前 日 , 港 股 突 然 反 彈 , 我 沒 寫 任 何 評 語 。 昨 日 , 港 股 又 打 回 原 形 , 同 樣 的 , 我 也 覺 得 不 值 得 評 論 。 過 去 兩 天 股 市 的 波 動 , 你 會 猜 得 到 嗎 ? 任 何 評 語 也 只 是 很 牽 強 的 , 為 造 理 由 而 提 出 理 由 。
昨 日 早 上 , 我 看 電 視 報 告 美 股 急 跌 , 新 聞 附 上 一 段 解 釋 , 說 有 幾 個 經 濟 數 據 不 理 想 , 投 資 者 擔 心 美 國 經 濟 轉 差 , 因 此 股 價 大 跌 。 實 際 上 , 如 果 前 晚 美 股 是 上 升 , 我 相 信 分 析 員 的 分 析 會 是 : 經 濟 數 據 差 , 投 資 者 對 加 息 的 憂 慮 減 低 , 因 此 股 價 大 升 。
股 市 的 任 何 事 後 分 析 , 實 際 上 很 多 都 是 如 上 述 , 為 了 找 個 理 由 而 找 個 理 由 來 解 釋 股 價 的 升 跌 。 實 際 上 , 美 國 經 濟 數 據 差 , 股 市 可 以 升 也 可 以 跌 , 理 由 如 上 述 。 如 果 美 國 經 濟 數 據 好 , 股 市 也 一 樣 可 以 升 可 以 跌 。 如 果 股 市 升 , 分 析 員 會 說 , 經 濟 數 據 好 , 投 資 者 不 擔 心 經 濟 衰 退 , 所 以 股 市 上 升 。 如 果 股 市 跌 , 分 析 員 的 答 案 是 : 因 為 經 濟 數 據 好 , 投 資 者 擔 心 會 加 息 , 所 以 股 市 大 跌 。
這 就 是 為 甚 麼 我 覺 得 沒 有 必 要 為 過 去 兩 天 股 市 的 升 跌 強 行 提 出 甚 麼 理 由 來 解 釋 。
內 地 股 市 就 的 確 進 入 恐 慌 期 , 一 浪 低 於 一 浪 的 跌 , 很 多 人 無 法 明 白 , 為 甚 麼 這 麼 多 好 股 的 股 價 會 跌 ? 道 理 是 信 心 , 當 許 多 人 認 為 股 價 還 會 往 下 跌 , 則 不 論 是 好 的 股 、 不 好 的 股 , 一 樣 會 下 跌 。
京 奧 漸 近 概 念 股 續 跌
在 牛 市 時 , 股 民 可 以 接 受 較 高 的 PE , 相 反 的 , 在 熊 市 時 , 股 民 就 會 走 向 另 一 個 極 端 , 只 願 意 接 受 超 低 的 PE 。 當 上 證 綜 合 指 數 由 1900 點 往 上 升 至 3000 點 時 , 許 多 人 已 經 說 是 漲 得 太 快 了 , PE 太 高 了 , 因 此 , 目 前 上 證 綜 合 指 數 跌 破 3000 點 , 也 就 不 值 得 大 驚 小 怪 。
過 去 , 指 在 大 熊 市 時 下 跌 60% 是 很 平 常 的 事 。 中 國 股 市 不 成 熟 , 跌 幅 更 是 沒 有 任 何 歷 史 資 料 可 供 參 考 。 我 自 己 也 曾 經 在 不 久 前 買 入 A50 中 國 基 金 , 後 來 升 了 一 陣 , 現 在 倒 虧 了 。
2006 年 , 錦 江 酒 店 上 市 , 從 上 市 那 一 天 開 始 , 這 隻 股 就 被 定 性 為 奧 運 概 念 股 , 現 在 奧 運 開 幕 日 子 越 來 越 近 , 這 隻 股 的 股 價 卻 一 跌 再 跌 , 我 手 上 也 有 一 些 , 真 倒 楣 。
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 自强不息 勤以静心,俭以养德 天地不仁, 強者生存
Friday, June 20, 2008
1、 在证券市场上,价格、成交量、时间和空间是进行技术分析的四大要素,因此我们应该清楚,OBV指标作为成交量的指标,它不能单独使用,必须与价格曲线同时使用才能发挥作用。
1、 在证券市场上,价格、成交量、时间和空间是进行技术分析的四大要素,因此我们应该清楚,OBV指标作为成交量的指标,它不能单独使用,必须与价格曲线同时使用才能发挥作用。
第四个数字:常年复利增长率(annualised compounded growth),就是常人所说的“利上加利”。
第四个数字:常年复利增长率(annualised compounded growth),就是常人所说的“利上加利”。
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Whose American Dream Is It, Anyway?
A recent "USA Today" poll showed that, given the worsening economy, high prices for energy, and the housing crisis, Americans are more pessimistic about their lives than at any time in the past half-century. Most worrisome is that just 45 percent believe their children will be better off financially than they are, which caused reporter David Lynch to ask if the American Dream was, if not dead, then at least wounded.
I've been asking the same question since I started writing the original Generation Debt series for "The Village Voice" back in 2004. Back then the economy was booming, but the long-term data were already clear -- young men were earning significantly less than their fathers had 30 years ago (given inflation); young women were barely making progress on the gains in the workforce that their mothers had worked so hard for; and both were saddled with record prices for housing, health care, and education, as well as rising student loan and credit card debt.
Well, now I think it's time to take a fresh look at the issue. Maybe the American Dream is dead or wounded -- or maybe it's just outdated.
Perhaps the strongest symbol of the traditional American Dream is the single-family home in an automobile-dependent suburb. Today, in many places, those houses are unaffordable for the middle class.
With gas prices soaring to an average above four dollars a gallon, the car commute is unaffordable, too -- and no one is expecting gas to come back down to the 99-cent range anytime soon.
Furthermore, even if house prices continue to decline and cars get more fuel-efficient, it turns out that the driving commute itself cuts into people's happiness -- so much so, one pair of researchers found, that someone commuting an hour each way would have to earn 40 percent more to compensate for the decreased quality of life.
Another piece of the American Dream that we're saying goodbye to is lifetime employment with a single corporation that offers health care, a pension, and a gold watch upon retirement. Manufacturing has moved overseas, and large corporations simply don't operate like that anymore.
For high-school educated workers, the middle class job is all but kaput. GM was the largest employer in the country in 1970, with an average wage of $17.50 an hour. Today GM is all but bankrupt, and Wal-Mart is the nation's largest employer, with an average wage of $9 an hour.
But what about the most fundamental assumption of the American Dream, the idea that standards of living, as measured by money and ownership of material things, ought to keep rising steadily year after year, generation after generation? That one is looking to be on the shakiest ground of all.
First of all, by most measures, our country has long since passed the point where adding more income and more stuff will make us happier. Once a nation has a per capita income above $12,000, for example, there is little correlation between wealth and happiness.
And in the U.S., researcher Daniel Gilbert found, once an individual passes $50,000 a year in income, more money has little effect on his or her happiness on average.
In fact, not surprisingly, the top earners have far less free time than the poorest fifth of Americans, and their average mood is not much better.
Secondly, indications are mounting that the planet just can't take all this constantly increasing driving and shopping and fast-food eating. If the entire world consumed the way Americans do (China and India are the most obvious examples of countries headed in this direction), we would need six Earths full of resources.
So for those of you who, like me, hope to be living another 60, 70, or 80 years in this unique nation, it might be time to ask: What is our new American Dream? If it's not a house, a car, a lawn, a lifetime of job security, and a constantly rising standard of living, what are we looking for? What should we be looking for?
I don't have the definitive answer. But I have three suggestions and observations.
Time, Not Stuff
Young people prize flexibility with their time. More likely to be raised by working mothers than any generation in history, we've seen the tradeoffs and don't want to fall into the "two-income trap" where both partners work more and more hours, barely seeing each other or their kids, just to keep up with the Joneses.
Both young men and young women say over and over in employment surveys that they want time to take care of their families and their health, to be involved in their communities, and to "have a life."
