be forgiven for mistaking Boustead Singapore's founder as Chinese. That is, if his name wasn't such a dead giveaway.
The number eight plays a prominent role in the life and death of Mr Edward Boustead, said Mr Wong, the company's chief executive.

'His affinity to the number 'eight' is uncanny,' Mr Wong told The Straits Times.

The Chinese, particularly the Cantonese, regard eight as an auspicious number as it rhymes with wealth in that dialect.

Born in Yorkshire, England in 1800, Mr Boustead died at the age of 88 in 1888 in his homeland.

He had arrived in Singapore in 1828 and set up Boustead & Co. The company quickly took off to become one of Singapore's great trading houses, dealing in spices, flavours, seeds, nuts, herbs and oils.

Its interests subsequently extended to include rubber and palm oil plantations, trading and agencies for a whole host of services such as shipping and insurance.

'We were the sole agents for insurance giant Lloyds and big marine insurance companies in the world,' Mr Wong said.

'Hennessy, Procter & Gamble, Cadbury, most of the consumer goods that you see today, Boustead brought them in.'

This year, the company - now known as Boustead Singapore - celebrates its 180th anniversary, making it the second oldest in Singapore. Only property developer Guthrie GTS can claim to be older.

To mark the milestone, Boustead will hold a gala dinner next month. It has commissioned a limited edition coffee table book on the history of the company.

It will also use the occasion to donate $800,000 - that uncanny number again - to charity, an acknowledgement of the philanthropic legacy of the founder, said Mr Wong.

Upon his death, Mr Boustead left £9,000 - a princely sum at the time - to set up a welfare institution for foreign seaman known as the Boustead Institute.

Demolished and long faded in the annals of Singapore history, the institute is, nonetheless, immortalised in many paintings and pictures thanks to its striking architecture and imposing facade at the junction of Tanjong Pagar and Anson roads.

Mr Boustead did not have any heirs. After his death, his associates took over the running of Boustead & Co, which continued to enjoy unparalleled success for almost a 100 years except for when the two world wars were ongoing.

However, the company's fortunes did wane when it was broken up, twice.

In 1960, it was split into Boustead plc and Boustead Bhd following Malaysia's independence from Britain. The substantive part of the business remained in Malaysia and Singapore.

In 1973, Boustead Bhd carved out a Singapore unit - Taiping Singapore - to comply with Malaysia's race-based affirmative programme which was aimed at narrowing the wealth gap between Malays and Chinese.

The loss of plantation assets, which continued to reside with Boustead Bhd, was a near fatal blow to the Singapore unit as it also had to struggle with losing many of its agency businesses.

Then came another round of mergers and acquisitions after which Taiping became Bousteadco Singapore and was subsequently renamed Boustead Singapore.

During this uncertain period, it tried without much success to reinvent itself as an engineering outfit until 1996, when a group led by Mr Wong assumed control.

Banking on his experience as former managing director of QAF - the maker of Gardenia bread - Mr Wong's initial instinct was to turn Boustead into a food company.

In 1998, it started the Bonjour line of breads and a year later, it acquired the Japanese firm Sushi Deli.

But the foray into food was short-lived. Bonjour was sold to QAF for $15 million in 2000 and Sushi Deli was offloaded to Mr Wong and two managers of the Japanese restaurant for just $340 in 2003.

Today, Boustead's focus is on industrial, real estate, energy and environmental engineering. It has a staff strength of about 700 and operates in 73 countries.

While the current business has little in common with the early enterprises that made Boustead famous, its brand name continues to reap goodwill even from afar.

Take for example a trip Mr Wong made to Sri Lanka three years ago, after a Boustead unit had secured a deal to build the first sea water treatment plant in the country.

'While I was there to introduce other services of Boustead, I met the director-general in charge of power. He said to me: 'Your company was the first to introduce electricity to our country.' Indeed!'

Boustead's success is reflected in its healthy bottom line and cash holdings.

In the year ended March 31, the group reported a 46.1 per cent jump in net profit to $51.5 million. Revenue was up 27.5 per cent at $438.3 million. Its net cash position swelled to $150.8 million, up from $100.7 million the previous year.

This has enabled the company to raise full-year dividend payouts to 10 cents a share from 6.5 cents.

Dividend yield is an attractive 4.3 per cent.

Despite this, Boustead shares are off the radar screen of most retail investors, with daily average turnover at a paltry 74,000.

Mr Wong is not unduly perturbed.

'I've been through hot stocks before. QAF was a hot stock in 1993 to 1995, with 50 million shares in turnover daily, and I got queries from the stock exchange every day.

'Today, I don't get calls. Nobody is interested. Never mind, we have very stable shareholders.'