As we weather this economic downturn, I predict that even more young people are going to choose -- or be pushed into -- a smaller-scale, downshifted lifestyle where they make do with less stuff and trade more money for more time.
People are already planting more gardens, driving less and riding their bikes or public transportation more, canceling their cable subscriptions, and spending more time at home. This is a perfect example of making a virtue out of necessity -- all these changes save money, but they also mean a slower, healthier lifestyle that for some is its own reward.
There are even reports in the media of young families going to the extreme with the trend of taking out a "Selling All Worldly Possessions" ad on Craigslist and taking to the road.
Meaningful Employment
Money and security are important, but research says young people really want meaning in their jobs, too.
This includes finding a personal passion and getting a chance to do something important for the world.
One employment trend that attracts young people is self-employment and entrepreneurship. This ties in to our interest in individuality and flexibility. Nearly a fifth of the workforce can be classified as non-standard in some way, and non-standard workers are twice as likely to be under 25.
Going out on your own has its tradeoffs. This part of the workforce faces greater risk, and under our current laws, they have inadequate access to benefits such as health care and nondiscrimination protection. Yet it turns out many independent workers are more satisfied with their jobs than salaried employees at an equivalent level. That's in large part because autonomy is a major key to job satisfaction.
A second popular direction for young people seeking meaning in their employment is in public service. Teach for America, where college graduates go into underserved public schools for two years, is a top entry-level employer at many elite colleges.
And last year's College Cost Reduction and Access Act established a slew of new student loan forgiveness programs for young people who go into professions including social work, nursing, law enforcement, and firefighting, which should entice even more young people into these lines of work.
And they may well find satisfaction there. In one huge employer survey, the three job categories where employees were most likely to say they had their "Dream jobs" were, in order, teacher, police officer, and firefighter.
A New New Deal
This part is more political than personal. The old American Dream included a social safety net that provided a baseline of security. As noted, this is no longer being provided adequately by employers or the government.
Young people are the largest and fastest-growing group of Americans without health insurance, we lack access to pension plans, and the future of programs like Social Security and Medicare is threatened by current budget positions. Young Americans in polls hold a more favorable view of government solutions than older Americans, and we are calling for new government investments in portable, flexible benefits that will restore the social safety net while controlling rising costs.
These are scary times. But after Hurricane Katrina hit my hometown of New Orleans, I learned from the courage of people struggling to rebuild. I saw that pessimism is a luxury for easy times, while optimism is a necessity for times like these. The new American Dream may be smaller and less flashy than your father's Oldsmobile, but it's more sustainable -- and maybe it can take us farther.
I've been asking the same question since I started writing the original Generation Debt series for "The Village Voice" back in 2004. Back then the economy was booming, but the long-term data were already clear -- young men were earning significantly less than their fathers had 30 years ago (given inflation); young women were barely making progress on the gains in the workforce that their mothers had worked so hard for; and both were saddled with record prices for housing, health care, and education, as well as rising student loan and credit card debt.
Well, now I think it's time to take a fresh look at the issue. Maybe the American Dream is dead or wounded -- or maybe it's just outdated.
Perhaps the strongest symbol of the traditional American Dream is the single-family home in an automobile-dependent suburb. Today, in many places, those houses are unaffordable for the middle class.
With gas prices soaring to an average above four dollars a gallon, the car commute is unaffordable, too -- and no one is expecting gas to come back down to the 99-cent range anytime soon.
Furthermore, even if house prices continue to decline and cars get more fuel-efficient, it turns out that the driving commute itself cuts into people's happiness -- so much so, one pair of researchers found, that someone commuting an hour each way would have to earn 40 percent more to compensate for the decreased quality of life.
Another piece of the American Dream that we're saying goodbye to is lifetime employment with a single corporation that offers health care, a pension, and a gold watch upon retirement. Manufacturing has moved overseas, and large corporations simply don't operate like that anymore.
For high-school educated workers, the middle class job is all but kaput. GM was the largest employer in the country in 1970, with an average wage of $17.50 an hour. Today GM is all but bankrupt, and Wal-Mart is the nation's largest employer, with an average wage of $9 an hour.
But what about the most fundamental assumption of the American Dream, the idea that standards of living, as measured by money and ownership of material things, ought to keep rising steadily year after year, generation after generation? That one is looking to be on the shakiest ground of all.
First of all, by most measures, our country has long since passed the point where adding more income and more stuff will make us happier. Once a nation has a per capita income above $12,000, for example, there is little correlation between wealth and happiness.
And in the U.S., researcher Daniel Gilbert found, once an individual passes $50,000 a year in income, more money has little effect on his or her happiness on average.
In fact, not surprisingly, the top earners have far less free time than the poorest fifth of Americans, and their average mood is not much better.
Secondly, indications are mounting that the planet just can't take all this constantly increasing driving and shopping and fast-food eating. If the entire world consumed the way Americans do (China and India are the most obvious examples of countries headed in this direction), we would need six Earths full of resources.
So for those of you who, like me, hope to be living another 60, 70, or 80 years in this unique nation, it might be time to ask: What is our new American Dream? If it's not a house, a car, a lawn, a lifetime of job security, and a constantly rising standard of living, what are we looking for? What should we be looking for?
I don't have the definitive answer. But I have three suggestions and observations.
Time, Not Stuff
Young people prize flexibility with their time. More likely to be raised by working mothers than any generation in history, we've seen the tradeoffs and don't want to fall into the "two-income trap" where both partners work more and more hours, barely seeing each other or their kids, just to keep up with the Joneses.
Both young men and young women say over and over in employment surveys that they want time to take care of their families and their health, to be involved in their communities, and to "have a life."
As we weather this economic downturn, I predict that even more young people are going to choose -- or be pushed into -- a smaller-scale, downshifted lifestyle where they make do with less stuff and trade more money for more time.
People are already planting more gardens, driving less and riding their bikes or public transportation more, canceling their cable subscriptions, and spending more time at home. This is a perfect example of making a virtue out of necessity -- all these changes save money, but they also mean a slower, healthier lifestyle that for some is its own reward.
There are even reports in the media of young families going to the extreme with the trend of taking out a "Selling All Worldly Possessions" ad on Craigslist and taking to the road.
Meaningful Employment
Money and security are important, but research says young people really want meaning in their jobs, too.
This includes finding a personal passion and getting a chance to do something important for the world.
One employment trend that attracts young people is self-employment and entrepreneurship. This ties in to our interest in individuality and flexibility. Nearly a fifth of the workforce can be classified as non-standard in some way, and non-standard workers are twice as likely to be under 25.
Going out on your own has its tradeoffs. This part of the workforce faces greater risk, and under our current laws, they have inadequate access to benefits such as health care and nondiscrimination protection. Yet it turns out many independent workers are more satisfied with their jobs than salaried employees at an equivalent level. That's in large part because autonomy is a major key to job satisfaction.
A second popular direction for young people seeking meaning in their employment is in public service. Teach for America, where college graduates go into underserved public schools for two years, is a top entry-level employer at many elite colleges.
And last year's College Cost Reduction and Access Act established a slew of new student loan forgiveness programs for young people who go into professions including social work, nursing, law enforcement, and firefighting, which should entice even more young people into these lines of work.
And they may well find satisfaction there. In one huge employer survey, the three job categories where employees were most likely to say they had their "Dream jobs" were, in order, teacher, police officer, and firefighter.
A New New Deal
This part is more political than personal. The old American Dream included a social safety net that provided a baseline of security. As noted, this is no longer being provided adequately by employers or the government.
Young people are the largest and fastest-growing group of Americans without health insurance, we lack access to pension plans, and the future of programs like Social Security and Medicare is threatened by current budget positions. Young Americans in polls hold a more favorable view of government solutions than older Americans, and we are calling for new government investments in portable, flexible benefits that will restore the social safety net while controlling rising costs.
These are scary times. But after Hurricane Katrina hit my hometown of New Orleans, I learned from the courage of people struggling to rebuild. I saw that pessimism is a luxury for easy times, while optimism is a necessity for times like these. The new American Dream may be smaller and less flashy than your father's Oldsmobile, but it's more sustainable -- and maybe it can take us farther.
至於time the market,除牛轉熊或熊轉牛,捕捉熊市二期上上落落,往往心大心細。熊市二期中做market-timing並唔容易。五窮、六絕、七翻身,睇6月份似乎諸事不宜。
今時今日投資戒條:一、唔好投資長期債券,擔心債券大牛市2000年開始,2003年中已結束。二、細價股只宜細細注大大聲,除非你有內幕消息,不然只宜淺嘗即止。三、強調股息率。邊D業務穩定、派息穩定股份可以多D作收息用。四、如閣下3月到5月表現不俗,Stop!今天我地面對係綿綿不絕熊市二期,唔係綿綿不絕牛市二期。唔好以為6月到8月可重演3月到5月情況。食有時、睡有時,熊市二期能夠唔蝕本成績已不俗。為避免「荒於戲」,仍可將30%本金用作投資,以免他日牛市來臨時自己仍懵盛盛。熊市二期仍投資,理由係keep your feet wet(不然你可能冇興趣再落水)。
至於time the market,除牛轉熊或熊轉牛,捕捉熊市二期上上落落,往往心大心細。熊市二期中做market-timing並唔容易。五窮、六絕、七翻身,睇6月份似乎諸事不宜。
今時今日投資戒條:一、唔好投資長期債券,擔心債券大牛市2000年開始,2003年中已結束。二、細價股只宜細細注大大聲,除非你有內幕消息,不然只宜淺嘗即止。三、強調股息率。邊D業務穩定、派息穩定股份可以多D作收息用。四、如閣下3月到5月表現不俗,Stop!今天我地面對係綿綿不絕熊市二期,唔係綿綿不絕牛市二期。唔好以為6月到8月可重演3月到5月情況。食有時、睡有時,熊市二期能夠唔蝕本成績已不俗。為避免「荒於戲」,仍可將30%本金用作投資,以免他日牛市來臨時自己仍懵盛盛。熊市二期仍投資,理由係keep your feet wet(不然你可能冇興趣再落水)。
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Over-Reaction Bias
The concept of over-reaction bias. The first two parts dealt with the problems of mental accounting (compartmentalization of money into distinct and discrete "accounts") and over-confidence (a typical human trait where most people feel that they are infallible). Over-reaction bias is a type of behaviour which results in human beings over-reacting to certain news, which is another way of saying you "let your emotions override your good sense".
When applied to the stock market, over-reaction bias typically causes investors to over-react to BAD news, and react too slowly to good news. Why could this be so ? This is due to human being's tendency to panic and let fear grip him; thus over-reacting to bad news or negative information. Note that this is a natural human tendency which, from our caveman days, would have saved us from mortal danger as our bodies tend to respond to such negative stimuli by producing more adrenaline (yes, the fight or flight hormone), thus it allows us to have heightened senses and more energy to run in case we encounter danger (e.g. predators in prehistoric times). It is always better to over-react to real physical danger as we only have one life; but in the market, over-reaction bias can cause us to lose our rationality by conveying a similar "fight or flight" response. Since there is no one to "fight", most people will choose "flight" instead and sell away their investment when there is any small hint of negative news !
When viewed objectively and rationally, this might seem a very foolish, downright silly choice. After all, negative news flows in all the time and one cannot predict the sequence, extent or nature of such news accurately. On one day, it might be record inflation; on another day, it could be high oil prices and on yet another day, it may be increased unemployment or shrinking GDP growth. The point is that bad news is supposed to be part and parcel of investing and one cannot live in a fantasy world expecting nothing negative to happen to one's investments. By mentally insulating oneself from such mental shocks, one can develop better fortitude when hearing such negative news. Even for my own investments, I had recently encountered negative news in the form of record inflation in Vietnam (which affects my investment in Ezra as they have 2 yards in Vietnam) as well as a recent fire at Kreuz Shipyard which is 100% owned by Swiber.
My first reaction upon hearing this news was to calmly examine the facts of the case and to objectively assess the economic impact of the bad news. As an investor, one should be mindful of over-reaction bias causing the bad news to seem a lot worse than it sometimes is. In my case, it turns out that I discovered that Ezra's shipyards are securing contracts in USD, thus mitigating the risk of the depreciating VND; though one consideration is still rising costs of manpower as inflation kicks in. The impact will be minimal and is not likely to be long-lasting. For Kreuz, the incident was regrettable but will also not cause any serious economic harm to the company or its business. Thus, by objectively and rationally reviewing the facts of the case and delving into some research, one can pinpoint whether the bad news may have a permanent detrimental impact on one's investments; hence making the decision on whether to sell a more logical, rational one. Most of the time, if one had done sufficient research and due dilligence, I would conclude that most bad news is temporary in nature and should have already been factored in one's risk assessment when one purchases a company. Only if a black swan event occurs should it give a very compelling reason to sell an investment immediately (e.g. natural disasters destroying key assets).
To conclude, over-reaction bias is a pervasive mental force when one invests. To avoid its effects, one should always keep their wits about them when faced with bad news, and move on to objectively and coolly assess the news before taking any action. Actions taken during an adrenaline rush are usually ill-thought out and one is more prone to make costly mistakes. Always ensure that decisions made with regards to buying and selling investments are approached in a busines-like manner, which is how investing should be viewed.
When applied to the stock market, over-reaction bias typically causes investors to over-react to BAD news, and react too slowly to good news. Why could this be so ? This is due to human being's tendency to panic and let fear grip him; thus over-reacting to bad news or negative information. Note that this is a natural human tendency which, from our caveman days, would have saved us from mortal danger as our bodies tend to respond to such negative stimuli by producing more adrenaline (yes, the fight or flight hormone), thus it allows us to have heightened senses and more energy to run in case we encounter danger (e.g. predators in prehistoric times). It is always better to over-react to real physical danger as we only have one life; but in the market, over-reaction bias can cause us to lose our rationality by conveying a similar "fight or flight" response. Since there is no one to "fight", most people will choose "flight" instead and sell away their investment when there is any small hint of negative news !
When viewed objectively and rationally, this might seem a very foolish, downright silly choice. After all, negative news flows in all the time and one cannot predict the sequence, extent or nature of such news accurately. On one day, it might be record inflation; on another day, it could be high oil prices and on yet another day, it may be increased unemployment or shrinking GDP growth. The point is that bad news is supposed to be part and parcel of investing and one cannot live in a fantasy world expecting nothing negative to happen to one's investments. By mentally insulating oneself from such mental shocks, one can develop better fortitude when hearing such negative news. Even for my own investments, I had recently encountered negative news in the form of record inflation in Vietnam (which affects my investment in Ezra as they have 2 yards in Vietnam) as well as a recent fire at Kreuz Shipyard which is 100% owned by Swiber.
My first reaction upon hearing this news was to calmly examine the facts of the case and to objectively assess the economic impact of the bad news. As an investor, one should be mindful of over-reaction bias causing the bad news to seem a lot worse than it sometimes is. In my case, it turns out that I discovered that Ezra's shipyards are securing contracts in USD, thus mitigating the risk of the depreciating VND; though one consideration is still rising costs of manpower as inflation kicks in. The impact will be minimal and is not likely to be long-lasting. For Kreuz, the incident was regrettable but will also not cause any serious economic harm to the company or its business. Thus, by objectively and rationally reviewing the facts of the case and delving into some research, one can pinpoint whether the bad news may have a permanent detrimental impact on one's investments; hence making the decision on whether to sell a more logical, rational one. Most of the time, if one had done sufficient research and due dilligence, I would conclude that most bad news is temporary in nature and should have already been factored in one's risk assessment when one purchases a company. Only if a black swan event occurs should it give a very compelling reason to sell an investment immediately (e.g. natural disasters destroying key assets).
To conclude, over-reaction bias is a pervasive mental force when one invests. To avoid its effects, one should always keep their wits about them when faced with bad news, and move on to objectively and coolly assess the news before taking any action. Actions taken during an adrenaline rush are usually ill-thought out and one is more prone to make costly mistakes. Always ensure that decisions made with regards to buying and selling investments are approached in a busines-like manner, which is how investing should be viewed.