Nonetheless, the company recognises its stock could do with a little lift. It has proposed undertaking a one-into-two share split to make the stock more attractive to retail investors.

A healthy cash hoard means that Boustead is also in a position to grow more aggressively.

'We are in the phase of looking for acquisitions and not afraid of businesses that are not exactly core. If it's a buy, why not?,' Mr Wong asserted, though he is quick to add that his preference is still in the field of engineering.

Boustead today is very different from the company that began 180 years ago in a Raffles Place office that overlooked the Singapore harbour. It now operates from a nondescript flatted factory in Kampong Ubi.

However, Mr Wong believes Boustead's lasting legacy is not in the bricks and mortar, but in its founder's spirit of enterprise.

He declared: 'My mission is to resurrect this company and I'd like to tell my fellow Singaporeans that we are doing well.'

Failure is not an option.

'It's like your great-great-grandfather's company that passes on to your hand. Can you imagine if you fail and die? It's not just a matter of money.'

Monday, June 30, 2008

China plays offer cheap buys but few are biting; Bargains can be found, say analysts, despite impact of volatile mainland

INVESTORS might imagine that Singapore-listed China companies would offer some form of a safe haven from current stock market turbulence.

After all, China's economy is still expanding strongly, despite some niggles, while the likes of the United States are faltering.

They should think again.

A recent sell-down in stocks on China bourses and growing inflation worries over the mainland's booming economy have hit these so-called S-chips fairly hard.

The selling pressure has also been triggered by concerns over slowing profit growth, shrinking margins and rising borrowing costs.

So far this year, the FTSE ST China Index, comprising major S-chips, has been the worst performing index. It has fallen over 44 per cent compared to a 14.7 per cent drop for the Straits Times Index.

Current valuations of some stocks, which are trading at low single-digit price-to-earnings ratios, are very attractive, say analysts. This ratio shows how much investors are willing to pay per dollar of earnings. The lower the ratio is, the 'cheaper' the share.

For example, China Sky Chemical Fibre, Celestial NutriFoods and Sino Techfibre are trading at ratios of four to five times their most recent full- year earnings.

'How can you say that is expensive?' asked CIMB-GK analyst Ho Choon Seng. 'Margins are not exactly expanding. With inflation, it is difficult to significantly increase margins. But there is still value to be found.'

'While higher energy, labour and material costs are likely to have an impact on margins for most companies, most are expected to remain profitable and many should still show profit growth - albeit at a lower rate,' said DBS Vickers Securities analyst Paul Yong.

He explained that a combination of poorer-than-expected results as well as corporate governance issues may have exacerbated the price slide of some stocks.

Despite what seems to be a good deal, investors are not biting. Take companies such as Jiutian Chemical Group and frozen dumpling maker Synear Food Holdings which are trading at 80 per cent or more off their 52-week highs.

A remisier with a local brokerage said: 'There are bargains out there, but there's almost no buying interest.'

She added: 'Investors are losing interest partly because there is no breakthrough for most S-chips. The trading range is very tight. Stocks barely budge even when there's good news.'

Clients are now switching to blue chips from S-chips, she said, adding that while there are fewer lots, 'at least there's a range to trade'.

S-chips have also fallen out of favour with syndicates, say sources, which have scaled back trading after suffering substantial losses.

Questions remain as to when the China plays will be able to break the downtrend, which is in turn dependent on the performance of markets in the US and China.

China Life Insurance, China's largest insurer, this week reportedly snapped up large quantities of stock funds, which may signal that there are bargains out there.

Analysts expect the downside to be limited given the extent of declines seen in many S-shares.

A hike of energy prices will push China's inflation 'into double digits', said a BNP Paribas report. It expects at least one more hike before year- end. This may further trigger a sell-down in Chinese bourses.

In a market where prices are static, or falling, it may be a good idea for investors to look for high-yield stocks.

Examples would include China Life and Singapore-listed Memtech International, which have dividend yields of 7.7 per cent and 9 per cent respectively. Mainboard-listed Luzhou Bio-Chem Technology is also offering a 7 per cent dividend yield.

'High-yield stocks should generally outperform high beta stocks in a bear market,' said Mr Yong. Beta stocks carry more risk but have potentially higher returns.

'Given low interest rates, there could be more interest in companies with high dividends,' said Mr Ho. But he added that investors should also consider the growth prospects of the company and whether it is able to support the level of dividend.

Rogers Tells Investors Not to `Give Up' on China stocks

June 28 (Bloomberg) -- Jim Rogers, who in April 2006 correctly predicted oil would reach $100 a barrel and gold $1,000 an ounce, told investors not to ``give up'' on Chinese shares after the country's stock index fell almost 50 percent this year.