熊 市 博 反 彈 見 好 要 識 收
昨 日 香 港 股 市 極 度 沉 悶 , 成 交 僅 482 億 , 與 去 年 瘋 狂 時 比 較 差 得 太 遠 。 去 年 牛 市 結 束 後 , 我 最 早 售 清 的 股 票 是 港 交 所 , 平 均 售 價 250 元 , 成 本 價 10 元 , 持 有 4 年 。 為 甚 麼 最 早 沽 售 港 交 所 ? 因 為 港 交 所 是 屬 於 所 謂 的 周 期 股 , 港 交 所 的 開 支 成 本 與 營 業 額 沒 有 多 大 的 關 係 , 生 意 好 、 生 意 差 , 成 本 一 樣 , 主 要 的 成 本 是 租 金 與 工 資 , 不 論 生 意 好 壞 , 都 得 付 租 金 , 都 得 付 工 資 。 因 此 , 在 2003 年 至 2004 年 這 兩 年 間 , 我 多 次 呼 籲 大 家 買 港 交 所 , 理 由 是 當 時 正 處 牛 市 初 期 , 成 交 額 只 會 隨 牛 市 的 成 熟 , 並 進 入 瘋 狂 而 大 大 增 加 。 成 交 額 增 加 1 倍 , 利 潤 不 止 增 加 1 倍 , 這 也 是 為 甚 麼 港 交 所 的 股 價 能 夠 從 10 元 升 至 250 元 ( 最 高 價 不 止 250 元 ) 。
現 在 , 股 市 進 入 熊 市 , 成 交 只 會 越 來 越 低 , 不 斷 的 萎 縮 。 同 樣 的 道 理 , 當 成 交 額 減 少 50% , 利 潤 的 減 少 也 會 超 過 50% 。
目 前 的 成 交 額 只 等 於 去 年 高 期 的 30% , 可 以 想 像 , 利 潤 會 下 跌 多 少 ? 因 此 , 熊 市 第 一 隻 該 沽 售 的 就 是 這 類 周 期 股 。
在 熊 市 , 只 能 小 注 怡 情 , 熊 市 時 股 市 畢 竟 是 跌 多 升 少 , 買 股 票 千 萬 不 能 傷 了 元 氣 、 動 搖 根 本 。 熊 市 只 有 反 彈 市 , 沒 有 上 升 市 ; 反 彈 一 定 得 見 好 就 收 , 適 可 而 止 。 當 然 , 所 謂 見 好 就 收 , 這 個 「 好 」 到 底 是 多 「 好 」 ? 也 真 不 容 易 拿 。 我 根 據 道 氏 理 論 , 認 為 反 彈 浪 應 該 至 少 有 下 跌 浪 的 50% , 指 也 的 確 由 20000 點 反 彈 至 26000 點 , 達 到 12000 點 的 下 跌 幅 度 的 50% 。 但 是 , 道 氏 理 論 在 內 地 股 市 的 這 一 個 戰 役 似 乎 發 揮 不 了 。
現 在 , 股 市 進 入 熊 市 , 成 交 只 會 越 來 越 低 , 不 斷 的 萎 縮 。 同 樣 的 道 理 , 當 成 交 額 減 少 50% , 利 潤 的 減 少 也 會 超 過 50% 。
目 前 的 成 交 額 只 等 於 去 年 高 期 的 30% , 可 以 想 像 , 利 潤 會 下 跌 多 少 ? 因 此 , 熊 市 第 一 隻 該 沽 售 的 就 是 這 類 周 期 股 。
在 熊 市 , 只 能 小 注 怡 情 , 熊 市 時 股 市 畢 竟 是 跌 多 升 少 , 買 股 票 千 萬 不 能 傷 了 元 氣 、 動 搖 根 本 。 熊 市 只 有 反 彈 市 , 沒 有 上 升 市 ; 反 彈 一 定 得 見 好 就 收 , 適 可 而 止 。 當 然 , 所 謂 見 好 就 收 , 這 個 「 好 」 到 底 是 多 「 好 」 ? 也 真 不 容 易 拿 。 我 根 據 道 氏 理 論 , 認 為 反 彈 浪 應 該 至 少 有 下 跌 浪 的 50% , 指 也 的 確 由 20000 點 反 彈 至 26000 點 , 達 到 12000 點 的 下 跌 幅 度 的 50% 。 但 是 , 道 氏 理 論 在 內 地 股 市 的 這 一 個 戰 役 似 乎 發 揮 不 了 。
泡沫期如何?結束期如何?倫敦法興James Montier認為,除實際分析外,睇睇分析者心態亦好有趣。
泡沫期,人人大叫泡沫爆破,例如去年首三季;反之,在泡沫爆破時,佢地反而認為一切正常(business as usual)。踏入今年幾多分析員講多少次最惡劣日子已過去(the worst is behind us)?證明泡沫在一片悲觀中膨脹,在一片樂觀中爆破。擔心3月18日至5月5日升市只係典型Sucker's rally。
其次係「非理性亢奮」(Euphoria)出現,例如1989年「日本第一」論(日本人以為自己係全球第一)。去年10月港股直通車消息,將內地2008年8月北京奧運前過度樂觀、過分自信、過分高估前景而低估風險氣氛引入香港,即俗語所講「high high地!」都係泡沫爆破前現象,產生過度槓桿(over-leverage),一旦爆破,短期回落趨勢無法阻止。結束期,往往係投資者唔肯再參與而令成交萎縮。先「寧靜」才能「致遠」,即泡沫結束期股市將十分寧靜,進入寧靜期之前則必然有多次反彈,叫做牛陷阱(Bull traps)。狂牛往往極度熱鬧時死亡,而巨熊死前則好寧靜。
泡沫期如何?結束期如何?倫敦法興James Montier認為,除實際分析外,睇睇分析者心態亦好有趣。
泡沫期,人人大叫泡沫爆破,例如去年首三季;反之,在泡沫爆破時,佢地反而認為一切正常(business as usual)。踏入今年幾多分析員講多少次最惡劣日子已過去(the worst is behind us)?證明泡沫在一片悲觀中膨脹,在一片樂觀中爆破。擔心3月18日至5月5日升市只係典型Sucker's rally。
其次係「非理性亢奮」(Euphoria)出現,例如1989年「日本第一」論(日本人以為自己係全球第一)。去年10月港股直通車消息,將內地2008年8月北京奧運前過度樂觀、過分自信、過分高估前景而低估風險氣氛引入香港,即俗語所講「high high地!」都係泡沫爆破前現象,產生過度槓桿(over-leverage),一旦爆破,短期回落趨勢無法阻止。結束期,往往係投資者唔肯再參與而令成交萎縮。先「寧靜」才能「致遠」,即泡沫結束期股市將十分寧靜,進入寧靜期之前則必然有多次反彈,叫做牛陷阱(Bull traps)。狂牛往往極度熱鬧時死亡,而巨熊死前則好寧靜。
Land Transport
Margins under pressure due to volatile oil prices; improving ridership to cushion impact of oil price hikes
Spiralling oil prices expose Singapore’s two main land transport operators, ComfortDelgro Corporation (CD) and SMRT Corporation (SMRT), to margin pressure as they have limited ability to pass on costs. That said, we expect improving ridership to partly offset the negative impact of volatile oil prices.
CD, which has a 75% stake in SBS Transit(SBST) and overseas bus operations, is more sensitive to oil price changes while SMRT will benefit more from ridership growth or fare adjustments. We estimate a 1% ridership/fare improvement could roughly offset the impact of US$5.90 and US$2.10 increases in oil prices for CD and SMRT respectively. We prefer SMRT to CD amid the current uncertainties.
Earnings not so defensive against oil prices. Spiralling oil prices expose land transport operators like CD and SMRT to margin pressure. Both companies currently do not hedge against oil prices and thus are exposed to oil prices volatilities.
Direct energy costs formed 9.4% and 13.0% of CD’s and SMRT’s total operating cost in 4QFY08 and 1QFY08 respectively, up from 7.3% and 12.1% one year ago. CD's energy costs increased more quickly partly due to its larger bus fleet. In addition, both CD and SMRT need to sell diesel to taxi drivers at subsidised prices to retain taxi drivers and maintain taxi hire-out rates. CD incurred an operating loss of S$6.3m in 1QFY08, an amount equivalent to 8.4% of total operating profit, compared with a profit of S$6.4m one year ago.
Limited ability to pass on costs. As public transport operators, CD and SMRT have limited ability to pass on costs. The annual bus and rail fare adjustment is subject to Public Transport Council’s (PTC) approval. The fare adjustment formula, based on inflation, earnings and productivity, determines the cap for the adjustment, which we estimate at 3.9% for 2008.
In view of the inflationary environment and regulatory constraints, our fare adjustment assumption is lower than the cap allowed by the formula. We assume 1.0% and 1.8% adjustments for rail and bus fares respectively, to be approved in 2H08.
Improving ridership is a positive. We saw significant ridership increases for both rail and bus ridership in Jan-May 08. This could be partly attributable to the switch to public transport after the taxi fare hikes in Dec 07. Rising petrol prices are another push factor, as evidenced by the sharp ridership increase in Apr-May 08 in the wake of runaway oil prices since March.
The Singapore government’s push for public transport usage – eg by raising Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates and installing more gantries – is also a long-term drive to boost public transport ridership. This would improve CD’s and SMRT’s yields significantly due to their high operating leverage.
CD is more sensitive to oil price changes due to its larger taxi and bus fleet. We are assuming full-year oil prices of US$115/bbl. Buses contributed 39% of CD’s operating profit in 1QFY08, vs SMRT’s 0.4% in 4QFY08. We estimate a US$10 increase in oil prices would drag down CD’s profit by about 12.5%, vs SMRT’s 6.1% in the same event.
SMRT could withstand oil shocks slightly better. It has locked in electricity prices for rail until Oct 08, which accounted for half of its energy costs in FY08. We believe it could negotiate good rates for future contracts due to its strong market position. In addition, SMRT’s rental income, accounting for 22% of total operating profit in 4QFY08, could cushion it against oil price shocks.
SMRT Corporation (SMRT)
Current Price: S$1.80 Target Price: S$1.98
ComfortDelgro Corporation(CD SP)
Current Price: S$1.62 Fair Price: S$1.80
SMRT would benefit more from ridership growth or fare adjustments,thanks to its higher operating leverage. CD’s overseas bus revenues (including the UK and Australian markets) are based on contract rates plus performance bonus rather than fare income. Therefore, CD would benefit less from ridership improvements. In the event of a 1% ridership/fare adjustment in Singapore from our base scenario, SMRT’s bottom line would be enhanced by 3.6%, higher than CD’s 2.7% rise.
In other words, a 1% ridership/fare adjustment can roughly offset the impact of US$5.90/bbl and US$2.10/bbl oil price increases for SMRT and CD respectively.
Note: SMRT’s financial year ends on 31 March.
Spiralling oil prices expose Singapore’s two main land transport operators, ComfortDelgro Corporation (CD) and SMRT Corporation (SMRT), to margin pressure as they have limited ability to pass on costs. That said, we expect improving ridership to partly offset the negative impact of volatile oil prices.
CD, which has a 75% stake in SBS Transit(SBST) and overseas bus operations, is more sensitive to oil price changes while SMRT will benefit more from ridership growth or fare adjustments. We estimate a 1% ridership/fare improvement could roughly offset the impact of US$5.90 and US$2.10 increases in oil prices for CD and SMRT respectively. We prefer SMRT to CD amid the current uncertainties.
Earnings not so defensive against oil prices. Spiralling oil prices expose land transport operators like CD and SMRT to margin pressure. Both companies currently do not hedge against oil prices and thus are exposed to oil prices volatilities.
Direct energy costs formed 9.4% and 13.0% of CD’s and SMRT’s total operating cost in 4QFY08 and 1QFY08 respectively, up from 7.3% and 12.1% one year ago. CD's energy costs increased more quickly partly due to its larger bus fleet. In addition, both CD and SMRT need to sell diesel to taxi drivers at subsidised prices to retain taxi drivers and maintain taxi hire-out rates. CD incurred an operating loss of S$6.3m in 1QFY08, an amount equivalent to 8.4% of total operating profit, compared with a profit of S$6.4m one year ago.
Limited ability to pass on costs. As public transport operators, CD and SMRT have limited ability to pass on costs. The annual bus and rail fare adjustment is subject to Public Transport Council’s (PTC) approval. The fare adjustment formula, based on inflation, earnings and productivity, determines the cap for the adjustment, which we estimate at 3.9% for 2008.
In view of the inflationary environment and regulatory constraints, our fare adjustment assumption is lower than the cap allowed by the formula. We assume 1.0% and 1.8% adjustments for rail and bus fares respectively, to be approved in 2H08.
Improving ridership is a positive. We saw significant ridership increases for both rail and bus ridership in Jan-May 08. This could be partly attributable to the switch to public transport after the taxi fare hikes in Dec 07. Rising petrol prices are another push factor, as evidenced by the sharp ridership increase in Apr-May 08 in the wake of runaway oil prices since March.
The Singapore government’s push for public transport usage – eg by raising Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates and installing more gantries – is also a long-term drive to boost public transport ridership. This would improve CD’s and SMRT’s yields significantly due to their high operating leverage.
CD is more sensitive to oil price changes due to its larger taxi and bus fleet. We are assuming full-year oil prices of US$115/bbl. Buses contributed 39% of CD’s operating profit in 1QFY08, vs SMRT’s 0.4% in 4QFY08. We estimate a US$10 increase in oil prices would drag down CD’s profit by about 12.5%, vs SMRT’s 6.1% in the same event.
SMRT could withstand oil shocks slightly better. It has locked in electricity prices for rail until Oct 08, which accounted for half of its energy costs in FY08. We believe it could negotiate good rates for future contracts due to its strong market position. In addition, SMRT’s rental income, accounting for 22% of total operating profit in 4QFY08, could cushion it against oil price shocks.
SMRT Corporation (SMRT)
Current Price: S$1.80 Target Price: S$1.98
ComfortDelgro Corporation(CD SP)
Current Price: S$1.62 Fair Price: S$1.80
SMRT would benefit more from ridership growth or fare adjustments,thanks to its higher operating leverage. CD’s overseas bus revenues (including the UK and Australian markets) are based on contract rates plus performance bonus rather than fare income. Therefore, CD would benefit less from ridership improvements. In the event of a 1% ridership/fare adjustment in Singapore from our base scenario, SMRT’s bottom line would be enhanced by 3.6%, higher than CD’s 2.7% rise.
In other words, a 1% ridership/fare adjustment can roughly offset the impact of US$5.90/bbl and US$2.10/bbl oil price increases for SMRT and CD respectively.
Note: SMRT’s financial year ends on 31 March.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
383名基金经理 半年巨亏一万亿
"“你们不要高估了共同基金,他们只不过是受过专业训练的一群人,他们的智慧并不一定高于其他行业 "
"“你们不要高估了共同基金,他们只不过是受过专业训练的一群人,他们的智慧并不一定高于其他行业 "
Where are we headed?
Developers holding back launches since 3Q07.
Developers have remained cautious with new launches as evident in the sharp decline in the quarterly new launches from the high of 4,362 units in 2Q07 to 1,343 units in 1Q08 and many are reportedly holding back their launches due to the weak market sentiments. While bigger developers with strong balance sheet have the capacity to hold back their launches, smaller developers with high gearing may face pressure to launch their projects in a depressed market as a result of their high borrowings. And with cost of debt rising due to the credit crunch and inflation, these small developers may face increasing difficulties in securing credit lines. As such, we are cautious on small developers that had acquired land banks at high prices in 2007 and have yet to secure funding for their projects.
Take-up rate hits new low in 1Q08.
While developers continue to cut back on their launches in 1Q08, the lower number of units launched still could not be absorbed by the market, as the take-up rate for new launches has plunged sharply from 82.9% in 4Q07 to 54.4% in 1Q08, the lowest since 2000. On a segmental basis, while take-up rates in the other two regions had remained stable following sharp falls in the previous two quarters, OCR saw the rate plunge from 91.8% in 4Q07 to 38.1% in 1Q08. However, this may be due to the sharp 75.6% jump in new launches in OCR in the quarter.