``Start buying when others say `never again','' Rogers, 65, said today at an investor conference in Nanjing. There is ``much money to be made'' from investments in Chinese stocks, he said.

China's CSI 300 Index has slumped 52 percent from its Oct. 16 peak on concern government measures to curb consumer prices will hurt earnings growth. Rogers, who first started buying Chinese stocks in 1999, said he hasn't sold any of his holdings.

``It's still a growth story in China,'' said Andrew Sullivan, a sales trader at Mainfirst Securities Hong Kong Ltd. ``It still has a good manufacturing industry.''

China's economy expanded 10.6 percent in the first quarter even as export growth cooled and industrial companies' profit growth slowed as oil and gas costs surged. Chinese stocks slumped yesterday on speculation the government will increase interest rates to help tame inflation.

Rogers told Chinese investors that the current correction is ``the way the market works,'' and they shouldn't be a ``market timer'' trying to figure out when is the bottom. ``You should get in at a time like now,'' Rogers said. ``I'm starting to think about buying again.'' He said he'd be ``investing in China for the rest of the century.''

About 200 people -- a full house -- paid as much as 50,000 yuan ($7,300) to hear Rogers speak at the two-hour event. The cheapest ticket was 3,800 yuan. Some approached him for his autograph and photos after the speech.

`Learn About Commodities'

Investors should also ``learn about commodities,'' Rogers said. Oil prices, which reached a record in New York trading yesterday, will go higher, he said.

Crude oil for August delivery rose 57 cents, or 0.4 percent, to a record close of $140.21 a barrel yesterday on the New York Mercantile Exchange, extending its gain this year to 46 percent.

The price of oil will keep rising, ``unless someone finds a major oil field very quickly, in accessible areas,'' Rogers told Chinese investors. ``The oil trend is still high even though the U.S. is trying to curb oil speculation,'' said Sullivan.

Rogers told investors to ``stay away from'' the dollar. The U.S. currency is within 2 percent of a record low against the euro reached in April as the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates to stave off an economic recession.

U.S. stocks ``are going to go down,'' Rogers said. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.9 percent yesterday, extending the decline for the 30-stock measure to 10 percent this month, the worst June since 1930.

The U.S. may be in its ``worst recession since World War II,'' Rogers said, adding that the subprime mortgage crisis in the world's biggest economy ``has many years to go.''

'Toxic' issues drag down small caps

Convertible bonds depress shares when funds unload for quick profit

A controversial debt instrument blamed overseas for sending small caps' share prices into a 'death spiral' is now raising a stink in the local stock market.

These 'instruments of mass destruction', as one banker calls them, are a type of low- or zero-coupon convertible bond that can be converted into shares at a discount - usually 10 per cent - to the average share price in a look-back period, rather than only at a premium, as is normal.

In the past 12 months, at least 20 small cap companies here have issued 'death-spiral' convertibles - so named by detractors because shares converted at a discount are quickly sold for a near certain profit, often depressing the share price as a result. The issuance is typically divided into several tranches.

As each trance gets converted, the price spirals downwards, both diluting and eroding the value of existing shareholders' holdings.

A fund offering to subscribe to such issues gets two discounts - first, because they can look back in a period (usually 25 or 30 days) and select the lowest prices; and second, because they can convert notes into shares at 90 per cent of that price.

And since the conversion price is floating - it falls with the share price - the number of new shares issued to the subscribing fund balloons as the share price shrinks every time it converts a fixed-value note.

Such 'toxic' issues were first seen here about five or six years ago, according to sources. But recently, and especially since last year, activity has accelerated considerably.

By far the most active in the convertible note market is Pacific Capital Investment Management (PCIM), a UK-based fund that has been assiduously courting tiny, cash-hungry listed companies and which has ramped up its lending in the past 10 months or so. So far it has signed agreements to pump in up to $500 million to about 15 companies.

Others in the market are local-based Value Capital Asset Management, the Cayman Islands-registered Advance Opportunities Fund and Delaware-registered DB Zwirn Asia Pacific Special Opportunities Fund.

Companies often have little choice. Many don't have easy access to capital markets and find it hard to do share placements or rights issues. Banks are often unwilling to lend to them, or do so only at punitively high interest rates.

And the sums on offer can be hard to turn down. Companies with market caps of less than $200 million were inking deals for between $6 and $60 million. Jade Technologies, then diversifying into the energy business, was mulling an issue worth up to $150 million.

But bosses say disillusionment was quick to come. 'What we didn't expect is that they take the (converted) shares, then they quickly dump it in the market,' says one company chairman, pointing out that the agreement allows the fund to convert shares at its own discretion.

As the principal amount is typically split into between eight and 40 tranches, the convert-and-sell cycle could play out repeatedly - a heavy recurring overhang on the stock. 'So every week you will have this selling pressure on your share price,' the chairman says.