Interest for mass market properties should come back.
We believe this abnormality could be due to concerns over the oversupply of mass
market properties as the take-up rate in OCR has been fairly resilient over the past two quarters, And given that only five projects with total of 1,139 units are expected to be launched in OCR between 2Q08 and 3Q08, this should ease concerns of oversupply and drive the take-up rate higher over the next few quarters.
Neutral on the sector.
We reiterate our NEUTRAL view on the Singapore residential property sector as our expectation of price weakness in the high end and price stability in the mid to mass market properties remain unchanged. Thus, we remain cautious over developers that have large land bank exposure in the high end market, like Capitaland and Keppel Land.
We are currently reviewing our calls on CapitaLand, City Developments, Keppel Land and UOL Group due to a change in analyst coverage.
Developers have remained cautious with new launches as evident in the sharp decline in the quarterly new launches from the high of 4,362 units in 2Q07 to 1,343 units in 1Q08 and many are reportedly holding back their launches due to the weak market sentiments. While bigger developers with strong balance sheet have the capacity to hold back their launches, smaller developers with high gearing may face pressure to launch their projects in a depressed market as a result of their high borrowings. And with cost of debt rising due to the credit crunch and inflation, these small developers may face increasing difficulties in securing credit lines. As such, we are cautious on small developers that had acquired land banks at high prices in 2007 and have yet to secure funding for their projects.
Take-up rate hits new low in 1Q08.
While developers continue to cut back on their launches in 1Q08, the lower number of units launched still could not be absorbed by the market, as the take-up rate for new launches has plunged sharply from 82.9% in 4Q07 to 54.4% in 1Q08, the lowest since 2000. On a segmental basis, while take-up rates in the other two regions had remained stable following sharp falls in the previous two quarters, OCR saw the rate plunge from 91.8% in 4Q07 to 38.1% in 1Q08. However, this may be due to the sharp 75.6% jump in new launches in OCR in the quarter.
Interest for mass market properties should come back.
We believe this abnormality could be due to concerns over the oversupply of mass
market properties as the take-up rate in OCR has been fairly resilient over the past two quarters, And given that only five projects with total of 1,139 units are expected to be launched in OCR between 2Q08 and 3Q08, this should ease concerns of oversupply and drive the take-up rate higher over the next few quarters.
Neutral on the sector.
We reiterate our NEUTRAL view on the Singapore residential property sector as our expectation of price weakness in the high end and price stability in the mid to mass market properties remain unchanged. Thus, we remain cautious over developers that have large land bank exposure in the high end market, like Capitaland and Keppel Land.
We are currently reviewing our calls on CapitaLand, City Developments, Keppel Land and UOL Group due to a change in analyst coverage.
May developer sales rebound 58% to six-month high, but expect more headwinds
Developer sales rebounded 58% MoM from 279 units sold in April to 441 in May, the highest take-up in six months, mainly on more new launches in the Core Central Region (CCR).
The signs are mixed, take-up was mainly from shoebox apartments of 400-600 sq ft that are affordable on a quantum basis (Vutton, 71% sold) and large luxury units that were seemingly priced at significant discounts from last year?s peak (Nassim Park Residences, 56%). Excluding these two projects, take-up rates for new launches averaged a dismal 24%.
Median selling prices continued to slide: -2% MoM to S$900/sq ft in May vs -7% in April.
We believe it is difficult for developers to lower prices significantly in existing projects for fear of antagonising earlier buyers. However, some developers are starting to lower prices for new projects eg. Dakota Residences, Shelford Suites, Nassim Park Residences.
While developers have generally underperformed, we expect more negative news flow: potential rising interest rates,
deteriorating economic data,
global slowdown,
historical high supply and
lower rents,
to hold back any sustainable rally at the stock levels.
The signs are mixed, take-up was mainly from shoebox apartments of 400-600 sq ft that are affordable on a quantum basis (Vutton, 71% sold) and large luxury units that were seemingly priced at significant discounts from last year?s peak (Nassim Park Residences, 56%). Excluding these two projects, take-up rates for new launches averaged a dismal 24%.
Median selling prices continued to slide: -2% MoM to S$900/sq ft in May vs -7% in April.
We believe it is difficult for developers to lower prices significantly in existing projects for fear of antagonising earlier buyers. However, some developers are starting to lower prices for new projects eg. Dakota Residences, Shelford Suites, Nassim Park Residences.
While developers have generally underperformed, we expect more negative news flow: potential rising interest rates,
deteriorating economic data,
global slowdown,
historical high supply and
lower rents,
to hold back any sustainable rally at the stock levels.
Monday, June 16, 2008
1.沃伦·巴菲特 ~ 620亿美元
2 卡洛斯-斯利姆·赫鲁家族 ~ 600亿美元
3 比尔·盖茨 ~ 580亿美元
4 拉什米·米塔尔 ~ 450亿美元
5 穆科什·阿姆巴尼 ~ 430亿美元
6 阿尼尔·阿姆巴尼 ~ 420亿美元
7 英瓦尔·坎普拉德家族 ~ 310亿美元
8 KP·辛格 ~ 300亿美元
9 奥莱格·德里帕斯卡 ~ 280亿美元
10 卡尔·阿尔布里特 ~ 270亿美元
以收入吗?我想不是.因为据我所知,首富巴菲特的年薪不过是百多万美金左右.如果是以这薪金来衡量的话,那我们的UNCLE LIM二世也能将这股神给拉下来.
1.沃伦·巴菲特 ~ 620亿美元
2 卡洛斯-斯利姆·赫鲁家族 ~ 600亿美元
3 比尔·盖茨 ~ 580亿美元
4 拉什米·米塔尔 ~ 450亿美元
5 穆科什·阿姆巴尼 ~ 430亿美元
6 阿尼尔·阿姆巴尼 ~ 420亿美元
7 英瓦尔·坎普拉德家族 ~ 310亿美元
8 KP·辛格 ~ 300亿美元
9 奥莱格·德里帕斯卡 ~ 280亿美元
10 卡尔·阿尔布里特 ~ 270亿美元
以收入吗?我想不是.因为据我所知,首富巴菲特的年薪不过是百多万美金左右.如果是以这薪金来衡量的话,那我们的UNCLE LIM二世也能将这股神给拉下来.
对公司越熟悉,就能更好的理解其经营情况和所处的竞争环境,找到一个能够实现好“业绩”公司的机率就越大。因此林奇强烈提倡投资于你所熟悉的、或者其 产品和服务你能够理解的公司。林奇表示,在他的投资选择中,他认为 “汽车旅馆好过纤维光学”,从而在投资过程中,将你作为一个消费者、业余爱好者以及专业人士的三方面知识很好的平衡结合起来。
对公司越熟悉,就能更好的理解其经营情况和所处的竞争环境,找到一个能够实现好“业绩”公司的机率就越大。因此林奇强烈提倡投资于你所熟悉的、或者其 产品和服务你能够理解的公司。林奇表示,在他的投资选择中,他认为 “汽车旅馆好过纤维光学”,从而在投资过程中,将你作为一个消费者、业余爱好者以及专业人士的三方面知识很好的平衡结合起来。
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Many still not aware of housing finance limits
I WOULD like to highlight an issue on housing finance in Singapore.
Through recent conversations, I realised that many of my friends who have bought Housing Board and/or private condominiums are not aware of the policies on the 100per cent Available Housing Withdrawal Limit (AHWL) and 120per cent to 150per cent cap on Central Provident Fund withdrawals if they bought a unit recently.
For example, my friend bought a unit for $300,000. After paying for it for 10years at $1,500 a month, he hit the 100per cent
AHWL at the halfway mark of a 20-year loan. Because he has insufficient Central Provident Fund (CPF) Minimum Sum, he has to put aside that $1,500 in cash from his monthly income, which requires a big adjustment.
If he had been more aware of the policies, he could have lowered his monthly instalments, lengthened his loan period, while saving up cash as early as possible.
Over the next few years, those who have reached the 100per cent AHWL and cannot use their CPF to pay, may not have enough cash to pay their instalments.
This is especially so for many who bought their flats in the late 1990s, since the ruling came into effect only in the mid-2000s.
Most people think they can depend on their CPF, and may not have enough cash savings or income to pay the instalments.
I hope the HDB and CPF Board can come together to organise programmes to create more public awareness about the issue, and also review their policies to allow owners to maximise their CPF before they hit the AHWL. This is so that home owners do not inadvertently have to depend on cash, while their CPF remains locked in.
Currently, owners get a notice letter only a year in advance, which may not be sufficient time for them to make the necessary adjustments, such as saving up, or even downgrading.
Through recent conversations, I realised that many of my friends who have bought Housing Board and/or private condominiums are not aware of the policies on the 100per cent Available Housing Withdrawal Limit (AHWL) and 120per cent to 150per cent cap on Central Provident Fund withdrawals if they bought a unit recently.
For example, my friend bought a unit for $300,000. After paying for it for 10years at $1,500 a month, he hit the 100per cent
AHWL at the halfway mark of a 20-year loan. Because he has insufficient Central Provident Fund (CPF) Minimum Sum, he has to put aside that $1,500 in cash from his monthly income, which requires a big adjustment.
If he had been more aware of the policies, he could have lowered his monthly instalments, lengthened his loan period, while saving up cash as early as possible.
Over the next few years, those who have reached the 100per cent AHWL and cannot use their CPF to pay, may not have enough cash to pay their instalments.
This is especially so for many who bought their flats in the late 1990s, since the ruling came into effect only in the mid-2000s.
Most people think they can depend on their CPF, and may not have enough cash savings or income to pay the instalments.
I hope the HDB and CPF Board can come together to organise programmes to create more public awareness about the issue, and also review their policies to allow owners to maximise their CPF before they hit the AHWL. This is so that home owners do not inadvertently have to depend on cash, while their CPF remains locked in.
Currently, owners get a notice letter only a year in advance, which may not be sufficient time for them to make the necessary adjustments, such as saving up, or even downgrading.
Richard Duncan最近在他頗受矚目的新書《美元大崩壞》(The Dollar Crisis)中,就深入分析了美元崩壞的原因與後果。鄧肯認為,於一九七○年代取代「金本位制」的「美元本位制」,其實是造成美元危機的元兇。因為在美元本位制的體系下,那些與美國有巨額貿易順差的國家,如今累積了龐大的外匯存底﹔而這些外匯存底當中,其實有大部分都還是流回美國,購買美國資產,例如買進美國公債、公司債、股票、不動產等,這造成美國國內的經濟過熱,以及資產價格的過度膨脹等現象。「有如火上加油般,」鄧肯說,這個資金循環「導致過度投資的現象,幾乎每個產業的投資額都到達一個極為可觀的規模,也引燃了美國的泡沫經濟,產生產能過剩和通貨緊縮的壓力,進而使得全球企業的獲利能力受到傷害。」
Richard Duncan最近在他頗受矚目的新書《美元大崩壞》(The Dollar Crisis)中,就深入分析了美元崩壞的原因與後果。鄧肯認為,於一九七○年代取代「金本位制」的「美元本位制」,其實是造成美元危機的元兇。因為在美元本位制的體系下,那些與美國有巨額貿易順差的國家,如今累積了龐大的外匯存底﹔而這些外匯存底當中,其實有大部分都還是流回美國,購買美國資產,例如買進美國公債、公司債、股票、不動產等,這造成美國國內的經濟過熱,以及資產價格的過度膨脹等現象。「有如火上加油般,」鄧肯說,這個資金循環「導致過度投資的現象,幾乎每個產業的投資額都到達一個極為可觀的規模,也引燃了美國的泡沫經濟,產生產能過剩和通貨緊縮的壓力,進而使得全球企業的獲利能力受到傷害。」
第1条 成功的密码是:简单的动作,不断的正确重复
第2条 操盘的精髓是:谈笑间用兵,强于紧张中求胜
第3条 没有计划不要上班,没有计划不要下单
第4条 顺势是最好的计划,逆势是最坏的神话
第5条 你不理财财不理你,你不用功迟早破功
第6条 懂得对作才能作对,不懂对作就会乱作
第7条 谈笑间可以作波段,紧张中只能玩短线
第8条 盘前要有交易计划,盘中不要听人比划
第9条 沙盘推演事前排练,知己知彼百战不厌
第10条 搜足资料市市如料,按表操课无所不克
第11条 强不再强防转弱,弱不再弱会转强
第12条 不要企图猜头部,不要意图摸底部
第13条 假突破防真跌破,假跌破防真突破
第14条 利用恐惧回补买,利用贪婪卖出空
第15条 高档观察强势股,没有强股会转弱
第16条 低档观察弱势股,没有弱股会转强
第17条 涨幅满足是利空,跌幅满足是利多
第18条 量缩涨潮会见底,暴量退潮易见顶
第19条 赢家常套在低档,一旦反转开始赚
第20条 输家常套在高档,一旦反转开始赔
第21条 趋势不容易改变,一旦改变,短期不容易再改变
第22条 低点不再屡创前高是涨,高点不再屡破前低是跌
第23条 上涨常态不须预设压力,下跌常态不要预设支撑
第24条 涨升是为了之后的跌挫,跌挫是为了之后的涨升
第25条 上涨常态找变态卖空点,下跌常态找变态买补点
第26条 涨升过程一定注意气势,跌挫过程不管有无本质
第27条 上涨常态只买强不买弱,下跌常态只空弱不空强
第28条 多头空头是一体的两面,如男孩女孩要平等看待
第29条 涨就是涨顺势看涨说涨,跌就是跌顺势看跌说跌
第30条 涨跌趋势都是我们朋友,懂得顺势就能成为好友
第31条 每根K线都有意义,每根K线都是伏笔
第32条 量能比股价先苏醒,也同时比股价先行
第33条 涨升中的量大量小,是由空方来作决定
第34条 跌挫中的量大量小,是由多方来作决定
第35条 多空的胜负虽在价,但决定却是在于量
第36条 天量如果不是天亮,就要小心天气变凉
第37条 地量可以视为地粮,你可把握机会乘凉