According to an industry source, each cycle could net the fund 2 to 5 per cent profit, and with relatively modest initial outlay - returns from one cycle could be used to subscribe for a subsequent tranche.

Many companies say they have seen their shares crash to single digit level - especially as in many cases, they were not assured of a minimum conversion price.

Alantac, over 50 cents last July, is now at 13 cents. HLH Group, worth 10 cents a share a year ago, is now at three cents. Lexicon's share price has fallen 80 per cent and Vibropower has lost half its value since subscription agreements were announced.

But company and industry sources say it's difficult to quantify the damage done by toxic issues.

An investment banking source says that in a good market such deals could actually work to the company's benefit, as strong investor demand may be able to absorb the constant dilution.

The trouble, he points out, is that equity markets in the past six months have been lacklustre. 'When the normal volume is a few hundred lots and the fund is selling five or 10 million shares all the time, then the share price will collapse,' he says.

Part of the damage may have been caused by investors seeing the issue of such notes as a sign of distress, as well as generally soured investor sentiment in recent months.

But tellingly, a number of companies have either terminated deals or declined to take up optional tranches. EMS Energy and Equation Corp cancelled deals before they began, but HLH Group issued 607.3 million shares to PCIM before backing out in March and paying 'all associated fees and costs'.

This year, Anwell, Centillion Environment & Recycling and E3 Holdings have all agreed to reduce the number of tranches issued.

Company chiefs ruefully admit they had been naive in expecting that the subscribing fund would hold on to converted shares for longer term gain. One chief executive officer says he was not very clear about convertible bonds and how they could be structured.

'We didn't know their method,' says another, adding, 'I thought it was just like a share placement deal.'

Toxic convertibles originated in the US in the 1990s and were widely used by dotcoms to finance expansion. In Hong Kong, they first made an appearance in the early 2000s. David Webb, a Hong Kong-based activist, told BT the flow of issues there was 'pretty much killed' by his 2005 article highlighting a number of deals done by Credit Suisse First Boston.

Saturday, June 28, 2008






Rent, Don't Buy, Your Home

Real-estate agents have been pushing the virtues of homeownership since homes were invented. Or since real-estate agents were invented, anyway. Paying a mortgage, they insist, is a can't-miss investment (the tax breaks, the appreciation, the thrill of fixing your own roof!). Renting is for simpletons who don't like keeping their own money.

But does owning a home really trump renting? With the economy stumbling, house prices falling, and credit tightening, many housing experts are questioning the conventional wisdom. "Over the last decade, it may have been true," says W. Van Harlow, an economist at the Fidelity Research Institute. "Clearly, there are periods where [the housing market] will dominate. But give this market correction another 18 months, and it may not be true anymore."

Not so hot. The housing boom produced endless stories of homeowners getting twice what they paid for their homes. But "prices don't always go up," says Jay Butler, director of realty studies at Arizona State University. Even a boomtown like Phoenix has seen median rates of appreciation climb only 4.6 percent a year since 1981. According to a Fidelity study published this year, the return on a dollar invested in real estate in 1963 barely beat that of a low-risk treasury bill.

When the housing market slumps—as it has every 10 or 15 years for the past several decades—homeownership becomes little more than renting, from a bank. Without appreciation, buying a $400,000 house—instead of renting the same property for, say, $2,000 a month—can turn into an expensive, potentially money-losing proposition. Assuming home prices come out of their death spiral (prices fell 4.5 percent in the third quarter compared with last year), they would still have to appreciate at 4 percent every year for a decade—even if rents climbed well above the rate of inflation—before a family would save more owning than renting. An $80,000 down payment could be invested instead in a mutual fund earning 8 percent, and housing comes with myriad other expenses, from maintenance to insurance to taxes, none of which build equity. Tax breaks do ease the pain. But with the average family staying in a house only six years, homeownership during a slump (especially in foreclosure pits like Las Vegas and Tampa, where prices have dropped more than 9 percent since last year) can look less and less like the American dream.

Renting, meanwhile, has its virtues. It's cheaper in the short term, it offers maximum flexibility, and it pushes the headaches of maintenance and taxes onto landlords. It can also be a sound long-term investment. According to Fidelity, if renters save even $300 a month—the difference, say, between their rent and a monthly mortgage payment—that money, invested in stocks growing at only 4 percent, could add up to $114,000 in 20 years. (And that's on top of earnings on a down payment that never had to be made.) "Over long horizons, if you reinvest the savings," Harlow says, "you're probably not going to find that much difference between renting and buying." Saving hasn't proved to be the national forte, of course. But with the bloom off the homeownership rose, it may have to be soon.