第38条 量能是股价的精神,股价是量能的表情
第39条 高档量退潮防大跌,低档量涨潮预备涨
第40条 量大作多套牢居多,量小作空轧空伺候
第41条 市场并没有新鲜事,只是不断地在重复
第42条 股市赢家一定会等,市场输家乃败在急
第43条 看对行情绝不缺席,看错行情修心养息
第44条 聪明的人懂得休息,愚笨的人川流不息
第45条 低档你我都可投资,高档大家只能投机
第46条 强势股不会永远强,弱势股不会永远弱
第47条 利用停损停利机制,避开风险反向操作
第48条 利空出尽反向买补,利多出尽反向卖空
第49条 均线纠缠三角尾端,都是大好大坏前兆
第50条 股市所有金银财宝,统统隐藏在转折里
第51条 不要用分析的角度操盘,而要以操盘的角度分析
第52条 拒绝未符合条件的旨令,只作主轴方向的多空单
第53条 拒绝大盘掌控我的多空,只作自己风险利润主宰
第54条 如果你莫名其妙赚到钱,迟早也会莫名其妙赔光
第55条 在线型最好时卖出多单,在线型最差时注意买讯
第56条 要善用涨升过程的回档,因非跌挫即是加码时机
第57条 要善用跌挫过程的反弹,因非涨升即是加空时机
第58条 线下只抢短主轴在作空,线上只短空主轴在作多
第59条 赚钱才加码赔钱不摊平,正确的动作不断的重复
第60条 买前不预测买后不预期,只按表操课不必带感情
第61条 如果是在涨势,作多一定会赚
第62条 如果作多不赚,就不是在涨势
第63条 如果是在跌势,作空一定会赚
第64条 如果作空不赚,就不是在跌势
第65条 赚钱才有波段,赔钱当机立断
第66条 赚钱才能加码,赔钱不可摊平
第67条 赚钱才是顺势,赔钱乃因逆势
第68条 赚钱的人有胆,赔钱的人会寒
第69条 向赚钱者取经,向赔钱者取财
第70条 先看可赔多少,再算可赚多少
第71条 不必害怕投资风险,只怕风险未被控制
第72条 只要我能避开风险,我就一定能赚到钱
第73条 在你想要赚钱之前,先估可以赔多少钱
第74条 亏损本就无法避免,作一个懂输的赢家
第75条 不可动用生活费用,不可超过自己能力
第76条 不可让获利变亏损,不可放任亏损继续
第77条 不可摊平亏损单子,遵守分批进场原则
第78条 遵守分散风险原则,遵守停损停利原则
第79条 空间停损控制纵轴,时间停损掌握横轴
第80条 拨获利到另一户头,画自己资金K线图
第81条 即使赢不了也绝不要赔,即使赔钱了也尽量要少
第82条 抢银行的人最懂得停损,想抢短线者最好学抢匪
第83条 来到停利点时你不要贪,出现停损点时你不要憨
第84条 小停损常常只是挨耳光,大停损通常可能断手脚
第85条 当你不怕输你就不会输,当你只想赢你就不会赢
第86条 如果你不遵守交通规则,迟早会死在交通意外中
第87条 大家都相信时就不会准,大家都不信它时就很准
第88条 留一点空间给别人去赚,也留点空间给别人去套
第89条 赢家打胜仗常常在进攻,输家打败仗常常在进贡
第90条 如果你有慧根你就会跟,因为市场它永远是对的
第91条 逆势操作有谁能赚,顺势操作不赚也难
第92条 赢钱是一种习惯,输钱也是种习惯
第93条 你的态度将决定,你的深度和广度
第94条 如果你还没成功,表示还没失败够
第95条 失败是宝贵经验,成功却常有陷阱
第96条 挫折是一种转折,危机是一种转机
第97条 莫名的成功同时,也是在预约失败
第98条 彻底的检讨同时,乃是在预约成功
第99条 想从股市拿多少,就看你付出多少
第100条 乌龟要赢过兔子,一定要提早出发
第1条 成功的密码是:简单的动作,不断的正确重复
第2条 操盘的精髓是:谈笑间用兵,强于紧张中求胜
第3条 没有计划不要上班,没有计划不要下单
第4条 顺势是最好的计划,逆势是最坏的神话
第5条 你不理财财不理你,你不用功迟早破功
第6条 懂得对作才能作对,不懂对作就会乱作
第7条 谈笑间可以作波段,紧张中只能玩短线
第8条 盘前要有交易计划,盘中不要听人比划
第9条 沙盘推演事前排练,知己知彼百战不厌
第10条 搜足资料市市如料,按表操课无所不克
第11条 强不再强防转弱,弱不再弱会转强
第12条 不要企图猜头部,不要意图摸底部
第13条 假突破防真跌破,假跌破防真突破
第14条 利用恐惧回补买,利用贪婪卖出空
第15条 高档观察强势股,没有强股会转弱
第16条 低档观察弱势股,没有弱股会转强
第17条 涨幅满足是利空,跌幅满足是利多
第18条 量缩涨潮会见底,暴量退潮易见顶
第19条 赢家常套在低档,一旦反转开始赚
第20条 输家常套在高档,一旦反转开始赔
第21条 趋势不容易改变,一旦改变,短期不容易再改变
第22条 低点不再屡创前高是涨,高点不再屡破前低是跌
第23条 上涨常态不须预设压力,下跌常态不要预设支撑
第24条 涨升是为了之后的跌挫,跌挫是为了之后的涨升
第25条 上涨常态找变态卖空点,下跌常态找变态买补点
第26条 涨升过程一定注意气势,跌挫过程不管有无本质
第27条 上涨常态只买强不买弱,下跌常态只空弱不空强
第28条 多头空头是一体的两面,如男孩女孩要平等看待
第29条 涨就是涨顺势看涨说涨,跌就是跌顺势看跌说跌
第30条 涨跌趋势都是我们朋友,懂得顺势就能成为好友
第31条 每根K线都有意义,每根K线都是伏笔
第32条 量能比股价先苏醒,也同时比股价先行
第33条 涨升中的量大量小,是由空方来作决定
第34条 跌挫中的量大量小,是由多方来作决定
第35条 多空的胜负虽在价,但决定却是在于量
第36条 天量如果不是天亮,就要小心天气变凉
第37条 地量可以视为地粮,你可把握机会乘凉
第38条 量能是股价的精神,股价是量能的表情
第39条 高档量退潮防大跌,低档量涨潮预备涨
第40条 量大作多套牢居多,量小作空轧空伺候
第41条 市场并没有新鲜事,只是不断地在重复
第42条 股市赢家一定会等,市场输家乃败在急
第43条 看对行情绝不缺席,看错行情修心养息
第44条 聪明的人懂得休息,愚笨的人川流不息
第45条 低档你我都可投资,高档大家只能投机
第46条 强势股不会永远强,弱势股不会永远弱
第47条 利用停损停利机制,避开风险反向操作
第48条 利空出尽反向买补,利多出尽反向卖空
第49条 均线纠缠三角尾端,都是大好大坏前兆
第50条 股市所有金银财宝,统统隐藏在转折里
第51条 不要用分析的角度操盘,而要以操盘的角度分析
第52条 拒绝未符合条件的旨令,只作主轴方向的多空单
第53条 拒绝大盘掌控我的多空,只作自己风险利润主宰
第54条 如果你莫名其妙赚到钱,迟早也会莫名其妙赔光
第55条 在线型最好时卖出多单,在线型最差时注意买讯
第56条 要善用涨升过程的回档,因非跌挫即是加码时机
第57条 要善用跌挫过程的反弹,因非涨升即是加空时机
第58条 线下只抢短主轴在作空,线上只短空主轴在作多
第59条 赚钱才加码赔钱不摊平,正确的动作不断的重复
第60条 买前不预测买后不预期,只按表操课不必带感情
第61条 如果是在涨势,作多一定会赚
第62条 如果作多不赚,就不是在涨势
第63条 如果是在跌势,作空一定会赚
第64条 如果作空不赚,就不是在跌势
第65条 赚钱才有波段,赔钱当机立断
第66条 赚钱才能加码,赔钱不可摊平
第67条 赚钱才是顺势,赔钱乃因逆势
第68条 赚钱的人有胆,赔钱的人会寒
第69条 向赚钱者取经,向赔钱者取财
第70条 先看可赔多少,再算可赚多少
第71条 不必害怕投资风险,只怕风险未被控制
第72条 只要我能避开风险,我就一定能赚到钱
第73条 在你想要赚钱之前,先估可以赔多少钱
第74条 亏损本就无法避免,作一个懂输的赢家
第75条 不可动用生活费用,不可超过自己能力
第76条 不可让获利变亏损,不可放任亏损继续
第77条 不可摊平亏损单子,遵守分批进场原则
第78条 遵守分散风险原则,遵守停损停利原则
第79条 空间停损控制纵轴,时间停损掌握横轴
第80条 拨获利到另一户头,画自己资金K线图
第81条 即使赢不了也绝不要赔,即使赔钱了也尽量要少
第82条 抢银行的人最懂得停损,想抢短线者最好学抢匪
第83条 来到停利点时你不要贪,出现停损点时你不要憨
第84条 小停损常常只是挨耳光,大停损通常可能断手脚
第85条 当你不怕输你就不会输,当你只想赢你就不会赢
第86条 如果你不遵守交通规则,迟早会死在交通意外中
第87条 大家都相信时就不会准,大家都不信它时就很准
第88条 留一点空间给别人去赚,也留点空间给别人去套
第89条 赢家打胜仗常常在进攻,输家打败仗常常在进贡
第90条 如果你有慧根你就会跟,因为市场它永远是对的
第91条 逆势操作有谁能赚,顺势操作不赚也难
第92条 赢钱是一种习惯,输钱也是种习惯
第93条 你的态度将决定,你的深度和广度
第94条 如果你还没成功,表示还没失败够
第95条 失败是宝贵经验,成功却常有陷阱
第96条 挫折是一种转折,危机是一种转机
第97条 莫名的成功同时,也是在预约失败
第98条 彻底的检讨同时,乃是在预约成功
第99条 想从股市拿多少,就看你付出多少
第100条 乌龟要赢过兔子,一定要提早出发
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